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Introduction to Subtitling

Summer 2020

Hi everybody,

I'd like to remind you all of a few things:

1) Download "Assignments.pdf" under the START HERE: Course Overview &

Resources section to learn how to name your assignment files and help me to identify
your homework properly.

In other words, if you upload a file called "week-01-assignment.docx", once I download

it I'll have no idea to whom it belongs ;-) For example, if I were turning in the
assignment, I would name it "week-01-assignment-RLombardino.docx" so my work
could be easily identified.

Also, whenever applicable, make sure you add your name to the document itself, on
that top field called “Name: ________”. So, if I ever have to print it out, I'll know it's

You can find complete instructions and info on the aforementioned Resources item.
According to the Assignment Guidelines, there will be a half-point (0.5) deduction for
assignments that aren't named correctly.

If, by any chance, you've uploaded the wrong file to your assignment or test, email me
as soon as possible, so I can clear your initial attempt and you can re-upload the correct

2) Keep in mind that your Discussion Board participation includes both your answer
to our weekly topic AND AT LEAST ONE REPLY to someone's comments.

Of course I want you guys to talk to each other and network a lot, since the forum is the
closest we'll get to having some interesting conversations before and after class... But
make sure you reply to at least one message to make sure you get the full 2 points for
your Discussion participation. You can find complete instructions and info on how our
Discussion Board works by downloading a file called “Discussion Board
Etiquette.pdf” under the START HERE area, as well.

IMPORTANT: Do not create a new topic or thread in our Discussion Board each week.
(It’s a Canvas thing...) Make sure you reply to my original message, so I can see all
your contributions correctly when grading your class participation.
Introduction to Subtitling
Summer 2020

3) I have also created a document called “Course Matrix.pdf” available under the
START HERE section. Once you open this file, you'll find an overview of our 6-week
course and, on the very last page, a little schedule with our homework due dates.

Lastly, keep in mind that there's a 1-point deduction for each late homework item
(including assignment, quiz/test, and board participation) so do your best to deliver
everything on time and get all the points that are up for grabs each week. These 1-point
deductions per homework item can add up at the end of the course and I want you to
get as close as possible to a total 100 points, which would equal to a big A+ ;-)

I'm really looking forward to learning more about everybody.

Let me know if you need anything

Rafa Lombardino

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