Mini Book Lesson 1

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Day 1

Welcome to ART!
❏ Please grab your name tag and take your assigned seat
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ Worksheet: What are 5-10 things about myself that I would like to
share with my classmates and teachers to help them get to know me better?

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson on Carol Schwartzott + Mini Books
● Art Time: Finish brainstorming + begin rough draft in PENCIL
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Mini Book About Me

For this lesson, we will create Mini

Books of our own, using each page
to represent a different part of our
identity through an illustrated
composition. We will use these to
learn a little bit more about each
other as we start the year.
Carol Schwartzott
Carol Schwartzott is an American book artist, whose work can be found in the National
Museum of Women in the Arts, along with various other well renowned museums. She
was born in New York in 1945, and uses paper and books and adapts them to create her
own piece of art. Each page of her books tell a story, much like the mini books that we
create will.
What is craftsmanship?

Craftsmanship is what skilled artists strive for when

they create something. When an artist has good
craftsmanship, they put time, care, and attention to
detail into their artwork. This means that they are
completing their task to the very best of their ability.

Art Skill Check

Show your understanding of the 4 levels of craftsmanship
Colored Pencil

1 2 3 4


1 2 3 4
Art Skill Check
Show the levels of craftsmanship on a piece of paper
1 2 3 4

What is an Illustration?

An Illustration is a visual representation of a

certain idea, image or story. Certain details,
imagery and colors can be added to a piece
of art to illustrate something in particular.
What is Composition?

The term composition means “putting together”. When

an artist has a good composition, they have made
good and full use of the space on their paper, and
have arranged all of their illustrated elements in a way
that makes sense in terms of the idea or story that
they are trying to convey.
Today’s Objectives:
● I can create a plan with thumbnail sketches for my ‘mini book about me’ using pencil.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can relate the work of Carol Schwartzott to the project I am working on.

Do Now: Brainstorm some information about yourself that you would like to
share with your classmates and teachers. Create a list of 5-10 things.
Mini Lesson: Review syllabus with Ms. Austin, then listen to Ms. Lash’s mini
lesson about Carol Schwartzott and view some of her book art. Learn about
illustration, composition & craftsmanship. Participate in guided practice on mini
book creation.
Work Time: Start by finalizing your brainstormed list of interesting things
about you, then choose 6 of those things, and begin your rough draft, using each
of the six pages of your mini book to create thumbnail sketches which illustrate
each of the ideas that you decided on.
Take Away: Who is Carol Schwartzott? What kind of artwork did she create?
Art take away
Explain through discussion at yourLesson Goals

What is the name of the artist that we
learned about today? What kind of
artwork is she known for creating?
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
Day 2
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please grab your name tag and CHOOSE a seat that will help you succeed in class!
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ Whiteboard: What is an Illustration? How will I incorporate illustration
Into my mini book?

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott + Mini Books as well as craftsmanship, illustration,
● Art Time: Continue rough draft in PENCIL
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Need to See
A Counselor
During Art?
Carol Schwartzott
Carol Schwartzott is an American book artist, whose work can be found in the National
Museum of Women in the Arts, along with various other well renowned museums. She
was born in New York in 1945, and uses paper and books and adapts them to create her
own piece of art. Each page of her books tell a story, much like the mini books that we
create will.
What is craftsmanship?

Craftsmanship is what skilled artists strive for when

they create something. When an artist has good
craftsmanship, they put time, care, and attention to
detail into their artwork. This means that they are
completing their task to the very best of their ability.
What is an Illustration?

An Illustration is a visual representation of a

certain idea, image or story. Certain details,
imagery and colors can be added to a piece
of art to illustrate something in particular.
What is Composition?

The term composition means “putting together”. When

an artist has a good composition, they have made
good and full use of the space on their paper, and
have arranged all of their illustrated elements in a way
that makes sense in terms of the idea or story that
they are trying to convey.
Mini Book About Me

For this lesson, we will create Mini

Books of our own, using each page
to represent a different part of our
identity through an illustrated
composition. We will use these to
learn a little bit more about each
other as we start the year.
Today’s Objectives:
● I can create a plan with thumbnail sketches for my ‘mini book about me’ using pencil.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can relate the work of Carol Schwartzott to the project I am working on.

Do Now: Please come in, grab your nametag, and take your assigned seat.
Whiteboard: What is an Illustration? How will I incorporate illustration Into my
mini book?
Mini Lesson: Listen to Ms. Lash’s mini lesson review about Carol Schwartzott
and view some of her book art. Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship.
Work Time: Continue your rough draft, using each of the six pages of your
mini book to create thumbnail sketches which illustrate each of the ideas that you
decided on.
Take Away: Explain through discussion at your tables:
In what ways is the mini book that I am working on inspired by the work of Carol
Art take away
Explain through discussion at your
Lesson Goals

In what ways is the mini book that I am
working on inspired by the work of
Carol Schwartzott?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Day 3
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please grab your name tag and CHOOSE a seat that will help you succeed in class!
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ At your tables: Grab a piece of paper from the center of your table and
See if you can recall how to fold and create a mini book. Once you figure it out, help a friend.

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott + Mini Books as well as craftsmanship, illustration, composition.
Listen to final draft instructions.
● Art Time: Construct final copy mini book. Begin transferring rough draft plans onto final draft book in
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Quick Review:
- Carol Schwartzott
- Craftsmanship
- Illustration
- Composition
Today’s Objectives:
● I can begin the creation of my final copy of my mini book using my rough draft as a
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can reflect on my own work ethic.

Do Now: Please come in, grab your nametag, and take your assigned seat.
At your tables: Grab a piece of paper from the center of your table and see if you
can recall how to fold and create a mini book. Once you figure it out, help a friend.
Mini Lesson: Participate in Ms. Lash’s mini lesson review about Carol
Schwartzott and view some of her book art. Review illustration, composition &
craftsmanship. Listen to final draft explanation.
Work Time: Construct final draft mini book using new paper. Begin
transferring illustrations and ideas from rough draft to final copy using PENCIL.
Take Away: Reflect on an index card:
What level of craftsmanship can be observed in my book so far? Provide brief
reasoning based on the construction of your book and you're illustrations.
Art take away
Reflect on an index card: Lesson Goals
What level of craftsmanship can be
observed in my book so far? Provide
brief reasoning based on the
construction of your book and you're
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Day 4
Welcome to ART!
❏ CHOOSE a seat that will help you succeed in class!
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ Whiteboard: What is one way that we can make sure that our artwork has good composition?

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott + Mini Books as well as craftsmanship, illustration, composition.
● Art Time: Continue transferring rough draft plans onto final draft book in PENCIL.
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please grab your name tag and wait for your ASSIGNED SEAT
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ Whiteboard: What is one way that we can make sure that our artwork has good composition?

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott + Mini Books as well as craftsmanship, illustration, composition.
● Art Time: Continue transferring rough draft plans onto final draft book in PENCIL.
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Quick Review:
- Carol Schwartzott
- Craftsmanship
- Illustration
- Composition
Today’s Objectives:
● I can continue the creation of my final copy of my mini book using my rough draft as a
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can demonstrate my understanding of illustration and composition in by the details I
include in my final draft.

Do Now: Please come in, grab your nametag, and take your seat/clear off table.
Whiteboard: What is one way that we can make sure our artwork has good
Mini Lesson:Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship.
Work Time: Continue transferring illustrations and ideas from rough draft to
final copy using PENCIL.
Take Away: Share your mini book progress with the people at your table:
Pass your mini book to the person to you right, then use a sticky note to give the
person whose book you have some positive feedback and suggestions.
Art take away
Share your mini book progress withLesson
people at your table:
Pass your mini book to the person to
you right, then use a sticky note to give
the person whose book you have some
positive feedback and suggestions.
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Day 5
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please take your seat
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ At your tables: Work together and skim through the book located on your table. Look
specifically at the illustrations. Talk about what story they tell, and how color is used

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott + Mini Books as well as craftsmanship, illustration, composition.
● Art Time: Finish up final draft illustrations in pencil, then begin using color once Ms. Lash gives you
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Quick Review:
- Carol Schwartzott
- Craftsmanship
- Illustration
- Composition
Today’s Objectives:
● I can continue the creation of my final copy of my mini book by beginning to add color
and using my rough draft as a reference.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can demonstrate my understanding of illustration and composition in by the details I
include in my final draft.

Do Now: Please come in, grab your nametag, and take your seat/clear off table.
At your tables: Work together and skim through the book located on your table. Look
specifically at the illustrations. Talk about what story they tell, and how color is used
Mini Lesson:Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship.
Work Time: Finish transferring illustrations and ideas from rough draft to final
copy using PENCIL, then, once your illustrations have been approved, begin using
Take Away: Talk with the people at your table: Why is creating a rough draft
important to the artist’s process?
Art take away
Lesson Goals

Talk with the people at your table:

Why is creating a rough draft
important to the artist’s process? How
has your rough draft helped you out as
you’ve worked on your final draft?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Day 5
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please take your seat
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ At your tables: Look at the rubric that will be used to grade your mini books. Individually
reflect on your progress towards each of these objectives

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott + Mini Books as well as craftsmanship, illustration, composition.
● Art Time: Continue using color to work towards finishing up mini books
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Quick Review:
- Carol Schwartzott
- Craftsmanship
- Illustration
- Composition
Today’s Objectives:
● I can continue the creation of my final copy of my mini book by beginning to add color
and using my rough draft as a reference.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can demonstrate my understanding of illustration and composition in by the details I
include in my final draft.

Do Now: Please come in and take your seat/clear off table.

At your tables: Look at the rubric that will be used to grade your mini books.
Individually reflect on your progress towards each of these objectives
Mini Lesson:Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship.
Work Time: Finish transferring illustrations and ideas from rough draft to final
copy using PENCIL, then, once your illustrations have been approved,
begin/continue using color.
Take Away: Talk with the people at your table: What is one thing that you
are being graded on for this project?
Art take away
Lesson Goals

Talk with the people at your table:

What is one thing that you are being
graded on for this project?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Day 6
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please take your seat
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ Reflect on scrap paper: Will I be finished with my book by the end of class on
Wednesday? If not, how much more time will I need?

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott, craftsmanship, illustration, composition. Go over covers for
mini books.
● Art Time: Construct book cover, then continue using color to work towards finishing up mini books
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Quick Review:
- Carol Schwartzott
- Craftsmanship
- Illustration
- Composition
Today’s Objectives:
● I can continue the creation of my final copy of my mini book by beginning to add color
and using my rough draft as a reference.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can demonstrate my understanding of illustration and composition in by the details I
include in my final draft.

Do Now: Please come in and take your seat/clear off table.

Reflect on scrap paper: Will I be finished with my book by the end of class on
Wednesday? If not, how much more time will I need?
Mini Lesson:Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship. Book covers.
Work Time: Construct book cover, then finish transferring illustrations and
ideas from rough draft to final copy using PENCIL, then, once your illustrations
have been approved, begin/continue using color.
Take Away: Complete take away google form in google classroom.
Art take away
Lesson Goals

Google form posted in google

What is an art critique?
How is critique important and helpful
as an artist and in art class?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Day 7
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please take your seat
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ Whiteboards: Explain the following - Carol Schwartzott, Craftsmanship, Illustration
& Composition.

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott, craftsmanship, illustration, composition. Go over covers for
mini books.
● Art Time: Construct book cover, then continue using color to work towards finishing up mini books
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Quick Review:
- Carol Schwartzott
- Craftsmanship
- Illustration
- Composition
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Today’s Objectives:
● I can continue the creation of my final copy of my mini book by beginning to add color
and using my rough draft as a reference.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can demonstrate my understanding of illustration and composition in by the details I
include in my final draft.

Do Now: Please come in and take your seat/clear off table.

Whiteboards: Explain the following - Carol Schwartzott, Craftsmanship,
Illustration & Composition.
Mini Lesson:Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship. Book covers.
Work Time: Construct book cover, then finish transferring illustrations and
ideas from rough draft to final copy using PENCIL, then, once your illustrations
have been approved, begin/continue using color.
Take Away:Reflect on the illustrations in your mini book. Do they have
good composition? Why or why not? Use examples from your book.
Art take away
Lesson Goals

Scrap paper:
Reflect on the illustrations in your
mini book. Do they have good
composition? Why or why not? Use
examples from your book.
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Day 8/9
Auditorium Expectations
You are expected to:
● Enter quietly and sit with our class the entire time
● Walk to the first available row and fill in every seat
● Keep your hands to yourselves and your feet on the floor
● Be respectful and silent while listening
● Look for an administrator and the quiet signal to begin, and the
same thing for dismissal
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please take your seat
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ At your tables: Work together and point out as many examples of elements of art around
the room as you can. Jot them down on scrap paper and be ready to share a couple of your

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott, craftsmanship, illustration, composition. Go over covers for
mini books.
● Art Time: Construct book cover, then continue using color to work towards finishing up mini books
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Welcome to ART!
❏ Please take your seat
❏ Clear tables of personal belongings
❏ At your tables: Select a scribe for your table and work together to answer the following
question: “What is the difference between shape and form?” Write your answer on a

● Attendance
● BARK Review
● Mini Lesson: Review Carol Schwartzott, craftsmanship, illustration, composition. Go over covers for
mini books.
● Art Time: Construct book cover, then continue using color to work towards finishing up mini books
● Clean up/Art Take Away
Want to
choosing where you sit?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Quick Review:
- Carol Schwartzott
- Craftsmanship
- Illustration
- Composition
Today’s Objectives:
● I can continue the creation of my final copy of my mini book by beginning to add color and
using my rough draft as a reference.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can demonstrate my understanding of illustration and composition in by the details I
include in my final draft.
● I can photograph my work and upload it to the slides in google classroom as directed.

Do Now: Please come in and take your seat/clear off table.

White boards at your tables: Work together and point out as many examples of elements
of art around the room as you can. Jot them down on a white board and be ready to share
a couple of your findings with the class.
Mini Lesson:Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship. Book covers.
Work Time: Construct book cover, then finish transferring illustrations and ideas from
rough draft to final copy using PENCIL, then, once your illustrations have been approved,
begin/continue using color. Upload project images once finished.
Take Away: Create a doodle that includes as many elements of art as you can with the
time left in class.
Today’s Objectives:
● I can continue the creation of my final copy of my mini book by beginning to add color and
using my rough draft as a reference.
● I can demonstrate effort by using level 4 craftsmanship.
● I can demonstrate my understanding of illustration and composition in by the details I
include in my final draft.
● I can photograph my work and upload it to the slides in google classroom as directed.

Do Now: Please come in and take your seat/clear off table.

White boards at your tables: Select a scribe for your table and work together to answer
the following question: “What is the difference between shape and form?” Write your
answer on a whiteboard.
Mini Lesson:Review illustration, composition & craftsmanship. Book covers.
Work Time: Construct book cover, then finish transferring illustrations and ideas from
rough draft to final copy using PENCIL, then, once your illustrations have been approved,
begin/continue using color. Upload project images once finished.
Take Away: Sticky note: Other than color, what is the most present element of art in
this painting?
Art take away
Sticky note: Lesson Goals

Create a doodle that includes

as many elements of art as you
can think of with the time left in
Art take away
Sticky note: Lesson Goals

Other than color,

what is the most
present element of
art in this painting?
GOAL: Earn all four letters in...

I will ADD 2 letters
If during the entire class

❏ Students completed the DO NOW

❏ Students were respectful during the intro
❏ The noise level was softer than the music
❏ Students respected personal space: Kept their hands to themselves
❏ Students were on task (NOT socializing, out of their seat, etc)
❏ Materials are being respected
Turn in your project!

❏ Google Classroom (picture)

❏ Project reflection
❏ Class folder for Ms. Austin to display
Clean-up jobs
Seat 1: Return materials to correct places

Seat 2: Check the floor for materials/trash

Seat 3: Push in chairs

Seat 4: Return your table’s artwork to the folder

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