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The Ultimate Guide to Towerlands for Beginners (and Pros) (version 1.


The City

- Gold Mine & Storage: These two buildings should be upgraded in a way that the cost to
upgrade either remains similar. Don’t rush one. Theoretically, you want to upgrade the gold
mine before the storage if they have similar costs. The max level is 20 for both buildings.
▪ For the Storage, use the 2x gold boost often at max storage. If the progress bar is
more than 1/8 filled, don’t take the gold. If it’s less and you need the gold for an
important upgrade, go for it. Note: It is okay sometimes to take the 2x gold boost
early for very important upgrades such as training.

- Library: This building gives permanent buffs based on how much experience you gain from
battles. There are 1, 2, and 3-star research categories. There is a certain order I recommend to
leveling your first buffs:
1. Experience for the kill (1-star)
2. Increases gold that is mined from seized castles (2-star)
i. This gives a lot more gold than #3 early and mid-game.
3. Gold for the kill (1-star)
4. Lowers the time necessary to reload active abilities (1-star)
5. Increases units’ attack speed (2-star)
6. Increases units’ range of attack (3-star)
i. This is important everywhere except castles.
7. Increases critical hit damage (1-star)
8. Increases tower strength (1-star)
9. Increases damage from active skills (3-star)

Note: After your 9th research, you can freely choose which order of research to put your
experience into. A very slight recommendation would be to go for Increases damage caused
by all Archers and Increases damage caused by Mages, which are both 3-star buffs. Then go
for 2-star ones involving modules and 3-star ones involving damage to bandits, horde, and
undead. Level all summoned creatures’ buffs next and then turrets. Completely skip on
Increases damage caused by Throwers. Better buffs will likely come in a future update.
- Training Field: The training field will allow you to upgrade units to unlock new abilities. The
max level is level 16. You must level this up occasionally to raise the max level cap that your
units can be at. There’s no point trying to rush it, as you will earn more gold to upgrade it
more easily later. However, you should ideally upgrade this before any of your units reaches
the max level, as you will have to wait a long time in order to train that unit if your training
field can’t train your unit due to level restrictions. It generally takes a lot of gold to upgrade
this later.
- Forge: This building is useful for making artifacts out of the 7 resources you get in this game
(Magma, Emerald, Crystal, Pearl, Metal, Relic, and Mythrile). Only make 1-star artifacts
until this building is at level 10 (the max level). After that, only craft 3-star artifacts that
require either Mythrile or Relics, not both. The resources put in don’t affect the outcome. If
you see a 3-star artifact recipe that does not require Mythrile or Relics, always craft it and
dissipate it for Mythrile and Relics if it’s not worth.
- Artifact Statue: This statue holds any artifacts you may get from playing this game in its 5
slots. The max level for an artifact is level 10, and you should aim to have each of your 3-star
artifacts at level 10 (this is hard, but you should still try to get the “perfect artifact” - if not,
level 8 or 9). There are a lot of buffs that can come from equipped artifacts in this game, and
it can be hard to tell which ones you need. Each of these is expressed in %. These are the
buffs you want to be equipped on as many artifacts as possible:
▪ Chance of a critical hit
▪ Critical hit (the added critical hit damage in addition to your normal as a percentage)
▪ Gold for the kill
▪ Experience for the kill (this is useless for very high-level Towerlands players at max
experience, but Black Bears may add more research in the future, so it could still be

You will notice that there’s room for other buffs once you have these on your artifacts. These
extra buffs are up to you. I will say that Damage to bosses is a good alternative for
Experience for the kill most of the time, especially at later levels. Sometimes you will have to
compromise the above buffs for better artifacts, and you’ll have to use your judgment
accordingly. It’s hard to get perfect artifacts.

- On the map, you have castles to siege, boss waves to fight, and caravans to attack.
Eventually, you will unlock the island, which you can invade, and the portals for the main
classes in this game (archers, summoners, and mages). Each of these events has a wave
associated with them that you need to fight with your tower and they each show possible
rewards they give for completing them. Some information on each of these is provided
▪ Caravans are waves that appear from time to time (usually every 20 mins). Because
artifact resources (especially Mythrile and Relics) gained from Caravans are
important resources, you should never be losing these.
▪ Castles are waves in which you attack a castle to siege it and later receive gold
income from the map. For castles, early on in the game, you can pay gold to upgrade
a seized castle to a level 10 castle. However, this becomes expensive later and is
definitely not recommended. You want to always click on video upgrades (free
upgrade for Pro users) to level up castles. The refresh timer on this upgrade seems to
be associated with clearing a caravan, so do that often. Castles will eventually
become your main income source.
▪ Bosses are like normal tower waves on the main screen without turrets. Some spawn
multiple bosses.
▪ Island waves can be defeated primarily for artifact resources, but these do not have to
be done as often. If you are scarce on artifact resources, this is a good place to start.
The top island refreshes every day and scales by 50 levels, the left island refreshes
every hour and scales by 30 levels, the bottom island refreshes every 30 minutes and
scales by 20 levels, and the right island refreshes every 15 minutes and scales by 15
levels. The level at which you can no longer beat an island is informally known as
your true power level.
▪ Portals are restricted waves in that certain portals can only be beaten by certain units
(e.g. the archer portal requires only having archers in your tower, the summoner
portal requires only having summoners, and the mage portal requires only having
mages). Soon you will find that the archer portal is the hardest to level up because
there aren’t enough good archers in the game to fill the tower. There will be a chest in
the middle of the map which you can unlock using the keys received from these
portals. However, only press open on the chest when your experience bar is
nearly empty (meaning you recently leveled up your experience) as the chest levels
up your experience bar 2 times no matter what. This means you don’t want your
experience at the end of your bar when you press open as the experience gained is

On the map, you should be clearing levels higher than your wave level (the level you’re
about to fight on the main screen) on the island. This helps a lot with getting new units and
resources. Here are some pointers to great units on the map: the Valkyrie is a unit rewarded
from the level 120 castle, the Warlock is a unit rewarded from the level 385 boss, and the
Mad Archmage is a unit rewarded from the level 400 castle. The Mad Archmage is the last
unit you will get from the map.

Your Tower

- You can see your primary, secondary, archer, summoner, and mage tower setups in the
Tower menu. It is highly recommended to level up your tower to level 150 quickly to unlock
all of the different parts of your tower, including turret setups. After this, you should focus on
getting all of the units from the map, leveling up your tower from there if necessary. There
are different sub-menus to pay attention to once your tower is complete:
▪ Tower: Eventually, you will see different types of towers with different buffs added
in the Tower sub-menu. House in Japan is the best tower and the only tower you
should purchase with gems. Your tower strength and level are displayed in the Tower
menu, and at higher levels, you want your tower level to be half of your wave level.
▪ Units: A fully upgraded tower contains 8 units. These units have different abilities at
increasing levels, and you will have to evaluate which units you like versus which
you don’t. Some buffs affect certain classes of units, so it is good to start building
your tower with mainly units from your chosen class, although this doesn’t matter as
much later in the game as the artifact buffs recommended above apply to different
classes. There is technically a fourth class of units called Throwers (indicated by ),
but no one actually makes a Thrower build as there aren’t many good ones. Some
people do make use of units from an informal fifth class known as buffers (indicated
by ). Each unit displays important information such as time to reload, attack type,
etc. Buffs to these units are displayed in each category underneath their respective
stats. The summoner class (indicated by ) has another section dedicated to the
summoned creature, which has its own statistics. Pay attention to the statistics of
these two sections carefully, as some units can be better or worse than you think.
Lastly, pay attention to the attack range of each unit under their statistics, and try to
reposition them on your tower accordingly.
o Note: Mages were buffed in the recent update to include crit chance. Make
sure each damage-focusing unit has crit chance. Archers are still solid in this
update as their crit chance is higher, but there’s not much of them as shown by
the Archer Portal. Mixing mages with the end-game archers is a good idea.
Unfortunately, summoners were not buffed as much in this update.
o The Defender and Worker are good units if you’re struggling with castle
o Random Fact: Zeus and Mad Archmage cost the same to level up at each
level. Level Zeus first then Mad Archmage if you have both. An individual
level on Zeus does more than an individual level on the Mad Archmage
▪ Modules: A fully upgraded tower contains one top module, two middle modules, and
a bottom module. The only useful bottom module is the Armor Plate as it applies
against flying enemies. The middle module has a wider variety of options to choose
from, but avoid the Magic Shield, Cannon, Magic Sphere, and Oil Cauldron.
These modules either don’t hit flying enemies or don’t deal enough damage. You
don’t need the cannon to clear castles, but if you truly are struggling with castles,
magic shield may be a better option here. The Mechanical Crossbow is a must-have
on your tower. The top modules are all equally valid, but the Archers module has nice
cc and can attack flying enemies in exchange for lower damage (Trebuchet does a lot
of damage, but I haven’t compared this to the Onager). Generally, your modules
should be a lower level than your units until much later in the game, where this case
▪ Turrets: A fully upgraded tower setup contains 4 turrets. Out of the Gunner Turret,
Tactical Warehouse, and Mage Turret, you should use 2 out of the 3 of these
according to your tower. These provide buffs to your units. Buffing Turrets should be
placed closer to your tower than the other damaging turrets. Avoid the Archer Turret
as this is a single-attacker turret with no CC. The looter’s hut is strongly
recommended even if the gold is really low as you don’t gain much from doing more
turret damage.


- Most people will join a clan for the benefits it entails. There are events very often where you
can get numerous resources. Communication is key in any clan. Same with activity as most
clans don’t tolerate inactivity. That being said, there are different types of events and
different strategies for them:
▪ Clan Wars: I’m just going to redirect to a link that makes this whole event clear on
how it works (shoutout to user oipudfsreqwllksdlfi for making this wonderful guide):
o Now for the actual in-depth strategy: Clan Wars Start at around 7:15 PM EST.
Be online 15 mins early though. You need to coordinate with your clan on
what numbers you will choose to go so that everyone is not doing random
numbers. In these clan events, holding the majority of the objectives is
important. 1-6 are 1-star waves, 7-12 are 2-star waves, and 13-16 are 3-star
waves. Objectives with the same number of stars are equally weighted,
meaning 6 has no more impact than 1. 16 has no more impact than 15.
o At the beginning of each event, your leader and/or officers should choose 4 1-
star waves, 4 2-star waves, and 3 3-star waves that can be focused hard by
your clan. If they don’t do it, then you should. This allows for some leeway
in case another clan takes control of an objective. For example, a clan may
choose to do numbers 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16. Members should
choose to ignore other numbers. Every member needs to always cycle
between the top two numbers they can do out of this list.
o Midway through the event, you will start to realize that some of these numbers
have fallen, while other opportunities have arisen. Your leader/officers/YOU
must make sure to communicate to your clan which numbers have fallen
behind and which new numbers to focus on.
o Near the end of the event, most of the advice in the link is solid, but just to
add on: if you’re in first place, try to keep it up. If you’re in second but close
to first, ask for a clan-wide push. Same for if you’re in third. If you’re not
close to first or second, try to at least get your 10 stars for the reward.
▪ Triumph Battles: This is another event that occurs weekly in a clan. In this event, you
have to battle waves 5 times throughout the event to get the max number of keys (9).
The clan has to gather keys as a whole, and certain key milestones that are reached
award different levels of rewards from a chest.

If you are struggling in an event, take a break from doing wave levels since event difficulty is
based on your wave level. Upgrade your units and your modules to help in events more
effectively. Make sure to communicate any difficulties with your clan, otherwise insufficient
participation in most clans could mean a kick. Also, you can tap on someone’s name in clan
chat to check their tower profile.

General Tips

- Main screen tower waves are the easiest waves in this game. This is because the turrets buff
your units incredibly and help deal damage. Tower waves are also a really good source of
experience. Level up your buffing turrets before other turrets, but make sure to level up units
and modules for events as turrets aren’t included. You should always be trying to beat waves
whenever you don’t have a clan event to build experience for research.
- Autoplay is a feature that can eventually be unlocked. Use autoplay whenever you feel like
you can defeat a wave comfortably, but it is important to note that castles can be harder to
manage on autoplay. Some units do better than others on autoplay due to the game
mechanics, but you shouldn’t remove a unit simply because autoplay doesn’t work well with
that unit.
- Unless you have the Pro edition with unlimited autoplay and 2x speed, 2x speed should either
be used only for building tower waves or during events, with events having priority.
Caravans should be done on 1x speed because there is a 20 min delay between caravan
spawns, and rushing them doesn’t affect much. Non-Pro users to use the 5-minute 2x speed
wisely. If you get more 2x speed from the map, use it on either of these to increase wave
level or event participation faster. 1.5x speed seems useless, just don’t use it. Use 0.5x speed
whenever you’re struggling.
- Always donate the first 5 resources (Magma, Emerald, Crystal, Pearl, and Metal) to anyone
who asks in your clan because later in the game you will be rich in these resources and they
won’t help you much. Mythrile and Relics are used for 3-star artifacts and it’s up to you to
decide whether to donate these if you have a lot. Always request resources as well because
you’re allowing someone to get more gold by donating to you.
- Eventually, you will need to spend gems you’ve accumulated to get the Fire Archer for the
Archer Portal. He is the last unit you should spend gems on. However, you should get the
House in Japan tower first.
- Once you reach wave level 100, complete the battle pass. I made a huge mistake by
thinking Alcor the Alchemist wasn’t worth it, but in this new update, he’s ridiculous. Now I
have to spend gems to unlock him, and I don’t want you to make the same mistake! It seems
like a lot of waves to pass in a short period, but he’s really worth at higher levels!
- In order to maximize gold and experience gain, you should include the Veteran and Looter
on your tower but only level them to 25, not further. Use the Looter’s Hut turret to slightly
increase gold gain, while using the Gunner Turret to increase your experience gain. You
should never be having difficulty with tower waves, so you don’t need to swap them out for
better units. Just level units other than the Looter and Veteran to increase your damage. This
tower setup should be your secondary setup, and your primary setup should have more
powerful units for the map and events (turrets don’t matter as much but set them up as if you
were struggling). Make sure to exp farm caravans as well even though turrets don’t apply
▪ There is a separate strategy where you can farm boss waves on the map for
experience. You do this by surrendering just before the final boss repeatedly to get
experience. If you are doing this strategy, remember to check frequently if you can do
the boss wave above that using the same strategy without instantly being demolished.
If you can do the strategy with the upper boss wave, you can just complete the lower
boss wave for its rewards as you won’t be continuing this strategy with that boss
wave again.
- Level up your Armor Plate more than your Tower Health/Tower Level as it adds more health
for cheaper (it’s really too expensive to upgrade tower health, but Armor Plate also becomes
more expensive past 500).
- The Air Mage and Mad Archmage tornadoes affect enemies off your screen on longer waves
such as main screen tower waves (you can swipe during the battle to the left to see more
enemies coming from the forest). This deals more damage and should be used often in a
tower wave.
- For the Mad Archmage, you can actually make it a 50/50 chance of getting the ability you
want instead of 25/25/25/25. If you want the tornado but see an area attack show up, press
the X to cancel the ability and retry. If you want the ice wall, hold down your finger on the
ability and move the finger while pressing on the screen; if you don’t see an area attack pop
up, slide your finger back onto the ability and you shouldn’t activate the ability. Repeat this
process until you get an ice wall.
- Try to use the Gold x2 upgrade on the map only if there is no nearby castle that is close to
completing, otherwise, you’re just wasting potential gold.
- Make sure to check the Battle Statistics often after each wave you complete. It tells you
which units are good, and which aren’t!
- There is a “great deal” trap in the tower health menu where a deal is given in gems instead.
However, you can avoid this trap as there is a sweet spot in-between where you can upgrade
the tower health and not click on the gem-based upgrade. Once you find this sweet spot, as
long as you tap there, you should never accidentally spend gems.

Final Note: Unfortunately, there is no advantage to leveling up your wave/campaign level very
fast. Most players around level 3000 are frustrated with the fact that events are barely
manageable because the damage output doesn’t increase much after a certain point. This
guide is mainly for you to be successful in clans, which being a part of implies important
resources for growth. Growth is still recommended for experience but take it slow. Turrets
don’t deal much damage later on and therefore buffing is important. If you do end up in the
end game, summoners also die quickly, so keep that in mind as the level 400 warlock is not as
useful then. Black Bears will probably make being near 3000 an advantage in the future.

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