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Foreign exchange contributions from tourism are now ranked the second largest.

Even predicted in
2019, tourism sector will become a major contributor to Indonesia's foreign exchange. Moreover,
the growth of Indonesian tourism reached 25.68% in recent years. This is case in line with the level
of public awareness to travel as a saturated remover from daily activities. Many tourism conscious
communities have emerged as developers and managers of tourism potential in the regions. In this
paper will only discuss promotions. Promotions carried out are usually only through a typical city or
district concept which is displayed in travel fair events and their websites. With the presence of the
industrial revolution era 4.0, it is worthy need to be increased to be a creative and effective
promotion to attract interest and interact with tourists. The importance concept in this paper is use
of special logos and themes as city or district identities, using digital media for tourism promotion
and interaction with tourists through photo contributions, questions and even feedback in the form
of criticism or suggestions. The method carried out in realizing this concept is the identification of
various needs, observations in the use of digital media and supported by the data contained in them.
The results of this concept will be presented in the form of reviews from identification to the results
of digital media observations. So that with this concept, the city or district government will pay more
attention to promotion effectively and creatively. The various advantages of using this promotion
concept are cities or regencies getting more famous, as a direct reference for tourists, young people
are proud of their origin and are even able to contribute to tourism.

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