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“During the zenith period of Grecian and Roman civilization, monogamy was not half as firmly
established as the rule that a health-loving man should content himself with one meal a day, and
never eat till he had leisure to digest, i.e., not till the day’s work was wholly done.

For more than a thousand years the one-meal plan was the established rule among the civilized
nations inhabiting the coast-lands of the Mediterranean. The evening repast–call it supper or
dinner–was a kind of domestic festival, the reward of the day’s toil, an enjoyment which rich and
poor refrained from marring by premature gratifications of their appetites” (McFadden & Oswald,

“At the period of their greatest power, the Greeks and Romans ate only one meal a
day” (Shelton, 1928).

“The Romans believed it was healthier to eat only one meal a day,” she [Caroline Yeldam] says.
“They were obsessed with digestion and eating more than one meal was considered a form of
gluttony. This thinking impacted on the way people ate for a very long time” (Winterman, 2012).


A tool for staying lean, building lean muscle, enjoying optimal brain health, and slowing aging
through flexible, short-term fasting

OMAD (one meal a day) is a “stricter” form of intermittent fasting. It entails a feeding window of
1-2 hours, enabling your body to coincide in the fasted state for 22-23 hours.
OMAD can be considered a tool for anyone needing to lose weight or a natural approach to anti-
aging for those in their late 30s.
Utilizing a one-meal-a-day approach as a tool can help your body to burn its own fat for fuel and
can give you more time to be productive! It can also help with mental clarity and will simplify
your meal planning.
OMAD is not a diet. It’s a tool. It is simply eating all of your calories in a short feeding window
compared to a longer feeding window. Making this switch can have a significant impact on your
metabolism, lean muscle gains and even longevity! It is a different way of eating your food.
Is it for you? Perhaps, but you will need to experiment with different feeding windows to find out
what fits your body, lifestyle and targeted goals. It can be done daily, weekly, when traveling or
whenever you choose.
To those who are reluctant or think OMAD is “way out there,” then consider the following:
• What makes more sense: Drinking three Weight Watchers’ shakes over a period of eight hours
OR eating organ meats, clean fats and veggies in season within a 1-2 hour window?
• Our ancestors hunted all day and dined at night with their tribes. This is more of an OMAD
approach. They were strong, lean and full of energy.
• Some cultures have always eaten their food in a short feeding window—1 meal per day!
If grazing on food all day hasn’t worked for you, perhaps a shorter feeding window is worth a


There are so many reasons to use OMAD as a tool for longevity! Some of the many reasons are
listed below:

• Weight loss
• Anti-aging and longevity
• Easier lean muscle gains
• Gut health and hormone balance
• More time for productivity
• More appreciation for food in general, knowing the signs of true hunger
• Can help with emotional eating
• Less chance of making poor food choices multiple times a day
• Decreased food budget
• Boost in growth hormone, detoxification of cells/autophagy


Absolutely, and probably more than you think! In fact, you may not be eating enough protein in
the three meals that you consume over your 8-hour-plus feeding window!
Eating protein and other micronutrients all at once, once a day, could possibly even help your
body better absorb, metabolize and utilize them as shown by a few studies performed on older
women. For example, 150 grams of protein in one meal can be better absorbed and
metabolized over a 24-hour period, enabling better protein synthesis to occur (especially when
you’re sleeping!) than eating 150 grams over a period of eight or more hours.


If you focus on nutrient-dense real foods that are high in protein and fat, you won’t have a
problem eating enough calories in a short feeding window. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat your
dark leafy greens and berries in season.
Believe it or not, you can actually surpass your caloric needs in any feeding window! It is
possible to put on weight if you eat more than your body expends—even on OMAD—just like it
is in any other feeding window you choose.

Although many may think it’s easier for the body to digest multiple meals throughout the day, our
ancestors knew innately that digestion was extremely important. Eating in short feeding
windows made it easier to digest food, even if it was a larger meal. Compare sitting at a dining
table chewing your food in 1-2 hours and enabling your body to digest it fully in a 22-23 hour
window to chewing your food in 10 minutes and only allowing your body a few hours to digest it
before you introduce another meal.


There are so many factors that can cause hormone imbalance. Could a short feeding window
do so? Perhaps. The only way you will know is by experimenting with different approaches to
see what works best for your body. OMAD can be implemented often or periodically. If you try to
transition too quickly and do it daily after grazing on food in a 10-hour feeding window for years,
your body likely won’t respond well. It loves balance. Take it slowly and give your body a chance
to adapt. If you love the way it makes you feel and how it fits your lifestyle, play around with it.


You can determine what is healthy for you by gaging factors such as strength, energy, libido,
happiness, skin health and brain health. Blood work and other testing can also provide useful
assessments; however, remember that these are snapshots of moments in time. You cannot
wholly depend on a reading to determine what is healthy for your unique body. If it feels good
intuitively, go with it. If it doesn’t, you’ll learn to make adjustments.

There are unhealthy lean people, and there are unhealthy obese people. What truly is the
definition of being unhealthy? The answer is learning what is healthy for you.
Do what feels good to you!
Certainly, just like they can change when a person switches to Keto, Carnivore or even a plant-
based diet. Change isn’t always negative. Bowel movements may actually be more consistent
when you’re more consistent with how and what you eat.
Bowel movements change with any change in diet or how you eat, and these are not
necessarily bad changes, just different.
Here are some changes, for example:
• Keto diet – You may experience constipation initially if consuming coconut products or perhaps
loose stools with excess fat.
• Plant-based diet - Bowel movements may be larger with more fiber.
• Carnivore diet - Bowel movements may be smaller due to less fiber, and your body has less
waste to excrete.
Tips for chronic constipation:
• Taking a magnesium supplement before bedtime (Myorelax or Calm) can really help keep your
bowel movements become more regular. Remember to also chew your food well and don’t over-
eat in your feeding window. Eat until you reach 85% satiety (this will get easier with practice).
• Focusing on foods that are easy to digest will also help your bowel movements.
• Eating your OMAD meal at least two hours before bedtime so that your body can better digest
your food and you can sleep better. Also consider eating your animal protein and foods that are
more difficult to digest in the beginning of your feeding window and finish with the foods that are
easier to digest.


Choose a feeding window that fits your lifestyle. Being consistent is important for the best
results, but it’s ok to be flexible within reason for social reasons.
For example, you normally eat from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. What do you do if you have guests
over for dinner and they’re coming at 6:30 pm? Don’t panic. Simply move your window from
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm; though consider trying to finish eating by 8:00 pm so your sleep isn’t
interrupted. Then resume your regular feeding window the following day. Overall, your fasting
window may fluctuate from 20 hours to 24/25 hours, depending on when you eat each night.
No matter what window you choose, aim to finish eating at least 90 minutes before bedtime so
your large meal doesn’t interrupt your sleep cycle.
Absolutely! You can choose a window in the morning if you love a large meal first thing. You can
also choose a window early afternoon around lunchtime. The point is to try and stay consistent
with this feeding time by choosing one that fits your lifestyle and is sustainable.

Assuming you have been eating three meals (or multiple meals) per day, when you make the
switch to OMAD, it may not be easy. Consider starting slowly, trying shorter feeding windows to
begin before you choose to eat in a one-to-two-hour window. Already being Keto-adapted can
really help with this transition.
Initially, you may feel hunger pains, fatigue, perhaps feel emotional, experience hormonal
changes or just feel unsure. These symptoms are all very normal. Knowing the difference
between red flags and false alarms is key. Examples:
• If you’re feeling light-headed, then eat.
• If you're feeling weak and losing strength for a period of time, extend your feeding window.
• If you’re losing hair or your menstrual cycle stops for a period of time (although initially with
any stress, this may happen), extend your feeding window.

The point is this: OMAD is a tool. You don’t need to do it every single day, if at all.
Transitioning to a short feeding window can switch your body’s (and brain’s) preferred fuel
source from glucose-dependent to primarily burning ketones. However, there are other factors
that may significantly help this metabolic process, such as lifestyle, current body composition,
food choices and your activity level.
Transitioning may not be easy! It can take weeks or even months to adapt, and it won’t be a
linear progression! You need to allow time for your body to figure it out innately. I highly
recommend transitioning slowly, especially if you have been eating a diet high in carbohydrates
and have been grazing for years. Take your time. Plan realistic goals. Try an 8-hour feeding
window first, and then perhaps cycle in a 4-hour feeding window once a week. You will know
when you are ready to try a longer fast.
Too many changes may throw your body off, including your hormones, causing loss of hair and
other adrenal thyroid symptoms. The body loves balance and too much stress at once isn’t the
answer to keeping you in balance. So as you implement OMAD into your lifestyle, be sure to
write in a journal and track how you’re feeling. Evaluate your sleep and manage any stress that
you are having with work with some deep breaths and self-love.
Transitioning to Keto-adaptation may help you through a longer fasting window without feeling
hunger pains. New to Keto? Consider becoming Keto-adapted before you choose one meal a
day. Too many changes at once may throw your body off and frustrate you. Simply cycling in
real food carbohydrates in season, focusing on nutrient-dense foods and cutting out the
processed foods, sugars and snacks will significantly make a difference and start you on your
Keto journey! Being fat-adapted will also help you know what true hunger feels like! It can take
the body months to switch from being glucose-dependent to utilizing your own body’s fat for

Create some consistency—with your meals, with your daily exercise, with your sleep schedule,
and with your healthy habits (examples: dining, meditation, sauna therapy). When you feel
ready, try shorter feeding windows each week. Then experiment with a 24-hour fast once a
week for a month or two. Then decide where you want to take your feeding windows each week
and then each day. Being flexible and learning to experiment with what works best for YOU is
key. Remember, OMAD (and time-restricted feeding) is a tool, not a diet. Of course, consistency
will bring you to your goals more quickly, but being flexible will keep this approach sustainable.

Surrounding yourself with a good support system, reading a good book, getting a massage,
having a warm cup of decaf tea or going for a relaxing walk are ways that can get you through
some of the tough transition periods that food often band aids, especially for emotional eaters.

There is no right or wrong way to utilize OMAD. If you choose a longer feeding window, that’s
OK! If you choose to eat in a 1-2 hour window once or twice a week, great! Twice a year,
fabulous! There are many approaches to time-restricted feeding and fasting, and they’re all
equally as effective. Pick the approach that best fits your lifestyle.


• Strict OMAD: A daily 1-hour feeding window
Start slowly if strict OMAD is your ultimate goal. Play with shorter feeding windows to get your
body better adapted rather than starting “cold turkey.” This will be less of a stress on your body
and will help with the transition period, especially if fasting is new for you.
Being Keto-adapted for weeks can also help with this transition. The reason for this is you will
find that you can go for a longer period of time without feeling hunger pains when your body and
brain are utilizing their own fat for fuel.

• Cyclical OMAD: Consistently cycling in a 23-24 hour fast once a week.

One or two short-term fasts a week can also help you reach your goals, especially if your priority
is weight loss and fasting is new for you. Once or twice a week is not as intimidating as a daily
22-24 hour fast.

• Flexible OMAD: A 24-hour-plus fast periodically (the same approach as cyclical OMAD just not
as frequent).
Consider fasting for a longer period of time if you choose to fast periodically; for example, 36-48
hours or longer for autophagy to occur. Practice a few 24-hour fasts before doing so.


Strict OMAD is one meal a day in a 1-hour feeding window.
Flexible OMAD by my definition is:
• A feeding window that is minimum 2 hours so that mealtime is not rushed, and you can
evaluate your hunger intuitively.
• A tool, (not a diet!) that can be practiced daily or cycled to fit your lifestyle and targeted goals
• A no-rules approach to intermittent fasting
• Having flexibility during your fasting window to tailor it to what feels best, such as adding MCT
or a little butter to your coffee in the morning or taking BCAAS, electrolytes, or a little protein
powder supplement when resistance training to aid in lean muscle building.

Flexible OMAD can be a tool that you use daily, seasonally, or whenever you choose to fit your
particular lifestyle. You may find that flexible OMAD is your preference or that cycling it once a
week is a better approach. The choice is yours. When you enable the power of choice, things
become sustainable, and they work for life.

You can use OMAD as a tool for weight loss, for convenience in a busy lifestyle, to help
digestion, and to aid in autophagy and longevity. We will take you through the transition
process, tips for OMAD success, how to meal prep, the best food choices, how to move your
body when choosing a short feeding window, and recommended supplements to take.
Which style of fasting is best? Check out the YouTube video High Intensity Health with Mike
Mutzel and Peter Attia, MD (Mutzel, 2019). Dr. Peter explains that there are over 50 ways to
fast. The one that works for your lifestyle is the best approach for you.


“How the heck can I eat in a 1-2 hour window?” is a very common question!
How much protein, fat and carbs (macronutrients/macros) should you eat and can you safely
eat in such a short feeding window? What about calories?
You will need to experiment with what foods make you feel your best just like any other
approach to eating and no matter what feeding window you choose.
However, eating meals that are low glycemic may help you through the fasting window. When
your body is Keto-adapted and primarily utilizing its own fat for fuel, you may find it easier to fast
for 21-24 hours without getting hunger pains!
Here are some different approaches to eating your OMAD meal:
• Strict Keto OMAD - high in fat, moderate in protein, low in carbs (typically 30 grams or less
total carbohydrates)
To calculate your macros: Set your net carbs per day (25 grams), then calculate protein
requirements based on lean body mass and activity level. The remaining calories come from
good sources of fat.
e.g., 5% carbs, 80% fat, 15% protein

• Cyclical Keto OMAD - moderate in fat, moderate in protein, moderate-low in carbs

This can be for those who prefer adding carbohydrates into their meal plans when in season or
weekly to better reach their goals.
The amount of carbohydrates added to the meal will depend on foods in season and targeted
goals. As carbs increase on your plate, fat should decrease. Keep protein moderate to high.

• Keto-Carnivore OMAD - high in animal protein, primarily fatty animal meat

Protein needs are calculated, and then more animal-sourced fat is added to meet caloric needs.
Examples of added fats are ghee/butter/lard and egg yolks. Typically carbs are zero or very low.
Some OMAD-ers find this approach to be fabulous for satiety. Protein is very satiating, and
many people experience simultaneous lean muscle gains along with fat loss when using this
approach. You can cycle this method or try it consistently if your digestion permits you to and if
you can handle a very high amount of protein in a short period of time.

• High-Protein Keto OMAD

(My personal favorite meal plan)
An OMAD meal that is moderate-high in fatty animal protein but balanced with added fat from
animal sources and/or low-carb plant sources such as ghee, avocado, a few low carb nuts/
seeds, and egg yolks. It is more flexible than strict carnivore. Added fat from animal sources and
lower carb plant sources reduce the amount of animal meat needed to meet caloric needs and
keep an individual Keto-adapted. It is high-moderate protein, high-to-moderate fat and low carb.
This method, like Keto-Carnivore, is very satiating and can help you fast for 22-24 hours each
day. It can be cycled with other meal plans or it can be done consistently just like any preferred
meal plan. This method works well for those who do well with moderate-high protein and who
need to add in some fat to keep protein from reaching a number that is too high for their liking. It
is also a good approach for those who have a difficult time digesting large amounts of animal
protein in a short feeding window.

Any meal plan can be executed in a 1-2 hour window, even a plant-based one. Planning your
micronutrients is key, especially when plant-based. Make sure to eat enough plant protein and
add a good branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplement for the leucine you’ll miss in a plant-
based diet.


Pick the OMAD plan that best fits you!
A shorter feeding window does not necessarily mean you have to change the real foods that you
love to eat! The only difference is the time in which you eat your food!
That being said, eating foods higher in micronutrient-dense sources of protein and fat can really
help you with satiety throughout the fasting window. Being Keto-adapted can also help your
body burn its own fat for fuel rather than rely on glucose for fuel, which your body will prioritize if
you eat more carbohydrates.
Consider changing how your plate looks daily, depending on your activity level!
If you are more sedentary, perhaps choose a meal very low in carbohydrates, moderate protein
and higher in fat (Strict Keto) with fewer calories.
If you have a very busy, active day and then hit the gym and lift challenging weights for 45
minutes, consider choosing a meal higher in protein, moderate in carbohydrates in season and
lower in fat.
Your plate can also look different as the seasons change, if you aim to eat foods in season
when possible.
For example, you may find you crave lighter foods in the warmer months when veggies and
berries are in season. You also may choose more plant-based proteins, such as nuts and
seeds, and enjoy dark, leafy greens and berries from your own back yard.
In the cooler months, you may crave more animal meat when the veggies are not in season.
A sustainable way of eating can’t feel like a restricted way of eating.
The key is to choose foods that are organic, very nutrient-dense and local whenever possible.


(Keep in mind; I’m very active, lifting challenging weights 5-6 days per week and typically
clocking 18K-plus steps in a day.)
High-Protein Keto (HPK) meals Monday-Saturday
Feeding windows:
• OMAD (2-hour feeding window) Monday, Wednesday, Friday (easier gym days)
• 4-6-hour feeding window Tuesday and Thursday, Sunday = 2 meals (tougher gym workouts
and activity).
Sunday: Calorie surplus day with protein and/or fat.
Meal #1: large brunch full of protein, good fats, veggies in season.
Meal #2: Moderate meal full of protein, good fats & a low glycemic dessert (whey/collagen/
berries in season/superfoods)
This plan works for me. Is it always the same? No, because I’m human. Feeding windows can
change due to social events, travel, work, hunger, you name it.
The best plan for you is one that keeps you eating clean for life! You will need to experiment
with different scenarios.


Tracking your macronutrients may initially help you figure out what you’re truly eating, especially
if your eating habits have not been consistent.
Take the time to set a baseline by tracking your food intake for few weeks. A good app for this
on an iPhone is “CARB MANAGER.” There are many good apps that you can use to track your
macros. They will give you an idea of how much protein, fat and carbs you are eating, and they
also track important micronutrients.
With a goal in mind to eventually eat intuitively (or at least to journal your food intake), weighing
out your food on a kitchen scale may be necessary to give you an idea of portion sizes and what
they look like.
This is a necessary step whether your goal is to lose weight, gain lean muscle or maintain your
current weight (yet increase muscle and decrease fat simultaneously for life).
Setting goals in your macronutrient calculator can help you reach your goals more quickly by
holding you accountable and making you stop and think before you eat everything you want!
The key is to learn how to eyeball your food so that you don’t need to depend on counting your
macros every single day (unless you are eating a food that is new to you or you’re prepping for
a bodybuilding competition).
Becoming obsessed with counting macros can backfire. The body is smarter than you think! It
loves change and doesn’t rely on eating the same number of calories, protein grams, fat grams
and carb grams every single day!
Learning to eat intuitively is the #1 goal, especially whether or not you choose a longer feeding
window or a very short feeding window.
You don’t want to get into the habit of planning your macros and feeling badly about yourself for
not following them strictly nor do you want to feel that you need to eat 20 more grams of protein
or fat to meet your macro calculator requirements. Being intuitive is ultimately your goal when
eating food and feeling your best.
One of the most difficult transitions when going OMAD is knowing when to stop eating. Yes, it’s
possible to overeat even during a very short feeding window! Can you gain weight going
OMAD? Absolutely! It is very possible to surpass your daily caloric needs even in a 2-hour
feeding window!
Although tracking your macros is recommended initially, the most important factor is keeping
your food real and micronutrient-dense. Gut health is key. An inflamed gut from processed foods
will not burn fat no matter what your macros look like on My Macros+.


The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states you can eat much more than 40 grams of
protein in a meal. Myth bust! In fact, your body may love a lot more protein than you think, as we
discuss in our introduction video.
Different protein sources are absorbed in the small intestine at different rates.
Don’t be afraid to chow down that protein! Protein will keep you feeling satiated and will help
support all functions of your body, including muscle protein synthesis. Your body will take the
protein that it needs when it needs it in a 24-hour period, so eat heartily (but chew mindfully).
Consider mixing different proteins in your meal! For example, fixing a bowl of ground beef, lamb
liver, oysters, some activated walnuts and some whey protein and collagen pudding for dessert!
I recommend building your OMAD meals around your protein source(s). Protein is key for
muscle protein synthesis, hair, skin, nails, ligaments, cartilage, bones, blood … you name it.
Protein can also greatly help with satiety through your 22 hour fasting window!


Many people make the mistake of grazing on fat when Keto, as they try to fit in their daily
requirements over a large feeding window. It can take hours for the body to metabolize fat! Does
having a butter coffee and then a fatty meal three hours later sound like you? Your body may be
having a difficult time digesting all of that fat at different times of the day. When you eat all of
your fat in one large meal, your body only needs to digest everything once! Result? Better
digestion and more consistent energy and bowel movements.
Choosing fattier cuts of meat should enable you to eat an OMAD meal without having to add too
much additional fat. Fat is good but it can be over-consumed. Eating more fat does not mean
you’re more Keto-adapted. The whole point of being Keto-adapted is to enable your body to
burn its own fat for fuel. You will need to experiment with your protein and fat ratios to find your
own sweet spot. Some days you may feel the need to eat more protein. Other days you may
crave more fat. This can look different daily!
That being said, add fat if your meat is lean—for satiety and additional calories if need be.
If you choose to add carbohydrates to your meals, reduce the fat accordingly because fat and
carbs don’t pair well.


Adding any carbohydrates to your OMAD meal is completely optional! If you’re following a Keto-
Carnivore approach, you won’t need to add any. Often, I will eat a Keto-Carnivore meal in the
winter when vegetables are not in season.
I’ve never worried about vegetables grown above the ground and I eat seasonally. Starchy
carbohydrates, such as root vegetables, sweet potatoes and squashes, I eat seasonally as well,
but my portion sizes are much smaller. Why? I don’t need them nor crave them. They tend to
make me feel bloated. That’s just me.
So the answer is YES! Eating vegetables grown above the ground and below the ground can
add color, texture, umami, additional polyphenols and resistant starch to your OMAD meal,
keeping you excited about your feeding window and most importantly feeling satiated during
your fasting window. However, if they throw your body out of ketosis to the point where you get
frequent hunger pains and crave carbs, you may want to re-evaluate the types of carbs, the
frequency you’re eating and the portion sizes that you’re eating.


Sure! It’s a tool. Do what you wish! It may be more difficult staying low in carbs and getting in
enough protein in a short feeding window as fiber is very filling, but you can try! Worst case
scenario: increase your feeding window to enable two large meals instead of one over 4-6


Remember- the key is to eat to satiety so your calories can look different daily, depending on
your activity level and what your body metabolically needs.
If you’re worried about getting in enough calories and possibly losing weight, you’d be surprised
to know how many calories you can pack in when eating fat. Again, a Keto-Carnivore approach
may suit you in this case, or you can simply increase your feeding window.


Rotating your macros according to your goals (and with the seasons) can be an easy way to
introduce enough change in your nutrition so your body won’t plateau. We require different
amounts of energy each day depending on the season and activity level among other factors.
Ultimately, your body is like a thermostat. It wants to be balanced and it has its own set point.
Being intuitive is the ultimate goal that helps you know when you’re hungry, how much to eat,
how much protein/fat and carbs you need per meal and when to stop eating. No macronutrient
calculator can be intuitive for you! It is a tool to help you with a baseline, but it’s simply numbers.
For example, your body may need only 1600 calories one day, lots of protein, no carbs and
more fat consumption for whatever reason—you’re listening to your body’s needs. On another
day, your body may need 2000 calories, some carbohydrates in season (or to get you through
your workout), some plant protein and less fat consumption. Being intuitive is not always easy; it
can take practice, especially after being socially programmed to eat processed foods multiple
times per day. Let listening be the primary goal. A short feeding window can really help with this
intuition, especially when it comes down to just knowing what hunger feels like again.
So, although you may like the idea of eating 120 grams of protein every single day and exactly
1900 calories, your body probably doesn’t understand. It just wants to function optimally.
Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t meet your macro count for the day. Look at your macro
calculator as a tool to help you rather than the means to define you and your health. Just like a
bathroom scale, having an idea of how much you weigh or what you eat is important, but don’t
let it define you or ruin your day if the numbers aren’t at your ideal. What truly matters is how
you feel energetically, happiness-wise and brain-wise. How you feel is much more important
than if your macro count takes you over (or under!) your targeted numbers.
That being said, if you focus on local foods in season whenever possible, this can be a good
start. If particular foods cause gut disturbance, just don’t eat them, no matter what the benefits
are in these foods. We’re all built differently, so although Brussels sprouts may work well for
Sally, they may not work well for you.
Similarly, Keto may have helped Martha lose 50 pounds, but it does not necessarily mean it will
help you lose the same weight or any weight at all. Keto-Carnivore may have helped Bob put on
more muscle mass and get “ripped,” but it doesn’t necessarily mean it will do the same for you!
Do what feels good. Any real food nutrition plan can enable you to burn your own body fat for
fuel if it is sustainable and feels good. And yes, movement, resistance training, time-restricted
feeding and a low-glycemic plan have been shown to really help (especially with age), but
remember you are unique.
If you choose a shorter feeding window, what you eat in that window ought to make you happy,
nourished and satiated during your fasting window. If it does not, then you either need to make a
change to what you’re eating or extend your feeding window. It’s that simple.

Meal examples are shown in Chapter 3: REAL FOOD CHOICES, MEAL PREPARATION AND
RECIPES to help you rotate macronutrients per week and per season.
Regardless of whether you choose a longer feeding window or a short feeding window, your
body will love you for eating micronutrient-dense foods. Period.
If you choose to eat once a day, make sure you meal prep and plan what you will be eating,
focusing on the most nutrient-dense foods possible. Make sure to also plan your
supplementation as a backup (see supplements, Chapter 6).
A list of nutrient-dense foods has been provided in a section in Chapter 3 called MUTZEL
You can absolutely fulfill the micronutrient and fiber requirements for your body in a short
feeding window, even when choosing Keto-Carnivore meals!


Month 1
Goal: To become Keto-adapted
Meals: Low carb, moderate-high protein, moderate-high fat. Cyclical Keto (CKD) approach.
Avoid starchy carbohydrates (root veggies in moderation; focus on vegetables grown above the
Focus on low-glycemic foods. Avoid sugar and limit processed foods.
Feeding window:
Try an 8-hour feeding window with a 16-hour fasting window (Leangains approach to
intermittent fasting).
No snacking, 2 large meals and one small meal.
Movement: Fasted 30-minute easy walk every morning. Stay moving throughout the day.
Month 2
Goal: To focus on staying consistent with low-glycemic meals. Hunger pains will not be as bad
once Keto-adapted. Not snacking throughout the day between meals should get easier.
Feeding window:
Try a 6-hour feeding window for a couple of days during the week. Eat two meals maximum with
no snacking on these days. Focus on High-Protein Keto (HPK)/Keto-Carnivore-type meals for
better satiety—low carb, high protein, moderate-high fat.
Movement: Increase your walking to a fasted 45 minutes easy movement each morning.
Introduce some easy resistance training 2-3 days per week. Stay moving every day (don’t sit for
long periods of time).
Month 3
Goal: To keep meals consistently low carb. Add in some different sources of protein—organ
meats for example. Rotate/mix up your proteins. Try alternating how your plate looks each night.
Week example:
High-Protein Keto (HPK) meal day 1 (6-hour feeding window, two normal meals, no snacks)
High-Protein Keto (HPK) meal day 2 (8-hour feeding window, two normal meals, one smaller
Keto meal day 3 (8-hour feeding window, two normal meals, one smaller meal)
Keto-Carnivore meal day 4 (6-hour feeding window, two normal meals, no snacks)
High-Protein Keto (HPK) meal day 5 (6-hour feeding window, two normal meals, no snacks)
Optional Plant-based Keto meal day 6 (8-hour feeding window, two normal meals, no snacks)
Cyclical Keto (CKD) meal day 7 (optional carb re-feed with root veggies/berries in season)
Note: “Normal meals” mean eat mindfully to satiety.
Movement: Increase your walking to a fasted 60 minutes moderate movement each morning.
Increase your load when resistance training and begin to challenge yourself three days per
week. (A trainer is recommended to set up a plan and teach you good form.)
Month 4
Goal: Change daily feeding window to 6 hours, two normal meals, no snacks.
Movement: Stays consistent (same as Month 3)
Month 5
Goal: Throw in a 22-hour fast once a week (2-hour feeding window, one large meal).
Everything else stays consistent (same as Month 4). Choose the day that suits you best. It can
change each week.
Month 6
Goal: Cycle in 2 x 22-hour fasts (2-hour feeding window, one large meal) each week (two days
on OMAD, five days with 6-hour feeding window).
Everything else stays consistent.
Month 7
Goal: Stay with the program or try adding another 22-hour fast in your week (three days on
OMAD, four days on 6-hour feeding window). At this point, it is up to you to pick the number of
days per week that you choose to eat OMAD. It may be less, it may be daily! Being Keto-
adapted will help you know what feels right.
Movement: Stays consistent (same as Month 6)
Month 8
Choose your OMAD. By now, you should have a pretty good idea about how OMAD feels and
what best fits your lifestyle, goals and what is sustainable.
Movement: Challenge yourself by adding another day of resistance training at home or at the
gym. Increase your steps per day (Fitbit/Oura Ring tracker). For example, you normally do 10K
steps per day, try 12K per day!
This gives you an idea of how to transition in a way that won’t be too stressful on your body. You
may find that you can be much more aggressive with change each week/each month or that you
need to take it easier and take more time to adjust to change.
There is no right or wrong way, just make changes as you feel ready. The key is consistency
and feeling good. OMAD is a tool, not a diet. If you need to cycle in longer feeding windows
periodically, go for it! If you really need more carbohydrates weekly, eat them! These are just

Remember, OMAD is just a tool. It does not have to be every single day!! Tailor your feeding
windows to what feels best for you.
For example, you may find that it is easier to stick to a 1-2 hour feeding window during the
winter months; but in the summer months, when daylight hours are longer, you enjoy a longer
feeding window. That’s OK!
Perhaps you enjoy a shorter feeding window on days that you’re working at the office or running
around doing a million errands! However, on more relaxed weekend days, you would rather eat
within a 4-6 hour window. Perfect!
Create your own unique approach. Whatever keeps you on track to your targeted goals, stick
with it. It will change with time too!
Be flexible!!! “Don’t sweat the small stuff!!”
For example:
You eat from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Monday. Tuesday you find you get hungry at 3:00 pm and
eat from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm—2 meals. Wednesday you have guests over and eat from 6:00 pm
to 8:30 pm. Thursday you have a relaxed day and prefer your feeding window to be OMAD 5:00
pm-7:00 pm. Friday you have an extreme hike planned and really want a fatty coffee in the
morning, so you put butter in your coffee at 9:00 am and decide to increase your feeding
window with two meals later in the day—the first meal at 2:00 pm and the second meal at 7:00
The following week you are on vacation from the office and can do a steady, consistent 5:00
pm-6:30 pm feeding window Monday-Friday. However, on Saturday you have guests over and
will increase your feeding window from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
You see what I mean? Don’t restrict yourself or allow eating this way to rule your life. You are in
Keep your relationship with food a good one.
How much you eat will depend on what your targeted goals are. If you want to lose quite a bit of
body fat, you’ll need to eat in a healthy caloric deficit. Examples are shown in Chapter 4,
“Building Your OMAD Meals.”
Tracking your macros and counting calories will hold you accountable and keep you on track,
but you will need to experiment for a few weeks to find out what your maintenance calories,
protein and fat numbers (approximate) are so that you can create a plan that a healthy caloric
deficit helps you to lose body fat more aggressively. As you come close to your targeted body
fat percentage, assuming you are implementing more movement, resistance training and a
shorter feeding window and you are Keto-adapted, this number will change. It won’t be a linear
process, and the body has different energy requirements every single day, every season and as
you age! Playing with your protein and fat ratios can also help you burn more body fat for fuel
once you have a better idea of what ratios work for you.
The numbers in your macro calculator are just numbers. Their purpose is to hold you
accountable for what goes into your mouth, but they’re not magic numbers. Your body may burn
100 grams of protein and 90 grams of fat less more efficiently than your next-door neighbor! We
all metabolize macronutrients differently and uniquely. This is why a one-size-fits-all diet doesn’t
work for everyone. Every nutrition plan (and fitness plan) needs to be tailored to each individual
with plenty of experimentation and lots of patience.
Experimenting with your body should be ongoing. External and internal factors are constantly
changing, so be open to change and embrace the change.
You’ll need to play around with different amounts of protein, fats, carbs and calories in your
meals and track the results.
Eat mindfully to a comfortable satiety. Evaluate your hunger 30 minutes later. Eat again to
Let’s dive into Chapter 2!
Chapter 2 talks about TIPS on how to eat OMAD slowly, steadily and successfully!

McFadden, B., & Oswald, F. (1900). Fasting, Hydropathy, Exercise. New York: The Physical
Culture Publishing Co. Retrieved from
Mutzel, M. High Intensity Health. (2019, June 6). Peter Attia, MD: Fasting, Autophagy and
mTOR inhibition. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Shelton, H. (1928). Human Life, Its Philosophy and Laws: An Exposition of the Principles and
Practices of Orthopathy. Oklahoma City: How to Live Pub. Co. Retrieved from https://
Winterman, D. (2012, November 15). Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Have we always eaten them?
BBC News Magazine. Retrieved from
Transitioning to a shorter feeding window should not happen overnight. In fact, I don't
recommend doing so. Here are some tips that will make it easier for you to find out what feeding
window works best for you, your lifestyle and your targeted goals.
Becoming Keto-adapted is highly recommended before trying to reduce your feeding window,
especially if you have been grazing on carbs all day long and this is all very new for you. When
you become fat-adapted, fasting is just easier. Your body will burn its own fat for fuel and you
shouldn’t get the hunger pains that you may have had when eating a diet high in carbohydrates.
This can take time.
If your feeding window is currently quite large, play around with short feeding windows to get
comfortable with what works for you. Perhaps a 6-hour window, then a 4-hour window, then try a
2-hour window. Be flexible with what works for you. This is key.
Restricting your feeding window to less than an hour may feel too rushed. You want to aim for a
comfortable, relaxed satiety. Nourishing your body and brain are key. Rushing through a meal
may cause indigestion, and you may feel hungry during your fasting window. It is also tough
socially and could make you feel like an OMAD failure every time you exceed your hour feeding
window. Chill out, relax, eat mindfully, chew slowly, and enjoy your food with good company
even when you eat one meal. Make your feeding window an experience every single time.
Taking your time will also prevent you from overeating.

OMAD is an art. You have a short period of time to eat, so make it nutrient-dense and real.
Chapter 3 will guide you through easy, efficient ways to prepare your meals for the week no
matter if you choose an OMAD feeding window or a larger feeding window.


Umami will help your satiety. Including a mix of savory, sweet, salty, spicy and bitter can be the
key to balancing your happy taste buds. Textures are also very important for satiety. Creamy,
fat, dense meat/fish/eggs; warming/cooling sauces are what make foods delicious. Keep your
food nutrient-dense and real. Real food will help your body feel nourished and satiated, period.


What if you’re Keto? Carnivore? Plant-based? You can apply all of these styles of eating—the
only factor that you’re changing is the feeding window. Focusing on meals that are high in
protein with plenty of good fats will most likely keep you from feeling hungry during your fasting


If you aren’t new to time-restricted feeding (intermittent fasting) but still struggle with hunger
pains during a shorter feeding window, consider a High-Protein Keto (HPK) approach, a Keto-
Carnivore (KC) approach or a mix of the two. Protein from animal meat and fat in general can
really help keep you satiated for longer periods of time. Example meals are shown in Chapter 4.
I recommend weighing your protein and measuring your fat portions to give yourself an idea of
what portion sizes look like for you. Write down how you feel each day and to track your
progress. Your ratio of protein and fat will need to be experimented with. You can remain Keto-
adapted and eat a nutrition plan that is high in protein/fat or even carbohydrates! We all
metabolize macronutrients differently.


It doesn’t matter what the macros are in processed treats, including Keto and sugar-free
packaged food items, Keto crackers, Keto breads; or sugar-free packaged protein pops; they
have a shelf life. With a shelf life comes oxidation of foods, which means they’re not fresh. They
most likely contain preservatives and hidden ingredients too!
Your body sees these as “empty calories,” meaning it will not feel nourished when you consume
these products. When your body doesn’t feel nourished, it won’t grant you satiety because it will
still say, “Hey! I’m still hungry for some real, nutrient dense food!”
The result: you’re hungry and craving more sweets which will lead to unhealthy cravings that will
not keep you on track.
Processed treats are OK to eat but only if your main focus is nutrient-dense real food first.
Moderation is key. Do you need to have them daily? No. There are so many other real food
options that are much tastier that you can make at home, and your taste buds, body and brain
will love them!
Many people rely on protein shakes, packed snack/meal replacement bars on-the-go (another
reason why a short feeding window is fabulous—less chance of eating processed snacks!)


Treat each meal like a fine-dining experience every single time. This will greatly help your
digestion and satiety. Light some candles, turn on some relaxing music, turn off your electronics.
Chew your food slowly.
Pick any time during the day that works for your lifestyle. This will keep it consistent and
sustainable. If you choose a window later in the day, just make sure to finish 90 minutes before
bedtime if possible. Eating a large meal too close to bedtime will impede your sleep cycle. If this
is tough to do, focus on foods that are easy to digest.


Go for a 10-minute brisk walk after your meal. This large meal will spike your insulin, so walking
afterwards will calm this effect down-and will help your body digest your large meal before


Eating enough protein and fat is of importance; however, make sure to focus on those
micronutrients! Choose foods that are organic, local when possible, pastured, wild-caught and
grass fed. Micronutrients will nourish you and keep you satiated during your fasting window.


Initially, you may need to track your macronutrients to get a baseline, especially if eating real
food is new for you. A food scale is recommended, especially for weighing your protein sources.
Chapter 4 guides you through example meals with macros to show you what OMAD can look
The goal, eventually, is the ability to eat intuitively rather than relying on your macro calculator.
Eye-balling your portion sizes rather than relying on your macro calculator will really help you
eat more intuitively. Eating intuitively will enable you to better know when you are hungry and
when you have had enough to eat.

Starting each meal with a “digestive elixir” can help begin the digestive process before
consuming a large meal. Warm water with fresh lemon juice or some warm bone broth 10-15
minutes before your meal will do the trick. This isn't always necessary nor something that I
personally do because an OMAD fast is a short-term fast.

The right supplements can optimize your nutrition. Eating diverse micronutrient foods should be
your first priority. However, taking the right supplements along with your real food is a perfect
backup plan to ensure your body is getting what it needs. Chapter 5 gives you a guide to staple
foods and supplements.
Eat to satiety but try not to overeat. Initially, this will take time to truly know when you have had
enough food. It helps to eat slowly and mindfully. You want to feel 85% full but not six months
pregnant. Plate your food and chew slowly and mindfully. A 2-hour feeding window can help you
make judgment on your hunger. Eat mindfully to a comfortable satiety, with 30 minutes, then eat
again if you are still hungry to a comfortable satiety.

Resistance train. Building and maintaining lean muscle is key, no matter what feeding window
you choose. Building muscle will enable your body to burn its own fat for fuel 24/7 and will
protect your joints as you age. Chapter 5 will guide you through examples of how to move and
resistance train as well as introduce some effective strength exercises.


Stay active whenever possible. When you eat meals in a short feeding window, this does not
give you the excuse to sit all day on the couch. The body loves to move! An easy walk on your
lunch break or when you have a few minutes to step away from your computer, walking your
kids to and from school or walking the dog after each meal are first-rate ways to keep moving.
Create habits revolving around an active lifestyle.

Although being consistent with a window is the key to success, social events happen! Being
flexible to some degree is OK and will help OMAD be a sustainable way of eating. Work events,
having guests over, vacations—it is healthy to be flexible, even if you rotate a short feeding
window with longer feeding windows. Again, treat it as a tool, not a diet.


While fasting, you can drink the following beverages: filtered water (with lemon is OK), mineral
water, black coffee (limit to 2 cups caffeinated, switch to decaf if you have more), decaf tea. If
you have a hungry spell, try one or two pieces of sugar-free chewing gum to get you through (no
artificial sweeteners—try Spry).


It happens! We talk so much about how to lose weight, but what if you’re choosing OMAD for
other reasons, such as better brain health, autophagy or increased muscle gains? Although you
love the approach and feel great, you may feel like you’re losing a bit too much weight. The
answer? Increase your feeding window or increase your calories with more protein and/or fat.
Cycling an OMAD window may be better for you.
This honestly happened to me! Around month seven, my body fat was too low for my comfort
zone. Although my energy was still unremarkable, I felt stronger than ever and my brain was on
fire. I felt aesthetically too “muscle-y” and extremely vascular. Guess what I did? I chose to
implement a 2-hour window 2-3 times per week instead of daily, and I increased my feeding
window to 4-6 hours on the remaining days of the week when my workouts were more intense. I
also made changes to my fat and protein ratio, upping my fat substantially and lowering my
protein accordingly. These few changes were all that I needed to feel complete! Tailor your own
Be open to change. OMAD is a tool.

How you eat is just as important as what you eat!
If you are eating your nutrient-dense meal in your car during rush hour or surfing social media
and not focusing on nourishing your body and chewing your food, guess what? Your body likely
won’t feel nourished. The result? Lack of satiety or indigestion from insufficient chewing.
Focus on your food. Chew it. Savor it. Bless it. Nourish it. Love it. Enjoy the experience of eating
and be thankful for the food on your plate. Your brain and body both need to BE PRESENT
when you eat your food, especially if you’re eating within a short feeding window.
This can be accomplished alone, with family and with friends.


It helps to track your macros in your macro calculator beforehand if this is new for you. The
goal, however, is to eventually not rely on weighing and measuring your food but rather to eat
Dine at a table or in a stress-free environment.
Set your table, light your candles or play some soft music. Turn off your electronics.


Take a breath. Say grace. Chew your food mindfully, presently and intuitively.

Eating early will give your body plenty of time to digest a large meal before bedtime. Aim for 90
minutes or more before going to bed if possible. If this is challenging due to your work schedule,
eat the more difficult-to-digest foods first (meats, raw veggies) and then finish with the easier-to-
digest foods (baked root veggies/avocado/yolks/activated nuts, etc.).


We discussed this in Chapter 1. OMAD is a tool, not a diet, so keep it real. Choosing the best
feeding window for your life each day is key. It may look the same every day, or it may look quite
different. Be OK with this. The plan that keeps you happy, feeling nourished and headed
towards your targeted goals is the best plan for you.


A 1-hour window may make you feel rushed thus not feel satiated after you eat. It may deter you
from chewing mindfully and being present and intuitive with your eating if you’re watching the
clock tick.
Will a 2-hour window make a difference compared to a 1-hour window? Probably not. So why
rush it? Two hours will give you time to take a breath, say grace, chew your food, talk to your
family, have time to decide if you’re still hungry for more or for a low-glycemic dessert, and feel
an experience while eating. You want a good relationship with food!


When you eat in a 2-hour window, you can stay intuitive and mindful and avoid overeating with
this approach.
Eat your food. Wait 30 minutes. Eat more, if needed, but within your 2-hour window.


When you start playing with short feeding windows, it may take months to really know when
you’ve had enough food in a meal. The rule of thumb is to eat to 90% comfortable satiety.
Satiety is important; it will enable you to get through your fasting window without hunger pains.

Writing down a general idea of what you eat, how you feel (satiety, energy, happiness) will help
you to train your body and brain to eventually be able to eyeball your portions. This approach is
more intuitive and likely more nourishing than relying on your macro calculator.
Counting your macros will give you an idea of portion sizes. However, your body doesn’t need
the same number of calories and the same percentages of macronutrients every single day. It
just doesn’t work that way. It is innately smarter than you think.
Metabolizing different macros can look different each day, per season, with age and so many
other factors. This is why being intuitive to what your body needs is eventually the ultimate goal
to mastering your own body’s unique metabolism.
Chapter 3 will guide you through a grocery list to give you an example of staple foods and
nutrient-dense picks that will nourish your body. It will also talk about how to properly prep
meals because this is key to keeping on track.
The pictures above:
Beef suet- a fat that surrounds the kidneys, easy to digest and can be eaten raw/cooked to add
fat calories to your nutrition. Very similar to bone marrow!
Tomahawk Ribeye: From a local farmer- very similar to a untrimmed ribeye. Perfect for an
OMAD meal and plenty for 2 people. This one was 2 pounds.
Real food meal preparation will save you time, money and stress, and it will keep you on track
no matter what feeding window you choose.
Meal preparation is even easier on days that you choose to eat once a day! This is one of the
many benefits of cycling OMAD into your way of eating.
Preparing bulk slow-cooked meats and other daily staple foods can simplify meal preparation.
Re-heating meats and casseroles in your frying pan or toaster oven greatly reduces the time it
may take to cook your favorite meats and foods daily.


Picking at least two days a week is what I’d recommend, but any extra time that you have is a
good time to meal prep!
Pick one day during the week to spend a little extra time making bulk meat or staple foods that
you and your family love to eat frequently. Prepare a large beef roast, a large pot of chili, or
slow-cooked bone-in-lamb for example—meats that require time to cook and are easy to re-heat
as needed. Other bulk foods ideas include bone broth, a large casserole, hearty vegetable side
dishes, bulk low-glycemic pudding or anything you can stick in the freezer.
When you are getting low on foods that you prepared on your first meal prep day, or you just
need some variety with some fresh real food ingredients, you can make a different meat dish,
bulk soup, another casserole for variety or another batch of low-glycemic after-dinner treats,
such as Optimized Collagen Marble Fudge.
If you are counting your macronutrients, meal preparation will make it much easier to plan your
daily macros ahead of time so that you’re not tracking foods into your macro calculator the
moment you break your fast, hungry! This is especially important when you’re new to cycling in
a much shorter feeding window and can’t wait to break your fast.


(Carb Manager App: iPhone)
Counting your macros initially will give you an idea of what OMAD plates look like with a goal in
mind to eventually eat intuitively and mindfully to a comfortable satiety. Meal preparation ahead
of time enables you to do just this—plan your macros ahead of time! It gets easier with practice,
and it is much less overwhelming when food is already prepped.
Knowing how you will break your fast will help you mindfully eat rather than going for last-minute
snacking and picking at food while you try to prepare your meal.
Meal preparation and counting your macronutrients ahead of time will help when cycling in
OMAD because:
• Preparation is key to avoid mindless eating
• Saves time and is more budget friendly to cook in bulk (rather than ordering in food or eating
• If you choose to eat once a day more frequently, you’ll need to bump up your calories and
macronutrients accordingly to meet your body’s daily needs.


Kitchen food scale
Food processor with an S-blade
High-speed blender
Measuring spoons, cups
Freezer-safe glass storage containers (large, medium, small)
Stasher bags (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags)


New to fasting? Get rid of temptation foods!
Donate any foods in your fridge or cupboards that will not serve a purpose for your body (or
your family members’ bodies)—chips, treats, any food that is full of empty calories and just
tempts you to snack.
Stick to real, nutrient-dense foods in season and local, when possible. Eat processed foods only
in moderation if you really like them.
The more variety of processed junk that you have in your kitchen, the more likely you will try to
eat a piece of it, especially when you choose one meal a day (OMAD).
“I must have a piece of all of the Keto treats because I only get to eat once a day!”...
This includes foods that you have a difficult time eating conservatively; for example, nut or seed
butters, coconut products (raw coconut butter, coconut creams, fat bombs)—anything that you
have difficulty eating in moderation. Be true to yourself. If certain foods tempt you to fall off the
clean-eating wagon or to break your fast early, then don’t buy them. It’s simple. Don’t enable the
temptation. The best food variety is Real Food Variety—meats, vegetables, good fats.


Yes you can! Again, you are just consuming your same foods in a shorter period of time. If you
are choosing to cycle in a 2-hour window for weight loss, consider reducing your carb
consumption until your body is Keto-adapted, and then play with cyclical Keto (CKD) if you love
your carbohydrates in season. Reducing carbs may also help you through your fasting window
without hunger pains.
I personally do very well with low-glycemic carbohydrates—such as berries—on intense workout
days no matter what my feeding window is. However, I’ve been Keto-adapted for over eight
years or more. Be OK with experimenting with what feels best, just as you should with feeding
windows and all macronutrients.


Eating vegetables and low-glycemic fruits in season are a beautiful thing! However, if they
cause you gut disturbance or you have a sensitivity to them, avoid them no matter how healthy
they are. If you have a tough time digesting raw veggies, consider making raw vegetable
breads. They are a savior for our family! Veggies are blended in a food processor, spread onto
trays and dehydrated at temperatures low enough to keep food enzymes preserved.

Eating starchy carbs such as sweet potatoes, squashes and root veggies in season are also
fabulous and optional. Some people do very well with carbohydrates, others not so much. If you
love your carbs, eat them! If they make you feel strong and healthy, eat them! If you eat them
and are having an issue with weight loss or increased body fat, consider reducing or omitting
the starchy carbs until you reach your target body fat percentage.


Some people may, others may not. It’s never black and white.
Keto bodybuilders argue that you can build lean muscle while eating less than 20 net carbs a
day! They focus on Keto-Carnivore and High-Protein Keto meal plans to make this happen.
There are many that can eat carbs more frequently and in larger amounts and still remain Keto-
adapted! Experimentation is key.
I personally agree with this. I’ve built and preserved lean muscle on a primarily High-Protein
Keto nutrition plan for years. Starchy carbs were never my go-to for building strength; however,
they can be a great tool aesthetically when you want your muscles to appear fuller after being
When my muscles feel flat, I eat more carbs in season. If I’m experiencing loss of strength, I
increase my feeding windows and add in more calories with protein and/or fat.
If your goal is to put on massive amounts of lean muscle and weight, adding more
carbohydrates may very well help you do so.

As a raw vegan for over a year, I ate many carbs and had a workout program that entailed lifting
weights and always lots of movement daily. I was skinny fat, had brain fog and lost lean muscle.
Today, I eat a diet rich in animal meats, plant protein, clean fats from animal and plant sources,
carbohydrates in the form of veggies grown above and below the ground in season, moderate
activated nuts and all real food in moderation. I have more lean muscle mass then I’ve ever had.
I’m also able to maintain a healthy body fat percentage with no loss in muscle and no hormonal
issues. How? A Keto-adapted nutrition plan, flexible OMAD feeding windows cycled with a 4-6-
hour feeding window, healthy movement, weight training, stress management and consistent
good sleep. Building muscle and staying lean is easier to maintain with a healthy, balanced
No matter what feeding window you choose, ditching the sugary snacks, chips and processed
empty-calorie foods is a good idea.
Nutrient-dense foods in their natural, whole form will likely help your satiety. Organic, seasonal,
local when possible, grass-fed, pastured, wild-caught and chemical-free are your top choices.
I have provided a list of our personal favorite vegetables below and have labeled them for your
convenience. There are many other vegetables that are fabulous! Just don’t eat veggies that
cause you gut disturbance or food sensitivity.
Keto-Friendly (KF), Carnivore-Friendly (CF), Keto-Carnivore-Friendly (KC) and Cyclical-Keto-
Diet-Friendly (CKD)
Avocado: high in potassium (KC)(KF)
Mixed greens in season when possible (spinach, Swiss chard, arugula) (KC)(KF)
Bitter greens in season when possible (radicchio, dandelion greens, mustard) (KC)(KF)
Broccoli: sulforaphane
Broccoli sprouts: highest amount of sulforaphane (cancer prevention) (KC)(KF)
Cauliflower (including frozen riced cauliflower): sulforaphane (KC)(KF)
Berries: anti-inflammatory, polyphenols (KC)(KF), conservative/targeted portions, seasonal
Garlic: (KC)(KF)
Ginger root: (KC)(KF)
Ground turmeric: (KC)(KF)
Fennel: (KC)(KF)
Fresh herbs: (KC) (KF)
Fermented veggies: (KF)
Sweet potatoes/Japanese purple potatoes, yams: slow carbs (CKD)
Root veggies in season: optional (beets, turnips, squashes) (CKD)
Onions/leeks: (CKD) always cook meat with them, but you don’t have to eat them
Seasonal mushrooms: (KC) (KF)


Eating animal protein, in my opinion, really helps with satiety when eating in a short feeding
window, especially when eating once a day. Some people find it impossible to stay on a plant-
based diet when eating in a short feeding window simply because the fiber in plants is extremely
filling. It also may be tough to clock in enough plant-based protein to fit your needs in such a
short period of time … but anything is possible!
Choosing a few different sources of animal protein for your OMAD meal can make your plate
more interesting, with different tastes and textures, and can help with satiety. If you require quite
a bit of protein, mixing pricier meats with some organ meats, a tin of sardines, oysters, wild-
caught salmon and some plant-based protein sources can provide different vitamins, minerals,
tastes and textures for your body and palate and is more sustainable for the budget.


This depends on your goals, the types of meals that you are eating and your feeding window.
Fat is great! Fat can help your body burn its own fat for fuel. But you don’t need to add excess
fat when eating fatty meats (such as ground lamb) if your goal is weight loss. Measuring your fat
intake may be necessary when you are trying to lose body fat. Fat calories can add up quickly.
Opt for higher protein meals, moderate fat and low carb (High-Protein Keto) or Keto-Carnivore
meals with a calculated healthy caloric deficit. If you feel better eating more fat and less protein,
do it! Just be aware of how much food you're eating compared to the daily energy your
expending. Calories may not be metabolized equally but they do matter.
When you choose to eat once a day, this can look different. You may need to keep the meat
fatty to get in your daily caloric needs without feeling over-stuffed on fibrous veggies and excess
protein. More fat can help you eat enough calories in your OMAD meal. Depending on what
your protein needs may be, the leaner the meat, the more fat you’ll need to add in order to eat
enough calories to meet your daily energy needs in your one meal a day.
Fatty meats, such as lamb/wild-caught salmon, and leaner meats, such as lamb heart, are both
fabulous sources of protein and offer different vitamins and minerals. Fatty meats have higher
fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K2. Organ meats, which tend to be leaner
cuts, tend to have more nutrients than fattier meats.
Fat will quickly add calories to your OMAD meal, which is convenient when you’re aiming for
this. However, remember that if your goal is weight loss, you may want to keep track of how
much fat you’re eating. Fat is very caloric, and the calories can add up quickly. It is actually
possible to consume more fuel then your body expends when you add excess fat to your meals.
Balancing your plate with both fatty meat and leaner meats can be a great approach when
choosing one meal a day because you get a variety of different vitamins and minerals plus good
fat to meet your caloric needs.
If you’re eating a meal that is high in carbohydrates, whether it’s a carb-cycle or a frequent
choice, it may be best to choose leaner meats over fatty meats. It is common thinking that when
you have meals that promote high insulin release and you combine this with high fat foods, it
may promote body fat storage (Ted Naiman @tednaiman Instagram handle talks a lot about
Eating intuitively is, of course, the eventual goal once you are at a comfortable, healthy
maintenance of body fat and lean muscle percentage. Playing around with the amount of protein
and fat macronutrients you consume while Keto-adapted may be necessary to find your own
personal sweet spot.


Animal meats contain vitamins and minerals, just like plants do! Some meats contain even more
than plant-based foods! You don’t necessarily need to eat a ton of veggies each day to meet
your potassium requirements! Ask any Strict Carnivore (@shawnbaker1967). You can eat your
veggies in season, but you don’t need to eat a huge plate unless you desire to.


Back in the day when animals were hunted and meat was fresh, it was probably consumed raw
in its most nutrient-dense form. Nowadays, when meat has been packaged in the grocery store
for who knows how long and from sources we’re not 100% sure about, perhaps giving it at least
a sear on the outside is best but to each his own.


Note: Organ meats= liver, heart, tongue, kidney, anything is fair game nose-to-tail)
• Lamb meat and organs
• Beef meat and organs
• Beef marrow & bones (broth)
• Chicken meat, organs & eggs
• Chicken feet (broth/baked)
• Chicken necks (broth)
• Turkey meat, organs & eggs
• Fatty wild-caught salmon
• Fish eggs (fish roe)
• Duck meat, organs & eggs
• Pork meat & organs
• Wild-caught game (elk, buffalo, venison) & organs
• Backups or addition meats:
Sardines in water (add your own oil), wild-caught salmon, canned toro (fatty tuna)/oysters/
anchovies (BPA-free tin, be careful of the heavy metals don’t buy in plastic).


Many plant foods contain quite a bit of protein too! However, you won’t get the complete amino
acid profile because leucine is only present in animal meats. Leucine stimulates protein
synthesis to build muscle.
Plant protein sources are still fabulous, especially if you cannot digest a lot of animal meat. It
just may be more challenging to keep your carbs low if you eat a ton of plant protein as it tends
to contain more carbs. But everybody is different. You may be just fine eating more plant-based
protein versus animal protein and have no problem building muscle and no hunger pains during
the 22-24 hours that you are fasting when choosing OMAD.
Here is a list of plant-based protein sources:
• Activated nuts/seeds: Soak them in warm water with a little sea salt (chart times online). Rinse.
They’re ready to eat as is. If you want them to be crunchy, either dry pan-fry on low heat or use
a dehydrator (Excalibur is my favorite), which will preserve food enzymes as temperatures can
be set to 115 F or below.
• Seasonal mushrooms: Morels, shiitake, oyster and lion’s mane are some of our favorites.
• Protein-rich vegetables: Believe it or not, some veggies, such as mushrooms and seaweed,
have high protein content! Google this and add them to your meals to bump up the protein
content, i.e., Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, avocado, artichokes
and collards.
• Firm-packed organic high-protein tofu: I may buy this once a quarter for meatless meals. It’s
not so paleo, but popular in Japanese cuisine. If you are having a meatless night, this can help
your satiety. Firm-packed tofu takes on any flavor. Yes, it’s soy, but I don’t have an issue with
eating organic soy periodically. Simply cut into bite-sized squares, place in a lightly greased
pan, add your favorite spices and cook until browned. You can also add it to puddings and
desserts to add some umami texture either blended into a smoothie or cut into chunks and
folded into puddings.

Your Keto Calculator is not going to determine how your body burns its own fat for fuel no matter
how much fat you are supposed to eat. Good sources of fat help the body burn its own fat for
fuel. However, too much can slow down your body’s ability to burn its own fat for fuel no matter
what feeding window you choose. Eating a large amount of fat in one meal can also be tough to
digest. The solution to staying Keto-adapted and reducing your fat intake is to increase your
protein (High-Protein Keto). High-Protein Keto meals can enable you to decrease your fat intake
and may help your digestion, may help your muscle gains, and may enable you to easier digest
your larger OMAD meal.
When choosing animal meats, fatty meats can really keep you satiated. However, lean meats,
such as most organ meats, have different essential properties too. Rotating or combining fattier
meats with lean meats can be key. When eating lean meats, adding fat can come in handy not
only for satiety but also to add potentially needed calories into your short feeding window.
Here is a list of clean fats from animals and plants:
• Animal fat from fatty meat sources: fatty lamb, fatty fish (wild-caught salmon, sardines), organ
meats, bone marrow, ghee, butter, beef suet, raw goat milk/dairy
• Egg yolks
• Raw cheese (in moderation)
• Avocado
• Artichokes
• Activated nuts and seeds
• Extra virgin olive oil cold-pressed
• Olives
• Coconut oil

People often ask about what is considered safe to drink during your 22-24 hour fasting period
when eating one meal a day.
Here is a list of options:
• Organic light-roast whole bean coffee (grind the beans yourself to avoid oxidized ground
• Organic green tea (keep caffeine to a minimum)
• Organic decaf green tea
• Decaf tea
• Mineral water
• Sparkling water
• Filtered water



A fun, convenient way to eat your vegetables! These flat breads are made with low-glycemic
vegetables in season, clean fats such as activated nuts and seeds and no added fruits/sugars!
Kids love them too!
They are dehydrated flatbreads dried at temperatures below 115 F to preserve food enzymes.
They can be taken on trips in Stasher bags (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags)
or stored in the fridge/freezer for up to a year!
We offer a Raw Veggie Bread Mastery Course that will teach you how to make Paleo-Friendly,
Keto-Friendly, Keto-Carnivore Friendly sandwich wraps, flatbreads, pizza crusts, burger buns
and crackers!
Bonus recipes are also included, such as keto/sugar-free desserts, sugar-free salad dressings/
pestos/dips, and sugar free and vegan ice creams and puddings.
To access the course, check out the following link:

I often put these into desserts with Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides, Keto Collagen
Peptides and MyoBolic Whey Protein! Are they necessary, not at all. Just a personal preference!
• Raw cacao nibs
• Raw cacao powder
• Maca powder
• Cinnamon
• Chlorella
• Spirulina
• Mushroom powders (The Gut Lab @loveyourguts)
• Activated nuts and seeds


Are they OK to consume on OMAD?
Packaged processed foods are moderation foods! When these are consumed, they can spike
insulin even though they are stated as Keto-Friendly on the label.
Processed foods aren’t real food. They have a shelf life and typically aren’t fresh ingredients.
When choosing a short feeding window, consider fueling your body with the most nutrient-dense
food in its whole form 99 % of the time. This will help you stay Keto-adapted, which will make it
much easier to fast for 22-24 hours or longer without thinking about food.
Have you ever noticed that when you consume processed foods, you’re typically hungry soon
after? The body doesn’t recognize most processed foods, especially when they contain added
sweeteners (even low-glycemic sweeteners!). However, I’d be lying if I said I don’t utilize monk
fruit in my sweet treats. We’re all human. Processed foods are OK as long as you are eating
real food 99% of the time. I’ve provided some real-food sweet-treat recipes at the end of this
chapter. Adding monk fruit is completely optional in these recipes. Homemade is always a better
choice! No preservatives, no rubbish added and made with real food.


The Myoxcience MyoBolic Whey Protein and Optimized Collagen Peptides can really help bump
up your protein if needed, especially when choosing any short feeding window. They are easy to
digest which is a bonus for digestion!
Having a whey and collagen peptide shake before a large meal can also be a good strategy if
you tend to inhale your meal after breaking your fast. Sipping on your protein-packed shake can
create enough satiety that you feel you can chew your main meal.
You can also choose to make a healthy, protein packed dessert with protein powders and
collagen powders too!


BCAAS are a fabulous plan B in that they contain leucine, an amino acid that greatly helps aid
in protein synthesis to build lean muscle. It is your choice when to take BCAAS. I personally
take two scoops of the Myoxcience Optimized BCAA + Aminos intra-workout (resistance
training). They don’t have an effect on my personal blood glucose or insulin, so I'm OK with
supplementing with them during my fasting window. I believe they have helped with lean muscle
gains. However, if they affect your blood glucose or insulin, then don’t take them when fasting.
BCAAS supplement real food choices just like all other supplements do.
Now that you have an idea of what to eat, let’s dive into Meal Prep!

Meal prep is a breeze when you choose shorter feeding windows! However, it helps to have
your meals at least 85% prepped. Re-heating meat, a casserole, a side dish of bulk cooked
veggies, for example, then making a small, fresh salad with a little prepared salad dressing
takes three minutes!
The last thing you want is to be unprepared when you’re ready to break your fast. This may
increase your chances of picking at foods while cooking your meal or grabbing for snack foods
or anything that’s available to munch on mindlessly. The result: poor digestion and lack of


Choose a few days a week or anytime that you can make bulk foods to last a few days and be
stored well in the fridge.
For example:
Sunday and Wednesday
Sunday Meal Prep #1
Choose a day that you have some time to prepare a casserole, slow-cooked meat dish or some
staple foods that are quick to re-heat after a long day of work.
For example, a Shepherd’s Pie, a beef chuck roast or a batch of steamed cauliflower rice.
You will thank yourself when it’s time to make your OMAD meal (and feed the family!) that you
have food already prepared.
Make dishes that will keep in the fridge for 3-5 days.

Wednesday Meal Prep #2 (the re-fresh meal prep day)

Perhaps cook more bulk meat at this time or pan-fry some other types of meat, such as ribeye
steak, more organ meats or perhaps some root veggies in season if you are cycling in some
carbohydrates. Prep any food that takes time. The last thing we want to do when we get home
from a long day at the office is to spend an hour making food.
You can make a new casserole dish at this time to keep things different or some more staple
foods of choice (foods that you and your family love to eat frequently).
If you’re having a Carnivore meal, meal prep is pretty dang easy. Just make sure the majority of
your meat is cooked for the week so that you just need to either re-heat it or add in some other
sources of protein with it! For example, on Monday you would eat chuck roast prepared in the
slow cooker (can take 6-8 hours to cook and provides plenty of leftovers). By Wednesday, you
would be finishing off the chuck roast, so adding some pan-cooked ground beef or perhaps
smoked oysters, fresh wild-caught salmon or organ meats would complete the meal with
optional veggies in season and good sources of fat.
Now for some real food recipes!

All recipes are Paleo-friendly, gluten-free, Keto/Cyclical Keto-friendly and High-Protein Keto
friendly. Most are dairy-free.
In regard to the recipes that contain butter/ghee, if you are sensitive to dairy, simply replace an
equal amount with softened coconut oil for baked goods or extra virgin olive oil for savory
goods/meats/veggie dishes.


Cooking meats and veggies in a large pan is my favorite way to cook food, because it’s quick
and easy. I’ll often have two to three pans working at once; one will have fresh meats and
onions slow cooking, another will be re-heating leftovers and a third may be involved in
preparing a bulk food dish for the week such as cauliflower rice or vegetables/mushrooms in
Use a cast iron Teflon-free frying pan to pan cook your foods. Lightly grease with olive oil or
ghee. (My pans of choice are Ballarini cookware—safe, non-stick @ballarini_usa.)
You will notice that onions and garlic are added to all recipes when cooking meats. This is to
reduce the endotoxins produced when meat is cooked. You don’t need to eat the onions,
although we always do, regardless of the carbs they contain!


(Great source of potassium, selenium, iron, niacin, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, B vitamins)
Set your frying pan on medium heat. Add a peeled and chopped onion, a few garlic cloves and
sea salt, cook for 3-4 minutes. Place your ribeye steak onto the pan, add salt and drizzle it with
coconut aminos, flip it over and let it sear on one side for 1 minute. Add coconut aminos and sea
salt, flip over your ribeye again and let it sear on the other side for 1 minute. Now turn your heat
to low. Cook your ribeye until desired consistency is reached. These taste best when they are
pink inside!


(Calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin A)
Place your marrow bones onto your pan on low heat. Add some sea salt. Cover with a lid and
cook your marrow bones until the bottoms become brown. Flip over and cook the other side.
You can check your marrow to see if it’s fully cooked through by sticking a knife into the center. I
prefer these pink inside! Eat the marrow as is, or you can place it on top of eggs or vegetables!
Note: I often eat grass-fed bone marrow raw! Do at your own risk.


(Vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, copper, selenium, iron, folic acid, zinc,
Add some peeled and chopped onions and fresh garlic to your pan and set heat on medium.
Cook them for 3 minutes and then add your liver/kidneys.
Slicing your liver and kidneys with scissors makes it easier to cook! Add your favorite spices and
some coconut aminos or gluten-free tamari (or other sugar-free sauces). Cook them, making
sure to stir them around, until desired consistency is reached. They cook quite quickly. Adding
some cooked egg yolks, ghee, homemade mayonnaise and plenty of good salt (Redmond Real
Salt) on top of these can make them easier to consume if they’re new to you!


(CoQ10, folate, iron, zinc, selenium, B vitamins)
Lamb heart is probably one of my favorite organ meats and often the one I recommend trying
first if organ meats are new for you! Simply slice the hearts with a sharp knife and throw them
into a frying pan with some ghee. Drizzle on your favorite sugar-free sauce and sea salt, and let
them cook to desired consistency. These cook very quickly!
I’ll often pair lamb heart with ground beef, ground lamb or wild-caught salmon!
Having a plate of different meats can give the meal umami and create more satiety, especially
when it’s a strict carnivore meal (meat only).


(Iron, zinc, selenium, B vitamins, but vitamins and minerals may be in lower amounts compared
to other meats)
This is probably the easiest meat to cook when cooking for a large family, guests or kids! You
can make them into patties for burgers, meat balls, Casseroles or just make a large batch and
pair it with eggs, mushrooms, vegetables and good fats!
Simply add some onions and garlic to your pan and cook for a few minutes on medium heat.
Turn heat to low. Add your ground beef, add some fresh rosemary, spices and sugar-free
sauces and cook until desired consistency is reached. Adding some curry paste and a little full-
fat coconut milk can really transform this dish too!


Lamb is fattier than beef (17-21% on average), so I’ve found you don’t even need to grease the
pan when cooking it. Follow the same procedures as ground beef! You won’t need to add as
much fat to your OMAD meal when eating lamb as you may need to when eating beef.
Ground lamb is delicious mixed with eggs, mushrooms, fresh spices and steamed veggies such
as cauliflower and broccoli! It is also a perfect meat when preparing a strict Carnivore meal
because the fat will keep you satiated.

A fattier meat, pork can be very satiating. It’s not a meat that we eat often, however, because we
have two pet pigs.


Slow cooking large roasts or meats that require time to cook are so easy and convenient when
preparing food that can last a few days! I recommend a large slow cooker or an Instant Pot. I
rarely use the pressure cooker option on the Instant Pot because I believe foods are more
nutrient-dense when slow-cooked.
Marinating these meats below is a whole different ball game. I’m a pretty simple person when it
comes to flavoring meats, so I don’t marinate them for long if at all. A good fatty piece of meat, I
find, is delicious without an added marinade.

Here are some of my favorite slow-cooked meat recipes:


1 pound bone marrow bones
4 pounds grass fed ground beef or lamb
4 lamb hearts sliced and chopped
6 lamb kidneys chopped
3 large red onions peeled and chopped
4 garlic cloves peeled and minced
1/2 cup GF tamari/coconut aminos
1 cup filtered water
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil/ghee
Redmond Real Sea Salt to taste
Sprig of fresh rosemary on stem (1 oz)
Place your marrow bones, onions and garlic in a greased frying pan on medium heat. Cook until
your onions and garlic are slightly golden and your bone marrow begins to look brown on the
outside. Flip over your marrow bones. You can also do this in an Instant Pot on sauté mode.
Now, immediately place your marrow bones, onions, garlic, meat and remaining ingredients in a
large slow cooker and mix together well. Set your slow cooker on low heat. Slow cook for 4-6
hours, making sure to check your meat (cook until desired meat tenderness is reached).
When the chili is ready to eat, make sure to scoop all of the bone marrow into the chili and mix
in well!


(Tender cut of meat from the beef shoulder)
Sauté your peeled and chopped onions and garlic until golden. Add your chuck roast to the slow
cooker and a few cups of filtered water. Now season with your favorite sauces and freshly
ground spices/herbs. Slow cook 4-6 hours (this will vary due to the weight of the roast). Check
on your roast to make sure it doesn’t overcook. Adding herbs when the roast has an hour or two
left to cook is recommended ideally.


(Iron, zinc, choline, B vitamins, potassium)
One of my absolute favorite slow-cooked meats! Prepare this just as you would a chuck roast.
When your meat has reached the desired consistency, peel off the outer layer of the tongue.
This organ meat is so tender and delicious! Don’t let the tongue scare you!


Another one of our favorite meats to slow cook. The fat content produces a lot of collagen at the
bottom of the pot! None of it goes to waste. We’ll either spoon the collagen directly into our
mouths (even in its gelatinous form straight from the fridge) or place it onto pan-cooked veggies
for some additional flavor and healthy benefits!


A tomahawk ribeye is very similar to a small roast. So you can do the same with any small roast
such as a chuck roast.
For a 2.5-3 pound ribeye/roast:
Preheat your oven to 500 F.
Place your ribeye/roast in a baking dish greased with ghee/tallow. Season your ribeye/roast-
sea salt, sauces of choice/ marinades and add some fresh rosemary on top.
Bake your ribeye/roast for 15 minutes at 500 F. Now turn your heat to 325 F. Bake for another
15-20 minutes or until your meat thermometer reaches 115 F (rare) or 120 F (medium-rare).


Preheat your oven to 400 F. Place your marrow bones onto a baking dish lined with parchment
paper. Generously add some sea salt. Bake your marrow for approximately 35-40 minutes or
until the marrow is brown throughout. You can check to see if it is baked by sticking a sharp
knife into the center of the marrow. I personally prefer my marrow pink inside. Cook to your
Scoop out the marrow with a small knife or spoon and eat as is, or add it to vegetable dishes or
lean meat dishes. Save the bones for homemade bone broth!


Cyclical Keto: add a side of root veggies in season when you’re cycling in carbohydrates!
Place your seasonal root veggies and bone marrow bones into a lined baking dish. Drizzle olive
oil over top of your veggies and add some fresh spices and herbs. Bake at 350 F for 45-60
minutes or until desired tenderness has been reached and your bone marrow is cooked.
Take the bones out of the pan, scoop your marrow onto your veggies and mix until well
incorporated. Set your bones aside for later use. Add more spices as needed to taste.
BAKED CHICKEN NECKS (and chicken bone broth)
You heard me right! Chicken necks! Full of natural collagen and absolutely delicious! Chicken
necks are easy on the budget too. Typically found in the freezer department if your grocery
2 pounds chicken necks
2 large sweet onions peeled and chopped
2 garlic cloves peeled and chopped
Fresh rosemary
Seasonings of choice (My faves: Sea salt, coconut aminos, nutritional yeast, fresh herbs)
Tallow or ghee for greasing the pan
Prep: sauté your onions & garlic in a generous amount of ghee/tallow until browned. Now place
in your slow cooker with your thawed chicken necks. Add filtered water until it reaches just to the
top of the chicken necks. Add a generous amount of sea salt.
Slow cook your chicken necks for 12-24 hours.
Take your chicken necks out of the slow cooker. Place them into a baking pan lined with
parchment paper. Add your fresh herbs and seasonings. Bake your chicken necks at 400F for
40 minutes then broil them for 5 minutes or until they are crispy!
Meanwhile, pour your broth into a large mason jar, filtering out the onions and garlic. (I typically
will add the onions and garlic to the baked chicken necks). Let your chicken broth cool to room
temperature then store it in the fridge. A layer of fat will form on the top of the broth. This will
protect the broth if left on. Simply scoop off the fat layer before eating. Your broth will become
gelatinous! You can either heat it up when you need it or eat as is with some more sea salt to
If organ meats are new for you and a little intimidating, pates may be your calling! I often blend
different organ meats with good fats, fresh herbs and ground spices! They preserve for 7 days
or longer in the fridge, which makes them perfect additions to meal prep.
Pates are higher in fat, so they are perfect additions to OMAD Keto-Carnivore meals that need
additional fat to meet your caloric needs.
NOTE: If you want these to preserve for a few weeks or longer in the fridge, melt some more
ghee butter and pour approximately 1/4-inch layer over top of your pates in each ramekin. Place
them back into the fridge and cover them with a lid/Saran Wrap. The additional fat layer will help
preserve your pates!


1 pound fresh chicken livers (remove white connective tissue)
1/2 cup red onion peeled and chopped
1-2 garlic cloves peeled and minced
1/4 cup ghee butter
1/4 cup full fat coconut cream
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp Redmond Real Salt
1/4 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1 tbsp fresh rosemary leaves minced
Sauté your onions and garlic in a medium frying pan greased generously with ghee butter until
golden on medium heat. Add your chicken livers, mixing occasionally to make sure everything is
well-incorporated and your livers are cooked through thoroughly. Remove from heat and place
them into a medium mixing bowl. Let them cool for 15 minutes. Now add your liver mixture to
your food processor with an S-blade. Pulse them a few times. Add your ghee butter and full-fat
coconut cream. Blend until smooth. Scoop your pate into ramekins of choice (I usually use 4
small ramekins). Place them in the fridge and let them cool for 2 hours.


One of my favorite dishes when I am trying to eat more fatty meat! These cook very quickly in
the frying pan!
8 oz lamb riblets
1/4 cup chopped onion
Real Redmond Sea Salt
1 tsp ghee/tallow
Place your ghee in a medium frying pan. Place your onions and garlic into the pan and cook on
medium heat until browned.
Set your heat on low. Add your riblets. Add a generous amount of sea salt. Cook your riblets,
making sure to flip them over after approx 3-4 minutes.


Liver can sometimes have a dry texture, so dipping them into raw or runny egg yolks can really
make them taste moist and delicious!
Raw yolks are generally safe to eat if they come from your own backyard chickens, or from your
neighbor/local farmer. If you are unsure, runny yolks are fabulous too!
Prep your liver:
Slice your liver into approximately 1/2 inch slices, scissors work well for this. Set aside.
Prep your yolks:
Separate 3-4 yolks from your egg whites. (We cook the whites and give them to our dogs)
Raw yolks: place the yolks into a small ramekin and use a fork to mix them well. Add sea salt to
Runny yolks: place your yolks into a small frying pan greased with ghee/tallow. Cook on low
until desired consistency is reached, but make sure the centers are runny. Add sea salt to taste.
Place them into a small ramekin and use a fork to mix them together.
Cook your liver:
Place 1 cup of peeled and chopped onions/leeks and into a large frying pan with a generous
amount of ghee or tallow.
Set the heat on medium. Cook until they begin to brown. Now set the heat on low. Add your liver
slices to the pan. Add a generous amount of sea salt and coconut aminos/ Gluten Free Tamari.
Cook for 3-4 minutes then flip over your liver slices , add some more salt and sauce. Cook until
desired consistency is reached.
Place your liver onto your plate with your ramekin full of egg yolks. Dip your liver chunks into the
egg yolks and enjoy the goodness!



16 oz chicken feet
2 cups of chopped sweet onions
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Fresh Rosemary
Real Redmond Sea salt
Ghee for greasing baking dish and brushing onto chicken feet
Place your chicken feet and onions in your slow cooker. Pour your filtered water into the slow
cooker until it just covers the bones. Add your apple cider vinegar and a few shakes of sea salt.
Slow cook your chicken feet for 12-24 hours.
Take your chicken feet out of the slow cooker and pat dry. (Chicken broth: Sift out the onions
and let your broth cool in a large mason jar. Refrigerate.)
Preheat your oven 400 F.
Grease a large baking dish with ghee or tallow. Place your chicken feet into the baking dish.
Lightly brush some more ghee onto your chicken feet until they are all covered. Add a generous
amount of sea salt. Bake your chicken feet for 40-45 minutes or until they have browned and
are crispy.


(Lamb testicles)
Nutritional benefits: Rich in vitamins, minerals and protein
Where to buy them? ONLINE: US WELLNESS MEATS
Place a large chopped red onion in a small frying pan with 2 peeled and minced garlic cloves
and 2 tsp of ghee butter or tallow. Fry on medium heat until golden. Remove from heat.
Cut your lamb testicles into halves.
Place your lamb testicles in your slow cooker. Add a generous amount of coconut aminos or
gluten-free tamari and 1/2 cup of bone broth /beef broth/ chicken broth or filtered water. Add
your onions and garlic. Add a generous amount of sea salt.
Slow cook your lamb testicles for 4-5 hours on low, or until they no longer appear pink inside.


Nutritional benefits: Omega-3
Where to buy them: Local farmers/butchers can provide brain. You can also buy pork brains on
Place 1 cup of chopped leeks or onion and 2 peeled & minced garlic cloves into a large frying
pan with a generous amount of ghee butter or tallow. Cook until golden. Now add you’re pork
brains and set heat to low. Drizzle a generous amount of coconut aminos onto your pork brains
and sea salt. A few tablespoons of nutritional yeast is also fabulous on these! Cook them
covered, making sure to flip them a few times, until desired consistency is reached.


A good salad dressing, sauce or dip can transform any veggie dish! Make it in bulk to save
yourself so much time! Here are a few of my favorites:


This is delicious drizzled on steamed vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower as well as
baked root vegetables such as beets, zucchini and squashes.
1 cup full-fat coconut cream (refrigerate 1-2 cans BPA-free full-fat coconut milk. Scoop out
1 capsule Lean Gut Bugs
1 capsule ProBio Supreme 30B
2 scoops Optimized Collagen Peptides
2 tbsp unfortified nutritional yeast
1 tbsp minced fresh chives
1 tbsp toasted/raw sesame seeds
1/4 tsp Redmond Onion Real Salt
Ferment your cheese. You can use a yogurt maker, dehydrator or your countertop. Scoop your 1
cup of coconut cream into a clean glass dish. Using your fingers, open your probiotic capsules
and pour them into the coconut cream. Use a clean wooden spoon to mix the probiotics into the
coconut cream thoroughly. Place a cheese cloth over top of your glass dish. Ferment your
coconut cream for 24 hours at 95 F or less. When your coconut cream has a tart taste, it is
ready for the next step. Add all other ingredients to your coconut cream and mix in well. Place a
lid over your mixture and place it into the fridge. Let it firm over a few hours. Store in the fridge!
Note: Adding a 1/2 chopped red bell pepper/orange bell pepper and different seasonings of
choice gives this cheese a completely different taste! It can take on any flavor that you wish.
Consider adding spices such as ground curry, garam masala, coriander, white pepper,
fenugreek–the list is endless!


1/2 cup raw macadamia nuts
1 tbsp fresh rosemary leaves minced
2 cups extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove peeled and minced
2 tbsp avocado mayo (Primal Kitchen)
1/4 tsp Redmond Real Salt
Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender until smooth. Store in the refrigerator in a
sealed container.


1/2 cup raw cashews
1/4 cup kraut of choice
30 g ripe avocado
2 cups extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp raw/toasted sesame seeds
3 g fresh peeled & ginger minced
1/4 tsp Redmond Garlic Real Salt
Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender until smooth. Store in the refrigerator in a
sealed container.


1/2 cup raw/toasted pumpkin seeds
2 cups avocado oil
2 tbsp avocado mayo (Primal Kitchen)
1 garlic clove peeled & chopped
4 basil leaves
1/4 tsp Redmond Onion Real Salt
Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender until smooth. Store in the refrigerator in a
sealed container.


If you find it difficult to eat slowly after a 22-24 hour fast (due to hunger pains, especially if a
shorter feeding window is new for you), consider breaking your fast with a protein shake before
eating your meal! This can begin the digestion process and take off the hunger edge, enabling
you to eat your meal more comfortably and slowly.
Whey and collagen protein are absorbed by the small intestine more quickly than animal
protein. It is also a great way to bump up your protein if you have a difficult time digesting a
large amount of animal protein in one sitting.
A protein shake can also be dessert! Whey protein is easier to digest, so it’s something you can
have if you’re still hungry near the end of your feeding window without the worry of eating too
close to bedtime.
Here are some pre-meal appetizer smoothie recipes:


1-1.5 scoops Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 scoop (30 g) Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1 cup unsweetened vanilla nut milk/coconut milk
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
Pinch of coarse sea salt
Monk fruit sweetener to taste (optional)
1/4 cup frozen riced cauliflower (or crushed ice cubes)
Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender until smooth


1-1.5 scoops Myoxcience MyoBolic Chocolate Whey Protein
1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 cup unsweetened vanilla nut milk/coconut milk
1 tsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp maca powder
Pinch of coarse sea salt
Monk fruit sweetener to taste (optional)
1/4 cup frozen riced cauliflower (or crushed Ice cubes)
Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender until smooth.
Wanting a shake that is higher in fat to meet your Ketogenic macros? Try this pre-meal
appetizer shake made with Myoxcience Keto Plus Collagen Peptides:


1-1.5 scoops Myoxcience Keto Plus Collagen Peptides
1 scoop (30g) Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1 cup unsweetened vanilla coconut milk
2 tbsp full fat coconut cream
1/2 tsp mushroom powder of choice (optional)
1/4 tsp chlorella powder
Pinch of coarse sea salt
Monk fruit sweetener to taste (optional)
1/2 cup frozen organic spinach
Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender until smooth

Kid approved!
Having a little dessert can be a nice finishing touch to keep you feeling happy, balanced and
excited about your OMAD meals.
Often I will eat my main meal, wait 30 minutes to evaluate my hunger, and then have a good-
sized dessert packed with additional protein in the form of whey, collagen peptides and even
plant-based protein sources, such as activated nuts and firm-packed tofu (yes! I sometimes eat
organic sprouted tofu!)

Here are some recipes that are fun for the whole family! You can make all of these in bulk:


(Full of BCAAS, collagen peptides and magnesium! Make these in bulk and store in the fridge!)
You will need a silicone gummy worms mold and a large dropper (on Amazon). Any silicone
mold can be used for this recipe!

2 scoops Optimized Collagen Peptides
2 scoops Cherry Optimized BCAAS + Aminos
4 scoops Cherry Myo Relax & Calm
4 tbsp Great Lakes Unflavored Gelatin
2 cups filtered water
1 tsp Lakanto liquid monk fruit sweetener (optional)
Pinch of sea salt
Bloom your gelatin first. Mix your Great Lakes gelatin with 1/3 cup of your unfiltered water. Set
Place your remaining water, monk fruit sweetener and salt in a medium saucepan and set heat
on medium, mixing all ingredients together. When your water is warm, reduce your heat to low
and add your gelatin mixture to the pan. Stir it with a fork, making sure to mix in all of the gelatin
Now mix in your remaining ingredients, using your fork to whisk them together. Remove from
heat. Use your large dropper (this should come with the gummy mold on Amazon) to put the
mixture into your gummy molds.
Place your silicone gummy mold on a small cutting board. Carefully pour your warm liquid into
the molds. Set your mold into the fridge (the cutting board makes this easy). Let your gummy
worms firm for an hour or two! Pop your worms out of the mold when they are ready.
Store in a Stasher bag (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags) in the fridge.
Macros: (20 gummies) Calories: 9.5, Carbs: 0 g, Protein: 2.3 g, Fat: 0 g
Note: If you want to add probiotics and Essential Fatty Nutrients to these gummies, you can do
so at the very end, making sure the liquid is not too warm (below 95 F).


You will need silicone doughnut molds (3-inch circles. 10x7 inch tray)—Amazon.
(10 Servings)
Each jelly circle will contain approximately 10 billion CFUs of Bifidobacterium animalis
subspecies lactis B420, which has been shown to assist with a healthy body composition by
improving gut barrier function.
2 scoops Optimized Collagen Peptides
5 tbsp Gut Barrier Enhance (40 g)
8 tbsp Great Lakes Unflavored Gelatin
4 cups unsweetened cashew milk
1 cups filtered water
1 cup fresh raspberries/blueberries blended
1 tsp strawberry extract
Pinch of sea salt
10 capsules Lean Gut Bugs
Open your probiotic capsules using your fingers. Pour the powder into a small cup. Throw away
capsules. Set aside.
Bloom your gelatin: Mix your Great Lakes gelatin and Optimized Collagen Peptides with 1 cup
of unfiltered water. Set aside.
Place your cashew milk in a saucepan and set heat on medium. When your cashew milk is
warm, turn the heat down. Now add your berries and mix them in with a fork until well combined
(you can pre-mix them). Add your gelatin-collagen mixture. Use your fork to blend it into the milk
until the gelatin clumps disappear.
Now mix in your strawberry extract and sea salt. Remove your mixture from the heat. Using a
thermometer, wait until your mixture reduces to 95 F. Now add your probiotic powder and mix in
Optional: Add 1/2 serving of Gut Barrier Enhance (a synergistic blend of over 15 supportive
ingredients for the GI mucosal lining, intestinal function, nutrient absorption and healthy bowel
function). Mix in well.
Prepare your silicon mold.
Place your silicone doughnut molds on a thin cutting board. Carefully use a deep spoon or small
cup to scoop the liquid out of the saucepan and into your molds. Set your molds into the fridge.
Let your Jelly Circles firm for two hours or more! Pop your Jelly Circles out of the molds when
they are ready.
Store them in a Stasher bag (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags) in the fridge.
Macros Per Jelly Circle: Calories: 45.9, Protein: 7.5 g, Fat: less than 1 g, Carbs: 1.9 g total (1.1
g net)


(Gluten-free, grain-free, Keto-friendly, no added sugar)
You will need a doughnut silicone mold for circle shapes (Amazon), but any silicone molds of
choice will do!
(12 servings)
4 cups unsweetened vanilla cashew milk (or nut milk of choice)
1/2 cup full-fat coconut cream
1 tsp vanilla extract (caramel extract/maple extract are also fabulous)
4 scoops Myoxcience MyoBolic Chocolate Whey Protein
2 scoops Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
6 tbsp Great Lakes Unflavored Gelatin
1/2 cup Lakanto powdered monk fruit blend (optional)
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 capsule Lean Gut Bugs (supports body composition)
1 capsule ProBio Supreme 100B (supports immune function)
Bloom your gelatin. Mix your Great Lakes gelatin with 1 cup of your nut milk/coconut milk until
well combined. Set aside.
Now heat up your remaining 3 cups of nut milk in a small sauce pan on medium heat. Mix in
your gelatin and use a fork to combine until clumps are gone. Remove from heat. Using a
thermometer, wait until your mixture reduces to 95 F. Now add your probiotic powder and mix in
Now add all remaining ingredients and stir in well. Place your silicone molds onto a thin cutting
board that will fit into your fridge. Use a measuring cup to scoop the liquid into your silicone
molds. Place your molds into the fridge and let your Jelly Circles firm for a few hours!
Store in the fridge in a Stasher bag (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags) or
sealed container.
Macros: (12 servings): Protein: 5.2 g, Carbs: 2.5 g (2 g net), Fat: 3.3 g, Calories: 89.5


(12 Servings)
Tools: Silicone molds (Amazon): 2-pack, 8-cavity round
3 cups unsweetened vanilla nut milk or coconut milk
4 scoops Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
2 scoops Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
6 tbsp Great Lakes Unflavored Gelatin
1/2 cup Lakanto powdered monk fruit sweetener (optional)
1 tsp vanilla/maple extracts (or extract of choice)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp sea salt
Bloom your gelatin. Mix your Great Lakes gelatin with 1 cup of your nut milk/coconut milk until
well combined. Set aside.
Now heat up your remaining 3 cups of nut milk in a small sauce pan on medium heat. Mix in
your gelatin and use a fork to combine until clumps are gone. Now add all remaining ingredients
and stir in well.
Place your silicone molds onto a thin cutting board that will fit into your fridge. Use a measuring
cup to scoop the liquid into your silicone molds. Place your molds into the fridge and allow your
Jelly Circles to firm for a few hours!
Store in the fridge in a Stasher bag (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags) or
sealed container.
Macros: (12 servings): Protein: 5g, Carbs: 1.9g (1.5 g net), Fat: 1.1 g, Calories: 65.9

(Protein-packed, Keto-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, no bake)
(18 servings)
2 cups fine-sifted blanched almond flour
2 scoops Myoxcience Keto Plus Collagen Peptides
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1/2 cup Lakanto powdered monk Fruit blend (RFLowcarb: 20% Off)
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp Redmond Real Salt (RFLowcarb: 15% Off)
1/3 cup plus 1 tbsp softened coconut oil
1/2 tsp maple extract
1/2 cup chopped raw pecans
1 tbsp ghee butter for greasing pan
Place your pecans in a small frying pan with 1 tbsp ghee butter. Cook on low heat until golden.
Remove from heat, set aside.
Blend all ingredients except for your pecans in your food processor with an S-blade until
smooth, making sure to scrape down the sides of the bucket. This may take a few minutes.
Scoop your batter into a medium mixing bowl. Fold in your pecans. Using your fingers, roll your
batter into cookie dough balls and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Place your cookies in the fridge and let them firm. This may take an hour. You can also place
them in the freezer.
Store your cookies in the freezer or the fridge in a sealed glass container or Stasher bag
(environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags).
Straight from the freezer, these morsels taste like maple pecan ice cream balls!
Macros: Calories: 130.0, Protein: 3.5 g, Fat: 12 g, Carbs: 3.5 g (1.7 g net)


1/2 cup softened ghee
2 tbsp Myoxcience Keto Plus Collagen Peptides
2 tbsp Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
Pinch of coarse sea salt
Lakanto powdered monk fruit sweetener (optional)
Blend all ingredients together in a small bowl. Spoon your ghee mixture into silicone molds of
choice. Refrigerate until firm. Pop them out, store them in a Stasher bag (environmentally
friendly alternative to ziplock bags) in the fridge!
Feel free to mix in a Lean Gut Bugs capsule or two and some Essential Fatty Nutrients before
Macros (10 servings): Calories: 98.5, Protein: less than 1 g, Fat: 10.6 g, Carbs: less than 1 g


(Protein-packed, Keto-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, no bake)
(18 servings)
2 cups fine-sifted blanched almond flour
2 scoops Myoxcience Keto Plus Collagen Peptides
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1/2 cup Lakanto powdered monk fruit blend (RFLowcarb: 20% Off)
1/4 tsp Redmond Real Salt (RFLowcarb: 15% Off)
1/3 cup plus 1/2 tbsp softened coconut oil
1/2 tsp lemon extract
Zest of 1/2 Meyer lemon
1 tsp poppy seeds
1/4 cup raw shredded coconut flakes
1 tbsp ghee butter for greasing pan
Place your coconut flakes in a small frying pan with your ghee butter and cook on low heat until
golden. Set aside.
Blend all ingredients except for your poppy seeds and zest of Meyer lemon in your food
processor with an S-blade until smooth, making sure to scrape down the sides of the bucket.
This may take a few minutes.
Scoop your batter into a medium mixing bowl. Fold in your poppy seeds and Meyer lemon zest
and mix in well. Using your fingers, roll your batter into cookie dough balls and place them on a
baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Lightly press your coconut flakes onto to the top of
each macaroon as a garnish.
Place your cookies into the fridge and let them firm. This may take an hour. You can also place
them in the freezer. Store your cookies in the freezer or the fridge in a sealed glass container or
Stasher bag (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bag).
These morsels taste like lemon ice cream balls straight from the freezer!
Macros: Calories: 130.0, Protein: 3.5 g, Fat: 12 g , Carbs: 3.5 g (1.7 g net)
1 cup softened raw coconut butter (Place opened jar of coconut butter into hot water or your
dehydrator 145 F until fully liquid consistency).
1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1/2 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Chocolate Whey
1 tsp raw cacao powder
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste/extract
1/4 tsp sea salt
Lakanto monk fruit liquid drops to taste (optional)
Mix all ingredients in a medium bowl with a fork or an electric hand mixer. Spoon your butter into
silicone molds of choice. Refrigerate until firm (give it 2 hours). Pop them out of the silicone
molds and store in Stasher bags (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags) in the
Feel free to mix in a ProBio Supreme 100B capsule or two and some unflavored Myo Relax &
Calm before refrigerating!
Macros (20 servings): Calories: 89.6, Protein: 1.4 g, Carbs: 3.4 g total (1.3 g net), Fat: 8.5 g


(8 servings)
Each serving will contain probiotic strains that are proven to support immune system vitality and
a healthy body composition by improving gut barrier function.
1 cup unsweetened cashew milk
3 cups coconut cream (Native Forest/Thai Kitchen)
4 scoops Optimized Collagen Peptides OR 2 scoops of Keto Plus Collagen Peptides
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein (30g)
2 capsules ProBio Supreme 30B
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp coarse sea salt
Low-glycemic sweetener to taste (optional)

Prep: Refrigerate your 3 cans of full fat coconut milk.

Open probiotic capsules using your fingers. Put the powder into a small cup. Throw away
capsules. Set aside.
Scoop only the cream out of 2 cans of full-fat coconut milk (approx 2 cups of cream). Place your
coconut cream in a saucepan with your 1 cup of cashew milk. Heat your mixture on low heat
until it reaches 95 F and mix them together well.
Now turn off the heat (or remove from the dehydrator), add your probiotics. Stir them in well.
Pour your liquid into a large glass Mason jar. Place a cheese cloth over the top of the uncovered
Mason jar.
There are a few methods you can use to ferment your yogurt:
1. Use a yogurt maker: follow instructions
2. Use a food dehydrator (set at 95 F and leave in there for 24-48 hours)
3. Place in a dark, warm area (may take longer to ferment due to cooler temp)
It is ready when the cream separates to the top and the taste becomes tart.
Scoop out only the cream. Place it into a large mixing bowl. Set aside.
Scoop out the cream from your third can of full fat coconut milk (approx 1 cup) and add it to your
large mixing bowl with your fermented yogurt. Use your electric hand mixer to blend them
together until creamy. Add your Optimized Collagen Peptides/Keto Plus Collagen Peptides,
vanilla whey protein, vanilla bean, cinnamon, sea salt and low-glycemic sweetener to taste.
Store your yogurt in the fridge in a glass container covered with a lid.
With Optimized Collagen Peptides: Calories: 186.0, Protein: 1.5 g, Fat: 18 g, Carbs: 3.1 g total
With Keto Plus Collagen Peptides: Calories: 209.3, Protein: 2.1 g, Fat: 20 g, Carbs: 3.8 g (3.5 g
net) (creamier yogurt)


1.5 cups fine blanched almond flour
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Chocolate Whey Protein (30 g)
1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides (13 g)
1 scoop Myoxcience Keto Plus Collagen Peptides (20 g)
1/4 cup Lakanto powered monk fruit sweetener (optional) (RFLowcarb: 15% off Lakanto
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp Redmond Real Sea Salt (RFLowcarb: 15% off products
2 medium eggs room temperature
1/3 cup coconut oil softened
1 tsp caramel extract (or extract of choice)
Blend all ingredients in your food processor with an S-blade until smooth. Spray your silicone
doughnut mold (6-serving tray) with coconut spray. Use your fingers to mold the dough into
each silicone mold. Bake at 350 F for 18-20 minutes or until slightly golden and firm. Remove
from the oven and let them cool for 5 minutes in the molds. Then flip over and pop out of the
molds onto a cooling tray. Let them cool to room temperature. Add your glaze. Place in the
fridge! They will be ready to eat within 5 minutes!
Store in the fridge in a sealed container.
Macros (without glaze): Calories: 310.0, Protein: 10.8 g, Carbs: 7 g total (3.5g net), Fat: 26.3g
1/4 cup softened coconut oil mix with:
1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized collagen peptides
1/2 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Chocolate Whey Protein (15 g)
2 tbsp Lakanto powdered monk fruit blend
Pinch of sea salt
Pinch of ground cinnamon.
Mix all ingredients until smooth.
Best to make the glaze fresh as needed if you make these in bulk.
Macros (generous amount of glaze for 6 doughnuts): Calories: 98.5, Protein: 5.1 g, Carbs: less
than 1 g, Fat: 9.1 g


(6 medium pops, but make in bulk and store in the freezer!)
2 scoops Keto Plus Collagen Peptides (40 g)
1 scoop Chocolate Metabolic Whey Protein (30 g)
2 tbsp raw cacao powder
1 cup full-fat coconut cream (BPA-free can. Favorite brands: Native Forest, Thai Kitchen,
1/3 cup Lakanto powdered monk fruit blend (RFLowcarb: 20% off)
Pinch of Redmond Real Salt (RFLowcarb: 15% off)
Refrigerate your full-fat coconut milk overnight. Scoop out the cream. Mix all ingredients in your
food processor with an S-blade until smooth and creamy. Scoop into your silicone popsicle
molds. Freeze for a few hours or until they easily pop out of the molds. Store in the freezer.
Macros: Calories: 126.0, Carbs: 3.8 g (less than 1 g net), Fat: 9.1 g, Protein: 3.2 g


(20 servings)

168 g large raw coconut flakes
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Chocolate Whey Protein (30 g)
2 scoops Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 capsule Lean Gut Bugs
1 capsule ProBio Supreme 100B
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp coarse Redmond Real Sea Salt (RFLowcarb: 15% off)
3 tbsp Lakanto powdered monk fruit sweetener (optional)
Lily’s dark chocolate chips (stevia sweetened) or the dark chocolate chips you prefer)

Prep: Open probiotic capsules using your fingers and pour the powder into a small dish. Throw
away capsules. Set aside.
Blend your coconut flakes in a good processor with an S-blade until it forms a coconut butter—
this may take 5 or so minutes. Add all other ingredients except for your raw cacao powder and
chocolate chips and blend for 5-7 seconds.
Line an 8 x 10 glass baking dish with parchment paper. Pour your liquid fudge into the dish and
use the back of a clean spoon to smooth out the batter. Sprinkle your raw cacao powder over
the fudge—use a fork to create swirls. Now add a few optional chocolate chips and lightly press
them in.
Refrigerate for 10 minutes. Remove from the fridge and carefully score your fudge into squares
with a sharp knife. Place it back into the fridge for another 10 minutes. It’s ready to eat!
This can be left on the countertop if it’s cool enough in your house or stored in the fridge in a
sealed glass container/Stasher bags (environmentally friendly alternative to ziplock bags) if it’s
hot, or they will melt!
Macros: Calories: 221.0, Protein: 3.2 g, Fat: 19 g, Carbs: 8.7 g (6.2 g net)


I call these “Dessert Mugs” because that’s just what they are! Large mugs full of nutrient-dense,
superfood goodness!
Having a large mug or bowl (we just like the handle to hold it with!) full of protein pudding
packed with Optimized Collagen Peptides and many other nutrient-dense goodies is our go-to
dessert in the Mutzel family! Why? Because it’s quick to make, and you can customize it
differently every single time you make it!
Dessert mugs are perfect for the days that you may not want to eat a lot of animal meat but
really need additional protein in your meal. Whey protein and Collagen Peptides are absorbed
quicker by the body and easier to digest than animal meat. Feel free to add your favorite plant-
protein powder in place of the whey protein.
“Dessert mugs” are also a great way to add some superfoods, such as chlorella, maca powder,
bee pollen, raw cacao powder/nibs and mushroom powders, for example. Kids love these too!
You can add as much fat, protein or carbs as you wish to these desserts, depending on what
you’re craving or your tailored, targeted macro goals.
Choosing real food ingredients with an array of beautiful colors and thick and crunchy textures
can also help with your satiety after having your main savory meal. This makes it easier for you
to get through a 22-24 hour fasting period of your choosing or a short feeding window.
Here is an idea of what our Dessert Mug can look like:
You will need a large freezer safe mug/medium bowl. Place in the freezer ahead of time. It will
help keep your Dessert Mug thick and creamy when it’s time to pour your pudding in!
Unsweetened vegan nut milk of choice
Unsweetened vegan yogurt (Kite Hill (almond)/Forager (cashew)/So Delicious (coconut))
MyoBolic Whey Protein (or plant protein)
Ice cube alternatives: frozen riced cauliflower, frozen spinach, frozen berries, frozen sweet
potato chunks, frozen squash chunks
Good fats: avocado, raw nut butter, raw seed butter, raw coconut butter, full-fat coconut cream,
vegan unsweetened yogurt (Kite Hill (almond), Forager (cashew)
Superfood blend-in ingredients: raw cacao powder, beet root powder, chlorella, spirulina,
mushroom powders. Fresh ground spices: cinnamon, ground turmeric, cayenne, ginger,
cardamom, nutmeg, coarse sea salt (Redmond Real Salt: RFLowcarb: 15% off), low-glycemic
sweeteners (monk fruit, erythritol (can cause gut disturbance), coconut nectar, dates, a little
local honey).

Myoxcience and other optional add-in supplements: Optimized Collagen Peptides, Keto Plus
Collagen Peptides, MyoBolic Whey Protein powder, probiotics (ProBio Supreme 100B/Lean Gut
Bugs), vitamins D and K, Gut Barrier Enhance, Myo Relax & Calm (cherry or unflavored),
BCAAS (fruit punch/lemon).
Fold-in ingredients: raw cacao nibs, unsweetened chocolate chips, berries in season, raw
activated nuts/seeds, raw/toasted coconut flakes, hemp seeds

Simply blend your unsweetened nut milk or coconut milk with your protein powder, your collagen
peptides, optional superfood blends, a little coarse sea salt (brings out the flavor!), and either a
few ice cubes, frozen spinach or frozen riced cauliflower. This will make your pudding thick and
creamy. Then fold in your toppings! It’s that easy!
2 cups unsweetened vanilla coconut milk
2 scoops (1 serving) Keto Plus Collagen Peptides
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1/4 cup full fat coconut cream
1/2 ripe avocado
1/2 tsp vanilla extract /vanilla paste
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp coarse sea salt (Redmond Real Salt: RFLowcarb: 20% off discount code)
1/4 tsp coarse Redmond Real Salt
1/2 cup frozen riced cauliflower florets/1 cup frozen spinach/few ice cubes
Low-glycemic sweetener to taste (optional). Lakanto monk fruit is my fave: RFLowcarb: 20% off

Mix all ingredients except for your optional fold-in ingredients in your food processor with an S-
blade until smooth and creamy. Fold in your optional super food and crunchy additions!


2 cups unsweetened cashew milk
2 scoops Myoxcience Metabolic Chocolate Whey Protein
1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 scoop Myo Relax & Calm Unflavored
2 tsp raw cacao powder
1/4 ripe avocado
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp chlorella powder
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp coarse sea salt (Real Redmond: 20% off)
Dash ground cloves
1/2 cup frozen riced cauliflower florets/1 cup frozen spinach/few ice cubes
Low-glycemic sweetener to taste (optional). Lakanto monk fruit is my fave: RFLowcarb: 20% off
Mix all ingredients except for your optional “Fold In” ingredients in your food processor with an
S-blade until smooth and creamy. Fold in your optional superfood and crunchy additions!


Sometimes you just need a ’lil slice of heaven to keep your health journey sustainable and on
track. It’s always better to make your own treats because most companies put preservatives
and hidden ingredients in their processed desserts.
The key to this cake bread is to slightly under-bake it. When you place it in the freezer/fridge, it
will firm over in a few hours and taste amazing! This bread is fabulous straight from the freezer;
it almost tastes like an ice cream bar!


(Cyclical Keto Diet Friendly (CKD), grain-free, gluten-free, no added sugar)
Pre-heat oven to 350 F
2 scoops Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein (120 g)
2 scoops Optimized Collagen Peptides (26 g)
2 cups fine blanched almond flour
1/4 cup coconut flour
2 eggs room temp
1/2 cup full fat coconut cream
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup powdered monk fruit blend (optional) (Lakanto: RFLowcarb: 15% off)
1/2 cup seasonal berries
2 tbsp dark chocolate chips (or Lily’s stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips)

Blend all ingredients except for your whey protein and seasonal berries in your food processor
with an S-blade until smooth. Add your whey protein, pulse it into the batter 12-15 times. Scoop
your batter into a lined 9 x 9 inch baking dish. Fold in your berries.
Bake your cake bread for 25-30 minutes or until golden on the edges. You want to slightly
under-bake this cake bread to keep it moist. The bread will firm in the fridge!
Let your cake bread cool to room temperature in the baking dish.
Store your cake bread in the freezer or the fridge. This bread is fabulous straight from the
(Keto-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free)
A little slice of this dessert goes a long way! Remember, moderation with any dessert that
contains almond flours/coconut flours, nut butters and coconut oil is key. Save most of your
macros for the real food—meats, clean fats and veggies. This is why I have made this recipe a
30 serving recipe. Consider eating a thin slice with some fresh berries in season!
I provided the macros for the crust, filling and topping separately so that you can add your own
low-carb pie crust recipe or omit the topping if you prefer it without.
2.5 cups fine blanched almond flour
1/2 cup Lakanto powdered monk fruit sweetener
1 egg room temperature
1/4 cup ghee
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp sea salt
Crust macros (30 servings): Calories: 70.5, Protein: 2.2 g, Carbs:2 g total (1 g net), Fat: 6.5 g
2 cups raw cashews soaked 2 hours in warm filtered water with a pinch of sea salt, rinsed, pat
1/2 cup full-fat coconut cream
1/3 cup coconut oil
2 scoops Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1/2 cup Lakanto powdered monk fruit sweetener (optional)
1 tsp vanilla bean paste/vanilla extract
1/4 tsp sea salt
Pulse after above are blended:
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
2 capsules ProBio Supreme 100B (open capsule)
2 capsules Lean Gut Bugs (open capsule)
Filling macros (30 servings): Calories: 84.0, Protein: 2.1 g, Carbs: 2.9 g total (2.5 g net), F: 7.0 g
Whipped Topping:
1.5 cups full-fat coconut cream (refrigerate your full-fat coconut milk/coconut cream the night
before. Use cream only.)
2 tbsp Lakanto monk fruit blend (optional)
1 tbsp Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of coarse sea salt
Topping macros (30 servings): Calories: 25.6, Protein: 1 g, C: less than 1 g net, Fat: 2 g
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Mix all ingredients in your food processor with an S-blade until well combined and it forms a
dough ball. Scoop out the dough and place it into the center of a lightly greased 9 x 9 pie dish or
springform pan. Use your fingers to press the dough evenly onto the bottom of the pan and up
the sides, allowing 1/4 an inch at the top of the pie dish or springform pan. Use a fork to
puncture the dough at the bottom of the pan.
Bake your dough for 10 minutes or until golden. Remove from the oven and let it cool to room
Now make your filling:
Place all ingredients except for your vanilla whey protein and probiotic powder into your food
processor with an S-blade. Blend until smooth. Now add your Vanilla Whey Protein and
probiotic powder and pulse them into your mixture approximately 12-15 times until combined.
(The purpose is to not overheat them.)
Scoop your filling onto your pie crust that has been cooled to room temperature. Use the back of
a metal spoon to smooth your filling out evenly. Place your “cheese” cake into the freezer for 10
minutes as you prepare the topping. Add your topping to your “cheese” cake and spread evenly.
Cover your cake with aluminum foil/ a lid and place it in the fridge to firm over-night. This also
stores very well in the freezer. Take it out 10 minutes before you want to serve it if placing it in
the freezer.
Macros per slice with crust, filling, topping: (30 Servings):
Calories: 177.0, Protein: 8.6 g, Carbs: 4.9 g total (3.5 g net), Fat: 15.5 g


OMAD can be done anyway that you wish! If you feel better adding MCT, butter or heavy cream
to your morning cup 'o Joe and it keeps you happy until your meal time, then go for it! It's not
considered fasting, but again, choosing OMAD does not necessarily mean your doing so for
autophagy. Perhaps your choosing to eat the majority of your calories in a short feeding window
to better control your food intake? Or perhaps you choose a short feeding window because it
helps your body better digest food? If this is the case, add what you wish to your morning coffee
it it keeps you on track to meet your goals.
On days I plan to left legs at the gym (which can be intense), I often blend Keto Plus Collagen
Peptides into my morning coffee or a simple tsp of MCT oil. It helps me feel strong and gets me
through my workout. My body loves the additional fat- I've found with experimentation. However,
the reasons I choose to cycle OMAD is mainly for lifestyle convenience and better digestion as I
get older, not so much for autophagy.
When I feel the need to truly fast, I do so and I keep my coffee black.


Now that you have an idea of how to make some nutrient-dense recipes and how to meal prep,
let’s start building your OMAD plate!

In Chapter 4: ASSEMBLING AN OMAD MEAL, I will guide you through example OMAD meals
and how to prepare them, how to ensure micronutrient density is attained, and how to make
sure you eat enough protein and fat, optional carbs, and sufficient calories.
I will also guide you through how to cycle OMAD meals for weight loss, weight maintenance,
and longevity.

Let’s dive into Chapter 4!



This chapter will guide you through the process of assembling an OMAD meal.

What does an OMAD meal look like on a plate? It’s not as difficult as you may think to eat your
daily caloric requirement and macronutrients in a 2-hour feeding window.

Recommended kitchen tools:

Kitchen food scale
Macronutrient and micronutrient calculator phone app

Tracking your macros is recommended in the beginning phases of OMAD so that you have an
idea of how much protein, fat and optional carbohydrates you’re currently eating. With this
information, you can make adjustments to your meals according to your targeted goals.


I frequently reference High-Protein Keto (HPK) and Keto-Carnivore (KC) meals. My definitions
of these two meal plans are as follows:
Keto-Carnivore: a diet rich in animal protein and fat sources; nose-to-tail, meat, fish, and eggs
High-Protein Keto: a diet also rich in protein and fat but with the option to balance animal protein
and fat sources with plant protein and fat sources (and veggies, fruits in season)

The beauty of choosing either of these two ways of eating when you’re eating OMAD is that you
can eat quite a bit of protein and fat, and your body only needs to digest it once! Easier
digestion can mean consistent bowel movements!


• Very satiating, will make it easier to fast for longer periods of time if you’re doing daily short
feeding windows
• A better way to get into ketosis if you can’t eat many vegetables due to autoimmune
conditions/sensitivities to plants/lectins
• An easy way to keep you very low-carb without having to count a variety of macros (just weigh/
measure out your protein and plant-based proteins/fats if counting your macros)
• Recommended for those who resistance train with intensity more than three days per week
• Perhaps a better approach for those who have tried Keto but have noticed hormonal issues
and loss of hair due to lack of protein in the diet
• Easier meal preparation (slowly cooking meats in bulk for the week)
• Helps cut carb cravings


1. Figure out your macros ahead of time and track in your macro tracker. (Bulk meal prep really
saves time here.) Set the plan next to your kitchen scale. Calories, protein, fat and carbs can be
figured out for your targeted goals just as they would if you were eating within a large feeding
window! The only difference here is the compressed window.
2. Prepare your food scale. Set a large bowl onto the scale and tare to zero.
3. Add the ingredients and tare to zero each time, so you know exactly how much of each
ingredient is going into your bowl.
4. Using measuring spoons and cups is accurate enough when measuring liquid fats such as
olive oil, ghee, coconut creams, coconut oil, etc.


My recommendation is this:
Eat your main meal, wait 30 minutes, then eat another meal to satiety. I recommend eating
within a 2-hour window versus a 1-hour window. You won’t feel rushed, you’ll chew mindfully,
mealtime will be a nourishing experience, it’s socially sustainable, and you’ll have a 30-minute
rest period to evaluate your hunger after eating your first plate.

For example: 6:00 pm: EAT MEAL 1. Wait 30 minutes (can go for a short walk). Eat again if
you’re still hungry (seconds of meat/fats/ veggies or a low-glycemic protein-packed dessert full
of good fats).


You can tailor your macronutrients to your feeding window. Plan how many calories your body
needs for maintenance, figure out your healthy deficit for weight loss, then experiment with what
macronutrients will sustainably enable you to feel satiated with each meal and get you through
your fasting window without hunger pains. It is much easier to tailor macronutrient requirements
for one meal, one of the many benefits of choosing a short feeding window. Food intake is much
easier to control.


• High-Protein Keto or Keto-Carnivore meals with a slight caloric deficit (moderate-high protein,
moderate-high fat, low carb)
• Fatty meats on Keto-Carnivore days will help with satiety. Add more fat as needed to meet
caloric requirements (weigh protein and measure fat to get an idea of portion sizes for you).
• Add good fats when eating lean meats. Ghee, olive oil and avocados are great sources and
stay low-carb (nuts/seeds in moderation).
• Eat very moderate low-glycemic carbs such as fruit, if any, during weight-loss period.
• Carbs primarily come from veggies grown above the ground and from plant-based protein
sources such as nuts/avocados. Watch serving sizes.
• Feeding window goal: Shorter feeding windows if possible once Keto-adapted. Transition
slowly with OMAD. Once a week in the beginning until comfortable. Two meals maximum with
no snacks. If you don’t feel well or need more food, then eat or increase your feeding window!
Regardless, transition slowly.
• Macros will need to be experimented with to fit your needs and goals. We all metabolize
different amounts of proteins, carbs and fats differently.

• Find your maintenance calories to determine what a healthy, sustainable slight deficit is for you
—one that gives you satiety but enables you to burn more calories than you consume to get
your body burning its own fat for fuel.
• When you implement OMAD once a week, eat a regular meal. This will keep you at a caloric
deficit for the week, especially if you expend more energy than you consume on all other days
of the week. This will really help you burn more fat for fuel. As you increase OMAD days during
the week, you can tailor caloric needs to what feels best and your targeted goals.

Below is a hypothetical 7-day meal plan for someone who is overweight, sedentary, has a desk
job, lacks lean muscle and has calculated his/her healthy caloric deficit to be 1400 calories/day.

You will notice that the calories don’t remain at one fixed number. There are days when calories
will be higher than others when you eat intuitively, which is the ultimate goal! A macronutrient
calculator will not determine how your body will burn its own fat for fuel.

However, tracking initially is necessary to know what portions look like, especially when
transitioning to a new way of eating. You can feel more comfortable eating intuitively once
you’ve figured out what macronutrients and feeding window cycles are best for you.

Please note: This is hypothetical. Some individuals feel better eating higher protein meals,
higher fat meals or higher carb meals than the example below. The calories shown below are
just showing how to implement a deficit into OMAD meals and short feeding windows. This will
also give you an idea what High-Protein Keto and Keto-Carnivore rotations can look like and
how OMAD can be cycled. This is not implying that you should eat 1400 calories per day or the
same amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates!!

Please also note: To keep this simple and easy, all foods below look very similar. Add your
favorite meat/clean fat or veggies in place of these if you wish!

MONDAY High-Protein Keto meal with a 2-hour feeding window

“Metabolic Monday” regular meal after 22-hour fast

5 oz grass-fed ground beef
8 cups spinach softened in frying pan with 1 tbsp ghee
30 g avocado
10 g raw activated walnuts
2 cooked egg yolks
1 cup micro-greens
1/2 cup chopped radicchio
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt to taste

“Goddess Dessert Mug”
1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla coconut milk
1 scoop (30 g) Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 scoop (30 g) Myoxcience MyoBolic Chocolate Whey Protein
1/4 cup frozen cauliflower rice
Dash coarse sea salt
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Fold in 2 tsp raw cacao nibs.

Approx Macros: Protein: 69 g, Carbs: 25 g total (13 g net), Fat: 59 g, Calories: 865.0

TUESDAY Keto-Carnivore meal and High-Protein Keto meal with 6-hour feeding window

Keto-Carnivore Meal 1
12 oz ground beef 85% lean
1 can smoked oysters
4 medium egg yolks
1 tbsp bone marrow/ghee

(3-3.5-hour digestion period)

High-Protein Keto Meal 2

1.5 cups unsweetened cashew milk
1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1/2 cup frozen spinach
Blend all ingredients in a food processor with an S-blade then fold in:
1 tsp raw cacao nibs
1/4 cup fresh blueberries

Macros: Protein: 104 g, Carbs: 20 g (16 g net), Fat: 100 g, Calories: 1400.0

WEDNESDAY High-Protein Keto meal with 6-hour feeding window

Meal 1
1 can sardines in oil
4-egg omelet with 1/2 cup mushrooms and seasonal veggies
2 cups steamed riced cauliflower
50 g avocado

(3- to 4-hour digestion period)

Meal 2
1 cup seasonal mixed greens
2 raw Brazil nuts
1 tbsp olive oil
8 oz ground lamb

Macros: Protein: 104 g, Carbs: 16 g (8 g net), Fat: 101 g, Calories: 1386.0

THURSDAY Keto-Carnivore meal with 2-hour feeding window

15 oz ground beef
4 oz Rosemary Chicken Liver Pate (Chapter 3)
4 eggs cooked
2 tbsp ghee

Macros: Protein: 105 g, Carbs: 5 g total, Fat: 105 g, Calories: 1331.0

FRIDAY High-Protein Keto meal with 3-hour feeding window

Plate 1
1 cup chopped radicchio
10 g raw pecans
50 g avocado
6 medium Greek olives
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt to taste
Plate 2
10 oz wild-caught sockeye salmon
4 oz basil pesto duck liver pate
1 cup steamed broccoli
1/4 cup cooked red onion

1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 scoop (30g) Myoxcience MyoBolic Whey Protein
1 cup Kite Hill unsweetened yogurt
1 tsp raw cacao nibs
1 tsp chlorella
Sea salt to taste
Blend all ingredients then fold in:
1/4 cup blueberries

Macros: Protein: 124 g, Carbs: 38 g (24 g net), Fat: 74 g, Calories: 1357.0

SATURDAY High-Protein Keto meal with a 4-hour feeding window

Meal 1
2 cups mixed seasonal greens
2 radishes chopped
2 tbsp fermented veggies of choice
Dressing: 2 tbsp olive oil blended with 1 tsp fresh lemon juice and sea salt to taste
3 oz lamb heart
6 oz chuck roast

(3-hour digestion period)

Meal 2

Protein-packed smoothie bowl made with:

1 scoop Myobolic Whey Protein
1 scoop Keto Plus Optimized Collagen Peptides
50 g avocado
1 tsp raw cacao powder
10 raw walnut halves
1 serving Kite Hill unsweetened almond yogurt (110 calories)
Pinch coarse sea salt

Macros: Protein: 115 g, Carbs: 35 g (17 g net), Fat: 98 g, Calories: 1450.0

SUNDAY Keto-Carnivore meal with a 2-hour feeding window

18 oz ground beef 85% lean
5 egg yolks
1 tin oysters in oil, drained
1 tbsp ghee butter

Macros: Protein: 101 g, Carbs: 6 g (6 g net), Fat: 100 g, Calories: 1400.0

If short feeding windows are too difficult, open up the feeding window. Any feeding window in
general is fabulous. You may do well with just one 2-hour feeding window per week. Perhaps a
2-hour window is too difficult, and you prefer a 4- to 6-hour window. Do what feels best!


By this point in time, if your goal is maintenance, you’ll have a pretty good idea of how much
protein, fat and carbs your body needs. Now, how to fit this into a 2-hour window? You may
need to adjust your protein and fat and decrease your fiber from veggies on days you choose
OMAD. Vegetables are very filling and may make it difficult to eat the amount of protein and fat
your body needs for maintenance. High-Protein Keto and Keto-Carnivore meals are an easy
way to get in enough protein, fat and calories in a short feeding window. Focusing on protein
and fat will keep your body fat-adapted, which will typically make fasting much easier when you
choose to implement OMAD feeding windows.

Keeping calories high enough to meet your maintenance requirements is key when utilizing
OMAD as a tool to avoid unwanted weight loss. However, the ebbs and flows of caloric deficits
and surpluses can naturally keep your body in balance. This is how we are supposed to eat
intuitively. Some days we need more calories in the form of protein/fat and perhaps
carbohydrates. Initially, you may need to weigh your protein and measure your fat and carbs as
you tailor your OMAD meal to meet your needs and satiety. Eventually, you will learn what
approximate portion sizes are best for you so that you can eat more mindfully and listen to your

If you love implementing OMAD frequently in your week but you feel you’re losing weight,
consider adding MCTs or ghee to your morning or afternoon coffee. It’s not considered fasting,
but this will bump up calories, enable your body to burn another source of fat for fuel (less of
your own body fat if you feel too lean) and you’ll still get the benefits of convenience and
improved digestion when you save your main meal for your 2-hour window. Again, there are no
rules. OMAD needs to fit your needs and can be utilized in any way that you wish.

The following is a hypothetical 7-day meal plan for someone who has calculated his/her
maintenance calories to be approximately 1900-2000 calories/day. OMAD has been added
more frequently to give you a better idea of what this can look like.


• Cycle protein amounts, fat amounts and optional carb amounts, which will cycle your calories
• Carbs on resistance training/tough workout days—optional. If you’re carnivore, you can just
cycle protein and fat amounts to what feels good and for satiety.
• Keep protein moderate-high.
• Mixing fatty meats and lean meats can help with satiety. Add more fat as needed to meet
caloric requirements.
• Weigh out protein amounts, but try to eat fat/carbs with intuition when you know what portion
sizes are best for you.
• Low-carb meals in general may help your body and brain primarily burn fat for fuel while
preserving lean muscle. This can look different for everyone, depending on their activity level,
goals, body fat preference, etc.
• If you’re feeling the need to lean out a bit for whatever reason, consider cutting the carbs first,
next the fat. Keep protein high.
• Suggested meal plans for building muscle and staying lean: high-to-moderate protein,
moderate-to-high fat, low-to-moderate carbs
• Need to put on weight? Add surplus days, add protein or fat to add calories or cycle OMAD
less frequently. Optional to add more carbs.
• Carbohydrates: veggies and low-glycemic fruits in season (carbs are optional! Some do better
with, some do better without!)

The calories chosen below are hypothetical. This is not implying that you should eat 1900
calories per day or eat the same amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. The purpose is to
show you that calories can change each day. This is why, in time, intuitive eating is a better
approach—training your body to know what it needs when it needs it, eyeballing your portion
sizes and eating to a comfortable satiety.


When implementing OMAD meals, you may need to track your macros and calories to get an
idea of what one meal a day, for you, can look like.

You’ll eventually eat what you feel your body needs each day. This may look the same or it may
look different, depending on what your activity is, what food is in season and how your body and
brain are feeling. You will also begin to know how often you’ll want to implement OMAD into
your way of eating.

Below is a hypothetical example of how you can use OMAD as a tool for maintaining/building
muscle and staying lean. (OMAD can be used with any meal-plan preference: Paleo, Keto,
Cyclical Keto, Keto-Carnivore or Plant-Based!)

MONDAY High-Protein Keto (OMAD 2-hour feeding window)

15 oz beef ribeye steak, visible fat eaten
6 oz leftover fatty ground lamb
3 eggs
50 g avocado
8 macadamia nuts
1 cup seasonal sautéed mushrooms

Macros: Protein: 165 g, Carbs: 18 g (7 net), Fat: 131 g, Calories: 1929.0

TUESDAY High-Protein Keto (OMAD 2-hour feeding window)

14 oz leftover fatty ground lamb
4 oz Rosemary Chicken Liver Pate (Chapter 3)
1 serving smoked oysters, oil drained (150 Cal)
4 medium egg yolks
1 cup sautéed mushrooms (lightly greased pan with olive oil)

2 Optimized Gummies (see recipe below)
1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla cashew milk
1 scoop (11 g) Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 scoop MyoBolic Chocolate Whey Protein
1 tsp raw cacao nibs

Macros: Protein: 140 g, Carbs: 29 g total (22 g net), Fat: 120 g, Calories: 1887.0

WEDNESDAY High-Protein Keto (4-hour feeding window)

Meal 1
1.5 scoops MyoBolic Whey Protein
1 scoop Optimized Collagen Peptides
1.5 cups vanilla unsweetened cashew milk
30 grams avocado

(2-hour digestion period)

Meal 2
14 oz ground beef
4 oz basil pesto duck liver pate
6 egg yolks
2 cups spinach
1/2 cup baked beets

Macros: Protein: 190 g, Carbs: 31 g (27 g net), Fat: 113 g, Calories: 2000.0

THURSDAY High-Protein Keto (OMAD 2-hour feeding window)

12 oz wild-caught sockeye salmon
1 tin anchovies in oil
4 boiled whole eggs
1 cup steamed broccoli
2 tbsp olive oil
Redmond Real Sea Salt to taste

1/4 cup full-fat coconut cream
1 cup Kite Hill unsweetened yogurt
1 scoop Myoxcience MyoBolic Vanilla Whey Protein
1 scoop Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 tsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp raw cacao nibs
8 activated walnuts
1/2 serving (30 pieces) Lily’s stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips

Macros: Protein: 151 g, Carbs: 33 g (20 g net), Fat: 109 g, Calories: 1749.0

FRIDAY Flexible Keto-Carnivore (OMAD 2-hour feeding window)

12 oz slow-cooked beef tongue
5 oz beef liver
4 medium egg yolks
3 tbsp bone marrow

Protein shake made with:
1.5 cup unsweetened vanilla coconut milk
1 scoop Myoxcience Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 scoop Myoxcience Myobolic Vanilla Whey Protein

Macros: Protein: 110 g, Carbs: 12 g (11 g net), Fat: 128 g, Calories: 1876.0

SATURDAY High-Protein Keto (OMAD 2-hour feeding window)

12.5 oz wild-caught sockeye salmon
4 duck egg yolks
2 tbsp bone marrow
1 cup mushrooms sautéed
2 cups steamed cauliflower rice
3 tbsp ghee

Dessert: 1-1.5 hours later

1 cup unsweetened cashew milk
30 g avocado
1.5 scoops MyoBolic Whey Protein
1 scoop Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 tsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp raw cacao nibs
Fold in one Optimized Mini Vanilla Cinnamon Panna Cotta chopped into chunks

Macros: Protein: 165g, Carbs: 38 g (20 g net), Fat: 110 g, Calories: 1967.0

SUNDAY Plant-Based High Protein (OMAD 2-hour feeding window)

This is a plant-based option for the day. Plant-based meals are more challenging when you’re
Keto. If your focus is vegetables above the ground, plenty of good fats from olive oil, olives,
coconut products and organic tofu are good choices that help with satiety.

16 oz organic firm-packed sprouted tofu (Wildwood)
1 cup edamame
1/4 cup activated walnuts
60 g avocado
4 cups spinach
3 cups steamed cauliflower rice
1 cup pan-fried zucchini
1 cup pan-fried radicchio
1 cup assorted mushrooms
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 scoops plant-based protein powder
1 cup unsweetened Kite Hill yogurt
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp raw cacao nibs

Macros: Protein: 120 g, Carbs: 80 g (28 g net), Fat: 123 g, Calories: 1850.0
(For a lower carb meal, omit some veggies and add good fats, such as olives, and low-carb
nuts, such as macadamia nuts; replace yogurt with unsweetened almond milk.)

Please note: I have included desserts in many of these meal plans. Dessert is completely
optional. There are some nights I will eat a lot of fatty animal meat and no veggies. There are
other nights when I crave something sweet, and I’ll indulge in a low-glycemic dessert packed
with MyoBolic Whey Protein, Optimized Collagen Peptides, cacao nibs, and berries from our
backyard. There are no rules other than to intuitively listen to your body and what it needs.

Can you put on significant lean muscle gains if you choose a short feeding window? Yes, it is
possible. However, this is something that you will need to experiment with.

You can add a surplus of calories by many means even when eating in a 1- to 2-hour feeding
window. Figure out your maintenance calorie “sweet spot.” You can add calories by eating more
protein, eating more fat or adding more carbs into your feeding window. You can also choose to
expand your feeding window to fit in more calories. Increasing your feeding window may be
necessary if you cannot take in enough calories in a short feeding window without feeling

• Some days you’ll eat within a 2-hour feeding window, and other days you’ll choose a longer
feeding window to enable a comfortable calorie surplus. Cycle one meal a day as often as you
• Focusing on more intense weight training and limiting steady state cardio will help you make
more significant lean muscle gains too!
• Doing easy fasted walking in the morning or short HIIT (high-intensity interval training) cardio
can help the body burn its own fat for fuel as lean gains are being made. Keeping meals low-
glycemic will help keep the body and brain primarily burning ketones to preserve lean muscle

Below is an example of how you can add a surplus of calories and still implement OMAD into
your lifestyle.

MONDAY Surplus (feeding window 6 hours; 2 meals) Keto-Carnivore

TUESDAY Maintenance OMAD (2-hour feeding window) High-Protein Keto

WEDNESDAY Surplus (feeding window 8 hours; 3 meals) Keto-Carnivore

THURSDAY Maintenance OMAD (2-hour feeding window) Cyclical Keto

FRIDAY Surplus (feeding window 6 hours; 2 meals) Cyclical Keto (CKD)

SATURDAY Maintenance OMAD (2-hour feeding window) High-Protein Keto

SUNDAY Surplus (feeding window 6 hours; 2 meals) Keto-Carnivore

When you choose OMAD as a tool, there is little room for processed protein bars and junk. You
need to eat methodically. How do you eat enough calories in a short feeding window without
feeling filled to the brim? By tailoring your protein and fat. They’ll become your favorite
macronutrients because you’ll realize quickly that 1800-2000 plus calories aren’t tough to eat in
one meal when your focus is fatty meats and additional fats from animals/plants.

Handfuls of greens and berries in season are fabulous too as they are rich in polyphenols and
phytonutrients. However, you may find that large plates full of leafy greens and berries won’t be
the foods that get you through your fasting window without hunger pains.


This is a personal preference. Experiment with eating a plate higher in protein and moderate in
fat. Take note of how you feel. Then try a meal higher in fat and lower in protein. Again, take
note of how you feel. This ratio can change too! It doesn’t have to be black and white. You may
find that on very active days, you crave a little more animal meat or perhaps you crave more fat.


Utilizing OMAD as a tool is key. If you love this approach but find it difficult to eat a large amount
of protein in a short feeding window, then increase your fat intake to decrease the protein
requirement (your macro tracker can help with this ratio if you’re not sure how to intuitively do
so) or increase your feeding window. You are in control of how flexible you want to be with your
feeding window!

You can also try these methods:

• Eat two meals during a 6-hour window rather than one large meal.
• Bump up your fat significantly and decrease your protein for a standard Keto (SKD) meal
approach on days that you choose a shorter OMAD feeding window, adding in less animal
protein and easier-to-digest plant proteins and fats.
• Eat less meat and add in a whey or plant-based protein shake, which is easier to absorb than
animal protein.

There are many ways to approach this. Do what will give you the most satiety and nourishment.


I personally rotate all different types of meal plans when I choose OMAD meals (and on days I
choose longer feeding windows too!) How? By eating primarily what’s local and in season with
the exception of a few of my favorite staple foods, such as avocados and activated nuts in


Being flexible with real food nutrition via different meal plans (all grain-free, gluten-free) has
enabled me to build lean muscle while simultaneously burning my own body fat for fuel. It is
sustainable because it’s not restrictive. Sometimes we hear about fad diets and think it’s the
only way to build muscle and burn fat. That is not correct. During the warmer months, I crave
more veggies in season. During the winter months, I crave warming foods such as stews, soups
and more meats.

There is no one-size-fits-all way to eat, even with intermittent fasting windows.This e-book is not
intended to persuade you to eat once a day, trust me, because I don’t even do so daily. It is
simply to show you that it can be an option for the right person, without crashing your

That being said, this works for me. If you have sensitivities to plants, don’t eat them. If fruits in
season cause you weight gain, don’t eat them. If one type of meal plan really works for you,
then stick with it.


Simply more diversity with foods. Eating only meat can get boring for some. Adding in diversity
from plant-based proteins and fats plus fiber from polyphenol-rich veggies in season, activated
nuts and seeds, and low-glycemic fruits can help with umami, which may be more satiating.


Do we need as much fiber as we think we need to be healthy? Perhaps not. Eating a lot of fiber
can actually have the opposite effect on the tummy, such as bloating and gut disturbance!

Bowel movements: When you change what you eat and how you eat, your bowel movements
will also change! It’s not something to be afraid of unless it is causing you weeks of discomfort.
You may notice initially that you experience diarrhea or constipation and when you go #2, it’s
less frequent and much smaller than before! That’s OK! Less fiber means less frequent and
smaller poops! It also means less chance of bloating due to tons of fiber from large plates of

Over time, your body should adapt and normalize. The key is to give it a chance to! Taking
magnesium citrate periodically can also help with your bowel movements; however, don’t
overuse it! Allow your body to take in the micronutrients that it needs from the food you


You don’t need to be 100% Keto, Keto-Carnivore or plant-based to meet your target goals—
we’re all different! You can choose to cycle all of these types of meals in a week or choose a few
different ways to eat. Whatever feels good and is sustainable is the rule of thumb.

The same goes for your feeding window. Some days, you’ll finish eating in an hour. Other days,
you may finish in two hours, and if a three to 4-hour window suits you when you have friends
over for dinner, so be it. This is not a diet. It is a tool, a sustainable approach to eating that will
help you feel your best.


I am showing you meal examples without measurements and macro counting here because the
ultimate goal is to steer away from weighing and measuring your food once you understand
portion sizes for your needs and have an idea of what comfortable satiety feels like.


Flexible OMAD by my definition: eating within a 2-hour feeding window with flexibility to increase
the feeding window as needed; sometimes breaking the fast earlier or later to meet satiety or
enjoy social events; or extending the fasting window for autophagy benefits. It can be used daily
or one a week, once a month, when you travel, whenever you choose.


Below is an example of what Keto-Carnivore, High-Protein Keto, Strict Keto, Cyclical Keto, and
Plant-Based meals can look like when eating one meal a day.


High protein, moderate-high fat from fatty meat (no added fat unless animal fat), low-to-zero
• Staple foods: fatty meats, lean meats, organ meats, fish, seafood, eggs, whey protein,
collagen, colostrum, bone broth, bone marrow and other animal fats (lard, ghee, butter)
• Eating “nose-to-tail” approach is common (popular for weight loss, building lean muscle, fat-
burning, anti-aging, active lifestyle, including frequent resistance training)

(Leftovers and fresh-made meats)
Slow-cooked beef tongue
Beef liver and lamb heart leftovers
Egg yolks
1/2 cup radicchio
Lacto-fermented veggies
Bone marrow
Sea salt

1-2 scoops Myoxcience MyoBolic Whey Protein
1 scoop Optimized Collagen Peptides
1 cup filtered water (or unsweetened nut/coconut milk—though not considered Strict Carnivore)
A few ice cubes

Need more calories? Add more protein or animal fat.


High protein, moderate-high fat, low carb

Staple foods: animal meats and fats, plant-based protein and fats (olives, activated nuts, seeds,
avocado, olive oil, coconut oil), low-glycemic vegetables and fruits in season when possible.

Meal Example #1:

Slow-cooked beef tenderloin steak
Rosemary Chicken Liver Pate (Chapter 3)
Whole eggs
Mixed seasonal greens
1/4 cup lacto-fermented vegetables
Activated walnuts
Ginger Cashew Avocado Dressing (Chapter 3)
Sea salt

Coconut Cashew Collagen Yogurt (Chapter 3)

Meal Example #2:

Pre-dinner Protein Shake

Chocolate Maca Appetizer Shake (Chapter 3)

Slow-cooked duck breast
Pan-fried lamb heart
Egg yolks
Microgreens in season
Steamed broccoli and cauliflower
Extra virgin olive oil (for veggies)
2 Brazil nuts
Sea salt

Optimized Gummy Worms (Chapter 3) on top of Dessert Mug of choice

Need more calories? Add more fat or protein as needed to fit your needs.
Less calories? Reduce amount of fat.

Meal Example #3:

Bison ribeye, visible fat eaten
Basil pesto duck liver pate
Smoked oysters in olive oil
Dandelion greens with chopped radish
Whole duck eggs
Roasted seaweed snacks
Sea salt

2 servings Protein-Packed Mini Vanilla Cinnamon Panna Cottas (Chapter 3) with a teaspoon of
ghee on top of each

Need more calories? Add more fat or protein as needed to fit your needs.
Less calories? Reduce amount of fat.


Very high fat, moderate protein, carbs under 20 total grams (popular for weight loss,
autoimmune conditions, muscle-building, fat-burning, anti-aging, brain health)

Staple foods: fatty animal meats, fish, seafood, egg yolks, animal fats, whole dairy (moderation),
plant-based fats (olives, olive oil, avocado, macadamia nuts, lower-carb nuts/seeds)

Meal Example #1:

Pan-fried wild-caught salmon
Oysters in olive oil
Raw radicchio
Raw spinach
Extra virgin olive oil
Ghee (for satiety and added calories if needed)
Sea salt to taste

Optimized Keto Snickerdoodle Dessert Mug (Chapter 3)

Need more calories? Add more fat as needed to fit your needs.
Less calories? Reduce amount of fat.

Meal Example #2:

Ground lamb
Sardines in oil
Bone marrow
Egg yolks

Optimized Vanilla Cinnamon Ghee Bites and Optimized Lemon Poppyseed No-Bake Macaroons
(Chapter 3)

Need more calories? Add more fat as needed.


High-fat, low-carb (targeted/seasonal), moderate protein
(Adding in some seasonal root veggies, low-glycemic berries and more activated nuts and
seeds for muscle gains, thyroid support, added phytonutrients; also fiber and resistant starch for
a happy microbiome)

Staple foods: same as Keto but seasonal fruits and root vegetables added as needed, such as
berries, sweet potatoes, squashes, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, veggies that do not
cause body/brain/gut disturbance

Meal Example #1:

Ground lamb burger—no bun
Leftover beef heart
Seasonal mixed greens
Seasonal golden beets
Sautéed chopped onions
Sautéed shiitake mushrooms
Olive oil
Sea salt

Optimized Maple Pecan Edible Cookie Dough Balls and Optimized Creamy Chocolate Jelly
Circles (Chapter 3)

Meal Example #2:

Ground beef
Sardines in water
Pan-cooked sweet potatoes and plantains
Steamed cauliflower rice

Optimized Collagen Marble Fudge and Mini Vanilla Cinnamon Panna Cottas (Chapter 3)


High-moderate protein, moderate fat, moderate carb
(Gives animals a break and gives your digestion a break from eating animal protein)

Meal Example #1:

4 servings firm-packed tofu pan-fried in olive oil and sea salt
Seasonal sautéed mushrooms and garlic
Steamed cauliflower rice and broccoli
Raw walnuts and cashews sautéed in ghee
Fried plantains and onions
Fermented veggies
Protein shake pudding made with unsweetened cashew milk, Kite Hill unsweetened almond
yogurt, plant-based protein powder, raw cacao, chlorella and bee pollen

Meal Example #2:

Raw veggie bread wrap stuffed with olives, fermented veggies, avocado, microgreens, kite Hill
cream cheese, tahini, sea salt
Raw buckwheat crackers with basil pesto
Steamed cauliflower rice with seasonal mushrooms and olive oil, avocado
Steamed spinach with coconut aminos and fresh ground spices

Plant-Based Dessert Mug: Forager unsweetened cashew yogurt, plant protein powder, spirulina,
raw cacao nibs, low-glycemic sweetener, sea salt
Fold in chopped, firm-packed tofu fried in coconut oil, cinnamon and sea salt (optional)

As to which macronutrients will help with satiety, I can only give recommendations to help you if
you’re struggling through the fasting window with hunger pains.

The ultimate goal is to eat with intuition. Tracking macros isn’t a natural approach to eating
healthily. Once you have an idea of how much of each macronutrient fits your needs each day
(healthy satiety) and how to take a breath, chew your food and know when you’re comfortably
satiated, you’ve hit the sweet spot to sustainable, healthy eating within a short feeding window.


Here are some signs to watch out for that may indicate you need to make a change—whether it
be to increase your feeding window daily, to less frequently cycle OMAD or to change
something that your body is not liking in your nutrition. Perhaps you’re not eating enough
protein? Fat? Carbohydrates? Or you may not be eating enough calories.

Hair loss: could be a sign of stress. Make sure you are eating enough calories for your activity
level (a slight, healthy deficit is OK if you need to lose body fat). You also need to evaluate the
rest of your lifestyle—work, relationships and so forth. Make sure you are balanced and happy.
Fatigue: A good indicator that you might need to make a change. Remember though, you may
experience fatigue while transitioning to Keto or to any change in your nutrition. If fatigue
persists for prolonged periods of time, make a change to what you are doing.

Menstrual cycle change: Could be a sign that body fat may be too low, unless you are at the age
of pre-menopause/menopause. Your cycle may change initially as this can happen with any
change in your life. However, if it persists, modify your lifestyle and eating habits. Again, adding
calories, protein/fat/carbs or extending your daily feeding window may be necessary. You can
also choose to do OMAD less frequently. This may mean adding some MCTs into your morning
coffee if you love OMAD but your body needs a little something more, as an example of a small
change that you can make that may help.

Digestion: If eating a lot of food in a short feeding window upsets your stomach and doesn’t feel
good, make adjustments and do what’s right for you. Proper digestion is very important. Some
people do very well digesting large portions of food, others not so much. We’re all built
differently. You may also need to re-evaluate the ratio of animal protein to fat that you’re eating.
Play with your ratios to figure out what makes your tummy feel ideal.

Hunger pains: You will have these with any transition to a shorter feeding window or if your body
is not Keto-adapted. It’s part of the process of figuring out what true hunger is. If it persists for a
prolonged period of time, it means your body isn’t feeling nourished. Eat to satiety. This is
important. Eat with intuition; in the end, a much better approach than tracking macros (because
you are more present with food and may require different macronutrients each day).

Be flexible: If you feel truly hungry at hour 18 of your 22-hour OMAD fast, then eat! Don’t torture
yourself! OMAD is just a tool. Listen to your body and go with it.

There are days when I do have breakfast! And there are days when I choose to have lunch (a
larger feeding window).

There are days that I choose to put MCT oil and butter into my coffee!! No rules!

A short feeding window may work best for your lifestyle, but the point is it can change per day,
per season, per how your body is feeling, per what you may need and that’s OK.

Now that you have an idea of what to eat and how to eat, let’s move into Chapter 5: HOW TO
MOVE AND BUILD LEAN MUSCLE MASS when you eat in a 2-hour feeding window.
I will be covering the importance of weight training when you choose the OMAD approach.
When you implement resistance training along with daily movement and a short-term feeding
window, you may find your macronutrients need to be adjusted to meet your caloric needs,
protein needs and digestive needs.



Fasted cardio in the morning can help jump-start your fat-burning metabolism, especially if your
main goal is to lose weight.

The type of cardio that you choose and the duration will depend on a few factors: your current
health, % body fat, % lean muscle, how much you love to move, and your goals.

With movement, consistency is key if you want results.

Pick the movement that you enjoy, whether it is walking, light jogging or a mix.

This could also simply be spending time with friends and family doing fun activities, such as
paddle boarding, hiking, gardening, yoga or anything that involves healthy movement.

You don’t have to kill it with intense cardio to fat burn. Just be consistent with movement
throughout the day. You can always make the time to go for a short walk between meetings or
your kids’ sports events.

Try a daily 30-minute brisk, enjoyable walk in the morning for example. Bump it up to 60 minutes
when you feel comfortable. This can take time. Just be consistent with your morning movement.

Tracking your steps is recommended to hold you accountable for your movement. A Fitbit or
Oura Ring can give you an idea of how much you’re really moving. Your body loves to move!
Moving your body anytime that you possibly can is key! If you work at a desk job, set a timer
and get up from your seat every 30 minutes to stretch or take a short walk. Your body and brain
will thank you!

If your goal is fat loss, a shorter feeding window may enable you to easier maintain a healthy
caloric deficit so that your body is able to burn its own fat for fuel.
Being Keto-adapted should help your body maintain and build lean muscle as your body burns
its own fat for fuel, even in a slight caloric deficit.

Moving your body when you can during the day, performing activities of daily living and playing
more, having fun, paddle boarding, hiking with your family, easy — they’re all good! The body
does not like to sit for long periods of time. Keep your cardio movement fun and stress-free.


If your goal is to burn fat, cardio will help but weight training and building lean muscle are the
most effective ways to burn fat 24/7.

Resistance training with challenging weights is key to sustainable, consistent fat burning.

Factoring in Keto-adaptation is another key to really helping your body burn its own fat for fuel
24/7. However, many individuals who aren’t Keto-adapted also can burn their own body fat for
fuel when they are fit and eating clean in a healthy caloric deficit, such as traditional body

If fasting is new for you, keep your movement relaxing rather than intense. When adding any
type of exercise to your routine, evaluate how you feel and transition slowly.

You need to build lean muscle to burn fat and calories 24/7. The more lean muscle you have,
the more calories your body will burn 24/7 and the more toned your body will look.

It is also important to build and maintain muscle to protect your joints as you age!


Lose the fat to find your muscles. Build your muscles. Maintain your lean muscle. Burn your own
body fat simultaneously ...

When your body starts to lose fat, underneath that fat lies muscle or lack of!

To exponentially increase the fat burning and to tone your body, you will need to add challenging
resistance training into your routine. Consider 3-5 days per week.

• Muscle is what sculpts your body, giving you the “toned” appearance.
• Muscle is anti-aging and will keep you looking lean and strong.
• Muscle will protect your joints as you age.
• Muscle is key. All else is icing on the cake.

Combine muscle building and healthy, consistent movement with a slight healthy caloric deficit
each day and guess what, your body will begin to burn fat and look toned.

As you build muscle, you will find that it is easier to stay lean all year round without killing it with
rigorous cardio—spinning classes, marathon running, hours of elliptical every day—activities
that can create so much stress on your joints and likely produce significant increases in cortisol.

As discussed in Chapter 4, the caloric deficit that you choose will depend on how much body fat
you need to lose. You can choose to stay at maintenance calories too or a surplus. Your Fitness
Pal won’t determine how your body metabolizes macronutrients and calories, which is why
intuitive eating is ultimately the goal each day.


When you first start building muscle, it will push out the fat you have on your body. This may
eventually feel bulky, but stick with it and trust the process. Eventually, body fat will decrease
and your muscles will show. This is when you will see tone. It can take much time and patience.


Eating a nutrition plan that is low in carbs can help you feel less bulky during this time because
you won’t retain as much water as carbohydrates tend to do.

Eating low carb will also enable your body to preserve lean muscle as you burn your own body
fat for fuel. Once you are consistently Keto-adapted, you may find that you’re able to eat carbs
in season and remain primarily in ketosis! Your meals don’t have to look Keto in your Fitness Pal
to determine your body’s metabolism. Why? Because we all metabolize macronutrients


Training fasted may be easier for you to build lean muscle and burn your own body fat for fuel.

However, if you prefer eating a meal first thing in the morning before you hit the gym, that’s OK!
Or if you enjoy having MCT or a little ghee in your coffee pre-workout, then do it if it helps your
strength to build lean muscle.
If taking BCAAS intra-workout helps you build muscle, take them, even if it’s during your fasting

If having a little whey protein post-workout gets you through to your OMAD meal without a
difficult struggle, then do so.

This is the beauty of flexible OMAD. It needs to fit your lifestyle, and it needs to feel good to be

You can still burn fat and build muscle if you eat before you train! The key is to build muscle and
become stronger over time.

Again, you can use OMAD for different reasons: for weight loss, for lifestyle convenience, for
better digestion, for autophagy or other reasons. There is no right and wrong when you are
using it as a tool rather than a diet.

Having a shorter feeding window does not mean you have to completely alter your routine. It’ll
just make your day more productive and efficient! The only factor that you will need to worry
about is getting in the number of calories and micronutrients that your body needs based on
your activity level and your goals in your shorter feeding window.


There are many factors involved in how many days a week you’ll need to train. It’s not just age,
gender, history of sports, body type and current health that matter—there are many, many

I’m assuming that you know, at this point in your life, your body type. Do you build muscle
easily? Do you struggle to put on muscle altogether or in certain areas of your body?

I highly recommend hitting muscle groups twice a week with challenging weights. Bodybuilding
two muscle groups a session can make this possible. If you have an area that is really tough to
build (we all have weak spots!), consider hitting them three times per week with some easier
band work or bodyweight exercises. I’ll show you examples at the end of this chapter.


No matter what your current situation is, most people find it more difficult to build and maintain
lean muscle as they age.

The following tips may help you build lean muscle no matter what age:
• Cut down on cardio and focus on weight training with challenging, effective exercises.
• Choose a shorter feeding window.
• Bodybuild fasted. Many have noticed significant lean muscle gains when training fasted,
myself included.
• Dry sauna (180-220 F) for 20 minutes post-resistance train at least three times per week. It
can help boost growth hormone.
• Become Keto-adapted.


A gym membership may be a good idea for the following reasons:
• Joining a gym can hold you accountable and get you out of your house full of distractions.
• Gyms will typically carry heavier weights than you have at home and will have certified
personal trainers that you can take advantage of too!

A good certified personal trainer will show you the most effective moves and will carry you
through exercises safely , giving you the skill set to lift weights on your own with good form.

Working out at home also has its advantages. If you can build your own home gym, do it!


Group classes are fabulous if they challenge you and hold you accountable to move! Just
remember, if the class does not involve heavier weight training, it may be more of a cardio
workout for your body. For example, Pilates classes, barre classes, yoga classes that involve
light weights. All of these classes are great! However, you may need to add a few days of more
challenging weight training into your routine to build more lean muscle. This is especially true if
your body type is ectomorph or endomorph—with no history of athletics—compared to a
mesomorph who builds lean muscle more easily due to muscle memory from a history of
competitive sports or simply genetics.


Focus on the exercises that most effectively build muscle with the least amount of time and
stress. This can look different for everyone! We’re all built differently; even though squats may
really work well for your workout partner, they may not be the most effective muscle-building
exercise for you!
You don’t need to work your muscles 101 different ways to get results.
Spinal flexibility, joints, length of bones, muscle-insertion ratios and many other factors will be
factors in determining the exercises that will be most effective for your body type. The key is to
do the ones that you feel you can load with the most weight safely and with good form (posture
and range of motion). Once you know what these exercises are, make them staple exercises in
your routine. Be consistent with the same exercises weekly so that you can track your
improvements. Adding in new exercises is fabulous too! A certified personal trainer can watch
your form and set you up on a periodization schedule.

Adding in some more intense short-burst cardio while you are resistance training can also help
your body burn its own fat for fuel, and it’ll activate those fast-twitch muscle fibers that aren’t
activated during steady-state walking.

For example, between sets of weights or at the end of your lifting session consider:
• 3 sets of battle rope until burn out or
• 3 sets of 15 box jumps
• 3 sets of bodyweight squat jumps
Consider doing a mix of both! Keep it fun. That’s the key.

Example weeks
The key is to focus on weight training to build lean muscle. Staying active with movement is also
important; however, you may notice that when you eat in a 2-hour feeding window and eat low-
carb meals, you may not feel the need to do the same amount of steady-state or intense cardio
like you do when eating in a larger feeding window and grazing on food.

Focus on muscle building, then add movement as needed for additional fat burning.

Periodization is the same when on OMAD as it would be with any program. Meet with a certified
personal trainer who can determine what is best for your goals.

Feel free to add in group classes if you love them. Just know that if these group classes don’t
involve heavier weights, then alternating your group classes with focused bodybuilding may be
needed to build lean muscle.
Below are examples of what a week can look like with a 2-hour feeding window for both weight
loss and maintenance. I have added two days with larger feeding windows, so you can see what
cycling OMAD can look like.

I have added optional supplements during the fasting window, to show you that you can tailor
your feeding window however you wish.

Muscle groups are activated at least twice a week in these examples below. The more lean
muscles you need to build, the more frequently and intensely you’ll need to activate them; and
body type plays an important factor here. Maintaining lean muscle is also more difficult as you
age, so the upkeep needs to be consistent to maintain your lean muscle.

I have labeled different body parts as #1 or #2, meaning #1 is first activation of the week and #2
is second activation of the week.

I’ll show a week’s example for weight loss and another week’s example for maintenance. The
focus below will be building muscle with weights. These are just examples. What works for you
is the best plan for you.


The body loves consistency ...

OMAD 2-hour window
6:00 am: walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
BACK #1 (heavy, less volume), TRICEPS #1 (lighter, more volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00: Feeding window and supplements
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

(Feeding window 6 hours)
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
LEGS #1 (heavy, less volume), BICEPS #1 (lighter, more volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
Feeding Window Begins
First meal: 1:00 pm
Second meal: 6:00 pm
Fasting begins: 7:00 pm
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

OMAD 2-hour feeding window
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
CHEST #1 (heavy, less volume), SHOULDERS #1 (lighter, more volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

OMAD 2-hour feeding window
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
BACK #2 (lighter, more volume), TRICEPS #2 (heavier, less volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

(Feeding window 6 hours)
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
LEGS #2 (lighter, more volume), BICEPS #2 (heavier, less volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
Feeding Window Begins
First meal: 1:00 pm
Second meal: 6:00 pm
Fasting begins: 7:00 pm
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

OMAD 2-hour feeding window
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes or movement of choice
CHEST #2 (lighter, more volume), SHOULDERS #2 (heavier, less volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00 pm: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

OMAD 2-hour feeding window
Family and Friends Active Rest Day
5:00-7:00 pm: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm


OMAD 2-hour window
6:00 am: walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
Pre-workout: Optional MCT supplemental feeding
BACK #1 (heavy, less volume), TRICEPS #1 (lighter, more volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)

Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F

Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00 pm: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:00 pm: Optional supplemental feeding (1/2 scoop collagen peptides/whey/plant protein mixed
in water)
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

(Feeding window 6 hours)
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
Pre-workout: Optional MCT supplemental feeding
LEGS #1 (heavy, less volume), BICEPS #1 (lighter, more volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
Feeding Window Begins
First meal: 1:00 pm
Second meal: 6:00 pm
Fasting begins: 7:00 pm
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:00 pm: Optional supplemental feeding (1/2 scoop collagen peptides/whey/plant protein mixed
in water)
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

OMAD 2-hour feeding window
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
Pre-workout: Optional MCT supplemental feeding
CHEST #1 (heavy, less volume), SHOULDERS #1 (lighter, more volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00 pm: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:00 pm: Optional supplemental feeding (1/2 scoop collagen peptides/whey/plant protein mixed
in water)
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

OMAD 2-hour feeding window
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
Pre-workout: Optional MCT supplemental feeding
BACK #2 (lighter, more volume), TRICEPS #2 (heavier, less volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00 pm: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:00 pm: Optional supplemental feeding (1/2 scoop collagen peptides/whey/plant protein mixed
in water)
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

(Feeding window 6 hours)
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes (or easy movement of choice)
Pre-workout: Optional MCT supplemental feeding
LEGS #2 (lighter, more volume), BICEPS #2 (heavier, less volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
Feeding Window Begins
First meal: 1:00 pm
Second meal: 6:00 pm
Fasting begins: 7:00 pm
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:00 pm: Optional supplemental feeding (1/2 scoop collagen peptides/whey/plant protein mixed
in water)
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm
OMAD 2-hour feeding window
6:00 am: Brisk walk 45-60 minutes or 30 min light jog
CHEST #2 (lighter, more volume), SHOULDERS #2 (heavier, less volume)
Intra-workout: BCAAS (optional)
Post-lift: Sauna 20 min 180 F
Supplements: Electrolytes
5:00-7:00 pm: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:00 pm: Optional supplemental feeding (1/2 scoop collagen peptides/whey/plant protein mixed
in water)
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm

OMAD 2-hour feeding window
Family and Friends Active Rest Day
5:00-7:00 pm: Feeding window and supplements
Walk post-meal: 20-30 minutes
8:00 pm: Optional supplemental feeding (1/2 scoop collagen peptides/whey/plant protein mixed
in water)
8:30 pm: Supplements: Myo Relax & Calm, Melatonin
Bedtime: 9:00-9:30 pm


Do the exercises that you feel most comfortable loading your muscles with. Squats may or may
not be for you. The same goes for deadlifts or any other traditionally “ideal” exercise for building
muscle. The exercise that will build muscle is the one that you can load your muscles with safely
and with good range of motion and posture.

Be consistent with these exercises. Involve periodization, and you will build lean muscle. You’ll
need to be patient.

Below is an example week of my own personal staple exercises and gym routine. Keep in mind
that I have been bodybuilding since I was 19 years old, and I have a history of elite athletics.
What works for me may be too intense for you. What works for me may also not be intense
enough for you! Experimenting with different exercises and routines is key, and it can change
with life, with aging and with the seasons! I have also included flexible feeding windows.

My personal reason for choosing a short feeding window is not weight loss but rather for better
digestion, lifestyle convenience and an easier way to keep me Keto-adapted, building muscle
and burning a healthy amount of body fat for fuel. When I’m feeling too lean or feeling
hormonally unbalanced, I simply increase my feeding window or cycle OMAD less often! This
can happen when you’re Keto-adapted because you often forget about eating food! I rotate a 2-
hour window with a 4-hour window to keep my body fat balanced. This is a personal choice and
a method I use because my activity levels are always very active, and I lift moderate-heavy
weights six days per week.

I have chosen two muscle groups for each session. I have also added “easy” activation for
muscle groups using body weight and bands. The point of doing so is for activation only, which I
find really helps with lean muscle building without over-training. I activate my own personal
weak muscle regions more often; they are glutes and hamstrings.

I often pair muscle groups then switch it up after a couple of months. For example, I’ll pair back
and triceps for two months, and then I’ll pair back and biceps for two months. This is one way in
which I keep things from becoming monotonous. I also play with isometric exercises, slow
eccentric movements and banded exercises utilized with the weights. Balls, bands, kettle bells,
battle ropes … they’re all fabulous! Allow a trainer to help you learn how to use all types of gym
equipment to keep your workouts fun and challenging.

The example week below is hypothetical. Feeding windows aren’t always exact. They can vary,
depending on many factors.

The point is to show you feeding window flexibility to fit your needs and utilizing OMAD as a tool
for easier fat burning, digestion or lifestyle convenience.

Post-workout sauna has been placed in the week as well. I aim for three days per week.

Exercises are paired in the following way: Do (i) Exercise Listed then do (ii) Exercise Listed. A
total of four sets. In-between rest depends on how heavy the weights are for you and how much
rest you need.

BACK #1 (heavy, less volume), TRICEPS #1 (lighter, more volume) and easy Shoulder and
Glutes Activation
Intra-workout supplements: BCAAS
(i) Alternating Lat Pulldown: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
(ii) Triceps Cable Rope Push: 4 sets of 15 reps then drop set to burn out
(iii) Weighted Abs: Plate crunch 4 sets 15 reps

(i) Low Back Row: 4 sets 10-12 reps

(ii) Triceps Reverse Grip Drop Set: 4 sets of 15 reps then drop set to burn out
(iii) Supine Glutes Bridges With Resistance Band: 20-25 reps

(i) Bent-Over Row: 4 sets 8-10 reps

(ii) Weighted Triceps Dips Seated: 4 sets of 15 reps then drop set to burn out
(iii) Easy Banded Alternating Shoulder Press (step on resistance band): 3 sets 15-20 reps
(iv) Weighted Abs (kneeling rope crunch): 4 sets 15 reps

Post-workout: Sauna 20 min

Post-sauna supplements: Electrolytes (within 30 min post-sauna)
Feeding Window: 2-hour window 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
Meal Choice: High-protein Keto/Keto-Carnivore with seasonal veggies and berries

LEGS #1 (heavy, less volume), BICEPS #1 (lighter, more volume) and easy Chest Activation
Intra-workout supplements: BCAAS
(i) Squats: 4 sets 8-10 reps
(ii) Biceps: Curls 4 sets 15 reps

(i) Deadlifts: 4 sets 8-10 reps

(ii) Biceps Hammer Curls: 4 sets 15 reps
(iii) Weighted Abs

(i) Bulgarian Lunges: 3 sets 10-12 reps

(ii) Hip Thrusts: 4 sets 10-12 reps
(iii) Leg Press: 4 sets 10-12 reps
(iv) Calves: 4 sets 15 reps

(i) Abductors: 3 sets 15 reps

(ii) Isolated Alternating Quad Extensions: 4 sets 15 reps
(i) Battle Rope Finisher: 3 sets 20-30 seconds
(ii) Push-ups: 3 sets 15 reps

Feeding Window: 4-hour window 3:30 pm-7:30 pm

Meal Choices: High-protein Keto/Keto-Carnivore with seasonal veggies and berries
Meal #1: 3:30 pm: Whey protein shake with collagen peptides and unsweetened vegan milk
(35-40 g protein)
Meal #2: 6:00 pm: Largest meal: Keto-Carnivore with a side of seasonal veggies and berries in
Finish eating by 7:30 pm

CHEST #1 (heavy, less volume), SHOULDERS #1 (lighter, more volume) and easy Glutes and
Triceps Activation
Intra-workout supplements: BCAAS
(i) Flat Bench Chest Press: 4 sets 8-10 reps
(ii) Standing Alternating Shoulder Press: 4 sets 15 reps
(iii) Weighted Abs of choice: 4 sets 15 reps then drop set to burn out

(i) Decline Chest: Press 4 sets 6-8 reps

(ii) Lateral Deltoids Dumbbells: 3 sets 15-20 reps
(iii) Easy Glutes Cable Kick Backs: 3 sets 15 reps

(i) Chair Incline Chest Press: 4 sets 8-10 reps

(ii) Anterior Deltoid Hammer Swings: 3 sets 15 reps
(iii) Easy Seated Bodyweight Triceps Dips: 3 sets 15 reps

(i) Chest Flys: 4 sets 15 reps

(ii) Shoulder Shrugs: 3 sets 15 reps

Post-workout: Sauna 20 min.

Post-sauna supplements: Electrolytes (within 30 min post sauna)
Feeding Window: 2-hour window 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Meal Choice: High-protein Keto/Keto-Carnivore with seasonal veggies and berries

BACK #2 (lighter, more volume), TRICEPS #2 (heavier, less volume) and easy Shoulder and
Glutes and Hamstrings Activation
Intra-workout supplements: BCAAS
(i) Alternating Lat Pulldown: 4 sets of 15 reps then drop set to burn out
(ii) Triceps Cable Rope Push: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
(iii) Weighted Abs: Plate crunch 4 sets 15 reps

(i) Low Back Row: 4 sets 15 reps then drop set to burn out
(ii) Triceps Reverse Small Bar Drop Set: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
(iii) Supine Glute Bridges With Resistance Band: 20-25 reps

(i) Bent-Over Row: 4 sets 8-10 reps

(ii) Weighted Triceps Dips Seated: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
(iii) Easy Hamstring Eccentrics Body Weight: 3 sets 12-15 reps burn out
(iv) Weighted Abs (kneeling rope crunch): 4 sets 15 reps

Feeding Window: 4-hour window 3:30 pm-7:30 pm

Meal Choices: High-protein Keto/Keto-Carnivore with seasonal veggies and berries
Meal #1: 3:30 pm: Whey protein shake with collagen peptides and unsweetened vegan milk
(35-40 g protein)
Meal #2: 6:00 pm: Largest meal: Keto-Carnivore with a side of seasonal veggies and berries in
Finish eating by 7:30 pm

LEGS #2 (lighter, more volume), BICEPS #2 (heavier, less volume) and easy Chest Activation
Intra-workout supplements: BCAAS

(i) Kettle Bell Squats: (4 sets 20 reps)

(ii) Biceps Curls: 4 sets 12 reps

(i) Kettle Bell Deadlifts: 4 sets 15 reps

(ii) Biceps Hammer Curls: 4 sets 15 reps
(iii) Weighted Abs

(i) Alternating Leg Press: 3 sets 15-20 reps

(i) Reverse Lunges: 3 sets 12-15 reps

(ii) Hip Thrusts: 4 sets 15 reps
(iii) Calves: 4 sets 15 reps

(i) Abductors: 3 sets 15 reps

(ii) Isolated Alternating Hamstring Curls: 4 sets 15 reps

(i) Bodyweight Squat Pulses/TRX Jump Squats: 3 sets 20-30 seconds

(ii) Push-ups: 3 sets 15 reps

Post-workout: Sauna 20 min

Post-sauna supplements: Electrolytes (within 30 min post-sauna)

Feeding Window: 4-hour window 3:30 pm-7:30 pm

Meal Choices: High-protein Keto/Keto-Carnivore with seasonal veggies and berries
Meal #1: 3:30 pm: Whey protein shake with collagen peptides and unsweetened vegan milk
(35-40 g protein)
Meal #2: 6:00 pm: Largest meal: Keto-Carnivore with a side of seasonal veggies and berries in
Finish eating by 7:30 pm

CHEST #2 (lighter, more volume), SHOULDERS #2 (heavier, less volume) and easy Glutes and
Triceps Activation
Intra-workout supplements: BCAAS
(i) Alternating Hammersmith Chest Press: 4 sets 15 reps
(ii) Standing Alternating Shoulder Press: 4 sets 8-10 reps
(iii) Weighted Abs of choice: 4 sets 15 reps then drop set to burn out

(i) Incline Chest Press: 4 sets 15 reps

(ii) Lateral Deltoids Dumbbells: 4 sets 12-15 reps
(iii) Easy Glute Supine Bodyweight Hip Thrusts: 3 sets 20-25 reps

(i) Double Cable Chest Press (flys): 4 sets 15 reps drop set to burn out
(ii) Anterior Deltoid Hammer Pull Rope Through: 4 sets 10-12 reps
(iii) Easy Triceps Body Weight or Bands: 3 sets to burn out

(i) 4 sets push-ups to burn out

(ii) Posterior Deltoids exercise of choice: 4 sets 12-15 reps
Meal Choice: High-protein Keto/Keto-Carnivore with seasonal veggies and berries
Feeding Window: 2-hour Window 5:00 pm-7:00 pm

Easy walking or hiking with family. Seasonal active movement.
Meal Choice: High-protein Keto/Keto-Carnivore with seasonal veggies and berries
Feeding Window: 6-hour feeding window (large brunch with family to break the fast, easily
digestible whey protein shake loaded with collagen peptides, activated nuts, etc. 2 meals)


If you are training for extended periods of time (cardio, group classes or weight training), cycling
an OMAD feeding window with longer feeding windows may be necessary, especially if you are
experiencing symptoms such as hair loss, too much weight loss or your body fat gets too low.
As you build more muscle, you will burn more calories. You can choose to:
• Eat more calories
• Play with protein and fat rations
• Increase your feeding window
• Implement OMAD less frequently in the week
• All of the above
Listen to your body!

Guess what! That’s fine! If you love your workout routine, and you are happy with the results of
how you look and, most importantly, how you feel, stick with your routine! This is your choice, no
matter if you choose a 2-hour window or an 8-hour window.

The next chapter will dive into how to supplement your real food, which is important no matter
what feeding window you choose.



Real food has changed from farm to table, so it doesn’t hurt to have a plan B.

Although the supplements that you take will depend on what your body may need, here are a
few of my personal favorites when eating in a short feeding window-

Essential Fatty Nutrients

Optimized Omega-3
Mitochondrial Love CoQ10
Adrenal Thyroid
Gallbladder Support
Optimized Collagen Peptides
Myobolic Whey
Myorelax & Calm

Other supplements:

Vit C
Liver (if you don’t eat liver or organ meats)

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