02 Intermediate III Handout 9 Unit 2 Sports and Fitness How Fit Are You

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Unit 2 How Fit Are You?
Student A asks Student B the following questions. Student A then adds up Student B’s scores
and asks him/her if he/she agrees with the score. Change roles and repeat the task.

Yes No Points

1. Do you go to the gym regularly? 1 0

2. Do you do weight lifting? 1 0

3. Do you smoke? 1 0

4. Do you avoid eating fatty foods? 1 0

5. Do you walk five kilometers at least three times a week? 1 0

6. Do you include fruit and vegetables in your daily diet? 1 0

7. Do you have a lot of stress in your life? 0 1

8. Do you prefer watching sports on TV rather than participating in them? 0 1

9. Do you watch your weight? 1 0

10. Do you choose vacations that involve a lot of sports activities? 1 0

11. Do you prefer to take the car to do errands in the neighborhood instead of walking? 0 1

12. Do you take the elevator instead of climbing the stairs? 0 1

12 –10 9-4 3-0

From English Discoveries Online – Intermediate 3 © 2009 Edusoft

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