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I[[ [ [fi K21U 1926

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Bes. No. :.......................... ....... r:l) :..

Itame:.....................................1 "*^* t
lll Semesrer B.B.A./B.B.a. larrvq o.g3.O66ss loeel RegJSupJlmp.
Examination, L[ovember 2021
{2019 - 2020 Admission)
Complementary Elective Course
Time:3 Hours Max Mz.ks 40

Answer all queslions Each qLeslion caries 1 mark

1. Detine accpiance
2 Whal is M-cmorandlm ol
3 Whar is cGsT ?

5 Whatdo you rnean by caveal empior ?



Answer any 6 queslions Each qleslion car es 2 marks

8. Stale lhe meanlnq of illeqaland vold contracls.

9. Oiscuss lhe iypes ofgoods.
10 Explain reslriclive trad€ practices
1 1 Discuss the various lypes ol shares.

i2 Whal is prospeclus ?
13. Whal are the essentials ofsale ?
14. Whal is consumer protection counci ? 16x2-12)
K21u 1s26 llllsllllllllllll fl lt

Answerany4 queslions. Each question caries 3 marks
15. Stare the lypes oi oifer.
lb ( fplain oomonon olcompaniss
1/. D,scuss lhe ight! or unpdd sotter
18 Stale the obj€ctives ofConsurner proredion Act.
1 9. Oiscuss the esssnliats oJ considemrion.
20. state the lypes oi companies. (4x3=12)

Answer any 2 quesl,ons Each question caries 5 marks.
21. Detineconlracl. Explain the essenUats ot a vatid contract.
22. Deline arlicles ofassociation. Dtscuss irs conrenrs.
23. What are ihe imptied conditions and warranties in a contract ofsate.
24. tuplain lhe procedurc oiiiling comptaint underConsumer prorecrion Ad (Zx5=10)

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