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Success Factor:

A)1.It is Human Based application that Means HR Application

2.They are various Modules avaliable in SFSF

3.These are EC,EP,GM,Payroll,On Bording,RCM......

4.These Modules are connect to cpi by using Sucess Factor adapter

5.The SF Connect through two ways

i)ODATA(We can fetch Particular Employee Data)By using Portlets/Entity


ii)SOAP(We can fetch Compound data)in three Ways

1.Effective date Record/Full Load

2.Delta Record(Last Modified Date And Time)

3.Periodic Delta (Last modified From Date to Time)

2.Basic Authntication: SF



Repat Password:

Company ID:

3.Waht is the differenece B/w ODATAV2 AND ODATAV4

According to the OData 2 specification, payload had to be retrieved in both XML and

JSON formats. In OData 4 however, XML is optional. So, Hybrid Data Pipeline today

supports both XML and JSON in OData 2 and only JSON in OData 4. However,

the metadata can still be retrieved in the XML format in OData 4.

4.What is the DF B/w Request Reply & Content Enricher & Content Modifier?

Content Enricher: The Response from the external system merge current payload

Content Modifier: This will help to modify the messages as per the final receiver


Message Header: The scope of the element declare in the header is

beyond scope of the I flow.

Exchange Property: The Scope of the element declare in the property is with in the iflow.

Message Body : They are two types 1) Constant 2) Expression.

Request Replay : The Response from the external system replace the current payload

5.Can You Explain the Splitter Concept ?

A Splitter step allows you to break you message into smaller parts, which can be
processed independently.

Cloud Platform Integration has 4 types of Splitters:

General Splitter – A splitter that divides a message containing multiple messages

into individual messages. This splitter preserves the context of the root nodes with each
split message.

Iterating Splitter – A splitter that divides a message containing multiple messages

into individual messages. This splitter considers only the split entity and does not
preserve the context of the root nodes.

PKCS Splitter – Separates the payload from its signature and provides them as split

IDoc Splitter – Divides a group of IDocs into individual IDocs. It only works if

either the sender or the receiver channel is an IDoc channel.

Here there is no chance to continue processing in case of an exception.

6.What is the Difference B/w Multicast, Router, Join, Gather?

Multicast: To send the data to multiple servers in two ways

These are 1) Parallel multicast : It send data Randomly.(Complier)

2) Sequential Multicast : It send sequentially.(Interpreter)

Router: To send the data to multiple servers Based on condition.

Expression Type : XML(By Using Absolute Path, Relative Path)

Non-XML (By Using to declare in the Content Modifier either property

level, Header Level Mostly Declared in Property Level)

Join : The Join step is used in Combination with the Gather. It brings together the message
different routes.

Gather: The Gather merge Message from different routes .it is the reveres mechanism of Splitter.

7. Waht is default package in Groovy script ?


import java.util.HashMap;


8.What is the Exception Handaling?
If any error occurs in developed i-flow this Exception Sub-Process will generate an email and will
send it to the required stakeholders which we will configure in MAIL adapter. So, that
Support/Monitoring team will get an alert mail then they will look into the issue and will rectify that

Apache Camel Expressions : ${exception.message} To catch the Error Message.

$(camelId} To fetch the interface Name


The Exception sub process mainly declared in Integration Process.

Under the ESB Two events are available these are Error Start Event(To catch the
Exception), End Message Event .

9.How To identify the Error Or Error Analysis?

If i found any error, I will check the log configurations and I will do Root cause
Based on the error description I will get to know the whether it is a technical issue
data issue and I will inform to the corresponding team members.
10.What is the different Environment Available in CAPI?
Cloud Foundary: It is a open source cloud environment.
2) Sap Cloud paltform service hosted on cloud foundary.
3) It supports multiple data centeres like AWS,AZURE,Google
Neo Fondary :1)The SAP Maintainted by Neo Cloud Environment
2) It is Containg SAP Proprietry runtime
3) It Support only SAP Data Centers because it maintained by SAP

11. What are the different management nodes available in Cloud Integration aka CPI?

Tenant Management Node

Runtime Node
Here are the responsibilities of Tenant Management node:

 Manages the Runtime Nodes.

 Start and Stop Runtime Nodes.
 Read the Montoring Data written by Runtime Node.
 It has a Dashboard that you access from Cloud Platform.
 TMN provides front end editor where integration developer or
administrator performs task like deploying artifacts, user creation and
roles management.
 Upgrade of Nodes
 It manages the Failover Capabilities.
Runtime Node:

 It has the Java Virtual Machine. (JVM)

 Your iflow runs in this JVM node.
 It has the Integration Runtime Engine.
 This node manages the message processing, audit log and saving the
 Interacts with the external systems via the Load Balancer
12. What are the steps to configure an IDOC for Outbound Communication?
Step1: Create RFC Destination for SAP To CPI
By Using T-Code :SM59
Connection Type: G
Step 2: Create Port For CPI
By Using T-Code : WE21
Port Type: XML HTTP
Step 3: Create a Logical Systems For Both
By Using T-Code : SALE Or BD54
And Assign Logical Systems
Step4 : To Create a Partner Profile
By Using T-Code : WE 20
Port Type : LS
Step5: To activate SAP IDOC
By Using T-code : SICF
13. How do I reprocess failed messages in CPI?
If the message fails due to mapping or connection issue, the exception sub-process
will be invoked and below steps will be performed. XSLT code to log msg headers and the
To achieve this, I have divided the solution in 3 parts:
1) Passthrough iflow.
2) Actual business logic iflow.
3) Retry iflow.
14.What are the Log Configurations Available in CPI ?
Info level : It is default Mechanism once the iflow failed it activate the info level in
message Processing.
1) Integration Flow Model
2) Log Content
Debug level : It appears in 24 Hrs
Trace Level : It appears in 10 mins

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