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Teacher: Kendra Lash Date: 4 December, 2023

Subject: Art Grade Level: 8th

Title of Lesson: Grid Drawing (food) Lesson Length: 45 Minutes

Student Population Students with IEPs? Yes • No •

English Language Learners? Yes • No •


Subject Matter Knowledge: Demonstrates sounds knowledge of, and pedagogy best suited
for, subject matter; engages students in learning experiences that enable them to acquire
complex knowledge, subject-specific skills. CAP I.A.1

Curriculum and Planning: Knows the subject matter well, has a good grasp of child
development and how students learn, and designs effective rigorous standards-based units of
instruction. CAP I.A.3

Well-Structured Lessons: Adapts as needed and implements standards-based units

comprised of well-structured lessons with challenging measurable objectives and appropriate
student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources,
technologies, and grouping. CAP I.A.3

Meeting Diverse Needs Uses appropriate practices, including tiered instruction and
scaffolds, to accommodate differences in learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of
readiness, including those Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners. CAP
MA Curriculum Frameworks


2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Organize and plan an idea using a variety of
self-selected strategies (e.g., storyboards, flowcharts, or prototypes). (5-6.MA.Cr.02)

3. Refine and complete artistic work. Refine a media arts idea by making changes in how
images, interactivity, or sound are used. (5-6.MA.Cr.03)


11. Relate artistic ideas and works to societal, cultural and historical contexts to deepen
understanding. Identify influential media works and how they impacted media arts.

Lesson Summary:

In today’s lesson, students will use review terms scale and proportion, as well as French
portrait artist Abraham Bosse. Students will work collaboratively during a turn and talk to recall
the definitions for scale and proportion. Students will learn how to effectively use a viewfinder
to help complete their drawings successfully. During work time, students will use their new
knowledge and prior practice of the grid drawing technique to begin creating proportional and
larger than scale drawings of a chosen food. This lesson will build off of a graphing lesson that
students complete in their math class.

Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to …

The students will be able to (TSWBAT)….

a) The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the grid method by creating
proportional and larger than scale drawings based photographs.
b) The students will be able to relate their drawings to the work of French portrait artist,
Abraham Bosse.
c) The students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the definition of scale
by creating a drawing that shows scale.
Big Idea(s):

● The students will understand that as artists, we can observe art from other individuals
or groups and create inspired artwork.
● The students will understand that although we are all learning about the same
concepts in art class, we can still create work that is unique and original.


● Grid Drawing
● Scale
● Proportion
● Food

Essential Question(s): How will you facilitate critical thinking skills? Consider: How to
scaffold the essential questions.

● How is the grid technique helpful in creating a successful drawing?

● What is the purpose of using a viewfinder for drawing?
● How are the definitions for scale and proportion different from one another?

Critical Thinking Skill(s): What key higher-order thinking skill(s) will be taught and/or
practiced in this lesson?

- The students will practice making informed decisions regarding what details to draw in
which area of their final drawing paper, using the grids they created as a guide.

Building Students’ Background (pre-requisite skills or content needed):

The students will know the reason for using a grid to help create effective drawings. Students
will have created a one inch grid on their reference photo, and a two inch grid on their final
drawing paper. Students will have learned about the work of Abraham Bosse, and will be able
to review this before work time. Students will have learned how to effectively use a ruler to
create a neat and even grid.

- Viewfinders
- Smartboard to show presentation
- Laptop
- Camera to show students how to make effective use of viewfinder
- Examples of gridded photograph and corresponding drawing
- Pencil and eraser to create drawings
- Drawing paper (prepared with grid during previous class)
- Printed photos (prepared with grid during previous class)


Subject Matter Knowledge: Makes content accessible; includes subject-specific

vocabulary/academic language. CAP I.A.1

Meeting Diverse Needs: Demonstrates knowledge of the difference between social and
academic language and the importance of this difference in planning, differentiating and
delivering effective instruction for English language learners at various levels of English
language proficiency and literacy. CAP II.A.3; SEI (c)

Tier 1: Basic everyday words Tier 2: Frequently occurring Tier 3: Domain-specific

that are familiar to most, but academic words words, low-frequency
not all students

Draw Grid Viewfinder

Scale Abraham Bosse


Language Goals (When ELs are present; aligned to WIDA proficiency standards)

Level 1 & 2:
Students will be able to work with classmates recall the relevant vocabulary terms (scale and
proportion) orally.

Students will be able to associate a given visual with the corrosponding vocabulary term.

Level 3 & 4:

Students will be able to recall the terms scale and proportion and create a visual to represent
each of these.

Students will be able to work together with classmates to recall the definitons for scale and


Meeting Diverse Needs: Uses appropriate inclusive practices, such as tiered supports and
scaffolded instruction, to accommodate differences in students' learning needs, abilities,
interests, and levels of readiness, including those of academically advanced students, students
with disabilities, and English learners. CAP II.A.3
Differentiation and UDL-

Multiple means of…

● Action and Expression: Students will have the choice to provide answers orally or
through writing, as well as through the artwork that they create.
● Representation: Lesson will be presented orally as well as with written supplements
for students to read. Teacher will also give a visual demonstration of how to effectively
use a viewfinder, so that students can see exactly what is expected of them.
● Engagement: Students will learn about French portrait artist, Abraham Bosse, and will
be able to view images and hear about how the grid drawing method was a useful tool
for this artist. Students will also view examples of in progress grid drawings and their
corresponding photographs.


● Process: Students have the option of using a viewfinder to help look at and draw one
area at a time without being distracted by the other details surrounding that area.
Students can also choose to put an X over the areas they have already drawn to help
them track their progress.
● Products: Students can choose a food that is special to them or that they enjoy, and
draw from this. Students will also have a choice between a few mediums to add color
to their work once they complete their drawings.

Students’ Strengths/Interests:

Student 1: Works well with other students and in a group setting, enjoys art class, self
advocates and asks questions when in need of clarification.

Student 2: Works well with other students and in a group setting, enjoys art class, positive
attitude towards learning

Student 3: Works well with other students and in a group setting, enjoys art class, has a
positive attitude towards classwork and learning in art class.
Relevant IEP SDIs, Accommodations, and Supports:

Student 1: Student will receive check ins throughout class time to ensure understanding of
lesson content.

Student 2: Student will receive check ins throughout class time to ensure understanding of
lesson content.

Student 3: Student will receive one on one support from paraprofessional during class time.

IEP Goals to Embed and/or Assess Within this Lesson:

Student 1: Student will be able to create a successful start to their food drawing by the end of
class, and will be able to advocate for themself by asking questions as they arise.

Student 2: Student will have a successful start to their food drawing by the end of class.

Student 3: Student will be able to remain on task throughout classtime with little redirection.
Student will have a successful start to their drawing by the end of class.


Adjustment To Practice & Meeting Diverse Needs: Analyzes informal/formal assessment

results to determine progress toward intended outcomes and uses these findings to adjust
practice and identify and/or implement appropriate differentiated interventions and
enhancements for students CAP I.B.2 & II.A.3
Assessment: (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening)

Performance tasks: Students will begin working on their proportional and larger than scale
drawings of food. Students will have created a one inch grid over their reference photo, and a
two inch grid over their drawing paper in the previous class.
Formative Assessments: Teacher will include turn and talk activities and questioning at
various points throughout mini lesson to assess student’s understanding of the content being
- Draw a picture to represent scale
- Work together with your table to recall the definiton for scale
- Work together with your table to recall the definiton for scale
- What is the name of the artist we learned about?
- What kind of art did they create?

Formal Assessments:
The students will be able to successfully start their grid drawings by using a pencil to create
the details they observe in their reference photo on their drawing paper, and using the grid to
help with accuracy of proportions.

The students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson content by
participating in do now and takeaway activities

Informal Assessments:
The students will discuss the definitions for scale and proportion as they pertain to their


Safe Learning Environment: Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that
create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take
academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented. CAP
Anticipatory Set/Hook: 3

● Do Now:

Scrap paper: Create a drawing that shows scale

● Show examples of in progress grid drawing during mini lesson

- Following do now, teacher will call class back together and begin mini lesson.
- Review proposal and project criteria and objectives 5
- Review Abraham Bosse (French Portrait Artist)
- Review Scale and Proportion (turn and talks)
- Teach purpose of viewfinder and demonstrate how to effectively use one
- Answer any questions students might have, then direct them to get started with
their drawings, using the grids they created to help with accuracy. Have a few
students help pass out work from class folder.
- Help catch up any students who were absent previously.
- Circulate and check in/assist/redirect students throughout class as needed.
- Once there is about 5 minutes left in class, direct students to paper clip their
work together and return it to the class folder, then put away any other materials.
After cleaning, return back to seats for takeaway activity.

Closure: How will students demonstrate and apply their learning? 3

● Discuss with the people at your table: What is the purpose of using a viewfinder
in the grid drawing process?

Homework/Extension Activities:

where you have accessed any materials, resources, activities, etc. that were used in the
lesson in order to give credit to those who created it.

Reflective Practice: Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units and interactions with
students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and
student learning. CAP IV.A.1

Reflect on the overall lesson, your teaching strategies and skills, and the students’
actions. Consider such things as:

The Lesson Plan:

· What went well?
Students were all very engaged in the lesson, and stayed on task during work time.
Students followed clean up directions properly and clean up was exceptional. Students all
completed do now and takeaway, and participated in turn and talk activities.

· What areas of weakness need addressing with regard to the overall

In the future, I would like to be better at supporting my EL students. I spent a lot of time
during work time with one student who needed support with getting started on their drawing.
I usually use google translate to communicate more effectively with this student, and she
has a classmate who kindly helps her, but I think that for more involved lessons like this one,
having a set of translated directions would be useful incase I am not available to spend as
much time witht the student one-on-one as I did today.

· What could have been done to improve this lesson?

This lesson could be improved for next time by giving students who struggle the option of
creating a drawing that is to the same scale as their reference photo, rather than double the
scale like we are doing now. I think that a few of my students have been overwhelmed or
confused by the idea of making something larger than scale, so giving them the option to
create their artwork to a smaller scale might make this activity more accessible for these

· Which objectives were met? What is the evidence? Which students did
not meet objectives? Why?

a) The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the grid method by creating
proportional and larger than scale drawings based photographs.
b) The students will be able to relate their drawings to the work of French portrait
artist, Abraham Bosse.
c) The students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the definition of
scale by creating a drawing that shows scale and by participating in a turn and talk with
their classmates.
d) The students will be able to demonstrate understanding of proportion by
participating in a turn and talk and differentating this definition from that of scale.
e) The students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the purpose of a
viewfinder by making effective use of a viewfinder, and by answering the takeaway
question before the end of class.

In reviewing students do now paprs, I was able to gather a good understanding of which of my
students understood the definition of scale and what it looks like in art. Most of my students
had a pretty good understanding of this, however, there were a couple of students who werent
sure or who got scale confused with another relevant art term. Throughout classtime, I was
able to assess students ability to successfully use a viewfinder as well as using their grids to
make proportionally accurate and larger than scale drawings. Most students used these to their
advantage, however, there were a few students who preffered to complete their drawings
without using one, which I was fine with as long as they tried them out first. Students also did
well with answering the takeaway question, which also gave me an idea of how well students’
understood the purpose of a viewfinder for drawing. There were a few students who did not
make as much progress as I would have liked them to, and these are the students who have a
hard time focusing, especially with peers around them who might pose distractions. In the
future, I think I will find alternate seating for these

Teaching Skills:
· What did you do well in this lesson?
My questioning skills during my mini lesson are strong, I think that it is helpful for students to
be able to learn from their peers rather than just hearing from me all of the time. I also think
that including the turn and talks during the intro was helpful for me to see where students
were with the materials through circulating and listening in on their conversations and the
language that they used in discussion with one another.

· What areas of weakness need addressing with regards to your

Sometimes, especially with larger classes like this one, it is difficult to catch and address
every instance of inappropriate language or behavior. In the future, something that I will be
practicing towards is being more aware of the other students in my class while I am working
one on one with a student, so that I can be more on top of inappropriate behaviors.

· What could be done to provide better instruction in the future?

In the future, I will be better at remembering to position myself when working one on one
with a student so that I can still see everything else that is going on in the rest of the

The Students:
· Were you pleased with the performance of the students?
During class time, I was very pleased with student performance overall. They were mostly all
productive and successful.

· What did the students do well? What did the students struggle with?
My students were respectful during the intro, and worked hard on their grid drawings during
work time. They were also able to conversate with their peers as they worked on their
drawings without getting overly noisy or distracted, which I was also very happy with. Some
students struggled with being able to balance productivity with their conversation with

· What can be done to help the students do better in the future?

In the future, I will move students to other seats where they can be more successful if I find
that they are becoming distracted by their peers. Hopefully by moving seats, it will also
encourage kids to do better in the future so that they can earn back the privilege to sit with
their friends during work time again.

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