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The light of the moon shining down on the eerie night did little to aid the eyes in the

dense forest.

Just a little longer, the weary traveller thought to himself as he strutted along the forest paths. He willed
in his spirit to keep going but apparently, his body did not concur as he fell face flat on the ground.

He was about to give up when he heard something, or perhaps someone, whisper his name. In a manner
he could not explain, he received instant strength, rose up and began moving towards the voice. It was
easy to follow because it didn't stop and the whispers grew significantly louder as he drew closer to the

Then he found his heart desires, the reason why he was in this forest in the first place, something he had
spent so much time looking for, a secret portal. A feeling of fulfillment rose up in him as he went
through the portal. Immediately he got to the other side of the portal, he felt energy lines beckoning to
him. He wasted no time in connecting to the energy of this entity that was calling to him.

In a split second, he found herself in front of what seemed like a prison. The very terrifying aura around
it was proof of the fact that it was to imprison a very powerful being.

This is it, he thought to himself. He had worked so hard for this and could not fail now. Without further
ado, he began to release destructive hits in an attempt to free this entity. He was trying his best yet it
was having no effect. He tried hard not to think of what would happen if he failed.

In that moment of despair, combining willpower and desperation together with his inherent spirit
energy flowing through his body, he gave yet the most destructive of all his hits, unleashing doom and
darkness into the realm of the element wielders.

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