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PERIOD : 202351 November 2023 – March 2024..

SUBJECT : Interfaces and Multimedia..

TOPIC : Laboratory 1: User Profiles.

STUDENT : Ordoñez Cabrera Kevin Lenin.

LEVEL-PARALLEL – NRC : Fourth Semester – 16350.

TEACHER : Ing. Pablo Francisco Puente Ponce.

DELIVERY DATE : 20/11/2023.


Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 General Objective:....................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Specific Objectives:..................................................................................................... 3

3. Development ....................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Step 1: Definition of User Profiles .............................................................................. 4

3.1.1 Website: ..................................................................................................................... 4

3.1.2 Administration: .......................................................................................................... 4

3.1.3 User:........................................................................................................................... 4

3.2 STEP 2: Description of User Profiles ......................................................................... 5

3.2.1 User Profile Display: User ......................................................................................... 5

3.2.2 User profile display: Administrative ......................................................................... 8

3.3 Questions Section ........................................................................................................ 8

4. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 10

5. Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 10

6. Bibliographies ................................................................................................................... 10

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1. Introduction

The present report outlines the development and management of an e-commerce platform
designed to provide users with a comprehensive and secure online shopping experience. With
the aim of enhancing user accessibility, transparency, and confidence, a strategic approach has
been implemented, encompassing both the client interface and administrative and managerial
On the web portal, an interface has been crafted to allow access for any individual through the
completion of specific registration fields. The initial interface highlights two main categories:
Televisions and Laptops. Each category offers the opportunity to explore the latest offers, and
for those interested in purchasing products, each product image provides access to specific
details. This approach aims to facilitate a complete visualization of product features, ensuring
an informed decision-making process before proceeding with a purchase.

2. Objectives

2.1 General Objective:

• To develop and efficiently manage an e-commerce platform that optimizes the user
experience, ensuring accessibility, transparency, and trust in the online purchasing
2.2 Specific Objectives:
• Design and enhance the client interface to provide an intuitive and engaging user
experience, enabling easy navigation through product categories, especially Televisions
and Laptops.
• Implement robust security measures for the management of banking data, ensuring the
integrity and confidentiality of user information during the purchasing process.
• Strengthen the administrative functions of the platform, enabling the administrator to
efficiently manage the inventory by adding new products, removing existing ones, and
making modifications to specifications, thereby contributing to the continuous
improvement of the quality and presentation of the website.

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Ordoñez Cabrera Kevin Lenin
3. Development

3.1 Step 1: Definition of User Profiles

3.1.1 Website:
On the web portal, any individual can access after completing the provided registration fields.
The initial page interface will showcase two prominent categories: Televisions and Laptops.
Each category will provide the opportunity to explore the latest offers. For users interested in
purchasing products, each product image will contain an option to access more specific details.
This process will facilitate a comprehensive view of the product features before proceeding
with the purchase.
In the detailed section, an option will be provided to securely and efficiently enter banking
details, ensuring a comprehensive and successful shopping experience. This strategic approach
not only enhances accessibility and transparency for users but also contributes to strengthening
trust in the platform, generating a secure and satisfactory online shopping experience.
3.1.2 Administration:
The administrator will have the ability to perform various actions to optimize product
management on the platform. These actions include adding new products, removing existing
ones, and modifying product specifications. These administrative functions not only facilitate
the constant updating of the inventory but also significantly contribute to improving the overall
presentation and quality of the website. The flexibility granted to the administrator ensures a
responsive approach to the changing needs of the market, thereby maintaining the efficiency
and competitiveness of the online platform.
3.1.3 User:
Initially, the user will proceed to create a personal account, providing information such as
"Names and Surnames," "Address," "Email," and "ID Number." Once the registration is
complete, the user will access the website, where they can explore various available sections.
These will include three main categories: "Payment and Shipping," "Settings and Privacy," and
"Log Out." In the payment section, the customer will be given the option to make future
purchases. The settings section will allow the editing of personal data, and in the last section,
the session will be closed. The first visible section will be dedicated to televisions, featuring a
promotional image of the product. Below, there will be a detailed section directing the user to
specific product information, where the option to purchase will also be offered. At the top of
the page, there will be a checkbox dedicated to the laptop section, allowing the user to easily
explore products available in this category.

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Ordoñez Cabrera Kevin Lenin
3.2 STEP 2: Description of User Profiles
3.2.1 User Profile Display: User

In the initial stage of the process, the creation of the login and registration interface took place.
In this context, if the user doesn't have an active account, they have the option to register.
Conversely, if they already have a registered account, they can efficiently log in.

Once the session is initiated, the user can explore the content of the website. Three significant
options are presented in the left column: the first allows the registration of a payment method
for future transactions, the second facilitates the modification of personal data according to the
user's convenience, and the last option logs out.

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In this section, the available televisions for purchase are showcased. Each product comes with
detailed information accessible at the bottom, providing comprehensive details to support the
user's informed decision-making.

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Description: At the top of the page, the section dedicated to laptops is highlighted, allowing the
user to comfortably explore the products available in this category. This intuitive design
facilitates an efficient browsing experience tailored to user preferences.

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3.2.2 User profile display: Administrative

Administrators possess the capability to optimize product management by adding, removing,

and modifying specifications. These actions not only ensure continual inventory updates but
also enhance the website's overall presentation and quality. Administrator flexibility enables
adaptability to market changes, sustaining the efficiency and competitiveness of the online
3.3 Questions Section
What should we take into account when defining the users of a system or application?
Understand the diverse needs and goals of users to ensure that the system or application aligns
with their expectations. Consider factors such as user preferences, workflows, and specific
tasks they need to accomplish.
Consider the accessibility requirements of different user groups. This involves ensuring that
the system is usable and navigable by individuals with varying abilities and needs.
Define user permissions and access levels appropriately. Establish stringent security measures
to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.
Collect feedback from potential users during the development and testing phases to refine and
improve the user experience. This iterative process helps in creating a system that better caters
to user expectations.

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What would happen if the activities of each user were not clearly defined?
Users may become confused about their roles and responsibilities, leading to frustration and
inefficiency. This lack of clarity can result in errors, delays, and an overall suboptimal user
Without clear definitions, users may interpret their roles differently, leading to inconsistent
usage patterns. This can affect data integrity and compromise the overall functionality of the
Undefined user activities may result in increased support and training requirements. Users may
struggle with tasks, leading to a higher demand for assistance and training resources.
What would happen if the users necessary for the correct functioning of a system or
application are not defined?
Undefined users may lead to a lack of accountability for specific tasks or processes within the
system. This can hinder effective troubleshooting and problem resolution.
Certain features designed to cater to specific users may go unused if those users are not
identified. This can result in an underutilization of the system's capabilities.

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4. Conclusions

• Attention to user experience, from interface design to the clear definition of roles and
activities, is crucial for the success of any system or application.
• The accurate definition of roles and users is essential for the efficient and secure
operation of the system, from administration to end-users.

5. Recommendations

• Implement a robust access and permission management strategy, with periodic reviews
to adapt to changes in business needs and ensure system.
• Conduct usability testing with real users during development and testing phases to
identify and address potential usability issues.

6. Bibliographies
Figma. (2023). Figma. Recuperado de:

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Ordoñez Cabrera Kevin Lenin

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