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Assessment Rubric for Story Elements Presentations

Scale: Good (3), Fair (2), Poor (1)

1. Present the story – title, author, brief summary.

2. Give a group interpretation or response to the story.
3. Elements of fiction:
Address all required elements with a clear understanding of each one:
character, plot, setting, point of view, symbolism, style, and theme. (each
element of fiction is graded individually) Clear and concise. Easy to follow.

Scale: Exemplary (8), Proficient (6), Basic (4), Minimal (2)

1. Organization:
Present the information in a logical progression of ideas.
2. Visual Presentation:
Text used must be clear and easy to understand. Graphics explain and
support information.
3. Oral Presentation – Subject Knowledge;
Demonstrate full knowledge of topic: answer questions, explain and
elaborate. Add information besides what is shown. Use notes effectively. Do
not read.
4. Oral Presentation – Voice production:
Pronounce all terms precisely. Speak with clear voice. All audience members
can hear. Do not use verbal disfluencies.
5. Grammar and spelling:
There are no errors in grammar, spelling or writing conventions.
6. Other:
Prepared to present on assigned date.

Maximum possible points: 75

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