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(Study of Television Continental ,Lagos )


Samaila Mande

Department of Business Administration and Marketing

National Open University of Nigeria ,Abuja ,Nigeria


Olaide Kehinde Taofeek

Doctoral Candidate of Business Administration and Marketing

National Open University of Nigeria ,Abuja ,Nigeria (+2348022657023)


Francisco Akobi Oko

Doctoral Student of Mass Communication

National Open University of Nigeria ,Abuja




The general objective of the study was to investigate the impact of media on SDGs in
Nigeria.The specific objectives of the study were to know the role and how media promotes and
sustains SDGs in Nigeria .The study used primary data, purposive sampling was used to select
Broadcast Media organization in Nigeria , the population was 75 employees of the organization
The data collected were analyzed using thematic descriptive analysis of SPSS version 24 .The
major findings is that, there is impact of in media in accelerating and achieving SDGs in
Nigeria. Based on the findings ,the study concluded that, the adoption of media is beneficial in
many ways to achieve and sustain SDGs in Nigeria and the challenges outlined should be
addressed to ensure successful achievement of United Nations global goals and targets by 2030
The recommended that ,government should made media to be free and independent for
effective sharing of information on SDGs and sustainability practices ,Media organization should
design contents that fully has SDGs messages in local languages to create strong awareness,
Participatory development communication should be encouraged to make people have sense of
belonging ,Community media should be set up in rural areas to inform people about government
and stakeholders projects on SDGs, Media practitioners should try to achieve balance in media
content to better inform people about SDGs

KEYWORDS: Media, SDGs , Nigeria , United Nations ,Awareness


This study explores the impact of media on sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria .It
investigates how media can be used to promote and support sustainable development as wel as
how media coverage of SDGs can impact public awareness and engagement .

Nigeria has made significant contributions and progress in advancing SDGs ,but there are still
significant challenges such as poverty ,inequality and environmental degradation .

Media play significant role in highlighting the challenges and this cals for action to address them.
However, there is still a need to ensure that ,media coverage of SDGs is accurate ,inclusive and
accessible to all including those in rural areas and communities .

Despite ,the crucial role of media in promoting sustainable development ,there is a limited study
on how media coverage and framing of SDGs affects public attitudes and engagement with these
issues in Nigeria .

According to Olaide ,(2023),sustainable development and SDGs is a development that meet the
needs of the present generation without affecting the need of the future generations .

Hence , to ensure the fastness of this development requires the impact and efficacy of the media
in creating awareness about this global goals for safer ,fairer ,inclusive and better future world
for us all.

In addition ,there is stilll a limited study on the role of new media such as social media in
shaping public perceptions and attitudes towards SDGs .This study aims at filling this gaps in the
literature and explore the role of media in promoting sustainable development in Nigeria .


The following questions were drafted for the study :

(1)As media coverage on SDGs shaped public awareness and understanding of this
environmental problems ?

(2)Are there key barriers to effective media coverage of SDGs in Nigeria and can it be

(3)Can media be used to engage marginalized communities in the SDGs process and ensure their
voices are heard ?



According to Olaide ,(2023),sustainable development is a development that meet the needs of the
present generation without affecting the need of the future generation .

Furthermore ,Olaide ,(2023),opined that ,sustainable development ensures

safer ,greener ,inclusive ,fairer and better future world for all. Thus ,it encompasses three
components of social ,economic and environmental variables.

Hence, sustainable development is termed to be friendly, equitable and inclusive in all spheres of
development globally.

Sustainable development is required in every nations, as its encompasses 17 goals and 169
targets to improve the welfare and standard of living of people in the society ,(Tsavdaridou,2018)

Additionally ,sustainable tackles global challenge of climate ,biodiversity loss, resources wastage
and non-availability .The world is seriously facing lots of challenges presently ,as sustainable
development is designed as a model to combat global problems from 2015 to 2030 by United
Nations ,Olaide .(2023).

Sustainable development involves land development and wide issues relating to human
development such as education ,gender equality ,public health ,clean water and energy ,reduction
of poverty and better standard of living globally,(Jin &Yang,2019)

Basically, sustainable development was earlier for forest management and changed later to focus
more on economic, social development and environmental protection for both the present and
future generation,(Chai,2019)

Sustainable development is a new trend along with other contemporary terminologies like
globalization, civilization, modernism, human development and informatics.

Sustainable development covers economic, social and environmental dimensions and its covers
so many discipline in terms of human activity such as economists, ecologists,
administrators ,communication experts ,environmentalists ,human rights
activists ,lawyers ,feminists ,scientist and non-governmental organization ,(Harding ,2018)

Sustainable development goals is a societal concerns globally as Brundtland commission ,

(1987),defined it as the ability to meet the development of the present without affecting the needs
of the future generations ,Ahlstrom ,(et al,2018)

Sustainable development as a concept has attracted groups with different interests for the
common goals of the world with 17 goals and 169 targets as conceived by the United Nations in
2015,UN,(2020).For instance ,the economists pay serious to growth while biologists pays
attention to biodiversity .

Sustainable development is all about the concern for environment presently and in the future
both at micro and macro level . To accelerate and achieve SDGs in Nigeria ,media mostly news
media showcases environment in their coverage ,as this goals enhances and improve the world .

Sustainable depicts something that ,lasts long while development means a change for a desirable
society .Hence ,SDGs connects economical development ,social development and environmental
development protection at both local ,national ,regional and global level ,(Sacco et al.2019)

Presently ,media as contributed significantly to the development in al spheres ,especially after

the broadcast media regulation in 1992 . Hence ,this contributions lies on competition ,job
opportunities ,professionalism and specialization.

Basically, the impact of media on SDGs is strictly lesser in terms of communication and this will
affect the progress and sustainable of SDGs in Nigeria .

According to Oso,(2012),media in Nigeria are critical elements of growth and development

based on their role in the society .Raufu,(2017) & Akeem et al ,(2018),belief that, for media to
be functional ,it must be independent of the government and quality media practice must be
ensured to assist in development of the society in all context .


National Development is a crucial aspect of national growth as it provided what people needed to
make their own living and comfortable in the society .

Global goals ,(SDGs),is meant to achieve national development ,hence ,this made United Nations
contribute financially and resource wise to ensure these goals are achieved before

According to ( Adedokun &Faregun,2019 ),SDGs is a continuous promotion of the well-being

and welfare of the people in a way to make them attain their maximum potentials . The
progression and acceleration of SDGs lies on media ability to share information regarding
development for them and for this to be achieve ,all media and communication stakeholders must
vco-operate and collaborate together to achieve this .

The use of media ,digital media and other media platforms promotes SDGs through information
dissemination ,(Nwosu &Nwuke,2020)

Importantly ,the political ,social and economic activities of a country should be geared towards
SDGs achievement. Effective SDGs implementation ensures success ,growth and development
of a country ,if appropriate media and strategies are adopted,(Naggita &Mwesige,2018)

Adoption of media towards SDGs is the key priority for national development and news should
be used in propagating SDGs as it’s a powerful instrument to bring people together .

Basically .through media SDGs can be achieve in the society ,as its information is powerful
human interaction tools to inform and educate people about SDGs ,(Adeboye &Dairo,2018)

Furthermore, lack of information about SDGs brings about peoples’ ignorance in the society and
importantly ,it is a setback in development anytime ,news does not get to people in the society
both in rural and urban areas of the country ,(Chilua &Ibrahim,2019)

According to UNESCO,(2018),education in relation to SDGs is an action that encourages

changes in knowledge ,skills and values and attitudinal for a sustainable and equitable society .In
achieving SDGs in Nigeria and globally ,the goals must be applied to all nations globally and
not limited to only the poor or developing countries and more actions are required from different
stakeholders and partners to SDGs in Nigeria such as civil society ,business ,government ,and
general people and society .


According to Wole –Abu,(2018),there are many authors that have written about SDGs from
different perspectives in enlightening and creating public awareness about the realization of the
global goals by 2030 which mass media has been termed to play a widely and significant role in
achieving this ,hence ,it was noticed that ,there are many barriers standing as a cog in the wheel
of promoting the awareness and achievement of the goals .

Furthermore ,Oso,(2012),emphasized that ,media is a very impactful and powerful medium to

increase the awareness of people about the benefits of sustainability practices in the society .

Additionally ,Wole-Abu,(2018),said the key functions of media include informing ,educating ,
and entertaining which strengthened the achievement of SDGs in Nigeria .

(a)INFORMATION :Media is noted to disseminate information to people in line with keeping

them abreast of the happenings in the society . Mass media interprets every information
regarding sustainable development in terms of explaining to them proper understanding and
suggestions to guide and prepare their mind and structure their thinking towards contemporary
issues in sustainable development

Media information affects all the areas of human life socially ,politically, and economically as
people relies on media for an important decision making as its influences the achievement of the
SDGs in Nigeria by 2030.

(b)EDUCATION :Media is noted to be an educator as people in the society relies on its

information so much to change people and societies .

Hence ,it is noted by UNESCO,(2018) ,media contents goes a long way to effectively educate
people about the objectives ,goals ,targets and strategies implementation processes to sustain
SDGs in Nigeria .

Media assist to instruct an socialize the members of the society through knowledge ,expertise
and skills that enable people to be acceptable into the society .

(C)ENTERTAINMENT : Media entertained people through its contents packaged in form of

films ,music ,cartoons ,drama ,humor and general interest for people’s consumption .

Basically, the content of content of entertainment are drama from local ,national and
international themes that portrayed SDGs inclusion into music by local musicians ,as music is a
powerful medium to spread messages about SDGs and also ,brand ambassadors can be used to
help spread information about the sustainability practices .

(d)INTERPRETATION : Media plays the role of interpreting actions ,events and development in
the society ,hence ,media both survey and interprets the meaning of events in the context of the
reality .

(e)SOCIALIAZATION : Media ensures people’s interaction and acquisition of basic standard

required in the society ,as its shape individual’s socialization process .

(f)SURVEILLANCE : This concerns media dissemination of information about SDGs in the

society , as its combines the act of observing what is happening in the community and inculcates
behavioural and attitudinal change of people towards sustainability practices ,hence ,through
media as this enable governments ,private sector and the society to cue into the realization of this
global agenda by 2030.


Sustainable development goals are global goals formulated in 2015 with the vision and aim of
reducing poverty ,ensure safer planet ,peace and prosperity ,UNDESA,(2017).
Hence ,sustainable development goals comprise of 17 goals and 169 targets as follows :


-Media can raise awareness of poverty issues in Nigeria by helping to bringing these issues to the
attention of the public and policy makers .

-The media can highlight the challenges to ending poverty such as inequality ,corruption and
lack of social infrastructures in Nigeria .

-The media can promote initiatives and programmes that could address poverty such as
microfinance initiatives ,social safety nets and job creation programme.

-The media can hold the government and stakeholders responsible and accountable for their
commitments in ending poverty .


--The media can help to create awareness on the prevalence of hunger and malnutrition in
Nigeria .

-The media can point out to the immediate causes of hunger such as conflict .poverty and climate
change .

-The media can promote solutions to hunger such as access to nutritional foods ,improving
agricultural productivity and providing safety nets for poor populations .

-The media can hold the government and other stakeholders responsible for their commitments
to address hunger.

-Media could be used to promote sustainable farming methods such as agrocology and organic
farming .

-Media could be used to create awareness of the importance of protecting natural resources and
environment such as soil and water .

-Media could be used to advocate for policies that supports sustainable agriculture like fair
trade ,land reform and access to credit .

-Media could be used to report on the social ,environment and economic benefits of sustainable

-Media can be used to promote the efforts of people towards sustainability practices in improving
food security ,reduce environmental degradation and support the livelihoods of farmers.


-Media can provide accurate information about health issues like HIV/AIDs ,Malaria and
maternal mortality .

-Media could be used to encourage healthy behaviours like hand washing ,physical activity and
proper nutrition ,.

-Media could be used to create awareness of available health services and services such as
hospitals ,clinics and health insurance .

-Media could be used to promote accountability for health commitment made by the government
and other stakeholders .

-Media is used to encourage individuals and societies to take actions to improve their own health
and health of others .


-Media is used to create awareness on the importance of education and its role in improving
individual and collective well-being .

-Media is used to highlight the challenges to education in Nigeria such as poverty ,conflict and
gender inequality.

-Media is used to report the progress of education initiatives like universal Basic Education
programme and Al-majiri Education .

-Media could be used to promote innovative approaches to education like distance

learning ,literacy campaigns and vocational training .

-Media fosters public discussion and debate on the role of education in development .


-Media reports issues related to gender equality like gender based violence ,child marriage and
gender pay gap .

-Media promote women’s rights like reproductive rights ,property rights and political
participation .

-Media point out the successes and problems of women’s empowerment like microfinance
programmes and literacy campaigns .

-Media can be used to encourage public dialogue on gender equality and the need for societal
and cultural change .


-Media can be used to contribute effective awareness on the importance of water and sanitation
for health ,development and the environment .

-Media is used to report issues of water pollution ,poor sanitation and aware scarcity .

-Media can be used to point out the success stories of water and sanitation projects like water
sanitation and hygiene national outreach programme .

-Media is used as a strategy to promote the need for better water and sanitation infrastructure like
policies to protect water resources .


-Media can support the goal through strong awareness on the importance of energy access for
economic growth ,poverty reduction and human development .

-Media can be used to report the challenges to energy access in Nigeria such as lack of
finance ,poor infrastructure and inadequate regulatory frameworks .

-Media could be used to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives like rural
electrification agency’s programme .

-Media are used to encourage public debate and dialogue on the role of energy in sustainable
development .


-Media point out the importance of employment and decent work for achieving sustainable
development .

-Media is used to promote entrepreneurship and small business development including initiatives
of small and medium enterprises development agency of Nigeria .

-Media raises awareness of the need for policies and programmes that create more and better
jobs ,reduce poverty and boost economic growth.


-Media can be used to promote the role of innovation and technology in enhancing economic
growth and development in Nigeria .

-Media can be used to report the state of infrastructure in Nigeria like roads ,bridges ,ports and
airports .

-Media can be used to point out the importance of infrastructural development in creating
jobs ,reducing poverty and improving productivity .

-Media can be used to encourage public debate on the need for improved infrastructural planning
and investment .

-Media can be used to create awareness on the importance of regional and international
collaboration and co-operation in developing infrastructure .


-Media create awareness of the level and causes of inequality in Nigeria such as income
inequality, gender inequality and regional inequality .

-Media report government policies and programme aiming at reducing inequality like National
Social Investment Programme .

-Media promote the need for increased investment in social protection and social sciences like
education and health care .

-Media encourages public discussion on the need for inclusive economic growth and equitable
development .

-Media point out the importance of regional and international co-operation in mitigating
inequalities .


-Media could be used in pointing out the challenges confronting urban areas in Nigeria like
population growth ,inadequate housing and poor urban planning .

-Media can be used to promote urban development policies and programmes aimed at improving
livability ,equity and sustainability .

-Media can be used to report the innovative approaches to urban development such as slum up
grading ,smart cities and transport oriented development programmes .

-Media are used as s strategy to encourage debate on the need for more sustainable and livable
cities .


-Media can be used to create awareness on environmental and social impacts of production and
consumption patterns in Nigeria .

-Media can be used to report the use of sustainable materials and processes in manufacturing and
construction industry .

-Media can be used to promote the benefits of sustainable consumption such as waste
reduction ,saving money and improving the health.

-Media can be used to encourage the use of sustainable products and services like locally
produced goods ,public transportation and organic food.

-Media are used to point out the need for policy change and public education to promote
sustainable consumption and production


-Media can be used to increase public awareness on the causes and consequences of clomate
change in Nigeria .

-Media are used strategically to report the effects of climate change in Nigeria like extreme
weather conditions ,water scarcity and agricultural disruption .

-Media can be used to promote climate adaptation and mitigation strategies such as renewable
energy ,climate resilient infrastructure , and sustainable land management

-Media can be used to encourage public debate and dialogue on the need for ambitopus and
collaborative action to climate change .


-Media can be used to make significant impact in creating public awareness on the importance of
healthy oceans a d marine ecosystems .

-Media can be used to report the impact of human activities on oceans such as over –
fishing ,pollution and habitat destruction.

-Media are used to promote the sustainable management of marine resources including
fisheries ,aquaculture and coastal development .

-Media can be used to encourage the protection of marine biodiversity like coral
reefs ,mangroves and other coaster ecosystems .

-media can be used to emphasized the need for international collaboration and co-operation to
safeguard the world’s oceans abs seas .


-Media can be used to increase public understanding of the importance of forests ,biodiversity
and ecosystem services .

-Media are used to report the causes and consequences of deforestation ,land degradation and
desertification in Nigeria .

-Media can be used to promote sustainable agriculture and land use practices on agro-
forestry ,integrated pest management and sustainable grazing .

-Media can be used to encourage the protection of the ecosystems like grasslands ,wetlands and
forests .


-Media can be used to create public awareness on corruption issues ,rule of law and human rights
.-Media are used to report the efforts made to improve good governance ,accountability and
transparent .

-Media are used to promote civic engagement and participation in decision making processes

-Media are used strategically to encourage peaceful and inclusive dialogue on

environmental ,political ,social and economic issues .

-Media are used to point out the importance of inclusive and representative institutions like
free ,fair elections ,independent media and an independent judiciary .


-Media play a crucial role of pointing out the benefits of international collaboration and co-
operation .

-Media can be used to encourage partnerships that are equitable , sustainable and inclusive .

-Media provide a platform for dialogue and collaboration among different groups .

-Media are used to promote accountability and transparency in partnerships .

-Media are used to strategically facilitate information sharing among various stakeholders .

-Media are used to foster partnerships among the government ,business ,civil society and other
stakeholders to SDGs .


(i)Both private and public sectors policies and decisions must be centered on sustainable
development .

(ii)The design and choice of SDGs model must be made to bring together various stakeholders to
the global goals .

(iii)The SDGs model must be able to meet the decision makers needs and decisions that
contribute significantly to sustainable development .


The relevant theory for this study is agenda setting theory and this theory was propounded by
Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw in 1968 during the 1968 presidential election in United
States and was found to be correlated between the issues covered by the media and the issues
perceived as important by the public.

The theory is all about how media affects the presentation of reports in the news that affect s the
public mind as importance of news attracts the audience and will perceived and given high level
of importance . Hence ,this will make people perceive it as a matter of importance first and then
set by media according to how people think and how powerful the news will influence people .

Furthermore ,agenda setting occurs through a cognitive process of accessibility .Media provide
information of high important and relevant to people as food for thought and major issues that
affect the society .

Additionally ,there are two levels of agenda setting theory .the first level is adopted by the
researchers to study media and how media objectives would be exposure to the people and the
second level focuses on how people should think about the issues on ground in terms of gaining
the attention of people and implants thoughts in people minds about any serious issues affecting
the society .

The criticisms of agenda theory is that ,sometimes media users may not pay attention to details
of the information and this weakened people who have made up their mind .

In conclusion ,it is seen that ,media cannot create problems rather ,its alter the level of awareness
,importance and priorities of information /news on people .


The research seek to study the impact of media on sustainable SDGs in Nigeria ,therefore , a
primary research method whereby thematic descriptive analysis is done to analyze the effect of
media on sustainable SDGs in Nigeria.


After a duly study is carried out on the survey, the research questions answered showed the
following :



25-35 15 20 20 20
36-45 25 33.3 33.3 53.3
46-60 35 46.7 46.7 100
TOTAL 75 100 100
Source :Field survey,October,2023(Using SPSS)



OND/HND 25 33.3 33.3 33.3
B.SC 35 46.7 46.7 80
MBA/M.SC 10 13.3 13.3 93.3
PH.D 1 1.3 1.3 94.6
OTHERS 4 5.3 5.3 99.9
TOTAL 75 100 100
Source :Field Survey,October,2023,(Using SPSS)

TABLE 3: RQ1 : As media coverage on SDGs shaped public awareness and understanding of
this environmental problems ?


Disagree 10 13.3 13.3 13.3
Neutral 5 7 7 20.3
Agree 20 27 27 47.3
Strong Agree 40 53 53 100
TOTAL 75 100 100
Source : Field survey,October,2023,(Using SPSS)

TABLE 4: RQ2 : Are there key barriers to effective media coverage of SDGs in Nigeria and can
it be addressed?


Disagree 4 5.3 5.3 5.3
Neutral 6 8 8 13.3

Agree 35 47 47 60.3
Strongly Agree 30 40 40 100
TOTAL 75 100 100
Source :Field Survey,October,2023,(Using SPSS)

TABLE 5: RQ3: Can media be used to engage marginalized communities in the SDGs process
and ensure their voices are heard ?


Disagree 2 3 3 3
Neutral 3 4 4 7
Agree 30 40 40 47
Strongly Agree 40 53 53 100
TOTAL 75 100 100
Source : Field Survey,October,2023,(Using SPSS)


Research Question 1 showed that majority of respondents strongly agreed that , media coverage
on SDGs shaped public awareness and understanding of this environmental problems in line with
media creating awareness to the general public about the effects ,causes and solutions in terms of
how to prevent environmental problems .

Research Question 2 revealed that ,respondents agreed that , there key barriers to effective
media coverage of SDGs in Nigeria and can it be addressed, that ,this issues of barrier to proper
coverage of SDGs by media can be addressed through appropriate policy by media regulators
and government to give out policy and directives regarding the coverage of SDGs.

Research Question 3, also showed that, majority of respondents strongly agreed that , media can
be used to engage marginalized communities in the SDGs process and ensure their voices are
heard .


The study critically identified the powerful role of media in promoting and sustaining SDGs in
Nigeria .It fully noted that, media is an agent of change ,that can best be suitably channel to
accelerates and achieve SDGs in Nigeria and globally.


Based on the findings ,the study recommends as follows :

(1)Government should made media to be free for effective sharing of information on SDGs and
sustainability practices .

(2)Media contents must be designed to fully cover SDGs messages in local languages to create
strong awareness and education abut SDGs.

(3)Participatory development communication should be encouraged ,a this make people to have

sense of belonging of achieving SDGs by 2030.

(4)Community media in the rural areas should be established to keep people informed about
government and stakeholders projects on SDGs.

(5)Media practitioners should achieve a balance in the media content to better informed people
about SDGs.

(6)Media should develop jingles and short videos about SDGs in local language to assist in
mobilizing the illiterates to adopt modern behavioural development.

(7)Media ,government and educational institutions should collaborate to develop SDGs focused
adult literacy programmes.


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