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Thursday, December 14 – 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Section 570 = LH 101 Section 571 = LH 100

ADJUSTED: Will not include Week 13 (Dec 4) Topics.

7 questions – calculations, schedules, short written responses


Similar to mid-term tests.

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blended format; in-class problems & discussion; Excel problem files;
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Exercise 12-6
In a joint processing operation, Nolen Company manufactures three grades of sugar
from a common input, sugar cane. Joint processing costs up to the split-off point
total $80,000 per year. The company allocates these costs to the joint products on the
basis of their total sales value at the split-off point. These sales values are as follows:
raw sugar, $40,000; brown sugar, $40,000; and white sugar, $42,000.

Each product may be sold at the split-off point or processed further. Additional
processing requires no special facilities. The annual additional processing costs and
the sales value after further processing for each product are shown below:

Additional Sales
Product Processing Costs Value
Raw sugar $ 42,000 $ 80,000
Brown sugar $ 28,000 $ 70,000
White sugar $ 12,000 $ 82,000

a. Compute the Incremental profit (loss) for each product.
b. Which product or products should be sold at the split-off point?
Brown White
Raw Sugar Sugar Sugar
Sales value after further processing .......... $80,000 $70,000 $82,000
Less sales value at split-off point...............
Incremental revenue ..........
Less cost of further processing .................
Incremental profit (loss) .....

Sales value at split off: raw sugar, $40,000; brown sugar, $40,000; and white sugar, $42,000.

Examples of Three Joint Costing Methods
Chassin Company produces three products after a common processing operation. The
joint process results in 200 units of A, 500 units of B, and 300 units of C. Both A and C
undergo further processing. Chassin has provided the following information:

These costs may be shown as:

1. Treating C as a By-Product, and using either NRV or Physical Method for A & B
If C is a by-product, its existence is just an outcome of the purposeful production
of Products A & B. Therefore, we assign just enough joint costs to Product C to
leave it with zero profit. Then we can use either the NRV or Physical Method to
allocate the remaining joint product costs.
Product C: Total Sales Value = 300 units x $68
Less Costs after Split-Off
Amount of Joint Cost to Allocate to C

Remaining Joint Cost = $60,000 less $12,000 allocated to C = $48,000:

Allocate rest to A & B.

Use the NRV method to allocate the remaining $48,000 to A & B:

The Physical Method can also be used to allocate the remaining $48,000 to A & B:

If we compare the Cost of Goods Manufactured with all of the methods, we will see that
each method fully allocates the $71,400 total product cost to the units produced.
However, each method gives considerable variance. Companies analyze their products
carefully when determining which method to use.

Linear Programming

Many firms face the problem of dealing with multiple products and
maximizing the use of multiple scarce resources. A quantitative tool called
Linear Programming can be used to derive a solution that offers a product
mix to optimize the use of these scarce resources.
Linear programming defines the situation in a series of mathematical
statements. The first statement sets an objective, called the Objective
Function. This is usually to maximize total contribution. Next we define
all other constraints.

Example: Tarmac Company makes two products, A and B:
A has a unit contribution of $10 B has a unit contribution of $12
Both products use the same two manufacturing departments, Cutting and
Assembly. Tarmac's cutting department uses complex equipment with a maximum
capacity of 5,000 machine hours per month. The Assembly department has a
labour constraint of 12,000 labour hours per month.
Product A uses 1 machine hour and 4 labour hours per unit. Product B uses 3
machine hours and 2 labour hours per unit. Tarmac must fill minimum orders of
500 units of B.
Product A B Constraint
Contribution Margin $ 10 $ 12 A>0; B>0
Cutting Department 1 MH 3 MH <= 5,000 machine
Assembly Department 4 DLH 2 DLH <= 12,000 labour
Monthly Sales Minimum None 500 Units Must produce at least
500 units of B
Use the following 5 steps to derive the product mix that will optimize the
contribution margin for these scarce resources:

Step 1: Determine the Objective Function

The objective function is to maximize the contribution margin and therefore is:
➔ Max CM = $10A + $12B

Step 2: Construct mathematical equations by using the given constraints

A > or = 0

B > or = 500

Cutting department constraint ➔ 1A + 3B = 5,000 (equation 1)

Assembly department constraint ➔ 4A + 2B = 12,000 (equation 2)

Step 3: Solve for the point (product mix) which maximizes the contribution margin
To solve, multiply the first equation by 4, so that A can be eliminated through subtraction.
1A + 3B = 5,000 4A + 12B = 20,000
4A + 2B = 12,000 (4A + 2B = 12,000)
10B = 8,000
B = 800
This satisfies the minimum of 500 units.

Now plug B = 800 into both of the above equations to solve for A.
Using equation 1 ➔ A + 3(800) = 5,000
A + 2,400 = 5,000
A = 2,600 units
Using equation 2 ➔ 4A + 2(800) = 12,000
4A + 1,600 = 12,000
A = 2,600 units
The point at which the constraints are fully maximized is A = 2,600 units and B = 800 units.
Note that due to capacity constraints, the results may not always be the same in both
departments! You will see that when you look at Link Company
Step 4: Graph a line for each constraint
When constructing a graph, we need to include a line for each of the equations.
Cutting department Line:
Using the equation for the cutting department derived above → 1A + 3B = 5,000 MH
Let A = 0 and therefore B = 5,000/3 = 1,667 MH ➔ (0; 1,667)
Let B = 0 and therefore A = 5,000 MH ➔ (5,000; 0)
We can now draw this line on a graph using these two points

Assembly department Line:

Using the equation for the assembly department derived above → 4A + 2B = 12,000 DLH
Let A = 0 and therefore B = 12,000/2 = 6,000 DLH ➔ (0; 6,000)
Let B = 0 and therefore A = 12,000/4 = 3,000 DLH ➔ (3,000; 0)
We can now draw a line on the graph using these two points

B > or = 500 Line:

Draw a vertical line on the graph where B = 500.



5500 Assembly Department: (3,000 A or 6,000 B)


4500 Feasible Area: Any amount within this area

can be produced.
The 4 corner points are: (0A, 500B); (2,750A, 500B); (2,600A, 800B); (0A, 1,667B)




1500 Cutting Department: (5,000 A or 1,667B) Optimal point: (2,600A, 800B)

This is the "northeast corner"

500 B constraint >= 500 units

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500
A 22
Step 5: Use the Objective Function formula and the four corner points to determine the
contribution margin at each point:

Objective function from step 1 ➔ max CM = $10A + $12B

1) Could produce 0 units of A and 500 units of B (0A, 500B): CM =

$10(0) + $12(500) = $6,000

2) Could produce as many units as possible of A and 500 units of B (2,750A, 500B):
CM = $10(2,750) + $12(500) = $33,500

3) Could produce 2,600 units of A and 800 units of B (2,600A, 800B):

CM = $10(2,600) + $12(800) = $35,600

4) Could produce 0 units of A and the maximum possible units of B (0A, 1,667B):
CM = $10(0) + $12(1,667) = $20,004

The product mix which maximizes the CM is 2,600 units of A and 800 units of B.

Link Company
Link Company produces two models of connectors, Basic and Super. Both models are
manufactured totally in two departments: Forming, which has a total capacity of 240
labour-hours per month; and Finishing, which has a capacity of 480 labour-hours per
month. The unit labour requirements for each model are:
Basic Super
Forming Department 1.0 hour 0.8 hour

Finishing Department 0.5 hour 2.0 hour

The unit contribution of the Basic model is $4.00. For Super it is $5.00. The total
production of Basic can be sold, however only a monthly maximum of 200 units of Super
can be sold.
Use linear programming to determine how many of each type of connector should be


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