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Nama : shita rohani

Nim : 858959907

Pokjar : giri


1. Please make a short paragraph about your family. Your paragraph should at least

consists of 10 sentences. Use the following questions as the guideline in writing the


a. Where do you live?

Answer : I lived in a cool and beautiful village after I got married, namely in the
village of Pesucen, Kalipuro, Banyuwangi. Before I got married, I also lived in a
peaceful village, namely the village of Sumber Kencono, Wongsorejo and still in
Banyuwangi too. The house I live in now is surrounded by rice fields that give the
impression of being very cool living in them. My house is medium sized, there
are 2 bedrooms, a kitchen and 1 bathroom. Behind my house, I keep goats and
raise chickens. I live alone with my husband. There is also an elementary school
next to my house and I happen to be one of the teachers at that school. Even
though I am a migrant, all my neighbors are very friendly. In my village it is far
from noise. This is what makes me feel at home living in this environment even
though it is only in the village.

b. How many members are there in your family?

Answer : I have 5 family members. consisting of father, mother, younger

brother, husband and myself of course. My father is 58 years old, my mother is
53 years old, my sister is 8 years old, my husband is 34 years old and I am 27
years old. I'm quite far apart because he was born after I graduated from high
school. Even at the age of 27 I still have a younger sibling who is still in
elementary school. But I'm very grateful to have him in my family now. My
father's job is raising chickens while my mother has the same job as me, namely
a teacher at an elementary school. Oh yes, my husband also works, he works in
one of the village offices in the village where we live. Coincidentally, I have been
married for 7 years. So I haven't lived with my parents since then. my in-laws.?
there is, he lives not far from our house.

c. If any, how many children do you have?

Answer : I have 2 children. Both are women. My first child is named Ayang, he is
5 years old. My second child is named Hasna, she is 2 years old. Ayang's favorite
food is sea fish, while Hasna prefers fried chicken. Ayang has gone to
kindergarten while Hasna hasn't yet. When they were at home, the two of them
would always fight and fight over toys. But when one of them is not there they
will look for each other. Ayang is closer to her father while Hasna is closer to me.
Their therapy has the same thing in common, namely that they both like eating
mangosteen fruit. Every morning, Hasna will take Ayang to school.

d. How old are the children?

Answer : My first child is 5 years old. He is starting to enter school age. so now
he is attending kindergarten. He has also started reciting the Koran. he is the
type of child who gives in. My second child is still 2 years old. he was a child who
was picky about food. Until the doctor said that my second child was stunted. I
did various things so that my child would not be picky about food. Even though
in fact he still had difficulty eating

2. What time is it?

a. 5.55

answer : it’s a quarter to six

b. 1.30

Answer : it’s half past one

c. 2.00

Answer : it’s two o’clock

d. 9.15

Answer : it’s a quarter past nine

e. 3.45

Answer : it’s a quarter to four

3. Please make at least two sentences with comparative adjective for each of the

given sentences below

a. Hamburger costs $6. Sushi costs $10. Taco costs $8.

Answer : ( hamburger is cheaper than taco)

(sushi is more expensive than hamburger)

b. Apple is sweet. Rambutan is very sweet. Cucumber is not sweet.

Answer : (rambutan is more sweeter than apple)

(apple is more sweeter than cucumbar )

c. Bakso is delicious. Martabak is very delicious. Soto is not so delicious.

Answer : (martabak is more delicious than bakso)

(bakso is more delicious than soto)

4. What are the menu of your breakfast today? Please explain it briefly in a

paragraph of at least 5 sentences.

Answer :Today I have breakfast with rice of course, because I am an Indonesian

who has to eat rice. But of course I also balance the contents of my plate. I fill my

plate for breakfast with rice, Moringa vegetables, shrimp with black pepper sauce,

tofu and don't forget crackers. Don't forget To complete my breakfast I also drink

coffee. I always have a healthy breakfast so I can live the day with enthusiasm.

Thank you 

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