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Very full and perceptive awareness of
subject matter, with original critical and
Very well structured piece of work
analytical assessment of the issues and
demonstrated by an excellent
excellent grasp of their wider significance.
HIGH FIRST Very extensive reading and arrangement & development of material
Combines a comprehensive
85+ 100 exceptionally comprehensive & argument.
understanding of theoretical issues and
95 knowledge which indicates a Excellent English and meticulous
empirical application. Clear evidence of a
85 high level of independent presentation, immaculate referencing
high level of originality and independent
‘Exceptional’ background research. and extensive bibliography/list of
thought along with an ability to defend a
position logically and convincingly with
Observes the word limit.
arguments presented that are
sophisticated and challenging.
Full and perceptive awareness of issues,
demonstrating an appreciation of all Well-structured piece of work with very
major points and a clear grasp of their careful thought given to arrangement
Wide reading and
wider significance. and development of material and
FIRST 78 comprehensive knowledge of
Clear evidence of independent thought, argument.
75 the subject matter which goes
ability to defend a position logically and Excellent English with appropriate
‘Excellent’ 72 beyond the course material and
convincingly. At the higher end, can make referencing and comprehensive
linkages between theoretical issues and bibliography/list of references.
empirical application and also Observes the word limit.
demonstrates some originality and flair.
A comprehensive argument
demonstrating a sound awareness of
issues and a serious understanding of Well-organised answer with a clear
Very good range of reading and
UPPER their wider significance. structure which facilitates the
68 good knowledge which
SECOND Evidence of careful thought with a well- development of material and argument.
65 comprehensively covers course
developed argument. Very good English with appropriate
62 material and may go beyond
‘Very Good’ Use of theories, concepts and research referencing and bibliography.
findings which are largely precise Observes the word limit.
although there may be factual errors or
Essay is a satisfactory response to the
It demonstrates some grasp of theory and
its relation to empirical data but less
awareness of issues and their wider
LOWER Good effort to organise the material and
SECOND 58 Fair range of reading and argument.
It is largely accurate but may contain
55 reasonable knowledge of Adequate English with reasonable
more than minor errors such as incorrect
52 course material referencing and bibliography. Adequate
facts or errors of omission.
‘Good’ observation of the word limit.
There may be some attempt at serious
argument but this is not fully developed.
The essay may appear correct but lacks
originality and clarity of though for an
above average grade.
Structure of the essay is weak and there
Awareness of issues and of their wider is a limited effort to organise material
48 Some reading but with significance but at a basic level. and argument.
45 incomplete knowledge of Largely descriptive with some errors and Satisfactory English but may contain
42 course material. omissions. some errors.
Limited argument. Limited referencing and bibliography.
May not observe the word limit.
‘Pass’ 40
Limited awareness of issues and of their
wider significance and contains a small Structure is largely absent indicating very
Limited reading with evident
FAIL 38 amount of acceptable and relevant little effort put into organising material.
gaps in knowledge.
35 information. Significant errors in English and poor
Lack of familiarity with course
‘Limited’ 32 Clearly deficient answer which contains referencing and bibliography.
material is evident.
substantial errors, omissions or Does not observe the word limit.
Very limited level of reading Lacks familiarity with the subject, Assignment lacks structure and there is a
and failure to demonstrate demonstrating very poor awareness of clear absence of organisation of
<30 20
competent knowledge. issues and of their wider significance. material.
‘Very 10
Knowledge of course material is Competent understanding is absent and Substantial errors in English, poor or
Limited’ 0
absent. assignment is characterised by confusion. absent referencing, word limit ignored.

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