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Student Name: Date Completed: Class Period:

7th Grade Project Rubric: Elements of Accordion

Please choose the number that best shows how well you Excellent Good Average Needs Rate Ms.
feel that you completed each of the following objectives Improvement Yourself Lash’s
for the project. Grade

Category 1: Creativity/Originality: 20-25 15-20 10-15 10 or less

The student's work demonstrates originality. The drawing
shows evidence of planning (Drawings were done in pencil
first before using color) and problem-solving.

Category 2: Craftsmanship/Effort: 20-25 15-20 10-15 10 or less

Neat, clean & complete – level 4 ? Skillful use of the art tools
& media?
The student took time to develop his or her idea & complete
the project? (Didn’t rush.) Good use of class time?
A ruler was used to create neat folds and even sections?

Category 4: Composition: 20-25 15-20 10-15 10 or less

Each of the 7 sections of the students’ accordion
demonstrates full use of the page, minimal blank spaces, and
arrangement of visual components makes sense?

Category 5: Following Directions: 20-25 15-20 10-15 10 or less

Students will be able to visually represent and show
understanding of each of the 7 elements of art by creating a
paper accordion consisting of 7 even sections using a ruler.
Each section of the accordion will represent a different
element of art through a thought out composition with use
of color.

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