Article, Ana María Vargas López

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Name: Ana María Vargas López

ID: 833991

Tema: Objective of the projects presented in class

Throughout the semester, we have carried out different activities focused on the development of our
communication skills in English. One of the activities was the "Collaborative Project", where we
created a product related to the career we are studying, of this we had to create the visual image, the
objectives, the function of the product and the public to which it is addressed; when doing this, we
had to make a presentation that would be exposed in class, where the teacher, along with the sharks,
would ask questions and give feedback.

Because in the class there are people from different careers, the results of the collaborative project
were completely different, ranging from the creation of an editing program that would help improve
the workflow of people involved in the field of audiovisuals, by COVI students, to the proposal of a
school for young children where they would be taught about the care of plants, also, there was one
that sought the creation of a digital tool that would strengthen the skills of people with hearing

I believe that, when analyzing these projects, it is easy to see how learning English can be a simple and
even fun process when it is presented to people in a constructive rather than imposing way, which is
where most educational methods fail. In the realization of this collaborative activity we were able to
learn new vocabulary and a lot of emphasis was placed on learning to construct clear and simple
sentences, which is really useful when it comes to expressing oneself clearly in another language.
Personally, the educational process I have experienced has been satisfactory and I feel happy with the
new knowledge I have acquired.

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