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Teacher Name(s):

Logan Heggie Grade: 5

Subject: Math Unit: N/A

Position of Lesson within
Lesson Duration: 40 Minutes

Lesson Description & Rationale

This lesson focuses on developing divisibility skills that will be required for students to
succeed in future math lessons both in grade five and six. This lesson will provide a
review of single and double-digit division followed by the introduction of word
problems. The students will then sign into their laptops and play a division game that
provides divisional word problems within their grade range.

Organizing Idea
Number: Quantity is measured with numbers that
enable counting, labeling, comparing, and operating.
In what ways can the processes of multiplication and
Guiding Question
division be articulated?
Students multiply and divide natural numbers within 100
Learning Outcome
000, including with standard algorithms.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures

Multiplication and division of

numbers with many digits is
facilitated by standard Standard algorithms are Express a quotient with
algorithms. efficient procedures for or without a remainder
multiplication and division. according to context.

Learning Objective(s):

 Students will understand that the division of numbers with many digits can be facilitated with standard
 Students will recognize that standard algorithms are efficient procedures for division.
 Students will demonstrate the ability to solve division equations with standard algorithms via digital
Pre-Lesson Preparations

Curriculum Resources Materials and Equipment

New Alberta Curriculum Laptops
 Mini Whiteboards
s=MAT Expo Pens

Math Games

Teacher Tasks

Prepare PowerPoint.
Ensure websites work.
Pass out mini whiteboards.

Introduction Time
Math Joke on slide one. Explain it if need be.
1 Minutes

Body/Activities Time
Learning Activity #1

 Five slides that include a review of previous lessons and the introduction of 10 Minutes
word problems. See slide show Word Problems Digital for further referencing.

Learning Activity #2 28 Minutes

Digital learning game.


 If the website does not work then I will be handing out worksheets.

Closure/Cliffhanger Time
Oral Questioning/Fingers up
1. Ask the students if they can describe the purpose of word problems?
1 Minutes
2. Ask the students if they can confidently complete single/double digit division

Differentiation Notes
Math Games
 While the students work on their laptops, I will pull select students to the back of the room to
work through word problems. I will use the computer and the same program the other
students are using, except we will go through it together.

Teacher Reflection

What worked well? Why?

Overall I feel the lesson went well. The online content and
technology worked as planned and the kids remained engaged.
Everything worked, but the transition from instruction to actually
logging in and playing the game took some extra time. I need to
What didn’t? Why not?
remember that anything with technology will take an extra minute to
get up and running.
What would you do differently I feel I could have executed the plan better. Instead of having the
next time to further promote students type in the URL address, next time I will be sharing the URL
optimum learning for all via google classrooms. This way the students can login and simply
click on the link.

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