73 Magazine 04 April 1966

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73 Magazine Barefoot and All That Jazz , . "

Ken ge ts us in a ll sorts of t roub le
Six and Two Amplifier
Med ium power , ba nd switching, si mple.
, W7IDF , , , , . .

, . K1ell.

The Bee Eliminator , , , . , , WBVVD . 14

Wayne Green W2NSD/l No more a nte nna bees with this set -up.
The Six Meter Jewel , . . . , .. ,. , . . .. . K3PXT . 16
A com p lete 50 watt six me ter AM tr ansmitter.
Ascendency Curve Yogis K6EDX. 20
Paul Franson WA 1CCH Au th or Coaper discu sses yagi gain , etc.
The Uhflt " . . ... . . . . " . " . WA 1CCH . 26
Ed ito r
A mu ltipurpose UHF u nit.
Home brew Perm ea b ility Tuned VFO .. W4 VRV . 30
It's simple, stc ble an d cheap.
Rece ive r VFO Co ntro lled Tran smitte r K6REU . 34
Per fect for the CW man.
The Ma tchmaker Circuit W00PA. 3B
Apri l 1966 Some ideas on au toma t ing you r a nt e nna.
Six to Two Tra nsmitting Mixer K9EID. 40
Vol. XXX VII, No. Ye p, a nother one .
1250 mc Slotted Line . . . WABC HD. 42
Find vour frequ ency, SWR, impeda nce, etc.
A Short lo o k at Propaga tion .. . . J . H. Ne lson. 46
By ou r propa ga t ion ex pe rt.
Did dleboxes " ". , W2 DXH . . , ." 48
A new approach to decade-subst itutio n boxe s .
Cove r by W ayne Pierce K3SUK. Mode rn ize Your Philco Converter ... . Wl OOP . 54
Or buil d a modern new 432mc conve rter .
Magnetic Beaming W20lU . 58
Not al l magnetica lly def lect ed tube s make pix .
Vert ica l Anten na Band Cha ng ing . ... W7 BWB. 60
Control your vertica l a nte nna remo te ly.
Choosi ng IF and Mixer Fre quencies ': . WA6 BSO. 62
ADVERTISING RATES So that you do n' t ge t birdies.
Mob ile' Burgl ar Insuran ce WA6UVS . . 66
IX 6X 12X
1 p $268 $252 $236 H a nk-Hon k- H o n k~Honk-H a nk-H onk-Honk-
A Loo k at Antennas for DX K6ZGQ . 68
33 A ve ry int e resti ng art icle. Vita l fa r Dxers.
1" 20 19 18 Some Should Do Something Abo ut . . . . K3B NS ,.~ ... , 74
Roughly, t hese ore our ram. You A ca refu l ana lysis of club ac tivit ies.
would do very we ll, if you are The Tran x Circu it K7VMV . 76
interested in advertising, to get
our offi cial rates a nd all of t he Switc h you r linea r with no tr ansce ive r mod ificat ions.
deta ils. You'll never get rich seil- Practical Doubl e Sideba nd-1966 .. . VE7BBM ... . , , 78
ing to hams, but you won' t be
quite as poor if you a dvert is. in 73. Some discu ssio n of how tooet DSB.
Two Buck Monitor.. . .. . . . . . . . . WA6K Ll. ..... 82
Cheap a nd sim p le CW mo nito r.
Contro lled Audio AVC " . " " . , . , , EI4R" ..• . 84
Excellen t AVC for CW or SSB.
One Way Dual Batt er y System. .. . . WA0A IY... .. 86
Na more de ad batte ries.
A Dyna mic Mike at low Cost Gen a ille . 88
Build you r own m ike .
Diver sity the EClSY Way : . WA2MBT. 92
Impro ve your recept ion with two antenn as.
SSB and the NC·300 . " . ., W6 HOG . 94
Better AGC, BFO a nd pr oduct detectbr .
Gus, Part 11 . W4BPD , . , 10 2
See what Gus is up to this mon t h.
73 Ma gazi ne is pu blished monthl y by li ttle Annie Ha mmy . . K3SUK. . . 124
73, I DC., Pe terb orough, N. H. 03458.
T he phone is 603-924·3873. Subscrip- Sor ry a bout that, Harvey
tion ra tes $4.00 per year, $7.00 two
years , $10 thre e years world wide. Sec-
ond class postage i, paid a t Peterbor- Editnrial -t xew Products l OS
ough , New Hampshir e and at addition- Ham Word Play' .. !) 1 Lrt t er ... . 11 0
al ma iling offices. Pr inted in Brist ol, Hirel'tional Coupler .. ~O lliulle rlil'r!ll'l 1 12
Conn " U.S.A. En tire contents ropy- wayne rirrte K3S l'K 9!l 'l' R-3 spe aker 112
right 1966 by 7.3, Inc. Pos tmasters, roAR ••••. 9S r aveat 1';mptOf 120
please send for m 3579 to 73 Ma gazine, :'or lll li ~h a n neI Preamp 100 .\ d J ndr x ... 12T
Peterborough, New Ha mpsbire. Ferrite Dr . 101 Prunagal.ion 12T

APRil 1966 I
lIev u say di e

100 Country Certificat e

As announced last month 73 will make able po sition ARRL is in with regards to th eir
av aila ble a certificate for wo rking 100 coun- classifica tions on countries. They face in solu-
tri es. Briefly, here is the do pe . All contacts able .p roblems in r unn in g DXCC ,
must be m ade after 1 1Ia y 1966 (0001 GMT). For in stance th ere is the litt le bu siness of
Certifi cat es will be available for ph on e, C \V d eciding what is and what is not a country.
and RTTY for each individual band for 100, Any of you who have been followin g th i~
200. 300 and 3,50 countries. Countries will b e sit uation know how rid icu lous it has becom e.
th ose accep ted by ARRL , RSGB, REF, DA RC If vou haven't been following it, trust me th at
and othe r na tional am at eur radio societies tha t it is ridiculous . ....
we announce. \Ve wiII ha ve a comp lete list T hen there is the interesting ph en omen on of
av ailab le for you abou t Ju ne first. Conta cts the D Xp editions which aren' t reall y th ere .
made in an yone cal end ar year cou nt for the This m ay be an old time honored arrange-
en tir e year and for th e next fou r calendar ment, but ap paren tly it wa s considerably p op u-
year s. 196 6 con tacts will be valid only thro ug h larized b y a gen tlema n ( ?) a cou ple years
1970. C ards ma y be sent to 73 with SASE for back who sat in air condifirmed splendor in
certifi cation . \V~ will tr y to est abli sh local cer- nor th Africa and signed a number of calls, all
tification com mittees in various p arts of the of which th e ARRL has solem nl y counted
states and in other co nn tries to simplify th is for D XC C. The feeling seem s to be amo ng one
p robl em. Ea ch certificate application mu st be or tw o D Xpedition ers that as long as ARRL is
accompan ied b y nne do llar or seven IRe s. going to cou nt it as if th ey were in a country
If you have any qu estions or ideas abou t and ther e is no one to stop th em from sign ing
thi s write to; GUS, 7 3, Peterb orou gh , N. H . the call from somewhere else;' w hy go to all
You ca n look for Ole Gus on 7025, 7245, the botl}eJ..:. of goin g to that country . Indeed ,
14065 and 14275. Gu s can be reach ed by th eir logic seems quite valid .
p hone at 80 3-534-6485; collect calls will be \Ve have also been treated to a new devel-
refused. op men t . . . the D 'Xpedition that can' t see m to
Muy first is a Su nd ay , . . it should be an hear the top DX crs calling them. I don' t kn ow
int ere sting da y on the DX b an ds. You mi gh t how m an y of th e top m en were affecte d b y
spread the wor d ahead of tim e to ma ke su re th is, b u t in a recent call Charlie, ' VIFH, ex-
th at as m an v of th e DX stations are on that plained th at this finally broke him of the D X
day as possibl e. It may sound something like habit and he is off the treadmill.
a con test. You know that we will make a Most of us have been aw are of the ARHL's
particular fuss over the first certificate in each st rong bia s against phone operatio n, hu t I
call area and each coun try. doubt if any of us thought that th ey would go
so fa r as to completely cancel the ph one DXC C
DX comments award. This cer ta inly is a ma jor setback for the
SSB gang.
Please don't feel unn cve d if I ma ke everv
effort net to get myself or 73 into th e un envi- (continued on page 114)

International's "nYING SHOWROOM 66"
will visit your area soon.
Welcome aboard this fabulous electronic flying display.
During 1966, Internati onal' s Martin 202 Flying Showroom will tour citi es through-
out the United States, bringing with it displays of Internati onal electronic equip-
ment and products, plus a technical staff available for consultat ion. - A space
age elect ronic show for Amateur Radio operators, radio experimenters, hobbyists,
Cit izens Radio dealers and users, commercial 2-way radio operators and manufac-
tu rers requirin g special electronic products. - If you are a manufacturer, radio
equipment dealer, Amateur or Cit izens Radio Club, or other interested groups,
we will attempt to schedule a specific tim e and date to visit your area. Watch
for announcement or write International Crystal Manufacturin g Co., Inc. for detail s.
Discuss your technical and engineering
requirements with International's staff.
See how International electronic
product s can work for you.
•, /

/S -~
~ ."


18 North Lee
Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102

APRil 1966

April a ham ma ga zin e do an imitation of a trem en-

do usly successful college boy-rising young
Ap ril first is a traditional tim e for p ractical ba che lor juni or exec u tive magazine? And eve n
jokes and mi schi evou s shenanigans. The u rge jf anyone had see n any virtue in his sugges -
to have fun is so great that eve n th e ed itor s tion priva tely, giving othe r p eop le cre d it for
of norma lly sta id electro nics magazines some.. good id eas is not one of th e big thin gs her e
tim es succumb to th e d esire to sp ice their at 73, so we rid iculed h im and we n t back to ,
usua l technical and serious art icles with a work. T hen Barry left.
small touch of whimsy. A few months later, I had a grea t id ea . \ Vhy
In line with thi s trad ition , three year s ago not do a parody of Playboy in Ap ril? It's so
the Ap ril issue of 73 parodied QST. The cove r offbeat and far fetch ed that it could b e a lot
of that issue wa s im medi at ely recogn izab le as of fun . I suggested it to W ayne.
the s tyle used by p re-w ar QST's and m any Oucb. After wha t he told me of my idea, I
old er hams d id q uite a do u ble-take when th ey di dn ' t speak to him for th ree wee ks. Luckily,
saw t hat 73 on th e newsstand or when it ar- he was in E urop e those weeks, so things
rived at their house. Inside the m ag azine we ro weren't too str ain ed .
a num ber of sma ll touch es of satire, too; th e Whcn he came back, he told me th at he ha d
issue was treme ndously popular with our had . the be st id ea whil e he was in Germ an y.
readers. \Vh y no t do a p ar ody on Playboy in April?
However, th e last tw o Apr il 73's have been Th at w as a satire that we could re ally have
strai gh t-a t least as straigh t as 73 ever is. A Fun with . _.
few ham s noti ced this and su gges ted id eas I said, "Wayne , th at's great'!" And went out
for Ap ril. A nu mber thoug h t we should d o a and bou gh t a cop y of Playboy (for resear ch ) .
take-off on CQ. Well, to be per fect ly hones t, T hen I hought and ana lyzed some more copies
there isn't that mu ch d istinctive abou t CQ. (also for resear ch ) and d iscov ered what it was
T he co ver, w ith its (always) red logo could th at made- Pluvbov so di stin ctive and p op ular.
eas ily be parodied and it wo uld n' t be hard for Unfortun ately, ~ve could n' t use them. in 73.
a fert ile mind to have some fun with th e So 1 took anothe r long look at th e rest of
colu mn head ings and th e colum ns themselves. the magazine and sen t some -fd eas down to
But basically, we were afraid that a parody W avne Pierce K3SU K, who d oes a lot of car-
of CQ might have th e same effect on hams toonin g -and art wo rk for us. \ Vell, \ Vayne in-
tha t CQ itself d oes, and I'm su re that you'll vested in som e research m ateria l, too, and
ag ree th at that isn't something we 'd want to Vall can see the resul ts in thi s issue. \ Ve hop e
hap pen to reade rs of 73. you like it.
So not hing happ en ed . \Vell, almost nothing.
Som eone alwa ys came up with an id ea, but
always too late . Cover contest ..r esults
Then Barry came to work for us. The winner of om cover contest wa s Bob
Barr y had a very fert ile imagination . In T avlor with th e uh , unusual cover published
fa ct, Barry had abou t as fertile an imagination last month . Bob makes th ose' call lett er sweat-
as anyone really need s. Barry isn't wo rkin g shirts tha t wo w everyone at hamfests an d club
her e now-I hear he we nt back to school- b ut meetings. See December pa ge 103 for m ore
wh ile he was here, he suggested that . we do in form ation on them .
a parody of Playboy.
Playboy? Ridi culous. H ow-cor why- should (continued on page 118)

liN D NOW .. . from /(I~ the


Tells at a glance, both .. .

the power you're putting out
and ref lected power, too!
Another precisio n-eng i neered f irs t from pace-setting Waters! SPECIFICATIONS
Amazing new REFLECTOMETER with uni que di al indicator MODEL 369
th at let s yo u read bot h the f orward and refl ected power of
Sca les Forwa rd .. .. . 10 0 0 a nd 200 watts.
y our ri g (expressed in RF watts) on every t rans miss ion you S ca les Ref lected .. 20 0 a nd 20 watts.
m ake! Two separate ly set forward sca les of 200 watts and Impedance 52 o hms.
1000 watts (20 and 200 watts ref lected) insu re acc urate F re q ue nc y Range ..3 t o 30 megacycles.
readin gs at whateve r power y ou' re ope rating. VSWR ca n be Accuracy Pow er ± 10 0/0 f.s. (i n 52 ohms).
- Po we r Los s Negtfgtb !e.
immediately determined from a ca librated reference chart. S ize ...Ind ic at or - 5% x 33,4 x 4 1,4 in.
The REFLECTOM ETER ope rates apa rt from its Directional Dire ct ion al Couple r - 4 x 2 X 2 1116 in.
Weight .Ind ic a t o r - 1 % lb.
Coupler w hich may be locat ed remo te ly in the antenna Coup ler - 3,4 lb.
coax ial li ne and connected with t he cab le provided. Pr ice . . $115. .,-........

- Waters Test Gear . . . to get top Operating Perf6rmancer ~

Model· 331
Operates from 2
to 230 megacy- WIDE RANGE ATTENUATORS Fully tra nsistor-
ized •. • covers
cles at 52 ohms. Provides 61 db of attenuation in 2 to 230 mega-
Measures RF out- 1 db steps. Used effect ively for cycles in 7 over-
S-Meter calibration; checking re- lapping plug-in
put in watts up to co il ra nges.
a fu ll kilowatt. ceiver sideband suppression: 1000 cycle audio
Three calibrated measuring cross-ta lk in switches, osc i llato r for
receiver image, IF signal rejec- modulat ion; DC
scales insure ac- amp l if ie r and
curate readings. tion, etc. meter for d ip
Compact and Mode l 371 -1 UH F $27.95 detec tio n. In
stai nless steel
weighs but 12 tbs. Mode l 371·2 BN C $29.95 case.
Price ...... ... . . $89.95 Mod e l 371-3 N .....•........$37 .95 ............................$ 129.75

Loo k us u p a t t he A RRL Co nven t ion in Boston Apri l 22-23 -24, a nd Day t on Hamvent ion A pril 15 a nd 16 .
Ken Cole W7l DF
P.O. Box 3
Vashon, W a sh. 98070

Barefoot and All That Jazz

A rece nt remark bv a Six that he had run th e eye. Some tim es a cha nge in nomencla-
his Moh awk barefo ot all win te r brought n o ture excites more in tere st th an the thematic
inquiry from the Bureau of I ndian Affai rs, choices. O bviously in th e Joh nson Company
an d Il 'J atavistic respo n se from the small per- (T hun d erb olt, Viking, Cha llenger , Vali ant,
centage of my cor puscles entitled to take Ad ventu rer ) a maj or reap p raisal wa s involved
offense, but it left me wonde ring innocent ly in retr en ch ing to m ere Cou rier and Messen-
wh y th e Heath ethnolog y sec tion honors th e gel'. I wonder what happened that day in
North Ameri can India n so consistently and Waseca, Mlnnesotu? Nothin g ve ry decisive,
never su gges ts to the fron t office tha t a ne w apparen tly, D ivisive, ra th er , for th e Valiant
transmitt er be called the French man , the C hallenger clique seems to be stick ing by its
I talian, the Yugoslav or the New Zea lan der. gu ns . Mean while, unimpressed b y the arci ng
And , p arentheticall y, I do resent Ben ton H ar- out front, sa nguine cra ftsmen in the rear of
bor's view th at a Mara ud er is appropriate the Joh nson shop tu rn ou t hand som e and ex-
compa ny for an Ap ach e, a Cherokee and th e p ens ive compo nen ts for cold -b looded p rof es-
rest. T hat's taking side s, Paleface. sion al b road casters w ho are re spo nsive on ly
Anot her finn , World Rad io Laboratories, to sp ecificat ions, These ar tifa cts b ear no melo-
avo id ed specific t riba l reference, and indeed dra matic n ames, h it then n o comm ercial
may or ma y not ha ve h ad redski ns in mind mul ti-kilowa tt tran smitter is calle d Block-
when th ey decided Chief and Scout were buster , or Beh emoth. , Perf orman ce speaks
names with cus tomer appeal. But if these are louder than b lurbs, bu t SOnlCbody isn't list en -
simp ly b rave lab els and n ot sub tly coercive ing.
allus ions to front ier prowess, wh y not use H alli cra fter seems to ha ve had de ep er
Min er , Policeman or Nu rse's Aid ? doubts abo ut lab els wit h high mu zzle veloci ty.
With these and other q uestions in m in d I Their . Super Skyr ider -DeRan t- Challenger
turned to th e ca talog s an d soon d ecid ed th at p eriod was followed b y a gentle turn tow ard
th ere's mo re to the nam ing gam e than meets cryp tic lett er and number combi nations, h ow-
ever a company th at starts- with Sky Bud d y
an d c.9 1~ es up rou gh ly three d ecades la ter with
Tornado! and Legionn aire! obviously think s of
itself as a swinger. So the re is st ill a re ason -
abl e po ssibil ity th at one day Ha llicrafte r will
b rea k ou t of its cryptogram p ha se with na m es
pitched to sh att er a bran dy snifte r at ten
me ters. But I trust not.
Sometimes, ((.)1" on e reason or another, it is
impossib le to de te ct a tren d , and this wou ld
seem to he true ill th e case of Cleg g. T heir
Inter ceptor is really not a nam e to conjure
with, and Venn s-an alias of Aph rod ite-is a
cu rious, mildl y dist racting ch oice. Come to
:', . . think of it, why d id th ey favo r Venus? W hy
Homan rat her th an G ree k? Rumors that an
office p art y was resp onsible, like ot he r involv-

ing defer en ce to Ge loso, owe more to frivolit y tongue, Apa ch e! Coman ch e! T hu nd erb olt !
t h en logic. Her e is a puzzle. My own gu ess Thor! Viking! T orn ad o! ( Move back.) Band it!
is that a sub tle-m inded exec ut ive topped off Warrior! Spitfire! Sid ewinder! m ack Widow!
a pe rf ect d ay with a d ouble Martini (F rench Ch allenger! Valiant! Mohawk! T he me ssag e
vermouth, Dutch gin, Sp ani sh olive, It alian has Super Magnum imp act, hut I'm ahnost
name ) and ..Ill amusin g little mem o scra tch in g too nervous to read it . The mi nd reels before
Ap hrod ite. And subs tituti ng Venus. Relu c- th e pan op ly of men ace and power, but d o
tant ly I' ll give him good marks for acu men , th ese sound like the names of refined elec-
if not for chivalry, for it soun ds quite odd tron ic aid s to friend ly communication? Cer-
eno ug h to rep or t, "I 'm ru n ning a Ven us b ar e- tain ly not. A child w~u ld reco gn ize the m as
foot," T he Aph rodite theory may be de pre- automobiles. T he T hun d erbi rd yearns for a
ca ted b y the com pany, but th en I would p oint Thu nd erbo lt; the Apa che fits th e Fury; put
out tha t another Clegg p rod uct is ca lled Zeu s your Band it in a Barracu d a. \V arr ior and
and the imp lica tion is th at Venus wasn't Mu stang. T orn ado and T emp est. Spitfire and
arr ived at b y chan ce sinc e simp le consistency W ildcat. Stu ffy Marks th is-and-that (issue of
wou ld h ave k ept Clegg on Ol ympu s, and very Britannia and Kin g Arthu r ) ca n be accom -
Iikel v di d until word came down from even moda ted b y pseu do-Cont inen ta l Mon zas,
higher that A. was out an d V. was m. Too Mon aco» and Rivieras. I nevitabl y a Galaxy
b ad . ( Space is In ) p resid es in a Ford Calaxie .
Tu rn ing without real regret from titular Th ank s to weak stomac hs, or for some b et-
fan tasies root ed in the ethnic, m ythological ter reason, a few companies with familiar
and p assabl y va lorous , we find th at a quality nam es have shown litt le inclin ation to go the
of men ace is d eeme d attractive bv some exec- fren eti c rou te . Nati onal ( t~ (l le S\\'-3 cf h al-
ut ives. Or , to be more ca n did, th e;' have opted lowed memory ) is one of th ese. H ammarlu nd
for the silly in p reference to th e ridiculous. is an other , and indeed a sho rt but impressive
Black widow an d Bandit are nam es that tie l'st of firms could b e introd uced as evidence
for a special award plus oblivion . And u nless that th e emphatic ban ality of noisy lab els is
it wa s conce ived. as an in congru ous tribute to less th an essential to the market ing of an in -
a lovely airplane Spitfire ta kes second p lace. veutorv of quality.
For com ing up with Sidewinder Gonset wi ns I n sup port of the se l ~)l dou ts one sees ind i-
a pri ze too, and if they d ecline on the sh aky cut iun s of relatively u na dorn ed ca nd or return-
grou nd th at this term is a sla ng refer enc e to ing to our m ar ketplace, of adve rtis ements em-
SSB th en a p alm will b e added for mendacity . p hasizin g sp ecification s nntl pri ce, an d shor t
Sidewi nder refers to a reptile. See the College OJ l irreleva nt fireworks. Gra nte d th is imp rove-
Edition of Webs te r's New Worl d D icti on ary m ent is neither ub iquitous n or J!!;celera ting
of th e Am eri ca n L anguage. A secon dary, T buu d erholtwise , ye t how many of TIle latest
colloqu ial meaning is also giv en and I am of our sop h isticated and eminen tly salab le
h ap p y to q uo te it here: "A powerfu l swing ing tran sceivers h ave names calcul ate d to ch ill
blow of the fist, de livered fr om th e side." Ag- the b lood? I ca n' t think of any . Even ha rd -
grieved A~ l enthusias ts ma y see in this second n ose lineal'S are " being giv en l; bels you can
definition a su b tle technical va lid ity. m en tion witho u t reminding the kids of a T V
Ant en na namers fire sho tguns fro m the hip p ro gram . D oes this me an that th e int r in sic
and th er e is no coherency to th e results. Hor - d iscipline and rewarding efficiency of SSB
net, H ustler, E I T oro, :\l ;rk Something, Super have brought w!.t h_ th em a b onu s of m aturity?
"\Iagnnm ( Antenna Speciali sts cum Smi th and Arc ou r ca talogs going to lose their links with
Wesson }. Kot until we come acro ss Joystick comic books, T V and D etroit ? I h op e so.
and T rikStik d o the h ackles rise. T hese two un - Aggressiveness sp rings from insecur ity , a11(1
fortun at e appe llations are either offen sively the passage of ti me b rings to m ost human
frivolous or Hu gh H ef ncrian . If the form er end eavors a reasoned mellow ing, a climate
then th ey do n't d eserve con sid eratio n, an d if k ind to meri t. D efian t nalJ.l es fit we ap ons, no t
the la tter a det-ailed ana lys is wou ld he ina p- tools, F ifty yea rs ago F okker aircra ft earn ed
prop riate ill a fam ily mngaziuc. J'1lI referri n g resp ect ill ae rial wa rfa re ; today in om' coun -
to 73. try and in ma ny others a F okker de sign h as
W ell the-n. if clear- cu t trend s ar c d iffi cult to wo n a toug h com petitive battle for success as
visu alize ill the nom enclature favored bv in- a d omestic rou te airliner. It d oesn't h ave a
di vidu al manufac turers certainl y an ine scnp- horrendous nam e; it' s calleo the F rien d sh ip .
able message appears when on e sta nds off a
bit and su rveys th e industry. T ak e a deep
breath an d ru n th e names trippin gly off the

APRIL 1966 7
Low cost, high power, single pole swi tching
for our most popular VHF bands. It's
good down to eigh ty m eters, too.

A Simple Sixand Two Amplif ier

Bill Hoisington K1e ll
Peterboro ug h, N.H.

H aving been called on recen tly to bui ld a to be a trough line p i network on two me te rs,
comme rcial high p ower amplifier swit chin g cha ngin g to a good okl coil typ e p i netw ork
from 20 to 150 mc with comp le te freque nc y on six. T he sw itc h is a slightly rework e d
coverage for use as a laser modula tor, I wa s (sold er Oil some strap cop per leads ) knife
ve ry temp ted to give it a whirl on th e air as bl ade copper switc h with a porcelain base awl
it was being tested through 50 and 144 me. it sure does th e job . Used to se ll for 50 ¢ in all
T he cus tomer wa s in a rush , th ough, so the hard ware stores. Maybe still do es.
it wa s d elivered , and anothe r was built No te in th e circuit th at th e RF p late chok e
strictly for six an d two : altho u gh it can h e is at the low (for HF ) end of th e plate in-
made to work down to 80 meters wit h a mo re d uctor, L l. This pa rticular choke h as a slig ht
expensive swit ch and more coils. The VHF abso rp tion spo t near 70 me which do es not
model is prob abl y of most interes t, so I'll con- bother in anv wav on six and two m eters , but
centrate on it. can he a n uisanc e w hen working for comp le te
coverage fro m 20 to 150 me. On th e joh me n-
Circuit tioned I switched cho kes fro m the fr ont pan el

T h ere ar c three things that loom up lar ge

d ollar-wise in this six and two meter ampli-
fier : the tu be socket, the blower and the tube.
to ju mp over 70 m e.

RF outpu t circuit
However, if you have a 4CX250 or tw o ly in g I wou ld adv ise getting a good socke t wit h
around an d are think ing of th e poss ibi lities the screen bypass built in. This capacitor is
of a quarter kilowatt on six and two, this de- in a circula r form around the tu be, and b e-
sign allows yo u to switch ba nd s with only one lieve me, th er e is nothin g like a round fla t
p ole and one throw. You could also use a su r- d isc for V HF and U HF capacitors. D Uli ng
p lus, inexp ensive, 4X150 in this ci rcu it. seve ra l weeks just sp ent on th is un it ru nn ing
T he circu it in F ig. 1 has been used success- up aml-down b et ween 18 and 170 me m an y
fully u p to 200 me h ere . It is very hot on two times wi th all kinds of coils , switc hes an d
meters and even more so on six. It can be see n cap ac ito rs, no t once did it self oscillate. An d
th is is with no neutralizing at all. T he bu ilt in
screen b ypass is reall y d oin g its job of isolat-
ing the input fro m th e outp ut circuit. It als o
has ano the r job -t o do as yon will see.
A wo rd ab ou t RF cu rr en ts in screen-go d
coaxial tube s is in order h er e. El ec tro ns, as is
well known , flow hap pi ly from the ca thode of
these tubes over to th e p late, gr ea tly att ract ed
an d sp eeded tip on the ir wa y by th e hi gh
p osit ive plate voltage. F ield theory says thut
- I) 10 - roY :11\ elect ro n find ing itself in a va c-uum bet ween

Fig. 1. Sche matic of th e 4CX250 amp lifier for six two conductors, one posit ive an d the othe r
and two meter s using singl e po le switching . negative. will accelera te and sla m into th e

(2 - 100 OR IM pl , 15QO V
L2 - $ -IolET[R PLAn: COIL Of' ~~"O.o. COPPER WIRE , 3 TUl "G I- llB · OJ) .
.. ~'-OW[R
OR T tl l", M AS S TROUGl'l ,-,"' E
6 -""" LG,4 " tllGli. " " WJ;lE II N5IOU 7




C3 8o ,f2 WHICH AIlE
ADl1o'E C2 - SEE

Fig . 2 . Top an d s ide views of t he 4C X25 0 a mpl ifie r.

positive cond uctor at a remar kable Hum be r of is thus the second most important element
miles per hour, if the volt age is high . In fac t for the RF output , not the cathode.
they will get we ll up toward s th e speed of Th e cathode leads need to be short for the
light with mall )' thou san ds of volts. inpu t circuit however. So, the moral iSI p ay
Howeve r, th ey do not travel at the spee d at tent ion to the pla te-screen HI" circu it here
of ligh t in tubes in amateur use, and thus are for those hun d red s of watt s out y O ll arc look-
subject to th e much talked about transit tim e ing for.
effect. T he point here is th at in ord er to know
wha t is going on RF-wise in VH F and even High power VHF tr~u gh lines
more so in UHF, you should differentiate be -
tween the electron flow and th e RF curre nt Cctnog do wn at lust to th e actual cons truc-
flow. A positive ic ac e from the RF d rive on tion (" tin 'cut ting" ) we see in Fi g" 2 a top
the grid causes electron s to go th rough the view of the tro ugh line, switch and 6 mete r
grid. With a few landing on it of course. At coil. T he socket is moun ted in the center of
the mome nt they go through the grid they the front end whic h js 4 Inches-be, 4 inches
see the screen ahead of them wit h all th at thin brass .022 to .025. A Hat box is also
be autiful 250 volts p ositive on it and awa y mounted unde r the socket with a cover con-
they go like dogs afte r the electric rabb it. taining th e blower pipe hole. T his cover is
Same thing hap pens all over aga in as they fastened with four screws, which allows work
go through the screen, only th is tim e the y see on the socket la ter if needed . A well insulated
J.son volts ( minus the 2.50 of th e screen) and and spaced low cap acitance grid lead is
really get mo ving. (T his is whe re the blower brought out to RF C I and the grid in put ca-
comes in, b y the wa y ) . Arriving at the plat e pa city. Th is must be air sealed of course, as
th ese elec tro ns, being little p ar ticles of nega- well as all ot hers- going through th e socket
tive electricity, cause th e pla te to go neg ative. box, in order tha t th e air from the blowe r will
X ow, wat ch nu t. The wave-fron t created on be forced througlv th e socket, which is de-
th e plate travels along the plat e line LI at sign ed for that purp ose. T he air continues on
almost exactly the spee d of light , reaches th e through th e p late fins after going th rough the
cold end of the trough line ab out a q uar ter socket.
cycle later and t hen starts hack again, reach- T he tuning capaci tor C I sho uld be able to
ing the opposing condu ctor th at is, the con- take ca re of th e B plus volta ge of some 1500
du ct or in the tube that is RF -wise a ttached to volt s, or higher if you're that anxiou s. T he RF
the walls of th e trough line, as is right an d voltage may be considerably higher than 1500
proper. But what is this opposing cond uctor? if the plat e circuit is opera ted unloaded . ( No t
Is it the ca thod e? Nop e. T he grid ? Guess ad visable for any length of time! ) D o not
again. It is none other than the hig hly b y-. make th e usual pencil t est unloaded without
p assed screen. The RF waves in the trough havin g th at pencil on a stick! I nsulatedl T he
line ca nnot get through the screen. The screen RF really rips out but p lenty. Not just a little

AC OUTlE TS TO flLOWEA. ill 73 Magazine . T he RF d rive power, that is,
,\X2 :1OB FIL. XFMR grid input to the 4X250B , is listed as from 0
to 2 watts in the han dbooks, so take you r
choice as to d rivers. E ven a Sixer should do it.
~>+-~ nllr-K~"YY'>~.........~
OTO -60 I have used va rious powers on th e d river and
it see ms 10 sett le out arou nd 10 to 12 watts
DC power to the d river , wit h th e untuned
grid cir cu it, cabl e, nucl d rive r being used here.
Fig. 3. Bia s su pp ly fo r the amplifier. The ca ble connec ting th e dri ver at the mo-
men t is about ;) feet loug. W ith all un tuned
spa rk but a roaring afC. Don't say I didn't grid cir cu it thi s cable can change the HF volt-
warn you . age Oil the grid up or down a conside rable
Th e actu al plate connection is a thi n copper am oun t as can readi lv be seen. At or ne ar a
strap (soft coppe r) with its ends bolted to... q uarter wave len gth -and tuned by the grid-
ge ther. Th e plat e line, compos ed of two 1 ca thode input capa city of th e 4X 25011 th ere
inch stra ps at th e plat e whi ch are joined to- could be a lot more HF on the grid than with
gethe r abo ut 2 inches from th e plat e making: a half wave on th e line where one could ex-
a single strap from then on, is sold ered to th e pe ct something like th e exciter link voltage to
p lat e strap . in two pla ces as can be seen in he found on the grid.
F ig. 2. Exc ite r d rive power and modulatio n of th e
F ig. 2 also shows the po sitio ning of the dri ver should he adjusted while listening to
out put capaci tor C3 and outp ut jack J2. C2 your own voice or with a sco pe . You'll soon
and C3 are actually inside the fron t trough see wh y whe n yon do it.
line wall. Th e knife switch is mou nted on a
wood block about l}~ in ches which hrings it Bias supply
up to level of the plate ta nk line ( 2 meters )
which is po sitlonecl in the midd le of the 4 \ Ve ha d some trouble at first wit h a lar ge
inch high trough lin e. T he Hat ha ndl e of th e jump in grid bias vol tage un de r RF exci ta tion
knif e switch may he extended th roug h a front and mod ulatio n. T his w as due to the b ias
panel. I»sulatcd! A pa nel is advised , as the sou rce not being "st iff" enough, and was rem e-
switch, L2, C2, and one end of C3 are all at d ied by the bias supply shown in F ig. 3. Using
high volta ge . I used bakeli te shaft exte nd ers this su pply the negati ve voltage wa s 70 w ith-
and mount ed the front panel, 3/1 6 inch white out HF dri ve, 80 with drive, and ab out 85
plastic, abo ut one inch in front of the front when mod ulat ing the d river . The Va riac
wall of th e tro ugh line. RF C2 is 80 turn s of shown ill the prim ary of th e bias sup ply is of
No . 20 solid, cove red wire, 2 J~ inches loug, cou rse a bett er meth ocf'''<Yr regu lat in g such a
wound on a ceramic form 3f inc h a .D. su pp ly than a potent iome te r net work in the
Th at about d ocs it exce pt for a few det ai' s. DC output.
T he output end wa ll and the socke t wa ll arc
of thin brass, .02 2, some 4 by 4 inches sq uare. Screen 'supply
Th e RF output jack is mounted on a stra p
which is soldered acro ss th e top of th e trou gh Nothing fussy abo ut th e screen sup ply. Just
line . You can also dose the top in with a brass o to 300 volts. 50 ma, adjusted by another
cover if you wish , and the efficiency will go Variac. The "T urn-On" switch has a 115 volt
up a percent or so on 2 meters. I have n ot outlet \V1iich goes to the H V Var iac, which is
d one this yet. Th e output end wa ll has a large in the pri ma ry of the BV tra nsforme r. T his
hole cut out in the middle (not shown ) for allows the screen and HV to be turned on at
the cold end of the 2 meter pla te line to he th e same tim e.
led out side to the switch. Note th at wh en
usin g a pi ne two rk th is is onlv cold to the H V supply "
extent of bein g near 50 ohms. '
Again a word of caution. I tuned this rig Again nothing spe cial. I' m using my oId
up frequen cy-wi se on low voltage, ab out 250 K\V job, tapped down to 1500 volts AC max-
to .500 volts. I do n't like to lose readers. imum. And of course, another Variac! Cau-
tion! Do not op erate th e tube with the screen
on th e plat e off! All those electrons which ar e
Driver and power supplies supposed to go to th e plate land on the scree n
So far I have only driven this amplifier with and wowie, what screen current! Very bad for
the "50 Watts For $50" rig to be describe d a $38 tub e,

10 13 MAGAZ IN E
Results unde r re son ance on ro tating C 1 with C2 a t
maximum. Ad just C 2 for load , returnin g with
F irst, be sur e th at there is a t least 50 or so C l. T his p i ne twor k should ad jus t nic ely from
volts negativ e bias on the grid cud that it can a la rge p lat e d ip a n d litt le RF ou tp ut with
be varied. Set the screen for abou t 100 to 150 C2 a t ma ximum, throu gh a maximum RF out
volts and the p la te for say, 50 0 volts. This is at the p rop er sett ing, an d on to very flat or no
wit hou t any RF d rive . N o p la te cu rrent should tu nin g at all with C2 at minimum . This last is
show . D rop the bias do w n ca refu lly . Pla te cur- not' the p lace to leave C 2 an d pl ate current
ren t an d scree n cur re nt sho uld begin to show. will b e h eavy. A little p racti ce will show you
Ad just the plate curre nt to abo ut 100 rna for h ow to opera te the pi ne t. The max im um RF
a sta rt. T hen apply drive on 6 me te rs u sin g a outpu t p oint is very noticeable ove r q uit e a
d ummy load, for example a 100 watt bulb in na rr ow ra nge at or near the p rop er sett ing for
J2. Pl ate curr en t should jum p up to som e C2. On 2 m eters of cour se the re will be a
20D m a o A g -iod plate dip sho uld !lOW sho w g reat deal less of C2 for m axim um ou tp ut.

All Band Swi tc hing?

As mentioned in th e introdu ction of this ar -
ticle, th is circuit ca n be used in a re al "all-
ban d " a mp lifier- at least clown to eigh ty
mete rs. Perusal of man y jou rn als tu rn ed u p
sev er al a rticles Oil th e 4X150 series tubes, but
most of these used 0 11 two me te rs called for
lar ge pl u mbi n g in the form of 1J~ " tubi n g
whic h is not eusv to wo rk with. None of th em ,
to my kn owl ed ge, used sw itching from two
to six-cor lower .
Being an a rd ent V HF-UBI" contr iver since
ti le pre-\V\ \'II d ays on five met er s, I ha ve
alwa ys b een slightly unuoved by a rticles an d
rigs with the ti tle "all-b and " only to find the
ra ng e to he eighty th rou gh te n. W ith th is Her e's the cont inuous coverage 2 0- L5.0 mc la se r
a mp lifier you ca n switc h from two to eighty m odu lato r th a t led to ' the simple r six and two
met ers . You ca n also b uild it out of co p per- a mpl ifier.
clad b ukelite s a nd thin b ra ss wit hou t goin g to
p lumbi ng. Fig. 4 sho ws th e circ uit when go-
swit ch , a nd th e ..switching in of ad di tio na l
ing dow n to 20 me, w hi ch I h ave do ne, or all
th e way down to 80 me te rs, w h ich I have not load ing ca p acit ors as th e wavelength in -
don e yet. Xote particularly th e shor tin g of all creases.
S I is shown in the 2 me te r p osition . T he
coils not used , by the multip le a rms of th e
Radi o Switch Co rp . of Marlboro , N .J" m akes
excellen t units- of th is type in a variety of
sizes. P ersonally, I h ave alwa ys favored one
TO CliA.NGE 9AHOS complete operating p osition p er b an d , but
th is rig m ay ch a nge that . A com p lete rig pe r
b an d can get a little exp ensive, w hich is w hy
I like Co mpac tro ns an d the sim p lest typ e of
rigs pos sibl e. I like to sit do wn a t a table and
h ave th e 2 m et er a nten na connect ed to the 2
me ter rig, the 2 me ter conv e rte r, et c. \ Vell,
th a t is for you to d ecide, an d thi s switc hing
amplifier gives useful food for th ou ght. If you
ge t up b eyond the 500 volt, 10 0 watt class,
th e modula tors ge t cu mb ersom e, so on e bi g
'" mo dula tor could be sw itche d . You h ave to
Fig . 4 . "Al l ba nd" ve rsion of t he a m plifier. su it your self on th is comp lex q uestion.

A PRIL 1966 11
Now check for good modu lation using a
tuned d iode, tran sistor am plifier, and p added
earpho nes as expla ined in pr evious articles .
Thi s litt le system allows you to hear yourse lf
as othe rs hear you!
There are s~\'eral ad jus tments for an A),I
linear. T he amount of RF d rive is important;
the fixed bins on the grid; th e amo unt of
dr iver mod ulation ; the scree n voltage; and th e
RF load ing of the plate circuit. 'I'heeffects of
these are read ily heard while listen ing on the
"svstem" . All handbooks on A\ 1 lin eal'S men-

Mobile Antenna tion the adjustme nts as "critical" . If you try

to put one on th e air without li.s1en illg to it
YOflrself , this cou ld be true. But if you have
the mean s to hear what is going out, then I
do not ag ree. I have left th e adj ust ments alone
for we eks and still OK. ylodulation report s,
"E xce llent," "mod ula tion a litt le heavy but
good, " and so on . Don't forg et that an A\I
linear is 66% efficient RF -wise under dri ver
modulation . No t 33% as sometimes mentioned
by han db ooks. Some of th em ( handbooks)
h~vc only com mitted "sins of omission" by
just men tionin g th e 33% and not say ing any-
th ing: ab out th e 66%.
Thi s article mainly con cerns obtaining 6
and 2 met er RF with a low-cost simple swi tch.
This it do es! I -h uvc recei ved various rep orts
running from "an increase of 1 S unit," to
"yon W Cl II up 3 to 4 S units" comp arin g th e
Here ' 5 the greate s t advan ce in linear with th e 50 watt set . Also, I have by
mobil e hi story • • th e L ance r 1000 no mean s pushed it yet, ru nning only about
roted for 1000 wott s DC in put or 200 ma and 1000 volts maximum so far . ' ViII
2000 wott s P. E. P. SSB (inp ut to tr y high level. modu la tion-end more power
th e fin al). Now e n;oy the ult im ate lat er. After all, th is bottle ( ceramic it's tru e )
in 5..ban d mobile DX' ;ng with one is conserv atively listed at 250 wa tts output in
de pe ndabl e hig h pow er rate d ant en- the tube handbooks, so, we'll see.
n a featuring: . . . KICLL
(1 ) Inte rchongeabl e co ils for you r · A sc o pe is recommended . E d it o r .
fovorite bands 15, 20, 40, 75/ 80.
» »

(2 ) Dire ct cou pling on 10 me ters.

(3) Mosle y-de signed co rona ring at _That Pretty Anodizing
antenn a ti p for e l imination o f
co rona pow er los s e s. (4) Capaci t y Man v fellows who build gear for themselves
coupl e d top whip section for max i- are very happy when they get hold of some
mum antenna effi ciency. (5) 52 ohm of the beau tiful anodized alumin um th at is
impeda nce. (6) VSWR 1.5/1 or le ss available. It make s attractive construc tion
on all band s. (7) Hinged whip for projects, hut they un fortunately often work
eas y fold-o ve r. ,(8) L o we r antenna ver y poorly. Th e culp rit is tha t beautiful finish.
sec tion re v er ses to provide cho ice Aluminum an odizing form s one of th e finest
of hinge u s e on trunk or bumper. insulators known, It is almost glass-hard and
ha s excellent d ielectric strength. So when you
FOR MORE INFORMATI ON WRI TE: used anod ized alu minu m, scra pe it th orou ghl y
( code no. 95A) any place you expe ct electrical contact to exist.
Don't rel y on tooth ed lockw ash ers. Remo ve
JIL.Ie¥ ~.ac. the finish' by sand ing un til you see th at ug ly
ba re alum inu m .
4 6 10 N . L IN D B E R GH BL V D. , BR I D GETO N MO . 6 30 42 . . . Jack Bayha W 811PY

12 13 MAGAZ IN E


Matc~in~ S~stemk
ADDeD Gain
/f'l] 01
e ssi trt <lJ) <lJ) You' ve bee n he ar ing a bo ut it - mayb"
~\')JllIllli))QJ IU UlUl you've, worke d Carl Mos ley W¢FQY -
'The Old Man Hims el f' us ing it, Now he re it 'is •• • A Re volution ar y Ne w
3- element beam featuri ng an advance d Mosley· engin eer ed matchi ng sy s-
tem ca lled 'B road Bond C ap ac it ive Matc hing' wit h coa x fed, bala nced
elem ent for more efflc le nt bea m performance and extra gai n over comp e re-
ti ve 3· e le me nt beams. A New Tri-Ba nd beam rat ed for 1 KW AM/ CW & 2
KW P. E. P . input to t he fina l amp lifie r SSB on 10, 15, & 20 mete rs; with
a full 8 db. ga in on a ll t hree ba nds ove r refere nce dipo le ( 10. 1 db. com-
pared to i sotropic s ource); a ma ximum front-to-beck • •• •• •••• •••••
• • • The C LASSIC 33 • • • Thi s new rugged beam in t he Mos le y Tr a p-
Most er tradi ti on of quali t y beams bri ngs you al l the exc lu si ve feat ures
of hig h pric ed beams - added gain , improved boom to element and mast
clamping; wide r elemen t spaci ng. Pri ce d well within your budget . What
more coul d you poss ibly wa nt in a 3- e le ment T ri- Band beam? . . . . • • •
• , • For F urthe r Informat ion Wri t e Co de 97 • ••

46 10 N . LINO B E RGH BL V D . ,
6R I DG ETO N M O. 6 3042

APRIL 1966 1l


14 73 MAGA ZI NE
Ha rtland Smith W8 WD
467 Park Aven ue

' .
Birm ingh a m, Michi ga n

Bee Eliminator

Fig. 2 . Side view of winch .

Tired of having t o p romote ant euu a ra rsmg of th e house, as in th e au thor 's case , in crease
or lower ing bees whe never you w ant to tr y a the length of the side boards from 8" to 20"
new beam or rep air an ailing sky wi re? The to provide plenty of knuckle clearance for
Bee E limin ator will free yo u forever from the your cra nking hand. A red uct ion in th e crank's
need for bo rrow ed muscles when it is tower len gth is not recommended , sinc e th e sho rter
wr estling time. Constructed of rea dily ava il- you make it, th e hard er you'll ha ve to wor k
able materia l, this simple device offers th e ad- when raisin g the towe r.
van tage s of a tilt -over tower at a fraction of A 14" stee l rod acts as a safety stop to pre-
the tilt-ove r tow er's cos t. vent the cra nk from running backwards whe n
Th e p roto type illu strated in the accompany - the winch is unatt ended. T he stop sho uld
ing photo and sketc he s consists of a V-sha pe d always be pu shed to th e righ t, except wh en
wood en supp ort and several piece s of ~" gal- you are a ctu ally turn ing th e cran k. Sma ll bolts
vanized pipe fashioned int o the drum and in th e ends of th e rod keep it from acciden-
cran k of a ha nd operated w inch. The dimen- tall y slid ing out of the U-frame .
sion s sho wn are not critical an d so th ey may Provided the re is no more than a 400 p ound
be alt ered to suit your own requirements. stra in 011 th e pull ey attache d to the tower , you
If you ca n't mount the win ch at the corner can lise the Bee E liminator without modifica-
tion. Greater loads, ho wever, will require %"
nylon rop e, hea vy duty pulleys- and added
'V 8VVD is a- self-employed mail order dealer bracing of the winch box. .Manila rop e sho uld
of [) m m film and Sli1)J1lies. lIe's tcritten many be avoided because it lacks both th e streng th
a nd excellent weathering properties of p oly-
articles for all of th e elect ronics magazines.
"ethylene and nyl on. . \ V8VVD



'-... . . . "".
. . . .... ...,.... V4" POLY£nfYt..E7£

, ,+-- - ..'_ _ -Jb,,-L

.....,..........-... ........ Fig. 3. Met hod of stringi ng rope between tower
"Fig . 1. Top view of 'winch . a nd winch.

APR IL 1966 IS
Carmen Dioda t i K3 PXT
9 3 N. Hillt op Drive
Churchvi lle, Po .
Phot os by W3 1KH

The Six Meter Jewel

A com plete six mete!' VFO controlled
fifty w att transmitter.

"Well, the rig here is home brew." A re- can attest to 7 states the first da y of operati on,
qu est for additional inform ati on rev eals the and ha s sin ce wor ked 23 confirmed states with
following : Pow er supp ly, modulator, excit er very litt le effort. Signal reports were: You' re
and vfo are on sep arate chassis com plete with ,5-9' plu s, lots o£ QR\I on ybttf freq uency om,
int erconn ectin g cables. hut you're pounding righ t through, absolutely
Since manv ham s do not ha ve rack mounted no difficu lty copying your station, beautif ul
equipmen t, 'the resulti ng conglomeration of clean crisp signa l, etc. In gene ral reports have
cables and chassis is usuall y not scenic. The been such -thut ~lYL is kept b usy sewing on
average ham, by na ture a pro crastin ator, never the shirt buttons.
q uite gets aroun d to removing the ha yw ire Th e cost of this unit is negligible since most
appearance whic h is no rma lly generated in his of the p art s have been salvaged from dis-
anxiety to get the new rig on th e air. carded idiot boxes. Parts not available from
If signal report s arc satisfa ctory, appearance passe boob- tubes were purchased surplus.
be darned! Th e rig works swe ll ( the ultim at e xtost imp ortan t is the feeling of pride with
goal ) so why worry. If anything goes wro ng the statement, "Well th e rig here is home-
with th e rig , we'll take care of it th en . . brew," while su rveying th e ne at compact rig
Pictured here is a 6 me te r gem des ign ed that you have built and are ope rating .
and constru cted bv W3G~IA and K3PXT.
Two identical units have been cons truc ted, th e
only variation between th e two is a result of
Circuit description
parts ava ilab le, The power supply uses a single transfor mer
As to funct ion- K3FYn , harm onic of PXT, for both low and high voltag e. The low voltage
sectio n uses two 6AX4's in a full wave recti -
K3PXT is all emp loyee of the Frankford A r- fier circuit. Ca pacitor input insure s minimum
senal. Metrology and Colibration Group. Th e hum in the audio circuits. The high voltage
Jewel is a club station ( K3W Bl) project for circuit consists of a 5U4, combined with the
rome of the club members. rectifying elements of the 6AX4's as a bridge

16 71 MAGAZIN i

5163 6 1-. 6
~ L4


(3) 1"1540

,.., •
L --1.~·:-S}·--~~!·····---)+600

Fig. 1. The Six Mete r Jewel rf se ct ion and modu lator .

circuit. Choke input p rovid es good regu lati on using th ree stages of HC amplification before
for the 6 146 . A dpst switch removes th e de a dir ect cou pled hot cathode paraphase am pli-
voltages from th e plates of a ll tubes for stand - Her, which feeds a pair of old reliable 6L6's,
by op eration, while simultane ously deenergtz- operating class AB1, forplate modulation . T he
iug the Dow Key ant relay. umb vpassed cathodes of the am plifier com -
The rf section uses a 5763 as uu elect ron bined with the dire ct coupled pa raphase am-
coupled H artley oscillator which tunes from p lifier, results in excellent frequency response.
8.3 to 9 me. Th e tuned circu it of the oscillator Most imp ortant. however, is the eliminat ion of
is load ed with a high C to L rat io for good an interstage tran sform er 's spac e'jmd cost.
sta bility. A volta ge regulat or sup plies th e
screen grid ( oscillator plate ) which is elect ron
coupled to the p late circuit. This elect ron
coupling isolates the oscillat or from the fol-
lowing stages. Th e combined high C to L
ra tio. volt age reg ulation and electron coupling
resu lts in a ve rv sta ble vfo with effectivelv
negligible frequen cy shift. .
T he p late circuit of thi s sta ge is a freq ue ncy
trip ler, capacitance coupled to the following
do ubler stage. Th e dou bler is in t\1 1"11 capaci-
tance coupled to the input of th e final at the
operating frequ en cy, with a very health y 4
to 5 ma of grid d rive th rough out th e entire
6 met er band. Th e outp ut of the final utili zes
th e ver y flexible pi -coup led network for
gr eater ha rmon ic attenuati on , and relatively
cons ta nt imp edance thro ugho ut th e ent ire
band. An add itiona1 adva ntage to this method
of coupling is that it ma y be used at some
future dat e as the input to an amplifier for
additional power. when deemed necessar y.
z The modulator section is straig ht forwa rd. Bottom view of the Six Met e r Jewel.

APRIL 1966 17
Construction p osition be n eath the chassis. Sma ll holes
T he com p lete transm itt er is con stru ct ed on spa ced ~ inch apart on the top and side of
a 12 x 10 x 3" cha ssis. T he fr ont p an el is 12 chassis p rovid e sufficient ve n tila tion for cool-
x 8". It s sole p urpose is to mount the meter s. ing. T his m ethod of mo un ting th e final m ak es
Th e me ter at the left is the mo du la tion in di- efficien t use of space that wou ld norm ally b e
cator wh ich at th e time the pi ctures we re wasted .
taken was no t wired in becau se of th e author's In gen era l, the la yout is simp le. Th ere is
inabili ty to scro unge th e necessary d iod es at n o crowding of com po ne nt p arts, am ple room
the time. This met er is used to asce rta in th at for wiring an d solde ring, no r is the rig co n-
modu la tion does not excee d 100 %, thus avold - structed elevator fa shi on (l evel on level ) as
ing sp la tter and distortion. The ce nter meter can b e seen fr om the photos; p ra cticall y all
is th e final amplifier p late cur ren t an d th e comp on en t pa rt s are eas ily accessib le for tr ou -
meter to the righ t is th e final grid . Using th e ble shootin g wh en requ ire d .
p rop er sh un ts, m ultip liers, and swit ch , on e
met er ca n b e us ed to m onito r these cir cu its.
The individ ual meters p rovid e simultaneous
Calibration and ad justment
monitoring of th e imp ort an t circu its and an The rf section is ad justed for p rop er fre-
instant indication of an v d ifficulties th at mav q uen cy stage b y stage with the aid of a grid
ar ise d urin g tran sm issiOl;S. . di p m eter. Th e over m odula tion indication
T he oscillator di al (l ower cen ter ) is a Na- meter is adj uste d as follow s: speaking nor-
tional Vel vet Vern ier drive . This u nit requ ires ma lly in to the microphone ad just the mo d u la-
no mecha n ica l change and is mou nte d d irect ly tion con trol un til th e need le deflect s sharp ly
to a H ammerlund ~ I C 50S va riable ca pacitor. upwards at speec h p eaks. T he up ward swing
Th e d ial is marked 0 to 100. A ca libration of the me ter now indicates th at modu lation is
chart may b e used for frequ en cy id ent ification, in excess of 1001 . No w slow ly hun b ack th e
or the spot swi tch tech niq u e of zero b eating mod ulation cont ro l to th e p oint where met er
th e receiver can h e used to d etermine fre- movement no lon ger occu rs at p eaks.
q ue ncy within the calibration acc uracy of th e The me ter eflectlvelv elim inates the need
recei ver. T he latter method , of course , is th e for a scope for- mod uia tion adjust ment and

mos t practi cal.
The 6 146 final is mounted in a h orizon tal
p ermits easy ad just ment for obtaining 100 %
mod ula tion wi th n o fuss.

Top view of the Six

Meter J ewel.

18 73 M AGAZIN E
•••• 52

~ ..,

E TO 6All4


Fig. 2 . Powe r section of th e Six Me te r J e wel. o

T he filaments sho uld be set to on, at least
a half hour before op eration to ascertain min i-
mum d rift of the oscillator , however, th e 0 0 00
L~ L":l L"> '-":l
longer th e filaments are on the more sta ble th e ";ci.,; ci
ODt'-<:l "l
oscillator. Set the T ra ns. Hec. switch to T ran s. o
and adjust the tripler tun ing and doubler tun-
ing for max imum grid drive. Adjus t the plate
tuning for mini mum plate current and th e
plate load ing for maximum indi cation. Alter-
nat e bet ween the two until a p lat e current of
120 rna is ob tained.
.. .. .. . .
~2 ~$

when cha ng ing fre q uency. it is not neces- SEES

sary to retune the tran smitter unless the grid
current d rop s below 3 rna ; it is only essential
o CtCt ~~;i!.

to redip the plate tunin g and adjust the pla te

load ing. ~ 0'
...... 0'
...... (-

";' '';'0 0
:::: g:--~
Conclusion ««
This rig as constructed is ideally suited for L":l L'" L":l ol) O OC L':! OQ0 0 0 0
0 0 O t'-L':! O Q Cl ll) lI) lI)L"')

the ham wh o has a limi ted op era ting space, e-)o ...io;r; 0) 0 Loj"; ...ici air-:
.... .... .... Ct ........ .... Ct~"'1'~
its size is such th at it is ea sily transported from
Qth to Qth during periods of mobility (vaca-
tions, et c. ).
It is the wri ter's intenti on to coristruct trans-
mitters of thi s typ e for several bands, each
transmitter complete ly independent , yet capa -
ble of driving an amplifier for g reater p ower
when deemed necessarv.
Most important a l)l:eakdown in one trans-
mitter will not curtail opera ting activities for "' .. ,.. .... ... ...... 1-0 ........
$.3 2 ~ :l$ $ $.s.s.s2
more th an a sing le band. Meanwhil e we'll look "' 0> " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0> ''' 0> 0> 0;> 0> '''
E E5 5 s s a a S S E 5
for you on 6 mete rs. CtCt ~ ~CtC:>C'lC:> ,",<OC:>C'l
;''' ~ ~
. . . K 3PX T Q Q

Coil Table
Ll. Osc ill at or , 9 tu rns n u m b er 20 on %," ceram ic f or m .
T app ed th ir d turn f r om col d end.
L2. TripIer, Like L1, but no t ap .
L3 . Dou b le r , 5 t urns ,#1 8. 1.:2" d iamete r. %" lon g.
LA. P lat e , 5 turns # 14, ~4" d iameter, %" lon g .
RFCI. 6 t urns ';:-22. ~~" d ia m e ter . sp a ced wire diam e te r .
RFC2 , 3. Ohmite Z50.

A PRIL 1966 19
A formula for optimum spaced -
optimum gain parasitic antennas

The Ascendency Curve Yagi

Robe rt Coope r K6 EDX/W5K HT
c/o Vo lley Vision , Inc.
P.O. Box 407 9
Modesto. Ca lifornia

When the Ja panese physicist, D oct or Yagi, T his antenna d esign , sporti ng six or more
released his d esign formulae for the now parasiti c elements, has d eve lop ed alo ng th e
famous an te nna des ign which car ries his name, th eoretical lin es of "if a litt le bit is good, a lot
a new era in directional, narrow ban d , rela- is bett er"; referri ng to the total n umber of in
tively high ga in ant enna p erf orm anc e w as line clements in the antenna plane.
born . Unfortuna tely th is is not alwa ys tru e. The
In the nearl y th ree decades that have followed mere presence , of ad ditional elemen ts is no
man y an arde nt an tenn a man has att emp ted guaran tee tha t p erform an ce of the an tenna
to imp rov e or re fine th e b asic yagi formul ae will imp rove . And in fact th e con verse has
and some have me t with varying degr ees of been found to be tru e if the de sign er is not
success. extreme ly care ful as to wh ere he p laces his
Most recen tly, althoug h the period extend s elements and how th ey in te r-act with other
back more tha n ten yea rs, th e ve ry lon g-many eleme nts in th e same or -sootlar pl an es,
eleme nt ed versi on kn own variously as the L on g Very brief ly, th e basis for any p arasitic
John and long yagi ha s ca pture d the spot - an tenna is th e dr iven element or d ipole . \ Vith
ligh t ill amateur antenna d esign circles. the addition of a longe r-than-d ri-ven element
elemen t - ( the reflect or ) the rad iation pattern
of th e di pole chan ges from hi-d irectional to
un i-dire ct ional. And th e characteristic fee d

imp ed ance of the d rive n element cha nges; it
W ith- the addition of the first shorter-than-
on driven elem ent elemen t (the di rector ) th e
"n rad iation pattern of th e antenna changes still
further , narrowing in th e fro nt {i.e. throug h
th e di rect or element) . An d the charac teristic
feed imped an ce changes once ag ain ; st ill
lower .
Beyond thi s point ( the three element beam )
f-- - - ----il.' th e add ition of parasitic elements usually takes
f-- - - - -- - - - - ---JI· pla ce ahead of the first d irector. And wit h
I • IIlIlO VSWR " H ER, IIIOOEL 43 each ad d itional di rector, the theory is that the
Tl'l • 100 Iof... 0UTPUf 0IlI 222.5 Me
"' - 8' · -..., OF CUlIENT IlllEA9.FIE~ IN 0iARTS NQ.I, 2 , 3
forward horizont al an d ve rtical radiation pat -
A- 8 · n ST RNfGE PATH ( 2'0 fT.1 tern s sharpe n resulting ultimat ely in a highly
Fig. 1. Test se t up for the a nte nna mea su rements d ire ction al anten na th at radiates esse ntially
desc ribed in the text. only in the forwar d d irection over a co rnpara-

20 73 MAGA ZI NE
tlvely narrow hori zontal and vertical field.
H owever as add itional di rectors are added
to th e antenna. ea ch on e has a corresp onding
"field effec t" on those element s already pres·
ent and ma nv of th ese eleme nts wiII in tum
ha ve an affe~t on th e characte ristic feed im-
pedan ce of th e driven element; lowering thi s
impedance still fur ther.
At some point in the addition of directors
the feed impeda nce fluctuations stabilize and Fig. 2 . The m easured current pea ks foun d in front
of th e driven element (dipo le) of th e test 222 .5
only the forward patt ern ( and to a small ex- mc ya gi whe n the driven element was mo unted by
ten t the side lobes) are further affected as itself on th e te st boom . Note th e 3 2 inch <0 .6
add ition al elements are mount ed . wave leng th) sy mmet rica l cur ren t (power) pea ks a s
the te st rece iving d ipo le and meter were moved
away from the d riven e lernen r.
Inter-element relationships
Th e primary consi derati on , then, in the and 220 me b ands.
car efu l design of any optimum ga in parasitic In each instance the test results indicat ed
antenn a is the car efu l derivation of the final an improvem ent in forw ard gain over con -
op erating position of th e various parasi tic ele- ventional existing antennas or designs va rying
ments. Int er-element relationships is of pri- from a low of ten percent on the better de -
mary conce rn. signs to a high of 20X on those no t so good .
A nu mb er of text books and published Heferen ce is first mad e to F ig. 2. T his illus-
sources contain referen ce data for th e de sign trat es th e principal of measured wave fronts
of op timum gain vagi ante nnas. If you w ill or current points as found along the forward
carefully ana lyze these standard sources you ( right an gle ) path of fire from a gamma
will quickly discover that no two are alike and mat ched and resonant 222.5 me driven ele-
many differ widely in approach . ment, suspended on th e test range.
Most however claim to have reasonably co- A £loating refe ren ce pic k up dipole feeding
inciding res ults. a micro -a mm eter field str ength indicator was
Anyone who has worked with pa rasitic an- moved along the horizontal radiation plan e of
tennas is aware that two wid ely divers e sets the dri ven element and measurements made
of dimensions for tw o ant ennas, ea ch to p er- of th e physical distan ce between correspond-
form over the same frequency ran ge, will de- ing: curren t peaks. Th ese distances are plotted
liver two wide ly di verse sets of perform ance on chart num b er one, and they. c.9L,r espond to
p arameters. 0.6 wavelength in free space at the ope rating
Our aim here is simple. To illustrate und er tes t freq uency of 222 .5 me. ( N ote : 0.6 wave-
carefully controlled laboratory conditions the length is an observed phenomenon an d sho uld
inter-element relationships found in p arasitic not he confused with 0.5 wavelength current
elemen t ant ennas of up to eight elements, and peaks norm ally 'assum ed in antenna theor y
to suggest th at any VHF-UHF antenna en- discussions.)
thusiast followin g the p rocedures outlined here In step number two a reflector element, 5%
will have as a finished product a yagi antenna longer than the driv en element at the"test fre-
th at sq ueezes an extr a 10 to 20 percent for- q uency, was mcnnted on th e same boom with
ward gain into th e troposphere, with each the dri ven elem ent , and a dow n-test range
parasitic eleme nt de livering true optimum field strength meter was observed while the
periormanc e. reflecto r was positioned for optimu m forward
In step number th ree a 2.5% shorter-tha n-
Measured inter-element relat ionships driven elemen t direct or..was mounted on th e
All design work, measurement s and results same boom and the identi cal down range field
were gat hered under reasonably pure lab ora- strength ind icator was utilized to posi tion the
tory ant en na test range cond itions using the direct or in the position on the boom wh ere
eq uipmen t set fort h in Fi g. 1. The results here op timum forwa rd gain could be measured.
have been du plicat ed over a wide range of In bo th step s, the addition of the reflector
fre quencies covering 50 to 950 me and com- and the addition of the first director. the
parative analysis has be en performed using gamma-matched d riven element was re-tu ned
both commercial and so-called standard hand- for optimum loadi ng and minimum VS\VR as
book design ya gi antennas in the ama teur 144 ind icat ed on a Bird thru line meter wit h a

APRIL 1966 21
2.50 milliwatt clement. I n ea ch case the VS\V n 14-18 inches ah ea d of the fourth d ire cto r wa s
wa s lower than 1.2 to 1 after adjustme nt. gre at, even though the antenna test ran ge
Fig. 3 re ferences th e physical spacing of mea surement eq uipme nt ind icated th at op ti-
eac h clement, wit h its neighbor or neighbors, mu m gain was act ua lly nearl y 34l:i inch es
starting with the addition of th e re flect or ele- ahead of the fourth di rector .
m ent. T o th e eye, th e fifth d irector seemed to
F ig. 3 should be stud ied at this time. Here wa nt to locat e whe re th e sixl ll sho uld go, and
the read er will observe that as add itiona l di - a gaping hole existed in the bo om po sition
rectors, beyond the first, ar c added, and the where the fifth should be!
down ran ge relative field str ength of th e an- T his p art icu lar ep isode cost us more than a
tenna inc reases, various changes take p lace week of back tracki ng and re-bu ild ing, bu t
in the physical spacings of the alrea dy p osi- t he res ults always came out the same, regard-
tioned clements and th e ga mma -match set- less of suc h variously tried changes as height
ling. of the anten na above grou nd, vertical or hori-
Afte r the second direct or is added (i. e. the zon tal polarizati on , and so on .
fou r eleme nt par asitic ) th e gam ma setting The real surprise after th is stage of devel-
becom es uniform indi cating tha t in this par- op ment came wit h the addition of the sixth
ticular d esign ap p roach any five or m ore ele - director. Ou r assump tion was th at it sho uld
men t beam (using th re e or more d irectors) locat e another 34Jf inc hes (app roximately)
will load wi th the same gamma ( or oth er form ahea d of th e fifth physical director. \ Ve tri ed
of matching ) setting as a four elemen t (wit h th is and th e field streng th diminished. At-
tw o director elements). tempts to position it in th e genera l area of
I n F ig. 3 pay p articul ar att en tion to the 14-18 inches ahead of the fifth director (as
ad d itio n of the fifth d irec tor. th e other prior d irec tors had spa ced ou t) m et
Keep in m ind th at in each case the addi- with a very sligh t 4% improvement in down
tion of each clement was made solely on the range field streng th.
basis of locating the clemen t whe re (after all On a h unch the sixth d irec tor was placed in
ot her inter -elemen t relat ion ships we re com- the "hole" where the fifth should have located ,
pen sa ted ) op t imum forward gai n r esu lted . and after some .small amoun t of inter-elem en t
With the addition of the fifth director, the juggling, th e antenna ga in jumped and th e
human u rge to wa nt to locat e it app roxima tely final p ositionin g show n res ulted !


FIEl..O STRENGTH R£AtlI "lG 7 .. A

o d b GllN

15.2 db GAJ~

7.9 d b laiN
FELD STRENGnt 47 ......

9. 1 d b GAIN

10 .1 db GAIN


10.4 db GAIN


11.0 db GAIN


13. 1 li b GAI~

Fig. 3 . Resu lts of adding ele ments to a d ipo le. Ga in is refe renced a ga inst origina l tune d dipo le.

Small est size ever-4¥S H x 11 ¥SW x 8 % 0.-10 Ibs.

At last a "mo bile" t ranscei ver with space saving feat ures, predominant.ly solid state,
req ui ring only .25 CUBIC FEET OF YOUR CAR SPACE.

• Maximum '12 amp ere battery ( 12 volt) drain in receiver ; final tub es do not draw even
fil ament current until mi ke button is pressed.
• Instant heatin g 8042 's in fi nal provid e 100 watts PEP outp ut ( 165 watts PEP input) ;
ot herwise all .solid state cir cuitry.

• Torr oid al fi nal tank coil for higher Q & space economy.'

• Convenient and easily adjusted controls with new style t humb control knobs·. ·

• Inst ant receiver transmit operat ion, no t ubes to warm up. H.V. power supply operates
only in transmit .

• Freq . Ra nge: 3 78 0A OI 0 KC, 7 180·7320 KC, 14130·14360 KC

SBT-3 $299.50 DC SU PPLY $99.50


. .

APRil 1966 13
I susp ect that others have found th at the Spa cing of Dire cto r Elem en t s
fifth director in a con tro lle d enviro nment ya gi No. Di D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
belong s well ah ead (relatively) of th e fourth elements
for there are such designs in p rin t to day in in voq l
- 3-
reference b ooks. Ho wever I also suspect that 34 '~
4 34°0 86%
other designers. upon noting this fifth-p osition - 5 34% 88:sf 138%
34% 85 195 %
in g, have also assumed ( as I did ) that the
7 85 62 133 %
142~ 188 % 295%
sixth would also locate the same approximately 8
34 00 86 Yo67 132 00 192% 249% 297%

elon ga ted sp acing di stance ah ead of the fifth. Spacings g iven he re are for any number of total e le-
men ts uP. to 8 wit h a 0.2 wavelength ref lector spacing
My extensive experimen ts indicate thi s is a (for mcxtmum I gom). Note the "ghost e lement" In the
7 element yag i. .
mis take for in truth the sixth goes where th e
fifth shou ld h ave gone . Spadng f or 100 me Yogi
This is re latively simp le to veri fy. Remove 8 Elements 01 to 02 to 03 to D4 to D5 to D6
the last director (fifth to be added-sixth in 25.52" 35.66" 33 .28" 4294" 40.79" 34 .34"
line ) aft er the sixth to be ad ded (fifth in line )
has been p ositioned . Perform ance d rops much
out of prop ortion to the gain of the theoretical Fig. 5. Element to element spacings a re given with
the first D1 measuremen t the d istance from t he
las t d irec tor's influence. driven element to the first d irecto r. T he total boom
lengt h required is 18 . 1 feet. The driven element
leng t h is 55.20 inches and t he refle ctor to driven
Inter-element relationships eleme nt spacing is 2 3 .85 inches .
In Fig. 2 measured current p oints were distance ahead) of the driven element, wh ich
plotted as a func tion of physical dis tance along represen ts the st art of th e first curve.
the path of fire of th e drive n element. D irect or nu mb er two is 86% lip ( on th e
I n F ig . 4 these sa me m easure p oint s are ascendi ng side) of the sam e curve.
referenced agains t the final pos iti ons of the , D irector number three is 32'% down th e
p arasitic elemen ts in th e six di rector (fight second curve.
element) parasitic antenna. Note carefully Di rector number four is 92% up the seco nd
whe re each element fall s re lative to the rise curve. And so on.
an d fall of the current peaks pl ott ed before I n ea ch case the optimum spacing of the
the elemen ts w ere added and pos itioned. elements, and th eir fina l optimu m ga in set-
N ote, if you will, th at di rec tor elements 1, tings , is a clearly recogn iza ble p attern or p osi-
3 and 5 fall on the descending (down) sfde tionin g th at corresponds precisel y w ith th e
of the curren t slope wh ile director eleme nts originall y measured 0.6 wav ele ng th rep eatin g
2, 4 and 6 fall on the ascending ( up) side of current peaks .emitted by ~tlte driven ele me n t
the sa me curve. sta nd ing alone .
Refer to F ig. 5. It is a rela tively simple matt er to reduce
Here th e relative po sition of th ese J il e..JOl these obse rvations to a form ula which will
ele me n ts is shown as a p er ce ntage of th e allow th e b uild er to du p licat e th ese p erform-
p hysical dist an ce from th e top (o r star t) of ance parameters on nearly any VHF ~ UHF
the current curve in whic h it falls. frequency.
In the eight ele ment yagi, for exam ple,
di re ctor number one is 34% doum (o r p hys ical
Calculating ascendency curve
(A) Determ ine the ce nter freq ue ncy of the
range yo u wish to cover. Ca lculate the
ascending-descending curve ( 0. 6 electrical
_wavelength in free space) by the following
formula :

H+t+H F
III me
divided by 5 X 6

ti 1}E:1~1:~=~
Co nvert to inc hes by ruult iplyi ug th e res ult
of above bv 12.
(B) This figur e, th e AI D Curve, w ill de ter-
mine the p lacement of all of your director
Fig. 4. Cu rrent peak on driven elemen t alone re la-
t ive to pos it ion of directors. clements. T h e spacing for the reflector will b e

e9t~al to th e figure d et ermined in (A) above,
d ivided by 3. T his is 0 .2 wavelength spacing.
( C) The p lacement of all director elements
can be determined by following the table be-
low. I n thi s table, everythi ng is given in p er-
cen tages in tenus of the percentage of the
AID curve (0.6 wavelength ) d erived from
( A ) . above. For examp le, as shown below, in
an eig ht element ( 6 director ) yagi for 100 me,
the first director will be 34% dOfcn th e d e- YAGI D-EMEHTS SliOWN IN R£ L AT!'!E POSlTto"l
scend ing side of the first AID curve, as meas- T O BOTH SETS OF REAOlNGS

ur ed from t he dri ven clement forward. 34% Fig. 6. Current peak readings made ofter t he e ight
of the AID curv e of .5.96 3 feet at 100 me is e leme nt yogi was compl eted .
25 ..52 inch es. The first director th en falls
25.,52 inc hes ahead of th e drive~ elem~nt, at
100 me . The second dir ect or falls 86 % along
the same first AID curve, or 6 1.18 in ches eleme n t d riven-elemen t antenna. Interest ingly
ahead of the d riven eleme nt. And th e third enough, the roles of th e odd nu mbered direc-
d irect or fa lls 132% along th e AID curve, or on tors ( 1, 3, 5 ) and th e eve n numbered direc-
th e daten side of the second A ID curve. At tors (2, 4, and 6 ) have reversed in this an-
100 me, wit h a 5.963 foot A ID curve, 132% ten na field compariso n. \ Vhereas the od d
along th e curve Row fa lls 94.46 inches from number ed di re ctors for mer ly fell on the de -
the driven element. And so on . Just remember scend ing sid e of the dricen-element only cu r-
th at all calculations are in term s of the basic rent curves, th ev now fall on the ascendin g
AI D Curve, wh ich is com puted from (A ) side of the new cu rve . And the opposite is
above. q ui te true for th e eve n nu mbered di rect ors,
falli ng as they do now on th e descending side
( D) Element lengths, from experience, is as of the new se t of curves.
follows. ]f th e yagi is to p erform ove r a }f The logical exten sion of th is approach to
megacycle (or smaller ) ba nd width, make the yag i antenna desi gn ' is simply this. That in
reflect or 5% lon ger than the dr iven ele ment any paras itic an ten na configuration, the cu r-
and th e directors correspond ing ly 2.5 % shorter, ren t di strib utio n wit hin the field of th e an -
each tha t amo u nt short er than th e p receding tenna is extremely critical. Th e proper phas-
d irector (o r dri ve n elem ent in th e case of the ing of these antenna currents is of even
first di rect or ). If the yagi is a b roadband affair, greater importanc e. Exp erien ce wit h other
to wo rk over a 6 megacycle wide television yagi d esign for mulae 'ind icates that-some b ene-
cha nne l, mak e the reflector 5% longer than the fits are to be derived. fro m almost any design,
driven element and each d irector 5% shor te r although it wou ld see m logical that hap-haz-
th an its predecessor elem ent. ard d esign ap proaches to ext re mely long ya gis
is an excel len f way to end up with less for-
( E ) The formula for calcu lating dri ven ele- ward gain and directivity tha n you m ight
ment length is as follows : (a ssu ming use of 1 reasonably expect from a well designed th ree
inch or smaller diameter tubing for the driven
eleme n t an tenna.
elem ent at frequencies lower than 45 0 mega- Yagi gain, then, appears to be a matter of
cycles )
d eg rees. The -aiiiateu r who w ishes to ve rify
the de sign par am et er s of an existing ya gi an-
Len gth in inches = 5540 tenn a need s only to set up a rea son ably pure
frequency in me test range, and feedi ng his tes t an tenna with
a low power signal ( 100 miIliwatts is fine for
F ina lly, for reference sake , and purification thi s purpose ), observe th e cu mulative results
of the p resentation, Fig. 6 illu st ra tes the cu r- as elem en ts are added" to, or moved or re-
rent peak readings made after the eight ele- moved from th e anten na under tes t.
ment yagi wa s comp leted. F or re ference sake Removal of an y director elemen t and a
th e dashed line is included as th e original cor respo nd ing rise in indicated field stren gth
read ings tak en with the driven eleme n t alone. at th e tes t receivin g site , or no chan ge at all
H er e it is clear lv evident th at cu rre nt re la- is a good indicati on that all is not well in th e
tionshi ps in the t~ansmitted wave fro nt are cu rrent ph asing region of you r parasitic yag i
largely dis tor ted an d re-pl ayed with th e addi- antenna!
tion of the parasitic elements to the sin gle K6EDX

APR IL 1966
Pau l Fra nson W A1CC H
Pet e rbo rough, N.H .

The Uhfit
A UHF wa vemeter, det ector, field strength met er,
mo nitor, m ultiplier, filter, concerter etc.

The ot he r day, a visito r told me th at he test ge nerator use and ma n y other tasks.
wa nted to ge t on 432 me, b ut had n't becau se So what is the uh fit? It's a simple tunable
it's too exp ens ive, too hard, too m uch tro uble, trou.!?h line c:lvi,~Y tuning 2 10 to ~70 me ..Vari-
t oo com pli cat ed , too di fficul t to find eq uip. ous nccessones suc h as antenn a Jacks, di od es,
m en t and too tim e consum ing. wire links, transisto rs, feed through capacitors
Tha t's rid icu lous. Anyone who can solde r can and ot her components ar c add ed for spe cific
sit do wn for a fcw minut es with a few scra ps pu rposes as outlined in th is article. The uhfit
of met al and a few other p art s and build him- cove rs the 220 m e ban d for individu alists,
self useful pieces of UH F equipment . T his ar- UH F airc raf ts, th e 4 20-450 m e ham band , the
ticle d escribes one I ca ll th e uhfit (for UH F 460 m e cit izens hand and lots of whining
u nit ) . rad ar.
The uhfi t can b e used for find ing band s,
t uni ng transmitt ers and antennas, monitori ng
signals, filter ing ou t unwan ted signa ls (a nd
Constru ction of the uhfit
filteri ng in wa nt ed ones ), mixing for converter T he uhfit is most easily made from cop per
use , mu lti plying signals for local inj ection or clad lamina te board with the copp er on the
insid e, b u t it call also he mad e from other
materials. Probably brass mak es th e pr ettiest
box; copper is nice but a bi t soft. You can
ev en us e old tin cans. T in isn't the best of
cond uctors, but good sold er i; 63% tin and not
many p eople bother to lose sleep ove r tha t.
4"x IWx Ph:" 8 0X An ad van tage of solid m etal ove r the cop p er
clad boardIs that you can put a cover on the
u hfit for neatness, higher Q (p robably) , an d
to keep th e h ugs out. There will be a sma ll
ch an ge in freq ue ncy ra nge if you use a cover.
I b uilt my u hfits from the COPlJer clad board
and d id n'c . pu t a cover on because of the
mechan ical problem of ge tt in g a good elec-
4' trical contact.
T he cen ter conduc tor is a piece of cop per
or b rass rod about 3" lon g. You can often find
pieces of it in old T V se ts as shaf t extensions
and most hard ware stores carr y it too. Be su re
to tin th e end s of the rod and the m atching
part of the box b efore you try to stick them
together. The best soldering tool for th is- or
an y sold ering- is an Un gar 4 7 ~ wa tt long
chisel tip .
T he variable capacitor is not too criti cal. I
used a small Joh nson or IIam marlund mi nia -
Fig. l . Th e Uhfit- a UHF mu lt i-pu rpose u nit . Th is
is th e bcsic wcvemete r-fteld stre ng th meter, Modi- ture variable in mine, an d some surplus capac-
fications for othe r use s are described in the text . ito rs are rea l ni ce. If you use a smaller capac-

itor, the mnn mum frequen cy will he higher,
but the maximum won't change ver y mu ch
since most of the small cap acitors have abo ut
the same min imum capaci tance. Conversely, if
you use a slightly large r cap acitor , the mini-
mu m freo ue ncv will be lower than 210 me
but the. ~la xiI~ ll m freq uency wiII decreas~
q uickly since miniat ure capa citor s over about
]S pf aren't verv sma ll. See the sec tion on
other freq uenci es if vou want to fiddle.
W e're now to the point where you have to
decid e what you're goin g to lise th e uh flt for . T he Uhf it . Note that t he diode is ta pped on t he
Chan ces arc vou'Il wan t and need the ba sic tu ning line . It was late r fou nd that a lin k was
wavcmeter -fieid streng th me ter most, so I' ll better for most uses.
descri be th at first .
Ft g. I and F ig. 2 show this ba sic uhfit use. sho rt piece of wire- to the ante nna jack and a
In ad dition to th e trough line cav ity, you' ll need met er to the bypass ter min al an d case of the
an rf conn ector, Some heavy wire , a diod e and uhfit. Use a sensit ive meter or meter and
a feed throu gh ca paci tor. I like BNe connec- amp lifier (sec the article in the Janllary 73
tors. They are excellent ele ct rically, easy to for some exce llent amplifiers) for low power
conn ect and discon nect, and plenti ful. You oscilla tors and transmitt ers or a low range
can pay 3 .S~'\ apiece for the m surplus, but most voltmeter or milliamm eter for high power
hams don't. Fairly modern surplus seems t o be tra nsmitters, bu t don't try to get too muc h or
covered with them and a good scrounger can you may bake th e diode. T hen just tune the
get all he need s for very little. If you want waveme te r for maximum output. You' ll quickly
to use oth er connec tors, RCA phone type are notice that tuning is very sha rp. In fact, you' ll
probably as good as an y for this use. probably try to figure ou t a vernier arra nge -
Th e feedthrough bypass capacitor is not ment or at least u sc a b ig knob after you've
critical Values from 100 to 2000 pf seem fine. used th e uhfit for a while.
There are ma ny different types available from
surplus, new, and fro m old TV tuners . Be The uhfit as a field streng th meter
fairly gentle with them since they 're fragile.
If you wa nt to bu y a n ew one, th e Ce ntm lab The same arrangement is used here. Con-
~ I FT- IOOO for 30 <' from most distributors nect an an tenna to the ant enna jack and tunc
seems about as cheap as any . for maximum met er reading. Use any old
I used a IN82 diod e in some of the uhflt s, piece of wire for rou gh tunin g 'or-a car efulIy
a I N29.5 in others, and some unmarked detec- made, bala nced, isolated, matched dipole for
tor dio des in oth ers. I also tried ma ny mis- an tenna measurem ents.
cellaneou s computer types out of curiosity
and satisfied mv cur iosity. Stick to diod es The uhfit as a monitor
designed for VHF and Ui-IF use . T ransistors
Unlimited and others sell them at very rea- T he uh fit ca n be used as a monitor of sign al
sonable pri ces. Solde r these diod es quickly as strength by connecting it to an antenna near
the y' re not fond of he at. VH F tran sistor collec- your transmitt er antenna . Then a me ter in
tor-ba se and emitter-b ase junctions can work ;'our shack \\liIrfell you instantl y if .somethm g
well. too. if you happ en to have more VHF goes wro ng with th e tra nsmitte r, transmission
transistors than VHF diodes. line , or ante nna,
The loops for the antenna input and the You can use it as an A~'l mon itor by con-
diode aren't critical for most uses. You can nec ting a pair of h eadphones to the output
eve n eliminate the loops and ta p directly on jack if your signal is strong. If no t strong
the center conduc tor if you pr efer, though eno ug h, use a 1 k to I "M load resistor aeross
that will b road en the tuning and cha nge th e th e outp ut jack and amplify th e signal th ere
freq uency range somewha t. with an audio amp lifier such as one of th e
Lafayett e $5 tra nsistor ones. The feed throug h
Using the uhfit wavemeter ca pacitance and load resistor should be com-
patible in regards to tim e constan t; if that
It's very simple to use th e wavemete r once sta te ment doesn't mean anything to you, don't
you have it calibrated . For that, see the section worry about it unle ss the audio sounds "bassy".
on calibration. Connec t an ant enn ae-usually a T hen try a larger load resistor, or smaller feed

APRil 1966 27
The sam e conside rations apply for trans-
mitting. The filters will help prevent UHF
T Vl or AF I (air for ce interference, very ba d )
if you use a varac tor mu ltiplier on 432 me
without an amplifier. D on't try to fee d too
HI-Q TANK WAVEMETER much p ower into the uh fit. of course .
T he filter is also good for tuning up trans-
Fig. 2 . T wo use s of the Uhfi t: 0 h igh Q tank to mittel'S. Put it be twe en the transmitter or
help eliminate unwa nted frequ encies, and the multip lier and the dum my load to make sur e
basic wovemeter.
that th e p ower you're measuring is on 432 me
and no t 288 m e or somewhe re else .
through or check you r tra nsmitter which may
be bassy, You can also use th e uhflt as an Diod e multiplier
audio detector for the hori zontal plates of
your scope. In the basic uliflt, usc a varac tor or UIIF
You ca n monitor 55 B signals with the uhfit diode (s uch as the Amperex IN3182 at 85¢ )
if you happen to have a very stable oscillator and rf connector ins tead of the de tector diode
to inject a carrier, but I wou ldn't bu ild the and feed through. H ere's one case where it's
uhflt just for that. good to tap onto the lin e instead of using a
The uhfit is good for monitoring C\V if you loop . Feed rf into the varactor r f connector
have eno ug h vol tage outp ut to key a sma ll ( input) and tune the capaci tor to twice or
transistor oscillator. thrice its frequency. This provides a low level
ATV? Sure . Use the same scheme as moni- multiplier for local injection in a converte r
toring AM if you like to listen to video signals. or a test signal. A resistor of 47 k to 1 M from
Come to th ink of it, they tell me that some th e low freq ue ncy side of the diode to ground
devoted HTl'ee's can cop y teletype in their improved results for me.
head . Maybe ATV'ers see th e pictures when
they hear video. . • Mixer-converter
More useful might be to connec t th e output ,
of the uh Bt to the Z axis of YOur scope. You To make a simple conver ter from the uh fit,
mig ht have to reverse the diode if you don't you 'll need two loop s w ith rf connectors, and
like negat ive pictu res. For horizontal and ver- one loop with a UHF diod e and a low capaci-
tical sweep, yon might be able to use the tance feedthrou gh capacit or ( say 50 pf) . You
scope itself since you may be sync hed on the can eas ily ma ke a ca pacitor of that va lue from
60 cycle AC line in one way or ano ther in this a sma ll p iece of, do ubl e copper. clad fiber glass
age of interconnected power lines. You'll prob- laminate or ,..-hat have you. \ Vhile it isn't
ab ly have to clip off some sync pulses with critical since thi s converter isn't going to set
diodes or transistors and red uce the feed - th e moon on fire, a conven ient arran gement
through capacitance. I haven' t tried it . is to put the othe r loop b ehind the cen ter .
You can also use the uhfit as a slrnnle A~I connector.
receiver for ne arb y planes or hams. D~n't for- O ne rf loop is for the antenna . T he other
get th at that's not legal in the VH F contest is for the local injection . The J ooP wit h th e
anymore, though . diode is th e mixer an d the output from th e
feed throu gh is your if. Reson ate a coil of wire
RF filter with the feed through capacitor at the if you
choose and use a loop of w ire to couple to
This use of th e uhfit requires a slight modi- your if receiver.
fication from th e ab ove uses. It's shown sche - Fo r narrow hand work, yo u can usc a simp le
mati calIy in Fig. 2 as a hi-Q tank. Use another crystal contro lled local oscillator and multi-
rf connector and loop inst ead of th e fee d- plier. The best if fe r this would b e a low noise
through and diode. Then the filter can be six or two met er conv erter. F or ATV , use a
used in receiving to help keep unwanted simple one transistor local oscillator an d your
signa ls-especially images and strong locals- TV set as an if. For wide ban d, modulated
out of your converter . Use large coupling loops oscillator use, a su perregener ative receiver such
for minimum degradation of your no ise figure, as the Sixer or 'Twoer or a cheap FI\.f receiver
and sma ll loop s for maximum rejecti on of spu- is a good if. Good F~ I tuners ( like my Scott)
rio us signals. These small filt ers don't work as do too good a job of rejecting AI\t and yo u
we ll as large, silver plated coaxial ones, of lose part of the modulation.
course, hu t th ey do a p rett y good job. No one cla ims that thi s type of conve r ter

aa 73 MAGA ZI NE
is the ultimate . Howe ver, wit h fiddling and/or
a tra nsistor pr eampli fier or tw o, it can do a
very good job.

Tun able oscillator

Th e uhfit can also be used as an oscillator
in a simple adap ta tion of th e UHF di pme ter
in the Decem be r 73. Simp ly use two fee d-
through s (as in th at ar ticle) and connec t the
collector lead about an inc h or two up on th e
ce nte r line . Use a sma ll loop for output. That
gives you a simp le UHF signal source, tu nable
local oscilla tor or low powe r transmitter. If
you wa nt to mod ulate the oscillator vou' Il act
mostl y F!vI. T ransistor oscillators ldv~ to F11.
Don 't expect too much .

Different fr equencies
If you wa nt to cov er lower frequen cies,
you r best bet is to ma ke th e box larger, the
line longer and use a larger cap acitor. I didn 't
try to get lower tha n tw o me te rs.
High er freqnencies are more fu n. For 1215
to 1300 me, make the box about one-third as
long, bu t the same wi dth an d dep th. Use a
brass screw or brass core from a broken coil
form wit h suita ble nut or bus hing as a capaci- TWO CATEGORIES ·TO CHOOSE FROM
tor. It provides jus t the right amount of St a nd a rd Duty Guyed in Heavy Duty Self Supporting
cap acit ance as it goes into the op en top of the Heights of 3 7 - S4 - 88 - lOS gnd Guyed in Heights of
gnd 122 feet 37 - 54 feet (55)
lin e. Be ca reful th at it doesn' t short or you' ll 71 - 88 feet (guyed)
- have a half wave instead of quarter wave line
and twice th e fre quency.
For fixed freque ncy use in conve rt ers, et c., ROHN hos these 6.IMPORTANIJ'OINTS:
a glass or ceramic pi ston trimmer is fa r ea sier Ease of Operutien-cr olle r guides betw een se ctions a ssur e
easy, safe, fri ct ion -free raising an d lo wer ing . Strength-
to tun e th an a var iable air one since they pro- welded t ubular steel sections ov er la p 3 fee t a t maxi-
vide at least a ten to one bandspread. mum he ight for extra sturdin ess a nd streng th. Uni que
HOHN ra ising p roced u re raises all sections together-uni-
formly wit h an e qual sect ion overl ap at all heig hts!
Calibration Versatility-desi gn ed t o s u pport the l a r gest ante nn ae
with complete safety and assur an ce at any height desired!
Simple Installation-inst a ll it yo urse lf-use eit h er fla t
Calibration of the uh f it is eas iest with a b ase or special ti lt ing base (illustrated a b ove ) de pe nd -
tunable calibrated oscillator such as the UHF ing on y our needs. Rated and Tested - en tire line en gi-
dipmeter in th e December 73. Of course, you neered so you can get· exactly the right size a nd p roperly
r ate d tow er fo r your a ntenna . T he ROHN line of to wers
need a wavemeter to calibrate that. . . Chances is complete. Zinc Gal vanized - h ot di pped ga lv a nizi ng a
are th at someo ne around you has one or the stan dard-not an extra-with all ROHN to wers! Prices
st a rt at less than $100.
ot her. If people who volun teer to help cali-
bra te wavemeters or d ip meters will send me SEND FOR ROHN TOWER HANDBOOK ·
_$1.25 Va lue
th eir names and addresses, and those wh o _ONLY $100 post pa id (speda{to readers
want help will send a self ad dressed envelope of thi.~ m agazine). Ne ar est
sou rc e of supply sent on re ques t. Re pre -
or po stcard, I'll try to ge t you together sen tatives world-wide t o serv e you. Wr it e
properly. today t o:

And finally, I make no claim for any origi -

nality for any of th is, tho ugh non e is taken ROH N M anuf acturi ng Co.
from any re membera ble source as I have a P. o. Box 2 000 Peoria , Illinois

spongy mind. I also d on't claim that the uh fit. " World's LargeM EXCLU S I V E Manu fa cturer
is the ultimate in UH F eq uip me nt, but it's of Towers: de"igne rs, engineers, and installers
of complete communicatio n tou·er systems."
simple, cheap versatile-and fun ! \Vhy else
build auy thing, . . . W AICCn

APRIL 1966 2.
Lewi s Fit ch W 4VRV
938 Nor thwest Blvd.
Co lumbus, Oh io 432 12

A Home-Brew
Permeability Tuned VFO

Fo r som ething like twe lve years, I' ve been tors will undoubtedly work in the circuit , but
tr ying to bu ild a good VFO . Unfortu nate ly, the 21'\708's are about as inexpensive as any
such is th e natu re of Genus H ammu s th at after read ily available which have good high fre-
I built each one my re q uir ements becam e q uency characte ristics.
st ricte r. A friend once told me that wha t I Th e oscillato r is followe d by an em itt er fol-
wanted was a crystal-with a knob OJ I it. Ac - lowe r. Thi s is followed by a class A amplifi er
tually, I've tr ied that , but the rang e is too whic h is followed by another emi tt er follower
limit ed . I repli ed , w itt ily, that all that I needed for low impedance outp ut to a cable. The
to build what I wanted was: a case built like VFO shown will produce a useful voltage
a batt leship , a d evice with p ower gain that ac ross a 50 ohm load . A 75 ohm load gives a
produced no heat, and a variable reactance litt le mo re voltage still.
that wasn' t subject to vibra tion. It is not, of course, necessar y to use the
T o some extent the Features that I wan ted p erm eabilit y tun ing sho wn with this circuit.
ar e incorporated in the present VF O, and th e but th e se ries capacitanc e should be kept fair ly
result is pretty good. I built it ou t of scrap high for oscilla tion to sta rt readily if a varia ble
mater ial using hand tools and a qu ar ter inch capacitor and fixed ind uctor are used .
power drill. Th e VFO dr ifts onIv a few cvcles
from tum on, has pl enty of bandspread a~d is Mechanical details
pr acti cally insensitive to vibra tion.
T he oscillat or uses basically the Clap p cir- The circuit is bu ilt on Vector board using
cuit. The cap acitive swamp ing is not as heavy Hen clips. . Standard components we re em-
as usua lly used , but thi s seems to have no bad ployed throughou t, and no difficulty w as en-
effects in this ease . co untered due to any un want ed couplings. Th e
transistors are soldered ill (a fter mount ing all
Cir cuit the oth er compo nents to the flea d ips ). T he
silicon ' t ra-nsistors are ver y toleran t of heat ,
Th e circuit as shown has bee n tested wit h h ut th e iron sho uld not be applied to the leads
va rious ind uctances and capacitances and os- for more than abo ut five seconds. That will be
cillates up to 25 me. It wo uld probably work more tha n en ough . No heat sinks w ere used .
above that frequency. Th e box used in thi s case to hou se th e unit
T he tra nsistors are 2N70S's. T hese are 1\PN was made from ll" aluminum, top , bott om,
silicon high fre quen cy t ransistors op er ated in front and back, With ~" aluminum sides. Th is
this circuit at very sma ll fraction s of th eir is un d oub ted ly overd oing the rigi dit y bit , but
ra ting s. At least one manufacturer sells these it was available. A sufficiently rigid enclosure
at less th an $1.50 ea ch. Other similar tra nsis- can he mad e from J~" aluminu m ( rack-pa nel
type) with angle stock a t the cor ners (do it
Yourse lf stock ava ilable in hard ware store or
\V4VRV is at! A ss!. Professor of EE at Clem- from Sea rs, Roeb uck ) . A Minibox might do,
son o-n leave to Oh io Slate while he's 1corking hut I've never found th em rigid eno ugh for
0 11 his Ph.D . and th eir radio obse rvator y. He VF O's. L ook at the construction of a BC221 ,
likes to design and build VH F gear. for example.

T he heart of t he VFO,
L L a pe rmeab ility tun ed
coi l wound on th ick pla s-
tic stock.

Use batteries for the power supply. The The bass an d up rights we re constru cted
VFO freq ue ncy varies wit h voltag e and even from recta ng ular plas tic stock }~ " x W'. Th e
with a well regulated labora tory type AC sup- coil fonn itself is %" roun d p lastic. A hole W'
ply some F:\l could be det ected as a rough in dia me ter was d rilled th rough th e center of
note at the 5th harmonic. Batt eries smoothed the coil form and then smoothed slightly b y
it right ou t. T hree "D" size Rashlig ht batteri es wr apping fine sandpap er around a smaller
sh ould last q uit e a while since the drain at drill and working it back and forth until the
4 .5 volts is 3 rna. This figure s out to a total slug slid easily through the form. Wh en p lastic
power inp ut to th e VFO of 13.5 milliwatts, is dr illed with a high speed dri ll it tenus to
which is one of the mai n reasons for th e stu- grab and melt and otherwise beha ve bad ly,
bihty. Th ere's p racti ca lly no internal heat ing. so the dr illing: should not be rushed . Th e cen-
teri ng of the hole exactl y is not extr emely im-
The inductor p ortan t, but it should b e stra igh t and as p ar-
alle l to th e form as possib le. On e end support
To keep chan ges in th e box from stretching was th en glued on with polystyrene cement
the coil from th e indu ct or is constructed to be an d the W' hole continued throUgh th e coil
supp orted by the box at only on e point. form through the support. ( Let th e ce ment
T he slug, which gave th e inspiration for harden th oroughly first. ) Both sup por ts are
this mode of constru ction , is from an old Ferri- then glued to the base and th e coil form glued
loop stick broadcast coil ~" in diam et er, with to- the othe r support . After dr ying, the hole is
a 4-40 screw on on e end, and a hole the right dr illed ba ck through th e first support and coil
size to take a 4-40 screw in the other. form and thro ugh the rem aining support. T his

View of the transistors in

th e VFO. No te th e solid
con st ruction.

Fig. I . A Ho me Brew Per meabili ty
Tu ned VFO. See text for L1. A ll
transistors a re 2 N7 0 8 . Batte ry vo lt -
age is not crit ica l; a 4.2 vo lt mercu ry
ba ttery is rec ommended for be st per-
formance .

wa y, all th e holes line up exactl y. gives 35 kc at one end of the ran ge ( 5 m e )

A 4-40 nut is th en put on the screw in the and 50 lee at th e oth er end (5.8 mc ) with the
slu g: and the slug is slid into the form. Th e winding as show n. F urther adjust me nt of the
nut is then heated with a soldering iron until spa cing: of th e wind ing before glu ing wo uld
it me lts secu rely into the sup po rt. Anot her . have imp roved that. This pa rticular fr equ ency
4-40 screw, at least tw o inc hes lon g is then range mixes wit h m y 9 me filter output fo r
thr eaded an inch or so into a nu t, and 'W' or eventual use at 50 me.
so of its th readed end is libernllv smeared with The winding in use is twent y-seven tl101S
epoxy cemen t. The hole in the slug is also of # 2 2 enamelled wir e . The first ten turns are
smeared on the inside with epoxy cement for close-wound, and th e next seve nteen with
about ~" . (A toothpick serves well. ) The slug, gradually in cre asing spa cing. The spacing be-
in th e coil form , should th en be positi oned so tw een th e last few turn s is ab out ::in".
th at when th e nu t on th e two in ch screw is
melted into th e rema ining end the screw will
go into the hole for abo ut th e ~" th at has been
glued. The resulting tu ned circu it is temper ature
On ce asse mbled in thi s fashion, th e n uts, sensitive be cause th e d imens ions of the ferr ite
screws and for m will he in align men t, and the slug are temperatu re sensitive. However, th e
slug should revol ve freely for ~ .. or mor e of inpu t to all four transistors is around a tenth
trav el inside the form . Unfor tunately, once as- of a watt, and th e oscillator shows no discern -
sembled in thi s fashi on , it is impossible to tak e able drift cause d h y internal heating durin g
the assembly apart without h reak ing som e- op eration.
thing , so be careful! Uncomp ensated for temperature, th e VF O
Th is m ay sound in volved , h ut once th e was tak en from a cold car into a heat ed room,
drill ing of the form and sup p orts is complet ed honked to a counter and turned on. The d rift
and th e pl as tic cemen t has har d ened , the re- was down in frequen cy an~rsteady, about ten
maining steps tak e ab out as long as it takes cyc les per minu te. The VF O wa s turned off
to tell about them. Th e importan t thing is th e and left in th e room for a couple of hours.
order of asse mbly-which should he fair ly oh - Tu rne d on again , after rea chi ng room tem -
vious . peratu re: the tot al d rift was 150 cycles in 24
The coupl ing from the dial to the inductor ho urs from a cold start . If the temper ature
is a piece of tubing with an insid e di amet er whe re the VF O is to be used is not stea dy ,
th at th e 4-40 screw on the slug will slide in - some form of temp er ature" - com pe nsa tion
side . The tubing is slotted ( with a cop ing should _b~ . employed. Ne ga tive temperature
saw) on one en d , and built up wi th w ire on coefficient capacito rs sho uld d o ni ce ly here.
th e other to fit th e ~" hole in the di al. A shor t As currentlv constructe d, the VFO ha s sev-
strap is soldered in to the slot in the screw on era l drawbacks . T here wa sn't enough hea vy
the slug . This st rap rid es in the slot as th e aluminum avai lable to build the hox big
slug rid es in and out and serves to transm it en ough to put a good turn -count d ial 0 11 it.
th e circ ular motion from th e dial to th e slug. A ten turn Bevode x dia l ha s been tried , but
Th is me thod of construction also avoid s tra ns- is not entirely sa tisfactory. The output volta ge
mitting any lat eral motion to th e sIng d ue to is onlv a volt or so 1TI1S. For use with a mixer,
the expansion of th e case from heat. th is i~ enough voltage, but if th e VFO is to
The w inding wa s pnt on the form and ce- d rive a crystal oscillator stage, another stage
men ted with Qvdop e. Since I was onlv in ter - of am plificat ion w ill be needed . The inp ut re-
es ted in proving a point, ra ther than .{bs olute sistor in the grid circuit of such an amp lifier
linearit y, onl y an approximati on wa s made to stage cou ld be 100 oh ms or so, the reb y re-
a wind ing that would give the ultimat e in moving the ne cessit y for neu tralization.
linearity. Even so, one revol u tion of the screw . . W4VRV

New Webster
"Circle W" quality symbol
heralds the

high power
antenna at a

Now ... BIG-K . . . basicall y an impr oved
version of t he wel l-known Top-sider mobi le
ant enna but with ONE-KW (p.e.p.) coi ls
and pr iced t o represent except iona l val ue.

New t echn iques and large qua nt ity pro-

duction have lowered manufacturi ng costs PRICE INFORMATION
whi le mai nt ain ing highest quality. All of Fold-over mast and adjustable whip for KW
t he sav i ngs ar e being passed a lo ng to coils. 93" long (Bumper)• .• • . .• •. .• . 13.50
th e c usto mer. Compare these pric es WMW_D
for a KW-rated mobile antenna! rotc-over mast and adjusta ble whip for KW
coils. 77" (Deck mount)•. ••• • . . • .•.. 13.50
There will be only one type of coil- KW·80
BIG-K - IOOO watts p.e.p. f or all bands (ex 1 kilowatt , 75 meter coiL . . . ... • . ,. , . 8.95
cept t he coi l for 160-meters which is' 300 KW·40
1 kilowatt, 40 meter coil 8.95
watts p.e.p.). The basic ant enna remai ns
t he same wit h the exception th at the 1 kilowatt, 20 meter coil .. . .•. .. . . .. . 6.95
BIG-K alum inum col umn wi ll be given a KW·15
special coat ing fo r environmental protec- 1 kilowatt, 15 mete r coil. .. . • .. .•. . .. 6.25
t ion. As before, the column is hin ged, per- KW·10
1 kilowatt , 10 met er coil. .4 .45
mitti ng coil and to p whip sect ion to fo ld
over. Webster's exclusi ve f ast release and TW·160
300 watt , 160 mete r coil. .•.. ... • • .. 5.80
posit ive lock-up feature remain s inta ct.

Write for descrip ti ve literature.

213 East Grand Avenue, South Sa n Francisco , California 94080

APRil 196 6 33
Gary Glassmeyer K6R EU
10 2 7A Buc han
San Lu is Ob ispo, Cal iforn ia

A Receiver VFO
Controlled CW Transm itter
After working a contest or two it doesn't variable crys tal oscillator generates a signal
take a wise ama te ur long to understand that which can be varied several kc either side of
time is a premiu m . A kilow att helps to br ing the fre quency which bri ngs the transmitt er in
contest poi nts, but with the advent of highl y exact coincidence with th e receiver. T his we
selective receive rs an d crow ded ham bands will call the cente r-frequency. In m y p articu-
high power ofte n goes unheard. Like sna tch- lar case I am usin g a Drake I -A receiver with
in g cola bo tt les ou t of the cases as th e deliver y a 4.6-4.0 me vfo. T his signal source is tapped
truck drives by, contes t ope rators have to be directly at the grid of th e mixer tu be it is
fast, smoot h, and on freq uen cy. And needless feedi ng and cabled out of th e receiver by
to say if we have ou r transmitt er exac tly on means of high im pe dance microphone cord
frequency at all times an d are takin g up only and phonograp h conne ctors. Capacitive cou-
one freq uency on the band there is that m uch pling is used to bring the rf to th e signal gri d
more room for QR ~,'1 fre e operation of ot her of V2. If you don' t like the idea of delving
sta tions. \Vith this in mind I rea lized that I into your receiver to pull out the sample of rf
nee ded a rig that was not commercia lly ava il- nee ded to excite the mixer you can easily
able. modi fy your existing vfo, Q[. any external vfo to
The re are a few sto re bou gh t rigs th at have operate on 4.6-4.0 me, or \~atever frequency
trunsceive operation but most arc designed you des ire, other than on e in the ham ban ds,
exclusively for SSB or are designed for SSB and stilI have the advantage of a fine hetero-
an d include C\V operation as an add-on fea- dyne, grid-block keyed exciter. Ma ny wiII be
ture which has be en given little considerat ion . in terested "in using both th e receiver vfo arid
Shortly before beginning construction on the a separate one for cross -band operation, chas-
rig described he rein I prac tically gave away in g DX etc.
a $2000 tr ansceiver with atrocious VOX key- By applyi ng the VXO out put to the injec-
in g and a transm itter th at was always 1.3 kc tion grid.of V2 we get the des ired operating
off fre qu ency. frequency along with va rious im age signals
A glance at the block diagram of m y trans- and harmonics of the two inp uts . When figur -
mi tter (Fig. I) will bring to visualization ing the proper VXO crysta l cent er frequ ency
w hat is hap penin g inside the transmitter. T he for use in con junction with your receiver be
sure that none of the har monic or image fre -
q uen cies fall m uch closer th an 10%-15% of
your ope rat ing frequency. To determine the
VXO crystal cen ter frequen cy if your rece iver
vfo is above the received signa l frequency,
subtract the received frequency from the vfo
frequency. If it is below, add the received
signal frequency to the vfo freq uency. For
exa mple in the case 'of the Drake ] -A, when
Fig. 1. Block diag ram of the receiver VFO
its vfo is tuned to 4.6 me the received signa l
co nt rolled CW transmitter. frequency is on the low edge of th e ham

V3 serves as: bot h an amplifier and a device
to filter out undesired sign als with both grid
an d plate tuned circ uits.
At thi s point it might be interesting to note
that th e sub-asscm blv chassis tha t V3 is on was
originall y a Celoso ; ll-ba nd vfo , and the 5763
was used in it as an amplifier stage. The tube
socket tha t \'2 is in was original and held a
BeL6 p reviously. VI was mou nted in an emp ty
space forwa rd of the 6BA7. Other components
sup plied by Ge loso ar e, th e slug-tuned coils,
their associate d trim mer condensers, the VXO
tuning capaci tor, w hich was first a vfo grid
circuit part, and assorted resistors and by-pa ss
capa citors which just happened to be he eded
in the new circ uits. F or tho se who have an
unused Geloso vfo kicking around you might
employ it's comp act chassis in the constructi on
of your vers ion of thi s transceiver. If you do n' t
Front view of the transm itter.
you migh t go out and bu y one, they are rela-
bands, in order to determine the VXO crys tal tively cheap. T he V2 pl at e circuit slug tuned
center frequency on 40 meters we add 4.6 me coils were left untouched as far as taking off
and 7 .0 m e to get 11.6 m e. As th e vfo is tu ne d any turns or re-wind ing the m. H owever, they
lower in frequenc y the tra nsmitter freque ncy we re taken ou t of the single ended circuit and
will raise, 4. 6 me gives a transmitt ing sign al used in a pi-network wi th a 140 pf cap acitor
of 7.1 me, and 4,2 me brin gs us to th e top ad ded on th e plate side to tune them to res -
ed ge of th e ballet onan ce, and a fixed 100 pf cap acitor pl ac ed

; IK

+ 300 + 300 - 0 + 150

, vr L I - 4 -1/2 T. NO. 14 , 1' ~/ Il:; " DIA. ,S/ S " L G.
;- L2 - ~T. NO-I6 , 2." DIA., 10 T. Po l. , TAPPED AT t-va . 5 - 1/8, s. II - i/a 1; FROM PL AT E END (8 5. 'II NO- 3907- 1)

C--.'~ ,=f'-tVV"t'+ 150 REG.

, ~

" "0
• ~,

a O,,1



-W 60E4

Fig. 2. Schemat ic of the t ra nsm itter. Not e t hat many of th e por ts used ca me from a Ge loso YFO, but
ca n easily be found e lsewhe re ,

A PRIL 1966 35
of imp ed ances and th ey are drawn into the
sche matic.
Th e 600 volt power sup ply is externa l and
is actually the rectifier power unit, P P-1l5A,
out of a TRC-8 450mc transmitte r available
th rough surplus chan nels. A sugges ted pow er
supply is shown in the schematic and is taken
out of th e Radio Amateur's Handbook. Volt-

J. ages of + 250, + 150 regulated, - 40 to - 60,

and 6.3 ac are derived from the buil t-in sup ply
in the bot tom rear of the rig. Silicon rec tifiers
Inside of th e transmitter. were used to save space, elim inate heating,
and besides they are cheap .
in the output side . These fixed 100 pfs ar e Exten sive shielding was u sed in cabinet
soldered dir ect ly across th e final's grid to constru ction, a tr apped lady bu g would never
ground , th is helps to stabilize the ampli fier. find her way ou t of the enclo sure, neither
Th e coils were re-adjusted to bring t hem to will any frequencies in the VH F ran ge. She et
resonance in thei r new application. Mr. Geloso metal screws are spa ced no farth er than two
used five other slug-tuned coils, three of which inches apart to ma intain a tight electrical
were selected to determine vfo fundamental seal. Reynold 's do it yourself angl e stock was
freq uencies, the othe r two were used in the used to support the finely p erforated she et
plate circuit of the vfo tube. All we re re-wound alumin um which wa s procured locally. The
and grid-dipp ed to the midd le of each ham chassis is a 3x7xl7 inch Bud which turned
band in use. On 80, 40, and 20 met ers three out to be a little big ger than neccessary, but
air trimmers which were all ready on the chas- gave me plenty of working room and space
sis were tied across th ese coils for padding. for additi onal thi ngs such as a T-R swit ch,
T he vfo tuning condense r had three ganged low-p ass RIter, or ma ybe a simple ssn genera-
sections on it, two were wide spaced, one with tor. ~, inch alumi num plat e was used for the
a few more plates tha n th e other, and the front panel and" he lps support th e frame.
third had a thick, closely spaced plates. T he Ot her than peaking all Lie circuits to
thick plated section was igno red and not use d, re sonance before trying the rig out, ad just-
the lar ger value wide space job needed a few ment of th e final's grid bias voltage is all
of its plates jerked to make it equ al in value th at is necessary to get it in operation. No
to its counte rpart. T his is easily accomplished tune-operate switch was [ncorp erated in the
by merely pu lling on them with a pair of rig, nor was any plat e, grIer, or relative out-
needle-nosed pli ers. T he result an t product, if put indicator. In ord er to tune, mere ly tu rn
eve rything goes well, can be used to vary th e th e V3 screen voltage po tentiomete r-drive
load on th e VXO crystal and th ereby enco ur- control so th at th e screen is on the ground
age it to oscillate on a slightly different fre- side of "'the pot, and peak the dri ver plate
quency, and give us a transmitted signa l sev- tuning, C5, and final plate tuning along with
eral kc either side of center freq uency . the p i-out put capacitor for maximum reading
Prob ably by now you are won de ring just on your s-meter or relat ive ou tpu t ind icator
how far can we va ry this litt le VXO gem. This (whic h , i[ _also throw n into the schemat ic).
depends on the crystal frequ ency and th e effec- T hen advance your drive control to just below
tive circuit capacitance. W e purposely control th e point where full ou tp ut is realized and
the grid-to-ground and screen-to-ground cap a- re-peak the final plate tun ing . With the re-
cita nce to get the desired effect with the mod - ceiver in a high selectivity condition, and the
ified Geloso vfo condense r. I ts va lue is some- bfo on zero, ( the position where you hear the
where aro und 10-50 pf p er section . lowest pitched hack-ground noise ) , key the
The final amplifier, V4, uses an 829B with transmitter and tum th e VXO frequency con-
its sections in p arallel , 600 volts on th e pl ate trol until the tran smitter frequency falls
and has a pi-network tied on the end. T his exactly into the peak of the select ivity skirt.
stage was de signed to drive a pai r of 4E27 AI This will bring the transmitt er in exact co-
5-125B's in groun ded grid and has no wide incid ence with the receiver p roviding you
ran ge matching conde nser in the p i-output h ave th e VXO on the right side of zer obeat.
end . Fixed micas are switched in pla ce' by the If you do n't , give it a cra nk do wn through
tank coil switc h and were chosen experiment - zero beat and back on the other side and
any . H owever I've calculated th e ne cessary onc e aga in into the selectivity skirt.
values to be used for matching a wide ran ge . . . K6 REU

One parti cu lar pair, 5 8· 34 sideband t ransceiver / exciter and SB2·lA
gall on linear amplif ier - are sma l l enough to beat a f u l l house. Or,
for that matter, any no- room -fo r- pa sseng e rs KW mobil e ins ta llation .
Proof . Photograph shows 5 8 -34 and SB2·LA t ogeth er as a com ple t e
l KW, 4-band side band stat ion (i ncl uding receiver of cou rses-beati ng
a f u ll house handily. The tw o un it s placed end-to-end occ upy less
t han 2 l inear feet - j ust over 1 foo t in dep t h. less t han 6 in ches h igh!

But SSE d idn 't set out to produce a miniatu re tran sceiver at t he
expense of undue component crowding-transistors and diod es aided
by advanced bi lateral ci rcu its did it with room to spare.
5 8·34 specif ica lly, is advan ced equipmen t - predom inantl y solid-
stat e- in pace wi t h t he t rend t oward elim inat ion of al l t ubes in a
host of electr onic gear. The 58-34 SSB t ransceiver costs only 395.00
(wit h 12V DC and IllV AC bui lt -in power supp ly) and uses 23 tr an-
sistors, 18 diodes, a zener, a varactor -and only 3 tu bes !

Highlights : 58·34 : a-bane s, 3775·4025 kc, 7050·7300 kc, 14.1-14.35 me, 21.2·21.45 me.
• 13SW p.e.p . input (s lightly lo...er on IS) • Built-in dual 117V AC : 12V OC supply (nega·
live gro"!nd) • COllins mechani cal tuter • Panel sel ectab le USB·lSB • lIlf. W, 10NO.

5"H. Weight : 19 Ibs.

SB2·LA: BO·4()-20·15 met ers • Input SS8: lKW p.e.p. AM: 300W. CW·fM·fSK: 400W.
• Built·in 117V AC power .supply . IZ"W, lZlh"O, Slf4"H. Weight: 40 ros.


Heavy-duty t ra nsisto rize d inve rte r fo r mobile op-
er at ion of SB2-LA linear am plifier at l KW input .
In put 12-15V DC, negative ground. Outp ut fit 13.5V
DC inp ut , 150 volt s AC pe ak squa re wa ve at 250
cycle s . 6"W, 12" 0 , 33f4" H. We ight : 17 Ibs .
Writ e for new b-roch ure desc r ibine;SBE line .


z13 East Grand Avenue, South San Franc isco, Cali fornia 94080

h po rt sa les : Rayt heon Compa ny, Inte rnatio nal Sales & Se rvices, Lexington 73 , Mass , U.S.A.
Ha rvey Pie rce WrjJOPA
5372 E. Bold Eagle Blvd.
Whi te Bear La ke , M in ne soto

The Matchm aker Circuit

An idea article

How'd you like to build an automatic an- between the coa x line from the transmitter
tenna tuner that wo uld follow your VFO up and th e tuning 'u nits. Then, when the tuning
and down th e band ? Remote ly, even 'way out uni t is adjusted so that the an te nna exhibits
in your h ack yard? Well, this Mutchmaker an impedance equal to that to whi ch the cir-
circu it, as I call it , makes th is po ssib le. cults has been adjusted, th e output of th e two
This is not a cons truction article. Because measuring circ ui ts will be equa l and cancel
few b uilders follow the origina l des ign a11Y- eac h other, so the zero -cen ter me te r will read
how changing and su bs titu ting parts to sui t zero. Furthermore, if the antenna impeda nce
the junkbox heing standard ham procedure, I is too h igh , th e meter will go off center one
am just going to explain th e circuit, its ap - way, and if the impedance is too low, it will
plications, and the few p recau tions needed. go off center the opposite way. \Vhich way it
..T he circuit is an adaptation of the VS\V H goes will de pend en diode and meter polarity.
br idge circuit, and de pends on Ohm's law This fea ture makes an automatic antenna
(E/I equals R) for its operation. That is, re- tu ner possible. If a resistor of, say one -half
gardless of po we r (watts} , the ratio of voltage megoh m is con nected in place of the meter
(E) to cu rren t (1) is always th e same for a and the voltage across it fed into a de ampli-
given resis tance. In the Matchmaker thi s re- fier suc h as shown in Fig.. 2",.., the outpu t can,
sistance is th at of the fe cdli ne. through relays; contr ol a tuning m otor. In
The schematic of the b ridge is shown in Fi g. 2 , if the input is positive, th e pl ate cur-
Fig. 1. T here are two separate measuring cir- ren t to V I increases and V2 decreases, so the
cu its, you will no te (separa ted b y th e das hed balanced. po lar relay actuates th e "Forward"
line), arranged to p rod uce two outp uts of op - motor re lay . If the input is nega tive, th e nc-
posite polarity, which are compared on a zero - tion reverses, and the "Reverse" motor relay
center meter. One measures a port ion of the closes . T hese mo tor rela ys are th ree- p ole, sin-
line voltage, the other measures the voltage gle-th row typ es, with two pol es con necting
across a Lohm resis tor in the line, which is the mo tor field p roperly for forwa rd or re verse,
eq uiva len t to the current. A variable capacitor while the third applies po wer to the mo tor.
adjusts the portion of line voltage measured The relatively simple circu it of F ig. 2 may
to th e right ratio for the feed line used. not be sensitive eno ugh with availa ble po lar
This circuit is inserted in the antenna tuner relays, so I would like to suggest a system
such as Fi g. 3 for those who un der st and tra n-
COAX FROM sistors. No va lues .. are given for the compo-
nen ts of either circuit becau se so m uc h de-
"RATIO' p ends on what you use for tubes, t ran sistor s,
re lays , etc. Nor can polar ities be assigned, for

270 pl 1"
., the sa me reason . Just be sure the motor turns
the tu ni ng un it the right way to re ach the nu ll
and stop in tu ne .
T he va lues given in F ig. 1 are abou t right
(I00 -0-KlO ~A OR BET T ER)
for medium p ower (150 wa tt) transmitters.
Fig. 1. Schemat ic of the Matchmake r b ridge. For lower powers, the two 200 k resistors can

TO · X"

~ ~,


\!j Fig . 3 . More comp lex and sens it ive antenna tuner.

;:::ft~Yf--J ARMATU'li:: to distinguish b et w e en resis tive , indu ctive, a nd

capacitive im p e da nces. W hile th er e are ci r-
+ r
--:1,+ [",
cui ts tha t will do t his, th e y ge t a b it involved,
an d anyway the circuit shown will eas ily
't ra ck' with a vfo over a n a mateu r h an d if the
Fig . 2 . Automatic anten na tuner. LC values are properly sel ected to avoid re -
ac tive nu lls in the t uning ran ge. Ba nd-swit ch-
b e red uce d to 50 k, and for higher powers in g 'of the tuner is n ot to o d ifficult if m u lti-
t hey can b e incr eased to higher values. Rl , hand op eration is desired.
the one oh m resist or, may best be made up Interest ing cir cuit, isn't it ? E ve n used as an
of ten one-watt, n on-ind ucti ve, ten -ohm ca r- in dicator it wi ll te ll yell if the an te nn a im-
b on resistor s, con n ected in pa ra llel in bi rd - p edan ce is too high or too low . Changes in
ca ge fashi on , ( In case you don't kno w , ca rbon power input merely change the magn itude of
resist ors have color bands a ll the same wi d th, th e error rea din g, n ever th e zero p oin t, so A),l ,
while the w irewound (inductive ) type ha ve C\V , or SSB have no effect on its nul} p oint .
the first color band extra wide. ] It h elp s if you O K, e n gineers! Build yourself an au to ma ti c
ca n put CR2 and the .0 1 uf capacitor ins ide tuner!
th e " birdcage" of resistors . Ot her combina- W00PA
ti on s of resistors for In are p ermissible. T h e
tota l wattage can he de creased for lower
p ow er or increas ed for hig her p ow er .
CR I an d CR2 can b e IN34A's or any sim-
ila r type of ge rmanium diode good for 20 to
30 volts a t one or two rna . The 2Jf mb choke
serves as the de re turn for C EQ. Short le a ds
to the coax input connector are necessa ry, and
compactness and some shield ing from the
rest of th e tu n er arc de sira ble. Ot he rwise no
parti cular precau tio ns ar e n eede d in co nstru c-
tio n.
A d jus ting th is " Ma tch make r" ca n be done
eithe r of two w ays. A non -in d uctive dumm y
load w ith a resis tance eq ua l to the feed line
im p e dan ce is co nn ected temporarily in p lace
of th e an tenna t uner. T hen powe r is fed
throu gh the line at an appropriate frequency
a nd the va riab le "ra tio" capacitor is a djuste d
ca refully until th e ou tp ut at po int "X" is ze ro
as read by a ze ro- center mete r as in F ig . 1, or
by a VTV~ I or VO~L Or an S\VR indica tor
of co rrect im p ed ance can h e co nnected in th e
coax line and the a nten na tu ned up for m ini-
mum S\VR, and with normal p ow e r supplied
the anten na, the "r atio" cap ac it or is adjusted
as ab ove.
I t is only fai r to state that the Matchmaker
"Yes , he's hom e- but you ca n s tay the wh o le
circuit is not the comp le te answer to a wide- we ekEn d- he 's in an ot he r of t hose wo nderfu l con-
range au tom a tic antenna tu ne r b ecause it fa ils tests

APRIL 1966 l?
Bob Hen K9 EID

Six to Two
Transmitting Mixer
This simple unit will put a low pow er
six meter signal of allY mode 011 two.
Perfect fOI· SSB or Sixers.

T he tre nd toda y in VHF a mate ur equipment mendon s sup ression of unwan ted signals. It
is towa rd usc of comm ercial SSH exci te rs and uses a 636 0 tu be as a mixe r an d a second 6.360
adapters. Bu t one th in g m issing am ong the as a cl ass ABI am plifier to give an output of 15
ma ny lines of eq uipme nt ma nu factured is a to 20 wa tts PEP. This is p len ty of po wer to
unit tha t will allow the amateur to usc hi s dri ve a linear or to u se b aref oot an d ma ny
50 me equ ipment on two me ters. wo nd er ful con tacts ha ve b een made w ith this
Yet this ca n be done vc rv eusilv and effcc - unit without a ny additio na l a mp lifica tion.
tivelv without nnv modifieat i'on of the six meter Co nstru ct ion is ve ry simp le and ea sy if yon
tnm~mitter if yot ; use a transmitting mixer and follow the pho tos. Proper shielding between
use the exci te r to drive th e mixe r. Re cei vin g stages is very import ant to tam e th e unit so
ca n be easily han dl ed b y a simple conv er ter th at it wo n 't tak e off on its own as some mi xer s
'which tak es its local injec tion from the oscil- do. Th e shields ca n be made ver y easily from
lat or in th e tran smitt ing m ixe r un it via th e she et co pper or coppe r clad b oar d . .
oscillato r output jack. L2 , L3 and L 4 ,can all be mad e from une
The mixer shown he re (F ig. I ) gives tre- piece of B and \ V stock b y re moving a sing le

+ 28 0

" -seeo
10 ~s NO.22 [ NAM. ON 1/2 ' 0 1,0,. Sl.UG-1U£D fOR ..
I.2, L 3.L4 B" \II' NO.3Oll · SE[ SOlEMATIC ( t TURN LI NK
-esoc FOR 'osc OUT-)
L:l B .. .... 110. 3002 · 5 TUIl NS CoT.

'" -eiec


« zoo

Fig. 1. Schemat ic of the s ix to two me te r SSB m ixe r. 8 & W 3002 is two inches (5 e rn) of Y2 inc h
(8 mm ) 8 turn s pe r inc h number 18 wire. h 's th e so me a s PIC 1728 a nd Air-Dux 4 08T. B & W 301 1
has a diamete r of 3,4 inch (2 ern ) and is 16 turns pe r inch (6 per em ).

40 73 MA GAZIN E
Here 's th e bo ttom of the six mete r to two mixe r. Th e Top of the m ixer. T ubes,
copp er dad chassis p late is 5 x 6 inches (12 5 mm clockw ise f rom bottom
x 15 ern ). center, a re: OA2, 6 EA8,
63 60 a nd 63 60 .
turn bet we en windings. T his ma kes a neat,
- - _ ... _ - -: .- - -~ - ==-

easy-to-mount assembly.
T his p art icular un it was built on a cha ssis
which w as designed so that a final amplifier
co uld be adde d lat er. The room ava ilable will
accomodate a 5894, 82g B, etc . The chassis
co uld be made smaller if des ired.
The power supply shown use s a power
transformer from a junked T V set. It work s
well and is easy on that ole pocket book! Th e
bia s circ uit is a clever svstem since it needs no
additional tra nsformer. Th e switch in this su p-
ply can be on the ante nna relay and allow th e
mi xer to be cut off d uring the rece iving cycle.
Jlist reme mber that it should he open on
receive and closed on transmi t.
Th e voltages shown are opera tiona l voltages
d urin g tran smit with S I closed . T hese voltages
will vary somew hat with differen t t ra ns-
for mers in th e power supply. Th e power sup-
ply is built on a separate chass is to minimize
heat in the mi xer unit.
T his uni t performs very w ell wit h six meter
SSB transceivers. It is a ve ry easy method of
putting an SS B signal on two me ters and it
could also be us ed to put any six meter 1\11
signal on two.
H ave fun bu ild ing and op era ting this fine
unit . . . . K9E ID

APRIL 1966 41
Silo s Smi th WABCH D
G 4 475 N. Vc sscr Roa d
Flin t, Mic h igan

A Slotted Line for 1250 me

Hem's an easy -to-b uild inst rum ent for
m easuring freq uency, VS1VR and impedan ce.
Th e S'V R hridge is a very useful- and Th ree othe r p ieces of 1" cop per pi pe arc
sometimes badl y neglected- tool. Especially neede d . Two arc 5/l()" lon g and on e is 1%"
on ] 2,50 me with only two or th ree watts of long. T he two ,5/ 16" pieces each have ~ " cu t
power , you should measu re your S\ VR and do out and are reshap ed to fit inside th e 1" tub e.
something ab out it if nec essary. I recently T hese two pieces were each sold ere d to 1/ 16"
joine d th e 23 em boys, though I have only plates as in th e detail in Fig. 1. T his p rocess
worked 1234 m e so far. My first att empt to makes two cup -like structures which should
commun icate wi th \ V8VKQ on the other end fit within the end of the 1" pi pe . Drill ni ne
failed bu t aft er two evenings of dili gent work holes in each cup : four holes for attachin g th e
with a meagre am ou nt of test equipment we cup to the slotted line, fou r to fit t he BN e
ma de contact . It would have been a lot easier con nector mounting pl ate and one %" hole to
with te st equipment good in th e 1250 m e pass the m ain body of th e connec to r. File two
range since most hams are not equipped to notches for th e connector ears. You can fasten
measure freq uen cy and adj ust their rigs at the cups to the slotted tub e with sma ll sheet
these fr equencies. meta l screws, th readed holes or nu ts sold ere d
Aft er th at experience, I ma de the slotted to th e b ack of the holes.
line ind icat or described in th is ar ticle . T he T he 1" x 1%" piece of pip e is for the pro be
cost is next to nothi ng and it' s ea sy to bu ild , carriage . It is cut ' lengthw ise on one side,
h ut it do es a good job, The u nit is b uilt around slipped over the 1" tube, centered, and a }~ "
a one inch thin well cop p er lube I mi" long hole d rilled through it over the slot in th e I "
( F ig. I ) . This tube has a K" slot cut len gth- tube.
wise for 7Jf", abo ut ;Ii wav eleng th at 1250 m e. The p robe is built [rom 7~:~_...Q.!ld 3~" b rass tub-
T h is is long enon gh to get a fair sam pling of ing from your hob b y shop . At the probe end
th e stand ing wa ve or null points. is an insulat or fro m a coax fitting and on the

r:.- soccer
~ ~"1. TUllE

V iii" TalE

DETAIL ' ~ct

I' TUBE "<,



000 H owe ver, the re is a sligh t complication of


;70 •
vectors in E ma x an d E m i n , so th at to find them ,
VO II m ust first de termine th e hi gh est voltage
~ead on th e mete r, E 1 and th e lowest vo ltage
i!i., read on the m eter, E:.:! wit h th e same se tting
!50 II o f th e shunt resistor , as th e p robe carr iage is
• : slid along th e lin e. Now, E ll uu ; = £1 + E:.:! a nd
~: Emili = E 1 - E :! so th at
: VSWR E, + E,
°1 2 3
m o
4 !1i 6 1 = £, - E~
Fig. 2, Ratio of oute r tu be to inne r line for var ious A ll even sim p le r m ethod is to set the me te r to
impe da nces. fu ll seale (1 00 ) at th e high est readin g, and
rendi ng th e VS\VR direct ly from F ig. 5.
other en d is a jack made f1"0 11i all oct al tu be
socket. A small piece of }~" b rass tubing is
used to make the diode socket (sec detail A).
Imp edance measurements
r\ pi ece of 22 gauge wire is inserted in th e It' s a litt le h a rd er to me as ure impedance,
p rob e end of th e 1/16" tu bing and soldered. bu t even it's not b ad if you do it ste p by ste p.
A H\2 1 d iod e wo rks ve ry wel l. F irst , consid er th e high imp edance on you r
Use Fig. 2 to choos e the p rop er size for th e line w hen vo ur a nten na is ope n or sh orted.
lin e in the ce n ter. E ach end of thi s line sho uld Pe rh a p s YO{l don't think of it as a ch a nge in
b e tapered and soldered to the coax fitting as impedan ce . T h is is what we a re lookin g for.
in detail B. The center cond uctor shou ld be Reme mb er th at there is a definite relat ionship
7/16" for 50 ohms or 5/ 16" for 73 ohms . b et ween impedance a nd frequency. F ig. 6
The me ter u sed shou ld have a ra nge th at shows th e vol tage rel ations hip b etween a short
permits a full seale readin g a nd sho uld b e and open. On <1 short set the probe for a null
calibrate d with so me sca le. point, usu ally th e first null from load en d of
th e slotted line . T his will be our re fer en ce
Uses : Measuring Ireq uency point. You will note th at whe n th e load point
is op en there is a shift of 90 or a quart er
Frequency can he measured with th e slotted wavelength eith er side of the refere nce point.
line in two way s: th e distance b etween n ull T h is ad d s lip to on e h alf wavel ength . Any
poi nt s at on e h alf wavelengt h ( ';.../2 ) or the im p ed ance b e tween in finity and zer o ohm s
distan ce he tween peaks. See Fig . 3. Measu r- will lie somewh ere alon g th e h alL wavele ngth
ing b etween the nulls is p referable since the of the line. It will b e no ted that an open is
p eak s arc ve ry b road . If your lin e is Hat, th e equid istant fro m th e refer en ce point tow ard
p eaks an d nulls ma y b e very sma ll, so you th e genera tor a nd towa rd th e load. ho wever
m nv ha ve to indu ce a m ismatch ill th e line. th e line has moved toward th e loa d (ca p aci-
Like wise, yo u m ay hav e to ind uce a mismatc h tive reactance ). " T o measure thi s rea cta nce,
to get the two null s to fall within the 7}f" of we replace th e load th a t we measure with a
th e line. T he eas ies t way to ind uce a mi s- short. \ Ve set our probe to the first minimum
match is a short in th e line. read ing from the load end of th e slotted line.
Measu re th e d istan ce be tween the nulls Mark thi s spotcwi th a scribe. This is our ref-
ca refullv wi th a ce nt imete r ru le. T wi ce this e re nce po int . Now we remove the sh ort and
distan c~ di vided into 30,000 will give you add our load u nd e r measurement. It will b e
you r frequency in mega cycl es. I t would b e a noted th at the vo ltage has m oved upward .
good id ea to ch eck th is aga inst a sta nd ard or :\Iove th e probe towa rd the load . If th e volt-
at least av oid operatin g to o close to th e ed ge
of th e band.

t "
t ~
Mea suring VSWR U NE LINE

Measu rin g voltage sta nd ing wav e ratio

(VS\ VR) with th e slotted line is easy, too . we
a re lookin g for a ratio of E m i li ' the minimum
vo lta ge on the line, and E m ;n ' The ra tio:

E m:!.x = VS\\'H. Fig . 3, Le ft . Me asuri ng freq uency. Fig . 4 , Right .

M ea su ring YSWR.
E lll i.n

APRil 1966
T he slotted lin e used ha s an im p ed an ce of
.50 ohms.
\Ve are now read y to pl ot this inf or mati on
on the Smi th chart ( F ig. 7, bett er ge t out you r
- - - SHORT magnif ying glass) .
- _·_ ---- OPEN LOAD POINT
D raw th e VS\VH circ le at th e prim e cen te r
Fig. 5, Left. VSWR scale Fig. 6, Right. Impedance
measu rements. with a ra dius of 1.G.
Draw a line from .083 wave length towa rd
a?c g~Jes down, you are h ea ding .in the ri ght th e load fr om th e p rime cen ter.
d~rect~on. If the vo ltage sta rt s to go u p change
At th e intersection of th e cir cle and lin e,
di re ction toward the generator. Move the foll ow the constan t resistan ce circle to .74 and
probe as ab ove to th e new nu ll p oint a nd note the ca pacitive reactance circle to .3 1. Our
the d irection that the probe h as been moved load imp edanc e is th en:
H er e's a step -by-s tep example. Fi rst , you' Il z, Zo ( .74 - .31j )
n:eu. .the frequ ency and wavelen gth, VS\ VR, Zr. = 50 ( .74 - .31j)
d irection of probe, di sta nce b etween re fe r- Zr. = 37 - 1.5..5i
ence p oint an d new nu ll, an d imp edance of Well, there ar e some of the thin gs you r
th e slotted line. slott ed coax line can do besides tel ling you
L et:s say as we measured. the frequency, that vo u' re on th e air. A comm erc ial versi on
th e distance be tween the null poin ts was 12 woul~l cost $7.50. I guarante e tha t you'll get
em . This is h alf th e wavelength, so the wa ve - your d ollar's wo rth out of this oue as it costs
len gth is 24 em. The frequency is 3000 0/ 24 or less th an $1 to b uild. I h op e th at it h elps you
12.50 me. . get OIl 1250 me.
Let' s sa y we read 80 as a max imum and 20 WAS CE D
as a m inimum on a p oint scale ill mea su rinu
the VS\VR: 0

E ma x = £ 1 + E:..> = SO + 20 = 100
E lll i ll = E 1 - E~ = GO

VSWR = 100 1 "0

O r set E 1 to 100 by adj u stmen t of R, then E.~
woul d read 2,3 on the mete r, a VS\VR of 1.G6
by F ig . 5.
As in Fig. 6, th e p robe wn s moved tow a rd
th e load.
L et' s assume th e d istan ce from th e refer ence
point to th e new nu ll was 2 em . What p art of
a wavelength is 2 cm? \Vavelength is 24 ern,
so 2/ 24 = .083 waveleng ths .
T his is a m ovemen t of .083 wavelengths
towa rd th e load F·,g. 7 Sm,ith c h or t f or. de te rmm m g rmpe da n ce .

- -
A New Book Publish ed by 73
PARAMETRIC This book, the firs t on parametr ic amplifiers fo r the
AMPLIFIERS ham, is written f or t he average amateur and explains in

simple language how t hey work, how to build your own
f or t he vari ous UHF bands, how to t une them 'P.
Parametr ics have helped UHF move into t he space age,
but don' t fo rget t hat t he fi rst working parametr ic am-
plifier was bui lt by WIFZJ ,,' worked en six meters.
Order t his book direct, $2.00 postpaid, or f rom your local
parts dist ributo r.

.....- - 11
_~'_M "_

73 MogQ%ine Peterborough, N. H.

o 0 CE\§CEOOv@[)\I] CE

~ D~


--J i
lt~ 0.. ce.Obl>~'•
It ' s only natural that everyo ne wants th e finest ... and we f eel so ce rt ain th at th e 2· K
is " OF THE FINEST" t hat we g ladl y urge you t o st udy aH of the line ars ariawe say, " If
you can f ind a better li near, buy it ." When you decide on t he 2-K, you can choose with
co nf idence - co nfiden ce in the compa ny th at design ed and produ ced it. Confidence
that ten years from now the 2 -K will st ill be con sidered the cl assic in its field.
Pi-L outp ut circuit > Cathode-Pi input · Double rugged band change switch · Step-start relay system >Ultra heavy
d uty power su pply with resonant inpu t fi ller choke and 5000 volt oil-filter condenser > Two supe rbly Iinear 3-400
Z zero bias triodes > H igh efficiency silver plated tank coil · All aluminum cabinet .. . only 29¥z" high.

PAID IN 90 DAYS· GOOD RECONDITIONED APPARATUS · Nearl y all ma kes & madels.
15 day trial. 90 da y Wa rranty. 90 day trade back on NEW appor atus. Write f or bulle ti n.
Butler 1, Missouri 8 16 679·3 127
11240 W. Olympic, Los Angeles, Calif. 213 477·6701
931 N. EuClid, Anaheim, Calif. 714 772 ·9200
431 E. Green St., Pasadena, Calif. 213 684·0861
6116 N. 27t h.Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. 602 AM 4·389 5

" W orld s Largest Distributors of Short Wove Receiv ers"

A PRIL 1966 4S
A Short Look at
Current Propagat ion
D ear Paul : the sun spot cycl e. By grap hical tec hn iq ues we
Your re cen t lett er mentions th at some new- convert the "zero di stance" frequency to an
comers wou ld like to know more about our "any dist an ce" fre qu ency. I might menti on
p rop agation cha rts and you also ask for a pre- here th at it is a pretty tedi ous job .
view on cond itions for 1966 and the next few Sunlight and darkn ess control th e critical
years. I will answer both questi ons in the fol- freq uency. It is "usually" high est aro und noo n
lowing two part d iscussion de aling with the and lowest just before sunrise at any given
pr op agat ion charts first. point ove r th e earth's surface.
The ba sic d ata for the propagation charts When ma king freq uency p redictions we
comes from nu merous ionospheri c sound ing mus t first d et ermine th ose poin ts over th e
stati ons sca tt ered th roughout th e wo rld. These earth's sur fac e whe re the radio signa l makes
sounding stations arc m anaged by va rio us gov - its first and las t con tact with the iono sphere
ernments, uni versities, and other r esear ch for an y given circuit. T hese points in space
uni ts. Our own Bu reau of Standards p lays a are kn own as "co ntrol p oints." On a circuit
conside rable part in the p rogram. 3600 to 4000 km long there is aile control
Most of th ese stations measure th e h igh est po int for opera tion on the F2 layer of the
frequen cy th at the ionosphere will return from ionosphere. Also only one for shor te r circu its.
a poin t d irectl y overhead. They call this th e Circ uits longer th an 4000 km operate on two
"critical fr equency" at "zero d ista nce:' The control points -these ar e th e D X circuits and
m easurements are made on a 24 hour per day the cont rol points " are about 2000 km from
basis and have been in progress for many each -end of the circui t. A really long haul DX
yea rs. \ Vith th is ba sic info rm ation , which in- sig nal will be reflect ed b y the ionosphere sev-
cid en tally also measures th e heigh t of the iono - eral tim es, perfo rming a series of hop s over
sphere, it is po ssib le to construct a world -wid e th e earth's surface . when tbg, signal contacts
map of ionospheri c "cr itica l frequenci es" ver- a contro l point it m ake s up its min d then an d
sus tim e of day, m onth of yea r, and yea r of there if it is going to go any further or not .
H the frequency is too hig h for the control
p oint, the si gnal wiII pass through the iono- _
sphere and -be lost in space. If it is too low
it w ill be abso rbed .
The control p oint d ema nd ing the lowest
frequenc y in th e chain of hops is the bo ss.
Frequency-propagation ch art s ar e constru cted
with th is in m ind. The signal will usually be
best when there is only a moderate d ifference
between the two con tro l po int fre q uen cies.
W hen one con trol point d eman ds 8 me and

John II . Nelso-n is a well knorcn IfF Propaga-

tion Anahfst for RCA Communications. Among-
his articles are "Sunspots and Radio \V eath er '
in the [nn e 1948 RCA Rl.--'View and "O bserv ed
Diurnal Variatiolls in Freq uencies and Signal
Qllalifie,v" in the December 1954 RCA Review .
lie scrites the month ly propagation column
ill 7.3.

46 73 MAGAZ IN E
th e other deman ds 3:3 m e the circuit will he
p oor. Th is is b ecaus e th e am at eur has to use
7 m e and as his signal approaches the 33 me
area it becomes abso rbe d b y sunlight.
T his latt er situation prevails at certain li lli e',\'
of the da y on suc h D X circuits as Eas tern
U.S .A. to Jap an , Philippi nes, India and Aus-
tralia . It also p revails on Western U.S.A.
circuits to Eu rope, Iud iu and Afri ca . Anot her
facto r th at might be mentioned is th at the
longer the circuit ( in the north ern hemi-
sph ere) , the closer the signal will pa ss to the
Nort h Pole. H ere th e signal must p ass thro ugh
th e au rora l zone. T his is bad because of severe
abso rp tion.
Th e hou rs of the day d uring which th e
sign a l will suffe r significant absorption is in-
(Heated on my cha rts w ith a symbol.
Now for the sec ond p art of your qu estion.
'.. ' .4 · ::::'
...•~ .-_
- ~ -r ...'

The new sunspo t cycle be gan to show a sig-

nificant increase in sun spo t n umb ers in Sep - " I de nt suppose yau kn aw a ny th ing a bout wha t
tember 196,5 but it is increasing qu ite slowly. happened to my coil stock."
T he low pa rt of thi s cycle has lasted mu ch
longer th an the low of 19,54 and 1955 and is
inereasin g more slowly. T his indicat es a stro ng during the rising portion of th e sunspo t cycle
p robability that the forth coming cycl e will he develop great sola r flares. Th e Hares p rod uce
of onl y moderat e int ensity. such int ense ult ra-violet radiation that our at -
On e of the stra nge features of th e present mosp here becomes so str ongly ionized that it
sunspot situation and th e cur rent frequency absorbs all HF signa ls, resulting in a comp lete
behavior pattern is th at in sp ite of the slow absorp tion blackout. This happ ens only during
increase in sunspo t numbers there has be en a daylight and usually lasts around half an hou r.
disp roportio na te rise in useful frequencie s dur- To expe rience one of th ese bla ckout s is dra -
ing day time hours. H owev er, no important matic to say the least. Signa ls chan ge from
change has occurred in night tim e freq uencies perfect to ab solut ely nothing in two or three
when compa red to th e p ast two wi nte rs. T his seconds.
is quite pu zzling. There wiII be cases of night ttme blackouts
So far, the pr esent sunspot cycle ha s p ro- du rin g which DX signals will be useless for
duc ed only on e really large sunspot. This spo t two or three consecutive night s wh ilst during
cro ssed the sun d uring th e first ten da ys of da ylight hour s the signa ls will be very good
Sep tember. It did not do much damage to from sunrise "to - sunset. Thi s w ill not happen
radio signa ls but did p rodu ce numerous solar very often however. In general we are goin g
flares. Today, December 5 th , 1965 , using a six to find tha t D X signals wiII be much bett er
inch tele scope, I can find onl y one tiny spot th an they ha ve been for the p ast three year s.
on th e sun . Th e tendency will be towa rd s more severe
Th e numbe r of sunsp ots will increase distu rbances b ur of short durati on.
th roughout 1966, 67, 68 bringing with th em I have studie d sunspo ts and their effect s on
an increase in critica l frequencies. Th e ultra HF radio for 20 years and have observed
violet ligh t radi at ed b y sun sp ots creates a thousands of spots th rou gh a six inch tele-
mor e den se ionosphere wh ich , of course, ha s scope. I t is a ver y complex research p rogram .
a high er critical freq uency . D X fans will bene- Th e references in this letter rega rding ultra-
fit b v this but it is doubtful if the ph en omenal violet are no t based on m y own work. Th e
resul ts of the last sunspo t cycle will he d upli- astronomers tell us that it is UV tha t prod uces
cated. the ionosph eric effects th at I me nt ion, th e
DX condition s will gen era lly improve theo ry hein g that UV ha s strong ioni zing en-
throughout thi s forthcoming rise, but it might pabi lities.
be well to app rise th e new-comers that the y With best regards to yourself and Wa yne.
are going to com e upon some strange situa- I 'll close now, with th e sincere wish for an
tions durin g the next few years. ahunda nce of UV for your DX fans.
Quite a num ber of th e fast growing sunsp ots John Nelson

~ .


Ja mes Ashe W2DX H

R.D. l
Freevi lle, N.Y. 13 0 6 8

... ..,..
, . -'

" , l ._ ,t. ., " .

; ,:;.';-
;~,:::~;~' ':~\'';:'~:~r~~:S'~ ~~;
Here's a new look at an excellent old
idea. No experimenter should have to
work without Diddleboxes.

Sometimes my circuit s don't work q uite peggios on a megohm sca le, the circuit will
right and I have to try fitting in differen t com- never noti ce my vi rtuosit y~_..a.no t he r point is
ponents to remed y th e sit uation. Pots and that a simple 'rotary switch with twelve re-
variabl e cap acitors will do, - but fixed comp o- sistors will have far less p arasitic ind uctance
nen ts seem to be bett er suited for these tests. and capacita nce than the extensive system in
For instance, it' s q uite ea sy to bum up a two a de cade box. Sounds like a good th ing, and
wa tt pot because at ten percent of ro ta tion that is t he way it has worked out.
its power rating is down by ninety percent ! There was some difficulty in finding good
And the th ing always has to be measured to 12-position switches. But I found two sup -
complete t he test. pli ers who could provid e satisfac tory single
D ecade substitutio n boxes go right ba ck to pole 12-position switches: CTS and Mallory.
ancie nt h istory. I've seen them in ver y old Th e CTS switches come in a very convenient
catalogs. Th ey're wonderful things. You can bu ild-it-yourself style and I ha ve' found the m
jump fro m one ohm to one megohm at th e useful for many applicati ons besides diddle
flick of a switch , and it's the easiest thi ng to boxes. It migh t be nice someday to build from
tack on or trim off a few ohms by turning one 16-pol e switches, becau se the n each de cade
or two knob s. could overlap the ad jacent ones. This has not
But I reasoned that, since I'm going t o proved to be much of a han dic ap .
choos e the nea rest resistor, why not start out The th ree pho tog raphs show nea rly the en-
that way? Th ere is no need to play ohmic ar- ti re story of building diddleb oxes. Note that
the w ires are kept as short as p ossible, an d
W 2DXll is a self-employed technical writer tha t the capacitors have a shorted ring in com-
interested in design and construction, !noon- mon. Thi s red uces parasitic indu ctance and
bounce and space communications. A number capacitance,
of his articles have recently appeared in 73 The leads go out throug h q uarter inch
and more ore upcoming. gromme ts. I have been most satisfied with

At t he left a re two
Diddl e boxe s opened up
to s how their cons t ruc-
ti on . To the right is th e
Diddlebox cove ring 10
k to 82 k in use on a
brea dboarded circuit. At
the bottom of the page
are a ll t he por ts fo r a
Diddle box except the
wire for t he leads.

Muel ler # 34 .\Iicrngator clips. wit h a tiny d eter gen t and a cotton rag to ge t off all th e
plast ic cover. I trim the last eighth inch off grease, rin se without touching , and let d ry
th e cove r so the jaws are clear. A tentative in a warm p lace. Th e clean sur face takes ink
idea of puttin g p ho ne tip or b an an a jacks ill as well as p ap er does, although it ha s a ver y
the boxe s for test lead att ac h me n t h as never different feel under th e p en . Untou ch ed ,
b een carr ied ou t. Ires hl v enameled surfaces do not seem to re-
I h ave b een ve ry succes sf ul ill mar king qu ire ·th is trea tm en t.' Aft er letter ing , some na il
painted or un p ainted p an els w ith India ink. po lish or a coat of good , cle ar ename l m akes
The sec re t is to scrub thorou ghl y with strong things permanent.


.. ,
-"A t1

APRil 1966 49
~ l y b oxes conta in 10% comp onen ts, selec ted

for on -the -nose accuracy b y a gOGU imp ed an ce
bridge. They're all we ll w ithin 1%. If you
do n' t ha ve a b ridge, 5 % and 1'1 comp on ents

are availab le h om surplus so urces . It' s worth
some time an d expe nse making sure they're
light, b ecause you will be using th em for
years . A key p oint is don' t roast th em . Use a
OUR SPEC IA LT Y .. • Yo ur No.1 sou rce tra nsistor he at sink if you mu st , and work
\" for sta ndard an d specia l a pplicari on units . / rap id ly. You 'll come ou t way ah ead in th e lon g
There are two basic kinds of switches.
DK60 SERIES Shor tin g switch es make b efore break , non-
shorting sw itch es make after break. Ea ch h as
COAXIAL RELAYS its place in cert ain types of circuits. F or in-
stance, shorting sw itches arc preferr ed for se -
$ 12.45 lett in g meter sh un ts, b eca use the shun ting
resistan ce will d rop way d own bet ween
ranges. If you used a nonshorting switch for
th is job , yon migh t find you rself p inning th e
A OPOT SWI TCH need le b et we en p ositions.
fo, SWITC HIN C 2 From a diddleb ox tes ting vi ewp oint, ci r-
COAXIAL LIN ES cuits fall int o tw o ge neral class es: those whi ch
give pro bl ems and those which d on't . The
from $1 9.00 u . ones wh ich don 't are low-freq uency an d p ulse
circu its in genera l. They d on 't ca re if one or
two compon ents h ave rem arkab ly lon g leads
d uring testing. Th ere is litt le d an ger of feed-
A OPOT SW ITCH h ack th rowing th ese circu its into oscillation ,
I N TER NA LLY CON. Th e subs titution tes t p rocedure is p eacefu l and
eas v. Thi s is th e way I like Itl
Hi /!;h frequen cy a~l d sh or t risetim c cir cuits
are h arder to w ork with , I beli eve the re is no
sub stitu te for a go od unders tanding of how
DK77 SERIES th e ci rcuit works. Th en vo u can tell wh at it' s
likel y to d o when you put tba lon g lead s ill .
50 ohm SPOT T wo su ggestions th at IHlVe worked for me are:
COAXIAL RELAYS pu t som ethin rr in series wi th th e di dd leb ox,
such as an RF choke or a sma ll resistor. or
revise th e- circu it so it is less affecte d by th e
loris lead s.
DK7 2 SERIES O ver th e n~ "t fpw years I 've accumulat ed a
number of diddlel)()x ~s . Not all .of th em are
REMon SW ITCH INC of r.f. th e sin gle-d ecad e t \,I)O I'v e d escr ib ed h ere .
SOURCES One h as -a -supplv of bvoass cap aci to rs. An-
wrru UHF COS NECTORS $ 2 2 .9 5 u .
oth - r rmite larue b ox h old s some electrr-lvtics.
\ Io<;t of th e resisto r and some of th e ca pa citor
b oxes are in p -rirs. Certain sym me trica l cir-
-ut:s. su ch as bi stnbles. require this.
DK78 SERIES Xlv exp-ncnce wit h di ddleboxes has b een
N EW M A N UA L COAXIAL v-rv Irvora b'c . T ha ven 't lost one ye t! I thi nk
(N ot Wafe r Switcbes) thi , i'i b ecause of ..1 cer tain p olicy of working
ou t wh at ou ght to happ en before doing a test.
Ava ila b le: IP2 T. SP<l'I". IP 6T
and r,.,..,o"". swi trh _ T try to set it all up so only a few secon ds arc
fro m $t 2 .75 ea , req uired to rre- t the answ er.
.. " .. i h. bl ~ a t yu u r d i.t r ib utur o r w r it'" At th ree to (I, .p dollar s p er bo x. I b elieve
DOW-KEY CO.- a $f'( is as goo d and as 1Ias1(, an investm en t :I S
a VTV~ 1.
Thief River Fall s , Minn e sota
_ W 2DX lI

Wayne Pierce K3 SUK 0
Ham Word Play


RADIo ---
_.. hal


capaci~ l<?J ~


A PRIL 1966 51

Avai lab le in t he following freque ncies from st ock :

Mode l Inp ut me Ou t p ut me
3 01 -D 144 -1 48 50 -54
3 01 -EI 14 4- 145 .6- 1.6
301 -E2 145-14 6 .6- 1.6
2M 301 -F 14 4-1 46 28 -30
30 1-0 144-148 14- 18
30 1-R 144 -148 7-11
301-5 14 3.5- I 48 .5 30-3 5
301-B I
301 -B2
5 0 -5 1 .6 -1 .6 ANY CONVERTE R
$15 .9 5 ppd .
5 1-52 .6-1.6
exc ep t 301-X, $18.95 ppd.
6M 3 0 1-C I
30 1-C2
5 0 -5 4
50 -5 4
7 - 11
14-1 8 T he mode l 30 1 uses 3 of t he very latest type epi-
30 1-J 50-52 28-30 taxia l pla nar UHF t ra nsisto rs for uns urpa ssed goin
a nd low noise a t a ll Ireq ucen cie s. It ca n ope ra te
2 0M 30 1-G 13.6 - 14.6 .6 -1.6 from 6 to 14 volts ( posit ive or nega ti ve ground )
3 0 1-A I 2 6.5-2 7.5 wit hout a ny significa nt cha nge in goi n or frequen cy.
.6-1.6 The ci rcuit consists of 0 t uned R.F. a mplif ier, crys-
301-A2 2 6.8-2 7 _3 3. 5 -4. 0 tal controlled oscilla tor a nd a low noise mixer. More
4 0M 30 1- K 7- 8 than 30 high qua lity po rts ca refully c ssembled an d
.6 - 1.6 test ed . Sensit ivity is better t han h micro-volt for a
CH U 30 1-L 3.35 1.0 6 db sig na l to noise ra tio even at 160 me.
WWv 30 1-H 5 .0 1.0
• Enclosed in a st urdy 16 gaug e, 3J1a " x 2-%" x
lnt 'L 3 01 -1 9-1 0 .6-1.6 1h " a luminum case with mounti ng ea rs, tr an s-
Ma rine .6 - 1.6 fer switch a nd. two 50 -239 (l::IHF) rec ept acles.
301 -M 2 -3
3 01 -N I 11 8- 119 .6- 1.6 • 100 % ma de in the U.S.A.
301 -N2 119 -120 .6-1. 6
Ai rc ra f t 30 1-N3 120 - 12 1 .6- 1.6 • 2 yea r 'guarantee on a ll ports including t ra nsis-
3 0 1-N4 12 1-1 2 2 .6- 1.6 tors!
30 1-NS 122- 12 3 .6- 1.6
• Free 24 hr. SPECIAL DELI VERY an ywhere in
Fire , 301 -P I 154 - 15 5 .6- 1.6 th e U.S.A. if you send a money order or cashiers
Police 30 1-P2 15 5-1 5 6 .6 -1. 6 check.
etc. {
30 1- P3 154- 15 8 7-1 I
Wea the r
! 30 1-W I
162.5 5
16 2.55
10.7 9 volt batt ery eliminator wit h 110 volt cord.
Only $2_95.
CU STOM 30 I -X Ye u r choice of a nyone in- R.F. cab le a da pters in 6", 12" or 18" lengt hs
MADE p ut a nd output frequ ency be twee n wit h PL-259 plu g on one end (motes wit h co n-
.6 a nd 163 me . verte r). Oth er end your ch oice of Mot orola
mal e or fema le, RCA, aNC or Pl-259. Price
(4 -6 wee ks de livery on cu sto m co nver ter s) $ 1.00 eo. ca ble with 2 plugs.
For prompt shipment p lease incl ud e posta l mon e y orde r or cashier's c hec k. CO D's m ust include 20 % de ~
pos it . New York C ity residents a dd 5 % sales tcx. Ne w York Sta te res ide nt s a d d 2 % sales ta x . Include
sufficient postage for all ite ms except converters which ore pos tpaid.

Dep t . H

VANGUARD LABS 196-23 J a m a ica Ave .

Hollis, N.Y. 11 423

$2 5 995 SHIPPI NG


TV CAMERA World's most effici ent camera. Mode in U.S.A.


• Measu res only 2%," x 4" x 7" (excl uding lens and connectors).
• Weighs only 3 Y2 Ibs.
• Advanced circuitry utilizing 35 semi-conductors most of which are silicon .
• Resolut ion guaranteed to excee d best capabilities of sta nda rd 525 line TV re-
cei vers.
• Field -eff ect input circ uit provides noise-free vide o. This is a VANGUARD exclu-
sive. <,

• RF output 30,000 microvolts adjustable for channels 2-6.

• Vide o output 1.5 V pop compos ite with standard negative sync .
• Viewabl e pict ures obtainable from as low as 1 ft. candle of iIIumination..to bright
sunlig ht . "
• Vidicon controlled automatic light compensation eliminates electric eye and
provides e rro r-fre e compensation for light level ch'!.nges of up to 120 to 1.
• New VANGUARD " HI-FI" vidicon e na bles use of an y 8 mm movie lens instead
of 16 mm len s req uired by ot her TV cameras .
• Electronically reg ula ted power suppl y and thermally compensated circuits "elimi-
nate change in picture quality whe n line voltage and temperature fluctuate .
• All parts guaranteed for 1 yea r (exce pt for open fila me nt on vidicon or break-

COMING SOON: Video tape recorders (available first to owners

of the Vanguard 501 camera). Record home movies on tape
with the 50 1 and replay anytime through your TV set.
Building you own TV camera ? Send 10. for our new catalog descr ibing our complete
line of sub-assemb lies a nd pa rt s incorporati ng th e la test ad vances in technolog y.

196-~3 Jamaica Ave.

VANGUARD LABS Hollis, N.Y. 11423

APRIL 1966 53
Henr y C ross W 100P
1 1 1 Birds Hill Avenue
Nee dha m, Ma ss. 0 2 19 2

Modernizing a 432 me Converter

Bring YO W ' old conl'e>'ter llsing Phi/co
MADT's UlJ to dat e at low cost,

Back in the old da ys ( Decemb er, 1960 ) p retty casy to kill a VH F tran sistor . If it
whe n Philco was in th e transistor b usiness and didn' t short out, it still migh t de teriorate in
no t making For ds, Ph ilco Application Lab p erform ance due to an overdose of rf. I think
Rep ort 684 . tit led "R F Amplifier and F re- techniques in coax switc hing h ave improved
q uency Mu ltip lier Perform ance of the 2N1 742 in the last few years amo ng hams, b ut there
VHF 1IADT T ransistor at 420 Megacycles" are still shacks where the receiver takes a
was writt en by J. Specialn y, Jr. A later version beatin g eve ry time th e transmitt er is put on.
of th at w as rep rinte d in an ea rly issue of 7 3 I have shown a silicon diode limit er on the
(with the circuit diag ram in the following input. of the moderni zed converter for this
issue ) , and ma ny of these conve rters arc ill reason . If the right diod e is used, there is n o
use or on shelves in ham sta tions. loss in p erformance from th is. .Man y of th e
One reason for their being on shelv es is th at earl y vara ctors ar e suitable. The eas iest way
the 2K 1742 had a relatively low gain, and a to spo t them is to measure....l:he breakdow~
noise figu re of 9 or 10 db at 432 me. The voltage at about 1 maoDi odes having a break-
T 2028 was an imp rovement, and th e 2 ~ 2 39 8 down below 10 v which are sold as mic ro-
hetter still, but they are not on par with th e wave vara.. c. tors are p robabl y suitable, but those
more mod ern pnp me sa transistors available havin g breakdown voltages higher are likely to .
fro m Tl and Motorola. Th e T I -X~ I0 5 and T1- be more lossv at zero b ias. In anv event, a
X ~ 1 0 6 are particularly good. and th e price is serious VH F -ha m shoul d be abl e to chec k his
right. If you bu y ten dollars worth, the receiver pe rformance or noise flgnre, and de -
chances are you'll get a dozen which are capa- tect eith er... .gra d ual deterioration or catas-
ble of under 4 d b noise figure at 432 me, and tr oph e . T he same kind of check will show
the res t will be pretty good , too. whether hookin g the diod e up mak es things
Another reason for shelf service is tha t it is apprecia bly worse. I n my case, no difference
could be measured.
UTIOOP is uiell knou..:n for his ham activit ies The first RF stage was changed from
(build ing m odern equipment that wo rks, 432 grounded -base to ground ed emitter. At UH F
me. VHF contests} and uniting. Few ham au- the ground ed-base conn ect ion is regenerative,
thors are more com pet ent , clear or clever, and and with the higher gain of the newer tran-
I cry iches» I see his articles in QST. Hes a sistors, sta bility is a prob lem . 1 set the first
design eJlgineer at JIicrOll.'ove Associates and sta ge up grounded -emitter because it is more
he claims th at lie and. his six hams tcork on stable ( even without ne utralization ) an d be-
test eq uipm ent. T est equipment. Hank stvdied cau se th ere is a sligh tly lower noise figur e, ill
G reek (amo ng other tlting s) at the Roxbllry theory . T he second stage was left un ch anged
Latin School before he got his class A license (1 used a TI-40 0 for tha t, which is not as
in 1944, u:hich probably explains something. 1. 73. M a r ch and A p r il 1961.

..... ~ ~ _~EO_T!EE ~ .!S_~.P _~_~_L ~

J T1JRfII~ NO. le WOUNO ORIGIrtAL U RF . ",P ORG'W.. t. e :

TAP HAl,.F-WAY RF AMF' ) n- eoo ) " WIXER (O tANGED FROM IOpf )
I (_~, T I-Xl,40 5 ••:
2N2 ,~::: /-:;;,, , ,. - , . - , 2N17"'J
\. ARCO -40 2 ,. 001 :
I. F.
f!)--to-+'-::H~H f+~H


, ~,

I "70 pf,l' ~ ,l330pf .. KEEP Tl€SE l£AD S SlotORT.

IL ERlE 6!)4-orr,CENTRALAB za- oa :


Fig. 1. 432 me co nve rte r. Thi s is a mode rn versi on of th e 4 3 2 me conve rter desc ribed in th e March
a nd Apr il 196 1 7 3 ' s. Whil e the only c hanges ore in th e rf a m pl ifie rs, th e rest of th e circuit is included
so tha t you con ma ke th e conve rte r wit hout referr ing to those ea rly issues.

"ho t" as th e X~I0 6 that I used in the first a hole in th e ch assis, with abo u t a sixte enth
HF ) . When a TI ·400 was also in th e first HF of an inch of free lead. T he button byp ass
the noise figure wa s a little bit worse th an sh ould be about a thousand pf.
with the X~1 06. The main point is to keep Wh en I tr y to use a lower capacitanc e by-
the grounded elect rode lend sha rf. D on't use pass the stag e goes in to some sort of I-IF para-
a socket. ANY length is und esirable. Th e first sitic oscilla tio n. Th e emitte r retu rn ra n ou tsid e
stage em itter was ru n to the tab of a mit-a th e chassis a wa ys; th en cam e -beck in to go
button Ieed th rough which was soldered in to to the pot in th e bias circuit. It see ms that

Ph tlco conv e rte r as mod i-

fied. Input is a t right wit h
p rotec t ive diode ac ross
the first coil. T he tran-
s istor is just visib le to th e
left of the fi rst shie ld .
It' s a sma ll p lastic half
sp he re .

APRil 1966
Top vie w of the front e nd of the con verter show-
ing th e e mit te r re turn from the first rf ampl ifier.

for any tr an sistor type the re is a best curren t

to run at, and it may vary b y two to one
amon g transistors of a given typ e, thus th e
ad justm ent. Tu rn po t for be st signal-to-noise
ratio; the inp ut tunin g an d th e Area tr imm er
are also adj usted for best N F or best s/ n on
a weak signal; g rab the align ing tool and have
a ball.
The \ V3IIIX converter sh own in th e pi c-
tures belongs to WIYWQ. It is set up for 5.6
me if and th e noise figure measu res about 4
db . The image ratio is 21 db, so there is un der
on e per cent im ag e no ise power con tribu tion ,
• Technical Sessions not eno ugh to matter. I wo u ld advise 14 m e if
for easy tuneup in 432 converters, but this one
• Exhibits wo rks ve ry we ll. .
Th e diode I used was an l1A-450C . These
• Awards are no longer mad e. The modern type would
• Forums - VHF, OX, SSB, RTTY, pr obably be an MA432lB (wire lead ) but if
you tried..to b uy on ly one you might de cid e
Antennas, Army MARS that th e m oney wo uld be just as well spen t on .
a good coax relay. I use two in cascade in th e
• Women's Act iv ities receiver line. and get less signal with the re-
• Homebrew Contest lays in th e transmit position than wi th the
pa tch ca}Jlli .di sconn ect ed and the end con-
• Hidden Transm itter Hunt n ector exposed .
. . . W lOOP
• Flea Market
Coil a n d P a rt s D a ta
Ll and L2 a re on d ia gram.
FCC EXAM: 0 900 Saturday, April 16. Gen- L3. t he co il m ar k e d "resonate at if " in the emitter of
the mixer, Is 14 turns ,# 28 on ~'4'" iron slug fo nn.
e ral Cla ss only. U , m arked " resonate a t signa l frequency" is about
one tum # 22 3/16'" di ameter.
LS . 18 turns # 28 closewound on %'" fonn w it h iron
For i nfo rm o tio n, mop, o ccommodotions , writ. : slug.
DllIyton HomyenUon, Departm ent M, Bo x 44, L6. 3 tum li n k on 1.5.
L7 . 10 tu rns #20 ti n n e d copper %'" In, %'" lon g .
Dayton, O hio 4.5401 LB. 3 turns ;;:20 t in ned co pper %'" In.
L9. 5 t u rns # 18 tin ned co pper ~4 '" In. %,'" lon g . Tap
at 1 %" turns from grou n d.
LI0 Is on di a gra m .
C8 a n d C9 are 1_18 p f p ist on t r immers.
CIO and Cll are .5- 8 pf p iston t ri m m er s.

SWAN is nBig DXer's" Choice! Sho wn to the le ft is "Butch" Greve. W9EWC (Ea t Wis-
c o ns in Ch e ese ), operating his new SWAN 400 mobile
rig . Butch , who started operating in 1925, has con-
firm ed hundreds of countries and holds many DX Con-
test Certificates. The W9EWC home station is located
a t # 1 Cheddar lane. Hilbert, Wisconsin. When Butch
is not Hamming, he is busy manufacturin g the famous
Wispride Cheese .

TERRY SEZ . '. .

If you are int e re s t e d in any new
gear . do as Butch did and get
Amateur Electronic Supply' s
t errific deal. Not only can we
give you a top trade-in allow-
ance for your good used g ear ;
but . if you use our Sta y-on-the-
Air Plan . y ou can kee p your
trade-in. unt il your ne w ge a r
arr ives . You will never miss a
s ing le QSO! Get our trade deal
Terry Sterm an t od a y ! - use handy coupon
W9DIA below - you a re und er no obli-
P roprie tor gation .
350 Transceiver . • • ••• • •••• •••••• •• 1..14 .08) $395 .00
400 Transceiver • • • •• • •. •• • ••••• • •• .(14.08) 395.00
Mark I Linear - less tubes .• • • •. . • •• 1.. 15 . (6 ) 425.00
Two 3-400Z tub es for above ••• •••. ..• 12.27 ) 68 .00
405 MARS oscillator,S fix ed c ha n ne ls . 11.44) 45.00 USE O R ENCLO SE THIS COUPON WITH
406 Phone Band VFO. ••• •• • •... •. ... 12 .52 ) 75 .00 ANY ORDER AND . . WE ·LL SHIP . _ • •
410 Full Co verage VFQ , • • •• •••• •• •• ~ i3 .25} 95.00
22 Dual VFO Ada ptor . •• •.• ••... •... •.
II7XC Il7v . AC Suppl y w/cab . & s pkr . n .88 )
14-117 lZv. DC Supply w/cabl e • • • . ••• .(4.1 5)
VX-I Plug-in VOX for 350 & 400 .. •.• ••
SSB-2 Sel ecta ble Sideband Kit for 350 • •
25 .00
120. 00
IOOke Calibrator Kit for 3 5 0 • .• ••• • • •• • 19.50
Delu xe Mobile Mounting Kit. • . . ,_• . . . . . .
10 Meter Fu ll Co verage Kit (e arl y 350'5 )
19 .50
15 .00 ••••••••• • ••••••••
RC-2 Trun k Remote Control Uni t • • . . .•• 25.00 • To: AMATEUR ELECTRONIC SUPPLY.
45 Swantenna - Manual • .• ••• • _• ••• •• J.2. 16) 65.00 • 4828 West Fond du Lac Avenue •
5S Swantenna - Remote Contr ol. .(3. 2 5 ) 95.00
230XC DOv . AC Supply w/cab. & s pkr , D .25 ) 95.00 • Milwaukee. Wisconsin 53216-7 •

•• ••
14 -2 30 I2v . DC Supply w/230v . Basic • .(4 .5 1) 130.00 • I ain interested in the foll owing new equipment:
117- X Basi c I 17v. AC Su ppl y only • • . • .(1 . 16 ) 65 .00

2 3 0-X Basic DOv . AC Supp ly only . . •. •( 1.52 ) 75 .00
14 -X 12v . DC Module w/cab le . .• •••.. .( 1.80) 55 .00

Cabinet & Speaker w/AC line cord .• •. • • 20 .00 • I have the followirtg ·lo trade: (what's your dea l?) . '
1 17v. or 230v . line cord . .. • •• • •... _•. . 5 .00
8 fo ot powe r s u pp ly cable • .•• • • • • . • • . • 3 .00
• Sh ip me PR EPAID(your expense) the following items:

The payments shown above are for a as-month time-payment
plan with $5.00 down . The minimum tota l order that may be
financed for 12 months is S60.00; for 24 months - SI20.00;
for 36 months - $180.00. NOW! Our t ime-payment plan offers
a IDS-d ay pay-off option! • I enc lose S

I wiII pay ba lance (if any) •


• D COD D 1year D 2years D 3 years

• Name

• Address

• City
• ••

4828 West Fond du Lac Avenue • Slate Zi p . ·
Milwaukee, W isconsin 5 3216 ~7 • D Send Reconditioned Equipment Bulletin ••
Phone (414) 442 -4200 ••••••••••••••••••

Neil Joh nson W20LU

7 4 Pine T ree Lone
Tappen, N.Y .

Power Control Through

Magnetic Beaming
In a recent article in the Cathod e Press, to ama te u r ra dio , I beg an experim entation
mem bers of the staff of M nchlet t Lab ora tories with a re ceiving typ e tube and a p ermanent
have discu ssed a magnetically be am ed, super magnet . The vacu um tube was a ty pe 6CL6,
po wer tu be. Brie fly, the somewha t random connected as a hi gh-mu tri od e; th e m agnet
and irr egul ar m ove men ts of the elec trons in utilized was a Lafayett e «p owe r magn et" th eir
their pa ssage from cathode to an ode have st ock n umber 14R3 30 2 . T h e circuit u tilized
b een r egimen ted-elect ronk ally speaking- and was as shown in Fig. 1. F or some inexp licab le
wit h their passage thru the grid ba rri er thus reaso n, ou r magnetic " be aming" d id not see m
exp ed ited , th e resu ltant h as tw o ve ry b en efi- to sp eed lip the electron flow ; but it wa s pos-
cia l facto rs : lower driving power than usua l srb'e to d ecrease the flow of electrons by tre-
for triodes, and higher plat e efficien cy than mend ous ratios. The failure to obtain the
would otherwise be expected. The magne tic exp ec ted p osit ive results might lie in the fact
"assistance" to the electron How also ca uses f lat mo st re ceivin g tub es are ma de wi th mag-
more of th e ca thode em ission to mig ra te to netic m ate rials in , th -tr an ode structu res; or it
th e p late ; and th ose elec tron s so diver ted will might possib ly b e that the grids in th e tub e
result in less heating of the control grid stru c- und er tes t were quit e closely sp aced. W hereas
ture . T he for egoin g is a somewha t b rief and the grid wires in th e p ower tube under origi-
ungu arded ana lysis of the orig inal stor y. Ha l di scu ssion were relatively wid e ap ar t in
Always eager to ap p ly new de velop men ts the ir spacing .
In our first experime ntal setup, th e m agn et
sat atop the tube, wit h the glass tip of the
6C L6 projecting thru a ho le in th e ce nt ra l to p
of th e magn et. By simply rotating th e magnet,
our previous "normal" pl ate current of 10 .
milliamperes was reduced to a low current of
30 m icro -amperes, for a ratio. of 330 to 1. See
Fig. 2 sket ch ,
Ou r n ext atte mpt at controlling th e m ag -
ne tic flux- \WIS to insert the Be L6 tube inside
the cu rved pa rt of th e magne t . T he soft iron
ba r, or "keeper" was kep t separate d 3/16"
from th e pole p ieces of the magnet prop er by
spacing with T eflon b locks . W e b egan th is
experiment with a "norm" of 9 rna of plate
current-e-i.e., with no magnet. Thro ugh rotat-
ing th e tube an d b y slid ing it back and forth
insid e of th e m agnetic field, it was p ossible to
reduce pl ate cu rrent to 2 m icro -amper es, u s-
in g «magnetic cut-off." This gave us a cont rol
ratio of 4500: 1. See F ig. 2.
Someh ow we ke p t obta ining the imp ression
that we were not quite "on the ball" in apply-
ing our theories, so the Teflon spacer blocks
(thru which the magn etic Hux had to pass to

'" 1M 4 0 0'1

=== 6CL6 1.5 t< +150 '1

~, .

Fig. 1. Circui t for ma gn etic cont rol expe rime nt .

circu late fro m pole pieces to the magneti c

keeper ) were increasd to 9/1 6 inch and wh ile
going th rou gh the sa me rout ine, the 9 ma NEW
nor mal current was d ecreased to ap pro xi- pa g e 115
mately 1 micr o-amp ere, for a ra tio of rou ghly N avem be r
10,000 to one. This exclus ive an d amazing system
StilI feeling somew hat fru stra ted , we hit possesses the un1qu e prop erty of
up on th e idea of leav ing off th e "kee pe r" and an even p e rfOl'ma nc e over all fr e ·
que nde s b etween ' .4·30 Me/s.
so th e magnet was employed witho ut any Every JOYSTICK System is supplied comp let e
auxiliary agent, other than th e va cu um lu be wit h feed e r a nd a n an tenna matching unit-
selected by you to suit your pers onal set-u p.
und er investig at ion. T his setup result ed in It is rea dy to go on th e ai r a nd gives an un-
precedented ' lif t' t o sig na l s t reng t hs es pecially
the 9 to 10 rna "norm" of pl ate cu rrent bein g for 'cl iff' an d 'cave' d well er~EVE N FROM
red uced to ~ micro-ampere. T his wo uld signify UNDERGROUND! Natu ra lly t he a dvan tag es of
using t he 'JOYSTICK' ' up-i n-tne - c1ea r' a re eve n
a control ra tio of approximat ely 20 ,000 to 1. g rea te r!
This was the result of careful pla cem ent of th e 4,000 licensed sta t ions e nd SWLS a ll over t he
world ha ve a lread y found th a t t his is th e f irst major
tube wit hin th e magnetic field , but i t wa s no brea k-t hrough for 20 yea rs in the fie ld of ae rials.
"freak» for the expe riment wa s read ily rep ro- The perf orma nce for such a compa ct unit is s tag-
ge ring. Even t he skeptics ha ve bee n convinced once
du cible . t hey have unders to od t he basic principles a nd ha ve
followed t he simple 'lo ad a nd dip' proced ure given
While our or iginal goal of in creased sensi- in the inst r uct ions.
tivit y wa s not reach ed , it is felt th at th e N EW JOYSTICK RAN GE
method outlined d oes hav e promise for cer- There is now a whole new - ra nge of Joyst ick Systems--mad e
to ma tch your QTH, your rig a nd your pocket! The SYSTEMS
tain am ateu r app licat ions. W ith a power ra tio cover TXjRX, SWt, indoor a nd out doors, mobile a nd evee a
new JOYMAST! Made only in the finest material s th e SYS-
in th e neighborhood of 43 d ecibel s, it is ev i- TEMS oro reli a ble a nd perma nent!
dent that we d o h ave q u ite a range of con trol
h ere. D esigning a suitable electro-magn et
shou ld not be too d ifficult a ma tter, and suc h
circuitry could be used for on-off powe r con-
trol (keying? ) - possibly for increm ental power
con trol. T his suggests, possibly, some form of
modulation. L ack of ti me at ho me, p lus a ZL4GA
heavy wo rk sch ed ule, h as kep t m e from pur- WOR KS GSWP
suin g th is id ea any furth er at th is time. R ather ON 80 METRES
tha n let th e idea di e, it is being passed along
INDOOR5--Zl4GA's JOYSTICK got him 569 on 3.5 mcs fr om
to th e frat ern ity for wh atever mod ifications, G5WP on 21st Fe brua ry, 1965 a t 0850 GMT. AICl n had worked
app licatio ns, add itions and results they mi gh t VE7BIY on 3.5 mcs a t 559 C1nd a lso logged S9 countri es on
14 m / cs by t haJ l1ofe, inclu ding l U1HBS an d 9M4LP. Test i_
obtain . Good hu nt in g! monials continue t o ·pour in- reod W 10E's fonto stlc result s!
. . . W20LU P,,' d dg, cpere te • dg ;',
GUARANTEE 1DO% Money Bac k Guara n-
tee if you' re not comp let ely
satisfied !


This tic ket will bring you th e new broch ures by return of
ma il!

~ --
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- --- - - - -- - ,I
Please send brochures and testimonials.
I Nam e Ca ll I
1 Address I
I City Sta te Zip Cod. I
Fig . 2 . Experi ment 1 gav e 10 ma "norma l" f low I I
I Part ridge Elec tro nics, Ltd., Depa rt ment 3 I
a nd 30 uc at " magnetic cut off ," l.e. , when mag- I PROSPECT RD., IIROADSTAIRS. KfNl . ENGLAND. . I
net ic fl ux cuts e lectro n bea m c t 90 deg rees .
~-- ----- - -- - - ---- - - -- - - - ------ -~
APRIL 1966
Henry Howe W7 BWB
E. 2807 38th Aven ue
Spokcne, Wash ington

Vertical Antenna Band

Changing Unit
In these days of the wa ning sunspots, in- connected to the other side of th is capacitor.
crea sed attention is be ing dir ected toward effi- Fi gs. I and 2 sho uld be very self-explana-
cient low angle vertical antennas for th e 80 tory but a few p oints should be kept in min d.
and 40 meter bands. One of th e mor e popular First , low volta ge DC relays should be used
ante nnas is the 40 to 45 foot radiator with an to minimize the possibility of volta ge br eak-
ap propriate tun ing net work at the base to en- down in the buried control cable. Only two
able ope ration on 80, 40 , an d 20 me ters. Such wires are necessary as the rela y coils are op-
an a n te nna was very ad equately de scribed in erate d against gr ound. It will be ne cessary to
th e Augu st '63 issue of 73. tie one or tw o wires of the antenna gro un d
\Vhile thi s typ e of antenna is convenient to system to th e hou se ground to insure a good
use from the standpoint of three b and opera- low resistance return for the relay coils. Two
tion in one antenna, it is verv inco nvenient to conductor # 14 house wirin g suita ble for direct
make th e trek to the base cf th e antenna to burial is excellent for th is purp ose, part icularly
change b ands, particularl y whe n the snow is on a long r un where voltage d rop migh t be-
knee de ep. Thi s is the situa tion which bro ught come a prob lem . T he rela y contacts should be
about this very simp le and inexpensive rem ote capable of hand ling at least 5 amps.
bandchan gin g setu p . The inte rcon nections be tw een relays, coil
F irst consideration wa s given to motor and anten na sho uld be kept as short as pos-
d rive n swit ches, but th ey we re ru led ou t d ue sible. Also, an antenna current me ter may be
to thei r tendency to get stiff d uring very cold inser ted at point ,"X".
weather. T his left relays as the only practi cal The pur pose of this article is only to de -
answer to dependable all weather op erati on . scribe a remote ban dch an ge-over unit and
Briefly the operation is as follows: When sho uld not be used to construct the who le
Kl and K2 are both de-en ergized th e coax antenna system itself. F or this, the reade r
from th e tran sm itter is connected to the 20 should refer to Brier's article on Vertical An-
meter tap on the coil. \Vhen only K1 is en- tennas in the August 1963 issue- of 73.
ergized, th e coax is connectod to the 8 0 met er Good luck and may you keep your feet
tap and th e ante nna is also chang ed to th e dry! . . . \v711WB
80 mete r tap on th e coil. Wh en both Kl and
K2 are en ergized, the coax is connec ted to on e Parts Lis t
side of the capacitor "C" and th e antenn a is K l, K2 -Low voltage D C rela ys w ith h i-curren t con-
TI-8u i tabl e v ol ta ge for above r el a ys; a p p rox 1 amp
DI- 100 p iv 2 amp silicon d iod es

w,J ,ox
SW I-2 pole 3 po si ti on r ota r y s w it ch
C2~5 00 p,f §O_vo l t El ectr oly ti c

60- 40 1 '"
jlJlL:.. ,
o $I-.:'~l

~w~ ,,,
I ~ : ,,,

'" ,,
ll ~ w ,
I&Tc eo o SI· 8 ~

C. ~
Fig. 1. Ch angeover uni t dia gra m.


Fig. 2. Powe r supp ly a nd con t rol.

60 73 MA GAZI NE
r;--:- - =_. ~

I ~,~ 350-12 DC PIS
$ 89
LSA-3 linear w AC P/ S 99

HX·20 exciter
RX-l Mohawk Receiver 139
SB-IO SSB Adapter
TX-I Apache
20-A $ 99 SX-lII 159
100-V 379 SX-1I7 249 Ranger $ 85
200-V 469 SX-140 59 Viking I 49
Viking 11 69

600-L linea r 169 HT-32 209
HT-32A 259 Va liant 129
HT-37 199 Valiant II 179
HT-40 59 Viking 500
Desk Kilowatt
HT41 linear 179
75A-4 399 SR -I50 All Band xcvr 339
75S-1 259 NATI ONAL
SR-160 tribander 219
• 75S-3 449 PS-150-AC 69 NCX-3 xcvr $239
_ 75S-3B 489 NCX-5 xcvr 499
32V-3 PS-ISO-DC 75
149 NCX-A AC PI S 75
5IJ-3/R-388 399 HQ -IOO $ 89 HRO-50 119
312B-4 125 HQ-IOOA 129 HRO-60 189
DRAKE HQ-II0 99 NC-88 49
HQ-129 79 NC-98 59
2-A $139 HQ-140X NC-140 89
2-B 99
189 HQ-170 189 NC-155 99
TR-3 399

HQ-180 259 NC-183 69
AC-3 59 NC-270 139
2-AQI2BQ 25 HEATH 139
2-AC Cali brator NC-300 ' _
15 DX-35 $ 35
DX-60 59 SW-120 $119
720 90 watt xmtr $ 59 DX-IOO 69
730 Modulator 35 SW-140 119
DX-100B 89 SW-175 149
ELOrCO HA-IO Warrior 159 SW-240 219
SS8 -100 SSB exciter $ 99 HA-14 Com pact Linear 89 SW-350 329
HP-IO DC PIS 25 SW-400 299
ELMAC HP-13 DC PIS 49 Swan AC PIS 65
AF-67 $ 49 HP-14 KW DC PI S 85 Swan DC PIS 85
AF-68 75 HP-20 AC P/S- 29
PMR-7 39 HP-23 AC PIS 35 SBE
PMR-8 59 HR-20 All Band Rec_ 89 SB-33 $199
M-1070 6/ 121l1 0V PIS 39 HW-12 80 meters 119 SB-34 349
HW-22 40 meters 109 SBI-LA linear 169
GLOBE HW-32 20 meters 109 SB-33 DC PIS - 49
Champion (as is) $ 30 HX-lO Ma rauder 199 SB3-DCP KW DC PIS 199
Globe Ki ng 500A 199

If Globe Scout 65
Globe V-IO VEO
Globe PSA-63 PIS
755 VFO

M\ Equipment
-~ I~- ­
GSB -IOO xmtr $189
GSB-201 2 KW Model 219 Completely

t-76 AC PIS 59 lleconditioned
G-76 DC PIS (new)
Com municator VfO
45 'toU
CI\Wl BEl\l
l L . :4/22 0
OUR PRICES Electron ics
TElEPHONE POrter 2·8759
1320 19TH S1. / LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401

A PRIL 1966 61
Jim Fisk WA6BSO
1560 Glenc rest Ct .
San Jose, Cal iforn ia

Choosing IF and Mixe r Frequencies

\ Vhen building rece ivers or converters, one the mixing process, two graphs are required,
of the mos t imp ortant steps is the choice of one whe re the if is at the diffe rence of the
suitable if and mixer frequenci es. Most am a- two incoming signa ls, the other at their sum.
teurs follow the simp le ru le of thumb that the The on ly informa tion required to use thes e
int erm ediat e-freq uency must be grea ter than charts is the ra tio of the lowe r frequency (F s )
5% of th e center frequency in an r-E stage. In to th e higher fre quency (1'\) . This ratio indi-
amateur b and receivers this difficultv is u sually ca tes th e entry point to the cha rt.
solved with a first if of around 16'00 kc in a Fo r exam ple, assume that we are selecting
du al conve rsion arrangement . an if freq ue ncy for a 6 met er converter. If
H owever, when th e desired signal and high- we were to selec t an if of 30 me, a 20 me local
frequ ency oscillator arc mixed to obtain an oscillator would be required for th e desired
output at the intermediate-frequency, the mix- difference freq uency output. Computing the
ing process inherently gen era tes har monics of rat io of FI;/F11' 20/ 50 = 0.4, we wou ld look at
th e two inco ming signa ls. Con sequently, spu- this point on th e differe nce frequency graph
rious signa ls occur at the se harmonics and t he of Fig. 1. H ere we find th at th ere are two
various combinat ions of th eir Stuns and dif- spurious sig nals that fall in the center of the
feren ces. If th ese spurious signals are no t con - =
if passba nd, 4F,- F" (80 me-50 me 30 me)
sidered wh en selecting an if fre quency, some and 3F ,,-6F, (15 0 me-120 me = 30 me ).
may fall wit hin the if pass band where they Obviously this is a poor choice .
cannot be filtered out. In ma ny case s th is will H ow about a tunab le if from 7 to 11 me?
result in undesirable distortion of th e if signa l, This wou ld require a local oscillator of 43 me;
or a t the very least, annoying "birdies." compute th e rat io F,jF u at both ends of the
Man y charts and grap hs have bee n pub - band : 43/50 = 0.860; and 43/ 54= 0.796 .
lished which may be used for this purpose , L ooking at the chart we see that no spurious
but in most case s the y are so comp lex th ey do signals are present at these frequenci es, but
not simplify the task. The inf ormation shown note the bird ies th at fan between the se two
in F igs. 1 and 2 is ident ical to that normally limits at 0.8, 0.83.3 and 0.85f. v Vith an if that
available , but it is arr anged in a form that is tun es from 7 to 11 mc to cover th e 50 to 54
easily used . \Vith these gra phs it b ecomes me ban d, thi s ind icates that birdies would ap -
readily app arent when a parti cular mixer fre - pear at 5 ~ .75 , 51.6 2, and 50.18.
q uency will produ ce undesirable "birdies ." Al- Consider the ever-popu lar 14 to 18 me tuner ·
though these graphs include only those signa ls commonlv used bv amateurs with VHF con-
gen erated by the first six harm on ics of the verters. To tun e tile six meter ban d, a crystal
two mixing: frequencies, harmonics higher than controlled local oscillato r at 36 "me will mix
this are usually of suc h low magnitude th at with sigll ~l~..i.n the 50 to 54 mc range and pro-
th ey ca use no pr ob lems in ama teur applica - vide the requi red output . Let's comp ute th e
tions. Because of th e different relation ship s in F ,jF h ra tios and see what kind of birdi es w e

Fh + F. y . 4F. -Fh
Fp,:!: 2 F. 2Fh-~. 3F h-6F.
Fh :!; Y . 6'S -F h 2F. 6 F.-2 Fh
Fh :r 4F. Y.- Fp,
F~ :t ~~I
Fh :!; 61'.

Fig . 1. Diffe rence freque ncy output .

62 73 MA GAZI NE
I' ll 1', '2fh -GF, y.
I'll 2 1'. 2F~ -~. 5F, · Fri
F~ 'Ill.·5f.
I' ll
2F~- 4 ,,"

I' ll 6F.

o •
~ ;

Fig. 2 . Sum frequency outpu t .

have; 36/ 50 = 0.720 and 36/ 54 = 0.667. doe s not . Obv iouslv in some cases a tunable
Looking at th e chart of F ig. 1, we can see oscillator is a defi~ite adv anta ge ( uot with-
that there are three prominent birdi es coin- standing the p roblem of oscillator stability ) .
ciding with th e rat io 0.667. Since in all p rob- Th ese examples have assumed that th e local
ability we would n't be int erested in op era ting oscillator is lower th an the sig nal freq ue ncy,
at a band-ed ge anyway, these birdies are but a similar met hod is used whe n th e local
probably not significant. However , look at the oscillator is higher. The only thing to remem-
0.714 point on the gra p h; a big fat birdy cor- ber is th at the lower frequ en cy is always di-
responding to 5004 on the dial! vided by the high er frequency to obtain th e
To ob tain an if tuning range large enough necessary ratio. In some case s the use of a
to cover the entire six me te r ba nd an d yet higher oscillator frequency w ill mov e the ra tio
avoid spuri ous signals it is necessar y to locat e to a poin t on the grap h that is free of spurious
an area be tween two birdies that is wide signals. In commercia l amateu r band receiver;
enough to cover th e enti re band . One way of thi s techniq ue is sometimes used in th e 3.5 to
doing thi s is to op erate at th e upper p ar t of 4 me band.
the grap h between 0.857 and 1.0. We may Choosing an int ermed iate-frequency w here
rearrange the F sl F b ratio so that when we th e desired bandwid th is not too grea t presen ts
know th e required ratio ( grea ter than 0.857 few er difficulties than where a wide ban d-
in this case) we can find the required local wid th is required. T his is evide nt on 144 mc
oscillator frequency: where the entire two meter band is a rela tively
F, = 0.857 F" small percenta ge of the operatin g freq uency.
From our exampl e in th e 6 meter band, I n th is case it becomes qu ite ea sy to sandw ich
F, = 0.857 x 54 me = 46.278 me the desired tun ing .runge het weee- the spurious
T o prev ent a hirdy from ap p earing at 54 me signa ls 0 11 the graph . For instance, a tunable
on th e converte r dial, the local oscillat or fre- if from 27 to 3 1 me (l ocal oscillat or at ] 15
qu enc y should be slightly high er than this me ) would be qu ite suita ble for the two meter
minimum to ensure that the sPUri011S response band because the F J F h ratios would fa ll be-
is well outsid e the if p assband . Using a local tween the birdies at 0 .75 and 0.8 on the gra ph
oscillato r of 47 me and a tunab le if from 3 to and no sp urious responses wou ld fall within
7 mc would meet th ese req uirements. the tuning range of the converter. .
T hese examples have all assumed the use The sum frequency graph of F ig. 2 is used
of a crysta l controlled local oscillat or, but in in exactly th e- same way as Fig. 1 excep t tha t
some cases a tu nab le oscillator may be de - it is oriented toward those cases where a sum-
sirab le . As an example we might consider an freq uency mixing process might be desirab le.
if of 7 me and a tunab le local oscillator from Usually this will occu r when mixing a very-
43 to 47 me. Compute the F slFh ra tios at the low-freq uency signal up to some sta ndard in-
ends of the band : 43/50 0.860 and 47/54 = termediate freq uen cy.
= 0.870 . Note in these two equations that the T hese grap hs have proved to be particu-
local oscillator freq uen cy ( F g ) is different be- larl y usefu l when selecting a commo n inter-
cau se it is tunab le . Looking at the chart in mediate-frequency for several different VnF
F ig. 1, no birdie s app ear between 0.86 and converters or when choosing irs for homebrew
0 .87 on the cha rt so this is a perfectl y satisfac- amateur ba nd receivers. \ Vith out a graph of
tory cho ice. Going back for a moment, you this type it becom es a hit or miss situ ation
will remember tha t a tuna ble if from 7 to· 11 with a good prnbability of difficnlties witb
me resu lted in birdies; here we can see that unwanted spurious sign als.
a tunable oscillator and an if output of 7 me WA6BSO

AP RIL 1966 63
THE cfi!i!jT'Q1D NEWS T .M.

FROM " Th e home o f the orig i n a ls" Number 1 of a series

T hi s is tile first article in a series dealing with hints and kinks in

antenna installation to help amateurs obtain the very best in mobile or
ba se -station antenna performance. \

The elusive ground

Ama te urs are relying m o re on the a nte n na manufacturer for in f or m ati on
cr it ica l to his pa rti cu lar anten na ins t allat ion . T od ay, ma ny va riab les i n rad io
sys tem d esi gn s make this a di ff ic ult tas k. T he New-Tro nics peop le fe el a
we ll e ng i neered p ro duct sho uld be devoid of su nd ry outboard art icles.
Specifical ly, a nten nas wit ho ut special coa x le ngths, base t un in g or m at ching.
Contrary to po pula r be lie f, you can co ntrol base i m pe dan ce a nd you can
m ainta in a reaso nable ope rati on Q yet ret ain ban dw id th and m inim um SWR.
Amateu r mobi le an tennas req u ire good ground p lan e sys tems. An a uto body
can ' t alway s be co nsidered gro u nd u nl ess u nitized elect rically in t o a co mmo n
grou nd . Ofte n, fe nde rs, hoo ds an d tr un k lid pa ne ls have bee n foun d co m -
plete ly in sul ated fr om the rest of t he body du e t o pa int. To co mp licate this,
th e body itself is ofte n insulated from t he f ra me . In some cases, b u m pe rs and
even engines are not grou nded to the f ram e or body. The on ly su re-fire way
to solve t his elus ive g rou nd p rob lem is to b raid or braze all ve hicle sectio ns
So metimes low SWR ca nnot be obtai ned , hen ce, base i m ped ance is t ho ught
in correct. (Wit h a Hustle r Anten na, this wou ld n or m all y be an improp er instal -
lati on and/or grou nd ing.) A fores ho rte ned mobile a nten na, rega rdl ess of how
w ell it ' s made. co ntai ns ind ucta nce or loa d ing w hi ch ca uses less t han opti mum
pe rfo rma nce . Load ed an te n nas at best ca nnot eq ua l t he perform an-ce of ful l-
size cou nterpa rts. So, im pr oved perform an ce actua lly mea ns a few DB less loss.
Hig he r pow er capability and increased perf or m an ce go ha nd in ha nd .
Howeve r, high powe r capabil ity d ictates use of big wire wh ich nor m all y pro-
d uces very high Q, ve ry na rrow ba ndwid th an d ve ry low base imped ance.
Un li ke most ante n na ma n ufactu rers, t he Hustle r pe op le will not com p rom ise.
They select wire for Hustler ante nnas whic h per m it s highe r cur re nt wit h less
heat ing. T hey a lso sel ect t he be st LC rat io betwee n th e indu ct an ce an d ti p-rod ,
le ng t h of t he base sectio n and size an d pitch of thewire , Ca ref ul ha nd li ng of
t hes e va riab les p rov ides the opt imu m m o bile ante nna .
Fo r hi g h power ca pability, 52 ohm base i mpeda nce, widest possib le ba nd -
wid th, very low SWR reson an ce a nd m echanical ly soun d weat he rp roof co n-
st ruct io n, f ind your el usive g rou nd . Then , fo r peak performa nc e, insta ll an
all ne w Super Hu stl er Anten na.

Yours to rtop "0".'"".,,:;-..:;.(

J. L. Taylo r, Manager, Elect ron ic Sales W8EEC

NEW-TRONICS CORP. /3455 Vega Ave" Cleveland, Ohio 44113 "m ·A



unbelievable mobile performance

The Super Hustler has . ..
High Power Capability-Capable of maximum legal limit o n SSB .
Widest Bandwidth - Bell er than ever . . . maintains minimum
SWR over phon e portion of 40, 20, 15, and 10, - 60 KC wide
at 2 to 1 SWR on 75 meters.
Low SWR - 1.1 to 1 or better at resonance .. . no special matc h-
ing required.
Proper Base Impedance - Nominal 52 ohm s at resonance - no
magic lengths of feed line or matching de vices required .
Low Frequency Drift - Frequ ency drift from heat he ld to abso-
lute minimum.

Here's 413 reasons for exceptional performance.

M ~-Zo~:i-;;;;;;;-n~;;;;;';i~;vid~;;"~~~;;;;;~:--
lated from eac h oth er for top performance value.
See the new Super Hustler at your
distributor NOW . . . get the facts.
SWR cha rt and com -
parative information
supplied on requ est.
6126· A


APRIL 1966 6S
Jac k D. Bruce WA 6UVS
Carmel, Cal ifornia

Mobile Burglar Insurance

About the must popula r items on the ham switch as an actuator the horn is ma de to
market today. judging from th e offerings of b low wh en ev er the door is opened. No thing
the major rad io m anufacturers, are th e small could be more elemen ta ry than thi s system
rela tively inexp en sive trans ceivers TImv begin- since it involv es b ut a single switch and a
ning to dom inate th e market. No t th e least piece of h ook- u p wire. A recent ma ga zin e
imp ortant asp ect of th is populari ty is th e mo- article cove red th is d esign and I'm sure its
bile cap ab ility design ed into these units. xt ost author mu st be a real wri ting "Pro" to h ave
of us want the op tion of going mobi le even expanded suc h a simple id ea into an in terest-
though th e pro ba b ility of our d oing so, except ing ar ticle.
for th e annua l vacati on , is normally quite re - A ma jor improvemen t on thi s basic system
mo te . A strong ar gument against goin g mobile can be acc omplished wit h the ad dition of a
is th e very real possibili ty of h avin g the gear few simple parts. \Vith thi s improvement the
stolen. I t isn't unusual for the radi o equ ip- horn will blow in a series of stacc a to bla sts
m ent to be worth mor e th an th e au tomob ile whe n th e d oor is opene d , and unlike the basic
in wh ich it is in st alled (m y case ) ; and it's a svstem which will cut -off whe n the door is
b rave man , indeed , who will sleep sou n dly in closed , thi s one will con tin ue to operate un til
his motel bed while th e family bus is parked th e deactivate swi tch is pu shed. Moreover
outsid e with noth ing mo re than the car door since the h orn bl asts are not continuous th ere
locks to protect th at n ew transceiver. will be less than half the drain on the battery
T his article will provide some ideas For wh en th e syste m" is actuated. This cou ld b e
automobile burglar alarms guarantee d to dis- important if you h appened to be unav ailabl e
courage all but th e most determined burglars. wh en th e alarm is touch ed off. Ad d itionally,
On e sys tem has been installed in myoId hack it is unlikely anyone will mistake thi s p ulsating
for th e past four years and no t once h as my sig na l for a stuck h orn b utt on .
"S" line been stolen; but what is more irnp or- F ig. 1 is a schematic of the alarm wh ich I
tant , I' ve been able to slee p soun d ly at an y- have been usin g. As can be-~Seen it is quite
bod y's mo tel without the slightes t worry over simple an d essentially diffe rs from the ba sic
'raving th e old b us and its contents disturbed. alarm only in th e add ition of one relay an d a
The h eart of all the simple ala rm systems is turn signa l flasher unit commo n to almost all
th e au tomo bile horn . Using th e d om e light aut omobil es. In th eory the u nit op er ates in
thi s m ann er: With the syst em actuate d , that
is wit h switch 51 in th e closed po sition , th e
do or is opened providing a ground for th e
horn relay jhrough th e Basher unit. At the
same tim e Rly1 d rops into closed positi on p ro-
vid ing a gro und for th e h om rel ay Ind ep end-
ent of th e door switc h wh ich initiate d actua-
tion of th e alarm . C urrent th rou gh th e Hasher
unit causes it to h eat an d break th e circu it
rhythm ically wh ich .in tum con trols the opera-
tion of th e h orn relay and the h om . All would
be beer and skittles "if this were all there is to
it but u nfort unately there is more. T he horn
relay is sup posed t~ be a 12 volt un it ( 12 volt
ca rs) so anyth ing add ed in series with the
relay coil such as a flash er unit would theo-
reticall y prove imp ractic al. H owe ve r, most
automobile accessories are designed to operate
Fig. 1. Mobile burglar Insurance. on low voltage and this is the case with the

66 71 MAGAZ IN I
horn re lay; it will pu ll in at a bi t less than 12
volts qu ite nic ely, even if not so qu ickl y as at
the rated volta ge. But since th e alarm will
operate just dandy so long as the relay pulls
in at all this is no rea l disadvantage. The
flasher un it is an un known q uant ity itse lf UIl -
less we di g rather deeply into th e complexi-
ties of th e particu lar au tomobile for whic h it
wa s designed. Certain ly it is a low voltage
high current d evice. What current any partic-
ular un it is d esigned to opera te on cannot
Fig . 2 . Showi ng tempo ra ry hoo k-up of f lashe r unit
always be determined an d for th is reason w e and res istor R1 fo r de termining f ina l value of R1.
need RI whic h by-passes en oug h cu rre n t R1 shou ld be a bout 10 ohm, 25 wa tt and ca n be
arou nd th e hom relay to insure operation of eithe r a s lide resistor or a rheost at .
th e flasher. The unit which I ha ve in use is a
12 volt u nit which I pi cked up ind iscriminately normally op en contacts. S3 may be omitted if
in a parts stor e; its resistan ce is someth ing less the engine co mpar tment is locked fro m insid e
th an a half ohm and seems to requ ire about th e car. T he function of th is switc h is to p re-
3 amps to operat e. I n my u nit when RI is set vent the imaginative th ief from get ting at th e
at about 3 oh ms the flasher opera tes a t abou t batter y and d isabling the entire electrical sys-
the right frequ en cy. I haven ' t tried a 6 volt tem before attempting en try into the ca r.
flasher u nit ; it migh t ver y well work better. Location, type and mo untin g of S3 mus t de-
Because flasher units ar e such unpredicta b le pend on th e typ e of car, in clination of th e
beasts even wh en used as directed Rl m av build er and generosity of the jun k box. It ma y
p ro ve something of a problem . I use d a smail be a push button type with n orm ally closed
ch oke which just happened to be of th e righ t contacts which may be mounted wh er ever the
resistance. I would suggest, as a first step , en gine h ood will hold th e switch de p ressed
h ooking the Rasher u nit and a hcnvv dutv wh en the h ood is d own . Alt ernatively, a sim-
variab le re sistor together at one end. T h e re- p le toggle switch m ay be used with a string
sistor sho uld be abou t 10 ohms. Take th e as- tied between the switch and the hood in such
sembly out to the car an d locate th e hot wire manner that wh en the h ood is raised the
goi ng to the horn button . T his wire will usu- sw itc h is actua ted . A m erc ury tilt typ e switch
all y en te r th e stee rin g column throu gh a p lug could also be used.
and jack arran gement . Pull th e ho t wire ou t Switch S2 is strictly a convenience ite m
of th e connection and touch to the car chas sis whose only purpose is to provide an unobtru-
to see if th e h orn bl ows; if it does you've go t sive but readily accessibl e switch for silencing
the right wire . Now hook th is wir e to the end the ala rm once it has been set-off. S l will p er-
of the flasher u nit conn ected to th e resistor. for m the iden tical fun ction b ut in add ition it
T hrough a lead h ook th e free en d of th e re- will also disa ble th e alarm whereas S2 will
sisto r to the batterv or a 12 volt sou rce such lea ve the system armed. I wo uld su ggest a
as the am meter. N"aw ground the en d of the microswitch mounted within the do or and ac-
flasher unit whi ch wa s not sold ered to the re- tuated b y the door lat ch. If used, 52 sho uld
sistor. T he ho rn should begin to b low contin- be a p ush button typ e with no rma lly closed
uously . No w ad just the res istor un til th e contacts.
flasher u nit an d the horn beg ins operatin g at Resistor ~ Itt , the flashe r unit and Relay
th e desired fr equency. Fig. 2 shows the tes t Rly1 shou ld all be mounted on a small ch assis
hook-up. The value of Rl has now been d e- and installed within the body of th e ca r wher -
tenn ine d. The wattage of Rl will have to be ever space ca n be fou nd . Switch es S2 and 53
rather large bu t sin ce th e horn operation is are m ounted in acc ordance wi th th e di scu ssion
intermitt en t som eth ing less tha n h alf of th e above. Either Switch Sl or Switch 52 ( ff
steady curr en t value is sufficient. Should the used } mu st be m ounted in an accessible place .
resistor bum out the hom wiII blow steadilv I mounted Sl. ( 5 2 n ot used ) just behind and
rather than in blasts so th e basi c int egri ty of und er a m ember of the radiato r gr illwork.
th e alarm is stilI m aintain ed . About 15 watt s This completes th e set-up . If installation of
will suffice for my in sta lla tio n. th e alarm is mad e as directed above I d efy
Hly 1 can be any garden va riety of 12 VDC an y b urglar to ma ke off with eithe r you r mo-
re lav. of which there mu st be millions clu tter- bile eq u ip me nt or automobile short of using
ing . the junk boxes across the cou n try. The a blow tor ch .
only requirement is th at it must h ave a set of WA6UV5

APRil 1966 67
No ham interested in working DX
should ignore this article. It states
some veJ'Y interesting and important

A Look at Antennas for DX

Bob Nelson K6ZGQ
1 10 Mo rn ing Volley Drive
Sa n An tonio, Tex a s 7 822 7

The basic question in DX work is, how does So now tha t we know we wa nt an antenna
one get the b est sign al between two dist an t sys tem wit h a low radi ation angle, wha t do we
points on the ea rth? Answering this ques tion, do about it? L et's exp lore first the effec t of
from th e antenna sta n dp oin t, is the subj ec t of polarization on radiation an gle .
this article.
The earth is shaped somewhat like a glob e, Vertical antennas
as shown in F ig . I. Also shown is a shell sur-
rou nd ing th e glob e, which represents the iono - Vertica l antennas of differen t heights
sp here. A radio wave start ing at point «A" mounte d wi th the ir b ases at grou nd level, and
gets to po int «B" by a series of reflections, operating ove r a perfectly reflect in g earth,
alterna tely off th e ionospher e an d the sur face wiII display radiation lobes as shown in F ig. 2 .
of the earth. N otice that the smaller angle "a" These arc diagrams for the best res ults that
is, the fewe r reflections it tak es to get a signal can be ac hieved. wit h vertical....an tenn as of a
between the two p oint s. This is the single given h eight, where 100·v angle radiation is con-
most imp or ta nt fact to keep in mind whe n cerned. N otice th at th e rad iati on lob e always
choosing an antenna system for DX work. It has a maximum value at a r adi ation an gle of
is a fac t of nature that a sign al loses about 5 zero d egrees, wh ich looks ve ry good fo r DX
db of strength on eve ry «skip," so if you wa nt
to work the DX reliably you must radiate your
signal at a low angle. In fact, where DX is
concerned, you r an tenna's r ad iation angle is
mo re important than its gai n .
Angle «a" in F ig . 1 is the an gle between the
local h orizon (or a lin e ta n gen t to the surface
of the earth) and the main ra dia tion lobe of
the an ten na. It is called the "radiatio n angle"
in antenna literature. The size of this ang le
is deter min ed p rim aril y b y the ty pe of po lari -
za tion used, and by the h eight of the antenn a, EARTHS SUIlFACE

alt hough some oth er factors do come into

play, whic h wiII be discussed later.

K6ZGQ is an electrical engineer iRS USN A

1963, MS Stanford 19 65) in the Air Force Fig. 1. T he path of a signal between two d istant
who if] interested in just about all facets of pai nts. For cla rity, the dista nce betwee n the
Earth's sur face and the ionosphere is g reatly ex-
hamming. aggerated.


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I Transceiver Packet

APRil 1966
J America's Mosl Reliable Amaleor Dealer.
though a good ground system is ve ry helpful.
even m andat ory, wh en using a ve rtical, no
significa nt im prove me nt in low angle rad iation
can be expec ted by im procing the ground in
the near vicinit y of the antenna . In other
wo rds , no amo u n t of salt on th e gro und
around th e antenna , ' and no number of quar-
ter-wave radials, wiII sig nificantly imp ro ve
D X operation. The reason for thi s is tha t th e
reflections off th e gro un d th at prod uce low
angle ra d iation occu r at good-sized di st an ces
from th e an ten na , an d if imp rovement is de-
sired it would he necessary to p rovid e a
gro und of superior conductivity aro un d the
antenna for a di stance of a t least one-q uarte r
mile-a very expensive un der taking. E ven
then th e nu ll at zero degrees would still exist,
for it on ly d isappears with a gro und of in-
finit e cond u ct ivity.
Secon d , it is not tru e that a r:e-rtical all -
ten na has an iuli crent 3 db gai n orer a hori-
Fig. 2 . Rad iat ion a ng le diagra ms for opt imu m ve r- :;Dntal b y c irtue of its operating o ce r its
tic a l antenna s, a ssum ing pe rfe ctly re flecti ng «image." Although th e im age effect is pr esent
g round . A. Simple qu a rte r wave ve rtica l. B. Ha lf with a ve rtical ( and does produce a 3 db ga in
wave ve rtic a l. C. One and one-hc lf ve rt ica l d ipoles
fed in phase . D. Two ve rt ica l di po les fed in phase. over th e sa me an tenn a in free space), it is no
The last two or e known a s collin ear arrays. The less p resent with a hori zon ta l anten na, so
stubs a re to provide p roper phase in feed currents. neither has a d efinite ed ge here. T he image
These four a nte nnas represent t he best ra dia t ion effect can h e visua lized simply by pi cturing
angle results tha t ca n be obta ined with a ver tica l
antenna of a cfven height. Th e patte rns a re actu- the gr ound as a mirror. An antenna above
ally symme trica l a round th e 90 ax is, of course .
gro und will see an ima ge directly below it in
the m irr or. By use of the antenn a and its
work. Unfortunately, the sad fact is th at the image diagrams, suc h as F igs. 2 an d 4 can be
surface of the earth is not p erfectly reflecting,
nor is it even close to it. T he effec t of the ac -
tual surface of the earth is to n ot onl y raise the '" R A o
radiation angle, but also decrease the signa l
st rength by several db, for average soil.
In fa ct calc ulations carried out b y th e writer
u tilizing a digit al-an alog com pu ter setup show
that for eq ua l h eights above grou nd , hori zon-
tal polarization is alleaus superior fo ve rtical
polariza tion at lou: rad iation angles by at least
3 db, where D X frequ en cies are con cern ed .
Anyone wish ing to investigate this profound
statement fu rther is di rect ed to referen ces 1
an d 2. A typi cal res ult d eri ved from the com-
p ut er wo rk is shown in Fig. 3 for a ve rtical
antenna composed of two half-wave di poles
arranged colin early and fed in ph ase, as shown
in Fig. 2D. Noti ce that the signal is re duced
by abou t 6 dh, and the rad iatio n angle rais ed
to about 15 degrees, compared wit h a p erfect
groun d . This pl ot was made for avera ge soil. RELATIVE FIELD STRE~'GTH
Dry and rocky soil wou ld give even wors e Fig. 3 . T he typ ical effect of ove ra ge soil on th e
re sults, while wet loam or sea wate r wo uld ve rtica l rad iatio n pa tt e rn of a ve rtica l ante nna .
give a definite improvem ent. T he pattern her e is for t he so me a nt e nna as in
T o fur ther de flate the esteem of the vertical Fig . 2D . T he dot ted line represen t s ideal con d ition s
(i.e ., pe rfectly ref lec tin g ground ), while t he solid
antenna for DX work, let's explode two often line is for rea l gr ound . T he actua l pattern is svrn-
qu oted myth s abo u t th e ve rtical. First, al., metrica l ar ound the 90 ax is, of course .

·. qu cu cy increas es, th e hest an gles get smaller.
Also no te that there is a lower limi t on tilt>;
ra d iation an gle tha t it wou ld n' t be wise to
exceed. In other wor d s we don 't want our an-
tcuna too hi gh, which is fortuna te from all
economi c standpoi nt.
II) • • • • 0 • • • • ..
.n..'.... ,no o........TH
101 ANTENNA HEIGHT' 0.2 5 II l bl ANTENNA. HEIGHT ' 0.$ 1\
Let's luke 20 me ters for a ll example, sec
F ig . 4. An nut cnn u h eight of one waveleng th
( ubout 70 feet ) will give us maximum ra di a-
tion between 8 and 22 degrees for th e lower
lobe , within the op timum ra nge. Moving th e
antenna to one and on e-ha lf \ v-avelengths
heigh t, which will increase th e expense con-
lel ANTENtlA HEIGHT' O.T~ 1\
side rably. will move the low est rad iation an -
gles down only a littl e. On the oth er hand ,
m oving th e antenna to lower heights will
rai se th e lowest radiation angles cons ide ra bly .
Th is is th e reason that the 20 met er boys
lcith their beams at 70 feet d o m ilch bett er
than th ose of tiS leitli loiccr antennas, and
have litt le trouble competi n g with an tenn as at
greater heigh t. T he point of thi s is th at an in-
Fig. 4 . Radiati on ang le diagrams fo r a non-direc- telligent height of one-ha lf wavelength or less,
tio na l h o rizontal antenna of var iou s hei g hts above h owe ver . th e quad produces sligh tly lower
perfectly reflecting g round. On ly a n a n te n na wit h
ex t reme vertical di recti v it y wi ll grea t ly c hange angle radiation than the yagi wiIl. This is du e
these resu lts for low rcd tot fon a ngles. to the fac t that the q uad h as a bu ilt-in sta ck-
ing effect, sinc e its eleme n ts do not all lie in
one hori zonta l p lane, as with a ya gi . Th e ob-
derived. See Reference 1, pp . 808-810 and vious conclus ion is th at if vou are limited to
882-888 , for furth er information on the image he ights of on e-half wavelength or less, th e
co ncept. quad is a good an tenna to look in to. Ab ove
th is height, h oweve r, th e yagi migh t be better ,
since its construction is simp ler and it can
H orizontal antennas give gre ater gain.
Xo w let' s see wha t th e horizon tal antenna As far as gain is concerned a 2 element
can do for us. F ig. 4 show s rad iation d iagrams quad has a maximum ga in of-about 5.7 db .
for a horizont al antenna of d ifferent heigh ts whi le th e 2 element parasi tic di splays about
above pe rfectly reflectin g gro und . No te tha t 5.4 db; the q uad has a sligh t edge. Wh en go-
th ere is always a null at zero de grees and tha t ing to mo re than 2 eleme n ts. thou gh , the
the lowest lob e mo ves to lower ang les as th e parasi tic ya gi always has th e greater gain . At
heigh t is incr eased , althou gh th e number of th e 3 elemen t level, for exam ple. the yag i h as
lobes increases. C ontrary to what may be be - abo ut 1.3 db more gai n. See Fig. 6.
lieved b y some, no antenna ty pe (with all its One ot he r advantage of th e qu ad is that it
eleme nts lyin g in one h ori zon tal plane ) can is a little less susce p tib le to certain types of
gr ea tly chan ge th e result s sh own in thi s fig- noise wheri receivin g tha n th e yagi. T his is
u re , as far as th e ra diation an gle is concerned. pro bably due to the fac t th at the quad is a
If you want a low ra diation an gle yo u m ust typ e of loop ante nna . And whi le sp eaking
p ut your antenna high in the air. A ha ppy ahou t receivin g noise we may as we ll take one
fact about the h orizontal antenna, th ough . is
th at the effect of the act ua l ea rth is n ot to
gr eatly ch an ge th e d iagrams of Fig. 4. T h e Ba nd 40
.. 2 0 15 10
lobes will h ave sligh tly dimini sh ed len gth and me te rs mete rs meters mete rs
th e n ulls will fill in to some extent. b u t the ~-- - - - - -
effect is small enou gh that we can use Fig. 4
with good accuracy for practical antennas. Optimum
Rad iation 10-3 5 " 7_22 " 6 _20" 5-I4"
Now let's ge t d own to b ra ss tacks. Ju st An gles
exact ly what are th e best radiation an gles ' for
DX work? Fig. 5 sh ows th is in form ati on for Fig . 5 . Th e best rad iation a ngle s for wor king DX
the usual DX bands. Notice that as the Ire- in four popu lar a mate u r ba nds.

APRIL 1966 71
mo re pot-shot at the vertical and point out
that the ver tica l is mu ch more suscep tible to Number Max imum Maximum
man -m ade n oise th an is a horizon tal ant enn a, of Ga in of Yogi Ga in of Quad
Eleme nt s
Another fact abou t ti le quad , wh ich h as to
do wit h its having less gain than th e ya gi, is I 0 db 0.9 db
that it is inh erently a low Q antenna. This 2 5,4 db 5.7 db
mean s that it will op erat e ove r an excee d ingly ----~

wid e bandwidth with a rcas oua hlv low S\VH. 3 8.5 db 7.2 db
- - - - -- - - ---
The DX mall torn be tween the q uad and 4 9.3 db 8.0 db
yagi wou ld do we ll to read references 3 an d - - - - - -- - --
5 9.9 db 8.5 db
4, wh ich cover th e antennas exha ustively and
are exce llen t, read able books.
Fig. 6. Th e maximum gain obtaina ble from q uads
a nd yogis with d iffe rent number s of ele-
Th e multi-band b eam ments. Th e qc lns not ed a re relative to a
di pole .
There is a hap p y coincidence about using a
multiba ud beam for the D X b an ds. Since th e
op tim um radiation an gles decrease as fr e-
q uen cy inc reases , it is "n ecessary to raise the Conclusiou
antenna ( in wav elengths ) as th e freq uency is T he att empt of this articl e has been to give
ra ised, if it is des ired to keep the radiation a brief ove ra ll p icture of the DX antenna
angle in th e op timu m range. But if th e an - problem. It wa s p articu larl y desired to po'nt
te nna stays at a cons tan t he ight, measured in out th e superiority of th e h orizont al over the
feet, it will automatically be rai sed in wave- ver tical as we ll as emp hasizing th e imp or-
len gths as the fr equency is ra ised . The result tan ce of small rad iation ang les . To th e writer's
is that a m ul ti-h and antenna for 20, 15 an d knowledge a di scussion of th e DX an tenn a
10 m et ers moun ted at 70 feet will give near problem such as was given h ere h as n ot - ap -
optimum rad iation angle results on all three pear ed in any ot her am ateu r jou rn al. Any?ne
bands. This can be see n b y comparin g F igs. se riously interested in pursui ng the sub ject
4 and 5 . further will find th e an swers to hi s qu estions
There is also an u nd esirabl e feature attend- in th e listed referenc es. T hese were selected
ant wit h many mu lti-band beams. Most d e- for their acc uracy an d read abil ity. Good D Xl
signs use traps and matching n etworks w hich . . . K6ZGQ.
ar e inh erently lossy. T his means that a lot of
R efer en ces
the rf is soak ed up in the tra ps, ra ther than
1. T erman, F . E . Electronic and Radio En gineeT in g.
being rad iated toward th e D X station. T he 4th Editi on . McGraw-Hill Book Co . 1955 .
result is that multi-band beams ar e seldo m, if 2. Te rman , F . E . R ad i o En gi neers Handbook. McGraw-
ever, as efficient as a sin gle band arra y, Hill B oo k Co . 1943.
3. Orr. William T. (W6SAI) Beam A n tenna H andbook .
R ad io Publications. Inc. 1955.
4. Orr . wlnram I. (W6SA I) Quad A n t en n as. R ad io
Stacking an tennas Pub li cations, Inc. 1959.
5. ARRL Antenna Book. 1960.
There is ano ther way to reduce the effective 6. Kraus , J . D . (W 8JK) Antenna s. M cG raw-Hill Book
radiat ion angle. This is b y sta cking id en tical Co.
antennas above on e another. Unfort u na te ly,
thi s is difficult at DX frequencies because the
stacking d istan ce must be in th e vicinity of
three-quarters to one waveleng th to be effec -
tive. At 20 met ers, for example, th e minimum
distance between ante nnas is abou t 55 feet.
At 10 meters, though , st acking is a d efinite
po ssibility for th e ambitious DXer. Both an-
tenn as are fed in phase with eq ual currents.
T o use F ig. 4, then, one measures from
gro und to the midpoint between the two an -
te nn as to find the effecti ve h eight. W ith th e
midpoin t at one w av elen gth, th e upp er lobe
( F ig. 4 D ) wou ld largel y disappear, and th e
lower wave angle wou ld decrea se slightly.
Th e res ult would be ab out a 4 db increase in
sig nal stre ngth at th e DX location.


Coll ins KWM -l (c le a n)
Collins KWM - I AC p ow sup.
. _$ 3 25.0 0
69 .00 'iJea'tle 8ox"
Co llins KW M -l D C po w sup W jrack
J oh nso n Viking " 500" (like new)
H eath HW ·12 (7 5 Mtrs) ..
ll9 .0 0
3 49 .00
i rs.oo
Nation a l NCX·3 (l i ke new) 259.00
Swan SW-120 (c le an)
Swan SW-1 40 (cl ean) .
. 129.00
Gon set Ca m m II 6 meters 99.00
Gon s et Carom II I 6 mete r s 129.00
Go nset Camm IV 6 meters 2 19 .00
Gl obe Hi-Ba n der . 69.00
Hea t h 6 m eter Shawnee 129 .0 0
Heath Se n ec a .. . . _ . . . . . 129_0 0
l a fa yette HE-45 8 99_00

Colli ns 30 l -1 li n ear (like new) .. $ 369.00
Go nset GS B·I OO . . 18 9.00
Hamm arlun d HX-50 279.00
C. E. IO DV . 3 75.00
Hea t h Ap a che TX-I . ... . 119.0 0
H amma r lund H X·500 ( li ke ne w)
H am m a rl u n d HXL-l Linea r .. . . .
Heath H X-20 . ......•. . . . . .
3 59. 00
125.0 0


Collins R-390jURRA (like n ew) . .. ... . . . . $7 49.00

Colli ns 75A2A (W / m ec h f il t er) 2 19. 0 0
Collins 75A4 (W/ 3.! filter) .
Coll in s 75 5 1 (W/ no ise blnk r)
4 19 .00
Dr ake 2·B (c l ean)
He ntcra tte rs 5X·96
Ha mc ra tt e rs 5X- I0 l iliA ..
209 .00
129 .00
Hallic rafters 5X-I0 1 (c lean) 149 .0 0
Halli c rafters 5X-73
Ham m a rl u nd HQ -17 0 C
199.00 RT-WIRED AND TESTED $99.50

Natio nal NC-18 3D . 149.0 0
Heath HR-20 •.• . • .... . . . 11 9.00


331 6 Main Street, Riverside, Ca lif. 92501
•• •


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(Calif. order s add 4% tax )
'- ~' --------------------------,
APRIL 1966 73
Jo hn Johnst on K3BNS
11 Fieldston e Rood
Lev itt own, Pe nnsylva n ia
Drawings by Wayne Pie rce K3SL: K

Someone Should Do
Something About ...!
On e of th e mo re int eresting facets of ama - 1. Lam en tati on of th e h eavy d eman ds p laced
teur ra d io is the op portunit y to p arti cip at e in upon one 's station b y rare D X opera tors
u niqu e orga nizations loosely id en tified as " ra - d esirin g a Q50.
dio ha m clubs". Upon cons id ering tha t ea ch 2. The am oun t of high po wer one is utili z-
mem be r has p rogressed thro u gh a filterin g ing, in cluding vari ous pr ecau tions to in-
p rocess d esigned to eliminate all bu t th e most su re that a mini mu m of 1 KW output is
d edi cat ed , it is interesting to obser ve th e re- always mainta ine d .
sults. F irst he has had to cultu re an in ter est in 3. T h e vas t superior ity of one's equipmen t;
a very d emand ing h obby, subjec t himself to all th e exte n t of th e claims bein g in p ro-
agonizing period of learn ing rul es, theor y, cus- portio n to h is de sir e to unload it .
toms and morse code . Next under protest, he Of particular note are the audience partici-
has indulged in outrageous expend itu res for pation en tertainment meetings where a special
equip ment . The n he has been fur ther moti- game is p layed. T he neop h yte wo uld be ad-
vated to seek ou t th e compan ionship of similar vised to sur press hi s urge to fu lly participate
individuals . Finally, he not only end u res, b ut in th is ga me unt il th e ru les are fully u nder-
d eligh ts in, attendance at regular club meet- stood. It begins wit h the preside nt announc-
ings. ing, "Tonight will be a bu siness meeting!",
These m eetings follow proceed ings th at me aning h e cou ld n't obtain a speaker.
have been universally ado pted . O ne familiar Upo n this signa l, th e members are aler te d
wit h th ese rit uals can freely mo ve from one to critically observe -t he p roceedi ngs, concen -
geogra p h ical locat ion to another and find sol- tra ting up on findi n g the "de bate item: ' As th e
ace. Unfor tunatelv, these rit es are n ot d ocu - chairm an routin ely ca lls upon ea ch comm itt ee
men ted an d the ~lllinitiatcd must learn them head for a rep ort, some of the m ore ded icated
th e hard way. T he cons tit utio n of any given mem be rs wa rm-up for the main de bat e event
club is usua lly of little benefit, for exa mp le, wit h com ments an d questione'Somewha t rele-
and reference to it can only resu lt in con fusion . vant to th e report . Candida tes for team cap-
T he most important th ings to bear in mind ta in can thu s identify themselves.
are that th e members att end these meetings The m ain deba te item is usually selected
for entertainment (viz: nig h t out from th e between TS an d 20 m inutes after the call to
XYL ) , and the clu b president is ch arged with order, when boredom ha s set in. \Vh ile th e
providing some typ e of diversion, suc h as a scope of these items are va st , there are ce rtain
speake r. In fact, some obs ervers are of th e crite ria which mu st be met in order to en joy
op in ion that th is is h is onl y p urpose, and hi s fu ll participation .
re-election is d ep en d en t upon hi s de gree of 1. Unde r-no cir cum stances must th e d eb ate
success in thi s vein . item resu lt in any ad ditional work for
All radio cl ub m eetin gs are called to order anyon e excep t the p resid ent.
45 minu tes afte r the announ ced time. Th is al- 2. It mu st n ot en com pass anythi ng of real
lows a p eriod for memb ers to ind ulge in a conseque nce. Abst rac t an d th eoreti cal
q uai nt pas time kn own in amate ur ra di o as t he su bjects are id eal.
"eyeball Q50". This informal prelimin ary :3. It m ust n ot }>c so com p lex as to allow
even t is comp rise d of impromp tu d iscussion for mo re th an two p oints of view.
centered on three (3) general are as of ex- Aft er severa l false starts, th e d eba te h egin s
aggera t('{l claims : to unfold . The teams can he id enti fied as play
contin ues. T he chai rman m ust make an im-
K.l IlNS {forlllerl!! K2111ll1 ond KS DM ) is (/0 port an t decision whi ch lias a significan t impact
electrical engineer (BSEE Oh io Universit y '51) up on th e org an ization or th e two teams. If he
for a nutior electrical. com pany. H is main elects to assume the neutral role of an umpire,
interests are operating and club teo-rk. the team s are divided by an imaginary front-

ing to th e others in return for his op po rtun ity
to get a few thin gs off his ches t. ( Most cov-
ered to pics : CB , d ep lorable state of amate ur
$OM£OHE Sf/ooLD radio, TV I ) . Resid es, 50% of the audienc e is
Do .:3OMETIlING on h is sid e before oven h e starts.
ABo" "t"••••• . Veteran observers are q uick to po int ou t
th e upswing of inte res t ill th e game sinc e th e
wid e accep tance of VOX keyed tran smitt er s.
Before this d asta rcllv tech nical ud vuuccme nt
an opera tor cou ld po u r ou t h is feelin gs Int o
a m icrop hon e for all th e worl d t o h ear ( in
realit y, it would on ly h e one othe r ham who
was partially cop ying R3 X 54 with heav y
QRM ) , an d h e co uld rave OI l until he go t good
and ready t o manually th row the transfer
switch . II~ n ow feels fn'lstr at ed b v automation
since every tim e he pauses to take a b reath
d u rin g h is d iscourse, he is vulnerable to bein g
cu t.. .off. An ind ividua l with th is p ar ticular
problem can be rapi dl y identified in eve ryday
life by hi s cont in ua l interject ion of the p h ra se,
"A \ V\ V\V\ V\ V," a fter everv sen tence.
In the un fortunate sitll<{tion wh ere the au-
di ence sea ting arra ngeme nt is such as to ma ke
th e ima gin ar y di vision line ind istin ct , an in-
divid ual n ot qu ite sur e of wh ich sid e he has
been assig ne d m ay be p romp ted to arise and
to-bac k line down the center of the audience. summarize the two po sitions, and eit he r offer
On the other hand. when the chairman de- a com prom ise or request a mo tion . T hi s is an
clares h imself a p layer , the di vision is auto- obv ious d elay of the game an d h e is p en alized
maticallv fron t vs. re ar . Becau se the ch airman b v a loud ad mon ishm ent b v h oth sides as he
holds a ' strategic p osition in the room (and slinks to hi s sea t. O utcast : h e remain s silent
often is a litt le m ore info rme d on the back- an d makes n ote not to sit ill the middle next
ground of the sub ject ) , h is u nfair advan tage time.
is offset by limiting his tea m t o tho se on the The game is completed when an arbitra ry
rost ru m and-d ep end ing upon th e size of th e tim e limit is reach ed , usually r0:4 5 P~L The
au dience-from one to th ree of th e fro nt rows. fina le is q uite ra pid with th e cha irman dissolv-
The tap -off is initiated by a poten tial team ing the tw o teams b y requestin g volunte ers to
cap tain w ho arises and d ema nd s "that some - work 0 11 the problem . This is th e signa l th at
thing be d one!" concerning a certa in item. It the game i~ ove r and ever yon e is to remain
is imperative th at h e not be specific about silen t.
what sho uld be do ne or by whom , th us pr e- Any imp ortant items ar c dispos ed of ra pid ly
venting a premature completion of the game. with out commen t wit hin th e n ext ' 5 min utes
H eroically seizin g th e initia tive , a cand ida te so th e meetin...e:, ca n h e ad journ ed to a nearb y
team cap tai n for the ot he r sid e recogni zes th e ta vern for a victor y celebr ation b v both sid es.
challen ge and rises in reply. It is not p er tinen t The tea m cap tain's sh ake hand; an d ag ree ,
that hi s retort reve al any great enlightenme nt " It was good to clear th e air!" ~ Ii dn i gh t hav-
- delivery is th e cri tical aspect of winning ing been established b y XYL's, In c. as the
these coveted positi ons. when th e debate item "t ime- to·be-h ome-f rom -th e-ra d io-club-b v," th e
is ac cep ta ble to th e au dience, th ey so sig nify «eye ball QS O" is resumed w ith th e sky-th e-
hy respond ing to th e call-to-ar ms, and th e limi t for exaggera ted claims, until the magic
main even t can proceed. h our.
Ob servin g protocol , members from ea ch As the m emb ers ha p pil y re turn to their
tea m ra lly to the ir se lected cap tain an d alter- h omes wit h fond memor ies of a battle well
nately rise to repea t h is arg ume n t, interspers- fo ught. mentally rep h rasing wha t th ey sa id or
ing their com m en ta ry wit h items usually un - wish th ey h ad sa id during their speech, the
re lated to th e subject. T he ind ivid ual m emb er true value of the ra d io cl uh ca n best h e ap -
can find great com fort in ad d ressing th e cap - p red at ed .
tive audien ce and is willing to end ure listen- K3fi NS

APRIL 1966 7S
Richa rd Malisch K7VMV
9 05 0 Monument Drive
Gra nts Pa ss, Oregon

The Tranx Circuit

Switch your linear with a tranx circuit

Marry excellen t art icles on th e construction

of line ar amplifiers ha ve appeared in late
issue s of 73 Magazine; one problem common
Here's the tranx circu it insta lled on an 832A linea r
to the se lineal's when used with a transceiver fo r two. The circ u it is bu ilt on the sma ll piece of
is th e problem of switching. The linear amp li- insu la t ing boa rd at the right. T he p icku p loop is
fier should be in sert ed between the t ransceiver below the e lectrolytic just beneath it .
and the antenn a du ring the receive period .
Since switching the line ar (in and out of the interc onnecting lead between the transceiver
tr ansmission line ) man ually is dangerous dur- and linear amp lifier is the coax.
in g mobile operation, auto matic swi tching per-
fanned b y a relay is p refer ed in the inte rest of Tranx circuit theory
safe ty and convenience. The tran x circuit is essent ially a de operate d
Of ten th e relay for perform ing the sw itch- amplifier which picks up a small amount of
ing is activate d by closing a separate set of radio frequency energy from the transmission
contacts ad ded to the tra nsmit switch on th e line bet ween th e transceiver and an tenna du r-
t ransceiver, or th e relay may be act ivated by ing transmi t conditions an d switches the linear
the hig h voltage in the p lat e lead of the trans- amplifier in to the circuit. D Uli ng receive con-
ceiver's transmitt er sect ion. Both of these d itions, the radio frequency signals in the
methods require mod ification of the tran sceiver tr ansmission line are no t strong enough to
and both me tho ds require the addition of long activa te the de am plifier of th e tranx circuit to
leads from the transceiver to the lin ear ampli- th e point of tr igg ering th e relay, wh ich means
fier to operate th e relay. The alternate method the linear amp lifier will rcmaiii out of cir cuit
is to install a "tran x circuit" within the linear and inactive.
amp lifier. T he tranx circuit, short for transm it-
ter-operated control, will trigger the relay as
man as a signal above a p reset level appears in The circuit
the transmission line to the antenna. The ad- The tranx circuit consists of two basis cir-
vantages are obvious-the transceiver need not cuits , a rectifying-filtering circ uit and a de
be modified; it kee ps its portability. Also, no amp lifier. T he pos itive cycles of the HF picked
high voltage lea ds are req uired to tri gge r the up by the p ickup loop charge C l thro ugh CRl.
relay, and thus the safety is increased to both After charging C l, emitter-base current from
the operator an d innocen t bvstanders . Use of Q l and current through Rl will discharge Cl.
the tranx circuit also allows ~emote triggering T he discharge time of Cl gave abo ut 0.5 sec-
of a linear amplifier when contained in the ond delay after th e signal was turned off before
tru nk compartmen t of a , vehicle. The only the relay dropped out of the hold position.
The de amplifier circuit is comprised of an
N PN transistor directly coup led through a
_ __ _ _

limiting resistor , H2, to a 150 mw general

p u rpo se PN P trans istor . The de output of
the PNP tran sistor is connec ted directl y to a
twel ve volt de relay of the ty pe oft en fo~nd in
surplus equipment desi gned for twelve and
twenty-fou r volt op eratio n.
Under tr ansmit conditions, th e cha rge across
Fig . 1. Schematic of t he tranx circu it. Other gen- Cl attracts elect rons fro m the em itter through
e ra l purpose trans istors ca n be used. the base of Q 1. E lect rons then flow through


II · - - - - - - - - - • I

Fig. 2 . A rrangement of the t rc n x cir cuit a s used

w it h a t r c n sc e t v e r .

the collec to r of Q 1 and limitin g resistor R2,

into th e base of Q2 , whic h forward biases the
emitte r-base junct ion of Q2. \ Vith the emitt er-
base jun ction of Q2 forward bia sed , electr ons
will flow from th e negative terminal of BI
th rough the relay (closing the relay conta cts)
and ret urn to the positive te rminal of HI
th rough Q2..

T he only di fficulty en co un tered w ith the
tran x circui t ca me from the p reliminary cho ice
of HI whic h wa s used to con tro l the maximum
sensitivity of th e circu it. The circuit lost sensi-
tivit y wl;en RI w as red uced below the va lue
shown in the schematic. W hen Rl was in-
creased , th e circuit had a tend ency to remain
activated , that is, th e relay wo uld not release
within a pr ed etermined length of tim e after
the tra nsm itte r wa s turned off.
Ben ch tests (using a VTV1\1 and 147 me
RF source ) showed that the sensitivity con trol
could he adjusted so th at signals from one volt
to one h undred vo lts peak to peak wo uld I
trigger the circuit.
Ob servat ions from field tests I MULTI-METER I
T he tra nx cir cui t work ed succ essfullv when I

· $12.95· :
used in con junct ion wit h a H eath kit -T wo'er
and a twelve inch p ickup loop in a mobile I
in stallation . A fifteen foot len gt h of coax was
th e onl y in terconn ecti ng lead bet ween the I
Two'er and the linear ampli fier. The tranx
circu it keyed eas ily with th e rf from the
T wc'er, and no adverse effec ts (suc h as the
generation of TV I ) we re obse rved . The cu r-
ren t dr ain was also verv low. Under id le con- I QUE'MENT :
d itions, the tranx circu'it required about fifty
millampere s. Long tran smitting periods p ro- I
du ced no no tlca ble in cre ase in the t emp era-
tu re of the transistors. H oweve r, the grid I 1000 SOUTH BASCOM SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA
tuni ng would ca use the rel ay to drop out of I " Northe rn California's Most Complete Ham Stota" I
th e hold position jf not correc tly tun ed.

APRil 1966
.. . K7V~ l V I
---------- SINCE 1933
R. Hillma n YE7 BBM
2 125 Bridgeman Ave nu e
North Vancouve r, a.c.

Practical Doub le Sideband - 1966

Although it is not my intention to reopen p ush-pull and the rf outp ut is in parallel. T he
th e pr ese nt D SB-SSB controv ersy, I have bias, shown as batt er y for simplicity, sho uld be
thoughts and sugges tions which should allevi- adjus table and is designed to keep th e bal-
ate mu ch of the misunderstanding regarding ance d modu lato r tubes operating within their
double side ba nd. I have also suggested sever al maximum plate di ssipa tion. It will also serve
ways of ove rco ming design pro blems of a to correct any irre gul arities in th e ou tp ut
worka ble mod ern D Sn transmitt er. wave form.
The main complaint most SSB operators
have against DSB is the wid th of the trans-
mitt ed signa l. H owever, it should be remem-
Design prob lems
bered th at a DS B signal is essen tia lly an AM Probably th e biggest problem in des igning
signa l witho ut a carrier, and incidentally, a handswit ching D SB transmitter is the ac tual
without heterodynes! It also should be realized bamlswit chi ng circuitry in the final grid. Leads
tha t a Dsn sig~al is two SSB signals on the mu st he kep t as short and symmet rical as pos-
same referen ce carrier, one up per an d one sible. The most practical found b y the au thor
low er sideband. 110st complaints of splatter is di agra mmed in Fig. 2.
or d istor tion on D SB signals are th e fault of The circuit is, in practice , d riven b y an un-
th e comp lainan ts receiv er . Co st unfortunately tuned bu ffer stage wh ich is controllable as to
has littl e to do with any patricular receiver's dri ve. C 2 acts as 'd rive p eak' control and also
ahility to reject local co-channel interferen ce . balan ces the rf ap plied to both b alanced mod-
All one has to do is p lace an att enuator pad ulator tubes. If care ful, sym metrical const ruc-
ill th e receiver front en d to restore th at 'clean' tion in used car rier should be in th e order of
sound to any 'suspected> local DS R sign al. 30 0 db. T he switch wafers should of course

be ganged to switch the exciter st ag es and th e

Cir cuitry final outp ut circ uitry too!
The cho ke of a suitab le modulation tra ns-
Th e ba sic practica l high lev el balan ced former seems to cause some amat eu rs a grea t
modu lator is shown in Fig. 1. It s opera tion d eal of tro uble. I have found th at 40 0 cycle
will not be d iscussed since there are so man y power transform ers are p robably the best
excellen t references ava ilable suc h as the N ew choice for seve ral reasons. The first consider-
Sideband Ham/book bv D on Stoner \V6TI\S. at ion is that th e tra nsformer mu st have a turn s
Basica lly though, the a~ldio is fed in p ush-p ull ratio of around 5.2: 1 in orde r to d evelop suffi -
to the ou tp ut scree n gri ds, the rf inpu t is in cien t scre~ri volt age from th e modulator. I n-
ciden ta lly, the transformer is con ne cted as
step-up . That is, the 117 volt primary is con-
nect ed to the aud io and the secondary ( cen-
'r' -~H ter -tapped ) goes to the screens of the high -
level balan ced modulator, refer to F ig. 1.
Another reason for choosing this transform er
u is th e fac t that it will reject any low freq uen cy
Q com po ne n ts. This will reduce intermodulation
d istortion and will , in effect , place the two
side bands farther apart since the information
is to be tr ansmitted at higher audio frequen-
cies. It is also ad vantageous to roll off the high
,. frequen cies. This will kee p the signal from
Fig. J. High leve l modulat or for DSB. becoming too broad. A low pa ss filter such as

ttlhe should be lifted from groun d, tile screen
voltage from thi s tube likewise should also be
lifted . The remai nin g tube sho uld h ave grid-

a .o
-l -I 0 ·1
'Z .)
b lock keyin g bias ap plie d and fixed screen
voltage. Circ uit ry for such sw itch ing is show n
in Fig. 4. By the tim e all the band -switchin g
and mocleswitchin g circ u itr y is in corp or ated in
th e overa ll schema tic it ap pears q uit e compli-
ca te d. H owever, it is a simple m atter to resolve
any and all of the circuit in to simpler portions.
Since the mech an ical d esign of a ~ D SB
Fig . 2, Left . Bc. rdswltch inc fin ol grid c ircuit ry fo r transmitter or any tr an smitter is an involv ed
a D$B t ra nsmitte r. Kee p leads short a nd sym-
me t rical. p rocedure it will not h e cove re d in d et ail Th e
most imp ortant fac tor in designing a DSB
Fig. 3, Right. DSB spectr um. tran smitt er is a svmmetrical mech ani cal an d
elec trica l construction in the balanced modu-
the Stancor C-234 0 sho u ld give the desired lator clrculrrv.
re sp onse, 300-3000 cycles. Sp ectrum-wise th e The trans~itter sh ould be carefully con -
signa l sho uld look like that in Fi g. 3. structed us ing all curre nt cons truct ion' proce-
Another objec t of concern are the ra tings. dures. Keep all ac wiring close to the chassis
of such a tran sformer. As hinted ea rlier th e to avoid hum p ickup . Sh ield all critical audio
117 volt 400 cycle see ms abou t best to match lea ds and prop erl y bypass all hi gh voltage
th e out p u t of suc h tubes as 6AQ5, 6V6 etc. leaus. As a last word on elec trical d esign let
as modulators. As a 'rule of th umb' th e sec- me say tha t good signals re q uire good power
ondary of the tra nsformer shou ld be abl e to sup p lies.
su p ply (assu ming 117 volt input ) abou t twice Assumi ng th at a DS B tran smitter h as bee n
the com bined scree n volta ge of each bala nced b u ilt you will want to check its operati on on
modulator tube normall y ope ratin g A~1 phon e. an oscilloscope. T he familiar bow-tie patt ern
A tr ansformer wit h a second ary de livering 300 is th e de sired shape whe n rf is ap plied d ire ctly
each side of the cen te r tap h as p roven to be to th e vertical pl ates and au d io is ap plied to
an exce llent cllOice for mod u lating suc h tubes th e h orizon tal plates thro ugh a voltage divid er
as the popul ar 61 46 and 6DQ5. as shown in Fig. ,t). T he desire d waveshape is
Most manu fact urer s of tr ansformers make also sho wn.
400 cy cle eq uip men t under milit ary contract. If difficul ty is foun d in attempting to obtain
Althou gh th ese transformers are not availab le a bow-tie pat tern it m ay be because th ere is
f rom dis tri butors they ma y h e found as su r- too mu ch or too little dri ve or the bi as on th e
p lus or alternatively by wr iting any of the
larger manu facturers.
Anot he r ver y d efinite design problem is
mode switching. \ Vith p roper d esign it is pos-
sible to obtain 350 watt s PEP on DSB, 150
watts C\V, and 100 wa tts A~ I all from a pair
of 6DQ5's.
As wit h an y pr ob lem in order to solve it
you mu st first un der st and the ba sics. In swi tch-
in g between mod es you are, in effect, simply
ch an ging cond itions of the balanced modula-
tor tubes. By this I mean you ar e changing
bi as, mod ulators and circ uit configurations. I n
order to change your DSn hi gh level balan ced
mod ulator to A\I vou mus t : lift one catho de
of an ou tput tube, remove screen voltage from
this same tu be and th en swi tch th e modulator
tra nsformer into th e other tubes screen circuit
in a fashion wh ich will modulat e its sc reen
voltage and th en su pp ly a proper amount of
gr id bras to ke-e-p t he lube from takin g off -in
(GlCl llIl.OO<l
lA JoU

the abse nce of dri ve. For C' V the followina

should be don e; on e ca tho de of an output Fig. 4 . Pract ica l doub le sideb a nd modul otor-output.

APRil 1966 79
balanced mod ulator screens is too high or too

low. In particul ar, the bi as on th e secondary 10K
of the modulat or will affect the crossover ~,-

point on th e p attern. D rive will cause th e pat-

OF 1lIOC. xr lolFtI
tern to b ulge or become concave depending
on whet her too mu ch or too litt le d rive is ap - !o
p lied. If in doub t re gard ing your particul ar
pat tern consult one of the many exce llent Fig. SA. Sou rce of horizont a l swee p fo r Q bow t ie
pattern sho wn in 5 8 .
handbooks ava ilab le. I ncid en tall y, a sing le
aud io tone is all tha t need be applied to ob-
tain a bow-tie 00- DSB whereas th e familiar p ra cti ca lly all aspects and above all it is ex-
two -tone test is used on SSB to obtain the tre mely simple as compared with SSB.
sa me pattern. In closing, if any read ers are int er est ed in
That's it! I ha ve p resented a few practical com plete construction details of a b an dswitch-
hints for building a D SB tr an smitter. This ing 350 wa tt DSB tran smitter drop a no te to
modes popularity is still gro wing as witnessed my QTH an d I'll do my best to tr y to write
by severa l new tr ansmitters appearin g on the such an art icle.
market. The mode is extrem ely p ractica l from VE7Illnl

A. Thi vie rge VE2H E

A Semi-Swilc hless Direction al Coupler

Ever since [ bu ilt m v first "Monima tch"
S\VR indicator, I have f~lt th at simu lta neo us
mo nito ring of th e Forward an d Reflected com -
po nen ts would be desirable. I would all too
freq uently find myself tryin g in vain to tune
for minimum Reflect ed only to find that I had
the switc h in the Forward po sition ! Or (tha t
was befor e I grew a third h and ... ) I would
get ann oye d at Ilipping the switch back an d Fig . 2. Fina l circu it wh ich g ives conv ention al For-
for th tunin g for a he althy F readi ng . . . and wa rd and Refl ected rea dings ::IS well a s the specia l
get a healt hier R readin g. I considered using Tune position .
tw o meters, but th e thought of such lav ish
Th e next logi cal step qu ickly su gges ted it-
extrav agance was swiftly b rush ed aside every-
self. Sin ce th e outputs from th e co upler ar e
time Junior need ed new shoe s. If other ham s
of opposite polarities, why not mix th em in a
h ave run int o th e same p robl em (no. n ot
com mon -load and read th e resultant? It
Ju nior 's shoes . . . ) here is one answe r to ou r
works. Se F ig. 1. Two I k resistors in ser ies
comm on p light.
are b ridged ac ross th e F a nd R term inals of
I use a zero-center mi cro ammeter. The the Mouimutch and the m icro arnm eter con-
connections to the Reflect ed diode are re-
nected to their jun ction po int reads the alg e-
versed to produc e a neg ative ou tput. No
braic sunt of th e two voltages: A maximum
conf usion now : po sitive readin g for Forward
positive d eflection indicates m inimu m. s'\-vn.
and neg ati ve for Reflect ed .
T he necessa ry con ne ctions are made
th rou gh a three p osition two pole switch. See
Fig. 2 for comp lete wir ing. This provides 3
center Tun e po siti on givin g the con figu ruti-m
shown in F ig. I as- well as the conven tional
IN) ...
" Foncard an d Reflect ed position s.
Simply switc h to Tw w and manipulate all
loadin g and matchin g contr ols to obtain a
,s IN3. m aximu m positive defl ecti on. You may then
" sw itc h to F an d R in the norma l ruuun er to
veri fy the results of your knob tw idd ling. B1It
FiQ. 1. Use of a ze ro ce nter mic roa mme te r fo r th e after n wh ile you won 't bother.
Mon imatch. . . VE21lE

80 73 MAGA ZIN E
My ad in the January issue crea ted q uite a and so is the re cord of service-free hours th at
stir, and ma ny letters were received fr om h am s can be expected . After all, we ca nnot all af-
all ove r th e country . T he upsho t is th at I feel for d Cadillncs. It see ms to me as I write thi s
prompted to de fine Swan's va lue a litt le more, that there are an awfully lot of C bevrolets 0 11
specifically fo r you fellows who are wo nderin g th e road and that a mod ern C hev rolet is cer -
what to purchase. tninl y giving its ow ne r a grea t deal of sa tisfac-
tion . I liken Swa n to Chevrolet . It has the
I recommend and sell Swa n in greater nu m- power , th e Hexibi lity, th e opera ting conve n-
bers than an v other tra nsce iver be cau se of the ience, and a re cor d of reliability wh ich pl aces
in heren t sou ndness of the product and b ecause it in the fro n t for value. Swan gives you fu ll
of its obv iously grea te r va lue. L et me explai n. 80- 10 covera ge, 3. 7mc total, an d the chance to
In evalua ting any mod ern sideban d transcei ver operate on ~IAR S or other external frequen cies
considera tion must be made for th e total fre- with th e pu rchase of a sma ll and inexpen sive
quency covera ge over th e maxim um n umber of accessory. The power th at you get is greater
ama te ur bands, th e flexibili ty of the equip ment than practically any othe r transceiver out .
to reach outside the band s for l\lARS and CAP Priced wi th t he AC power sup ply at onl y
wo rk, th e d egree wit h which the p roduct will $480.00, you get your ch oice of C\V, AM , and
op erat e sa tisfactorily on C \V and A~l as we ll sid eband . If you wa u t to try some th ing int er -
as side ba nd, ratio of rejecti on of th e unwan ted esting, compare th ese facts on freq uency,
p roducts vs. the effective power ou tp u t, and of power, an d pri ce with the othe r tran ceivers an d
cour se the mechanical conv eni ence of opera t- th en sit back and judge for yourself what you
in g the eq uip men t. Pr ice of course is an object ough t to do. You will be p icking-Swan.


Fo r those of you who are in terested in VHF, this new Mo del ..250 is expected to be only
I have a pl easant sur p rise-Swa n is bringin g $295.00 with deli very starting in early May.
out a 6-meter sideband transce ive r. It will look Get your order in soon!
essentially th e same as the Mod el 350, it will If you ev alua te th e pl easu res tha t you will
ha ve th e sam e di mensions, it will provide 240 receive fro m vour h am rad io in terms of m axi-
wa tts of PEP inp ut to a pair of 6146B's, and it mum con ta ct t ime vs. hours expende d you will
will provide fu ll 6-meter coverag e in incre- begin to understan d why 6-me ter activ ity is
ments of 500kc bv me ans of a lockable band bec omin g so ve ry popular.
se t capa citor. Pro~ision h as be en made in its
d esign for a 500KC crystal calib ra tor acc essory. Here is th e rig wh ich is bou nd to make h is-
T his tr an sceiver has an RF ga in con trol. Full tory and , in ty pica l Swan manner , you get
AGe and a crysta l latt ice network of 10.7mc max imum valu e. No "frills- the pleasure is in
and will op era te on upp er sideband an d AM . the ea tin g, oops I m ean the operating . Now
It is meant to be used with any of the st an d ard you know wh y I say there is no frostin g on
Swan powe r sup p lies . Best of all, the price of this cake!


Woodchuck Hill, Harvard, Mass., 01451
Telephone 617-456-3548
Ron Gunn W A6K LL
3 5 8 A lbatross Ave .
Livermo re, Calif. 9 45 50

Two Buck Monitor

Gath er roun d , all you poor h arassed ops your transmitter when th e key is operatin g a
who arc ge tti ng hot on your C\v or want to circ uit tha t is fr om 30 volts and up , and of
and wh o own a m onitorless tr ansmitter or any polarity. W ell, if the voltage is high
sid eband transceiver . Som e of tho se rigs are eno ug h to be d ow nright da ng ero us, don 't be a
p retty h ard to h ook a m oni tor to so you can h ero, install a double pole relay and live a
tell wha t you're se nding. You can install a wh ile . But if the voltage is a couple of hu n-
noisy relay to operate th e monitor, but there is dr ed or less, science h as fou nd the an sw er .
a better and cheaper way in most cases so a nd the q ua ntities the y make these th ings in
wh v not lise it? Let's live modern and come h as d riven th eir price down to less than four
lip 'with a two h uck monitor scheme that will bits. I am spea king of the fan tastically efficient ,
p lug righ t int o the key jack and let you know tin v and enorm ouslv valuab le silicon power
ho w your keying sounds . N ot only that, h ut i t d i~de. .
has no ot her wires or leads than th e lin e to These un its ha ve a forw ard dro p (con duct-
the key jack and a p lace to p lu g in th e key ing m od e) of less than 0.6 volt a t full rated
itself . current. As far as any circu it we m igh t want
T he reall y best way to monitor your send- to operate thru it is concerned, it isn't even
ing is to listen 011 the station receiver but if th ere . The rever se resistance is an other story,
you own a tran sceiv er , forget it. The n ext however. When the , cathod e of on e of these
best way is to have au aud io oscilla to r that is diodes b ecomes positive , the series resi stance
keyed along with the transmitter. T he best bet jump s to many megoh ms.
in am lin oscilla tor s today is th e 98¢ tra nsisto r Our p robl em then is to hook up th e two
mod ule va riety that is in practica lly all of th e circuits we are interested in without their in-
ma il order ca ta logs. These units ar e the most tera cting. By interactin g I mean pr even tin g
in simp lici ty. W ire up a small 6 volt batt ery th e volt ag e in th e ke ying circu it fro m chang-
and a speaker to th em and the y will operate in g th e solid state com ponents in th e monitor
for months, an d drive you out of th e room into low grade r esistors. T he two circu its I
with their volume to boot. And you can use speak of are th e keyin g circu it itself (neces-
th e u nit for a cod e p ra ct ice oscillator if yo u're sa ry !) and th e m on itor circu it we wo uld like to
reall y ru sty, th en plug it into th e rig wh en op era te at th e same time.
read y to go. First. determine the polarity .of the tran s-
Now the trick is to h ook thi s thi ng up t o m itter ke ying circ uit. Jf th e tr ansceive r is
block-grid ke yed. it will h e nega tive . If it is a
modulator bala n ce/unbalance sch eme or a
t one oscilllat or, it m ay we ll be po sti ve. If
you h ave to inst all th e keyin g yourself or it is
obv ious from th e schema tic. fine . If not th en
Mil • • • 1 Ii ' _ P " ti pl ug in a pho ne pl ug with th e pl ast ic h andle


. :1~~ .
CRI e'n

'i" ---1---'
, rc ~ ffi

"" "'"
Fig. 1. The Two Buck Monitor using the Cordover
External view of the Two Buck Manitar. CPO·4 madule.

i, ~ ~

i ~

Ins ide of t he Two Buck Mon itor . The cordcve r 1=,,--,--0,----,:----0:-- -;:-
modu le is just above the batter y.

removed an d d etermine what po larity is 011

the tip with a voltmeter. Be righ t or the two
circuits will interact as exp lai ned ab ove-once .
The odds arc 50-50.
1\OW gaze upon F ig. J . In it is shown a
scheme for isolating th e two circ uits in qu es-
tion from each other whil e operating them off
of the same kev. The silico n di ode mentioned
above has solv~d our p roblem . When the key
is up . and our schematic ass umes th at we use
block-grid keying (negative), th e negative volt-
age at the key goes to maybe a couple of c i- - - - - ---,
hu nd red volts. T his voltage w ould instantly
r uin the monitor except that we have insta lled
the diode in series with it and have polarized
it such that the negative volta ge on its an ode
has cut it off and th e monitor never sees any
10 203040~ 6070I!lO'JOIOO.O 120 00
voltage thru it . \Vhe n the key is d ow n th e F~HCY IN MEGACYCLES ........
keyed circuit sees gro und anti the rig turns
on. At the same time th e mo nitor circuit sees
a cont inuo us circuit th ru th e key, the nO\\1 tI tip.
forward bia sed diode and the hattery. It has
also been turned on .
1'\0\\', if you happen to have p ostive voltage
$ 1 9.9!?
Plus Pos tcce .
W ith mating
-... 1:] I
UG2 1B/U
at th e key jack. just d isconnect the monitor o dd $ 1.0 0
part of th e cir cuit at th e key (poi nts x an d y) ')
and reverse them. Then be sure to label th e
mo nit or either p ostive or negative as th e ca se 2·30 MC· 2 KW P.E.P. • CO MPLETELY
ma y be. The wro n g polarity w ill ru in it . .\Iine WEATHERPROOF ' 1:1 or 4:1 RATIO (SPECIFY)
has the statement "use with negative keyed • MOUNTING FOR BEAM OR DIPOLE
voltage only" on it as can be seen in the photo. ea rly pe rfe ct c hara ct erist ics a re obta ined by t he usc
If you go ho g wild as J have an d ge t a N of low loss ferrite ma teria ls a nd speci a l wind ing tec h-
niques. The tra nsformer is comple te ly enca psulated in
p retty bo x, etc., the cost will be more th an a pla st ic to a ssure f reedom fro m moist ure or shoc k da ma g e.
Model 601 is desig ned to r 'D 1:1 ra t io (50 ohms unbal -
couple of h ucks, bu t th e ba sic parts arc not a nced to 50 ohms balan ced ) a nd t he Model 601 A is e vert -
a ble for applications requirin g a 4 :1 rat io (50-200 ohms
far from it . By th e way, if the con tac ts on your or 75· 300 ohms). Each unit is supplied with a UG58A/ U
bu g are the least bit dirty, the mon itor will tell (ty pe N) fi tti ng to provide superior weather resistance.
you qu ick. It is very sensiti ve to resistance in WRIT E FOR DATA SHEET OR SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER
the keyed circuit and will greet you with a
d ifferent note on your dnh s than you get on
your dits. You r V ma y sound like it's straight
fro m Beethoven. Th e cure? Clean the points, 4154 FEDERAL BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CAL. 92102
of course. . .. WA6KLL

APRI L 1966 83
M. B. Crowley EI4R
78 Chur ch Stre et
Ltstowel, County Kerry

Controlled Aud io AVC System

Th e two essen tial requ iremen ts of th e Aud io of incorpora tin g them in their rec eiver s; th ere-
d erived uvc sys te m a re ( 1) fast rise tim e, ( 2) fore, a sim ple syste m tha t has the necessa ry
cont rolled deca y time. req uiremen ts and gives steady meter reading
Lack of fast rise time means that on th e first is desirable. Such a svstem is now outlined in
syllable of a modula ted wave or the first dot circuit , where it is n ~ticeable that th e reason-
or das h of a C\V signa l, an annoying blast of ably slow d ecov tim e for the av e lin e an d th e
sound is rec eived because th e incoming sign al ve ry slow d ecay tim e for the meter, ar e now
has not had sufficien t time to generate and separa te functions.
apply bias to th e controlled va lves th en ru n- The inc omin g signal is applied to the grid
ning at maximu m amp lification. of first section double triode, which ha s an
Slow de cay time, to the u ser s' choi ce, is u nb iased catho d e resistor allowing th is section
d esira ble, b ut fast enough to allow th e COI1- to wo rk undistorted with strong or weak sig-
trolled valves to reach full sensitivity rea sonably nals. The amp lified outp u t of thi s valve is
q uickly at the end of tran sm ission, and rea dy pa ssed via .01 mfd conde nser to th e cat hode
for th e next weak in comi ng signal as required , of the second half of valv e wh ich cathode is
and also slow en ough to allow the user to read connected to earth via a crvsta l d iod e with
the value of th e incoming signal from his S the negative blocking en d to cathode . Th e
meter needle before same ret u rns to zer o. ca thode and grid compo ne nts of this sec tion
The last t\VO re q uirem en ts a re conHicting in are so in ter conn ec te d that a nega tive mean
th at too slow a decay time ena bling the S level of bias mainta ined on the grid , following
meter need le to remain reasonabl y stea dy will slight ly below the signals on th e cathod e. Thus
not allow the set return to fu11 sensitivity the tip s of th e rect ified aud io volta ge at the
qu ickly eno ugh, or vice versa, with the se t d iod e are p assed from the cathode to the grid
q uickly sensitive, the meter is unreadab le, du e to charge the 25 uf cond enser an d also from
to its fast movem ents. ca thode to anode to the ave line th rou gh the
E labora te circuits ha ve been d evised to 10 k resistor to charge the .1 uf conde nser.
overcome the se failings b u t complicated sys- The time constants of th e controlled grids is
tems are enough to make se t owne rs shy free made d elib erately sma ll (e .go,. th rough 50 k

" Beamed-Pow

You, too -can enjoy World re nown TELREX

performance and value! Send for PL66 te ch
d a t a and p ricin g C.at a log, de s crib in g th e
World's mos t po pular communicat ion anten-
nas, rotator-selsyn-i n dicator systems a nd ac-
cessor ies ! E xpanded da ta sheet s, inc lu din g
your favorite band, also ava ilable.

Use, is one of t he most dep endable

test imonia ls of e nd ors ement, an d Telrex
p roducts a re in use in 135 lands ASBURY PARK. NEW JERSEY 07712, U. S. A.

, _ " " '- ' -_ Av e L iNE

Fig . 1. Controlled a ud io AVe syste m .

resistor s with grid s bip ussed wit h .005 ~f con-
d en sers ) thus allowing th e ave line decay tim e
(about two sec ond s) to dep end on the val ue
of th e .1 uf conde nser in thi s circuit. The d e-
cay tim e can be varied to su it users' choice by
increasing or decreas ing th e value of th is con-
Any movemen t of electrons in a diode, valve
or valve portion act ing as a diode, du e to the Allow $ O¢ lor
packin g a n d
constantly changing polarity of anode in re- s h ip p ing .
spect of th e cathod e resu lting in reversa l of Ca liforni a re s i-
d e n ts includ e
elec tro n ch arge m ovement wit h the valve or 4~ sa les ta x.
di od e will cause noise in suc h circuits as d e-
tect ors mixers or any n on linear device , which
will add to th e overall noise background of th e
receiver. The pecul iar arra ngemen t in the cir-
cuit of the d iode and its associat ed compo-
nents were arran ge d in all effort to ca ncel ou t
th e reversal of valve space cur ren t, eith er from
th e anod e to catho d e or grid to cath od e, T he
eventual nega tiv e charge Oi l th e va lve grid b v
th e storage cha rge of the 2.5 uf conde nser will
can cel out reversal of elec trons from anode and
gr id to cath ode. The can ce llation of this n oise
source to the anod e wh ich is connected to th e THE BEST
controlled va lves , wh ich can amp lify any VALUEWE
source of noise, leaves us wit h a mu ch q uieter HAVE
receiver, an adv antage not to be ignored . Th e EVER.
25 IJf cond enser is also conne cted to th e me ter OFFEREDI
circuits and h as a slow time cons tant allowin g
the met er to rem ain steady long eno ugh for
comfor ta b le readin g. An e xce llen t combinati o n unit fo r eit he r ho me
The components of th e circ uit are n ot in any ste ticn o r ~mQbile use ... as an accurate Standing
wa y cr itical in values leaving some lat itude Wave Bridge and a se nsitive Fie ld Str e ng th
reg ardi ng ch oice of compon en ts. Most any Mete r. 52 o hm impe d an ce . W ill take a f u ll kilo-
crystal di od e in good wo rking order will suf- wa lt a nd ca n rem a in in the line a ll o f the ti me .
fice. F or g reater va lues of ave levels, a 12AT7 Grey met a l case , 5%" H x llf4" W X 21/4" D,
va lue ma y be used to re p lace th e 12AU7 with - wit h sta nd a rd fitt ings, 1 ;ra" Brigh t-vue me te r,
ou t changing any compone nt s. Placem ent of a nd de tach able, tel e scoping ante nna w hich e x-
te nds to 10 3,4". With instr uct io ns a nd sche matic.
va lv e mid parts is n ot crit ical, h ut if p laced
away from th e au dio source, a scree ned lead
from au dio source to th e va lve inp ut should
be used to pr even t grid hu m th rough th e set.
A simp le typ e of d e bri d ge amplifier such as
th e com mo n 6C4 circuit ca n be used. Mavbe
you r S meter is sens itive enough witho ut "an
amplifier. T his is left to th e rea de r's choice .
. . . EI4R

" Nort her n Califo rn ia's Most COf'IIIp le te Ham Sto re "
SINCE 1933
Rich ar d Ja cobs WA(JJAI Y
1015 Glenside Cit y
Un ive rsity City, Mo.

One-Way Dual Battery

Use a unique one-way dual diode circuit and
never worry about your car battery again.

Sometime ago I decided that I wa nted to UOWIi one battery as two -thus gall ung onlv
be able to operate my am ateur gear without a few more minutes of total elect rical power.
ever having to worry about the ca r's battery I had to have some way to increase my
going dead . H aving experienced the unpleas- au tomobile's stored elect rical energy ( ba tt ery
antnes s of not bei ng able t o park for a while p ower ) and at the sam e time arra nge it so
d uring the winter, with th e engine off and the th at I would n't have to switch betw een th e
heater Oil, or tr ansmitting to my heart's con- batt eries wh en I was using the system or con-
ten t, I considered at first having a spare bat- nect th em for charging-automation wa s my
tery In -the trunk and hooking it up by cab les answer.
to the charging syste m under the hood . As I D eciding on the ultimate solution, I de-
though t about it further, however , I realized cided to use a d ual-diode, dual-battery circuit,
that with thi s svstem I would need heavy which pe rmits two batt eries to be installed
cables so that I{O volta ge would be lost, i
would lose a bit of trun k space, I would have
View of the eng ine compa rt me nt of the ca r show-
to do a let of work (I don 't like doing more ing th e two ba tte ries an d pa rt of the d iode he a t-
than I have to), and I could just as easily ru n sin k. '
r - - - ...DC-250 OR

: ... 13961
:, ':~
, ' $200 trade on a Ranger
- : $200 trad e on a Valiant
$250 on a monoband Swan
Fig. 1. Sch e ma tic of the one-wa y dua l diod e, dua l $300 on a Swan 240
ba tt e ry syste m .
$325 on an SBE 33
und er the h ood an d enables charging of b oth
batt eri es simu ltan eously b ut elimina tes forever
$379 on an SR·150
on e's no t b eing ab le to get hi s car sta rte d in No tricks to it, we' ll give dea ls like these
th e win ter or after he h as talk ed too long and wh en you trade i n your pr esent equipm ent
run down the ba ttery. As can be ascertaine d on a brand n ew
fro m th e diagram, the car's electrical load
( ligh ts, horn , starte r, heater, etc .) are on one
batt ery; and th e am ateur load ( rec eivers,
tran smitt ers, PA system , electronic-siren, po -
National NCX-5 Mark II
lice ami aircraft r eceiver, etc.) are on the five band SSB transceiver
second batterv .
Since the ~1iodes conduct in only one di-
rection, curren t output from th e 'alterna tor
flows fre ely through the d iod es to the batteri es
bu t since th e diodes will not cond uct in the
reverse direction, one load cannot take cu rre nt
6 .
from the other butterv.
I used Westin gho use I N 1396 diodes which
are m ica at .50 PH V 0J 70 amp s and mo unted 01110
·iiii ::i;i
th e two OI l a \Vestinghouse industrial heatslnk
whi ch is av ailable from th at com pa ny's Youn g-
wood , Pennsylva nia p lant. The heatsink is
m ount ed under th e h ood an d h as p rovided
Now avail able on i mmedia t e 'delivery from
seve ral veers of main tenan ce-fr ee service. 111-
Radi o Products Sales f or onl y: . . . . $685.00
cid en tal ly, to store th e most powe r possible,
I rep laced the original batter y wit h a D elco
h i ~h capa city D C-.2.S:0 an d go t an ide n tical one We also have availa ble: the NCXA power
for the ot he r sid e of th e engine compart men t. supply at ~ _ . $110.00
Since th er e is a sligh t d rop in forwa rd volt. The NCL2000 Linear . $685.00
age with th e diod es in th e ch arging circ u it, it The console _ _ . $24 9.95
is a good id ea to have the voltag e adjust men t The dc power sup ply . $11 9.95
on the reg ulator tur ned up to compensate for
thi s. Write us f or a qu ote on wh at yo u'v e got to
One nev er knows th e fee ling it is not to t rade. Your Heath 12 , 22, 32 cos t you $1 20 ,
ever h ave to worry about anothe r d ead hat- we' ll allow you $2 40! Better write . . . rig ht?
ten '. If one leaves- th e he at er on too long in Cali f orn ia residents add 4 % sales ta x on our
th~ wint er or th e air-cond itioner on too lon g pri ces.
ill the slimmer with th e eng ine off, h e can
always "[ump" th e p ower from hi s # 2 (a uxil-
iar y eq uip me n t} battery. If h e likes to ya k 11..1.8 PRO DUCTS SA LES INC.
fro m hi s m ob ile and talks too lon g on hi s # 2
(au xiliary eq uip men t ) batt ery and dr ain s it 1501 SOUTH HILL STREET
comp letely, h e can do it kn owin g that h e will
still have his fully charged # 1 (automobile LOS ANGELES, CALIFORN IA
equipment) battery with which to start the
car. You can't bea t itl The West's Oldest Ham Distribut er
• .• WA0AIY

APR IL l M6 67

Fo r man v veal'S radio amateu rs have ob -

tained, b y ' va rious and sundry means, th e
popular W estern Electric F l··..:rransmitter Unit
for use as an exce llent ca rbon micr ophone at
the ho me station or for mob ile and portable
w ork. \Vhile the F l Unit performs ad mirably,
it also ha s cer tain disadvantages, such as th e
need for provid ing ope ra ting cur ren t by the
usc of an external ba ttery or by mod ifying
speech amplifier circuitry to utilize tube cath-
od e curren t. Excessive carbon butt on cur-
rent very often results in packing of th e car -
bon gra nu les and unsatisfactory operation .
Very ofte n an opera tor will complain of hear -
in g ca rbon mike hiss on your signal.
On th e other end of the F series typ e tele -
phone hand-set, of which th e F l Transmitte r
Unit is a part, is the unit known as the West-
ern Electric HA -l Receiver Uni t. To most
hams this part of the tel ephone hand-set ha s
Richa rd Gena ille had litt le significan ce other than to be the
719 Quarterstaff Road pa rt th at you norma lly wo uld listen to whe n
Winston-Sa lem, North Ca rolina using th e han d-set. Unknown to many ham s
is th e fac t that th e HA -l Rece iver Unit can
be used as a m icro phon e with excellent re-
sults in providing good voice com munica tions
qu ality. It is a con trolled diaphragm magnetic

Attention MARS Members:

A Very Limited
T he transceiver w-eighs only 16 lbs, the AC
sup p ly 23 Ibs, the D C sup ply 8 Ibs. It me as-
ures 12Jz" x 7 ~f " x 13". The receivin g sectio n
itse lf has extre mely good sensitivity , being bet-
ter than 1 micr ovolt for 50 milliwa tts output
with a 10d b signal plu s noise to noise ra tio.
By the way, you get the p ush -to-talk micro-
An unusua l op p ort uni ty exists for hams who p hone and the built-in spe aker as part of the
have an int erest in ,\IABS or CAP to purchase pa ckage. You have automatic speech d ip ping
a bran d new HCA SSB-.=i transcei ver. T his 4- lip to l Sd b, and each crystal of th e 4 th at you
channel transceive r covers the range of 3-1.=i ca n use is hous ed in a thermostutical lv COJl -
me and provid es a mea ns of switching anyone trolled oven which is su pplied as part 'of the
of 4 di scret e freq ue ncies wit hin this spec trum gear. You ca n ma tch <lil y an tenna fro m 10 to
with a flick of a swi tch . All circuit s from the 80 ohm s incl udin g whips . T he front panel con-
crystal to the outp ut pi ar e swi tche d by this trols includ e a pilot lamp lo show the se t is on,
contro l, an d when you tu ne up for an).' one a mod ulat ion indicato r, and em ission control
sp ecific frequency you tune the entire trans- which provide s for either up per or lowe r side-
ceiver with a separa te set of adjust ments for band output or either sideband wit h carrier. I n
each cha nne l. T here are provisions for 4 an- ot her wo rds, } 'OU ca n go A ~ J with this rig. You
tennas and you get a choice of a B-po le la ttice have a trim contro l which gives you the means
filter for either upper or lower sid eband. T he of tu ni ng up to 7.~ cycles on any incoming sig-
u nwant ed carrier a nd/or opposite sid eband is nal, and you have both an RF gain cont rol and
rejected by more th an 50db while permitting a power out p ut gain control.
more than 125 watts of PEP out put.
H ere is a de vice, th e best of its kind for
.\.tAR S opera tion, cur rently selling for $742 .50 ,
absolut ely new . I have a total of only 46 of
these u nits available for sale which I wiII sell
to th e first 46 customers who send in th eir
money. This is wha t you will get for $249 ..~ O :
The tra nsceiver; one crvstul of vour cho ice be-
tween 3 and V5 me (t his crystal will always be
1400 KC higher th an the frequency you wan t
to op era te 0 11 ) ; eithe r 110 AC supply or a sup-
p ly that wil l operate on 12 volts D C for use in
a motor ve hicle; th e crystal latt ice selectable
sideband filter th at you wish, eithe r upper or This is late, modem equipment, new , checked
lower, or von mal' bu v the othe r filter for an unt, guar antee d and <sold on a mon ey-ha ck
extra $ ,~ O .OO; intercon nectin g cables; an d the Imsis; $742.50 worth of new sid eband gear for
ins truction man ual . $2 4D.50 special only at


Woodchuck Hill, Harvard, Mass., 01451
Telephone 617-456-3548
APRIL 1966
type receiver un it similar ill operation to a
permanen t-magnet type loudspeaker. As is iere """""""7·'
-- ~ ~ ---- ~ I MICP.Of'tlO'I£
alread y well known in am at eur circles, a _ I REO ~T GIlN MI~E

perma nent -magnet loudspeaker call be used as ~~C:'WER 'KJ

UNIT _ M :
a d ynam ic microphone. altho ugh the fidelity - - --- ------ .
is not as good as is obt ainab le with a properly l RED !ll.1< 4 -- - ~;7
IL '~c,o.Bl..E
C'107 Ol'l EOI..N.
desi gn ed micropho ne . L ikewise, th e H A-l Re- ~ lll BTllO'I ICS

ceiver Unit can be used as a dvn umic micro-

Fig. 1. Schematic of th e Jaw cos t dynamic micr o -
phone, but with superior results" It has a more pho ne u sing the HA- l rece iver u nit .
desira ble freq uency response for ama te ur
communica tions work than most of the low- than about $6..50 if all of th e ma teri al, includ-
cost crystal microphones presently Ilood mg th e ing the HA-l Unit . is p~rchased n~.w. "
market, is physically ru gged and is not easily Th e interior of the microphone head aucl
affected by shock, heat or hum idity. The HA-l the completed microphone with sta nd arc
can now be obtained. withou t recourse to shown in the photographs. X eed less to say.
"various an d sun d ry mean s," at a nomina l cost. one docs not have to adhere strict ly to the
\ Vith a sm all amo unt of effort , a few addi- miscellaneous hardware used hy th e author as
tion al components and some miscellaneous th ere are pro bably many variations of mount-
hardware, you can make up a good communi- ing th at would he entirely satisfactory. 1.'hc
cati ons q ua lity d ynamic microp hone which II A-l Receiver Unit and the SO-1 match ing
you can use at your station as either your transformer are mou nted ill the 2;l:1 " x 2}s" x
main mike or as a rugged mike for mobile ] %," aluminum Mini box. A hole approximately
and portable wor k. H ere is how it is done. 111.6" in diameter is cut in th e section of the
Since the output impedance of a typical Minibo x which is to serve as the front of the
dynam ic typ e unit such as the HA- l is quite mike. F or appearance 's sake, a small piec e of
low, it is usually desirable to provide some alum inum screen wire is placed over the hole
mean s of imped ance ma tching to a hi gh im- all the inside of th e Minibox section. The HA-l
pedance microphon e inp ut. Th is is most ofte n uni t is positioned centra lly over the wire
accomplished by the use of a sma ll ma tching screen and hole " and fastened secu rely w ith
t ransformer normallv mounted inside of the small ca ble clips. The SO-1 mat ch ing trans-
case in which the dv'nami c un it is insta lled . To form er is mount ed by means of a small copper
de term ine the ch; rac te ristics of th e t rans- strap as shown in th e photograph. The author
former required for ma tching the H A-l . an used a small dab of nail polish to pr eve nt the
impeda nce curve was plotted for the HA-l truusformer fro m sliding out from under th e
Unit using measurements made with a Knight- strap in the even t th at the -. microphone is
Kit Sine W ave Audio Generat or and a Knight- dr op ped. A lug type terminal strip was
Kit Vacuum Tube Voltmeter. F rom this im-
pedan ce cur ve it wa s found that the imped-
an ce of th e un it varies fro m about 60 ohms at
300 cycles to near 400 ohms at ,5,000 cycles.
F or norm al voice wor k we are pri maril y in-
terested in th ose voice fre quencies which lie
between 50 0 and 2,500 cycles. To ob tain the
necessary impedance match for the H A-l Unit
to a high impedance connection and to kee p
th e dimensions of th e matching transformer as
small as possibl e, a U.T.C. Sub-Ou ncc r minia -
ture trunsfonner was selected for th e job . Th e
particula r mode l, th e SO-I , is physicall y small
enough to loca te within the meta l box which
will ultimatelv be used as th e mike "hea d ."
It has a primar y impedance of 50/200 ohms
and a secondarv impedance of 62.5k to 250 k
ohm s. Th e response of the 50 -1 is p lus or
minu s 3 db from 200 to .5,000 cycle s. Thi s
small transformer is the only item req uired
for th e microph one cons tru ct ion th at costs in
excess of one dolla r. The en tire micro ph on e, Inside view of the mic ropho ne he a d showi ng method
stand and all, can be constru cted for no more of mounti ng por t s.

moun ted inside th e Minibox to facili tate inter-
connec tion of the tran sformer secoud urv lead s
to the cond uct ors of the microphone' cable.
Th e schema tic is shown in F ig. I . The trans-
former primary leads are soldered to the H A-l
unit directly , taking ca re not to use excessive
hea t when soldering , The bla ck secondary lead
is used as the ground lead an d is con nected
to the shield of th e mike cable as well as to
the microphone case. The gree n sec ondary
lead connects to the mike cable inner cond uc-
tor and is the grid connection. T he mike stand
prop er is mad e up of a Sylvani a # P3305 Pen-
dan t Can opy, sometimes known in electrica l
supply houses as a canopy cove r, into whi ch
is clamped a 9" length of 'f " thinwall elec-
trical cond uit. A Thomas & Bet ts "Socks" con-
d uit connector is pushed on the oppos ite end
of the piece of cond uit and is inserte d into a A CUBICAL QUAD antenna is a fu ll wave, -loop type 01 ant enna
wit h, low n, high signa l to noise ra tio. (a t mospheric statte dis-
hole, large eno ugh to ad mit th e connector , eharpes are much less on a quad, t han on a long wire or beam
type ant enn a ) , High captu re area, with ap proximat ely g db.
which has been drilled in the botto m of the forward gain , 25 to .30 db. Iront to back rat io and a f ront to
side rati o in excess of 50 db. , low SWR.· 1.5 to 1 on a ll ban ds.
Minibox. A hole lar ge eno ug h to acco mmo date THi S PARTI CULAR DESIGN built on th e hypote nuse of a n an,le,
a %" rubber grommet was d rilled in the ca nop y using no boom otrers :
• No spiders to worry about brea king
cover mike sta nd base. Th e mike cable is • Muh lower Ilo ind load
• l ower ice lo%d (le ss area lor ice 10 f or m on)
passed through the gro mmet and tip the piece • Bett er ~ a lance (less st ra in on rotor)
of cond uit into the Minibox wh ere it is then • Rotor mOl nted fai r ly c lose i nti eeeter of grayity
• Thh desi;n has ta kcn away t he monstrus look of a quad
con nect ed as mentioned previously. Th e • No loadin g corb necessary.
• Dplim lm spacing of .15 \III u ti engl h on a ll bands orrers t he
sha rp-eyed read er will prob abl y notice a hole same impedence on a ll bands, t herrlore can be fed wit h one
feedlin!: BG s-u
cut in the rear cover of the microphone case • Weight 21 l bs.-SO TV rotor ca n be used
• No metal in th e horizonta l tl a ne (5 " 01. 11 amount in th e
and cove red with aluminum screening. This semi- horizontal plane-no Boom) . "Ia ny hams hau become
ho le wa s cu t hv the author since it seemed to aware of t he detuni ng tff eet of metal in the horizont a-l
plane of any hgrizont aJly polariz ed ante nna, and /laYe sene
improve voice ' q uality in th e aut hor's unit. so far as to break up t he baom or ot her large meta l s up .
porls by using wooll or ot her t ypes of insulali ng mat eria ls
Th e decision to include thi s open ing wa s made as inserts .
• Turn ing radius -less th an nin e feet
after trying out the microphone with and • Ease of assembly_After a ngled center support has been
assembled , th e rest of th e assembly ca n actu ally be to n-
without the Miuibox sectio ns completely as- structed In the air by eil her sr Ui ng th e center s l pport up
sembled . Th e onl y explanati on coming to i n t he rotor or tyin g eenter sl pport at ~t len f eet ab ou
highest obstruti on.
mind for this behavior is possibly that of sound • Fiberglass rOds wilh no holes dril led i n a ny par t . 1 t he
rods. (,058 x 7,. inch al ' lIIing,", has bei'n libcrglassed i nto
wave reinforcemen t of cancellation due to the t he fiberl lass rods, th en th e rods are atlilt hed to th e cellter
support by telu t oping th e ~. inch aI, min im i nto t he 1
waves striking the rear of the HA-1 Receiver ineh ahlll l nim ang le cente r supports .
• All a" mlrtUm .058 wall sUIII'less har d dra.... n.
Unit diaphragm. If after testin g the micro- ACTUAL TESTS -
phone it appea rs that the quality is a little on This qrad sta yed I I
ill th e a ir wit h windi
th e bassy side, a characteristic com mon to I P to 6 5 M.P . H. with
a si mllat ed tee 101d
man y dynam ic microphones, a small capacitor af 20 lhs. ( Four ( 5 )
lb. lfad weights )
Oil the order of .001 uf can be connected in
series with th e grid side of the mik e ca ble .
Less capacitance will pro vid e mo re restri ction
of the lower freq uencies. Th e ad dition of thi s
capacitor may be accomplished a t the speech
amplifier inp ut grid end of the circuit or withi n
th e microphone head .
Your complet ed dyn ami c microphone $99.95
10% on
sho uld , afte r following the pr ecedin g instruc- CO D ord e rs.
tions, look like th e complete d unit shown in Small qu a d fo r
10 Dr 11 m eters
th e photograph un less you chose to assemble $ 39, 9 5
the compo ne nts in a differe nt manner. You are
a ll set to conn ect the mike ca ble to you r tra ns- MACO PRODUCTS
mitt er audio sect ion and to receiv e com pli- 9 15 E. Corn ell Ave.
ments on your low cost d ynami c microphone.
Spring field , Illinois 62703
Te le phone 217_544-5891
, . . Gen aille

APRIL 1<;166
Use this simple scheme to couple two
ante nnas to uour rec eioe r t o)' b etter

Diversity the Easy W ay

Alexande r Labounsky WA2MTB
Wayaawi Avenue
Ba yv ille, N.Y.

T he ac tiv e VHF enthusiast is p rimarily in - Altho u gh th is te chnique has no t b ee n d es-

terested in cons istency an d faithfulness in cribed as much as it sho uld h ave been in the
reception of DX. In fa~t thi s ide a of strength leading ama teu r rad io journals, significa nt
an d con tinuity ran ges throu gh the exp ressi ons advances have been made in thi s field b v
of m an y in our history. Thro ug h p oetry Brown- many in dividu als and b y the "PC-iS" in th~
ing tell s u s: rea lm of h igh fidelity F:"J bro ad casti n g. R e-
Th en, God for King Cha rles! Pym and his q uisite readin g on clive rsit v is th e art icle' b y
snarls two en gineer s of H ennon Ho smer Scott, Inc .
To the Devil that pricks on such pesti lent W he n dive rsity is men tioned , many thi nk
cnrles! of th e relatively expensive mean b y w hich it
Ho ld by the right, yon double you r might; m ay b e accomplished, an d installed. That
So, onward to Nottingham, fres h for the mea n is th e use of two or more VH F antennis
fight. separated by at . Je ast three wavelength hori-
March we along, fifty-score strong. zontally connected . to separa te, In dividual
Crear-hearted gentlemen, sing ing ra dio r eceivers employing "inters tation noise
this song! sup pression" (s quelch) with eac h au dio outpu t
(From Cavalier T unes, Ro b ert Browning.) p ar all eled . But th is requires at leas t two, iden-
tical VH F receivers 1
D iversit y, the techn ique usin g the b est Instead of the ob viou s expense that is in-
possible signal obtainable fr om one an te nn a curred b y use of th e a bove, p ar allelin g the
ins tantaneously and automatically selected an tennas toget h er and feedi ng the resultant
from a m ultip le antenna array, each antenna transmission into one VHF receiver wo uld b e
separated horizontally by a large distance, a wonderfu l su bs titu te if a met hod for p ar al- .
cert ain ly is a worthwhile method for realizing leling an te nn a lines could be foun d which
the subject specifications for VHF reception . wonld not attenuate incomin g signals. T o
avoid the u se of matching tran sfo rmers, et
lVA2AfTB is a student inter ested in experi- cetera. at th e very inp ut of th e receive r, the
menting. au thor inadvertently stumbled upon a m agn i-
ficent breakt hrough for the posed problem .
Diversity a la amateu r radio is sh ow n sch e-
mntize d in Fi g. 1. T his diagram, designed for
two ch annel dive rsity op erati on, is illu stra ti ve
of two groun ded-g rid rf prea mplifi ers with
th eir resp ect ive outputs wired in series for
inse rt ion throu gh coaxial cab le to the input of
the VH F receiver. If built to ac hieve a very
-- ~ low no ise figure, it sho uld exhibi t add itiona l
12/'\10 gain th ou gh the result ant output is lower tha n
~-SHIl::LD .00!..L7 rh
it shou ld b e due to a lack of sop his ticated
;J; ~'."" out put, imped an ce ma tchin g networks between
6. 3 V the outpu ts of th ese two rf p ream plifi ers an d
Fig. 1. Schematic of the simplified divers ity the output jack on the u nit in F ig. I.
ad opter. Sta ndard circuitry is u sed throu gh out and,

92 73 MA GAZ INE
Regula r Net
Hallicrafters SR160 3 Band
Transceiver $
Hallicrafters P150DC Mobil e
Supply .
Hallicrafte rs MR160 Mobi le
Rack .
Regular Net


• You will reall y be an Ap ri l Fool if yo u pass thi s on e up!

A mc r i(: o's Box 37A

Mo st Reli a ble Wote rtow n, So. Da k.
Am ate u r De al er Phon e 605-8 86·5 749

likewise, stan da rd VH F wrrmg procedu re

should he carefully followed. It should be kept
in mind th at all wiring is to be as short as
poss ible in th e cr itical wiring areas. If opera-
tion is des ire d on frequencies above 220 m ega- CAr LOG
cycles, th e b uilder m ay , of cour se. resort to
sta ndard tro ug h lines as substitutes fo r th e ou t-
p ut tun ed circui ts.
A word on au teu na sp acing, ea ch ant enn a,
kep t as hi gh as possib le, sh ould he spaced a
min im um of three wavelen gt h s, horizontally;
the larger this spa cing, the better. Th ose who
are affluent enou gh t o 0\\11 sufficien t land or
who resid e on a ru ral ( antenna !) farm , will
find n o d ifficu lty wh en installing d ive rsity
eq uip me n t on the 50 megacycle band.
This auth or, using d iver sity on th e am at eur
ban d s, has, also , used the tech niqu e success-
fully on th e F :\l br oadcast band , specifically
in rece ivin g Jack Parr's 'V ~lnV- F :\1 of Moun t
\Vash ington from the au thor's QT H . F or the
serious DX-p hile, th e p rop osed method con-
taine d her ein is inexpensive, easily installed ,
and most effectiv e in catchi ng: D X, p articularly
when an airp lane flies overhead .
. . . W A 2M T B
' Von R cc kinghausen, D an iel, B a r ish, Martin L .,
" S pace D iversity Tec h n iq u es Imp rove FM Rece p t ion ," , State Zip _
A ud ia , p . 48 . November, 1960.

APRil 1966 93
Eric Hanse n W6HOG
1010 Pine St reet
Me n lo Pork, Ca lif.

SSB and the National NC-300

I am su re that there are ma ny who have the Clip out the lOOk resistor (R39) located
National NC -30 0 Receiver and arc using it to be tween ter minals B & C and rep lace
cop y SSB and C\ V. This receiver has many cover.
good features an d wit h very lit tle effort can be 2. Co nnect a .5 uf @ 50 volt mylar capacitor
made to perform exceptionally well in this across R-19 whi ch is loca ted on a terminal
mode of ope ration. T here are two shortcom- stri p near L9.
ings , bot h of which will be dealt with in th is 3. Remove R-30 ( 6Sk) and replace with a
article. In installing the modificati ons no holes 27 k !f wa tt resistor. T his resistor is located
have to be d rilled and the front pan el is not on a terminal strip close to the emp ty hole
dest royed. Th e complete mo dification can be by V6 .
p erformed in less th an three hours. The first 4. Remove C-55 (5 p f ceramic) and replace
change 'w as t o alt er the time con stant of th e with a 5-80 pf trimmer (Arco 463). This
ave circuit. T he disch arge time was len gth ened capa citor is connec te d be tween pin 5 of
conside rably to provid e for smoother operati on V 6 and an adjacent te rminal strip.
when receiving C\V or SSE transmissions . Th e 5. Remove the wire connected between pin
ave at tack and release times have been set so 1 of V8 and te rmina l C <>I. T 6.
as to give optimum pe rfor mance while receiv- 6. Co nn ec t a 100 ohm resistor fro m pin 1 of
·ng AM , SSE or C\ V stations. Th e p rod uct de - V8 to terminal C of T 6.
ector and bfo oscillator circuits are modified 7. Connect a 220k }%watt resistor from pin 1
next. I n th is chang e th e de voltage rat ios and of V8~ to grou nd.
th e signa l injection voltage ratios are altered . 8. Connect a combination of a 330 ohm re-
\ Vit h this change the ac tion of the prod uct de- sistor and a .1 uf 200vdc capacitor from
te ctor is smoother and th e amount of distortion p in 2 of V8 to ground.
is greatly reduced. 9. Remove R40 ( 6Sk) connected from pin 5
Anoth er modificatio n was wired into the re- to p in 6 -of V8 .
ce iver which made the un it more desirable for 10. Remove C-7S ( .047 pf) which is connec te d
SSB use and can p rove to he very useful when from pin 6 to V8 to ground and replace
in the C\ V mode. Thi s cha nge is also covered with a .02l-lf GOO vdc p ap er cap acitor .
at the end of th e article. ] 1. Remove R ~ 54 which is connected between
1. Remove the cover from the bfo can (T 6) pin 6 of V8 and a termin al strip .
12. Remo ve R-38 which is connected bet ween
pin 7 of V8 and g round.
13. Connect a combination of a 200pf cera mic
XI ~2
2 1 3 ~ KC 2295 KC cap acitor and a 10k }2 wa tt resisto r from
pi n 7 of V8 to ground .
14. Solder a 2-lug term inal strip to th e case of
the output tra nsforme r (T 2) locat ed near
V8. Place the strip on the side nearest V8 .
V5. Connect a lOOk !f wa tt resistor from p in 5
Fig . 1. 2nd converte r modificat ion s . of V8 to one of the insulat ed lugs on the
94 73 MAGA ZIN E
termina l strip just fustahc.. . complished th ru the ad d ition of two cr ysta ls,
16. Con nect a 56k "!f wa tt resisto r from th e lug one on ea ch side of th e if ban dp ass
on th e term ina l strip with the l OOk re sis- 1. Remove the wires from th e p hone jack on
tor just connected to it, to th e other insu- th e front pan el and conn ec t the b lu e and
lated lug on the termi nal str ip. gre en wires together. Do not remove th e
17. C onn ect a 10k ~ watt resistor from th e black wire from the xmt-rec switc h. If
lug with the 56k resistor only on it to pin desired, the p hon e jack may be mounted
6 of VB. on the re ar of th e ch assis and re-con-
18. Co nnect a wire from th e ju nc tion of the nec te d so the front panel will not be d is-
56k and lOOk res isto rs to pin 6 of VlO turbed. Rem ove th e phone jack fro m th e
(6AQ5 ). Repl ac e C-41 (. 01) wi th .22"f front panel.
at 35v. 2. Install a spdt rotar y switch in the h ole
19. Tum the rec eiver on with th e rf ga in full y where the phone jack wa s removed . If
clockwise and the mod e switch in th e A1\:1 a rotary typ e sw itch is used, the h ole will
position. The calibrator is th en turn ed on . n ot have to be en large d .
Tun e in the ca librator for ma ximum de- 3. D isconn ect th e wire s connectin g 1'5 to
flection of the "S" me ter. Place the mode th e rest of the cir cuit s.
switch in SSB an d rotate L6 unt il the beat 4 . Remove T5 and replace w ith a p late 11p OIl
note is zero-beat. Th is operation sets the wh ich are moun ted 2 crys ta l sockets
bfo in the p rop er po sition on the if slope. which lvill h old crys ta ls Xl a"ud X2.
20. \ Vith the receiver in th e SSB mo de of 5 . Remove R9 wh ich is connected to pin
op eration and the rf gain fully clockwise, I to V3.
ad just the variable trimm er on V6 fr om 6. Rem ove the wire connected to pi n 2 of
minimum capacity up to th e p oint wh ere V3 .
distortion is h eard while receiving a 7. Connect a comb ina tion of a 33pf ca-
strong SSB or C \V sta tion. Back th e ca- pacitor and a l OOk ~ watt resistor from
pacitor off about one-ha lf tum and leave p in 1 to pin 2: of V3.
at this sett ing. 8. Con ne ct a com bination of a 22 0 ohm ~
This comp letes the wirin g changes d ealin g wa tt resistor an d a 470pf capacitor from
with the p roduct d etector, C\VO oscilla tor , p in 2 of V3 to' grou nd.
and Ave circ u its. The receiver if sta ge should 9 . Co nnect a wire from pin 1 of V3 to one
be aligned fo r optimum perfo rma nc e as som e end of each of th e two cr ystal sockets.
of th e compon ents that were changed will 10. C onnect the comm on terminal of the spd t
ten d to load the if strip d iffere n tly th an before. switch install ed ea rlier to th e black wir e,
If th e following selecta ble sid eba nd mo difi- the other end of whic h is con ne cte d to the
ca tion is goi ng to b e insta lled d o n ot re- xmt-rec switch.
align the receive r at this time as th is wiII be 11. Con ne ct one of th e switch ed ter min als of
n ecessa ry after th e sideband change also. the spdt switch to one of the crystal
W het her th e receiver is aligned or not th e soc kets.
trimmer cap acitor in step 20 will have to be 12. Connect the other terminal of the switch
set as this sets the level of the signa l fed to the remaining crys tal socket.
from th e if strip to th e d et ector. Th e receiver The wiring changes required to provide for
should be p laced in th e ssn m od e wh en selectable sideband are complete.--In mo st re-
receiving C\V or SSB stations because in this ceivers it wtll be found th at th e corre ct set-
position only is the ave employed. If it is ting for the C \ VO co ntrol is half-way between
desired to eliminate th e ave action when re- th e center and th e po sition marked «2". The
ceiving a station the mode switch sho uld be if strip in th e receiver sh ould be peaked up
pl aced in the C\V p osition. The "S" m eter will due to th e fact that the crystals will be on a
become more "bo u rbon" and will read m uch sligh tly differ ent fre quency than th e coil net-
higher tha n before. By re tarding th e rf gai n work that was rem oved . The 2295 kc crysta l
control one-quar ter turn, the m eter will read will provide lower 'side ba nd on 80 and 40
correc tly . meters and upp er sideba nd on 20,15 and ]0
meters. T he 2135 kc cr ysta l will provid e upper
sideb and on 80 an d 4 0 with lower sideban d on
Selectable sideband modification 20,]5 and 10 meters.
Following is the modification for installing T his comp letes a se ries of m od ifications
a switc h in the :t\'C-300 in ord er to provide th at I believe you too will agree m akes the
for upper nnd lower sklelmud selection with - National K C-300 a real fine-business single
out tou ching th e C\ Va control. This is ac- sideba nd re ceiver. \ V61IO G

APRIL 196 6 95
W ayne Pi erce

This jovial fellow with a twinkle in his eyes

is \Vayne Pierce , K3SUK , the artist responsible
for th is month's cover, "L ittle Annie H ammy,"
"Ham \Vord Play," and most of the cartoons
and other artwork in this issue. \Vay ne is well
known to 73 read ers. His first 73 cover was
Nove mber 1962 and he's done many more vided clever illustrat ions for.....many ar ticles,
since then, including the Januar y 1964 Call - excellent cartoons and an occasio nal piece of
book spoof, the Octob er 1964 cover and lead art.
article, "A Ham in the White House?", and Wayne has been a junior high school art
the February 1965 T VI cover. He's also pro- teacher in -his hom et own of Oxford, Pennsyl-
vania since graduating from Kutztown (Pa .)
State College in 1959. H e's ma rried and has
a two-year old son .
Most of Wayne's ham operating activities
are con fined -at present to CvV on eighty and
for ty me ters wit h some six meter phone work
in the Chester County RACES for the local
civil defen se.
H e's also a sports car and putters around
with his i\IG T F -1500 when the wea ther co-

_ - - .__ ~
- - ~' ~~~c~~ ~r&A~:te2u?E~~~:)Fr~;t.th~ ~~o~~e~;~~. Novi ce, Technician,
CSL NR 3 & NR 4 (l t ape) f or the advanced operator with a sin-
~ Iherighl way-with ~.. ~~ . - cere desire t o copy code sounds at rapid speeds. How t o copy
...... "d
..... S UndLanguage., '---- --d~
~D e D
- 3CVE behind, etc. 25 to 55 wpm. Both tapes, plenty of copy-plain and
scramme u, numerals and nuecteatren.
"Th e special ized language of sound" bri ngs you a complete . study Magnetic tape. 7" reel, dual t rack. 2 hours. Immediat e delivery.
of the Int ernat ional Morse Code Sati sfied users say- "Complet e Send check or money order. (Specify Wh ich ta oe.l $6.95 each.

YOU R receiving speed, mas ter t he code now! *****

in e ~ ery detai l"- " Easy to learn!"- "CSL is t he besttv-c-Increase Botti tapes all O Il(' or der , only $13.50.
Sound Hist ory Recording, Dept. 73, Box 16015, Waslt ington, D. C. 20023

96 73 M AGAZIN E

grand opening
at 225 Rte. 46, TOTOWA N. J.
ARROW has moved from Main St., Norwalk to

Same as used in W2EWL SSB Rig-
March, 1956 OST. Three sets of CT
wi ndings fo r a combinat ion of lmped-
ences. 600 ohms, 5200 ohms, 22000
ohms. (By using center-taps the i m-
pedances are quartered). The ideal t rans-
fo rmer for a ss e transmitter. ether uses:
Jnterstaae, transistor. high impedance
cho ke, line to grid or prat e, etc . Size
only 2" h. X ¥4" W. X ~I' d. New and
fu lly shielded.
$1.49 ea., 3 for $3.95. 10 for $12.5D

I for exceptiona lly
fin e tunin g
Sho''''" aoprOJi ma:ely
actcet size
• AM , CW Or' SSB
• Wave e nve lo pe or tr a pezoid patterns Superb craftsmanship by Jackson
• No tu ni ng re q uire d Bros. of England. Ball bearing drive.

Up to 60 M e
Wi l l ha ndl e 5W to 1 K'N
Uses sta ndard co nnecto rs
$29 95 ~
W ' dia. Shaft Pia" long: 6:1 ratio.
Vy FB lor fine tuning. Easily adapt-
• Internal swe ep I able to any shaft. tc moarabre value
• S ize: 91/2" de ep, x 5':12" hig;" x 3l.h" w i de I $5.95 fY.odel 45.I I.:DAF.
Weigh t: apprcx, 5 tbs. i I $1.50 ea. 10 for $13.50

APR IL 1J66 97
Compile d by A. David Middelton W7ZC, Secretary

Basic struc ture of loAR Pasade na loAR membe r fights Gl Blues

T he b as ic elemen t of l oAR is its Me mbers who One a mateur, (a veteran of t he Arm ed Forces)
ma y be either licen sed Amateurs or p ersons seri - fed up with "draft-c a rd burn ing" and b eatnick
ously inte rested in Ama teur Badi a. pickctttng, decided to DO som et h ing to make
T here is onl y one class of Member. All Mem- Christmas brighter for thos e m any C Is stationed
hers may vo te. There is a special reduced STU- far from h ome and family.
D ENT m embersh ip rat e for those who have not A. E. O'B rien , \VA6YZN, of Pasadena, secured
yet rea ched th eir 20th birthday. th e coope ra tion of th e business m en in th e F oothill
Only licensed Amateurs may ho ld office in loAR Rosemead Sh opping Center an d set up a ham
and all officials mu st h e members of loAR. Nomi- station in the office of his brother' s tra vel agency.
nees for any office must have h eld an Amateur Me ssage blanks were made up and distrib uted
license for 18 consecutive months and hav e been to all merchants in the Center. Daily coll ec tion of
a member of l oAR for 6 consecu tive months prior m essages was m ad e a nd through the eooperatoin of
to the date of nomination . the Me Can 7, the Me Can 4 and the Mission T rail
: All Members w ill b e po lled on all matters of nets t ra ffic w as cleared to all parts of the world.
imp orta nce concern ing l oAR a nd Amateur Radio. Ot her nets .also pa rtic ipated in this Christmas
Th e majority vo te of the Members "will dete r- message operation.
m ine loAR policy . Me mbers have the right to DB's tra ffic rep or t for the holidays follows -5.38
amend the Constitution and By Laws. m essag es originated at \VA6YZN-all on official
roAR r egu lations p rov ide for hoth local CHAP- messag e blank s wi th compl et e ad dress of sender
TE RS and AF FILI ATED CLUBS. Both must a nd addressee . "-
meet certain simple requirement s as to m emb er- 147 messages relayed by \VA6YZN from oth er
shi p in roAR. ne ts .
40% of all traffic was to Armed Forces.
Regulations provid e for .l oAR Fi eld Organiza-
Ma ny overs eas CI phone p atch es 'were ma de hu t
tion s, under the administration of the Secr et ary,
not included in the tot als ab ove .
to b e comprised of RE GI ONAL, STA T E and
Continuous operation from 05 .'30 De c. 23 to 18:30
ARE A officials who assist HQ in coordinating th e D ec. 25th h y OB himself! '......
activities of Members res id ing in their respective
geographical areas. Th e equipm ent used wa s a SR500, th e very sam e
p iece of eq u ipm en t used b y Scott Carpenter in
The l oAR is govern ed b y a Board elect ed by P roject SEA LAB off La Jolla .
Members. T his Board consists of not less than five l oAR con gra tula tes \ VA6YZN for h is one-man
D irectors ( to be ele cted in '66, two mo re to be effort t hat brought much h ap p iness to lonely GIs
added in '67 and in '68 , bringing the total to a nd their families at C h ristm as.
nine ) a Secr etary and a Treasurer. T he latter tw o
ha ve no vote on the Board. An executive Com -
m ittee to h an dle d ay-to -day loAR p roblems (not Congressman repli es to l oAR news letter
po licies ) consists of the Secretary and not less than
two directors. All h ave a vote. In Jan uary loAR H Q transmitted its first news
lette r to the Sen ators, Congressm en and other
The Board will selec t one of it s m embers to govern menta l officials. Th is letter forma t was sent
he it s Chairman for one year, the p ost chargin g via F irst Class m ail, in the des ire to obtain gr eater
each year. Directors ma v serve no marc than two reader interest and a tt ention by the recip ients .
f ull cons ecutive terms ~f three years in the same Previous releas es (in card format) drew ma ny
office . favorable comments hom key p ersonnel in W ash-
There is N O wor k-affilia tion restriction pl aced ington's le gislat ive circles.
on loAR Directors or other officials . loAR welcomes H ere is a d ire ct reply to our Ja nuary lett er.
in its elected officers the skills, talents and d emon- Secre ta ry, loAR-
strated ability available on ly in th e vast pool of This wi ll acknowledge and th ank you fo r the
te chno logically-trained licensed Amateurs directly December issue of you r «Am ateur Radi o aro und
conn ect ed with th e electro nics industry at all the USA and Across Borders ".
level.'> . I ha ve lon g b een a n admirer of the very useful

10AR-Totally Dedicated to the Betterment and Preservation of Amateur Radio.

fu nction of amatucr radio operators and add m y
comp lime nts for th e many humanitarian deeds Important loAR Addr esses
yo ur me mbers p erf orm. For a ll co rresponde nce ex ce pt t ha t rega rd ing
\\'ith best wishes, I remain mem be rshi p a nd s upp lies:
Sincerely yours, Institut e of Amat eur Ra d io
Febr. 2, 196 6. s/James F . Batti n , S pringd a le, Utah 84767
Member of Congress For membership co rrespondence a nd loAR
2nd. Di stri ct , Montana supp lies :
Institute of Am ateur Radio
Buil ding-writin g contest for youn g Peterbo ro ugh , N.H. 03458
me mbe rs
T he "Nee..-s from the l oAR" column in Mar ch 73
carried full details on th e first Io.Aft-Memb er Pr omin ent Ama te urs join I oAR
c ompeti tion involving th e build in g an d article pre- Among th e stea dily incr easing number of Am n-
parat ion of electroni c gear. t('1lTS joinin g 10AR is Sen or Luis Salida, XE2 IL,
This comp eti tion is solely for l oAR Members of Navojoa, Sonora. Luis, one of th e most act ive
who were born aft er J uly 15, 19-16. If you are in parti cip ants in orga nized Amateur Radio in Mexico,
this age b racket ynu arc invit ed to cons truct a n is a "pri me- mover" in Li ga Mexicana de Radi o-
origina l p iece of equipme nt, wri te an ar ticle d e- cxperimen ta dores, Red Nacional de Rad io Asisten-
scri bi ng it an d submit it to 10AR HQ where it cia and Cl ub de Rad io Expcrlmentad ores de
'w ill h e judged. Sonora. 10AH welcomes XE 2IL, a ne ighbor from
A total of th ree prizes will b e awarded . 73 -space south of the b order!
rat es will h e pai d th e au thor/winner in each of Anoth er internationally- known Ama teur also b e-
three ca tegories; eq uipme n t h avin g more th an 5 ca me an I oAR Mem b er wh en Mr. John Gayer,
transistor s or tub es, an item h avin g mor e th an 3 I-lB9AEQ, of Geneva , Sw itzerlan d , founder and
tran sistors or tubes, and one havin g less than 3 past p resident of th e Intern ational Amateur Radi o
tran sistors or tubes. Club joined us an d will carry first hand knowled ge
Sec " N ews fro m th e I oAR" colu m n in 73 for of loA R h ack to Gen eva with hi m.
Mar ch 1966 . If a copy is unava ilabl e, send SASE Mr. Gayer now suppo rts l oAR's efforts as many
to 10AR H Q for rep rint of th e Ne ws. l oAR Memb e rs have long don e for I ARC!

Amat eur radio in exp erime ntal satellite

Wi th th e successfu l op eration of the am ateur
built equipment ab oar d OSCAR 4 des igned and INSTITUTE OF AMATEUR RAOIO
built by the T R\ V Systems Radio Club-sf sec F eb- MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
runry 73 p age 110) it is gra tifying to sec still (U se se pa ra te s heet if desired)
anothe r ent ry into th e Amateur satellite field .
ARIES is the name of th is lat est effor t on th e Ca ll .
Na me
part of organized Amateur Rad io to b uild sat el-
The followi ng is a qu ote from a comp reh ensive City St at e Zip
technical and new s bulletin fr om the AR IES
grou p- «I t is th e d esire of th e San Fernando . $ 5 for 1 yr. loAR Me m be rs hip.
Valley Radi o Club ( SFVRC) th at ARIES, acting . $2 .50 for 1 yr. 10AR St ud e nt Member.
ill the ma nne r of its n am esake , aid in th e exp lorn-
tion of sp ace communications as it s pr edecessor , a . .. $7.00 for 1 y r. loAR Mem . plus 1 yr. 73. I
!l OW extinc t sta r, aided the ancient ma rine r in his I
" " " "$4 .50 ~fo~ " 1 yr . loAR Stude nt Mem. p lus
qu est for knowled ge of his en vironment. I
"T he pioneer s of th e OSCAR p rogra m have 1 yr. 73 . I
blazed a trail for the Ame rican Radi o Amateur in I
the real m of spa ce comm un ications. Consistant sat- . 1 am a new Memb er of 10AR. Age . I
ellite comm un ications still requir e "better than av- . 1 a m a Cha rte r loAR Me m be r a nd de si re I
erage" equipment, and state-of-th e-art techniques. to have my mem be rs hi p c o nti ~ u o us . I
\Vh at is needed now is a concerted effort on th e I
pa rt of ma ny amateurs p ooling th eir talents to de- .. . . This is a ren ewa l of 73 but a NEW 10AR I
velop both eq uipment and techniqu es for th e ex- Membe rshi p. I
ploitation of th is ne w mean s of communica tion. " I
Please send check or mo ney o rd e r (cash sent I
at sende r' s risk) t o : I
QTH? Los t members! Wher e are you? I
Insti t ute of Am ateu r Rad io, Inc . I
loAB II Q n eeds the correct lip- dated QTII .for I
Memb ership Departme nt I
th e following Member s: I
Ca rr, Cl are nc e n., K9 HU K. Pet erborough , New Hamp. 03458 I
___________ _ ____ __ _ _____ _ __ _ _ _ __ 1
Hitt er, David L. , \ VA6KXE.

A PRIL 1966
Adam Leller K9SGZ
Vc lpc rlso T echnica l Institute
Va lpa riso, Ind ia na

Multi-Channel Transistored Pre-Amp

This article will describe a tra nsistorized eq uipme nt.
vers ion of a pre-amp which was offered b y The un it I built is wired on a masonite
\V9C\VG in an early issue of 73. Since that bo ard abo ut 4 bv 6 inches. Circuit lavout is
article was published , several people hav e not critical, but th e complet ed amplifier 'should
written to \Vig requesting such a uni t, so one be housed in an enclosed box to prevent rf
was th rown tog eth er in a few spa re moments. problems. If If p roblems arc encoun tere d, an
Th e unit uses inexpensive 2N40 4 (or 2N3628) rf choke in series with the inp ut lead , con-
tra nsist ors, bu t othe r types ma y be substi tuted ne cted righ t at the base of the inp ut tran sistor
without too much bother. Almost any PNP Ql> along w ith abo ut a .001 uf capacit or from
audio or switching transistor wiII wo rk fine, Q t base to grou nd should cure the p roblem.
with only minor cha nges in biasing requir ed . O nce th e circuit luvout is determined, hol es
The circuit starts off with a cascaded emit- may be d rilled ill th~ hoard (with an ice-pi ck,
ter follower input, using negati ve feedback jf no d rill is available ) to moun t th e compo-
through C t to rai se the input impedance to nents and the circuit wired on the ba ck of th e
such a level as to allow the use of a cry stal ho ard using po int-to-poi nt (haywire ) wiring
microphone. Th is circuit will have about .5 techniq ues. Keep all leads ve ry sho rt aro und
megohm input impedance at 1000 cp s, de- Qt and the inp ut circuitry and no problems,
pending on the bet a of the transistors used. hard ly at all, should be encountered. A hint
Following the inp ut sta ges, the signal p asses here, if b attery power is to be used switch the
thro ug h a common emi tter amp lifier which ba tt erv on an d off with an unu sed set
will have about 20 to 30 db gain, depending of con"tacts on the antenn a relay or such . This
on how many outp ut stag es are used. If it is will save the battery and since th e un it doe s
no ted th at the circuit has more gain th an is not req uire a wa rm-up time will offer no prob-
req uired in an individu al applicat ion, th e ca- lems, other th an perhaps the need for an rf by-
pacitor C 2 may be omi tte d, whic h will reduce pass capacitor 011 the supply voltage line inside
the ga in to about 10 db. If th is is still too th e enclosure for the pre-amp.
ni uch ga in, all of the circuit bet ween the All compone nts ar c standard..part s, and are
point s ma rked "X" may be omit ted , which will no t critical. Just empty th e junk box and you
give abou t 2 or 3 db overa ll loss from inp ut to should have enough parts to throw together
output. F ollowing this amplifier sta ge, th e out- thi s littl e gadget. It may be used on a 6 or 12
put is cou pled thr ough emitt er followers to volt au tomobile battery svstcm w ith no circ uit
ind ividu al output gain controls. These outpu ts modificati ons , so shou·ld -lend itse lf nicely to
will allow use of low impedance load s, such as mobil e app lications using converted two-way
500 ohm inputs to comm ercia l T wo-\Vay FNI equipment. . . . K9SGZ

", 2N4 0 4 2 N404 BASE Dl...GN.....


Fig. 1. T hre e channel output transisto rized pre-ornp. A good transist or to use in p lac e of th e 2N404
is the silicon 2N363 8, a 2N404 replacemen t a t th e sam e low p rice (less than 50 ¢).

W a lt Roger s WI DFS
24 Orie nt Aven ue
Melrose , Mo ss.

Ferrite OF

Hadi o aids to navigation, or ra dio D -F as

they are more common ly known, have been
in m e for mari ne and air operations for a T he Ferrite DF bu ilt int o a Minibox.
number of years. T he needs and te chniq ues
of these services are much m ore sophist icated line is necessar y in ord er to obta in maximu m
than necessar y, for the ama teur to benefit from sign al trans fer. · Th e rod is a mu ch more ef-
th e principles of radio D -F . H owever, very fective core mater ial than air and therefore
litt le has appeared in amateur ma gazines fewer turn s are needed 011 it . The number of
lately in th e wa y of a simpl e unit that we all turn s listed in F ig. 1 are for th e ferrite rod .
co uld lise. A grid-dip me ter would be a help in deter-
Briefly. direction finding (D-F) depen ds mining that resonance ca n be obtained over
upon the use of th e directiona l charac te ristics the 75/ 80 meter b and before completing the
of th e antenna . In order to establish a fix, or assemhlv. A small aluminum box was used to
point, it is necessary to have tw o beari ngs. minim iz·e hand effects and provide a conven-
\ Vhile a sensing antenna giving only on e ien t moun tin g. The w ood pieces were made
dir ecti on wo uld be h and y, the ba lancing and to clear th e tu rn s on the coil and with a few
maintenance of signal condi tions at the D -F turn s of plastic tape fit tightly on the rod.
installati on mu st be unmodified af ter a bal - In opera tion plan to run the rf gain on full
ance calibration. Also a single di rection will and after loca ting a signal and t urn the rod
not give the distance, so as to get a firm fix. b roadside to secure th e sha rpes t null. The D -F
Thus for the sake of simplicity in usc, onl y tuning cap acitor should be set for maximu m
th e hi -directi onal design is pr esent ed here . signa l. To aid in obtaining th e fix it is a good
Th e unit to b e described , usin g a fer rite idea to establish whi ch way is tr ue North .
an tenna , has less output th an others, bu t is a Hemembe r, ma gne tic North is usugj ly not tr ue
fa r more conve nient pa ckage. Less sign al is Nor th an d a declina tion correction must b e
secured from th e ferrite ante nna p rimarily d ue made . All good maps give this correction, b ut
to its limited size as compared to a normal better still, take a look at th e North Star in
half-wave ant enn a at th ese freq uencies. The relati on to the radio shack's orientation and
efficiency is up , ho we ver, whe n it is tuned to use this as a bearing refe rence at home. Get a
resonan ce . Most receivers have enough spare b earing from another station an d mark a line
sensitivity so that th e stron g signals can be from his location and one from yours- where
received very well and many of th e weaker th ey cross, that is th e Bx. -
signa ls well eno ugh to get good readings. On mobil e- work it is suggested th at road
Con st ruction of th e unit is q uite straight- map s be used . After gett ing a reading dri ve
forwa rd and one should have no tr oub le d upli- approximately perpendicular to thi s line (roads
ca ting it . The Ferrite D -F is made from a p erm itting) and after a while take another
tuned ferri te rod, tigh tly coupled to a short read ing. T he crossing of th ese Jines is the fix.
piece of coaxial cable wh ich goes to the re- For close up readings a modified field stren gth
ceiver. This t igh t couplin g to the coaxial feed- met er with a sensitivity .control could b e used,
but this is another story.
I'rTUR'l S CLOSE- WOlftl D 5 TUI'l'l S CLOSE- WOO'lD T he next time you b ecom e annoyed at a
f OR TUNING ---....... COIl COll,X PICK- UP dead carrier or some other form of interferen ce
on the band get out the F errite D-F an d with

~P;:, the aid of a few fellow hams hunt it down.

At th e next meetin g of your radio club suggest
a hidd en tran smitt er hunt to the Acti vities
Cha irma n if yo u want some rea l fun .
Fig . 1. Schema tic of th e Fer rit e OF. Core of t he
coil, na turall y enough, is 0 fe rrite rod . W lDFS

AP RIl. 1966
Gu s Browning W4BPD

Gus: Part XI

Last mo nth I stopped whe n Rundy was get- jobs. I am not sure just what kind of plane it
ting rea dy to move on to Qatar, just up th e ac tually is but it seems like it was a DeHavi-
Persian Gulf from Bahr ein Island. \Ve had land. Down to th e airport we went and w e
our licenses all in ord er for all the 11P-4s all were off to Qat ar. When you take off from
the way up to and including Muscat. We had Bahrein that's when you can see all those oil
all ou r police permits in order and our airli ne derricks. I t looked like I was over T exas with
ticket s in our pockets. \Ve had been in Bah- the exception that there wa s des ert all over the
rein abo ut 6 or 7 d ays and had made many place. Millions of year s ago th ere must have
tho usands of QSO's. As I mentioned in last been something other than deserts there to put
month's ar ticle we stayed in the only hotel all that oil under the ground. They tell me it
there, the Speedbird H otel, and boys, if you usually rains about once during the year, but
wa nt to be sure you have a place to stay when boy wit h all that oil under the ground who
you go to Bahrein I stro ng ly suggest that you needs ra in! The plane hu gged the coast and in
make reservations we ll in ad vance. L ord knows a ve ry sho rt while we landed.at Qatar. Rundy
whe re you will stay if you get in to Bah re in told the taxi driver to take us to the hotel. At
and cannot ge t in to th is hotel. You know you th at time there was only one th ere and boy it
ar e right in th e middle of Moslem country was an eye-opener! I' ve forgotten its name
there so p ork is taboo. One of th e bell hops but it looked like one of those Hilton jobs,
the re told me about some British sailors who real fa ncy, completely air conditioned, and
stopped th ere a few days. T hese fellows or- about $22.00 per da y. We checked in and set
dered pork chops at the Speedblrd and qu ite up our an tenna. T his w as very ~asy. We jus t
na turally they wer e told that there was DO ran it from the top of the hot el down to a
such item to be had. \Vell these fellows went fen ce post.cin the dir ection of the big swim-
back to their ship and got some pork chops ming pool. j ust a few hu ndred feet from th e
from the freezer and brought them to the hotel pool was the Persian Gulf, very bl ue and calm
and wen t back in to the kitch en and gav e them looking. We saw a number of Arabian dhows
to a cook and told hi m to cook the m . T his with their ve ry odd shaped sails going up and
cook was a little young and no t too experi- down the Gulf very slow ly. The seamen on
enced wit h the fact tha t this was p ork when the dhows were va tough looking lot and
in the mi dd le of fry ing them the head cook tru thfully I would not make a trip on one of
came in. H e sniffed around and his nose told those things. I would be afraid that I would
him there was pork in th at frying p an. H e never get to the pl ace I wa s headed for.
made the young cook remove the p an from th e \Ve loaded th e ante nna up to the rig and
sto ve, take it out in the yard and bury it , th e first CQ was sent out from MP4QAR and
chops and all . T hen this young cook was fired boy, b usines s was F B too. You know things
on the spot! . usually go like this when you first set up and
The Ii-ttle planes that fly np and down the start operating from a relatively rare spot.
Persian Gulf are some sort of small four motor You call that first CQ and maybe one station

102 73 MAGAZ INE

comes back to you. Th en sometimes you ha ve things any more . I wonder if the topless bath-
to call another CQ to get the boys going. W ell ing suit s eve r really became th e style over in
that time on ly one carne back bu t when you the USA would such things ever go unnoticed .
sig n with him tha t's when things began to I, for one, think th ey should try it out and
pick up . By th at time mayb e 6 or 8 fellows see . I have been think ing a lot lately what it is
are on your trail, and when you sign th ese 6 I miss mo st be ing away from the USA . Of
or 8 calls abou t 50 other fellows hear th em course num be r one is being wit h Peggy and
and most of them join in even if. up to th en . seeing my own children and those five litt le
thcy have not even heard you . That's w hen gra ndchild ren (it's live in 1965, mayb e later
you sta rt having trouble picking one out of th e on there will be more of them ) . The next
pile. Now boys. don't fool yourself tha t there biggest thing I miss is getting a nice slice of
is alwa ys one fellow who is louder than everv- good white, soft bread and a big cold glass of
one eJs~ in the pile- thi s is just not so. Ne arly milk, tho se good tomato sandwiches my wi fe
all th e time cverv on e is at lea st within one S make s cove red wit h mayonnaise, rea l southern
p oint of ea ch other. The fellow you work is fried chicken, someone I can ta lk to (it's
the fellow in a clea r fre q uency. no t the fellow 99. 9999% Fren ch here ) seein g my favorite
who is slightly loude r tha n the p ack. So boys TV program. opera ting a big ham sta tion with
I strongly sugge st wh en you are trying to a big be am and seeing all my friends. Those
work a rare one pi ck yourself a clear fre - are the kind of thin gs you miss most of all
qu ency, do some ver y close listening first, when you are away from home as long as I
then jump in with a De-\\'??? about 3 times have been.
and BK. That's the wa y the sma rt boys op er- W ell as usual. I completely wa ndered off
at e. the subject. Rundy and I were opera ting at
Some of the fellows have a sor t of trade th e rea l fa ncy, air conditione d hotel in Qatar
ma rk- W 3CXX just sends XX XX XX, DL7AA and we had a ball the first few hours. W e
sends Gus Gus Gus. \ V6SC. whcn . on SSB, we nt down and had our lunch and b ack we
sends South Carolina , South Carolina, and came to the rig. It was going like blazes when
abo ut on e of the best of all is W4CCB w ho there was a loud knock on th e door. Yes. you
just sends Coca Cola bottle . If you can think guessed it, it was th e police . There th ey were,
of a good trade ma rk start using it and if it all three of them, wanting to know what we
clicks, stick with it fro m then on. I am tr ying were doi ng with all that radio eq uipment all
to come up with a good on e for me to use set up and op era ting. Rundy produced our
when I get sta rted again back at \ V4BPD but licenses and tol d th em we we re permitt ed to
so far I am stuck-how abo ut some sugges- ope rat e in Qa tar or any of th e other Persian
tions. boys! Gu lf countries. After a while they mor e or less
Incid ent ally, I am writing this portion of ag reed with him but in the end...!! seem s like
my story while I am in th e Central Hotel in we both had to go down and check in with
Ou agadougou (pronounced \ Vaggadou -gu ) the p olice and exp lain again to them just what
Uppe r Volta. The rates here for a single air we were doing there, how long we woul d be
Ouagadougou (pronounced \Vaggadou-gu ) th ere, and all the inform ati on on our equip-
is about 8 or 9 dollars. Coca Cola here is 40 ment. \ Ve all shook han ds and we returned to
cents p er bottle, a good din ner is over $4.50, our room. F rom then on we had no more
breakfast with only one egg and a sma ll pi ece police trouble while we were in Qat ar. Boys,
of bacon and a cup of this very black, ve ry see the local police first because if you don't
strong coffee is about $1.50. You do n' t live they will be seeing you!
here cheap unless you can live on bananas and Ruody and I p acked up and away we went
ora nges. Another thing I have found is that to th e Trucial Stat es. The plane landed at
you just don 't hop on a plane here anytime Shariah where one of Hund y's friends met us.
you want to go. You have to wai t, and I mean \Ve decided th at sin ce every operation up to
sometimes one fu ll week to get a plane th at tha t time had been from Sharjah th at we
will take you some place you might wa nt to would go to th e Shlekd om of Du bai some 30
go. This is a bad place to be stuc k. too. F or miles away from Sharjah thinking may be
two cents I would conn ect up the rig and do somehow it w ould count for a new one if
some bootlegging right here but then th ere ARRL could ever be conv ince d as to just how
are these red caps who probably wou ld br oad- the se shiekdoms were governed. As for Bun dy
cast this new s to the wrong p eople and you and me , we both still think that each of tbe
would be in dutch with a capital D! seven should be different countries. There was
Oh yes. th e YLs here wear these topless sort of an outline of a road there, b ut it wa s
d resses, not all of th em, but a pretty good very vague in spo ts and almost disappeared
number. I hardly pay any att enti on to th ese at others. But we did lind Dubai all O K. It

APRIL 1966 103

was a real Arabian settlement. I think it llsed so he could talk to th e other shieks.
to have a hotel ther e hu t I gue ss th e hotel It looked to me as if eve ryone eye d us with
business sort of di sappeared . The building susp icion every time we went dow~ th e stree t,
that wa s once a hotel was almost d eser ted . bu t after a while I figured th at this wa s thei r
The two top floors were comp letely emp ty normal look. I oft en wonde r jf they ever
an d all th e rooms were bare to the w all. A tru sted even eac h other-I kind of d oubt it
friend of Hundy's ow ned the building and myself. I did not see what they call 'E u ropean
gave Hn nd y an d me pe rmission to move in any toilet s' any place th er e. All the y had w ere
of the top floors. \Ve picked out a nice lar ge wha t the y call 'Ara bic toilets'c-a p lace out -
room on the top (fifth ) floor and th e owner lined for your feet to be placed and just a
of the hotel loan ed us two cots and th e bed hole in the cement, a wat er sp igot nea rb y an d
clothes. Most of these Arabic bu ild ings in and usually a small wo rn p iece of cloth hanging
aro und th at part of the wo rld have a Hat on th e spigot. Ob yes. rem emb er - your left
ceme nt roof. This one was like that with an hand-and that's the hand 1 u su allv ea t with .
ad d ed ceme n t fence arou nd the ed ges of the I saw ma ny people , usu ally th e 'old er ones,
Hoor. Th is proved to he a fine spo t to insta ll on the street smoking their uubbl y b ubbl y.
an an tenna. \ Ve rounded up fou r nice long Tha t's those pipe s where the smok e goes
bamb oo po les abou t 40 feet long and got them through the wa te r and sort of goes blubb
up on the roof, and while Rundy was looking blubb evervtime vo u take a d raw on it. I even
up a friend to bOiT OW an extension cord from, tried taking a fe'w puffs myse lf just to show
I was left to put up the antenna. We had se- the people I was a regular fellow . I even
cured the assist ance of a youn g Arab fellow foun d some Cokes there too, never qu ite cold,
abo ut 18 yea rs old and he woul d hold up the b ut the v sure d id come in handy with th at hot
poles while I wo uld fasten th e guy wires to we athe;". '
the ceme nt rails arou nd th e roof. \ Ve we re up I we n t all over th e tow n of Dubni and I
there working up a storm in that hot blazin g tri ed my best to figur e how these peop le made
sun abo ut 3 P:\I when the PA svs tem on one a living. There were only a few trees here and
of th e near by mosqu es cut loose \;'ith th at long th ere, no large groves of trees ind icatin g tha t
wailin g call to p ra yer for th e Moslem s. This olives , dates, oranges, etc . we re being grown,
fellow who was helpi ng me asked me to hold at least not for market. A few Arabi an dhows
the pole a few minntes and he whip ped off a we re being buil t- d own at th e docks, a camel
p ra yer rug th at was over his shoulde rs all the carava n or two ca me in each d ay from across
time . the d eser t, one small ship docke"d and stayed
H e spread it ou t q uickly 0 1\ the roof, faced over ni ght. Th at was it! Hundv end I we re
Mec ca and di d his praving. I wo nder just how tr eated verv well while we we re th ere an d I
close they are when they th ink they are facing hope some duv to retu rn amt :ee more of this
Mecca . Vlavbe someday I will get some chea p ve ry in triguing part of the world .
compass manufactu ring company to mak e me W e dr ove hack to Shariah in th e Jeep over
som e compasses, each one of cou rse ca librated th e des er t an d departed for Kuwait . Arriving
for four d ifferent cou ntries th at has no north th ere one of Hund v's rep resentative s met us at
on th em b ut Mecca instead . Perhaps I could the airpor t then t~ok us to his house-en rea l
pick u p a few hun dred bucks like th at. I nice Ara hic type with the big high cement
would have some real fanc y ones made up for wa ll all arou nd it. \Ve never be ard or saw
the shfeks and som e extra lar ge ones for the anv females whil e we we re there. It see ms as
mosques bu ilt in the floor, and perhaps even if -t he house was divided in the middle and
hand ca lib rated ones if some one wa n ted to be all th e fe-m;Ies sta ved in the other side, which
exact. must h ave b een sound proofed becau se I never
Conditions were won derful in Dubai all the hear d anv soun ds from th ere .
tim e . Up to abo ut 2 A:\1 the bands were wid e \Vhile 'the plane \vas com ing in to Kuwait
)pen to almos t everywhe re . They wo uld op en I saw more doggone oil we lls than I have eve r
again ab out 5:30 xxr. By about 10 AI,I thev see n in mv life . The des ert seemed to be cov-
were just about flat- and that's whe n we slep t . er ed with- th em. '\70 tried our best to get a
Hundy rambled ou t one day to locate and pay license to operat e from Kuwait b ut th ere wa s
his respects to the local shick . I was on the no po ssibility of this be cause we h eard th at
air yakking to someone a few hour s a fter someo ne from Kuwait was in the USA and
Hundv had left and believe it or not Rnn d v tr ied to get a license and he was refused.
hrok e' in with a "Hello Gu s: ' with some sort \Vh en this fellow returned to Ku wait there
of a MP4T call sign . I said wh ere in the world w as an Amer ican who was operatin g there
are vou? He said he was out at the shieks. and his license wa s cancelled immediately and
The~ he told me that the shiek had a SSB rig he was told he had 48 hours to dispose of his

The Radio Society of Great Britai n
Amateur Radio Handbook
This fabul ous 540 page hardbound h andbook co mplete ly and T ilE
thoroughly cov e r s ever y aspect of am a t eu r r adio ; t ubes, A :\'1 ATEUR RADIO
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ga t ion, k e y ing , modulation, power su pplies, m easu r em ents ,
operating and s tation layout and m u ch , much m ore. It is
completely illustrated with phot ograp hs and drawings. This
handbook is very well written and completely understand -
able. The RSGB tri es to help h ams im pr ov e th emselv es , so
it includes much n ecessary technica l data that so m e Am eri-
can h andbook s ignore. Fo r ins ta n ce, suppose you wa nt to de -
sig n a linear for SSB. The Brand X Ha ndbook devot es abo ut
fou r pages to d es cription, in clu ding a table of typical va lues
of popular t u bes. The RS GB H a nd bo ok gives 13 p ages to
them, plus m a n y pages of construct ion, figurin g bias, r esti n g
curre n t, cir cu it constants , efficiency, etc. T he RS GB Hand-
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Even if yo u do n 't build, this book will help you u n de r sta n d
y our equ ip ment and radi o better. $5.50

The RSG B Rad io D ata Reference Book The RSG B Amateur Radio Circuits Book
~~r~o~g {OOo~ t~JUgtg ~~~~s~Te~~~~. a~~e old umgaOi~:in~~
T his Ref erence Book Is the best we' ve seen. It has just
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~A gi i~: fo~~e~la~iS~i~;h~r~~d ~~~fesB~~~qi ~ve~ a~~e~OOo~l
RF power amplifiers, pi n ets , tanks. filt ers . an t enn a de-
to fin d a sch em atl c? Not H you have the RS GB Amateur
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m ent p rop er ly. YOU ne ed th is book. oniy $2.25

73 Magazine Pet erborough, N .H. 03458

rad io eq uip ment! Just what ever happened to

his eq uipm ent I ha ve never heard . Mind you
this ma n had been in "Kuwait something like
10 years. I un derstand the present status of
9n1JwrluJ:Uuf a NEW
Ameri can s th ere has somewhat improved and
it ma y be possible now to get a license. ALL TRANSISTOR ;t:.!\~ ;
E ver y day I would go out for a walk and

T~ CAMERA KIT, . ....,

I noticed an old fellow who was always sitti ng
at a litt le sidewalk cafe smoking his bubbly

bu bb ly. H e would smi le at me and I wou ld
smi le at him . One day I had my camera with
me and I walked up to him an d by hand mo- 1

tions asked him if it was OK to take his pic-

ture. H e smiled and nodded. \Vh en I had put
. ; ,.1A
'W' .
( ~' [e- \
e' e· . "<em",,,",,
my camera b ack in its case, he motion ed me
to have a sea t an d ou t ca me a cup of th at

awf ul strong Arabic coffee for me. Well, to be :i6 SC.llIC()tjOOCTOR CIRCUIT (11 _ ~ ..'; . ... <, I .;1;_ 4;..01.. .... 1 . _1
socia ble I dran k it in small sips and wh en I 6 STAGE HIGH GAlli, LOW NOISE VIOEO Al.i PUF IER" SEl FoCONTAINEl) ELEC.
had finished he offered me th e stem of his CONSTIlUcnON .. RF (d . 1·5) .. VIOEOOUTPUT
pipe for a few puffs, which is what I did. T his KIT CON TAINS, " " d;.. <1 01""',.... ,.b ;"~l. p,;.,.d ."e.,' Mo,••_I. " ,I , ,, "''''' "' .
fo," , ••• "f1,,,,,,,, coil •• ~.,,<r "0"1,,,.. 0'. " " " ;""". , •• , ,, copo<i' 11
delighted him . lI e saw I was one of th e boys, cD;I•• ' '' ''' '0 ' . p.". "00'0••• idoc"" l,t.< 'Od . "
'00• •"'PU' <oono c,o,. di.d .
I guess. H e spoke not one word of En glish
and quite natura lly I spo ke no Arabic. Bu t we NODEL n ·1A VIDlcmI CAIOE RA KIT. C-pl. ,. 1 idi,""
1'0 " ",,;4 ckliv«y ...,. ;. U.S
(ltlL y $1 49 .9~
Co. ....
did become good friends some how or other.
f .....,..... 1 .. 1..-;.... Y.. I 4 _ •• """"' .... -.l I/lf I.. _ l\II [) 1'1(. 1%6
Th e ne xt day when I passed him he mo tion ed T (UYI~ (A UtOG. C_ ,. ,•• I. " •., . 1 1.." . I "' t<.
for me to have a sea t at his table and out cam e
a Coca Cola! I tried to tell him the last dav
I pa ssed him , after dr inking his Coke, that t(;- I
morrow I was leaving for the USA. I had no

A PRIL 1966 105

idea that he unders tood me at all. The next they push ed the ramp back in place. I arrived
morning I passed h im on my way to th e air- in New York about 7:30 an d was in Colum-
line offices to inquire about whether they had bia, Sou th Carolina by 10; 30 th at same night.
a bus or not and he h anded me a ca rto n of Peggy stilI h ad h er TV-radio shop open and
Kent cigarettes as a going away gift. I never when I wa lked in the first thing sh e said to
did spend one single cent on this m an. H e me was «I was not expecting you un til some-
was just a good friend and wa nted to show time in Janu ary!" This was the end of DXpe-
me that h e was sincere. I h ave found that a d ition nu mb er on e. I was b ack home , safe and
big smile goes a long way anywhere in the sound and I think a lot wiser th an wh en I had
world, a pay on th e back and other ways of left there ab ou t 8 months ea rlier. I had lost
showing tha t you are a fr iend sure does pay about seven pounds, had a little sunta n left
off al most everywhere. from the Persian Gulf sunshine, most of my
After sp ending one or two nigh ts wi th clothes were pretty well worn out also. I t was
Run d y and drinking his Cokes I departed for n ice to be back h ome wi th all my family
Rome where I w as going to pick u p my de- aga in . I had taken a few th ou sand color slides
posit that I had put down whe n I entered and quite a nu mb er of rolls of 8 mm color
Italy from Mo naco. Boy, it was the usual ru n movi es . T h e news got arou nd and a numb er"
around and I could see that I was going to of service clubs w anted me to come to th eir
have to sp en d th ree or four days or mo re try- meetin gs and giv e a talk on my DXpedition.
ing to get my money. At 11:45 A,\l I was Many p eop le came out to ou r house to see
sit ting lip in my h ot el room trying to figu re some of the it ems I had picked up he re and
out w hat to do . I p honed T\V A and asked there. T hose ca rvings from Africa was u sually
a bou t a scat on th e next flight to Ne w York the cen te r of attraction. The usu al talk of an-
City (this was D ec. 23rd! ) . They informed oth er DXpedition m ade th e rou nds and every-
me there were no seat s u ntil after the I st of one wanted to kn ow when I was going on the
Jan uary! I did a lot of fa st telep hon ing next trip .
in th e next 10 minutes. All flights to NYC On m y first trip I had m ade up my mind
were fully booked. T h e last phon e call to th at I would n ever, u nder an y circumstances,
Pan-Am was the sam e, but app arentl y some- black b all anyone, re ga rdless of h ow rotten
one had cancelled a few minutes earlier and they were . I would work ever yone I heard re-
they said if I could be at the airport in 45 gardless of what cou ntr y they were in . I would
minutes I could have that one seat . Here I operate as near as possible around the clock,
was with a T\VA ticket, so I qu ickly loaded not just when the W's were coming through .
all my junk in to a taxi an d away I went to I would never use this W l , \V 2, \V3, etc.,
T\VA to ge t them to init ial my ticket over to business . I would ne ver have a list of certain
Pan -Am . T his involved a lon g drive ac ross stations to work in p ref erence' to others even
Rome to thei r office and awa v we went for if they were go od contributors. I would send
th e airport which is located ~bout 20 m iles no QS L ca rds d irect to anyone . I wo u ld try to
from the city . T his was a fast trip let me tell . imp rove my opera ting habi ts and stay on one
yo u, Th e taxi driver coul d speak English so certai n exact frequency all the time. I would
I told him 'double far e' if he got me to th e give signa l rep orts n othin g else and try to
airp ort in time. He got me th ere exactly at work as many as p ossib le in ever y place I op-
departure time for the pl ane . I ran ou t on the erated . Also, I would try never to get mad at
apron where the 707 was getting ready to nnvone at an vtime]
leave. T h ey had already p ulled the ramp away w-n tliaf's- it boys. This concludes DXpedi-
from the plane. I hollered " wa it a mi nute" and tion numher one. I will start on trip number
two next m on th .

CARACAS, VE NEZUELA Caracas convention

If you are one of the fellows who missed
at tending the Intern ation al DX Convention
and the 32nd anniversary celebration of th e
VO', O ~L OSO 01 Ven ezuela Rad io Club, you missed on e of the
_ __ 1966 _ _ GMT o " _ _ ""
fines t gettogethers I h ave ever h ad the pleasure
2XSSB OIl Y"", " """ RST _
~<o _ , • •~.;: of atten d ing , For about 10 days and nights it
Operator; S tu." t .Al ,~ " , W2G HK
was on e con tin uous rou nd of ce lebrations,
t2"mm'''''''''I' ''5 14' 'JI.',I ] 's"",,,l STUART M EYER, W26j.jK
,df,m l"u,,,,y ~! II., d?aJia Clu& 4'.n ,~ ~I~ "Q HAMMARLUND BOX 7388
mee tin gs, eye-ball QSOs , party ga therings,
N EWA RK, NEW JERSEY drink ing and hamming.
07107 U.S.A. Th e Vene zuela Radio Club will h ave on e of

106 73 MAGAZ INE

+._-- -- - _._-._- -._ - _._- - --._ --- - -- - +
i i
Get Rich! Get Smart! Get Gear! i
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if you don't
ha ve exa ct ly 25 words . We a ren 't nasty a bout counti ng t he words.

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Since we cap ita lize an d bold face t he first fe w words, mak e t hem import a nt an d a ttract a ttenti on. i
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Here's my a d :

I Send to Caveat Empt or
I---- -- - ---- - _.
73 Magaz ine, Peterborough, N.H. 0 3458
th ese every year from now on. I suppose it will
be th e week-end after the Miami H amboree
which is usu ally ne ar the last we ek-end in Jan-
uary. T he air fa re from Miami to Ca racas and
ret urn was onl y $ 199 .00 _ Wh y not plan to
make both th e Miami and Ven ezuelan Con-
ventions nex t vea r. T ake off a fu ll month from BEA M S: BOTH FI XED STA TIO N & MO BILE, PLUS
the cold Yank~e wea ther, go swimming, hiking, AL L A CCESSOR IES . . .
me et the worl d's friendliest batch of hams and
come ha ck home with a sun tan.
You like to see F B ante nnas? Well this is
~ /IIasle" AIf'9a in
one spo t whe re everyone has a be am-3 ele-
ments, 4, 5, etc. Equipment-seve ry station I
HI-PAR \I\IATERS lbehster
saw was loaded with the very best . There . f/I.tRO sWANTENNA ano.enna
we re no ha y-wire outfi ts down there. These p - - -BY SWAN SlJ eCla lists
fellows are the mo st serious b atch of D Xers CHECK W ITH US FOR Y O UR REQUIREMENTS!
I have ever met . w hen th ey go after D X it's RGSU COAX IA L CA BLE roe PER FOOT
no holds barred. But the y are real gen tleme n MIN IM UM ORDER 100 FEET STOCK NO. 732B
and when one of th em is in QSO with DX the Pl-259 CO AX CO NN ECTORS 10 Fo r $3 .40
others stand by and let him finish. T his coop - STOC K N O . 25 9-32
era tion is ne cessary as Caracas is in a va lley Fo r Prepaid Shipment Co ntine nta l U. S.
almost completely surro unded by moun tain s. O rd e r by Ab o ve Sto ck N umb er s
I think I can sp eak for everyone th at at- W E MA INTAIN THE LARG EST STOCK OF USED
te nde d the convention when I say "Peggy and EQU IPM ENT IN THE NO RTHEAST
I had the best dog goned time we have EVER W RITE FOR LATEST COMPLETE LIST
had at any ham gat hering"- an d this cove rs a
lot of territory. W e bo th send the YV boys
our many, many th an ks.
. . . Gus

A PRi l 1966 107

Lafayette Two Ban d FM Receiver
On e of the few F ~\I mo nitor receiver s tha t
covers both the low an d h igh F~I bands is th e
inexpen sive L afayett e H A-5 20. It uses a Nuvt-
stor rf stage, tun ed rf amplifiers, sq ue lch, slide
H·P AC/ DC VOM rule d ial. ten tub es, etc. P rice is $89.95 from
Lafayett e, II I Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, L .r.,
If you need a volt-ohm m eter better than l\'.Y. II791.
most of those available to h am s, the n ew H ew-
lett -Packar d Mod el 427A m igh t be of interest
to you. It's an A CjD C voltmeter with 2% full-
scale accu racy. T he 427 A is all solid sta te and
opera tes off a single 22.5 battery, or from th e
AC line. It is p riced at S195.00 and m ore in-
form ati on is availab le from H-P, 150 1 Page
~ [ i11 Road, Palo Alto, California 94304 .
Se micond uctor Cha rt
Sem itro nics h as just brought out a Semi- ESSCO Regulated Power Supply
cond uctor Int erch an geabilit y and Replacemen t E SSCO , who m ake s a line of real nice solid
G uide in th e form of a two color, 22 "x26!f" state RTTY equipm ent, h as just introduced a
wall cha rt th at's just wh at yo u need to cov er low cost reg ula ted - solid sta te p ower sup ply,
up that big b lank space above your tran sistor the PS-3. It provides 6 to 12 volts D C at up
work ben ch. It wiII give you all sor ts of usefu l to 500 run wit h 3% regula tion and .05% ripple
inform ation. You can get a free cop y fro m or less. T he PS-3 is perfect for transistorized
your Semit roufcs d ealer. or one for 25¢ fro m " FO's, transmitters. conv er ters. RTTY equip -
Sem itronics, 265 Ca nal Str eet, Ne w York , N. Y. ment, etc . Size is 3"x5". Toe PS-3 is $26 .95
Ionospheric Rad io Prop agation and a kit version, the PS-3K, is $16.95.
ESSCO, 324 Arch Street, Camden, N.J. 08102 .
Thi s book b y the chief of the I on osph eri c
Research Section of th e N BS is just what every
ham inte rested in p ropagat ion need s. I n ad di-
tion to th e trad itiona l are as th at are covered,
Ionospheric Radio Propagation incl ud es two Hallicrafte rs
new chap ters, one on VHF an d one on L F an d Hurrica ne
VLF prop ag at ion . The book is 470 pages, il-
lustrated , and avail able for onlv $2.75 from
the Gov ernment Printin g Office: w ash in gt on,
D . C. 20402 . 2000 wa tt s PEP SSB is wha t you ge t with
th e H allicrafters Hurrican e SR-2000 five band
New Mesh na Catalog tr ansce iver. I guess that's abo ut all the p ower
John Meshna makes one of the mo st inter- you're likely to need in a tran sce iver an d the
estin g surp lus catalogs around. His latest one H urrican e offers a lot m or e beside s: low d is-
is about 85 pages an d contains p ictures an d tor tion . high sensitivity , receiver increme nta l
d escrip tions of a fan tasti c am oun t of sur plus con tro l, AALC , 1 kc calibra tion, if noise b lan-
gear. Even if yon don't bu y an ything fro m him keting , etc. Yet pr ice is only $995. 00. A com -
(whi ch is un likely after you've sp ent a num - panion power sup p ly/ speaker , th e P-2000AC
ber of h ours reading th e catalog ). you'll find is $3 95.00 . You can get m ore information on
it wo rthwhi le to send 20~ fo r a cop y. Meshna, the H ur ricane from you r d ea ler or from H alIi-
19 Allerton St reet, Lynn , Ma ss. crafters, F ifth and Ka stner Avenues, Chicago.

Motorola Collins SI JjR 388 in excelle nt co ndition
Tr ansistor s (Selling Price $595.00)
Will swa p for GRC or Test Equipment only. Send
us your list.
G-150 Gonset Tra nscei ver, good for 2 met ers, in
Motorola h as just reduced prices on th eir excellent condition, will trade for ?????
rf transistors lip to 9 1% an d now th ey're u p
to more mischief. T his time they've bro ught
out some silicon high voltag e transistor s p er-
X Bond Horn, 9" long by 5 by 4 wit h wove guide
fect for volta ge regu la tors, audio am plifiers, fitt ing on one end. Con be mode into 10,000
high volta ge con verters, line relays, CRT MC T ra nsmitter or receiver or both, new $4.95 eo.
d rivers m od ula tors, etc., all u sin g regula r AC 88 MH Toroid Coils potted 5 for $1.49
line volta ges. Maximum CE volta ges of the unpotted 5 for 1.75
2N3738 and 2:\3729 are 225 and 300 volts Model 14 TO wit h qove mc r moto r in good condi-
respect ively, pri ces arc $2.25 and $2.45 and tion $17 .95
they have a minimum f T of 15 me. T hink of Western Union TO type 5032A, sync motor 19.95
the fu n yo u cou ld h ave with these transistor s
Mode l 14 Reperforator, unit only for parts $7.50
for ve ry comp ac t, very hi gh power , p ower in good condition wit h sync motor 22.50
co nvert er s: rectify th e 115 va c, filter a litt le
11/1 6" Model 14 Pap er ca rton of 40 rolls $8 .95
and use it to ope ra te a hi gh fre q uency oscilla-
tor th at can use a ve ry small toro idal core : the Model 15 Pap er ca rton of 10 rolls 8.95
outp ut will need ver y little filte ring at th ose
freq uencies. More inform at ion on these tran -
sistors fro m you r Motorola Dealer or TI C, 110- SPECIAL
tomb, Box 955, Phoen ix 8,500 1. 902A Scope tub e 2" new $2.95 eo.
3C22 ligh t house tub e new 2.95 or 2 for 4.95
1P28 Photo Multip lier t ube 3.95

Sony -1(-/---'; \ 100 KC Cryst al in m et~1 hold er new

1000 KC crysta l for LM or BC221
2 volt rechargeabl e ba t teries
Headset-Microphone ' Navy Beam Filter 1020 cy. with co rd & plug 1.9S
Special 208B Dumont Scope 5" $49.50
Mobile wonde r 12V in 24 V out at 4 amp s or 6V
in 12 V out at 4 a mps -,- $9,9S

You know th at 'lO U sh ould use a h an dless

mike for mobile, (ion 't you? Bu t you h aven 't - ONE
TS 4S2 to 100 MC
go tt en one becau se th e p rice wa s too steep.
W ell, it isn 't an y more. H arvey Rad io h as a Globe T ran smitt er Chief Deluxe
10, 15, 20, 40, 80 met er 39.50
Son y comb ina tion head set and microphone for
only $8.9,5. The mike is d yn amic an d the Wave Ana lyzer Typ e 736 A GR 195.00
he adphon e is low imp ed a nce. The w h ole as- SDL Petered MtJlt ipulse Spectrum
selector 17S.00
sem bly is ve ry stur d ily built and comes wit h
a carrying case. Send Elliot W A2 H D P at
H arvey Rad io, 103 ' Vest 43rd Street, New
Terms: Min im um Order $5.0 0
York, N .Y. 10036 your $8 .95 so you won't get 25% deposit requi red on all COD orders.
killed mobillng . All prices FOB Los Angel es a nd su b jec t t o
cha nge with out not ice
All items subject to prior sale. Cal if.
Mark Antennas bu yer s odd 4 % tc x

Mark P rod uct s h as a n ew ca talog ou t th at

d escribe s Mark's comp lete line of fixed and J. J. GLASS ELECTRONICS
mo b ile antenn as, mounts an d accessories. You Dept. 0
ca n get you r copy of ca talog A:\I-661 at Mark
16 2 4 S. Main St .
Di st ribut ors or fro m the factory at 54 39 'Vest
Los A n g e les, Cal if.
Fargo Aven ue, Skokie, I llinois 60 076 .

APRil 1966 ,.9

advised by my l awyers t hat
don't you e ver proofread y
arey-e. b~~ ~ Ar~ and
th..'I4-!l!!~hll :k~ ~~ for
have no other recourse but
shoul d b e tarr ed and fea th
Headq uarters
Un it ed S tates :\1i1itaQ' Ass is ta n ce Command, Vi e tnam
APO San F r a n ci s co 96243
De a r M r . Gree n:
After man y y ears with n o a mateur r ad io a ctivity in
th e R ep u b lic of Vietn am the r ecen t activation of a n
amateu r radio station h ere has caused a great deal of
interest in the ranks of amateurs worldwide and espe-
cially among t h ose amateu rs no w in , or abo u t to come
to Vie tn a m . A R RL b ulletin #40, other published n o -
tices, and on -the-air discu ssio ns have caused this hea d-
q ua r ter s to receive an unp rec ed ented numbe r of re -
quests fo r informatio n co nc erning authorization to op-
e rate h e r e . Answeri n g these r e q ue s ts imposes an added
burden that c an be ill afforded. It is the purpose of
thIs l etter to e x plain the curren t status o f ama teur
radio in t h e R e public o f Vie tna m and ask t h a t you
publish t h is in f ormation in 73 Mag a z ine .
F o r m a n y y e ars t h e Re p u blic of Vi etnam has been
torn b y st r if e and it w as i n t h i s setting shortly afte r
inde p e n d e n c e w a s a tta in e d t hat amateur rad io was
banned and a n e xception to a mateu r op e r a tio n was
filed w it h t h e ITU. Until la t e in 1965 there was no
l eg a l amat eur operation in t h is co unt r y . At that time
t he Government o r Vietnam e xte n d ed the privilege o f
ama teu r operati ng autho rization to D e p u t y Ambassa-
Tuna ble 25 to 500 MC dor W illiam J . Porter, KI YP E , as a courtesy to a high
a n y c hann e l. Direct ra n king United States d iplomatic rep r e s e n ta ti v e . S i-
rea d ing . Lig ht wei g ht. multaneousl y , action was in it i a t ed to w it h d ra w t he ex-
Mea sure s peak swing c eption t o amateur opera tion fil e d w it h t h e ITU 10
0 -) 2 .5 a nd 2 5 KC . e nable other countries to rec o gni ze his opera tion.
$2 90 .0 0 , Qua d -Sca l e Ambassador Porter has been aut h o ri zed b y t he Gov-
mod e l $340.00. ernment of Vietnam to u s e the ca ll XV5AA a n d there
M AIL COUPO N TODAY! is no restriction o n t h ir d part y m essage and p h one
patch tremc . H owev e r , since o t h e r go v e r nments h ave
LAM PK IN LABORATO RIES, INC . no t yet be en notified of th: s a c t i on by t h e l T U, until
M FH Division, Brade n to n, Fla . 33 5 05 they a r e Ambassador P o rter is usi ng t h e p ortable ca 11
At no ob liga tion to me , pl ea se se nd me Kl YPE /XV5 f or U.S . amate ur contacts a t the r equ es t
f ree boo klet " HOW to MAKE MON EY in of t h e FCC . Hi s use o f th is ca ll w ill cease w h e n the
MO.BltE·RADIO MAINTENANCE" -and d ota ITU n otification is received a n d he w ill t hen co m -
o n La m p kin mete rs. m ence using t h e call XV5AA . H e is a l r e a d y using
Name XV5AA, h owever for contac t w it h no n - US amateur
Addr e ss st ations. ~
Cit y Sto te 7ip~ _ _ There h ave bee:'! som e questions rec eived concern i n g
t h e prefix used fo r A mbassador P o r te r 's c all sign. T h e
ex clusi ve use o f 3W8 for ama teur s tations seems to
ha ve b e e n im plied by certa in p u b li she d l is t in gs in
which only 3W8 ap pear ed , but t h is is i ncorrec t a nd
o ther lis ti n gs correctly s h ow b oth 3W8 a -id XV5 .

Name . . . .. .• . • . . •. ... . .. • . _"' _' Coli ye a r $ 4 •. .... 2 ye a rs $ 7

Address 3 year s $ 10 .... . . . Ne w subscr ipt ion

C ity . Re new a l . Ex tens io n o f sub

State _. Zip Cod e l oAR fo r e r e yea r and 73 f o r on e y eo r $ 7

Please in clu de yo ur zip c ode.

73 Magazine, Peterborough, N. H. 03458

110 73 MAGAZ INE
While the Governm ent of Vietnam h as a uthorized
Ambassador Porte r to operate, th is action does not
represe n t a genera l ch a n ge in th e policy w hich strict ly
prohibits a ll other am a teur r adio opera ti on . In addi-
ti on, all per sonnel under m ili ta ry j urisd iction are sub-
j ect t o Militar y Ass istance Command , Vie tnam (MACV)
Di re cti v e 105- 6, 14 Dec 65, which p r ohi bit s amateu r
operation in Vie tn am.
There h a v e b een many reques ts for a m at eu r op era-
t ion and all, with t h e exception of A m bassa d or P or -
te r's have been tu rn ed down. Amba ssador P ort er w ill
co n tinu e to encour ag e the G overnment of Vietnam to
grant addition al amateur operating a u th orizations
w hen in its op inion conditions in the coun tr y mak e
tha t practical. It shou ld be remembered tha t it h as
n ot be en the practi ce of most governments to permit
amate u r activity in t im e of war.
Ambassador P or ter h a s found th er e is almost a co m -
p lete lack of k n owledg e in th is area on the subj ec t of
a ma t eu r radio. He has st a ted h is desire to h elp am a-
te u r rad io get a sta rt in the Southeast Asia a rea and
as the situation perm its he hopes t o ca rry on h is
edu ca ti on al prog ram to brin g ab ou t a better g en eral
under stan d in g of am a teu r radio activity. This, h ow- $395
ever, will tak e t ime and for personnel in Vie tnam
no w , or go ing there , Ambassador P or te r h as al ready
accom pli sh ed som ethi n g of immed ia te benefit : Wit h IN STOCK AT
his h elp a MARS system w as authorized late in 1965,
afte r three years of effort. Ther e are Army , Navy, an d
Ai r F orc e m ili ta ry unit MARS stati on s in op er atio n.
but individua l member and club st a tio ns are pro-
h ib ited. T h e su ppo rt for MA RS op eration rests in la rge
part with li cen sed ama teurs vo lunteering to opera te
th e stations. As a r es ul t many amateurs ca n satisf y
their d esire to operate by offer In g their assistance to
the loc al Army or Air F orce MARS Director or Navy
MARS Cognizant Offic er,
The MARS n e t st ructure consi st s of one in -country " Northern California 's Most Complete Ham Store"
net in w h ich a ll stations may pa rticipate t o exchange SINCE 1933
message a n d p ho ne pa tch traffic in -country and each
station particip a tes in a n A rm y, Navy, or A ir Force
P aci fic area MARS net.
Th e MARS op er ation is expect ed to expand, but
amateur operation is e xp ected to r emain in the p re sen t
status for some time. In vi ew of this , indiv idual ama -
teurs are urged to r efrain from writing for late lnfor ,
mation concerning a mate u r operation in Vi et n a m . If
there is any change in th e policies concerning amat-rur
100 NEW
oper a ti on in th e R epublic of Vietnam, t hi s head-
quart ers will d issem in a te the in formation p ro m p tl y. ITEMS
Sincerel y y ou r s, Included in Our New 1966
Wa lt er E. Lo t z J r.
Brig adi e r
General , USA
Ch ief of Staff , J -6
SP-6oo SupH ' Pro Re ce iyer .... . . . . ..$J4 9 .95
M ICROSCO PE PROJECTOR 75X Co mpo ro tor 99 .50
ElE CTROf AX SIGNAL GUARD . . " .. ".".. . ... 3 4.95
READOUT BOARD-3 0 ligh ts , 11 0 Vo lts 1. 9 5
BOM 8 DIRECTO R CO MPUTER ..•.. . . . . . " .. ". ,,, 7 .95
SUPERSON IC SEl ECTOR. 10 Chon nel 8 .95
AUDIO BO OSTER AMPliF IER ., "........ . . 12 .95
TN-l /A PR-1 TUNING UN IT 30-90 MC. W / C o~ e (N..wl 24 .95
MI LLIVAC D.C. MILLIVO LTMETER 1 MV. To 100 0 V . 115 .00
BALLATlN E VOLTMETER No . 300-1 MV to 100 V . 85 .00
CEDCO CRYSTAL CALlBlI: ATO R_ Mo d e l C-5 _ 39 .95
PO WER SUPPLY f o r TrQnsistor s, Voltage Re g u to l..d 29 .95
FR-24 WAVEM ETER-12,400 To 15 ,000 MC. •.. . . . 1'50 ,,0 0
BC_'221 FREQ UENCY METER_ Used, $79.5 O-New, 1'25.00
OS-26 / 0S-51 OS CILLOSCOPE (See COlol og' $44.95 To 5 9 .50
79 .50
FO R BIG C AT ALO~S E N D 25 ( l$to mps or coil'll an d re-
cei ve SOt CREDIT on yO l" order !
De?t. 73
Ad d r" ~ $ Prices F.O .B. Lima. o .
25 % De posit on C.O . O.'s • Mi"im um O rd e r $5.00
.' .. P.o. Box 1105 • LIMA, OHIO· 45B02

APR IL 196 6 111

COLLINS MODEL 100 V a r ia c con t rolled -m e t ered f or
bo t h volts a nd rna . 0-500 v a t 200 mo . . . $ 55. 00
COLLINS MODEL l OlA! . Regu lat ed- uses 5 each 6X4 Diode Checker
a nd 3 ea c h OA 2 tubes . De live rs mi nus 4 00· 160 -
150 and p lus 3 00 - 150-150
Metered . vol ts DC.
0 •• _ _ • _ • • • $ 6 5.0 0
• • • • •• _ . _ _ • •••••• ••••• • • • • •
PS 1. Ze ro to 400 vde a t 110 rna and 6.3 v .4 a.
Vari a c co n t ro lled- mete red . $ 2 5.00
PS 2 . Ze ro t o 300 vd e at 60 rna an d 6 .3 v 3 c .
Variac controlle d and mete red . . . ... $ 20.00
PS 3. Zero t o 300 vde a t J00 ma and 6 .3 v .4 0,
a n d 0- 10 vdc bias. Variac a nd mete r. .. $ 3 0. 0 0
PS 4. Hig h vo lto ge for C RT wit h 6. 3 v and 2.5 v
and in te n sity a nd f oc us co n t ro ls. . .. $ 15.00 C ~ '($TAL
L-< ~

PS 5. Sma ll rig (S Y3) . Plus 2 15 Y, mi nu s 30 v and

6.3 v .•.•...•• • . __•.• • • . • . • . • ... . ... $ 7.9 5
PS 6. Grid bias supply. 2 sc al e, 0-5 a nd 0- 25 vd c .
Mete red. . _ _ _. . _. $ 7. 9 S
DECADE RESISTA NC E BOX. 0- 1000 oh ms in o ne
ohm steps. Ce n t ra l Scten t tc. .. _. . . . . . S 5.9 5
A lso O~ 10000 o hms in 10 o hm st eps. S5 .9 S
T4 65 /ALT7 . 420 me tra nsm itter usi ng 2 - 4XTSOA's,
m ic ro ma tch . etc. . _ $ 4 9.5 0
COLLIN S Vo r. Mod. Elim , # 39 1A-2. 420 m e rig
us ing 2-2C 39A's. Bird Termal ine , etc. . .. . $ 59. 50
0 - 16 low f re q uen cy oscill ato r (A RT- l3) $ 5.9 5
R4/ARR2 Re c ei ve r with ele ve n tu be s. $ 6.9 5
N ICAD ce lls, 1.2 vo lts, AH spec ial. $ 1.4 9
BATTERY of 2 4 cells in steel case . Sp eci al. . $ 27.5 0
80 AH cell . $9 .9 5. 50 AH cel l. 5 .9 5. 3 2 A H cell. $ 3.9 5
lVA NSISTOR BOARDS. Pay on ly S¢ per tra ns is to r.
Ot he r ports fr e e . Min imum o rde r. $ 2. 5 0 T h is isn't a new id ea , b u t it may be new to
Se nd f o r FREE ca talo g ;=13 1. some of you. It's a simple m et hod for ch ecking
ARROW SALES-CHICAGO, INC. all types of semicon ducto r diodes. The sch e-
2534 S. MICHIGAN AVENUE ma tic sh ows the connections . Wha t we are
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60616 doing is ch eckin g th e fron t-to-back ratio of
the diode to give an ind ication of its m erit. To
GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED calibrate the scope, con ne ct a one kiloh m re-

~ HAM GEAR sistor in place of the di ode and ad just the
~. WRITE NOW scope's gain controls u ntil you ge t a straight
FOR MONTHLY line at a 45 de gree ang le to hori zontal. T he n
~:OOMA~TSJ ELECTRONICS FLYER. pl ace a dio de in the cir cu it and com pare it to
999 HOWARD AVE-BURLINGAME, CAL . the diagram.
. .. K8ABR/4
Conveners an d Preamps for 50 rb ru 432 Me.
W rite for lit erature.
Send for a sam p le copy o f th e V H F'e r, th e
only ma ga zin e for V HF and U HF h ams.
Par ks Electron ics, Rt . 2, Beaverton, O regon Built-In Speaker for the TR-3
Like .to J13ve a speaker in your D ra ke TR-3
LARGEST SELECTION in United States and avoid the inco nv enience of having to con -
PRICES-48 hr. delivery ne ct an extern al speaker wh en yo n m ove the
Thousand s of frequencies in rig? You ca ll mo unt a Quam #3AC5 speaker
st ock. Typ es include HC6/U,
HC18/U. FT·241 . FT·243. on the top cover ne ar the fro n t ce ntere d over
FT·l71. etc. the RF Tun e control sha ft between the Plate
eneatts. Refl ndelf .n
SEND I Oe h r ub lo~ wit h oseill at or
I n t order_
and Load sh afts. ._The spe aker is 334 inch es
d eep and has th e same imp ed ance and p ower
2400 B Crysta l er., ft . Myers , F11. 3390 1
capabilities as th e TR -3 . It sounds nne, too.
FM EQ UIPM ENT SCHEMATIC DIGEST You don't need to drill any holes since small
A ecmp r" h" ns!v e eo llec::tion of Motorola so;he ma tie di - bolts can be inserted thro ugh the holes in the
agra ms o;over ing low b an d, hig h band a nd 4SO me equ Ip- top cover. Use a cabl e wit h a phone plug to
ment m anufa cturlltd betwe en 1949 a nd 1954. Cry. to l
formu las, a lig nmen t ins h ucl ic ns an d a we a lth of technl co l attach th e speaker voice coil up . Th e cab le
d ola is included In th e 92 pag u . Price · $3.95
can be routed to th e h ack awl h eld in pla ce
TWO WAY RAD IO ENG INEERS wi th ca ble clamps.
1 100 Tremont Street, Bo st o n 20, Mossoc:huseth
. . K 5SGP

in freq ue nc y m e asu re me n ts. A ll un its a re br and new
in o rig ina l crat es wit h spore ports, instr uc t ion man-
ua l a nd tw o ca lib ra tio n bo o ks . Th e spare part s e ve n
incl ud e a spore c rystal o ve n a nd crystals. a nd a ll
tu bes.

--- _ . . . -=~~-

tained Q small Quantity o f t hese f a mous rece ive rs
t hat ha ve been de pot rec on d ition ed a nd repacked t o
look and o pe rate like ne w complete wit h m a n ual s
a nd spore po rt s.
Fre q uency ran g e : .5 4 t o 54 Me in 6 bonds 1
A udi o Powe r Ol.lt Plol t : 2 wafts @ 60 0 ohms. J
Po wer Req lol ire d: 9 5 t o 260 watts ct 130 watts ( Powe r Fre qu enc y ra ng e : 100 KC t o 2 0 MC (7 bands)
suppl y is se lt conta ined ) usab le to 1000 MC.
Tube s: 20 Osc illator fr eq. : 100 KC t o 2 50 KC (p roxy ) 12 50
Mecha nical: Ro ck mou n ting 19"W x 10Y2 H x 16 Y20 KC (crystal ), 15 to 20 KC ( in te rpo la t ion). 10 KC
Weight: 66 Ibs. blocking)
Pe rf o rman ce: Fre qu en c y st ab ilit y : .0 0 0 1 %
Sen siti vit y: 2.3 micr ovolts or be tte r on a ll bands ACl:u ra l:Y: .00 1 %
f or ST N to N ra t io of 10 d b . (W e ha ve ch ecked R. F. Out p ut: 10 0 mic rovol ts min. in 5 1 ohms
se ve ra l at 50 MC and t he sens it ivi t y wa s better A udia O utpu t : 2 MW m in . in 6 0 0 oh m s.
t han 1 m ic rovo lt ) Method of Inte rpol atio n : Visual, with built in
IMAGE Rej e ct io n : be tte r t han 7 4 d b on a ll bands . osci llosc op e
I. F. Re jection Ra t io: a t 600 KC is 2 700 to 1 Tube s: 30
A v e Actio n : o u t pu t will ho ld wit h in 12 db w hen Ha rmon il: se le cto r: 9 t h th ru 26 th
in p u t is inc re ased f ro m 2 to 200,000 mic rov o lts. Powe r Req ui red: 11 5 or 23 0 V. 50 t o 1000 CPS ,
Freque nc y Co n t rol : co n ti nuou s t uni ng plus a 136 watts.
se para te crysta l co n tro l osci lla to r in wh ich 6 Wei g ht : 146 Ibs. in c ase
crystals c a n be used for spa t f requency Size : 22" H x 26 Vl'W x 2 03,40
opera ti on. De sc ription : Q po rta bl e he trodyne ty pe f requency
Shippi ng W eigh t : 2 0 0 tbs. mete r f o r portable o r fi xed use . Ma y be re -
PR ICE: $399.95 moved fr om t he case a nd ro c k mounted, o r us e d
in t he case wit h the ti lt ba se a s c t able mo d e l.
BRAND NEW PANADAPTOR Shi pp ing Weigh t: 16 0 Ibs.
Pric e : $3 50.00 ....
TYPE T-200
RECT I FI ER RA T I NGS: 4 000 PIV @ 1 amp. D.C.
T he se a re a d ire ct p lug - in rep la ce me n t u nit t ha t
w i ll el im inat e t ub e rep lacements, gr ea t ly redu ce
h eat in g, an d p ro v ide In st an t warm - up..., All un it s
arc properly co mpensated, potte d a nd powe r
t ested a t 1 am p. ov erage D.C. c u r re nt.
PRICE: $6 .00
SU4/ 5Y3/ SY3GT/ SV4/ SV4GT/SAU4 / 5T4 / SVV4 / SZ4/
5 AW 4 / 5 V3 j SAX 4 jSAZ4 / SY3G ( 18 0 0 PI V)
OUf ;J;SA will replace a ny of th e above tubes.
P RICE: $ 1."95
80 /5 Z3 Ou r rep la cement # SH
PRICE: $ 1.95
Here is a nother scoop by SELECT RON IC$: A BRA N D OZ4 j6 X 4 OUf replac ement # 5E
PANA NA DAPTO R. These un its o re small and o f a NEW FLA NGLESS T YPE SILI CON DIOD ES
mode m d ecor, so t ha t t he y will b lend with a ny SI LICON RECT I FIERS: A ll ar e t he ne wer a x ia l lead
sta t ion. T hey come co mpl ete with ins t ruction m a n ual. fl a n ge le ss t ypes . All arc ra te d a t 1.5 amp. D.C.
SP ECS: 50-200 '"'V @ .06
Po we r Rec'd .: 115V 50-6 0 c ycl e s 200-400 V @ .14
I.F. Ra ng e : 4 50 -470KC 400-600 V @ .24
Suee n Size: 'Z' d ia. 600-800 V @ .3 6
Sweep W id th : ::!: 100 KC to a KC 800 V @ .44
Tubes : 1 1 1000 o r better @ .54
Shi pp ing W e ig ht: 20 lbs. (a ll 3 5 a m ps )
Pr ice : $79.95 50 V @ .8 4
100 V @ .92
BRAND NEW FR-4/U jURM-79 200 V
300 V
@1 .94
500' re el s @ $ I 5.00 per reel
Here is a re a l ho t item for you disc ri mi na ti ng horn s GR-12 11 75KC t o 40 MC UN IT OSCILLA TOR IN
o r lo bs who are intere sted in the u lt imate accu ra cy SIX BANDS P RICE: $ 15 0.00

1206 S. NAPA ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA., HO 8-7891, HO 8-4645

APRIL 1966 111

(continued from page 2)

Transistor s ingle ba nd tenable converters ~ _

And CQ's lat est blast has set shock waves
for auto and home rad ios. Smoolh 6· 1 . :: of ind ignation rippling wi th their attack on
-~-'' ·~. 1
planetary tu ning! Superior sensitivi ty. $e- l .. ' " e. . _ -
lectlvjty, SI N rat ion a nd image rejl!CtiOn! \ ' . D Xpeditions and prop osal for the elimination
Mute terminals ! 9 volt baltery powered ! ~ of all further DXpeditions. I doub t that th ey
All in stock! Pospaid ! GUARANTEEDl ,_ _ ;",
wou ld publish such opinions if there were any
FOR AM·FM $ 19. 9 5 WITH BFO FOR SSB·CW active amate urs on the sta ff. Th ere aren't, are
Marine 2-3mc; 160m 1.8 -2mc; $24 .9 5
SWL 9·1 0mc; 75 m 3.8·4 mc; 160m; 4 0m; 80m 3 .4 ·4.1mc th ere? For that matt er, ar e th ere any active
SW 14· 18mc
20m: 75 m 3. 8-4mc; 15m 21·
VHF MODELS: AM·fM. 1 )1.'1 and bett er sens it ivity! Only $34.95
am at eurs on the sta ff a t QST ? The only one
I' ve eve r heard there was Dic k Buldv..·in and
CB and 10m 27 ·2 9 .7 mc
6 meters 49. 5 ·54. 5mc
Police 30-37mc
Police 37 ·50mc
ca n. coax
he see ms to have been fired from the maga-
zine. O h yes, Ed Tilton gets on the VHFs
All outputs in BC band. Dealers-Distr ibutors- Exporters invited .
HERBERT SALCH & CO. Woods boro . Texas now and then.

Get a balloon?
LEARN RADIO CODE This Oscar business is all OK , I guess, but
th ey seem to be having an aw ful lot of trouble
THE EAst WA'll No Bo ok s To Re a d
with it. Not only are the specs for a satellite
No V isu a l Gim m i ck s
very exact ing, but we have to thumb a rid e
To Dist r a ct Yo u from Uncl e Sammy . . . and Sam doesn 't
J u st LIsten A nd Lea r n
always go to our stop on the line.
The Air F orce has been do ing some research
lately on UH F rep eat ers sent up by balloon
and having conside rable success over a 500 f
mile ran ge. Th is soun ds pretty good to me . If ,
th ey ca n get 500 miles range on ph one wi th .
the gea r they're using we should be able t o
double it or be tter using C\V . j
If anyone or group is int erested in building ,
some ham rep eaters for our VH F bands 73
wiII be hap py to p rovide the balloons and gas 1
to send them up . I would thi nk th at the y
should he sen t up from the west coast on
weekends. \ V.e might he able to get q uite a bit
of act ivity on 432 an d 220 if we lofted a series
90lA CRT r -Takes octa l socket. 6.3'1' Fil & up to 500vDC of rep eaters to crossba nd repeat to two meters
Ma){. Only 7 11." long. Xlnt for Rtty or modulatio n monitor.
small scope etc. BRAND NEW ONLY $2 .75 from th em . Are there anv clubs that are
JOHNSON XMTR. VARIABLE CAPACITOR-40-500mmf. 37 int erested in coordinatin g su'ch an effort?
al uminum plates; 0.2 5# air gap . Can be complete ly ta ken
apart . BRAND NEW $6.95
JOHNSON VARIABLE CAPACITOR ,# 15Mll 2.3 ·1 4.2 mml.
Length I" wj slotte d shaft . Your help re quested
NEW 45 ¢ each. 5/$2 .00 10 /$ 3.75
50 ASSORTED CRYSTAL A steal at $6. 50 CQ has had some very strong thi ngs to say
T-22 /ARC-S XMTR. 7-9 .1 Me BRAND NEW $19. 95 ab out - th e In stitute of Amateur Radio. I
BC·45 5 COMM AND RECE IVER 6-9 .1 MC BRAND NEW $26. 9 5 would like very mu ch to hear fro m any of you
6 MFa. 10aOV Oil Capacitor Brand New $ 1. 00 (o r your friends ) who have held back joining
8 MFO. GOOV Oil Ca pacitor Bra nd New $ 1.00 th e Institute as a result of the ed itorials in
TUBES: 3C24j 24G 3.00 , 4 ·65A 8. 00 , 6L6 .9 5 , 808 1.00, CQ . If th eir editorials or word of their editor-
81 5 2 .50. 836 1.75 . All are new-Many more available . ials have rea che d you and influenced you to
WE WANT TO BUY OR THAOE-WHAT DO YOU HAV E ref rain from joining th e Ins titute th en it is of
great impo rta nce to let me know about this.
WRIT E FO R f REE C AT ALOGU E A ca reful and fu ll accounting of every ,dol- )
lar spe nt by the I nstit ute has been p ubl ished
Send check or money order- Minimum order $2.50
PLEASE INCLUDE AMPLE POSTAGE- E){cess refunded in th e Institute bu lletins and all members are
Minimum C.O. D. order $ 10 .00 with 25 % Deposit. awa re of exactly where the money is going
R. W . ELECTRONICS, IN C. an d w hat it was spe nt for. T here are none of
22 4 4 South Michigan Avenue Dept. 734 th ose incredible am biguities you find in the
Chicag o, I ll ino is 60 6 16 Phone CAlumet 5- 12 8 1
ARRL financial report. .

Manufacture rs help

DXpediti ons do h elp bring interest to ham
radio. Tho se of us at home get a hig kick out
of working th em and getti ng a "n ew one ." I'd
like to see more man ufacturers len d a hand to
fellows who are putt ing on good clean DX-
pedition s. H amrn arl und has been do ing it
almo st single-ha nd ed of late and getting
pr eciou s little cred it for all th eir effort and
exp ense. It seem s to me th at th e y h ave leane d
too far backw ards and as a resuit few fellows

realize wh at a terrific help the y have been .
\Vhile ou t in Ca liforn ia I got together with
a real old ti mer and go t an in ter esting ea rf ull
of th e early history of ham radio. His ve rsion
is so different fro m that ta ught by the League
that I don't kn ow wha t to believe anymore . $395 PREPAID INUSA
Per haps some of you th at w ere th ere then an d IN STOCK AT
had an inside track on wh at was really hap-
pening can clue me.
F or instance, is it tru e th at the ma in reason
th at Maxim sta rted the ARRL was to pro mo te
his ego? I know that many of the dir ect ors
see m to run for this reason today, hut I hadn't
realized th at it might have been that way in
the past. Ma xim had a famous father an d " Northern California 's M.ost Complete Ham Store"
grandfather ( Vl nxim silencer ) and could have SINCE 1933
had that psychological problem.
And was it tru e that Ma xim dug up \ Varner
ill a saw m ill an d th at he got 2,5¢ p ersonally BRAND NEW GOVE R NMENT SURPLUS
out of each subscrip tion to QST for several
vea rs?
. I do know that th e League keeps pointin g • Eimae 4X150 se ekets TU e S K65&-( no by-,asi
l1C - ln cap.) $2.50 10 or m or ~ $2.00
ou t that if it wasn't for them we wouldn't Elmac Air System Ch ;m n~y SK 4 06 3.00
have ham radio tod ay and when anyone is Efmae h , e 740 Sockets lor 4CX125 & 4 CX300 4 .00
d iscou rteou s enough to ask them to expla in TUBES: 5 FP14A- GE 3C22- 3ACP7 • . . . . . . ta o 2.00
h be Shlfl d-- Magnel ie 2" · 5" & 7" Scopes . . ea. 2 .00
this they refer vaguely to the hams getting Train S. itehing Relay Type 75 SPOT 1 4VOC or 28VOC 1 .75
back on the air afte r world war 1. Now I hear 10 for 12 .50
that it was th e Army an d Na vy that put th e Polar Relay 20 9 FA SPOT SOVDC 5 amp. 2 .50 5 for 10.00
Ant enna Relay Coax T yp~ SPOT Con. SO 239 28VDC 2 .75
pressure on at that time for us and that we Fit. Trans. GE llS·!J2V Pri 6V@10A. 2 .00
have no deb t to the Leagu e at all! FH. Trans. GE l1S-13 2Y Pri 6V@25 A . . . . . . . . . 4 .00
And did the League indeed have stoc k in Sola Pwr. Trans. 2.20'1' 3 PH 216QYCT 75.0 0
Variahle Capacitor 1.5 ·7 PF SOOV # CA289 SO Shl ll 3 / 1.00
one of ou r leadi ng equipment ma nufacturers? Variahle Cap. 16 0-10 2 1.95- 4.5 PF 3 /1 .00
T his might exp lain why th ey sp ecified their Trim Capacitor 5 ·4 0 PF 600 V Ceramic #95798 .. . 3 / 1 .00
pa rts by number in virt ua lly every constru c- Vari able Cap. Butt erDy 3.5 H .5 PF 1200V BFC 12 .45
Variable Cap. 5 sect. 1 2 ttl 400P F 2 .00
tion ar ticle for some years. Cap acitor 8 MF 1 500Y Oil Filled 2 .00
T heil there was the time we lost big Oise Capu itors Ceramie .00 1 -.01-.02 . . . 12 / 1.00
parts of ou r ham hands at an lT V meeting 7 & 9 Pin Tube Shields TR Series 6 / 1 .00
Socket for 829- 3E29 h be 122 · 248 ·1 .75
with Il l) ob servabl e batt le put up by our lead- Cap. Electrolyti c 1000 MF @ 25 V ... . .3/ 1.00
ers. Some of those tha t w ere th ere wanted to C a ~ . Electrolyt ic 15 -15 MF A 35 O'V .3/1.0!l
know why our leaders turned up with ex- FOR PROM PT SHIPMENT PLEASE INCLUDE POSTAL "' ONEY
pensive cars and big new houses if it wasn't ORD ER OR CAS HIER' S CHECK. OHIO RESI DEN TS ADD 3 %
from some sort of p ayoff by commercial in- SALES TAX. INCLUDE S UFf iCIENT POSTAGE.
Judging from the number of sca nda ls which 516 linden Ave .
see m to have been covered up th ere is an Doyton, Ohio 45403 5 13-252-99 11
int eresting story to he told. Perha ps one of

APRIL 1966 lIS

INVERTERS you old timers will write that story for us
12vdc to 28vdc youngs ters, changing na mes just a hit to p ro-
Run your surpl us equipment with
teet the guilty. I do thiuk that we should have
some sort of history other than th e sugar
no '0""";0' 150 WATTS $49.50
coated rewrite that appeared in QST.
300 WATTS $71.50 .. . Wayne
We a lso make 6vdc to 12vdc 12vdc to 12vdc
12vdc to 115v 60cps 150 or 300 watt Little League
12vdc to 1lSv 400cps 150 or 300 watt
12vdc to 4S0vdc One reader wrote, "Quite frankly I have
WRITE for com plete in fo rm a t ion been very skeptical of many of Jhe things
Green has b een writing about th e League in
73. H is acc usation th at th ey had refused to
let 73 exhibit at th e National Convention in
Boston seemed so rid iculous that I decided to
check this for myself and see wh ether Green
has been te lling the truth or exaggerating
about the sta te of affairs at L eague HQ. I was
un able to get throu gh to Huntoon , but I did
reach an assistant and he confirmed th at th e
League has indeed inst ructed the Boston Con -
vent ion Committee not to p ermi t 73 to exhibit
at their convention ."
This ch ap goes on to say that he is goin g
IDENTIFY t o do eve rything in his power to keep his
YOUR friends from attendin g the conven tion. Several
other fellows have written similar letters and
SHACK some manu factur ers h ave indicated th at they
want no pa rt of th e show if that is th e way it
is going to be, run . I disagree. A convention
Your coli altra ct ivel y displayed, ins ide or outside . Las ts f or
years . 21j2 x 17¥4 inch , custom made-f ully gua ranteed_ is prim arily for the benefit of th e hams that
distinct ive des ig n of q uality rust proof aluminum , finished attend and I think we should all suppo rt the
in rich, blo ck enamel. Beaded , Reflective , Raised lettering,
Door or Woll m ou nt Iplc tured} $1.45 Boston Convention for the good of amateur

Mailbox, La w n s take or Post mou nt , with attra ctive nluml;
nUm frames (v ie w from eithe rside l- slole type w ith o rder radio in spite of the pe ttiness the League has
Postage Paid in U.S.A.
$4.45 demonstrated.
P.O . Box 5 6 7 Marion, Indian a 46952
Pandora's Box explodes
The F CC rue full y admits th at it never
dreamed that they wo uld get things in the
RTS2:/AP X6 makes 12 15 mc Xceivr. See O d~"'ov CQ . :'IEW 23.50
mess they are now as a result of Part 15, the
UPMS 'rests AI'X6 .27 Tubes, 10 Diodes. lI S\', GOCY FAIR 14 •.'10
TS726/UPM3 Same as abuve but US recondit ioned .. LN 19 .75
Complete Manual for TS726j UP!l18. Postpaid 2. 90 rule which pe rmi ts those 100 mw tr an sceivers
T61Aj AXT2 'rv Xmtr w/vtdec & Sync Modulators .~l';W 19.25 which h ave been cau sing furth er chaos with
TS5 45 jUP 1150-1350mc Echo Box wjManual, Accessory
Box a.nd ACCRssoriCS. 10 0ua . I ndicat or .... EW 18 .5 0 already chaotic CB. FCC staffers ad mit that
cueet ete Manual for TS545jUP. Postpai d
OAA·2 Radar Test Set 150 ·2-l0mc wjSchcmatic , Antenna,
2. 90
it is alrea dy w ay too late to tr y t o stop th e J
3 'rutes. 200ua xreter Ind icator. lI5 \', 60 cy .. l\'EW 17 .75
46ACQ·l Radar Receiver, H O-260mc, w/ Tubcs NEW 18 .25 flood of thes e trans ceivers and they are talking
AM665A j AQS2 t -nne Band Pass stucr Amplifier EW 9.25
AM818A jAQS2 a-ruue Dual Channel Amplillcr " .. KEW 8.50 seriously of moving th em into some other band
WECO GS16741 Computer Calibrator for K5 System wI Man- be low 30 me to relieve the CB congestion .
uar, Cables, Accessories. I n earl'}'ing ease NEW 42 .50
1P224 / APS38 Sweep Amp. 2-S0 'lW.1- 12AX'l,1 -12A X7 NEW 4.75
SN12B Synchr onizer- for APS3 & 4 . W/29 Tubes . . NEW 14 .50
Th ose of us using six or ten met ers have
TS738 / UPMllA 8.5-9.6Km o wit h most accessories EX 45. 00 more th an ad equate reas on for alarm . Virtually
Ballantine .300 AC VTnt in 19 inch Rack Pa nel . . E.X 30.00
Lambda 32 El ect ronically Reg: Lab r-ower Supply .. EX 18 .2 5 eve ry other VH F user has a lobby in Wash-
Alum. gcnsote, 57" high . glopmg panel above: door below
desk Shelf. Castors. Rear door, 115V50ey EXhaust Fan. ing ton to forcefull y p resen t th e many reason s
FoX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . .. 75. 00 why thi s screa ming mob sh ould not b e inte-
Rejleetcmeter SWR Bridge w/Metcr. 30 -1000mc . .. . . EX 8.2 5
Set of 120 Xtals Type FT24.3 5675 t bru 8650kc . . 120/1 8. 75
T46 5 /ALT7 Xmitt r 168-352mc W/ 2-6161s. 100Vi' ont 1,.'1 22.50
gra ted with their service . Th ey have million s
T465 IALT7 Schematic pp 1. 00 • .. . T465 IAlT7 Manual np 2.90 of doll ar s to sp end for their protection . Ama -
CUll9A Coupler 13 nne-tube amplifiers wyt utes . . FAIR 8.25
Rt. Angle enve w/gears & universal. *"
Tube rvne 616 1 wyconnectors. 65 Watts to 2000mc . EX 7.50
sbaft . . . . EX 3/5.0 0 te ur ra dio ha s only the Institute of Ama teur
TAtAN Mndulator Z-1 0 7 for RT220/AR.'l21 w/Tubcs . EX 6.75 Radi o, ha cked by a few hundred ama teurs
VARIAC Tille W2. J20 Vnlt 3.1 Amp 50 -6 0 cycle • . N~;W 8.75 wh o care enough to try to keep ham radio
UTC H95 Prl -1l5V60C)·. See-two @12Volts2.5Amps . NEW 4.0 0
UTC H77 C~n ke. lOR @300ma. 3200 Volts working NEW 4. 75 going , to hold up its end of thi s battle.
SC61le xrenuer 1950 Y @3 ma. 6 Fil windings 60 crete NEW 2. 75
2 in1 AU dio Driver 0. 5 :1) &0' put (2. 88 :1) Xrormer NEW 3.00 Perhap s we need to lose one of these major
E. c. HA Y DEN Box
Pelees: FOB Ba y Saint Lou is.
294, Bay Sa in t Louis,
Mississippi, 39520
ban ds in ord er to wake up the thousands of
Te rms: Net, Cash.
SILIC ON BI-SWITCH 7 amp 20 0 plv, u sed in A C
ph ase co ntrol a nd lamp dim m e rs. Ci rc u it f or 750
w att lam p dim m er included. 2 fo r $1 COLLI NS ARR· 15
RCVR 1,5-18.5 mc
SII;.IC <;tN NPN MI CROTRAN SISTOR, sil icon plana r Wr itten u p "73 "
epitaxial. V ~ I>" 40 vol t s. V ~ ~" 15 vo lts . 150 m w , J u ne. Tu n eab le
100 me . w ith spec i f tc a t to n she et . 2 for $1 w it h Coll in s PTO
a nd cal i brato r.
NPN. 2 N1640. 2 fo r $ 1


2 N 424 NPN . 2 fo r $ 1
Sync h rono us cl ock m o -
t o r driv i ng a gear
Ex pe ri m en t er 's pack ag e. Yo u r c ho ice of any 12 t ra in t o p rod uc e o n e
of the above f or $5. re vot ut ton yg ho u rs
w it h a na log ou t put b y
m ean s of a preci s ion
Di g it al I nd icator d ispl ays fi g ures 10K pot. Res et with
on t ra nsl uce nt wi ndow 0-9. Plug - an other built i n 11 5 V
in bank of 6 volt bu l bs o n rea r, 60 Cyc l e motor. M ay
each bulb wh en energized di s- be t ake n apa rt f o r t he
p lay one digit on t he w ind ow . 2 mot ors, o ne a pre c l-
$6.00 sian m ot or d r iv in g a g ea r t r ai n a nd th e sec ond
mot o r 60 cycl e in duct i on 11 5 vo lt .
Un bel iev a ble $1. 50
CR YSTALONICS FET ( Field Eff ect T ran sist or) w ith
s pec s heet . See Decem ber 73 f or m o re inform a-
ti on o n FET' s. $ 1.00 6/ $5
AR C-5 Tran sm itter 7-9 me. W r it·
te n up m an y m a ny t i m es , but
SILI CON DIODES SPECIA L t ry a nd b uy one. Per f ect co nd t-
800 PIV 400 ma $3 .00 /1 2 30¢ eac h t ion i n o r ig ina l acv't ren ew pack -
ag es, eac h w ith i n d iv id ual lo g
100 0 Pl Y Studs 2 am p $1 0.00 /1 2 $1.00 each an d wo r k she ets . T hi s w i ll no
do u bt be t he l ast o f th em .
150 PIV 3 5 amp. Used . g u ara nt eed . w it h m ou nt- $ 23 .0 0
i ng hardwa re. $5 .00/ 6 $ 1.00 ea c h

New 1966 ca ta log nct-eer-the-er es s. We ke ep no

JOHN MESHNA JR. mai ling li st s. Send 2 5¢ f or t he b est 80 p age ca t-
alo g we hav e eve r printed, More b a rgains than
1 9 Alle rton S t ., Ly n n, Ma s s. eve r before.

am ateurs wh o are m ista king ly d epend ing on

the sleeping giant in Newin gton for p rotection.
F ellows, the League isn't even a reg istered
lobh yist for amateu r radio . . . h ow ca n th ey
po ssib ly h elp you? They are goo d at proposing Red UCes Intlrle,.n.. ami Fer A LL ·"..Iut~r T......
Nol.. on All Ml k" S hort IIIltten, CuarutM4 rlf' 100
r ule cha nges to force th e old tim ers off th e Wa.,. Reee inn. " Ik" Worl d
Wi d. HlCeatie. Strl nllr.
Watts AM l UI SSB PI.
Net . r Lin k Dlred: F.-d.
air, b ut th ey ca n't wa lk into a Congressman's e l.. ,.r en All Ban dl! L1,ht . N_t . Weather, reel .
office an d ask for h elp . COlIlple te l baWD to t&1 ICll&"th 102 ft. . ltb ,. It. of 12 ohm
balano:ed t lnllne. ~ H I· lmp act EDoldec1 "MQam. tnpe. (W t . I
On the oth er hand, perhaps those 100 mw or.. I· J: 5" lone:l. Yau Just tun a tI lIIn ln lll ban d fer bea.llll11F:e
resulu . EJ:eelle nt tee A.LL . erld -wi de ehert•• a" recehen end
gadget s are fun enoug h for us? amate ur uaos mlu en. Fo r NOVIC E AND ALL CLA.SS AloiA-
EUmin al.e& 5 l eparate aotennu wltb er c:ellent performa_
lluall ntee d. I nce lTlip lcueul lar F lI$sy Nel, hbor hoeds l N O HA.Y-
Chuck and Ted WIRE HOUSE A.!'PE AR .iliCE l E,j.S Y IN STALL A.T lON I
Compl ete I nl trucUone.
75- 4Q-20-1 5- 10 meter bands . Complete I l U5
D etails will be following , of cou rse, b ut th e 40- 20-15-1 0 metor~ St· ft. (belt for 1....1 ',) Complete . . . 1" . 95
SEN D ONLY $a.OO (calh, ck., me' and. ,a,. poItm a n bala_
repor t )lO W seem s confirmed th at Chuck Sw ain COD plus pOlt...e on arrh al or lind f un price ler POIt,dd
de ll , el'3'. Comp lete install ation .&: te chnica l In. tructl. ne tee-
K 7 L ~ 1U and Ted Th orpe ZL2AWJ have been nll hcd . Free in formatiO D 00 malU' othe r I tI · . met ar an termu.
lost at sea d urin g a hu rricane a fter leavin g A.raU. bl e on l7 Ir_:
\ Vallis Islan d on [nuuary 27 th. I guess m ost of WESTERN RADI O Dept . A7·2 Kear ney, Nebru • •
us expe cte d some sor t of miraculous es cape
such as Danny pulled off a few yea rs ago
d own in tho se wat ers when he ra il on to a reef
with th e Yasme.
ST OP! LOO K! ! RE A D ! ! !
D on Miller rushe d ou t to Samoa to h elp S1.00 will f rame & di splay 60 QSL
w ith th e sea rch, hu t after over two we eks of Cards in 3 of ou r 20 com po rt ment
plast ic ho lders, or $3 .00 g ets 10 hold-
sca nn in g every possible area where th ey migh t ers f or 200 Co rds. Order n o w~ li m i .
b e th ere lias b een 110 sign of th em. Ap parently no t e rhe m util at ion & hea da ches of the
obsolet e met hods, & have a ne at, a t-
th ey had left th eir h am gear behind on Wallis t rac t iv e shack in stan tl y. Prepaid &
g ua rant eed .
Island , wh ich expla ins why non e of lIS h eard Free sam p le a va ila b le t o Deale rs,
a QI\ RI\. f tp abclI. Box 1 98 N. Galla ti n, Tenn. .370 66

A PRIL 1966 117

(continued from page 4)
Second place went to Bill IUch arz \ VA4VAF
and Bryant H olm es \VA4\VO L. Their cover
will appear in the near fu ture .
\V e h ad an incredible number of en tries in
the contes t an d had a terrible time de cid in g
the winners fr om am ong them all. There are
a few ot he rs we may b e able to use or th at
furn ish good id eas for an artist to work on
(som e weren't finished ar two rk). I ncid en tally,
we ca n always use good covers and cover
id eas. Paymen t for covers is $25 and up .
Id eas get less, of course.

Articles and other con tribu tions

\Ve always need good ar ticles, too . \ Ve h ave
~ "Q" and " Z'!;Signals a large backlog, hu t eat u p 25 to 3,5 per
• WorldTimeChart month, so can't ge t too complacent. Amo ng
..Prefixes byCountries • Int'!. Postal Rates the ar ticles we especially ne ed ar e de ta iled
Unit ed S tates Listing s, .. $5.00 ones on newcomers' gea r. T h ese shou ld have
OX Lis tin gs • . •.• •• •• • . . . • 3.25
layou ts, lots of good lar ge p ict ur es, parts lists
See your favorite dealer or orderdtrect ( add 25¢ for mailing)
.0' ,. ; .; H ih_ .; li!iIM1 tiJ ~~ • . ,~ _ with p rices and sources, and complete tnfor-
; ·,; "'..,; "'m.; ~' .• _"" " 1~~
mat ion so that an absolute beginner can use
the article. \ Ve need receivers, transmitt ers
an d accessories for 80, 40, 15 and 2. Mo dern
<I Of MAPS _ OROm YOUR SH TODAY ! eq uipment is preferre d; no 6SN7's and 6J5's .
In fact, th ere's really no reason for no t using
sem ico nductors in the receivers an d p ower
sup p lies and poss ibly in th e transmitters.
We'd also like articles on a 6 meter SSB
K\V linear (with maybe 572B's, 8236's or
8 IG,Ts), 160 meter gear, a low noise (tran-
sistor) 12~}6 me converter, test equip ment,
mic rowave equ ip ment, simple transistorized
SSB exciters, transmitters -rmd tra nsceivers
WORLD PREFIX MAP-Full C010f, 42" X
29" shows prefixes on each country f•• using Mr-Coy or CC crystal filters, circuits
OX ~ones, time zones, cities, ~r~fJ $~ .~o using cheap new transistors, and p rojects th at
enced tables ·.·······pos P usc (or can use) p rin ted circuit bo ards th at
RADIO AMATEURS GREAT CIRC}E C~At~~ can b e made available to read ers such as the
n9,; O
OF THE WORLD-from t~ e C€2 r X 2'5"
kcyer in th e January issue. This list is by no
~i~~~~~ ~~:~~sCJrif~~rtr!~~~~~s~~n~e~~esh~
for SIX major M: -": Seattle San Fran-
mea ns exhaustive . You can send a q ue ry on
tngton, D.C., ranu, ' your project or jus t send the article itself
cisco & Los Angeles. postpaid $1.00 (which I pr efer). We like lots of good bi g

c"'- 1 IJNITEO STATES MAP-Ail 50 ~tates with

call areas, prefixes, OX .and time zones,
FCC f r equency allocatIOn chart. Plus
pictures -m'id try to use them. Polaroid sh ots
usually are poor as they can't be blown up.
i nteresting information on all 50 ?ates.
We also need good ca rtoons and ca rtoon
full color, 29" x 17" • . , . . . postcaio 50¢ ideas. For some reason, we see m to ge t a lot
of non-ham and no n-fu nny cartoons .
~ WOR LD Atl AS- Only Atla.s compiled fO.T
amateurs. Polar projectIOn, SIX co~t~;
[ nents, prefixes on each country: ., U I'

,~ i
color, 16 pages....
Complete reference library of
...postpald $1.50
ij We're always anx ious to receive com me nts

1 of 4 as listed above. .. ..postpal.. from our readers about 73, and about par tic u-
,I See you r favo rite dealer or order dlrect . JI'j lar articles in 73. H ave you b u ilt a project
, ",I, 1ti2~;::~~:~=:::~7~:7k.:i0"~ from an article in 73? \ Vhy n ot send us a p ic-
tu re of it and your comments about any pro b-
I • RADIO ~Mc;'~lb'9~!~"~ lems or modifications-or just how it worked.
Your experien ces can be very h elpful an d re -
Dept,BiM;<I4~ ulleLf<Ln:Av •. assu ring to others who want to build the
,c Ch'cag01il~60639 equipment. •• . Paul

~~,.~ ':I""".I.1.1'.I'III""
.I.I~ ~
~ SPRI N G Ima9in~'~~~. ~~~~:;d ~s~a~~!at one
o 7 -Amps 0 16-Amps 0 25-Amps

o 25
Sal e
.2 5
0 15 0
Sal e
0 3 00
0 40 0
1 .5 0
0 fREE 0 SO .45 0 200 1.00 0 50 0 2.5 0

S $
25 : WOIIT H 01'
• T, · .n ~ l ltOri
0 10 0 .6 5 n 25 0 1.35 0 600 2 .95


. Olod U Pl Y So le PlY Sole PlY Sole
~~~:~ ~ . 1~ B ~: ~ DR ~:: ~ :gg ~ I~~~ ~

Rod io , TV Pe rt• . Add 2 5. for hOfld lin .

+.. 200

40 0

25 PlY
lJ 5«

50 PlY
0 7(
51 , 1800

100 PlY
rI 12c
t! 1 .35

200 PlY
0 19«

S o 1\~~,~':< ANY
WIT H $ 10 .00 O RDERS
4 00 PIV
~ 25«

8 22 ,
R1 .35
0 35,
B 40,
800 PlY
0 451
[ 1 1 . 59
8 65,
1.1 9

8 1es.7 9
1000 PlY S

APRIL 1966 11'


• Fla t in
t he a m a te ur bonds
$10 net ppd.
In U.S.A.
from 3 to 30 Mes . • Fu ll leg a l power • Full y
weathe r sealed • Matches co ax to ante nna or
ba lanced line. _ Im prove s e ff icien cy a nd radia -
t io n pa ttern .
Two mode ls, 1 t o 1 or 4 to 1 impeda nce rot io
* Price--$2 p er 25 words for non-co m me rcia" ods ; $5 p ",r 25
w ord s for bu sines s ve nture:s. No d isploy CKIs o r agency di s·
Size 11/4" 00 x 4" long. Wt . 01 oz . count. In clude your check wi th or d e r.
FUGLE LABS 1835 Watchu ng Ave., Plainfie ld, N.J . * Type- copy. Phrase a nd punctuate e xac tly a s you w ish it to
oppaar. No o ll-ca pJtal ad s.
I * W e will b e the judge of su itab ili ty of ad, . O ur re s po ns ib il-
ity fo r erre rs e xtend s o n ly to printing a corred ad in a
later Issue.
ABSORPTION UHF WAVEMETERS * f o r $1 extre w e- con mointain a Tep ly bo x for you .
Hand c a li b rat ed from crystal oscil lat ors by KI CL L.
Now yo u ca n f ind the 432 an d 1296 m e ban ds.
Know t h e frequency of your double rs. trip lers a nd
* We ca nn o t che ck Into e-a ch ad vertiser , so Cav",at Em ptor • • .

osci llato rs . Don't g uess!

VHF -l 40 to 135 me CLOSED CIR CU I T television c a mera, v id e o monitor ,
~~~--1 1~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ $9 .75 each
a s so r ted T V lens es . Very reasona ble . I ra K le in , 143 9
52 S t . B r oo kly n. Phone HY 4- 7083 .
UHF.2 600 t o 1100 me All five fo r $45
UHf-3 950 to 1400 me
ART'S QS VS Samples 10 f . Art B li s s , 1829 N. Catalina
Hoisington Research Company St., Burbank , Califo rnia.
Fa r Ove r Fa r m , 603-924·3030, Pe te r borou g h , N. H.
C ON V ERTERS $10 and u p . World 's la r g e st se lection o f
frequen cies. H a m TV v i d icon c ame r a s and p a rts at lo w
f a c t ory-dir ect pric e s . See the m all n ow in o ur full
PRICE B REA K T H ROUGH ON BEAMS pag e a d in t h is Iss u e. V anguard Labs, 196- 23 Jamaica
Ave., Hollis, N .Y. 11423.
FUll SIZE; new; complete with boom and hardware; SWR, 1 :1 ; '.
handles 5 kw; adjustable entire band ; %" and 1" aluminum
feed :
alloy tubtng ; COIIX
WE W n.L PAY CA S H: Want e d, p op u l ar, late model
3 ei 20 $22 el 15 . . $16 u nmod ified ama t e u r e quip ment. Highest prices p a i d
2el20 ie ell ;; 12 for clean, good. op e r a ti n g g ear. W rite Graha m Radio,
a e m IS ell! . . . . 15 De p t. 10, R ead ing, Massac h u se t ts.
VERTICALS: ALL B,\ .'W \'160 ( 6 thru 160). . • • . . $ 18.\l5
QUADS : xxw : ~F.W ! ALL :\IETAL (except insulators) I'uhieul TECHN IC AL :\IA~UA LS . Signal-...cor p. Some of the
Quads; 2 el; full size; complete with bonm, all hardwar e ; available manuals R ~ 3 90 ,A, S P - 600 , B C-610, 1-1 77 ,
ternne ~i1il) and directIvi ty ; best [I11,UJ eyer made; no bamboo : TV -7, teletype manuals, test e quipment. World's la r g -
20 meter $25 ; 15 m $24 . Remit with order, shipped ex-
press collect. est li st 10 ¢ , Quaker Electronics , Hunlock Cre ek , Fa .
GOTHAM, 1805 Purdy Ave., Dept. 73, Miami Beach, Fla. 33139
ARE YOU S IN CERE? Are you -realty lo oking f o r t h e
best d e al on a new o r fully gua r ant e ed used u n it ? L et
u s co n v ince you w ith a specific quo te that will rea lly
s a v e you m oney. Graham Ra dio, Dep t. 10, Read in g,
M a ssachuse t ts.
CL E R GYM EN O F ALL F A ITH S! S i xth e di tion of
"Clergy a n d R eligious R adio Op e r a to r s " callbook to
b e p ublished'" s oo n . Please inform us of additions and
changes. Over 1000 calls now incl u d e d. N o c ost or
obligation . Write: Callbook , Capuch in Seminarian s,
KIQFT , Box 218, H udson, New Hampshire, 03 051.

NC- 300 , 2 and 6 Converters , sp e a k e r, $150 .00. 15 Am-

p er e Va riac $20 .00 . Heath A G - 9 , 820.00 SASE for list,
W2EET, 2 Rid ge w a y, Ave . O a k l y n , N.J . 0810 7 .
SEND YOUR ORDERS TO ALI:D LAWRENCE, MASS. NIxm TUBES , Burroughs n o . 6844A. H a ve 50 @ $5.50
ea. po stage p a i d . N e w . No pullouts . W 4FSB, D u k e
R ussell , 1815 M issile V iew Ave ., M erritt I sl a n d , Fla.
~ SURPLUS WANTED ~ 32 952 .
We'll pov you the absolutely Highest Prices for a lm ost
any piece of equ ipm ent in any condition. We'll trade CA N A D IANS, TRANSISTORS all semiconductors and
also. We'll pay in 24 hours too. Just send list , or te le- c omponen ts . F ree catalogue c o n t a ins referenc e data on
p h on e collect for quick quote. Particuarly in te res ted in 300 transistors. J . & J . E lectron ics, P .O. Box 1437 ,
all AN /GRC, PRC, ARC, ARM, UPM, USM, APR, APN , D ep t . 73 , W innipeg, Manitoba, Canada .
URM. RT-66-70, T - 195, R-392, etc.
SPACE ELECTRONICS, 4178 Po rk Ave., Bronx, N .Y. 10457
(212) C Y 9-0300 QSL CARDS : Samples 10¢. Qua lity- r easonab le-f a st
se r v ic e , D ec a ls , rub b er stamps, photo labels, lo g books
~ SURPLUS WANTED ~ or loose leaf. Malgo Press , B ox 37", Toledo, Ohio 43601.

110 73 MAGAZ IN E
FT-243 Cla'ST ill.S : 0.1% se tt in g $2.0 0 each . ± 2 k c MATH
setting $1.00 ea ch . 3000-8700 k s. D en v er Crys ta ls , 776
Sou th Coro na, D enver, Co lorado 80209 . SIMPLE?
Yes, K8L F I g ives y o u
WANTED GDLnKIT T HRILLER transceiver in go od
shape. Box 731, J acksonville , Fl orida. the si mp lest, most
eas y . t o • u nd ersta nd
expl anatio n of Ohm's
WASTE D GOLDKIT T HR ILLER transceiver cheap.
B ox 84, Bruns w ic k , G eorg ia . L aw, sq uares, ro ots ,
pow ers , f r eq u en cy , me -
ters, logs slide r u les,
W AST ED Briti sh OX t ra n s mi tt e r EL 37 in good con dx .
Box 45, J a x , F la . etc . A postpa id steal
at o n ly 50t
CLEGG 22' $175 , D r ake R4 w ith spea k er 5300, # 19
te letyp e machine inclu de s ta b le , power supply, TD 73 MAGAZIN E
unit , $15D-you p ic k up. WA BBLS j4, 6420 5th Avenue, Peterborough, N.H. 0345 8
N., St. P et ersburg , F lorida 33710.

K:oJIGHT GRID DIPPER $15, Tran stenna 102A T -R

530 , Vibropl ex vib ro keye r $8, 73 B ound volume #1 GROVE'S GIANT SALE!
$8. Tony Casciat o, 1107 Cott ag e S t. SW, Vien n a, Va. W A LK IE- TA L KI E #1 3-103-
22180. 3 t ran sist o r .• ... . . .•.• .• •• . . 2 f or $ 14 .99
W A LKI E- TA LK I E ~ 1 3 - 1 0 5 8 -
5 t ran sisto r .•...•.....•.• .• • . 2 fo r $2 5.88
COLLII\"S 625 - 1 $575, KWl\o1-2 w ith Waters Q · Mu lt i- W A L KIE· TAL KIE ~1 3 -I 06-
pl ter $675, 516F2 550, Packag e 51250. All factory n ew 6 t ra nsist or . ....•.... .. SALE S 15.9 9
con d i ti on . M easurements Corp. Model 59 G OO $95. WALK IE-TA LKIE #13 - 108-
9 t ransis t or • . . . • • . . SALE $2 4 .95
J. W. Grego ry K40CK, 6495 K ill ian X Driv e , M iami , WAL KIE-TA L KI E # 13 - 114
Fla. 33156, M O 1-7576. 10 t ra nsistor . . . . . . . . . . . . SALE $27.9 5
W A LK IE-T A L KIE ;:t1 3-1 10 H-
12 t ra nsist or- 2 cha nne ls SALE $29.95
GR 650A R LC B r id ge $85, ART -26 S5O, AR C-I S15, WALK IE-TALKIE ::tl 3- 132-
A ll s t ate eB rigs n ew $30 each, LM with calibration 16 t ron sist or-2 channels-l 'h wo tts SA LE $68.88
b ook a n d P S $50, New 4- 400 $25. R. wurtzmge r . 830 W A LK IE-TA LK IE ':=13- 130-
N. Wa ller, Chicago , Ill. I Wa tt-BRA N D N EW MODE L! SPECIA L $57.88

KNIGHT R -IO OA receiver with cr ystal calibrat or 585. MICROPHONE SALE!

T UR NER 4 54X SSB . SALE $14.49
zacc 723 transmitter $35. Plus shipping. J . Buck, 4860 T URNER 45 4C SSB . SAL E $14.49
Wes t R ichfeil d R d ., W est R idge field , Oh io 44286 . T URN ER 2 54X > . SALE $ 12.99
TU RNE R 3 58 0 ..• ........ SALE $13.69
C UBICAL QUA D W2A U for 10-15 -20 meters , never
us ed, comple te instructions $40. P ick up deal only. FI ELD ST RENGT H METE R-transistorized SALE $ 14 .99
AUTO R AD IO-A M j F M/ F M- afc~
Sorry. J am es J . D or rm, 178-09 132nd Avenue, Spring- Pushbotton- 6v or 12v, Positive o r
field Ga rdens , L.T., N.Y . Ne gat ive Gr oun d ... . . ... . SAL E $49 .99
SWR BRIDGE-Fie ld Stre ng t h Meter-
# FS45 , . SALE $ 8.99
WA NT ED : Linear with po we r supp ly to fo How 20A.
Good quality homebrew OK. O r w ill s w a p 20 ~A de-
lu x e VFO , 2-B with c alibrator plus cas h fo r Swan PENNY BARGAINS!!
350 or 400 plus VFO and AC supply. P aul We n tze l I F' s-4 55 KC (3,4 inch) SAL E 19 /
KpGBC , R FD # 2, Box 451, Spearfish, So. D ak. 57783. RELA Y5-Kel logg Swb- 6 / 3 5V DC-
4PDT . SAL E 99/
HA -I KJ<;\,ER and Vtbroplex. Almost n ew . Swap for PP A ud io . .. • . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . SAL E 99 ,
Tri Ba n d Beam or $70. WAIBWS , Roger Burnham , 90 MA Fil ...• . . . . . . . SAL E 99,
RF D # 1, Da nb y , Vt . T UBE TESTER X FM R-
(Lot s of Fil win d ing s) SALE 49,
FI LTER CHOK E- Shiel ded-
HAM A UCTIOI\" Ma y 2, 1966. Check g ear in a t 6 p m. 3 Hy- 320 MA . •. . .. . .•. . .. . . . . . SALE 99/
A u ction at 8 pm. R iv er Park Amateu r Ra d io Cl u b , I I OV TIMER- 60 cy -asst 'd--
5100 North Fran ci sco A venue , Ch ica go , illinois. 59('- eo . ~ ..- . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 f or $1.49
CLOCK TlMER- Te lech ron w/ Steep
Selecto r •..•.... .•.••.. . . . . . . . SAL E $2 .49
600 PIV TOPHATS, in cl udes bypass ca pacitors a n d GN 5-T u nea ble Generat or Su ppressor
(Reg . $3 .95 ) . ...• • SALE $ 1.99
resis tors 10 for 83. P os tpaid USA. Tube pullouts : COA X IAL LI GH TNING A RRESTOR
4C X 250B $6 .50. 4- 125A $5.00, 6146 or 6883 $1.25, 5763 (CBLA 2) SALE $2.88
o r 6CL6 $1.00 , 4X 150 $4.00, 2C39 $2.00, 304TL $15.00 ,
4-250 $10.00. A ll mate r ia l gua ra n teed. Minimum order
53.00. Ea s t Coas t Electronics, 123 St. Boniface Rd., Ama teur s! Order r ig ht f rom t his ad AN D tell us you r
Buffalo, N .Y. 14225. a dd it iono l needs in t ran sf ormers! Largest st ock of
su rplu s x f mr s of an y dea le r! Loa ds of goodie chass is
f u ll of choke s, d iodes, ot her ports. W e'v e got t he
f u n- t y pe goodi es f or you. Incl ude Call wh en wr it ing .
RTTY CHA:oJNEL FILTERS tuned to specific fre-
q uency .0005. $3 ea ch. Two tuned filt ers mounted in SEND fO R f REE GROVE 1966 CATALOG !
an oc ta l can $9. 5 88 mh to ro ids $2. P ostp a id . Bob
J e ffrey W60KK, 6639 Outlook Avenue, Oakland , Cali - Send c heck or money order, include postage, ex-
ro rn ta. cess refu nded . M in imum order SS.OQ--50¢ servi ce
char ge under $ 10.00. 50 % deposit an COD's.
i\:oJjURR - 13A receiver $8S; Gen eral Radio 1551- A
$139.50; T el ety pe M D 14 r e p er f m-ator $47.50 ; Infr ar ed
Sniperscope M d M3 $ 125; N iCad battery -cells. P . E.
Bonifac e , P .O. Box 44. H a wthorne, Mass. 09137. 3256 N. Pulas ki Rd. C hicago, III. 6064 1

A PRIL 1966 121

SWAP COAST GUARD Be 653 -A t ransmi tter with a
Interested in VHF? 500 v and 1200 v generator co mplete, 140 lb s of cho ice
p arts, pair 814 's final G. mod. Ne ed good communjca-
t to ns r eceiv e r . Write E. R. A lber tson, P.O. Box 392 ,
Then why not sen d fo r a free sample of the Evadale, T e x a s 77615_
VHF'er Magazine. It's devoted entirely to
serious VHF and UHF hamming. It contains
BC -348 Doub le co nve rsion miniat u r e t ub es , with pow-
articles by well-know n and capable VHF'ers. e r su pp l y , ne w p ane l. D iagram included, $45. Two
All who want to improve their knowledge of new 4CX250K tubes w ith h om e brew socket , $10.
VHF are invit ed to subscribe. J . E. R ic h a rdson, Box 54, Po ttstow n, Pa. 19464.
Subscriptions are $2 a year (foreign $3) EICO 723 60wt CW Xmtr w jsp are tubes. Good novtc a
ri g. Wk d 20 count r ie s. $40. J , F . Ro binson, KIZJW, 32
The VHF'er Old Colony W a y , Scitua t e, Mass. 02066.

Parks Laboratories, Rt. 2, Beaverton, Oregon ELECTRONIC LIGHTER. No F lint, Wick, B a tte ry or
Movin g Par ts. PHOTO OF SHACK w ith call, name ,
a d d ress , on labels. Wagner Co. , 6200-C W h itewood,
Library, P a . 15129.

GOODY GOODIES H EATH HW-32 zn- meter USB transceive r. 200 watts
Speda lly selected as " BETTER BARGAINS" for t he coming in put, ALC , AVC, V OX , and PTT. Like new , $85 .
hamtest season. ctean 'em out, I'll buy more and different
Items. 16810 W eddington, Encino, Ca lif. 91316 213- 784- 2588.
Rl'IYr,lO O 11' on 2 meter. Has 2 121" WANTED: Military or Comm e rci al S u r plus . . . A ir-
DC coils in series. rewire in paral] ,,) $3.95 bo rne , Ground, a nd 'rest se ts. T ry the big boys, then
for 12 \\ In steel tmx 3x3 !f.lxl %.".
Wit h 3 connect ors ta ke PL-2 59 . :\1~W write or call collect a r ea 703-560- 5480 and g iv e us
Wit ll 3 aaxxn ", ElY PL -2 .:;9 $5.00 YOUR p rice . . . W e Pay Cas h and F r ei ght . . . RITCO
POB 156, Annandal e, Va.
::;P Il T ,2;, Ow to 2,,0 :'< IC.I00 w
to IOOO MC) iWR at 10 0 0 Me $3.00 F OR SALE: R 23/ARC5 190-550KC r ecei ver good oper-
1.3: 1, Open fra me, t akes eG- a ti ng with tubes . . . $15.50; a lso R445jARN30 Tunable
:<:</C, B:\ C, and 2 oprcial
rme . Willi new UG-8 8, .I: :!; $5 .0 0 la t e t yp e command r ec eiv er 108-132MC, same s et u p
spcria ls W/ IlG -HH, 2 spectals as comma n d se ts . . . goo d operating with sc hem .
on 9' RG59 ~ 4 .5 0 . $26.50. R ITCO POB 156, A n n a n dale, Va.

BARGAINS! Tra n smitte rs , Receive rs, Test equipment

I lllpuloe ratchet relay , Ill' OT , offered , wan ted in ham's trading pape r . Ne x t 12 inte r -
11r AC roil. l';aeh pulse sets,
and resets (n-versesl . me{'h ani - es ti n g issues $1. Samp le copy free. " Equipment E x -
rully. A MUST f Ol' R1'T Y auto- change-Ha m Trader ," Sycamore , Illinois.
mlltic kp,el'S. ImA:'oIll :\"EW $1.75
HALLICRAFTERS SX-117 w ith HA -I0 pl us xtal for
HEAVY DUTY, 1 I{W, CERAMIC, ROTARY, RF SWITCHES. 4- 4.5 rn cs, m int condition , only $270, will ship. Con-
3 deck 5 positrons Wired. :\"0 stop. %" sha ft , $2 .50 tact WA4 MZZ , Box 182, Louisville, Georgia 30434.
8 position with bur knob.
2. deck I'ontlnunusly ~hOltin~.
6 position ,\"o slop. 7'! " shaf't. $2 .50 QSL CARDS? Largest va rie t y sa ranles 25¢. Sakkcrs,
2 deck xon -snnrnna. no stop. W8DED , H olla n d , M ic higan.
12 position %" shaft, $2. 50

CHRISTIAN H a m Fellowship be in g o r ganized fo r

Chris ti a n H ams f or fello w ship , tract m inist r y, mis-
• CHI, t,,"
350 C",mi, caoaett crs 5 KV as. s iona ry efforts a m ong h a m s. Ch r is tian Ham Callbook
. 40, G, or 100 rllmL l:llOice, $ 1. 00 4 / $ 3 .7 5 $1 don a tion. Write Ch r is ti a n Ham Fell o w s h ip , c /o
A-27 Dummy antenna, SOw 10 4 :;00 KC
W8DED, Box 218, H olland , Mich .
Steel box. 3"w x :i"ti x .f,%. "h . with
corer .1x:;x1';;'''. Has :H ILLl';!'i or
{'ARDWF.LJ, 12 to Hi l mmr, :\,,001" WRL BLUE BOOK prices save m oney. Take 10% off
variablc, two 12 ohm, ·10 11' vltreuus these p rices w ithout t rades. Communic a tor IV 's, 2M
resistors. leads, !Jimlillg posts, de . (j or 6M-$199 .00; H T3 7-S269.00; S X99 -$99 .00; SX101A
LR:;. :\" [,;\\' $5.00 - $209,00; .S R LfJO- S389,OO; Ga la x y 300-$189.00; Ga l-
12-151 Variah le capacitor, :l,,(Hh, }II LI,J'::-; or a x y 111-$219.00; SB33-$209.00; NCX3- $219 .00; R XI
mmf ('.\ Rrnn;U , . remover fm m A-2 7. Ideal - $149.00 ; T X1 - $139 .00. Hundreds m or e . Free li st.
fUI" injmt. (If j 'i · II"!.. Two met al Pllrl
ctutes. %x1" snan. $3.95 LE O, ,V0GFQ, B o x 919, Co u nc il Bluffs , I ow a,
our very fll"~1
try, at th"St" (luI:\' uccanse we n '(" 'n th rrrt-Ivr-d a COLLINS STATION 75Al R eceiver w it h RME DB23
lot of nuxcrl parts. frOIll a large m,lIlllfadlll',']-';' lim' temuna - pres elec to r $175. 32V3 Transmitter with s pare 4D32's
tton. swcetenen with some of our odds & enrls, fertovers , etr .
1'0 HEAVY -tnn CYCLE TRM\ I'I..()]t\llm~ or 24\' IlC RE LAY ~ , $200. Or make offers. W A4WHI, 10235 S.W. 58 ci,
or EXPORT l'Ar KEll :llll::;E. Does have resjsto rs. condensers, M iami, F I<l. 315-667-99Ql?
APC, tulle sockets , fll,;('S, rus r- r li p ~, lends, switches, pets.
iark<;. nue«, «umcctors. in nuonlm bags. l'O""/~ lIC\\'. 1 It~;,­
T UBES : 4CXIOOOA 's , Brand New, $100.00. I nsura nce
take-outs, r-lean, guod. !i pounds $1. 65
HM1FEST Schedule a n d shi pping pa id. WA 5MeL, 130 G recia n, San A n to -
SCLLI\ 'A:'l. ILL Apr. 2 4 nio , Texas 78223.
De tcain. Ill. }[ar 1.
All orders except in emergency sll;pp{'(j ~"1II(, dar rreeired, }'''I" DAYTON HAl\lVgNTlON AprB l6, 1966-Day to n Ama -
free "Goonn;" sheet, scud self a{hlr,,~~ed stamped envelope. teu r Rad io A ssociation's 15th annu al H a mven ti on ,
PI>EASE, l 'J,E ,Um Include sutllclent ]lustage and msnranee. ArW
excess ref unded with order. W amp le r's B al l a r e na, Day ton, Ohio. P a rticipate in the
tec h ni cal s ess ions, forum s, b a n q ue t, "H om e Brew"
B C Electronics contest and hi dden t r a ns mitte r hunt. Bring XYL. FCC
Telephone 312 CAlum et 5-2235 g eneral class e x a m in ation 09:00 Satu r d a y . For infor-
2333 S, Michiglln Avenue ChicllgO, Jflino is 60616 m a tion wri te D ay to n Hamvention , Department C, B ox
44, Dayton, Ohio 45401.

122 73 MAGAZ I N E
:VOVICE C UYS T A LS 80 -40:\1 $1.05 each. Also other
freqs. F re e lis t . Na t S t in n e tt e , W4A YV, Umatilla , Fla.
Back Issue Bonanza
Be 3 tS- D o u b le convers io n- miniatu r e t ube s w ith C ur l u p t his win ter wit h 20 a sso rted fa sc in a ti ng bock
power su p p ly, ne w panel. Diagra m i ncluded-$15.00. Issues o f 73 . T hey' ll keep you r m ind, imag inatio n and
T w o n e w 4CX 250K tube s wit h home brew so cket- s o ld e ring iron wor m t h roug h the co ld n ig h t s. Ou r
$10.00. J . E. Ric hards on. Bo x 54, Potts to w n , Pa. 19464. ch oic e (but a n excelle nt on e, of co u rse ) a t th is low
price . 20 t o r $5.

CO :\l P LET E S TATIO N-HX-SOA- 160 la te s t m o d l ftc a - Cheapskate's Ass ortment

ti ons, w ith 8236 fin a l for 270 P .E.P.- $37S.00 ; D ra k e Eig ht fa bu lous back issue s o f our ch oic e fo r a puny
2A w i th Calibra to r, speaker a n d e x t ra xtals .-$I 60.00: $ 2.
S eneca VHF- l 6N 2 with handbook 6146 modulator a nd Single Back Cop ies
power supply-$165.00 ; Vikin g 6N2 Co n v e r te r- $40.00 ; Ind ivid u o l boc k. issu e s ore SOt a piece e xce pt all o f
BC - 34 2N with s ta b ilit y, S -meter and speaker-$65.00. 19 60, Fe bruary, Ma rch a nd A p ril 19 61 , o nd J u ne cod
J im Bellow s , K 8NIE , 2700 Pa rs o n s , Mi d la n d , Michi- No vembe r 19 6 2, wh ich are S I. Janua ry 196 1 and
gan 48640. December 196 2 aren ' t avai la b le .
Bou nd Volume s
VI DI CONS . . . RC A & GEe , Heat h test e q u ipme n t, 1962 and 19 6 3 boun d vol um es a re be a u ti f ul a nd $15 .
w tn eguard UH F c on verter, S u r! Boa r d , CDR ro to r, W e're going to ma ke up m o re 19 64 a nd some for
H O - 13 H a rn sc a n , 2 met e r halo , R G -17u , R adar S e n - 19 6 5 , bu t it' ll t a ke a wh ile.
t r y, plu s m ore . WB2G K F , S tan N azime k , 506 M t.
P rospec t Av e., Clifto n , New J e r s ey 070 12_ Binders
Binde rs are ava ila ble t h rough 19 6 0 -6 1, 19 62 , .1 9 6 3,
1964, 19 6 5 and 1966. T hey' re $3 cptec e a nd If you
2 ) lETER F i\I m obil e un it wante d, M o to r ol a pre ferred. or d er the m Nancy will ha te you 'c a use they 'r e ha rd
Give d e tails , including chassis numbers, pric e. J Im to w r c p .
H ill , W6IV W , 26107 Bass w ood, Palos Verd es Pen ln -
su ta . Ca lif. 213-3784411. 73 Mog azine Peterborough, N. H. 03458

C O~\l PLET E S T AT IO K! Eic o 720 T r a n s m itte r , 722 VF O,

H allic rafte r s S - 108 R e c e i ve r , H eath Ca librator, N ovic e
Crystal s . 6 m o n t h s n e w , g o od c o n d ition (61 coun t r i e s ,
44 s ta t es ) . Be s t offer o ve r $200. ' WB2SS B, J os ep h GET IT from GOODHEART!
Sa n g e r, 22 Te a k w o od L a n e , Rosl y n, L. I " N .Y.
The Best Air·to- Ground Radio Receiver: lJRR·1 3 is con-
CA L L S IGKS ! Now, Yo u can proud ly di splay you r linLlOUS luning AM superhet 225 -,100 me plus 1 l-"t!-
call , c u st o m m a d e in thic k sand cast aluminum. P o l - eontrcl ehe nnel. 2 su gts RF, 5 SU l:ts U" Silencer,
ished b o rd e r and lette rs on a d ee p black backg round. x crse limtter, 3 ~tal:es M', 120 1" 50 / 60 0' plI" r
sair, With teen. d~1;l, aligned, OK rrtd , f ob Los
Exclusiv e Qu a li t y adm i r e d b y all. S a ti s f a c ti o n guar- Anll:~les .. ... . . . . . . . . ... • . ... ... . . . . .• ..... 149.50
an teed. O n l y $ 7.95 p ost pa id . O r s end $1.00 deposi t , TWO LV XFUI!lS eH h 1151" 60 0'. ecneeet for 115
balance C.O .D ., to R o be r t Young, 2021 25th S t r ee t or 230r. Gives t separate 6.3rct 35 .1. sees.. connect
Wcs t, B ir m in g h a m , A labam a 35218. tor 25. 2vct rms ::t"A or 12 .6Yet lOA or 6.3 fet B OA.
2 lI"el gh 54:tt. RailEx or Trudi nJll ect, remit for two 14 .50
All- Band SSB Rcvr Bargain: H ~ l1iera rters n · 45 ARR -7.
550 me to 43 me conti nuous : Voice, CW, MeW.
NO W ! A p u b li c a tion d e v ot e d enti r el y to g o ve rnment aligned, qrtd, w /b oo ~ ; 2- RF, 2-1F's. g-meter : noise
s u r p lu s e le c t r o n ic equip m e n t. M a ny schem a tic s a nd lmtr ; 3 xn. 3 non-xt l select. choices. I. l'SS PWf SIll y 149 .50
20. 00
o t he r data each issu e. S a mple c opy 251' or 83.00 p e r T1 ~'OE c~A~\VrPl~~~ 1~~' p~~la~~~~i~1l1~;eeW60.00· ';r 10%
I vy ea r- subs c r iption. Na ti on a l S u rpl u s Di gest , P .O. mort, down payment only .. . _. _. • • . • . . _ .
Box 36, Swe et Valley , P a , Panadapler 455 kc for above, 60 cy • • • • • • : . 89.50
R-23 / ARC· 5 Command rerr 190 -550 ke 14 .95
A. R.C. 12 # 22 Commal1l1 rerr 5 40~ 1 600 ke 17 .95
17 9.50
1 DOK'T E NJ O Y WORKI N G S S B . H a ve n ear new
H ea t h H W-12 w ith HP- 13. DC su p ply and x ta t cali-
:~:~~/~~i/~°loro;.~Il1~~ · ~1ilAO 1"m~0'i6'0 er. '-rllli
Ilwr Dlug, book , tun"" 3S·1 000 me ... . .• _.. • .. 250 .00
b rator. Hi g h es t b idde r. J a m e s B e a n , KO LRO, Be l - P.U.R. for tuners 915 -2200 l nd 2 115- 400 0 me.
cou r t , N. Da k . 58316. RA·62·S i! AC ~ D\fI' sply tor SCR· 5 22 , only " "" 17 .95
l M-14 tree, meter, .01 % 125 ke-20 me . 57.50
TS-,)23 / UR t ree. meter 20·4:-l0 me.. 001 % 1 69 .50
G O O DY BA GS , 20 pounds e x ce lle n t p a rts $5. C a talog H.P . 524 D/ 5 25 A, B,C!5 4DA: Count to [inc.
- R T T Y , UHF, Re c eive r s, pa rts-send SASE. 0 -3 22/ I ' ~ri o ll ~IH1t. adds aecurar y at luw fn'q. 2175.DO
H.P . 522 8 ( DY-25 01) counts to 120 kc. . 45 0.00
GPA - 30 unu s ed , $9.50 f ob. B V E E n te r p r ises, P OB Berkel~y Counter / Timer C011nts t o 1 me . ... 495. 00
411V , P ara m u s , N. J . 07652. Tektronix 514 AO seepe de t o 10 me . . _•. . . . . .395.00
Boonton 16 0A Q-l [pt.er similar to 26M .•.. PUR
St oddard Noisc & l'itl d Strengt h :llt'ters .... PUR
IIALLICRA FTERS F P :lI -200 tra n s is t o r ize d t ransmitter- H.P. 60 8 B Signal ueuerator Il'odillfd to same or less
intl dl'ntal . 'M as GOll ll . _. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .395.00
recetver -transcetver. C o m p l e te ly s e lf-c onta ined, c o m -
pact st ation incorpora ting advance f ea t u r e s n ot f oun d
in any amateur radio a t a n y price. 41 transistors, two
t\~~ ~~~i: ~~~t ~~~~ ~ g: }~ ::: :.
Calor imeter RF wattm eter
VFOs f o r transmitting and receiving o n diffe r e n t fre - TS·41 8 A/ U $ilt. gen. to dbm 0. 4- 1.0 te ..• .. 39 5 .00
H ~w tett - Pac k . # 6 16 A SiC. Gf"D. 1. 5- 4.0 te .•. 79 5.00
quencies. AM, SS B, C W- VO X . Co m p lete c o ve ra g e Borg· War ner High-Power !rig. generators PUR
from 10 t h roug h SO- mete rs , plus W WV. 16" w id e, 5" S LRD sig. gen. 2 1 5 ~2 7 5 0 me, 20 watt s .. . . . . . . • . PUR
h igh, 11" d e e p . Co mple t e w ith AC u n it a n d s e lf -con- AND MU CH MO RE! We hare many ot her Si1!Unl Generators. many
ta i n ed m obil e b r a c k et. C a n be m ove d in secon ds. Meters, VTVl\I's , Line Volt age Repulators, Regulated r ower Sup-
T his magnific e n t piece of e qui pme n t s ol d f o r $ 2650. pli es, Prcci!don Bridge!, ee & de Volt age Dividers . Gah os, r'ato-
Abso lute ly p e rfect c on dition. wtn s e ll for less than rtmetne & I ndka tin~ Rft' w attmeters, other s oeetmm AnalY7.el'll.
F.t e. . . . WRITE _ . . WIRE . • . PHONE • . . YOUR
h a lf -p r ic e. W A6TLS , 7549 Ea st F ou r t h P la c e , Dow n ey , SPECIFIC NEEDS!
C a lifornia.

NEW TOOOOO BES: 6146B-$4.00; 6C W4-$1.40 ; 417A

- $3.95; 6360-$3.4 5 ; 6146-$2.55; 3- 400 Z- $30.80. N~W , R. E. GOODHEART CO. INC.
boxed, guaranteed . NO pulls, se conds o r JAN. Fre a Box 122QGC Be verl y Hill s, Calif. 90213
Catalog. V AN B A R d is t. Bo x 444X , S ti rling , N .J . 07980.
Phon. : Area 213 . orne. 272- 5107. messages 275·5347

APRIL 1966 123


IF.:''';;:::-I-= -1Iaf--. HI, ANNIE ...
PERC.Y ... AND I'VE ...~. ..1
.. .n
- r J

124 13 MAGAZI NE
SORE, I QSL ••• QRUi'••• QRS? ••
QRZQRZQRZ? .•••.- ~~

1$ CL'(DE. ES I'M A CW

APRIL 1966 125

MfET OSCA R ..• HE:S TH15 IS CHARLIE ••• ~WRI6I11" I You 1..105.. ,
tHM A NOTE- tiE'S ~==.




Go 140MlE •••


>-'-~Il'll'"'~~~n · THANI<S.
litIS WEEK. •••

.-..-,_..... .
Propagation Chart
Apri l 1966 !VHFHANDBOOK ..... . ....
c..... ,

_ ... -
J. H. Nelson
,_ _

,...... ..., ... _.

GM T : 00


• "
M 00 ~ 10 12 IG 18


II '

--- """""
A l: S T R A L I...

'4 7' 7 '

14 2\ 21 21 2" II
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C AS A L 200 " 1:

u .." .. ..
~ "W" ' l ;' H ~l 2] ,.

IN DIA " " 7.

J AP AN ;. l' 7' l-l ,"",.,,''"'''
t' "~ ''''''' The VHF Antenna Handbook,
,. "'.
...., _.


r. ,. . ;.
H ,.' '"


, --
Th e VHF A..I. ...... Hon dboolr.;' JOU' non""",
, ,,i<k
to VHF ond UHf ... t ........ Th " • • tuo""'.g ,"_It
" H
i. bJ J im KJIr K5JKX . _ of ,h ouf>londicg _10 _
S O UT H A F R I C.~ ~. r. ; ' ;'
u. S. S. R. o'

o' " " ,.. _~

..ie. 1 n tho" i.. ,h e . loch " ,,'''' f" ld. The VHF "".
tenn . H....dboo k eon.. com plete I" .... rr Dnd oil
W ES T CO A S T 21 II .........,- ,." <Iinl ""tai l. fo r • • ery typ e .., VHF d UHf

",• • 1. .n'. .. no • . A .p • • ,.1 h . " .. . i. , h• •• "' ;,,1 .... .
... .... l~ ..
0"" I. nn a .olola g Icclion . If ,oy'r e in lcrc ,tcd in VH f ,
YOy ,h oyld hoYe Ih i. book. Pri.e i , $ Z ',0'"

A R OE r<T I r<A
H ]-I

" ~1 ~I !1

H_~ W A ll

I N lJ I A
" ,. 0' J. 1_1
H ~I II ' )

0' 7'

I~ 1~

u. S. S. R. " !I
_. I. Aleo, 120 Me shno, 117
America n Crystal. 122 Mission, 73
W ES T ERN U NI TED S T A T ES TO : Ama t eur Electric Suppl y, 57 Mosley. 12-13
Amrod , 112 Notional Radio , Cover IV
Arrow Elec t ronic s, 97 Newt ronic s, 64-65
\l H
Arrow Sa les. 112 NICAP, 115
ATV Resea rch , 105 Pa ra met ric Amp lifiers, 44
.~ U S T R A L lA ,. o' H H 1. "I
BC Electronics, 117
Burg ha rdt , 69, 93
Pa rks, 112
Pa rt ridg e, 59
C A" AL ZO S E Ca llboo k, 118 Poly Pe ks, 119
Cave at Empt or, 107 Queme nt, 77, 85, Il l , 115
ES GLA"" H o' Columbi a , 115 Rad io Prod ucts Sales, 87
UA \\' A II ~I 'I e- Cus h Croft, 19 Rohn , 29
'S OI A ,. Dayt on Ham vention, 56
Dow Key, 50
RSGB Handb ook s, 105
RW Electronic s, 114
l' 7' Edward s, 61 Sctch , 114
Epsil on , 114 Selectr onics, 113
aex It:" II lL Evan s, 107
11' II o' ;' Fair , 111
SBE, 37
Sound Hist ory Record ing s, 96
Fug!e, 120 Spa ce, 120
Ii ~I !I !, '" Gla ss, 109 Surplus Index, 116
S O I:T H A Y ll I C.\ I I' 7' H " ~I U
Goodh ea r t, 123 Swa n, Cove' III
Gordo n, 73, 89 Telrex, 84
u. S . S. R.
Got ha m. 120 Tc pc beo, 122
£A S"1' COAS T ~, Grove', 121 Tra nscom, 23
Hayden , 116 Tron s lob , 83
Henry , 45 Two Way, 112
# Very d ifficu lt ci rcu it t his ho u r. Hoisington, 120
Int er na t iona l Crystals,
Va nQua rd, 52-5 3
* Next high er freq ue ncy may be useful thi s ho ur. VHF Ante nna Book, 127
Invertronics, 116 VHF'er, 122
Jan Cr ysta ls, 112 Wate rs, 5
Lampkin Lobs, 110 Web~ tc r, n
G QO ~ :1-3 , 7-9, 13-15 . 24-26 loom is, 116
Maca, 9 1 West e rn, u s
4, 6, 10 , 12, 16- 19 , 21 .23.27-2 8. 30
Fa i r :
WRL, 93 , 128. Cover 111
Poor : 5 , 1 1, 20, 2 9 McCa ll, 116
Mo t h. 121 73 Bock Iss ues, 123
VH F DX, 1. 5. 21 , 25.28 Mende lson, 122 73 Subse eipt lens, 110

APRIL 1966 127

~ ( . .. u "' u •



*Uet'Qlutio nary rtew circ u it . Sustain s Hi-Effi- * NEW A LS! (Automatic Linearity System) An
cie ncy 10 -80 M ete rs. improveme nt ov er co nvent ional ALe.
* Most co m p act 2KW L i n e a r e r e r marie . R.F. • MOST T AI,K.POWEIC I!/t-EIC in this small
unit j ust 6 " x 10 14 " x 11 14 ". Same as Gal- siz e.
axy III and V. * Operates AIJ I at all t im es.
*' Built-i n ante nna switc h in g re loys ,
* INI'UT , 2,000 Jr.u, PEP·SSH, 1,000 Watts·CW, 1,000 Watts ·RITY,
* Complete tube repj aeeme nt S2$t und er $30.00. PO WER SUPPLY
,., Uses ten 6HF5's in neW , efficient design. lle a vy du ty p o wer su p p ly
.. Full Power f rom any 100-200 watt output excit er. has 115/230 VAC pr imary,
*' Tubes fan co oled for longer life. .con servative 2KW ccs rat-
ing wi t h ' grain- or iented sit -
* SIM PLIFIED, reduced power tune-up. icon stee l core, so lid st at e
'" One knob ba ndswitching, 80 th rough 10 meters. rect ifiers. All cab les sup'
* High efficiency PI-NET, matches 40/90 Ohms impedance. plied. Power supply can be
* Built-in, adjustable low -pass filter. pla ced under desk for op-
erati ng c o nveni en ce . Pro -
* 3 rd order distortion ~30 D B . t ect ed by attractive cover.
• 115/230 VAC power su pp ly.

~~~~-.-- _. - ----------------73 1.
• Shlpplngweight (LI near and Suppi y) App rox. 55 Ibs.

Na m e
S e nd in fo r m a t io n o n linear Am plif ie r. Dept.
Send q uote on separa t e s h e et.
Se nd ne w cata log.
Ad d re s s ,
t e e I. M ~ Y~'$ on
34 15 We st Broadw ay I

W¢G f O

C o u ncil Bluffs , Io wa 51504 C ity s ta t e Zi P_ _ -..

5" HIGH fUll
11%" WIDE 300
10" DEEP

NOT A KIT! THE PERFECT FIRST OR 300 Watts PEp·5SB input, cove ring 3 .8 - 4 .0 and
7.1 - 7 .3 mes o ( LSB-8 0 and 4 0 meters). A pair of
SECOND - MOBILE OR FI XED STA- p r oven 6 HF 5 ff nal c t u b es, Sepa ra te , r el ay
TION - TWO BAND TRANSCEIVER, swit ched, t uned RF receivin g st age, Ih uv. sensi-
tivi ty at 1 0 0 8 S I N . Ru g ged p rinted circ ui t
COMPACT - 80·40 METER SSB TRANSCEIVER. board , comb in ation tube-tran si sto r ci rcuit ry for
A LOW COST RIG - WITHOUT SACRIFICE OF bes t perf orm ance. Sta ble, so lid s ta te VfO and
POWER AND PERFORMANCE. INCLUDES bala nc ed m odul at or . zen er regu late d. Sel ect ivit y
BUILT·IN SPEAKER AND GIMBAL MOUNT! 2. 5 kc @ - 6 DB receiv ing and trans mi tti ng with a
E-Z "One Kno b" TUNI NG - JUST PEAK OUTPUT 4 crystal filter . Carrier and unwanted sideba nd
FOR SMALL QSY. Illuminate d VFO di al with 2 kc suporesston . 40 0 B. 1 watt of audlowith built-in
ca li b r at i o n . Hi gh impedance m ic. input with sp eaker. Fixed 50 ohm input/out put im pedance.

'. , WIRED $1 S9
pu sh -to-talk :o p er at i o n . Comb in at ion S-Met er/ Excell ent AVC. COMPACT SIZE: 5 " high. 11 1; ' ''
Output ind icator . Sm ooth vernier (12:1 slow and wid e. 10 " deep , less pow er supply. Net weight
2 :1 fast) VFO t uning. 10%. lbs. Shi ppin g weig ht 15 Ibs.

SU.PPl Y 250 WAn (11~ VAC) 49.9 5
, ' , ,. COMPLETELY 95 AC·384' DELUXE
SUPPLY 300 WAn (lI S VAC) 79.95

$800 CC·~84 DELUXE

SUPPLY 300 WAIT (12 VDC) 89.95
SAVE $10.0 0 n UO-BANDE Il 84 AND AC-48 SUPPL Y Order ZZM088
l aD ~ I
I0 Specia l Package ZZM088 • $199.95 F.O.B. Council Bluffs, Iowa I
I 0 Duo-Bander 84 • $159.95 J
I0 Informat ion on Duo-Bander 84 Name Call - _ I
I 0 Quote on attached Trade Address I
I0 Free 1966 Catalog

L~~~=~~~~~~:~ __~~ ~~~~~== __J

ill atownhouse
onlouisburg Square... i
Lo uisbur g Sq ua re . . . an island of t radi- amateu r equipment is Nationa l, of course. I
tion and elega nce on Beacon Hill in Boston . For over half a cen tu r y National gear has
Also, the home of hotel ma n Er nest H en- been t he choice of cri tical amateu rs req uir-
de rson, \ VI A UC/ UD Y, an d the loca tion of ing maxim u m performance , r eliabili ty, and
his amateur sta tion . M r . Henderson is workmanship. If th ese facto rs are important
Chai r man of the Boar d of the Sher aton to you, then the logical choice for your sta -
Corpor a tion of America, and his ch oice of tion m ust also be Nationa l.

Am ateur station WIAUC i nc lu des the NCX-5 Tran sceive r With d igi tal dial, t he NCX-A AC Supply/Speaker Console, t he
VX-501 VFO Console (all in wa lnu t cabinets), an d th e NCL-2000 2 KW linear Amp lifier.

~NATIONAL RADIO COMPA NY, INC., 3 7 Washington St., Me lrose, M ass. 02176
NCX-5, $685.00; NCX-A, $110.00; VX-501, $249.95; NCL-2000, $685.00. Optional oiled walnut cabinets available at extra cost.

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