Intervention Period

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Intervention Period

After administering the pre-test, the researcher will introduce the Strategic

Intervention Material to the participant group of Grade 4 learners. This implementation will

run for 3 weeks, with 1 session per week with a total of 3 sessions. The schedule of

implementation is based on the school calendar of the chosen school. Strategic Intervention

Material (SIM) will be utilized during the three sessions.

Implementation of Strategic Intervention Material “ScienceKwela”

The detailed procedure below provides a step-by-step plan in implementing the

Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) focusing on the identified least learned competency of

the participants.

Session 1: First Week of implementation of Strategic Intervention Material

Day 1: The facilitator will initiate the session by distributing the Strategic

Intervention Material (SIM) among the participants. Following the distribution, the facilitator

will initiate the session with an explanation of the importance of enhancing the understanding

of the least mastered topic. This introductory segment will also highlight the practical

applications of the topic in real-life situations, providing participants with a contextual

understanding of its relevance. Subsequently, the facilitator will explore into a brief

discussion on the parts of Strategic Intervention Material, explaining how participants are

intended to use it and the ways in which it will aid their comprehension of the learning

process. This comprehensive approach ensures that participants are well-informed and

prepared to engage effectively with the learning materials throughout the session.
After this introductory segment the facilitator will utilize the SIMs to the participant

by letting them answering the first two parts of the strategic intervention material which is the

activity card and assessment card. The activity card is divided into two parts the activity A.

and Activity B. While the assessment card contains problems and task need to be assess by

the participants. After the participant answers the activity card and assessment card, the

facilitator will collect the SIM and will continue in the next sessions.

Session 2: Second Week of implementation of Strategic Intervention Material

Day 2: The facilitator will begin the next phase of the implementation by

redistributing the Strategic Intervention Material to the participants. In this second session, the

researcher will focus on the final activity section of the SIMs, specifically the enrichment

card. To enhance interactivity, the researcher will incorporate group activity that is also align

with the least learned competency. The participants will be divided into three groups.

This group activity will be scored by group based on the rubrics that is in the

Strategic Intervention Material. The scores they will get from this group activity will be added

to their final score. This activity will be conducted for 15 minutes only and the remaining 5

minutes will be used in scoring session of the activity. After the scoring session of this

activity, the facilitator will then collect again the Strategic Intervention Materials of the

participants and will continue the session next week for the checking of the Strategic

Intervention Material.

Session 3: Third Week of implementation of Strategic Intervention Material

Day 3: At the conclusion of the session's final week, the facilitator will distribute

the Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) to all participants. To ensure integrity during the
evaluation process, participants will check their co-participant’s SIM. The facilitator will

provide answers, allowing participants to verify each other's work. Subsequently, participants

will be instructed to scan the answer card located at the end of the SIM to confirm the

accuracy of their responses against the provided answer key.

Following this step, the facilitator will guide participants in calculating their scores

by adding also the score they obtained from the group activity. Once completed, participants

will return the SIMs to their owners. A 3-minute period will be given for individuals to review

their answers and confirm their scores.

After the review period, the facilitator will collect all SIMs. Participants will then

be recognized for their active participation, and the adviser's contribution will also be

acknowledged. As a token of appreciation, the adviser together with each participant will

receive a token from the facilitator to recognize their dedication and time investment.

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