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Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: __________

School: ____________________________ Teacher: ____________________Subject: FABM1 - 11

LAS Writer: Leah D. Barrido Content Editor: Wilfredo A. Barluado, Principal II
Lesson Topic: Accounting Cycle Language Evaluator: Jean Carlyn B. Maceda
Learning Target: Prepare Post-Closing Trial Balance. (ABM_FABM11-IVa-d-34). Quarter 4 Week3 LAS1
Reference: Lopez, R. Jr., 2002, Millennial Edition. Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and
Management, Davao City, Philippines. RM LOPEZ, JR., Publishing. pp. 244-245

Preparation of a Post-Closing Trial Balance

The eight phase in the accounting process is to prepare a post-closing trial balance.

Another trial balance is created after the nominal accounts have been closed and ruled, and the Real
account have been balanced and ruled, to verify the equality of the debit and credit amounts of accounts that
remain “open” in the General Ledger after closing the entry. The amounts with “open balances” in the ledger
after closing are the Real Accounts of Balance Sheet Accounts. The nominal accounts are being closed while
the real accounts are not. The post-closing trial balance therefor contains the list of the Balance Sheet.
Example shown below are the General Ledgers of all accounts under the Statement of Financial Position
(Balance Sheet) that are remained open after closing entries have been done.


Example of Post-closing trial balance prepared as shown below:

Shown below are the General Journal Entry for ABZ Auto Repair Shop transactions for February 20A.
Activity#1. General Ledger. Direction: Given on the above journalizing, prepare a general ledger using T-
Account. Answers must be written on the blank T-Account provided below. See illustration on General Ledger
Quarter4 Week3 LAS1. 30 points


Activity#2. Direction: Prepare a Post-closing trial balance based on the result of your General Ledger using
T-Account, see example shown on Quarter4 Week3 LAS1. Record all transactions by completing the table
provided below. 30 points.

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