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PART 1: HiB#1IMD MRR jAiTopic: Home [Whe o you live with? (Do you live with your | family?) Ive with my parents and my sister ina house/flatlapartment, How many bedrooms are there in your | house/flat/apartment? “There are two bedrooms in my fat. (My parents have one, and my sister and | share the other one) Where do you watch TV at home? We watch TV in our living room. (There is aTV in my bedroom too, Sometimes | watch it there) What's your favourite room in the house? My favourite rooms my bedroom. (love reading books and getting myhomeworkdone there) i Do you like cooking? | | "Yes. da.tlove making simple things Ike smoothies | cra milkshake. just need to put thingsin blender | suena jABTopic: School | What subject do you like best? ] My favourite subject Is English. (\like it because it's | i i very useful) What clothes do you wear to school? | wear my echool uniform on Monday, andl wear my | | regular clothes on the rest of days. (Usually it's | jeans anda T-shirt) | | What time do you finish school? | | urschool ends at 3.30 in the afternoon, | What do you eat after school? | Leatalight snack when | get home before | have | dlaner with my family | Do you get a lot of homework every day? | Nonot really. can usually get all my homework | done when Im still at school, | Did you do any homework yesterday? ‘Yes: | di. finished It in one hour. Ra [Do you play computer games? | ‘Yes | sometime do. | don't lke therm too much | because they can take alot of time. Did you stay at home last weekend? Na did't | went shopping on Saturday, and | went to the science museum with friends on Sunday. Now, please tell me something about the things you like doing at home, at the weekends. | At the weekends, |love listening to musicin my bedroom. lalso enjoy watching TV with my sister in ‘the living room, and lying on the couch that’s my favourite thing todo.| sometimes cookformy | parents, which can be alot of fun too. Raa [Do you like homework? Yes, like doing homework because | think t's important for my study ard my grades. Some | homeworkis also alot of fun Now please tell me something about the homework you have to do. get some homework from school. t's not much andl can usually get It done in an hour. But | also getallot of homework from my after school lessons. it’s much more than that | get from school. Sometimes | have to spend bwo hours a day to finish it! | PART 1: Hiss 1MD aR How often do you see your friends? \see them every day at school. (But at the weekends we are all busy wth extra classes 60 we dorit see each other then) What do you like doing with your friends? love playing our favourite toys ike puzzles together with them (alse ke bung robots with them) Where do your friends live? i ‘They lve in the same district in our town. (They all | IevearourecteleinHaidan District) | | | ‘When do you see your friends? | see them at school from Monday to Friday. ( don't see them at the weekends. We are all very busy) jA@iTopic: Weekends [What's your favourite day at the weekend? | Ta Setanythebeer sermusoneontaythwne | | todo myhoriework but Saturdaylm al free todo. | | things ike | | What do you usually eat for lunch at the | | weekend? | For lunch usually have some rice with some cooked | meat and vegetables wich my fam | Where are you going next weekend? | Tmnot going anywhere ext weekend Mjuststay | in my home and get my homework done i | what do people in your family enjoy doing at | |the weekend? | | | | | | Atte weekend, we all enjoy watching TV together | sometimes we go shopping together | What did you do during the weekend? | Wellast weekend | went-to-the park with my family. |_Iplayed with other kids at the playground there RARE [Did you see your friends last weekend? No, Ididn's [don't often see my friends at the weekends because were all busy with extralessons | and classes Now please tell me something about one of your friends. | One of my friends’ name is Jack. | ike him very much because he's very funny, and he often helps me when have a problem. Wemet: each other at-echoo| | and became good friends immediately, Ne often | play football together after school KET#XEAAR1-TESTL ‘What was the weather like? oo T it was mostly sunry, with alittle bit of cloud inthe | sky, but itwas alittle windy too. What did you enjoy most about the weekend? What enjoyed most about: my weekend was playing with over kids at the playground. We d's | want to leave when our parents were leaving | | Now please tell me something about a weekend | you enjoyed. Oh let me think... recently lwent to anearby city | with my family and we stayed there for the i weekend. We went to a river in that city and took | lot of pictures, We were staying at a holiday rental apartment, and it was very comfortable, iL PART 1: Hip#1MPaRRIEM jBBTopic: Languages {Where do you study English? Ihave English lessons at schoo) aa | also have an extra English class after school What languages can you learn at school? ‘Av our school youcan learn Chinese and English We don't have other language classes. How often do you speak English? | Nobvery often. | practice speaking Engishin my | Englishlessons, and sometimes when | travel, gee | wospeakalitte too. | What is easy for you about learning a new language? fird speaking pretty easy, but ivsrot easy to read and write | | | | | | Do you use a computer to learn a new language?) | "Yes, ido.luse my computer to read andwatch | | things in English. Once a week have English | | | [How often do you go to the cinema? \go to the cinema every month | Who do you usually watch films with? | usually watch flms wth my family. Sometimes | | gowith friends, | What kind of films do you like? | Tove most of Disneys arimated fms. also Ike | watching comedles because they/re so fury i | Where do you enjoy watching films? lenjoy watching fms ina movie theatre (cinema) because the screen isreally big and sounds are great too, Do you enjoy watching films at home? ‘Yes, do. llove watiching a good fm on our big screen TV with my family. ~ | [Do you practise speaking a new language friends? Now please tell me something about good ways for you to learn a new language. 1 [Now please tell me something about a have watched. (Did you like the film? Did you know the actors in the film? Would you like to watch the film again?) KET#R BA ARL-TESTL ith other. [tll be a little strange to speak English to them) Is watching films a good way to learn a new language? ~ Not really Allmy friends speakChinese toeach | | | I chink so. But you need to watich them without words in your own language on the screen. Well for me, going to English lessons has been the most useful toimprove my English. also do a lot of reading in English in my free time. This is also very helpful because | can learn many rew words from things Iread. Sometimes llisten to my favourite | pop songs in English too, which can help me with my | J KETAQE@AR1-TEST2 (OK. About two weeks ago, saw a film at home with my best friend Paul It was an animated fm, and | ‘think i called Frozen 2in English. liked it very ‘much but Paul thought itwas a little boring. There were no actors in the fim because it's animated. [a watch itagain if|have time. PART 1: HiB#IMD MRR {ABTopic: Transport How do you travel to school? | go to schoo! in my mom's car. She drives me to school every morning, and picks me up after school What do you usually do while you are travelling to school? lust stay in my moms car and domnothing in particular because it’sarather ehort journey, How long is your journey to school? | tts about 15 minutes’ drive | What is the best way to travel around your area? | Thebest way would be using the subway and buses. ‘They are fast and reliabe, Is it best to travel around your area by car? Na its not. OF course you don't have to wattif you get around by car, but the traffic s terrible in my ‘town, iBBTopic: Sports iho do you usually do sports with? | lusually do sports with my classmates at school | Galo go to abadminton class after school. ard play badminton with children from there). What sports do you like doing in winter? | Inwinter like going sking with my family. We go to ‘the mountaine rear my town, and is alot cf fun) How often do you watch football on television? | \dor't watch football on TV ata (Tm niot Interested initl) hen do you prefer to do sports? prefer to do sports after school because | have more time then. (in the morning ta prefer to get more sleep) When was the last time you did sports at school Iwas last Monday in my PE class. (We ran for 800 meters and then played basket.) KET#R BARR 1-TEST2 Now please tell me something about along | journey you went on. (Where did you go on the | journey? Why did you go on that journey? Did | you enjoy it?) | | Allright, about-a long journey | wert on, let me think. | Well for the National Day holiday. | went back tomy | | dad's home town, Gingdao,by car, to see my | grandparente. Ib was a five hour journey. didn't enjoy tbat all because very quickly ran out of ‘things to don the car! KETAR BA AR1-TEST3 Now please tell me something about the sports | | | that you do at school. (Do yau like doing sports | | | at school? Can you choose which sports you do | at school?) | tnimy PE class do allsorts of sports. Our | teacher teaches us how to play baskettall soccer. | and other sports too. | enjoy playing basketball with my friends after school. You can't choose what sports to doin our PE clase, but you can choose to do some sports for the after-school programs. PART 1: HiB#IMDARRIEN jATopic: Weather KET#EAARI-TESTS | How often does it rain where you live? | | Now please tell me something about the 'bdoesn't rain much at all maybe once a month. (In || weather on your last holiday. (Was the weather sumimerit rains quite alot, maybe every week) good on your last holiday? What did you do | What do you wear in cold weather? ‘outside on your last holiday? Why did you like In cold weather. often wear a eweater, a pair of your last holiday?) ' Jars, and a coat when | go outside. For ourlastholiday, we went to Shanghal.'twasin | What kind of weather do you like the least? July s0 it was very hot. We visited some historical Ireaily dont lke twhen t's cold and windy outside places. and took alotof pictures. We had to wear What activities do you enjoy doing when the ‘sun hats and put ona lot of sun cream to protect: weather is hot? ourselves from the sun, We enjoyed it though, | enjoy going to the beach when tis hot. (It feels | __ ce and cool to swim in the sea.) Do you enjoy going shopping when the weather is hot? ‘Yes. When the weathers rot, like shopping because inside a shopping center It's got ait conditioning because we ate alot of tasty food, and saw many | Interesting places! iARTopic: Presents KET#§EHARA-TEST4 { Now piease tell me something about a present’ | ou received that you really liked, (What was the present? Why did you receive the present? | Did your family give you this present?) [What presents do you like to buy for your riends? | Formy friends Ike to buy toys they lke for ther, | Forexample,ifa friend likes Lago, | will geta box of | | Lego from the internet or a Lego store. || Onmy birthday ast year Ireceived a present from | When do you receive presents from your [| mygrandfather twas a toy car. [really liked it friends or family? | because twas my favourite colour hue, and it had i | often receive presents on my birthday from my a remote, which | can use to control the toy car. friends. Also when my uncle visits me, he always | brings some presents for me too, | How often do you buy presents? | | About once every three months, When one of my friends has abirthday party and they invite me, tl | 0 and get a present for them. Iny do you give presents? | give presents to my friends on their birthday. Also when someone helps me alot, | give them a present to say thank you. 10 PART 1: HigSB 1h RSE {AMTopic: Free time [ What type of music do you enjoy most? like pop music the best. (Inmy fre time, often | icten tomy favorite pop songsonmysmart | phone.) i What do you like wearing in your free time? | i KET#EBAAR1-TEST4 T Now please tell me something about your plans “for next weekend. Next weekend Im going to vistt a car museum with | myfriends. It's going to be free next weekend only, 60 tll bea good time to go. mvery interested in cars and trucks, om sure itllbe a fantastic trip. But ll have to finish my homework first.s0 that | can be allowed to go by my parents i i | i | i Ike wear comfortable clothes in my free time, such as jeans and T-shirts, Where do you usually watch films? | Lusually watch fims on my tablet. It's very relaxing I can just sit on my armchair comfortably and don't rave to leave my home. | who do you spend your free time with? | Lepend my free time with my Family a lot, Sometimes wich my fends too. iAMTopic: The area where you live KET#R4£1-TEST1 Now please tell me something about the people | who live near you. | The people who live in my area areal very rice. There | in your area? What do you like doing outdoor: | Like playing in the park near my home, There is a | coccer field. tennis court, and a playground, How do you travel in the area where you live? walk-to shops and restaurants nearby, and my mum drives me to school. At the weekend, when parking is har, we go to the city center by bus Where is the best place to go in the evening in your area? It depends on what: you lke to do. There's abig ‘shopping center where you can relaxby drinking | coffee, or see a films, or shop in all the stores there | What isthe traffic like where you live? | Its terrible during the rush hour when everyone (o | trying to get to work or schoo! at the eame tie. | emuchberver a he westend | t 11 Do your friends live near you? is alittle square near my apartment: building where | allthe neighbours get together intheevening, | People talkto.each other, and sometimes they | dance to the music together teo. | ‘Some of them. love playing with them after Ifinish | my homework, And because we lve close to each other, we See each other alot. PART 1: Hibs 1B MRRSE WMTopic: Clothes | What kind of clothes do you wear when you do | sport? When Ido sports, | wear something sporty. For ‘Who do you go shopping for clothes with? I normally go with my mom. Ske enjoys shopping a lot, and she always krows what's best for me Where do you buy your clothes? usually getmy clothes at local stores. They have new styles every season, | Do you buy your clothes online? Yes, but only sometimes, for example when there are some good deals. What clothes do you wear when you are at home? When Im home, always wear something nice and comfortable. t's not important whether the clothes look good or not. TAM Topic: Sport What sports do you enjoy watching? like watching all kinds of sports on TY, particular basketball. Ive never gone to alive match, but ld love to in the Future What sports can you do near your home? ‘There's a pool where people can swim. At the park, there's a tennis court, abasketball court, and a soccer field too. Do you do sport at the weekend? | | | | learnice-hockey. ts very hard but| enjoy it ‘When | was five years old went swimming alot. and there isn't ary swimming pool around, 60 stopped. example, when | run, | wear a tracksuitand trainers. ‘Yes, on Saturday Igo to anice-hackey ciass where | | What sports did you do when you were younger? ‘Then my family moved to another area in the town KET#R4E1-TEST1 Now please tell me something about the | clothes you wear when you go to parties. When | go to a party, | always try to look good, $0 usually put on my best looking clothes. sometimes buy new clothes for parties too. llove wearing the color biue and black (pink for girls) because think they sult me the best. Do wear special clothes when you go to parties? Only when it’s a fancy dress party or a Halloween party. then | wear a costume, Last year.|wore a Spiderman costume to our Halloween party. i i | | i i | i | | KET#R4£1-TEST2 t | [ Now please tell me something about a sport you would like to do. [like to try baseball. ve seen people play at my school, and it looks very fun. know itneeds a lot of ‘time for training, but Id like to try it iv | Can you do this sport indoors or outdoors? People do this sport outdoors on the baseball eld Youneed a lot of space for this eport too. What clothes do people wear to do this sport? Well people really need to protect themselves when doing this sport. They need to wear a helmet, pads, ‘and some players need to wear gloves too, 12 PART 1: HiBS1IMD MARR jBZiTopic: Weather ‘What month of the year is the coldest where | lyou live? | [0 Thecoldest month is January in my town, The | temperature could be well below zero degrees | Cesus nat do you do when it rains? When Iorains usualy stay at-home and get my homework done, or reading an interesting bok, or play video games, just to killtime jow often does it snow where you live? In my town, tr enows not very often even during the coldest months, Maybe two to three times a year. | What is your favourite type of weather? [Whe folenottentiswarn sntaueyeutsiie co | that can play eh park wh oon 7 jAmiTop [How often do you travel by car?

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