Verbs Adverbs

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Use action, linking, and helping

verbs correctly.
Identify regular and irregular verb
PP 9-1a
Identification of Verbs
Verbs express action or state of
Three types of verbs include:
3.helping (auxiliary)
PP 9-2
Action Verb

Tells what someone or something (the

subject) does
May be physical or mental
1. We developed the agenda for the meeting.
2. Jessica suggested three possible solutions.
3. Consider the consequences of your actions.

PP 9-3
Linking Verbs
Linking verbs connect the subject of the sentence with
a compliment. They are also called as ‘To Be’ verbs

Do not show action but express a state of being(mind).

am is are was
be been being were
1. Mrs. Hernandez is the presiding officer.
2. Their arguments were persuasive.
3. The person responsible for placing orders is he.
PP 9-6
Helping Verbs
Helping (auxiliary) verbs with a main verb form a
verb phrase. The main verb in a verb phrase is
always the last word in the phrase.
I may decide to apply for that position.
We must make the decision this week.

"[Some] helping verbs (forms of have, be,

and do) may also function as main verbs.

Ex. 1. I have a book. 2. He is a student. PP 9-8a

Regular Verbs

Most verbs are regular verbs.

Add d or ed to the present tense of a verb
to form the past or past participle forms.

Add ing to the present tense to form the

present participle.

PP 9-10a
Regular Verbs

Present Past Past Present

Tense Tense Participle Participle
solve solved solved solving
consider considered considered considering
assess assessed assessed assessing
support supported supported supporting
fail failed failed failing

PP 9-10b
Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs do not form their past parts or

past participles by adding d or ed.

The spellings and forms of irregular verbs do

not follow a consistent pattern.

PP 9-14a
Irregular Verbs

Present Past Past Present

Tense Tense Participle Participle
be (am, is, was,
been being
are) were
become became become becoming
begin began begun beginning
blow blew blown blowing
break broke broken breaking

PP 9-14b
Basically, most adverbs tell
you how, where or when and
to what extend some thing is
done/happen. In other words,
they describe the manner,
place or time of an action.
Commonly adverbs are formed
from adjectives. Some are below.

Adjectives Adverbs

Kind Kindly

Happy Happily
Wonderful Wonderfully

Loud Loudly
Sad Sadly
Beautiful Beautifully

Sweet Sweetly
Many adverbs end with ly. You make
these adverbs by adding ly to adjectives .
Some words that end in ly are not adverbs.
Some adjectives end in ly too. For
1.Sam was feeling very lonely.
2.She was wearing a lovely dress.
3.It was a very lively party
The word “NOT” is an adverb, it modifies or
changes the meaning of a verb.
It is usually used with model verbs like

must not, could not, shall not, do not, does not,

may not, can not, should not, might not, will not, would not

You do not need to clean the room.
I have not walked the dog today.
They are not working on the project.

In the sentences above, “not” modifies the verbs clean, walked, and
working. They show how “not” can be used as an adverb
Kinds of Adverbs
Manner It describes in which
manner an action is done.

Place It describes where an action

is done.

Time It describes when an action

is done.

It shows how many times an

action is done.
Adverbs of Manner:

Some adverbs describe the way people do


The girls answered all the questions correctly.
He was driving carelessly.
The plane landed safely.
Ramu plays guitar skillfully.
Adverbs of Place:
Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question

They are called adverbs of place.

Examples :

The boys are playing upstairs.

The dog is in the garden.
We’re going to NewYork City on
our school trip.
It’s very sunny but cold outside.
Adverbs of Time:

Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the

question “when?”.
They are called adverbs of time.

Examples :

The train has already left.

We moved into our new house last week.
Our favorite T.V. program starts at 6’o clock.
I’m going to my new school tomorrow.
Adverbs of Frequency

Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the

question “how often an action is done”

They are called adverbs of frequency.

Examples :

The children always go to school on the bus.

I’ll never make that mistake again .
I clean my bedroom every day.
Dad polishes his shoes twice a week.
Adverbs of quantity or degree
It shows how much, or in what
degree or to what extent.
He was too careless.
The sea is very stormy.
I am rather busy.
I am fully prepared.
These mangos are almost ripe.
Examples of Adverbs:-
1.She sings sweetly.
2.He speaks quite clearly.
3.She shouts loudly.
4. She smiled cheerfully.
5.The traffic was moving slowly.
6.She writes neatly.
7.We waited patiently to see the
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