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SITUATION 1: -ing verb + noun [=-ing form + noun]

Tipo de patrón [preposition + -ing form + noun/MWT]

1. Skill in physical diagnosis is acquired with experience, but it is not merely technique that
determines success in eliciting signs.
2. Hypnosis may be beneficial in relieving pain due to minor surgical interventions, chemotherapy-
associated nausea, and irritable bowel syndrome.
3. Numerous, high-quality studies failed to demonstrate clinically important effects of vitamin C in
preventing or treating viral colds.
4. Systematic surveys of controlled trials concluded that these products of animal joints are superior
to placebo in improving performance and slowing the narrowing of the joint space in patients
with osteoarthritis of the knee.
5. Ultrasonography, a variety of isotopic scans, computed tomography, magnetic resonance
imaging, and positron emission tomography have benefited patients by opening new diagnostic
vistas and by largely supplanting older, more invasive approaches.
6. It is difficult, however, for patients to put this sometimes-alarming information into context, and
the physician plays an invaluable role by encouraging patient education but helping the patient to
assimilate new information and apply it to a particular circumstance.
7. In cases where there is a similar relationship between plasma drug concentration and effects,
monitoring plasma concentrations can be a highly effective aid in managing drug therapy, by
enabling concentrations to be maintained above the minimum required to produce an effect and
below the concentration range likely to produce toxicity.
8. On the other hand, ensuring aminoglycoside efficacy is accomplished by adjusting dosage so that
peak drug concentrations are above a minimal antibacterial concentration.
9. Expression of some genes responsible for drug elimination, notably CYP3A and MDR1, can be
markedly increased by “inducing” drugs, such as rifampin, carbamazepine, phenytoin, St. John’s
wort, and glutethimide and by smoking, exposure to chlorinated insecticides such as DDT
(CYP1A2), and chronic alcohol ingestion.
10. Nitroglycerin and related nitrates used to treat angina produce vasodilation by elevating cyclic

Observación: Estos ejemplos los tomé de otro texto original propio, no de los suyos.

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