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:The levator palpebrae superious muscle is innervated by the .1

a) Facial nerve
b) Trochlear nerve
c) Trigeminal nerve
d) Oculomotor nerve
e) Abducent nerve

:The inferior oblique muscle of the eye is innervated by the .2

a) Abducent nerve
b) Trigeminal nerve
c) Oculomotor nerve
d) Facial nerve
e) Trochlear nerve

:The lateral rectus muscle of the eye is innervated by the .3

a) Optic nerve
b) Trochlear nerve
c) Oculomotor nerve
d) Facial nerve
e) Abducent nerve

:The superior oblique muscle of the eye is innervated by the .4

a) Trigeminal nerve
b) Trochlear nerve
c) Abducent nerve
d) Chorda tympani nerve
e) Oculomotor nerve

:The orbicularis oculi muscle is innervated by the .5

a) Facial nerve
b) Lacrimal nerve
c) Maxillary nerve
d) Nasociliary nerve
e) Frontal nerve

:The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through the .6
a) Superior orbital fissure
b) Foramen rotundum
c) Foramen ovale
d) Jugular foramen
e) Foramen magnum

:The vagus nerve leaves the skull through the .7

a) Jugular foramen
b) Occipital foramen
c) Inferior orbital fissure
d) Foramen rotundum
e) Foramen spinosum
:The abducent nerve leaves the skull through the .8
a) Foramen rotundam
b) Jugular foramen
c) Inferior orbital fissure
d) Superior orbital fissure
e) Foramen ovale

:The ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through the .9
a) Inferior orbital fissure
b) Foramen ovale
c) Foramen rotundum
d) Superior orbital fissure
e) Pterygopalatine foramen

:The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through the .10
a) Foramen spinosum
b) Foramen rotundum
c) Superior orbital fissure
d) Foramen ovale
e) Jugular foramen

:The oculomotor nerve leaves the skull through the .11

a) Inferior orbital fissure
b) Foramen rotundum
c) Superior orbital fissure
d) Foramen magnum
e) Foramen ovale

:The optic canal is an opening in the .12

a) Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
b) Occipital bone
c) Petrous part of the temporal bone
d) Frontal bone
e) Squamous part of the temporal bone

:The carotid canal is located in the .13

a) Sphenoid bone
b) Occipital bone
c) Petrous part of the temporal bone
d) Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
e) Parietal bone

:The foramen spinosum is located in the .14

a) Sphenoid bone
b) Occipital bone
c) Frontal bone
d) Petrous part of the temporal bone
e) Squamous part of the temporal bone
:The hypoglossal canal is located in the .15
a) Squamous part of the temporal bone
b) Occipital bone
c) Frontal bone
d) Sphenoid bone
e) Parietal bone

:The foramen rotundum is located in the .16

a) Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
b) Frontal bone
c) Petrous part of the temporal bone
d) Occipital bone
e) Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

:The facial nerve canal is located in the .17

a) Temporal bone
b) Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
c) Occipital bone
d) Mastoid process
e) Lacrimal bone

:The foramen magnum is located in the .18

a) Sphenoid bone
b) Temporal bone
c) Parietal bone
d) Frontal bone
e) Occipital bone

:The genioglossus muscle _____ the tongue .19

a) Retracts
b) Depresses
c) Elevates
d) Protrudes
e) Changes the shape of

:The hyoglossus muscle .20

a) Changes the shape of the tongue
b) Elevates the tongue
c) Depresses the tongue
d) Protrudes the tongue
e) Retracts the tongue upwards and backwards

:In styloglossus muscle .21

a) Protrudes the tongue
b) Depresses the tongue
c) Retracts the tongue upwards and backwards
d) Changes the shape of the tongue
e) Elevates the tongue
:The palatoglossus muscle .22
a) Depresses the tongue
b) Elevates the tongue
c) Changes the shape of the tongue
d) Retracts the tongue upwards and backwards
e) Protrudes the tongue

The following muscles of the pharynx receive their motor innervation from .23
:the pharyngeal plexus via the cranial part of the accessory nerve except
a) Superior constrictor
b) Palatopharyngeus
c) Stylopharyngeus
d) Middle constrictor
e) Salpingopharyngeus

:The following statements concerning the stellate ganglion are correct except .24
a) It is formed from a fusion of the inferior cervical ganglion with the first
thoracic ganglion
b) It has white and gray rami communicantes, which pass to spinal nerves
c) It is located behind the vertebral artery
d) It lies in the interval between the transverse process of the seventh cervical
vertebra and the neck of the first rib
e) The large anterior tubercle of the transverse process of the fifth cervical
vertebra is an important surface landmark when performing a stellate
ganglion block

:A following statements concerning the chorda tympani are correct except .25
a) It contains parasympathetic postganglionic fibers
b) It contains special sensory (taste) fibers
c) It joins the lingual nerve in the infratemporal fossa
d) It is a branch of the facial nerve in the temporal bone
e) It carries secretomotor fibers to the submandibular and sublingual salivary

The following statements concerning the pituitary gland (hypophysis cerebri) .26
:are correct except
a) It is separated from the optic chiasma by the diaphragma sellae
b) The sphenoid sinus is inferior to it
c) It receives its arterial supply from the internal carotid artery
d) It is suspended from the floor of the third ventricle by the pars anterior
e) It is deeply placed with the sella turcica of the skull

The following statements concerning the submandibular lymph nodes are .27
:correct except
a) They drain into the deep cervical lymph nodes
b) They drain the tip of the tongue
c) They drain the skin of the forehead
d) They are situated on the superficial surface of the submandibular salivary
e) They drain the mucous membrane lining the cheek
The following statements concerning the cervical part of the oesophagus are .28
:correct except
a) The sensory nerve supply is the recurrent laryngeal nerve
b) The lymph drains into the deep cervical lymph nodes
c) It is the site of an important portal-systeminc anastomosis
d) The lumen is narrowed at the junction with the pharynx
e) It begins at the level of the cricoid cartilage, opposite the body of the sixth
cervical vertebra

The following statements concerning the parotid salivary glands are correct .29
a) The facial nerve passes through it, dividing the gland into superficial and
deep parts
b) The secretomotor nerve suppy is derived from the facial nerve
c) The parotid duct pierces the buccinator muscle and opens into the mouth
d) The external carotid artery divides within its substance to form the
superficial temporal and maxillary arteries
e) The retromandibular vein is formed within it by the union of the superficial
temporal vein and maxillary vein

:The following statements concerning the head and neck are correct except .30
a) The mastoid process of the temporal bone cannot be palpated in the new
b) The deep cervical lymph nodes are situated in the neck along a line that
extends from the midpoint between the tip of the mastoid process and the
angle of the mandible down to the sternoclavicular joint
c) The external jugular vein runs down the neck from the angle of the jaw of
the middle of the clavicle
d) The anterior fontanelle can be palpated in a baby between the squamous
part of the temporal bone, the parietal bone, and the greater wing of the
e) The roots of the brachial plexus emerge into the posterior triangle on the
neck between the scalenus anterior and scalenus medius muscles

:The following facts concerning the tongue are correct except .31
a) The intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve
b) The taste buds of the vallate papillae are innervated by the
glossopharyngeal nerve
c) The posterior third of the tongue forms part of the anterior wall of the
d) Lymphoid tissue is found on the anterior third of the dorsum of the tongue
e) On either side of the frenulum of the tongue are situated the openings of the
submandibular ducts

?Which of the following muscles elevates the soft palate during swallowing .32
a) Tensor veli palatini
b) Palatoglossus
c) Palatopharyngeus
d) Levator veli palatini
e) Salpingopharyngeus
Which of the following muscles partially inserts on the articular disc of the .33
?temperomandibular joint
a) Medial pterygoid
b) Anterior fibers of the temporalis
c) Masseter
d) Posterior fibers of the temporalis
e) Lateral pterygoid

Assuming the patient's eyesight is normal, in which cranial nerve is there .34
?likely to be a lesion when the direct and consensual light reflexes are absent
a) Trochlear notch
b) Optic nerve
c) Abducent nerve
d) Oculomotor nerve
e) Trigeminal nerve

A patient is unable to taste a piece of sugar placed on the anterior part of the .35
?tongue. Which cranial nerve is likely to have a lesion
a) Hypoglossal
b) Vagus
c) Glossopharyngeal
d) Facial
e) Maxillary division of the trigeminal

On asking a patient to say "ah," the uvula is seen to be drawn upward to the .36
?right. Which cranial nerve is likely to be damaged
a) Left glossopharyngeal
b) Right hypoglossal
c) Left accessory (cranial part)
d) Right vagus
e) Right trigeminal

When testing the sensory innervation of the face, it is important to remember .37
:that the skin of the tip of the nose is supplied by one of the following nerves
a) Zygomatic branch of the facial nerve
b) Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
c) Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
d) External nasal branch of the facial nerve
e) Buccal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve

Impaired function of which of the following muscles produce difficulty in .38

?protruding the jaw
a) The anterior belly of the digastric
b) The lateral pterygoid
c) The medial pterygoid
d) The masseter
e) The temporalis

:The nasal cavity is closed off from the oropharynx during swallowing by .39
a) Elevation of the tongue to the roof of the mouth
b) Contraction of the aryepiglottic muscles
c) Contraction of the tensor and the levator veli palatine muscles
d) Relaxation of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles
e) Bending of the epiglottis
:A muscle that protrudes the tongue is .40
a) The styloglossus
b) The hyoglossus
c) The genioglossus
d) The palatoglossus
e) The mylohyoid

:All the following statements regarding the palatine tonsil are correct except .41
a) It is related laterally to the superior constrictor muscle and the external
palatine vein
b) The main blood supply is from the facial artery
c) The lymphatic drainage is into the submandibular lymph nodes
d) It is covered on its medial surface by mucous membrane and on its lateral
surface by a fibrous capsule
e) The tonsil reaches its maximum size during early childhood

Sustained tension of the vocal cords (folds) is best achieved through the .42
?action of which one of the following muscles
a) The cricopharyngeus
b) The cricothyroid
c) The aryepiglottic
d) The salpingopharyngeus
e) The posterior cicoarytenoid

Muscles or nerves that are responsible for adducting the eyeball (rotating the .43
:cornea medially) include the following except
a) The superior rectus muscle
b) The medial rectus muscle
c) The oculomotor nerve
d) The inferior oblique muscle
e) The inferior rectus muscle

During operations on the thyroid gland, the following nerve may be injured .44
:when tying the inferior thyroid artery
a) The sympathetic trunk
b) The internal laryngeal nerve
c) The descendens cervicalis
d) The recurrent laryngeal nerve
e) The superior laryngeal nerve

:The following facts regarding Horner's syndrome are true except .45
a) Ptosis may be present because of loss of innervation to the smooth muscle
portion of the levator palpebrae superioris
b) Pupillary constriction may occur because of loss of innervation to the
dilator pupillae muscle
c) Horner's syndrome can be caused by injury to the superior cervical
sympathetic ganglion
d) Excessive sweating may occur on one side of the face
e) Horner's syndrome can be caused by injury to the sympathetic chain (trunk)
in the neck
A patient has lost cutaneous sensation over the tip of the nose. Which nerve is .46
?most likely damaged
a) The facial nerve
b) The ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
c) The greater auricular nerve
d) The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
e) The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve

Infection of the middle ear can spread along all the following pathways .47
a) Through the tegmen tympani to the middle cranial fossa
b) Through the medial wall into the labyrinth
c) Through the canal for the tensor tympani muscle into the internal carotid
d) Through the floor into the internal jugular vein
e) Through the aditus to the mastoid antrum into the mastoid air cells

Compression of the facial nerve in the facial canal in the posterior wall of the .48
:middle ear could result in all the following except
a) A cessation of lacrimal secretion
b) Paralysis of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
c) Inability to whistle
d) Decreased saliva in the mouth
e) Loss of taste sensation to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue

:The Parotid Gland .49

a) Is related to the masseter muscle
b) Is penetrated through its lower part by the external carotid artery
c) Has a duct which pierces the buccinator muscle
d) Both B & C
e) A, B & C are correct

:Concerning the infra-temporal fossa .50

a) Its medial boundary is the medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate
b) Its lateral wall is the ramus of the mandible
c) It contains the maxillary artery
d) Both A & B
e) Both B & C

:All of the following provide innervation to the tongue except .51

a) Hypoglossal XII
b) Glossopharyngeal IX
c) Maxillary V2
d) Mandibular V3
e) Facial VII

:Select the correct pairing .52

a) Stylopharyngeus- pharyngeal plexus
b) Stylohyoid- vagus nerve
c) Levator palati- glossopharyngeal nerve
d) Palatopharyngeal- pharyngeal plexus
e) Palatoglossus- hypoglossal nerve
The foramen rotundum transmits the maxillary division of the 5th cranial .53
:nerve to the
a) Pterygopalatine fossa
b) Infratemporal fossa
c) Orbit
d) Foramen lacerum
e) Temporal fossa

:Concerning the larynx .54

a) The mucosa below the vocal cords is innervated by the recurrent laryngeal
b) The crico-thyroid muscle is innervated by a branch of the superior laryngeal
c) The posterior crico-arytenoid muscle adducts the vocal cords
d) Both A and B
e) Both B and C

:Select the correct pairing .55

a) Inferior constrictor- hyoid bone
b) Oropharynx- piriform recess
c) Anterior ethmoidal sinus- middle meatus
d) Nasolacrimal duct- bulla ethmoidalis
e) Choanae- external nares

Which of the following does not enter the orbit via the superior orbital .56
a) Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
b) Oculomotor nerve
c) Trochlear nerve
d) Abducent nerve
e) Opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve

:Select the correct statement .57

a) The laryngopharynx extends from the tip of the soft palate to the level of
the cricoid cartilage (C6)
b) The salpingopharyngeus muscle is innervated by the glossopharyngeal
c) The pharyngeal constrictor muscles have a common origin from the median
d) The pharyngeal tonsils lie in the nasopharynx
e) The levator palate muscle depresses the soft palate

:The following is not found in the pharynx .58

a) Piriform recess
b) Palatine tonsil
c) Vagus nerve
d) Lateral glossoepiglottic fold
e) None of the above
Each of the following structures is found (in part) within the posterior .59
:triangle of the neck except
a) Accessory nerve
b) Transverse cervical artery
c) Subclavian vein
d) Occipital artery
e) Internal carotid artery

:Which one of the following statements is true .60

a) Thyrocervical trunk comes off the second part of the subclavian artery
b) Costocervical trunk comes off the second part of the subclavian artery
c) Superior thyroid artery is a branch of the thyrocervical
d) Suprascapular artery is often a branch of the costocervical trunk
e) Internal thoracic artery is a branch of the third part of the subclavian artery

:The accessory meningeal artery enters the skull via .61

a) Foramen ovale
b) Foramen lacerum
c) Foramen spinosum
d) Foramen rotundum

:The sternocleidomastoid muscle .62

a) Is located beneath the platysma muscle
b) Acts alone to tilt the head to its own side and rotate face to the opposite side
c) Both A & B
d) Neither A or B

:The only laryngeal cartilage to completely encircle the airway is the .63
a) Thyroid cartilage
b) Cricoid cartilage
c) Epiglottic cartilage
d) Arytenoid cartilage
e) Corniculate cartilage

The only intrinsic laryngeal muscle not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal .64
:nerve is the
a) Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
b) Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
c) Thyroarytenoid muscle
d) Transverse arytenoid muscle
e) Cricothyroid muscle

The internal laryngeal nerve passes between the following two structures to .65
:enter the larynx
a) Cricoid and thyroid cartilages
b) Cricoid and arytenoids cartilages
c) Thyroid and epiglottic cartilages
d) Thyroid cartilage and hyoid
e) Hyoid bone and epiglottic cartilage
:The action(s) of the lateral pterygoid muscle includes .66
a) Lateral displacement of the mandible
b) Elevation of the mandible
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B

:The internal jugular vein .67

a) Lies within the carotid sheath
b) Receives the inferior petrosal sinus
c) Vagus lies between it and internal carotid artery
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

:Select the correct pairing .68

a) Pharyngeal tonsil- Oropharynx
b) Maxillary sinus- Superior meatus
c) Posterior ethmoid air cells- Middle meatus
d) Middle ear- Nasopharynx
e) Sphenoid sinus- Hiatus semilunaris

The auriculotemporal nerve is split as it travels through the infratemporal .69

?fossa by which of the following vessels
a) Deep auricular artery
b) Middle meningeal artery
c) Anterior tympanic artery
d) Posterior deep temporal artery

:The internal carotid artery .70

a) Is contained within the carotid sheath
b) Serves as a major source of blood for the brain, pituitary gland and eye
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B

:Motor nerves of the cervical plexus include .71

a) Phrenic
b) Ansa cervicalis
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B

Select the correct structures passing between the middle and inferior .72
a) Superior laryngeal vessels
b) External laryngeal nerve
c) Internal laryngeal nerve
d) Both A & B
e) Both A & C

:Select the correct statement regarding the medial lemniscus .73

a) It begins in the spinal cord
b) It is formed of the lateral and anterior spinothalamic tracts
c) It is concerned with proprioception (muscle – joint sense)
d) It ends in the sensory area of the cortex
e) It lies lateral to the spinal lemniscus

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