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CanadaTech Pulse Tool

Fast Memory Pressure Gauge

Model # TL-0032-010

Addendum To Vendor Manual

Quick Guide and Hints

David Atwood – June 2005

General Comments Concerning The Gauges
• This is an addendum to the manual provided by CanadaTech for the operation, setup,
and care of their Pulse Tool high speed pressure gauge.

• Before using the gauge on a field job, please read through the provided manual and
this addendum, and become thoroughly comfortable with the tool operation and

• This high speed pressure gauge is meant to capture the dynamic pressure response
in a wellbore during perforating and / or during a propellant run. This gauge is NOT
meant to measure pressure buildup for use in reservoir analysis or permeability

• This gauge has a resolution of 4.85 psi, based on the 16 bit A/D converter. The
accuracy of the gauge is +/- 0.25% of full scale, or +/- 50 psi.
DCA SLB Confidential
General Comments Concerning The Gauges
• The gauge should always be run inside of the protective carrier provided by SRC with
the tool. There may be some cases where this is not possible, and the risk should be
evaluated on a case by case basis. Refer to Drawing 100094076D for an assembly
view of the carrier and Pulse Tool. ALWAYS use a shock absorber.

• This pressure gauge has a maximum temperature limit of 150 C (302 F). The
transducer has been calibrated and set for a maximum pressure rating of 20,000
psig, with a 1.5x over pressure safety factor.

• Only use the made-for-purpose Spectrum Battery with this tool. The P/N for this
battery is CTEC-150012APSL5. This battery is AA single-cell Lithium, with a custom
Lemo 4-pin connector on one end.

DCA SLB Confidential

General Comments Concerning The Gauges
• Batteries can be ordered directly from Spectrum Battery. They have offices in
Fulshear, TX (USA) and in Calgary, AB (CA). Phone number for the Fulshear plant is
281-533-9596. Phone number for the Calgary plant is 403-225-0471. Their web site is:

• A typical battery should last up to 70 to 75 hours, under normal use and conditions.
No firm data exists yet to definitively state a maximum battery life.

• As a general rule, replace the battery after every use. This is the safest way to
prevent problems from loss of data due to leaking battery acid, or low voltage.

• CanadaTech provides elastomer seals for 10 changes, and 3 metal seal rings. Grease
and thread compounds are also provided. The tool is housed in a Pelikan box,
suitable for shipping.

DCA SLB Confidential

Ordering Consumable Supplies For The Pulse Tool
• International locations can order batteries, seals, and all other consumable items for
the Pulse tool through National Oilwell – Houston office. They are listed in SWPS as a
GOLD Supplier (NOI Houston – National Oilwell LP).

– They need to be added to your BORG.

– They are not set up to handle NON-GOLD items.

– A quotation from NOI is required prior to ordering and the NOI Quote number MUST
always be included with your SWPS order.

– You will need to supply NOI with manufacturer name, address and phone number, part

– NOI marks up the item price by from 5% to 15%, depending on the value of the order.

– Other supplier specifics for this vendor are listed in SWPS.

DCA SLB Confidential

Ordering Consumable Supplies For The Pulse Tool
• Contacts at NOI are:

– Marion Meaux – Buyer / International sales, marion.meaux@natoil.com, 713-369-7733

– Maria Marquez – Buyer / International Sales, maria.marquez@natoil.com, 713-466-7799

– Brandon Pohl – International Sales Supervisor, brandon.pohl@natoil.com, 713-466-7999

– Doug Bennett – Sr. Sales Executive, doug.bennett@natoil.com, 281-684-2771

– FAX number for all above people is 713-466-5609

• Locations in the USA or Canada can order directly from the suppliers (Spectrum Battery,
CanadaTech, seal suppliers, etc.)

DCA SLB Confidential

General Comments Concerning The Gauges
• The current Pulse software is V1.42, and is supplied with the tool. This software installation will

also install their graphing program, called GRAPH. The latest version of this is V1.457. All of this

software is found on the CD included with the tool or can be downloaded from the Web. Follow

the instructions found in their Ops manual (also on CD) to install all of these programs.

• The computer that will be used for downloading data and uploading setup information must have

a free serial port or be set up to accept CanadaTech’s USB to Serial interface cable. The

software to do this is also located on the CD, and the loading instructions are in their manual.

The interface cable and module are located in the Pelikan box. Install this software and ensure

that it is functional before installing the Pulse and Graph software.

• This tool records all data into a flash memory, thereby minimizing any loss of data due to battery


DCA SLB Confidential

Hints - Operational
• When armed (battery installed), the tool records data at 1 sample per second until the battery is

removed. A maximum of 500,000 samples can be taken before the memory is full.

• When triggered, the Pulse Tool will take a “Burst” of data at whatever data rate is selected.

During this burst and for approximately 30 seconds right after, 1 second data is not recorded.

You will see a blank section in the 1 second data record. Also, you must wait for a

approximately 4 minutes after a burst before starting POOH operations.

• Up to eight (8) bursts of fast data can be taken before all flash memory is filled. Each burst

consists of 262,000 data points. The 1 second data is recorded into separate flash memory.

• Data files are text files after downloading, and can be uploaded into other analysis programs if


• Be sure that you have successfully downloaded all useful data on the tool before you

delete them from the tool!

DCA SLB Confidential
Hints - Operational
• If a battery does go dead downhole, all 1 second data taken up to that point is saved,
and any fast data that has been written to flash memory is saved. They only way to
lose data is if the battery fails DURING a fast data burst recording, as it goes to static
RAM first, or if the burst data is being written to the flash RAM.

• If you cannot connect using the USB module, a second module is supplied that
connects via a serial port. When connecting via this method, you will need to plug in
a secondary power source to power up the tool (supplied).

• The tool has two methods of triggering:

– Level Method: trigger whenever the pressure on the tool exceeds some preset level.

– Window Method: trigger whenever the pressure rises above or drops below the
background static pressure by some set amount within a specified time period.

DCA SLB Confidential

Hints - Operational
• For most jobs, use the WINDOW TRIGGER method, with 300 psi and 17 ms as the
inputs. The allowable time lengths for the window trigger are discrete values of 5 ms,
8ms, 17 ms, 26 ms, 35 ms, etc. If you click on the up or down arrow next to the input
box, it will automatically toggle between acceptable input values. If you put in a value
that is between the above numbers, the program will reset the time length to the next
lower value that is acceptable (i.e., 20 changed to 17, 12 changed to 8, 33 changed to

• Making the pressure setting higher makes the trigger less sensitive. Making the
time window longer makes the trigger more sensitive.

• You want to use settings that provide a consistent trigger, but do not want it so
sensitive that you get numerous false triggers. This will require some
experimentation for your specific tool and conditions.
DCA SLB Confidential
Hints - Operational
• Do a surface test simulating the conditions you expect down hole to ensure successful
triggering and data collection. Experimentation with the settings will be required.
Having the trigger too sensitive will cause the tool to take bursts at the wrong time;
especially with CT / TCP operations.

• CanadaTech has provided a simple test procedure for this surface test, and it is included
on the CD that comes with the tool. The test is to be run with the recommended
conditions specified earlier for use with the tool (window trigger , 300 psi, 17 ms).

• Each tool that is shipped from CanadaTech will be surface tested with this procedure to
demonstrate proper operation prior to shipping.

– The burst data file and slow data file from this test will be left in the tool memory for use in
training and as proof that the tool worked.

DCA SLB Confidential

Hints - Operational
• We recommend picking a burst window length of 2.3 or 9.0 seconds (115,200 and 28,800 samples

per second respectively). For perforating jobs, do not go less than 28,800 samples per second.

For propellant jobs, you may go down to the slowest setting of 36 seconds.

• The bullnose supplied by CanadaTech is removed and replaced by the modified bullnose

(100134813) that is supplied with the Gauge Carrier Assembly. Refer to Assembly Drawing

100138046D for further details.

• If for some reason you do not use the supplied carrier, the original bullnose MUST be installed.

• The cavity inside of the bullnose protects the sensor face port. This cavity must be full of fresh

high temperature grease at all times during use. A special grease (Glacier Blue FM) is supplied

for this purpose. This grease is sticky, and will not melt up to 600 F. Additional grease can be

obtained from the McMaster Carr catalog.

DCA SLB Confidential

Hints - Operational
• The end of the tool is machined to accept an adapter, to allow surface pressure
testing of the gauge. To do this, install a Swagelok adapter, SS-44M-7-4 (with ¼”
female NPT end), and connect to an external pressure source.

• The bullnose supplied by CanadaTech can also be used for the triggering test by
plugging one of the threaded ports and connecting to the other with a pressure

• The tool has been calibrated by the manufacturer for use at temperatures up to 150 C
and pressures up to 20 ksi. New calibration files can only be downloaded and
installed with special authorization and instructions. Contact CanadaTech directly for
details. Alternately contact David Atwood for these instructions.

DCA SLB Confidential

Hints - Maintenance
• Clean out and refill the bullnose with fresh grease AFTER EVERY RUN. It is
imperative that this cavity is always full of fresh grease before using the tool.

• We recommend that fresh batteries be used with every run. If your location plans
on reusing batteries, set up a record of battery run time, so you do not have a battery
go dead during a job. Each battery has a serial number on it to allow tracking.

• We recommend changing out the elastomer seals on the barrel after every run. The
metal seal ring is reusable. The metal seal is the primary, and the elastomer seal set
is the backup. Additional metal seal rings are available from CanadaTech. The
elastomer seal set consists of one 2-018 o-ring and and two 8-018 backups. All are
viton, 75 or 90 durometer.

• Refer to the CanadaTech manual for other gauge related maintenance requirements.

DCA SLB Confidential

Hints – Gauge Carrier and Shock Mitigator
• The supplied gauge carrier assembly (current version) is a combination shock
absorber and carrier. Refer to assembly drawing 100138046D for the full details.

• The carrier has a maximum OD of 3.06” (swelled 2.88” gun carrier).

• The shock mitigator section is a modified version of a WPSA, and uses the same
copper tube crushable element as the WPSA.

• The elements above and below the Pulse tool have plastic discs in them to further
attenuate and dissipate shock. Again refer to the assembly for details.

• The washer (100094088) that is on the OD of the crushable element (T6015684) needs
to be supported to stay at the top of the copper coil. We recommend wrapping duct
tape around the coil just below the washer to hold it up. This has been successfully
done on several runs in the GOM.
DCA SLB Confidential
Hints - Software
• CanadaTech Web site is: www.canadatech.com

• Use the version of the Pulse software that is included with the tool, unless it is lower
than V1.42. If the CD is missing, contact David Atwood or CanadaTech for a

• Install USB – Serial driver and verify with Device Manager that it is recognized by the
system before installing the Pulse software.

• Connect to the tool following the CanadaTech manual directions.

• Clear off old data by downloading records and then clear the data files out of the tool
by deleting them. Verify that the data are downloaded and readable before deleting

• Some SLB computers require that you have the USB-Serial adapter plugged into the
computer when it is booted to be recognized.
DCA SLB Confidential
• If you have any questions or problems…….
– Contact David Atwood at SRC
• 281-285-5429 (work) or 281-250-5905 (cell)
• atwood@rosharon.oilfield.slb.com

– Contact Reinaldo Varela at CanadaTech

• 403-314-0377 (work)
• 403-350-3809 (cell)
• rvarela@canadatech.com

DCA SLB Confidential


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