Au Crim Post Test 7 Leg PDL Mal Key

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It is the scientific study of human behavior

or man’s external manifestation in relation to
1. The term criminology was originally
derived from Italian word:
A. Crimen C. Criminologia A. Criminal Epidemiology
B. Criminologie D. Criminology B. Criminal Psychiatry
C. Criminal Psychology
2. Among the following, which is the best
D. Physical Anthropology
description of Somatology?
7. It refers to the study of the role of the
A. This is the cause of crime according to
victim in the commission of a crime.
classical school and neoclassical theory
B. This theory believes that crime is due to A. Criminal Victim
scientific factors that push a person to B. Criminal Psychiatry
commit a crime C. Victimless Crime
C. This believes that people have throwback D. Victimology
physical traits similar to our remote 8. It is the study of human society, its origin,
ancestors structure, functions and direction.
D. The pseudo-science that deals with A. Sociology C. Criminology
the relationship between physical B. Psychology D. Anthropology
built of a person to his personality and
9. It deals primarily with the study of crime
3. He profounded the THEORY OF
A. Criminology C. Criminal Etiology
EVOLUTION that inspired the now known
B. Victimology D. Criminal Sociology
develop the theory of atavism. 10. An act or omission in violation of the
public law commanding or forbidding it.
A. Charles Darwin
B. Cesare Lombroso A. Crime C. Felony
C. Cesare Beccaria B. Offense D. Infraction of law
D. Cesare Montano 11. The study of Criminology CHANGES AS
4. Craniology or Phrenology explains that SOCIETY CHANGES, thus criminology
criminal behavior depends on _______. depends on its adaptation to social changes.
A. Formation of the skull in relation to A. Social science
the behavior of the criminal B. An applied science
B. The branch of criminology which deals C. Nationalistic
with management and administration of D. Dynamic
inmates 12. Crimes such as theft, shoplifting, and
C. The pseudoscience of understanding the others which are committed to maintain
relationship between the facial feature of one’s livelihood or as a means for living are
a person and his behavior what crimes?
D. Scientific study of crime, criminals and A. Crimes of accommodation and
victim and also on the solution and resistance
prevention of crime B. Organized Crimes
5. Which of these statements best expresses C. Blue-Collar Crimes
PUBLIC ORDER CRIME (Victimless Crime)? D. White Collar Crimes
A. Crimes with insufficient regularity and 13. Ada Juke is considered as the Mother of
frequency Criminals because _____.
B. Crimes against national security and A. Have two spouses that bear their
public order descendants that have two distinct
C. This is a crime where there is no behaviors, one is normal and the other is
private offended party feebleminded.
D. Common crimes which has sufficient B. Jack of all trades, became a doctor,
frequency professor and firefighter
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C. Study shows that 92% of her deviant behavior and poverty. He was the
descendants have criminal behavior first person to use the term “moron”.
D. Escaped Alcatraz and has an IQ of 133 A. Richard Dugdale
14. The concept that traits are transmitted B. Henry Goddard
from parents to offspring that criminal C. Earnest Hooton
behavior can also be passed down through D. Charles Goring
genes. 21. Who among the following are the “Holy
A. Heredity C. Genetics Three in Criminology”?
B. Cultural Transmission D. DNA A. Lombroso, Bentham, Beccaria
15. These are violent acts directed toward a B. Lombroso, Garofalo, Ferri
particular person or members of group C. Beccaria, Bentham, Ferri
merely because the targets share D. Beccaria, Garofalo, Lombroso
discernible racial, ethnic, religious or gender 22. The beginning to have sexual feelings for
characteristics. the mother, which occurs during the third
A. Political Crime C. Hate Crimes year from birth is known as:
B. Copy-Cat Crimes D. Victimless Crimes A. Oedipus Complex
16. He introduced the “THEORY OF B. Inferiority Complex
IMITATION” which states that individuals C. Electra Complex
copy behavior patterns of other individuals, D. Incest
and that those with weaker personalities 23. These are crimes which are wrong from
tend to get influenced easier by those with their very nature. Examples of these are
stronger personalities: murder, robbery, and other violations of the
A. Emile Durkheim Revised Penal Code.
B. Adolphe Quetelet A. Heinous crimes C. Mala Inse
C. Gabriel Tarde B. Culpa D. Mala Prohibita
D. Enrico Ferri
24. His great contributions to criminology
17. Criminals can also be classified were the principle of utilitarianism and the
according to this behavioral system. What felicific calculus.
are those criminals who have high degree of
A. Cesare Beccaria
organization that enables them to commit
B. Jeremy Bentham
crime without being detected and usually
C. Cesare Lombroso
operates in a large scale?
D. Emile Durkheim
A. Ordinary Criminals
25. This theory focuses on the development
B. Professional Criminals
of high crime areas associated with the
C. Situational Criminals
disintegration of conventional values
D. Organized Criminals
caused by rapid industrialization, increased
18. The killing of a large number of people migration and urbanization.
over time by an offender who seeks to
A. Cultural Deviance Theory
escape detection.
B. Differential Association Theory
A. Road Rage C. Hate Crime C. Social Disorganization Theory
B. Mass Murder D. Serial Murder D. Strain Theory
19. He is recognized as the FATHER OF 26. Cesare Lombroso classified this type of
PSYCHOANALYSIS. criminal with five (5) or more atavistic
A. Cesare Beccaria C. Cesare Lombroso stigmata.
B. Sigmund Freud D. Jeremy Bentham A. Born-Criminal Type C. insane
20. His study focused on the Martin Kallikak B. Criminaloid D. pseudo-criminal
family tree and he concluded that 27. Considered the FATHER OF MODERN
feeblemindedness is inherited and related to AMERICAN CRIMINOLOGY.
A. Edwin Sutherland
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B. Karl Marx 34. one way of classifying criminals is based
C. Cesare Beccaria on etiology. What kind of criminal is that
D. Cesare Lombroso whose action arises from the INTRA -
28. They are tall, thin and less social and PSYCHIC CONFLICT between the social and
more intellectual than other types. anti-social components of his personality?
A. Mesomorph C. Ectomorph A. Acute C. Chronic
B. Endomorph D. Somatotype B. Neurotic D. Normal
29. This theory states that members of the 35. A stage of development when girls begin
lower class of society create an independent to have sexual feeling for their fathers.
subculture with its own set of rules, values A. Oedipus Complex
and norms in order to cope with social B. Doing Gender
isolation and economic deprivation: C. Electra Complex
A. Social Disorganization Theory D. Chivalry Hypothesis
B. Social Learning Theory 36. A term that used to describe motorists
C. Cultural Deviance Theory who assault each other.
D. Strain Theory A. Road Rage C. Predation
30. This theory explains that both B. Hate Crime D. Serial Murder
conforming behavior and deviant behavior 37. It is the breakdown of social order as a
have two reinforcing elements: AN INNER result of the loss of order in a society.
A. Synomie C. Anarchy
B. Anomie D. Chaos
A. Culture Conflict Theory
38. This theory contested the findings of
B. Differential Association Theory
Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating that its
C. Containment Theory
absence among mentally retardate persons
D. Social Disorganization Theory
or those with some psychological
31. He is one of the founders of French imbalances and personality disorders or
psychiatry, claimed that some people physical disabilities, could likewise lead to
behave abnormally even without being violation of laws thereby citing said theory
mentally ill. He coined THE PHRASE MANIE as one of crime causation.
SANS DELIRE to denote what eventually was
A. Classical Criminology
referred to as a psychopathic personality.
B. Positivist Criminology
A. Phillipe Pinel C. Neoclassical Criminology
B. Johnny Dioni D. Social Structure Theory
C. George L. Wilker
39. The study of judging a person’s
D. Henry Maudsley
character from facial features to determine
32. The commission of criminal acts using whether the shape of the ears, nose and
the instruments of modern technology such eyes and the distances between them were
as computers or the internet. associated with anti-social behavior.
A. Cybersex C Cyber Crime
B. Identify Theft D. Computer Hacking A. Physiology C. somatotype
B. Physiognomy D. Palmistry
33. A phenomenon that refers to the
handling down of delinquent behaviors as
socially learned and transferred from one
generation to the next taking place mostly 40. An act or omission in violation of a
among disorganized urban areas. special law.
A. Felony C. Offense
A. Cultural Transmission
B. Infraction D. Crime
B. Differential Association Theory
C. Heredity 41. According to him criminality is caused by
D. Behavioral Modeling the imbalance of the three (3) components of
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personality: the ID, the EGO, and the A. Rational Crime C. Irrational Crime
SUPEREGO. B. Instant Crime D. Episoidal Crime
A. Edwin Sutherland C. Cesare Lombroso 48. The following are the elements of Dolo or
B. Sigmund Freud D. Jeremy Bentham deceit, EXCEPT:
42. If the offender acquired or gained A. Intelligence C. Freedom
something by committing the crime. B. Intent D. Negligence
Examples are robbery, estafa, bribery, etc. 49. According to Lombroso, these are
A. Acquisitive Crime C. Extinctive Crime physical characteristics that distinguish
B. Instant Crime D. Situational Crime born criminals from the general population
43. This theory views crime and delinquency and are throwbacks to animals or primitive
as a result of the frustration and anger people.
people experience over their inability to A. Physical Deviations
achieve legitimate social and financial B. Distinguishable Traits
success. C. Atavistic Stigmata
A. Strain Theory D. Ape-Like Appearance
B. Psychological Theories 50. Having spent half of his life in the study
C. Differential Association Theory of the causes of crime and true to his
D. Labeling Theory dedication to his lifetime works, upon his
44. Crimes are classified under the Revised death he willed his brain and body to the
Penal Code according to their gravity. What Institute of Anatomy at the University of
crime to which the law attaches the capital Turin in Italy to be further studied. To this,
punishment or afflictive penalties. he was named the “Father of Modern and
Empirical Criminology”.
A. Grave Felonies
B. Less Grave Felonies A. Cesare Beccaria
C. Light Felonies B. Edwin Sutherland
D. Complex Felonies C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Jeremy Bentham
45. A crime can be classified according to its
stages of commission. What crime is
committed when the offender merely …END…
commences the execution of an offense by
overt act but which nevertheless did not
perform all acts of execution which would
produce the felony by reason of some cause
other than his own spontaneous
A. Attempted Crime
B. Consummated Crime
C. Frustrated Crime
D. Complex Crime
46. When someone is tagged as criminal, he
or she may reject it or accept it and go on to
commit crime.
A. Rational Choice Theory
B. Control Theories
C. Labeling Theory
D. Social Disorganization Theory
47. Committed by an offender who does not
know the nature and quality of his act an
account of the disease of the mind.

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