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Earl Francis E.

Ubas May 02,2023

BSEE-2 PE206 M7/M8 Reflection Activity


Preservation of
Social Benefits
Cultural Heritage

Physical and Mental

Promotes Diversity
Health Benefits

1. What is the SIGNIFICANCE OF LEARNING FOLKDANCE in this modern era?

Answer 1: Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Folk dances are an essential part of a country's
cultural heritage and learning them helps preserve and promote the traditional dances that have
been passed down from generation to generation.

Answer 2: Promotes Diversity. Learning folk dances from different parts of the world helps
promote diversity and understanding of different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. It can also foster
a sense of tolerance and respect for people from different backgrounds.

Answer 3: Physical and Mental Health Benefits. Folk dancing is an excellent way to exercise and
stay physically fit, improve coordination, and promote cardiovascular health. It can also reduce
stress and anxiety and improve mood and cognitive function.

Answer 4: Social Benefits. Folk dancing is often done in groups, which fosters social interaction,
communication, and teamwork. It can also build a sense of community and belonging among

Develops Leadership
Promotes Unity

Opportunities for
Boosts Confidence
Economic Growth

2. How do you think folkdance helps or empowers the different locals, tribes and the whole

Answer 1: Promotes Unity. Folkdance can bring together people from different tribes and
communities, fostering a sense of unity and understanding. It provides a common ground for
people to connect and learn from each other.

Answer 2: Boosts Confidence. Folkdance can boost an individual's confidence by providing them
with a platform to showcase their talent and skills. This can lead to increased self-esteem and a
sense of pride in their culture and traditions.

Answer 3: Opportunities for Economic Growth. Folkdance can also provide opportunities for
economic growth through tourism and cultural exchange programs. Locals and tribes can
showcase their traditional dances to tourists, and this can generate income for the community.

Answer 4: Develops Leadership skills. Organizing and participating in folk dance performances
require leadership skills such as communication, teamwork, and planning. Folkdance can,
therefore, help develop leadership skills among individuals, empowering them to take on
leadership roles in their communities.

Create Videos and Teach Philippine

Online content Folkdance

Collaborate with other
Performances and
cultural groups

3. As a student of this generation, how will you promote Philippine Folkdance to the world?
Answer 1: Create Videos and Online content. Create videos and other online content that
showcase Philippine Folkdance, including the history, culture, and traditions behind it. Share the
content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to reach a wider

Answer 2: Organize Performances and Events. Organize performances and events in local
communities, schools, and universities to showcase Philippine Folkdance. Collaborate with other
dancers and performers to create a more engaging and dynamic performance.

Answer 3: Collaborate with other cultural groups. Collaborate with other cultural groups to
promote cultural exchange and understanding. This can include inviting international dancers to
perform alongside local dancers or participating in cultural festivals and events.

Answer 4: Teach Philippine Folkdance. Teach Philippine Folkdance in local communities, schools,
and universities. This can include offering workshops or classes to interested students or
participating in cultural exchange programs.

Respect for Cultural Physical Fitness and

Traditions Health

Discipline and Teamwork and

Perseverance Cooperation

4. What are the values you have learned in taking PE 206 class.

Answer 1: Respect for cultural traditions. Philippine folk dance classes often involve learning
about the history and cultural significance of the dances. By understanding and appreciating these
traditions, individuals can develop a sense of respect for their cultural heritage.

Answer 2: Discipline and Perseverance. Philippine folk dance classes require discipline and
perseverance to learn the steps and movements of the dances. These values can be applied to
other areas of life, such as school, work, or personal goals.

Answer 3: Teamwork and Cooperation. Philippine folk dance often involves group performances,
which require teamwork and cooperation. Participants learn to work together towards a common
goal, which can foster a sense of community and camaraderie.

Answer 4: Physical Fitness and health. Philippine folk dance is a physical activity that can improve
overall health and fitness. It can help develop coordination, balance, and endurance, leading to a
healthier and more active lifestyle.

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