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NEW YORK'S Metropolitan Museum of Art said on Friday that it will return more than a dozen an-
cient pieces of artwork to Cambodia and Thailand after they were tied to an art dealer Douglas
Latchford, accused of trafficking. This repatriation of artwork comes as many museums in the US
and Europe return pieces from Asia and Africa stolen during colonial-era or in times of upheaval. AP


Pak: 10 killed in dispute: Guyana,
Venezuela agree
militant attack not to use force,
but no resolution
on police, Army ASSOCIATED PRESS

Imran Khan. Reuters bordering Afghanistan, killing THE LEADERS of Guyana and
ASSOCIATED PRESS two soldiers and wounding five, Venezuela promised in a tense
PESHAWAR, DECEMBER 15 police official Salim Khan said. meeting Thursday that neither
PAKISTAN Nooneimmediatelyclaimed side would use threats or force
Courtnoticeto MILITANTSATTACKEDaregional
police headquarters and two
responsibility for Friday’s at-
tacks, but suspicion was likely to
against the other, but failed to
reach agreement on how to ad-
pollbodyon military posts in northwest fall on the Pakistani Taliban, dress a bitter dispute over an oil-
Pakistan early Friday, triggering known as Tehreek-e-Taliban and-mineral-rich border region.
Imran'splea firefights that killed five security Pakistan, or TTP. Instead, a joint commission
personnel and five insurgents, The group is separate from composed of foreign ministers
Lahore: The Lahore High police and the military said. Afghanistan's Taliban though it is andotherofficialsofbothnationd
CourtonFridayissuedno- The attacks came three days alliedwiththeAfghanmovement, will address the problem, with a
tice to Pakistan's top elec- after a suicide bomber in the whichseizedpowerintheneigh- report expected in three months.
tionbodyonformerprime sameregionrammedhiscarinto bouring country in August 2021 GuyanesePresidentIrfaanAli
ministerImranKhan'splea a police station’s main gate and asUnitedStatesandNATOtroops and Venezuelan President
challenging his five-year fiveothers opened fire, killing 23 withdrew after 20 years of war. Nicolás Maduro agreed to meet
disqualification in the Palestinianssearchforbodies and survivorsintherubble afteranIsraeliairstrike inRafah,southGaza,Friday. AP officersinthisyear'sworstattack The car bombing Tuesday again in Brazil within three
Toshakhana corruption on Pakistani security forces. was claimed by the newly months or at another agreed-
casewhichwouldprevent The military and local police formedmilitantTehreek-e-Jihad upon time, according to an 11-
him from contesting gen- ISRAEL CARRIES OUT STRIKES ALL OVER GAZA chief IftikharShahsaidthree po- Pakistani group, which is be- point declaration read at a press

US urges Israel to scale back

eral elections in February. liceofficerswere“martyred”and lievedtobeanoffshootof theTTP. briefing Thursday.
Afive-memberbenchalso three others were wounded in Pakistan has witnessed a They also agreed to “refrain,
said it would first decide an attack on the police head- surge in attacks since 2022, whether by words or deeds,
on the jurisdiction of the quarters in the town of Tank in when TTP ended a cease-fire. fromescalatinganyconflict,”the
petition before it was for- DeraIsmailKhan,whileatotalof The deadliest was in January declaration said.

Gaza attack, protect civilians

mally heard but in the ab- five attackers died in the ensu- when a suicide bomber dis- Tension over the border re-
sence of the lawyer repre- ing shootouts. guised as a policeman attacked gion of Essequibo has raised
senting the Election Hourslater, Pakistani Taliban a mosque in the northwestern worriesaboutamilitaryconflict,
Commission of Pakistan also attacked a military post in cityof Peshawar,killing101peo- though many believe that is un-
(ECP),adjournedthehear- thenorthwestern Khyber region ple, mostly police officers. likely.
ing as it issued a notice to White House sive discussion between the reported fighting in Sheijaia,
the poll body. Khan wants UnitedStatesandIsrael,” hesaid. Sheikh Radwan, Zeitoun, Tuffah,
gent basis as he wants to
run for general polls. PTI
seeks intel-led
ops with ‘surgical
Sullivan said he had dis-
cussed the timing of the shift at
his meetings with Israeli Prime
and Beit Hanoun in north Gaza,
east of Maghazi in central Gaza
and in the centre and northern
Hungary vetoes $55 bn aid as
objectives’ Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
the war cabinet and military
chiefs on Thursday.
fringes of Khan Younis city.
Kirby told reporters at a reg-
ular media briefing that Sullivan
Ukraine’s EU entry bid begins
SINGAPORE REUTERS Jake Sullivan; Joe Biden The New York Times reported discussedapossibletransitionto billion euros of frozen funds this
Now,nobottled WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 15 Thursday that the US was push-
ing for a shift to occur by the end
lower-intensity operations in
week, but 21.1 billion euros re-
main locked.
wateratgovt WASHINGTON IS pushing Israel Palestinians since October 7. oftheyear.Askedaboutthattime provide a specific timetable. “It is a great opportunity for
to focus the war in Gaza on pre- “There will be a transition to frame, Biden replied: “I want The change could include “a HUNGARIAN PRIME Minister Hungary to make it clear that it
meetings cise targeting of Hamas leaders anotherphaseofthiswar,onethat them to be focused on how to shift in emphasis from high- Viktor Orban vetoed a major must get what it is entitled to.
rather than widespread bomb- isfocusedinmoreprecisewayson save civilian lives, not stop going tempo clearance operations, European Union aid package Not half of it, or one-fourth,”
Singapore: Singapore is ing and ground operations, the targetingtheleadershipandonin- afterHamas,butbemorecareful.” high-intensity clearance opera- for Ukraine on Friday and Orban said.
phasingoutbottledwater White House national security telligencedrivenoperations,”the Israel pounded the 40 km tions” to a lower-intensity focus warned he could still halt Kyiv's Ukrainian President
at meetings and keeping adviser said on Friday, amid advisor, Jake Sullivan, told re- length of Gaza on Thursday as onhigh-valuetargets,withmore accessiontothebloc aftermem- Volodymyr Zelenskiy hailed the
indoor temperature at 25 signs of differences over timing. porters during a visit to Israel. the more than two-month-old intelligence-driven raids and bership talks won EU approval. approvalof membershiptalksas
degreesCelsiusingovern- Israel so far resisted rising “When exactly that happens conflictstretchedon,unleashing more “narrow, surgical military At a summit in Brussels on avictoryforUkraineandEurope.
ment buildings to reduce pressure to rein in its Gaza offen- and under exactly what condi- a humanitarian catastrophe objectives,” a US official told re- Thursday, the European Union's Ukraine is unlikely to join the EU
itsenvironmentalimpact. sive, which killed over 19,000 tions will be a continuing inten- withlittleendin sight.Residents porters later Thursday. 26 other national leaders took Hungarian Prime Minister for many years, but the decision
These greening efforts the historic step of agreeing to Viktor Orban. Reuters on talks took it a step closer to its
were detailed in the startaccessionnegotiationswith long-term goal of anchoring it-
GreenGov.SG report, the
government's first sus-
Fighting rages in China defends bounties on HK defectors a country at war, bypassing
Orban's grievances by getting The Kremlin praised Orban's
self in the West and leaving
Russia's orbit.
tainabilityreportcard,was north Myanmar semi-autonomous Chinese city’s ing Hong Kong. him to leave the room. stance, which spokesman Meanwhile, the US Congress
publishedbytheMinistry ASSOCIATED PRESS sweeping National Security Law. A day earlier, Hong Kong po- But, hours later, they could Dmitry Peskov said impressed was departing Washington on
of Sustainability and the despite China’s BEIJING, DECEMBER 15 Foreign Ministry spokesper- lice accused another five over- not overcome resistance from Moscow, while criticising the Thursday without a deal to pass
Environment (MSE) on sonMaoNingsaidChinarejected seas-based activists of violating Orban, who maintains close ties EU, saying the decision to open wartime support for Ukraine
Friday.Whilepublicsector truce attempt CHINA ON Friday defended con- the outside criticism, saying the the National Security Law im- to Russia, to a revamp of the membership talks was a politi- while Senate negotiators and
emissions have fallen, in- troversial bounties offered for arrest orders were “necessary posed by Beijing, and offered re- bloc's budget to channel 50 bil- cised one that could destabilise PresidentBiden’sadministration
frastructure construction ASSOCIATED PRESS the capture of Hong Kong dissi- andjustifiedand...inlinewithin- wards for their arrests. lion euros ($55 billion) to the bloc. were still racing to wrap up a
means emissions are BANGKOK, DECEMBER 15 dents who have fled abroad that ternational law and practice.” Maosaidthefive“endangered Ukraine and provide more cash Orban, who has a history of border security compromise to
likely to trend upward for have been heavily criticized by Withoutdirectlymentioning nationalsecuritybydestabilizing for other EU priorities such as banking on clashes with other unlock the stalemate.
the next two years, ac- REPORTS FROM Myanmar said foreign governments and hu- the bounties, Mao said other Hong Kong under the guise of managing migration. EU leaders for electoral benefit The Senate plans to come
cording to a report by there was continuing fighting man rights groups. countries also have extraterrito- democracy and human rights.” EU leaders still expressed at home, told state radio that he backnextweekinhopesof pass-
Channel News Asia on Friday in the northeast of the Rewards of 1 million Hong rial aspects to their laws on na- Thebountiesfurtherintensify confidence on Friday that they blocked the aid package to ing $110 billion package for
Friday. PTI country between the military Kong dollars ($128,000) have tional security, adding that for- the Hong Kong government’s would clear a large package of Ukraine to make sure Hungary Ukraine, Israel and other na-
government and an alliance of beenofferedforinformationlead- eign governments’ support for crackdownondissidentsfollow- aid for Ukraine early in 2024, de- gets the funds it wants from the tional security and finalising a
CHINA ethnic minority armed groups, ingtothecaptureof13opposition those on the list was merely ingthe2019demonstrationthat spite a veto by Hungarian Prime EU budget. The European Union deal to place new restrictions on
evenafterChinaannouncedthat figures accused of violating the cover for their aim of destabiliz- grew increasingly violent. Minister Viktor Orban. restoredHungary'saccessto10.2 asylum claims at the US border.
Heavysnow: thetwosideshadreachedagree-
515injuredin ment on a cease-fire atmeetings

it had brokered.
Clashes have been raging in
the north Myanmar's Shan state
Prince Harry wins phone-hacking suit against tabloids Brazil: Congress
repeals Lula’s veto
Beijing:Twosubwaytrains since October 27, when the targeted him for 15 years. chosen as test cases and the trial
collided in heavy snow in ArakanArmy,MyanmarNational REUTERS Thejudge'sdecisiontoaward considered 33 articles of around against limiting
Beijing, sending 515 peo-
ple to the hospital, includ-
Ta'ang National Liberation Army,
LONDON, DECEMBER 15 him 140,600 pounds (around
$180,700) and his conclusion
140 he alleged were the result of
unlawful behaviour over 15
tribes’ land claims
ing102withbrokenbones, branding themselves as Three BRITAIN’S PRINCE Harry was that the papers' editors and ex- years from 1996. Brasilia: Brazil's Congress on
authorities said Friday. BrotherhoodAlliance,launcheda awardedsignificantdamagesaf- ecutivesknew about thewrong- "I found that 15 out of the 33 Thursdayoverturnedapresiden-
The accident occurred joint offensive. terLondon'sHighCourtruledon doing will be seen a major vic- articles that were tried were the tialvetothathadstruckdownthe
Thursday evening in MeKong News, an online Friday he had been the victim of tory for the prince. Harry called product of phone hacking of his core of a bill to limit Indigenous
Beijing's mountainous news site reporting from the phone-hacking and other un- for theauthoritiesandthepolice mobile phone or the mobile land claims, setting up a likely
west on an above-ground Shan state said the Three lawful acts by journalists on totakeactionagainstthoseiden- phones of his associates, or the clash at the Supreme Court.
portion of the sprawling Brotherhood Alliance forces had British newspapers with the tified as having broken the law. product of other unlawful infor- Indigenous groups had sup-
subway’s Changping line. occupied a strategic hill near the knowledge of their editors. TheDukeofSussexwasoneof mation gathering," Judge ported President Lula da Silva's
Slippery tracks prompted trade zone in Muse on Thursday The prince became the first about 100 claimants – including Timothy Fancourt said. veto, while the bill had the back-
automatic braking on the evening after heavy fighting. senior British royal for 130 years actors,sportsstars,celebritiesand PrinceHarry’sstatementsaid ing of the powerful farm lobby.
leading train. A train fol- .The Chinese statement not togiveevidenceincourtwhenhe peoplewhohadconnectiontofa- that the tabloids’ editors and In a joint session, lawmakers
lowing from behind was giveadateforwhenthecease-fire appeared as the star witness at a mousfigures–whotooklegalac- senior executives knew about voted overwhelmingly to
on a descending section would go into effect. AP didn’t re- trialinJuneagainstMirrorGroup tion over allegations of phone- the phone-hacking and had also annul Lula's veto of a policy
and went into a skid and ceivearesponsetoqueries about Newspapers,thepublisherof the Prince Harry leaves the High Court after giving evidence in hacking, unlawful information committed crimes such as lying limiting claims to ancestral
was unable to brake in a cease-fire from representatives Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror and London, in June. AP File gatheringbetween1991and2011. under the oath, for which he has lands where Indigenous people
time,thetransportauthor- of Three Brotherhood either. Sunday People, who he said had Harry and three others were sought action from authorities. lived in 1988. REUTERS
ity said in a statement. AP

Dubai: Suspected mem-
Morning person? You might have Neanderthal genes to thank
bers of a separatist group our species’ intertwined history. interbreedingwithNeanderthals more common over generations ably had important effects on
killed 11 people and in- CARL ZIMMER About 700,000 years ago, our and Denisovans. And today, frag- were related to sleep. For their how the body clock operated.
jured several others in a DECEMBER 15 lineages split apart, most likely ments of their DNA can be found newstudy,publishedinthejour- The researchers predicted, for
nighttime attack on a po- in Africa. While the ancestors of in most living humans. nal Genome Biology and example, that some body-clock
licestationinsoutheastern NEANDERTHALS WERE morn- modern humans largely stayed Research carried out over the Evolution,theyinvestigatedhow proteinsthatareabundantinour
Iran, state TV said Friday. ingpeople,anewstudysuggests. in Africa, the Neanderthal line- pastfewyearsbyJohnCapra,age- these genes might have influ- cells were much scarcer in the
The deputy governor of And some humans today who age migrated into Eurasia. neticist at the University of enced the daily rhythms of the cells of Neanderthals and
Sistan and Baluchistan like getting upearlymightcredit About400,000yearsago,the California, San Francisco, and extinct hominins. Denisovans. Next, the scientists
province, Ali Reza genes they inherited from their population split in two. The ho- other scientists suggested that Dr Capra and his colleagues looked at the small number of
Marhemati,saidseniorof- Neanderthal ancestors. minins who spread west be- some of those genes passed on a looked at 246 genes that help to body-clockvariantsthatsomeliv-
ficers and soldiers were The new study compared came Neanderthals. Their survival advantage. Immune control the body clock. They ing people have inherited from
killedinthe2amattackin DNA in living humans with ge- cousinstotheeastevolvedinto a genes inherited from compared the versions of the NeanderthalsandDenisovans. To
Rasktown,about1,400km netic material retrieved from group known as Denisovans. NeanderthalsandDenisovans,for genes in the extinct hominins to Capra’ssurprise,almostallthean-
southwest of Tehran. He Neanderthal fossils. It turns out Thetwogroupslivedforhun- example, might have protected the ones in modern humans. cient body-clock variants in-
saidpolicekilledseveralof that Neanderthals carried some dredsofthousandsofyears,hunt- them from new pathogens they The researchers found over creased the odds that the volun-
theattackersinashootout. of thesameclock-relatedgenetic ing game and gathering plants, had not encountered in Africa. 1,000 mutations that were teers were morning people.
StateTVblamedtheattack variantsasdopeoplewhoreport beforedisappearingfromthefos- Dr Capra and his colleagues unique only to living humans or “That was really the most ex-
onJaishal-Adl,aseparatist being early risers. silrecordabout40,000yearsago. The researchersfound over1,000mutationsthatwereunique were intrigued to find that some toNeanderthalsandDenisovans. citing moment of the study,
group. AP Since the 1990s, studies of Bythen,modernhumanshadex- onlytolivinghumansortoNeanderthalsand Denisovans. NYT of the genes from Neanderthals Their analysis revealed that when we saw that,” Dr Capra
Neanderthal DNA have exposed panded out of Africa, sometimes and Denisovans that became many of these mutations prob- said. NYT



If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to

Why green push needs balancing, COP coal breather is key

a discernible pivot and a policy reversal from most twice its cost on paper,” an expert the state-owned company conducting solar
earlieryears— giventhat thecentral govern-
ment had been focused almost entirely on
SHARE OF GREEN POWER (India: Installed generation capacity, MW) closelyassociated withthecapacityaddition
plan told The Indian Express.
auctions, has locked a number of contracts
involving green developers in rigid power
renewable energy for incremental capacity purchase agreements (PPAs) with no scope
FOSSIL FUEL phase-out was the most hotly addition, and fresh coal-fired capacity was Total 4,25,535.52 Coal The question of storage for innovation, according to sectoral experts.
contested issue at the 2023 UN Climate virtually ruled out.
Renewable 2,06,825.50 The decision at the November 22 review Storage is expensive currently, and the
Change Conference, COP28, which ended on The review, held on November 22 and Total was a tacit admission of this reality, given Lithium-ion storage battery option for grid
Wednesdaywithanagreementto“transition chaired by Union Power Minister R K Singh, energy Lignite that energy storage is desperately needed application is being ruled out as unviable.
1,32,132.44 thermal 6,620.00
away from fossil fuels”, but without a men- underscoredthecountry’sresolvetorevertto alongside green energy sources to counter The government is considering two alter-
tion of their “phase-out”. coal for desperately-needed
2,39,072.91 the variability in renewable generation. natives:hydrogenandhybridgenerationmod-
Hydro (large) Gas
A strong pushback by
India and some other coun-
EXPLAINED baseloadcapacity, and agreed
to add 60 GW of fresh coal-
46,850.17 25,038.21 Electricityisgeneratedonlywhenthesun
shines or when the wind blows, which is not
els blended with off-stream pumped storage.
But there is a recognition that coal-fired
tries including China and ECONOMICS fired capacity in addition to Nuclear Diesel always in sync with the demand cycle. capacity needs to stay as baseload for the
South Africa to a proposal the 27 GW of capacity that is 7,480.00 589.20 Storage can help tide over this shortcoming, time being, given that there are constraints
stipulating that no new coal-fired power already under construction. As on October 31, 2023. Source: Central Electricity Authority especially as renewables grow to become a on ramping up nuclear capacity.
plants can be commissioned without an in- big chunk of the installed generation capac- The decision to increase new coal gener-
built carbon capture and storage facility, ulti- Problem with renewables ity. Until that happens, stepping up thermal, ation capacity to the tune of 60 GW is way
mately led to the omission of the clause from As part of its emission-reduction resolve, fossil fuel sources, including large hydro, hav- curerssuchasstate-owneddistributioncom- especially coal, and nuclear generation are higher than the Electricity Plan draft’s pre-
the final deal that was agreed upon in Dubai. thegovernmenthasconsistently stepped up ingrisensharplyfromjustaround25%in2013. panies (discoms), renewables are not always perhaps the only way forward. scription for fresh coal-based capacity rang-
renewable capacity addition over the better Solarandwindcapacityisnowmorethan30%. aviableoptionpreciselyduetothesevagaries India is the world’s second largest coal ing from 17 GW to 28 GW till 2031-32.
India’s new coal thrust part of the last decade. Whilethisgreenpushhasresultedina24% inthegenerationtrends—whichmeansthey producer. The stipulation moved at COP28, The renewable energy thrust of the last
Atareviewmeetingheldlessthanaweek To operationally sustain a huge average reductioninemissionintensityofGDP—ratio stillhavetodependonthermalornucleargen- if adopted,would have effectively putIndia’s 10 years also meant a projected battery stor-
before the beginning of COP28, the Union monthly addition of 1,000 MW from non- of total greenhouse gas emissions and GDP — eration to meet the baseload demand. fresh coal-based capacity in jeopardy, given age requirement in 2031-32 of between 51
Power Ministry decided to step up its coal- fossil fuels or renewables to the electricity between2005and2016,ithasledtoasituation To counter the problem of intermittency, the added cost implications. GW and 84 GW, and assumes a daily usage
powered generation capacity, with plans to grid, however, policymakers are now veer- in which the grid is increasingly powered by power utilities are forced to keep old ther- The renewed coal push comes at a time rate of 5-hours, according to the draft.
add at least 80 gigawatts (GW; 1 GW is equal ing around to the view that the country sim- renewables, which creates the problem of in- mal units on standby — but keeping these when there seems to be an emerging policy This, at estimates of Rs 10 crore per MW,
to 1,000 megawatts or MW) by 2031-32. ply cannot keep adding more green capac- termittency,asignificantchallengefromagrid units operational results in payouts of high resolve in favour of not continuing to push could translate into investmentsinto battery
While this was broadly in line with the ityunlessithasviableenergystorageoptions. management perspective. fixed costs. “The concept of renewables solar and wind-based generation to strug- storage of between Rs 5 lakh and Rs 8 lakh
NationalElectricityPlanfor2022-27,thenew India is now the world’s third largest pro- Itisclearinpolicycirclesthatwithoutstor- achieving grid-parity is proving to be farce. gling electricity discoms. The renewables crore over the next 10 years as backup for re-
blueprint for the country’s power sector re- ducer of renewable energy. More than 40% of age, incremental renewable power capacity If the cost of standby thermal power is taken challenge is compounded by the fact that newable capacity — that too for operations
leasedbyplannersearlierthisyear,itmarked installedelectricitycapacitycomesfromnon- poses problems for grid managers. For pro- into account, renewable power is now al- Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) Ltd, for less than a quarter of a day on average.


Last month’s declaration at the AI summit in the UK focussed on minimising risks. The New Delhi GPAI
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 declaration has found a middle path between promotion and regulation of the revolutionary new tech
THE 2023 summer was the warmest on
record in the Arctic, which has warmed foundation generative AI models that could
nearlyfourtimesfasterthantheEarthasa SOUMYARENDRA BARIK possess dangerous capabilitiesthat can pose
whole since 1979. The past year (October NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 severe risks to public safety.
2022 to September 2023) was the sixth- The countries agreed that they would
warmest full year in the Arctic since reli- THE 29-MEMBER Global Partnership on build“risk-based”policiestoensureAIsafety
able record-keeping began in 1900. Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) has unani- andcollaborateasappropriate,“whilerecog-
These are some of the key findings of mously adopted the New Delhi declaration nising our approaches may differ based on
the US National Oceanic and Atmos- that underscores the need to mitigate risks national circumstances and applicable legal
pheric Administration’s (NOAA) annual from the development and deployment of frameworks”.
Arctic Report Card released on Wednes- artificialintelligence(AI)systems,andtopro- “Thisincludes,alongsideincreasedtrans-
day. The peer-reviewed analysis was The Arctic ice sheet is melting at an mote equitable access to critical resources parencybyprivateactorsdevelopingfrontier
done by 82 scientists from 13 countries. alarming rate. Wikimedia Commons for AI innovation, including computing and AI capabilities, appropriate evaluation met-
high-quality diverse datasets. rics, tools for safety testing, and developing
Sub-sea permafrost thawing The declaration adopted on Thursday relevant public sector capability and scien-
Subseapermafrostisthefrozensoilun- Canada, 40% of whose land mass is contrasts with the agreement signed at the tific research,” they said in the declaration.
der the seabed that contains organic mat- considered Arctic and Northern, was United Kingdom AI Safety Summit at
ter.Whileithasbeengraduallythawingfor among the worst affected by wildfires. Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, a month Union Minister of State for Electronics & Information Technology Rajeev What is India’s official position on the
thousands of years, (now) warmer ocean The country witnessed its worst wildfire ago, where countries had committed to first Chandrasekhar (centre) at the GPAI Summit in New Delhi with representatives regulation of artificial intelligence?
temperaturesareacceleratingthisprocess. seasonon record,with more than 10 mil- tackle the risks emanating from AI systems. of other member countries. Rajeev_GoI/X EvenasIndialookstounlockthepotential
“Just as with permafrost on land, lion acres burnt in the Northwest TheNewDelhideclarationhasattempted economic benefits of AI systems, its own
when sub-sea permafrost thaws, the or- Territories, The New York Times reported. tofindabalancebetweeninnovationandthe thinkingonAIregulationhasundergoneasig-
ganic matter it contains decays and re- High temperatures, dried-up vegetation risks associated with AI systems. While it is of the GPAI. among countries thatshare the samevalues. nificant change — from not considering any
leases methane and carbon dioxide — and soil, and below-average rainfall cre- largely upbeat about the economic benefits “We will solve the small problems easily. legalinterventiononregulatingAIinthecoun-
greenhouse gases that contribute to ated the perfect conditions for wildfires. that AI can bring, it also flags issues of fair- How is the world viewing the New Delhi But the big challenges, where many people try a few months ago, to now moving in the
global warming and worsen ocean acid- ness,privacy,andintellectualpropertyrights declaration? are involved or everybody is involved, are direction of actively formulating regulations
ification,” three of the authors involved Flooding, melting of ice that will have to be taken into consideration. Experts have cautioned that such agree- much harder to solve… You have to share basedona“risk-based,user-harm”approach.
in the NOAA study wrote in an article Over the past 20 years, rising temper- mentswouldonlyworkamonglike-minded more orlessthesame valuesin order tohave At the inaugural session of the GPAI
published by The Conversation. atures have led to a dramatic thinning of What does the GPAI New Delhi countries. GPAI is an attempt, largely led by interoperable implementations of the val- SummitonTuesday,PrimeMinisterNarendra
the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska, the declaration on AI say? the democratic world, to adopt a global risk- ues,” he said. Modi flagged the dual potential of AI — while
Impact on fisheries NOAA report said. Meltaway water has “Werecognisetherapidpaceof improve- based approach to AI. it can be the 21st century’s biggest develop-
Duetotheimpactofclimatechangeon caused annual floods in the region. In ment in advanced AI systems and their po- ItincludescountrieslikeIndia,theUnited How does the New Delhi declaration ment tool, it can also potentially play a very
freshwaterbodiesandmarineecosystems, August2023,“aglaciallakeon atributary tentialtogenerateeconomicgrowth,innova- States, the UK, France, Japan and Canada — contrast with the Bletchley Park destructive role — and called for a global
Western Alaska recorded extremely low of the Mendenhall Glacier burst through tion,andjobsacrossvarioussectorsaswellas but China, a tech superpower, is not part of declaration? framework that will provide guardrails and
numbersofchinookandchumsalmonthe its ice dam and caused unprecedented to benefit societies,” the declaration said. the multilateral grouping and, a senior gov- While the GPAI New Delhi declaration ensure its responsible use.
past year — 81% and 92% below the 30- flooding and severe property damage” in It saidthataglobalframeworkfor the use ernment officialsaid, is unlikelyto be invited addresses the need to tackle AI-related risks, In April, the Ministry of Electronics and IT
year mean respectively. The size of adult Alaska’s Juneau, the study said. of AI should be rooted in democratic values into the fold. it largely supportsinnovation in the technol- had said it was not considering a law to regu-
salmonhasalsodecreased,thestudysaid. It also noted that the highest point on and human rights; safeguarding dignity and Rama Vedashree, advisor at Dallas ogy in various sectors, including agriculture late the AI sector. Union IT Minister Ashwini
Thishasledto“fisheryclosures,wors- Greenland’s ice sheet experienced melt- well-being; ensuring personal data protec- Venture Capital, said that while regulatory and healthcare. The essence of the declara- VaishnawhadsaidthatalthoughAI“hadeth-
ened user conflicts, and...profound cul- ing for only the fifth time in the 34-year tion;theprotectionof applicableintellectual synergywillemergeglobally,itwillonlyhap- tion can be summed up as follows: AI is in- icalconcernsandassociatedrisks”,ithadbeen
tural and food securityimpactsinindige- record. The ice sheet continued to lose property rights, privacy, and security; foster- pen among “rights-respecting countries”. herently good and is a catalyst for economic proven to be an enabler of the digital and in-
nouscommunities that have been tied to massdespiteabove-averagewintersnow ing innovation; and promoting trustworthy, “Some principles will emerge, and there growth, but some harms need to be miti- novation ecosystem.
salmon for millennia,” it added. accumulation — between August 2022 responsible, sustainable, and human-cen- would be a synergy among various regula- gated along the way. However, after deepfakes of a number of
and September 2023, it lost roughly 350 tred use of AI. tions — at least among all the rights-respect- By contrast, the declaration that was popular personalities got mainstream trac-
Wildfires in Arctic regions trillion pounds of mass. The declaration called for equitable ac- ing countries. I would not say [there would signedattheUKAISafetySummitlastmonth tion,theITMinistrybegantotalkofaconcrete
cess to critical resources for AI innovation in- be regulatory synergy in] all the countries put security and safety risks related to AI at legislative step to tackle AI-based misinfor-
cluding computing, high-quality diverse that are ahead in terms of technology. thecentreof thediscussions.AttheBletchley mation. Vaishnaw said that it could either be

Drishti IAS
datasets, algorithms, software, testbeds, and Whether you look at the declaration at the Park meeting, 28 major countries including anewlaw,oranamendmenttoexistingrules.
other AI-relevant resources, and agreed to UK AI Safety Summit or even the G20 decla- the US, China, Japan, the UK, France, and This shift was also anticipated in part in a
supportAIinnovationinagricultureasanew ration, which had adequate focus on AI and India,andtheEuropeanUnionagreedtosign newconsultationpaperfloatedearlierbythe
“thematic priority”. other technologies, there would be a syn- on a declaration saying global action is telecommunications regulator Telecom
        It said the GPAI would pursue a diverse
membership, with particular focus on low-
ergy...,” Vedashree told The Indian Express.
Thomas Schneider, chair of the Council
needed to tackle the potential risks of AI.
The UK declaration noted the “potential
Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in July,
(Prelims + Mains) and middle-income countries to ensure a of EuropeCommitteeonAI,saidwhileitmay for serious, even catastrophic, harm, either mestic statutory authority to regulate AI in
(Along with Free Online Facility) broad range of expertise, national and re- be easy to solve the smaller challenges re- deliberate or unintentional, stemming from Indiathroughthelensof a“risk-basedframe-
gional views, and experiences based on lated to AI, the bigger ones, where a number the most significant capabilities of these AI work”. The paper had also called for collabo-
        shared values. of stakeholders are involved, may be much models”, as well as risks beyond frontier AI, rations with international agencies and gov-
Senegal, a current member of the group- hardertoaddress.He pointed out that global including those of bias and privacy. ernments of other countries to form a global
8010-440-440 OR Visit Our Karol Bagh Centre at 21, Pusa Road, Delhi. ing, was elevated to the steering committee AI regulations can be interoperable only “Frontier AI” is defined as highly capable agency for the “responsible use” of AI.

Why the Bombay HC pulled up the Election Commission over Pune bypoll
HechallengedacertificateissuedbytheECI could have filed a PIL. to not hold bypolls is consultation between “one that borders on the bizarre” and months remain for the Lok Sabhaelections.
OMKAR GOKHALE on August 23, stating that it was facing “dif- The poll body argued that if the bypoll EC and the Centre, certifying ‘difficulty’ in amounts to “sabotaging the entire consti-
MUMBAI, DECEMBER 15 ficulty”inholdingthePunebyelection.Joshi is held, the returned candidate would holding the election within six months. tutional democratic framework”. HowmanyLokSabhaseatsarevacant?
had accessed the ECI certificate through an hardly haveafewmonthstowork asanMP. It noted that the ECI’s stand was “incon- EighteenLokSabhaseatsarecurrentlyva-
THE BOMBAY High Court on Wednesday application under the RTI Act. It further argued that it had a “genuine What did the Bombay HC say? sistent”, as it had conducted several other cant.Ofthese,13werevacatedthismonthby
directed the Election Commission of India He argued that as per section 151A of difficulty” in conducting the bypoll as its The High Court held that the petitioner elections since the Pune seat fell vacant. legislators who won in the recently con-
(ECI) to immediately conduct a bypoll for The Representation of the People Act, 1951, whole machinery was far too hadlocustofileawritpetition, cluded state Assembly elections.
the Pune Lok Sabha constituency. The seat
had become vacant after sitting MP Girish
a Parliamentary vacancy should be filled
within six months, and therefore, the Pune
2024 Lok Sabha elections.
EXPLAINED being a voter of the con-
stituency. The HC also noted
Did the ECI consult the Centre?
The ECI consulted with the Union Law
Bapat died on March 29.
A division Bench of Justice Gautam S
byelection should have been held by
September 28. What does the law say?
LAW that “constituencies cannot
remain unrepresented be-
and Justice Ministry on August 11, and the
Centre responded on the same date. “We
to deaths. These include Girish Bapat’s (BJP)
Pune seat, Balu Dhanorkar’s (Congress)
Patel and Justice Kamal R Khata pulled up Joshi submitted that constituents had Under Section 151A of the RP Act, by- yond a defined period”. have not known governments to be able to Chandrapurseat,andRatanLalKataria’s(BJP)
the Commission for “abdication of its con- hadnovoiceinParliamentoverthepastfew elections should be held within six months Itobservedthatasthetermofthecurrent consult, deliberate, and act with such ex- Ambala seat.
stitutional duties”. months, especially over significant delays from the date of occurrence of the vacancy. LokSabhaendsonJune16,2024andthePune traordinary despatch. This correspondence AfzalAnsari’s(BSP)Ghazipurseatwasva-
in several developmental projects in Pune. The first exception to this is under sec- LSseathadbeenvacantsinceMarch29,2023, reveals no underlying material,” the HC re- catedonMay1,afterhewassentencedtofour
What was the petition? tion151A(a),whichsaysthatthesix-month the first exception did not apply. marked. While the High Court has directed years in prison. Finally, TMC’s Mahua Moitra
SughoshJoshi,alaw graduateandregis- How did the ECI respond? rule will not apply when the remainder of theECI toimmediatelytake allstepsto hold vacatedherKrishnanagarseatafterbeingex-
tered voter in Pune constituency, ap- The ECI argued that Joshi had no locus the Parliament term is less than one year. What did the HC say about the ECI? the Pune election, the poll body can move pelledfromLokSabhaoverthealleged‘cash-
proached the High Court on November 7. standi to file a writ petition, and instead he Another exception under section 151A (b) The HC termed the ECI’s argument as the Supreme Court, given that only a few for-query’ scam.



SC declines to
stay HC order
for Shahi Idgah
complex survey
Not at this stage, come if there is any
adverse order: Bench to mosque panel
ANANTHAKRISHNAN G Prime Minister Narendra Modi with newly elected Rajasthan CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, Deputy CMs Diya Kumari and Prem
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 Chand Bairwa and Governor Kalraj Mishra at the swearing-in ceremony in Jaipur on Friday. Rohit Jain Paras REPORT,PAGE6 ALLEGED PLOT TO KILL PANNUN
THE SUPREME Court Friday de-
Gupta’s arrest in
Court order allowing an applica- INDIA BLOC BACKS 14 MPs SUSPENDED FOR PROTESTS
tion for an inspection of the
Shahi Idgah mosque complex in
Mathura by a court-appointed The Shahi Idgah mosque and Opp insists on Shah statement on FIR: Smoke Prague illegal, his
Hindu petitioners contend
the Krishna Janmabhoomi
temple in Mathura. PTI
breach, stalls House proceedings
canisters had extradition to US
thatthemosquewasbuiltonthe warning not
Krishna Janmasthan, the birth-
place of Lord Krishna.
Muslim litigants maintain
Ahmadi pointed out that the
Supreme Court is scheduled to LIZ MATHEW
to use indoors unsafe: Kin to SC
that the Places of Worship hear the mosque committee’s NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 Court agrees to hear plea seeking
(Special Provisions) Act, 1991 plea challenging the Allahabad MAHENDER SINGH
bars changing the character of High Court order transferring all PROCEEDINGS IN Parliament MANRAL Centre’s intervention on January 4
anyplace of worshipasitexisted petitions in connection with the were washed out for the second NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15
on August 15, 1947. Mathura dispute to itself, and consecutive day Friday as — identified only as Mr X — con-
“Atthisstage,wewillnotstay that the HighCourt in themean- Opposition parties continued to A “CAVITY” cut out in the soles EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE tended that Gupta, 52, “has no
anything. Let him continue. If while had passed an interlocu- hold protests over Wednesday’s anda“thickrubberlayer”tosup- NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 roots in the US” and questioned
any adverse order is passed, you tory order allowing the appoint- House security breach, insisting port it — the Delhi Police has, in “theveracityof thenarrativepre-
can come,” Justice Sanjiv ment of the commissioner. on a statement from Union its FIR into the Parliament secu- THE SUPREME Court agreed sented in the second unsealed
Khanna, presiding over a two- “WhenYourLordshipsaredue Home Minister Amit Shah and a rity breach, detailed how intrud- Friday to take up on January 4 superseding indictment” dated
judge bench, told Senior to hear these matters on January discussioninbothLokSabhaand ers Sagar Sharma (25) and next year a petition filed by the November 29 filed before a US
Advocate Huzefa Ahmadi who 8, the High Court should not pro- Rajya Sabha. Manoranjan D (35) modified family of Nikhil Gupta — who is District Court. It underscored
appeared for the Committee of ceed with these interlocutory or- With the government show- their shoes to fit smoke canisters accusedbyUSauthoritiesof plot- “the absurdity of the notion that
ManagementTrustShahiMasjid ders.Itwillhavefar-reachingcon- ing no signs of relenting, the Congress leader Sonia Gandhi with DMK’s Kanimozhi and inside. Police have also stated in ting to kill Khalistan separatist the Indian government would
Idgah that approached the sequences," Ahmadi said, adding deadlock is expected to con- other suspended MPs at Parliament House on Friday. PTI the FIR that the canisters bear Gurpatwant Singh Pannun — engage himin allegedcovertop-
SupremeCourtagainsttheorder that he had not been able to pro- tinue when Parliament meets warningstoalwaysweargoggles seeking directions to the Centre erations and assassinations on
passed Thursday by Justice duce the order allowing the ap- Monday as Opposition leaders and gloves while handling them, to intervene in the extradition US soil when he has no connec-
Mayank Kumar Jain of the pointment of the commissioner. said they will stick to their de- the winter session. morning before the House met. andtoneverdeploythemindoors proceedings pending against tionsorbusinessinthecountry”.
Allahabad High Court. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 mand and expressed solidarity The tone for the Friday’s According to sources, DMK or in enclosed spaces. According himinCzechRepublic,wherehe The plea said that since June
with the 14 MPs who were sus- protest was set at the meeting of leader T R Baalu said that all to the FIR, the canisters are made is currently under detention. 30 this year, Gupta “has been in
pended Thursday for the rest of the Opposition INDIA bloc in the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 The plea by a family member CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

BUSINESS AS USUAL First in India: Delhi airport set to

get body, CTX scanners by May

rigorousscreeningof passengers

SUKALP SHARMA than metal detectors and man- Easing,

NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 ual frisking. CTX scanners are
used to screen cabin or carry-on
FULLBODYSCANNERSandcom- baggage and do not require pas- ● security
puter tomography X-ray (CTX) sengers to segregate electronic
scanners, awaited for long, are devicesandliquidsseparatelyfor BODY AND CTX scanners
likelytobeinstalledbyMay2024 screening.Together,thetwoma- in big airports with huge
at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi chines are expected to reduce footfall will not only ease
International (IGI) Airport, ac- time taken in passengers’ secu- congestion and reduce
cording to Bureau of Civil rity check before departure, delays, but also ensure
AviationSecurity(BCAS)Director which is likely to play a part in more complete and com-
EXPRESS NETWORK General Zulfiquar Hasan. easing congestion and wait time prehensive security than
The scanners, which are al- at busy airports. what metal detectors and
ready in place at numerous air- Earlier this year, the BCAS manual frisking achieve.
U.P. BJP MLA GETS ports globally, allow faster and CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Justice Kaul signs off: If judges are not
THE WORLD bold, can’t expect others in admin to be


judges to be bold, Supreme
Court judge Justice Sanjay
Kishan Kaul, who retires later
this month, said Friday that if
they with their constitutional
U.S. PUSHES ISRAEL protection are not able to be so, Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul shares the ceremonial bench with
TO SCALE DOWN IN they cannot expect other parts CJI D Y Chandrachud on his last working day on Friday
GAZA AS TOLL RISES of the administration to do so.
“It is my belief that boldness
10 KILLED IN MILITANT of the judge is a very important cannot expect other parts of the India D Y Chandrachud and
ATTACKS ON POLICE, factor. If, with the constitutional administration to do so,” Justice Justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj
ARMY IN PAKISTAN protection which we have, we Kaul said, sharing the ceremo- Misra.
are not able to exhibit this, we nial bench with Chief Justice of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

United we screen: Punjabi movies make

a splash in theatres across the border
PAGE 1 Directed by Smeep Kang,
ANCHOR Carry on Jatta 3 is among 25
Indian films that opened to
packed theatres in Pakistan over
the last couple of years, despite
KAMALDEEP SINGH BRAR a ban on the screening and tele-
AMRITSAR, DECEMBER 15 cast of Indian films in Pakistan
since 2016.
EARLIER THIS year, the third in- Given the shared language
stalment of a Punjabi film fran- and culture (Pakistan has an es-
chise ended up being a runaway timated 130 million Punjabis),
hit in Pakistan. Carry on Jatta 3, many of these Indian Punjabi
starring Indian actors Gippy movies have been skirting the
Grewal and Sonam Bajwa, re- ban primarily by working with
portedly grossed Rs 7.5 crore in Pakistan-based film distributors
Pakistani currency in the first A Punjabi movie poster is displayed at a multiplex cinema and also by working with pro-
four days of its release over the hall in Lahore duction houses based in the UK
extended Eid weekend in June. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



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★★★★★ ■4.6
& AI-powered CCTVs
What happened when two men opened
WORLD’S OLDEST Scan the QR code and
PERSON DIES AT 116 smoke canisters in the Parliament,
get ‘the express edge’ government's direction to all mills and
How she managed to in your civil services distilleries to not use cane juice or syrup for
SCANTHISQRCODETO live such a long life is preparation with our ethanol & high-focus CCTVs in J&K.


● Justice Kaul signs off
Week after ban, govt SC declines to stay Shahi Idgah survey As per practice, a Supreme
ment shares the bench with the
of others was going down inter-
nationally and emphasised the
need for people to learn to live

allows use of cane He said the matter is now

listed before the High Court next
vations and that if there is any
different petitioners. A common
thread in all the petitions is a
CJI on his or her last working day.
Justice Kaul is set to retire on
with each other.
“The whole society works on
a system where people must

juice to make ethanol week “for modalities of the ap-

pointment of the commissioner
while Your Lordships are to con-
emergency, he can mention it for
Ahmadi said his difficulty is
said, “The SLP is listed on January
prayer for the removal of the
plex, which it shares with the
working day as the court will be
day from December 18 and will
have tolerance for each other's
message I would like to give. We
ply year, he added. siderwhethertheHighCourthas thattheSupremeCourtwillbeon on the same date. All issues and Katra Keshav Dev temple. reopen on January 2. are at a time in the world where
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA The latest move comes jurisdiction to hear the suit”. vacation recess next week and contentionsraisedwillbeconsid- InMaythisyear,theAllahabad JusticeKaul,whohadhandled the tolerance levels have gone
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 against the backdrop of repre- The bench, also comprising willreopenonlyonJanuary3.The ered.” HC transferredtoitselfallthesuits theissueofthelawyersstrikedis- very low, internationally... It is
sentation from the sugar indus- Justice S V N Bhatti, told Ahmadi Supreme Court will close for At least a dozen cases have ontheSriKrishnaJanmabhoomi- ruptingcourtworkinOdisha,said timethehumanspecieslearnsto
IN A U-turn, the government on try to reviewtheDecember 7or- that he can tell the High Court ChristmasandNewYearholidays beenfiledincourtsinMathuraby Shahi Idgah Masjid dispute. the court is "an institution and livewitheachotherandlivewith
Friday reversed its decision to derthatbanneduseof canejuice temple of justice. It must remain other species of this world to be
bantheuseof sugarcanejuicefor and sugar syrup with immedi- open.That’ssomethingveryclose able to adjust to it, so that the
isation of the juice as well as B-
ate effect.
While issuing the order, the
● Gupta’s arrest in Prague illegal, his extradition to US unsafe: Kin to SC tomyheart”.Hesaid“fortunately
heavy molasses to produce the governmenthadallowedsupply illegal custody of the Czech au- “Idonotwantanadjudication. status report on the petitioner, “political nature of the case” and that problem”. “The Bar and Bench work to-
green fuel but capped the diver- of ethanol from B-heavy mo- thorities,facinganallegedpolitical That is why I am not pressing consular access to the petitioner, saidthatGuptawas“ahaplessvic- Speaking on what he called gether. Therefore, the Bar owes
sion of sugar at 17 lakh tonnes. lasses through existing offers re- vendetta between the US and prayer at all,” he said, adding that and legal/financial aid,” he said. tim caught in the crossfire” be- theadjournmentculture,hesaid, thedutytoseethattheindepend-
For now, the capping will be in ceived by Oil Marketing Indian governments” and added all he wassaying is that as for any The plea said Gupta was “ille- tween India and the US. “As a lawyer, I felt that wherever ence of the judiciary, the inde-
placeforthe2023-24supplyyear Companies (OMCs). that his “extradition to the US is Indian citizen, the Ministry of gally detained” on June 30 at the “The document, emanating somewhat an adjournment cul- pendenceinthevariousformsin
that ends in October next year. Another food ministry offi- unsafe,giventhepervasivethreat External Affairs through the am- Pragueairportby“self-claimedUS from the US District Court, ture is prevalent, it's a problem. I the country are protected and
The latest decision comes a cial said about 6 lakh tonnes of to his life and safety”. bassadorinPraguecouldhelpthe agents rather than Czech author- SouthernDistrict,NewYork,shifts alwaysbelievethatthecasemust they stand up for it. Ultimately,
week after the government pro- sugarhavealreadybeendiverted A bench of Justices Sanjiv family get in touch with Gupta. ities”. This was followed by “over the narrative away from the peti- betakenuponthedayitislisted." there's no method by which the
hibited the use of sugarcane tomakeethanolusingcanejuice KhannaandSVNBhattithattook As the court said it would not 100daysofsolitaryconfinement”, tioner and implicates an alleged Herecalled“whenIbecamea judiciary can stand up for itself
juiceandsugarsyrupformaking before the government issued up the matter initially asked the pass any order on the request, it said, adding that what tran- Indiangovernmentemployee,re- judge, one of the judges told me: and Ithink it's the duty of theBar
ethanol,amidtheindustryseek- the order on December 7. petitioner to approach the “con- Sundaram took the bench spiredduringthistimehas“given ferredtoas'CC-1'.Accordingtothe 'Remember that in India, litigant tosupport,sometimescorrectthe
ing reversal of the decision. The government has esti- cernedcourt”intheCzechRepub- through the second indictment rise to grave violations of his fun- petitioner,thismarksasignificant comestothecourtasalastresort, judiciary," he said.
“The flexibility has been mated sugar production to de- lic. “We will not go to all this. We filed in the US court. Justice damental rights”. departurefromtheinitialcharges afterhehasbeenthroughthevar- Hesaidheisgoingoutasatis-
given to sugar mills for using cline to 32.3-33 million tonne in willnothaveanadjudicationover Khanna said the case file came to “Guptawasnotshownanyar- and transforms the case into a ious processes and he finds that fied man. "I go out with a full
both sugarcane juice and B- the 2023-24 season (October- here. It is an extremely sensitive him late Thursday night and he restwarrantduringtheinitialde- diplomaticandpoliticalquagmire there are no solutions. If he owes sense of satisfaction. I have tried
heavy molasses within an over- September)asagainst37.3million matterfortheMinistryofExternal had not gone through it in detail. tention.Instead,hefoundhimself betweenIndiaandtheUS.Thepe- 50, give him 55, not 45 because todomybestofwhateverIcould.
all cap of 17 lakh tonnesof diver- tonnes in the previous season. Affairsorforthatmatteranymin- Sundaram urged the court to in the custody of individuals pur- titionerpositionshimselfasahap- with great difficulty he comes to Sometimes it may be the best,
sion of sugar for making ethanol "We were anticipating cane istry to come in. It is for them to hear the petition after the portingtorepresentUSinterests,” lessvictimcaughtinthecrossfire,” this court'. That’s something I sometimes it may not be."
in the ongoing 2023-24 supply production to be low but didn't decide,”JusticeKhannatoldsenior ChristmasandNewYearholidays. the plea said. It claimed that thepleasaid.Itsaid“thecasefalls have kept dear to my heart. I do Attorney General R
year (November-October pe- anticipate it to go down further. advocate C Aryama Sundaram, “There is something I require, at Gupta, “a devout Hindu and veg- withintherealmofpoliticalperse- not believe that we are the fund Venkataramani said “Justice
riod),” Food Secretary Sanjeev The recent rain has brought the who appeared for the petitioner. least a status report to assist me etarian, claims that he was sub- cution, as he is wrongly accused collectors for the government. Kaul’s expression” in the Article
Chopra told PTI. recovery per cent further down. Responding to a query from with. Please see what crossfire I jected to forced consumption of of collaborating with the Indian Stakesarenotimportant,whatis 370judgement“thatthereshould
A committee of ministers Thedroughtin Maharashtraand thebench,Sundaramsaidtheplea am caught with,” he said. beef and pork during his deten- government to assassinate an importantiswhattheprincipleof beatruthandreconciliationcom-
took the decision on Friday and Karnataka is worrying," Chopra wasfiledbyafamilymemberasa Agreeing, the bench fixed tion in Czech custody, a direct vi- American citizen”. law it carries. And this court has mission, I think it marks a water-
thenotificationinthisregardwill had said earlier. close friend. He said: “We are not January 4 to hear it next. olation of his religious beliefs”. The plea said that Gupta is a administeredjusticeasexpected shed in the way the court can ar-
be issued soon. Earlier in the day, Chopra ex- getting any assistance. Today we Thepetitionwasfiledthrough Gupta was also “denied con- “law-abiding middle-class busi- without fear or favour." ticulateaprofoundthoughtabout
"We are working on the uded confidence that the target do not even have an extradition Advocate-On-Record Rohini sular access, the right to contact nessman”andthat“hisjourneyto Justice Kaul expressed con- the healing touch which is re-
modalities to decide on the pro- of 15 per cent blending of order. We do not know what is Musa, also represented by advo- his family in India, and the free- theCzechRepublicforleisureand cern that tolerance for opinions quired”.
portion of cane juice and B- ethanol with petrol will be happening.” cates Nipun Katyal, Archit Jain, domtoseeklegalrepresentation”, businessexplorationturnedintoa
heavy molasses to be used for achieved in the 2023-24 supply Although the plea urged the Dhananjai Shekhawat, Anam the petition said. nightmareduetoanillegalarrest”.
making ethanol," Chopra said.
Already some quantity of
year. In 2022-23 supply year, the
government achieved 12 per
pus to the Centre and Indian em-
Siddiqui and Kismat Chauhan.
Referring to the second un-
sealed superseding indictment
diate threat” to Gupta’s life, the
● Smoke canisters had warning
ethanol has been produced us- cent blending of ethanol with bassy in Prague “to immediately their prayer in court is not on the datedNovember29,inwhichthe plea referred to Pannun’s “status in China, and instructions also sport shoes were dark greyish in
ingcanejuiceinthecurrentsup- petrol. trace and produce the petitioner meritsofthecaseitselfbutonthe US Department of Justice alleged asadeclaredterroristinIndia”and statethattheyaretobeusedinsu- colour and a similar cavity had
whoiscurrentlyindetention/cus- issue of legal and humanitarian thatGupta,inassociationwithan pointedto“theinfluenceoftheUS pervised arenas only. been created... The inside sole of
todyatPankaracprisoninPrague, aid to an Indian citizen in distress Indian government official, plot- onCzechauthorities,posingarea- The FIR mentions the colour the right shoe was also found
Traders can bid for up Czech Republic”, Sundaram said
he is not pressing that prayer.
abroad. “We want to plead for
ted to kill Pannun, an American
sonable apprehension about his
safety in Czech prison”.
and make of the shoes and the
partly cut,” states the FIR.
According to the FIR, the two

to 2,000 MT of rice: Govt

they had in their possession, and used wet canisters of “creative
the pamphlets that were found colour smoke”, which have also

ity, and traders are invited to ac-

● Opp insists on Shah statement on breach, stalls House proceedings with “a picture of fist in Tricolour
and a slogan in Hindi” and “a slo-
damaged pamphlets with a
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE tivelyengageine-auctionstoen- Oppositionmembersshouldcon- should be discussed in both werearrestedhavebeencharged were disrupted soon after the ganinEnglishonManipurissue”. printedslogan,‘JaiHind’,inEnglish
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 sure easy and affordable avail- tinue to protest in both Houses Houses. It is our duty to raise our withUAPA…thatmeansitisase- House met after Chairman On December 13, Lucknow andapictureoffistinTricolor,and
ability for consumers in the and get suspended in solidarity voice on this serious issue of na- riousissue…itislinkedtonational Dhankhar did not allow notices residentSharmaandManoranjan, a second pamphlet with a slogan
AMID RISING rice prices, the market,” the Union Food with the 14 MPs who were sus- tionalsecurity,itisourparliamen- security,” he said. “Till the Home for a discussion on the security who hails from Mysuru, jumped in English on the Manipur issue,
Food Corporation of India (FCI) Ministry said in a statement pended for the protests. “We all tary duty.” MinistercomestoParliamentand breach.“Ihavereceived23notices intotheLokSabhachamberfrom were also kept in two separate
Friday doubled the maximum Friday. shouldcontinueourprotest...and Speaking to reporters, makesastatement…thepossibil- under rule 267 for suspension of thevisitors’gallery,raisedslogans plasticscoversandseized,”theFIR
biddingquantityundertheOpen The ministry said that of the let them suspend all of us. We Parliamentary Affairs Minister itiesofsmoothfunctioningofboth business...Theinvestigationinthe and opened canisters that emit- states. “Further information re-
Market Sale Scheme (OMSS) to 25 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) of should not leave them [the sus- Pralhad Joshi said, “Whatever in- Houses looks bleak,” he added. matterisunderwayanditshallbe tedyellowsmoke,triggeringpanic garding bursting of crackers and
2,000 tonnes per bidder and re- riceallocatedbythegovernment pended MPs] alone,” Baalu was structions the Speaker has given Ramesh said the Opposition takentoalogicalconclusion.Iam among Parliamentarians. detention of two more suspects,
duced the minimum bid quan- under theOMSS,1.19 LMThasso quotedassayingbyasourcewho aftercallingtheall-partymeeting, leaders have conveyed their de- unable to persuade myself to al- ThepoliceregisteredanFIRat AmolShindeandNeelam(Azad),
tity to 1 tonne from 10 tonnes. far been sold. attended the meeting. He also we are following them in letter mandinwritingtobothLokSabha low the notices,” he said. ParliamentStreetpolicestationon whowerefoundinvolvedinsim-
The move is meant to en- As per data avaliable on the mentioned the suspension of andspirit.Thereisanenquirygo- Speaker Om Birla and Chairman While adjourning the House, the basis of a complaint filed by ilaractivitiesoutsidegatenumber
courage more participation of Department of Consumer TMC’sDerekO’Brien–loneRajya ingonandthematterisalsointhe Jagdeep Dhankhar. Dhankhar asked the Leader of Delhi Police personnel. “I along 2/3, Parliament House, was re-
rice traders and processors un- Affairs’ website, the all-India Sabha MP to be suspended. court.Amidallthis,sayingthatwe In Parliament, Opposition Opposition, Leader of the House, with other police personnel ceivedatParliamentStreetpolice
der the OMSS. daily average retail price of rice “The INDIA bloc MPs, includ- will not let the House run… ask- memberswereseenchantingslo- and floor leaders to meet him in reached the office of Director, station. During preliminary en-
“The rice offered under the was Rs 43.29 per kg against Rs ing leaders, have decided to take ing for statement… what is this? gans to demand PM Narendra hischamber.Thisledtoadininthe Security, new Parliament House quiry, both these persons were
Central pool is of excellent qual- 37.87 per kg a year ago. placards to both Houses and get Thisisaverysensitiveissue.They Modi's presence in Parliament House.Whenamemberurgedthe Building, where Omkar Singh, found to be associates of Sharma
suspended in solidarity with the should behave responsibly.” and Shah's statement. They also Leader of Opposition be allowed DeputyDirectorofLokSabha,was and Manoranjan. Four used can-
others,” RSP leader N K Addressingapressconference, soughtactionagainstSimha,who to speak, Leader of the House present. He handed over a com- istersofcreativecoloursmokeand
● Body, CTX scanners Premachandran told The Indian Congress communication head facilitated the passes for the two Piyush Goyal said they must first plaint along with two persons, one unused canister were recov-
Express. JairamRameshsaidINDIAparties menwhojumpedoff thevisitors’ answer questions on law and or- SharmaandManoranjan.Healso eredfromthespot,"theFIRstates.
had directed all airports han- pronetodelaysduetothepreva- In a post on X, Leader of remain firm on their “legitimate” galleryandburstcolourcanisters der situation in opposition-ruled handed over their shoes and Policesaidthatoffencesunder
dling over 1 crore passengers lentsupply chainissues globally. Opposition in Rajya Sabha and demand for a statement from in Lok Sabha on Wednesday. Karnataka. Opposition leaders Aadhaar cards. They also handed IPC sections 153 (provocation
and 50lakhpassengersannually Additionally, some airports Congress president Mallikarjun Shah. “The government’s stub- At11am,whentheLokSabha skippedthemeetwithDhankhar. over two used canisters and one withanintenttocauseriot),120B
to install full body scanners and had requested the BCAS to re- Khargesaid,“Whatkindofjustice born reluctance to come to met, Opposition MPs held up AssoonasRajyaSabhametat LokSabhapublicgallerypass,”the (criminal conspiracy), 452 (tres-
CTX scanners, respectively, by considertheDecember31dead- is it to suspend MPs after such a Parliamentandmakeastatement placards and raised slogans. 2 pm, Dhankhar stood up to ad- FIR states. pass),186(obstructingpublicser-
December 31. However, certain line as they were still in the breach in security of Parliament. is the sole reason for the stale- RajendraAgrawal,whowaschair- monish the Opposition MPs for “InSharma’sgreysportshoes, vant in discharge of public func-
“provisioning issues” have de- process of deciding on their re- TheHomeMinistercangiveinter- mate. I think they want to divert ing the proceedings, adjourned the protest. Soon after, he ad- acavitywasfound,createdbycut- tions), 353 (assault or criminal
layed the process and the first quirement of CTX scanners and viewsonTVbutcannotgivestate- attention from the questions theHouseinlessthanaminutetill journed the House until 11 am ting the inside sole of the left foot forcetodeterpublicservantsfrom
scanners are now expected only the modalities of installing the ments on the floor of Parliament. raised by INDIA parties about the 2pm.Intheafternoon,theHouse Monday. Earlier, the Opposition shoe.Thethicknessofthesolehad discharge of his duty) and under
by May starting with the IGI machines at airport terminals. INDIA parties demand that Shri roleofBJPMPPratapSimha…the resumed merely to be adjourned MPssuspendedonThursdayheld been increased by affixing addi- sections16and18oftheUnlawful
Airport. Although this was the first Amit Shah should give a state- government initially said it was a for the day. asilentprotestnearGandhistatue. tionalrubbersoleatthebottomto Activities (Prevention) Act are
The IGI Airport, operated by instance of a deadline being ment in Parliament and then it minor incident… but those who Rajya Sabha proceedings, too, WithENS,NEWDELHI support the cavity. Manoranjan’s made out.
GMR, is India’sbusiest airport. In handed out for CTX scanners,
2022-23 (FY23), it handled over several deadlines for installation
6.5 crore passengers and for of full body scanners at major ● United we screen: Punjabi movies make a splash in theatres across border inghandsontheirprojects.Indian Dhawan’s Annhi Dea Mazaak
FY24, the number of flyers is es- Indian airports had lapsed over directorAmrinderGill’sChalMera AewasreleasedinPakistaninMay
timated to cross 7 crore. The air- the past three years, mainly due or Canada. For instance, Carry on lease Indian Punjabi movies in Bollywood movies generated Indian Punjabi films have now Putt(2019)hadPakistanicomedi- 2023 by India-based Panjwar
port is also undergoing an ex- to the impact of the COVID pan- Jatta 3 was produced by India Pakistanifadistributororproduc- nearly60percentoffilmrevenues breathedanewlifeintoPakistan’s ansIftikharThakur,NasirChinyoti Pannu films and UK-based
pansionproject, whichwill soon demic. With India’s air passen- Humble Motion Pictures, but re- tion house linked to them are inPakistan.Atitspeakinthe1960s Punjabi cinema.” and Akram Udas. More recently, Rhythm Boyz Entertainment.
take its annual passenger han- ger traffic exceeding pre-pan- leased by Distribution Club, a based anywhere but India,” he and1970s,Pakistan’sPunjabifilm Nouman Warraich, a Punjabi PakistanicomedianSohailAhmed Mohali-based Punjabi film
dling capacity to over 10 crore. demic levels, the need for Pakistan-based film distributor. adds. industry produced nearly 400 YouTuber from Pakistan, says, starred in Diljit Dosanjh’s Babe critic Harpreet Singh Kahlon says
The Delhi airport was ranked expeditious installation of these Sheikh Amjad Rashid, chair- Though the ban on screening films. However, it produced and “Given the Punjabi population Bhangra Paunde Ne (2022), while Pakistani film authorities rarely
among the ten busiest airports machines at congested airports person of Distribution Club, told Indian films was lifted briefly by released less than 30 movies in here, it’s hardly surprising that NasirChinyotiappearedinGippy haveanissuewithIndianPunjabi
globally for 2022 by Airports is being felt. The Indian Express, “Over the last the Lahore High Court in 2018, it 2022. Last year, this prompted Punjabifilms,eventhosemadein Grewal’s Carry on Jatta 3. films that largely stick to fixed
Council International (ACI), a As per passenger traffic data twoyears,around25moviesfrom was reimposed by the Chief PakistaniactoranddirectorMohib India or by Indians, do well here. Rakesh Dhawan, who has di- themesofPunjabiandJattidentity
trade association of airports. from the Airports Authority of Punjab (in India) have been re- Justice of Pakistan Saqib Nisar, Mirza to advocate for lifting the Carry on Jatta (2012) is so famous rected Aaja Mexico Challiye and assertion.
Hasan said that going for- India (AAI), seven airports han- leased in Pakistan. None of our who remarked that “they (India) ban on Indian films in order to in Pakistan that its jokes have be- Annhi Dea Mazaak Ae, starring “These films do not wade into
ward, instead of issuing a blan- dled over 1 crore passengers in films, except for The Legend of are trying to (obstruct the con- help “Pakistan cinema grow”. comeapartofdailyconversation. Punjabi superstar Ammy Virk, subjects like nationalism, that’s
ket deadline for installation of FY23. These were Delhi, Maula Jatt, did better business struction)ofourdam,andwecan- Iqbal Qaiser, a writer and his- Partition and period cinema like says, “We don’t face problems in onereasonwhyPakistaniauthor-
these machines, the BCAS will Mumbai,Bengaluru,Hyderabad, than Indian Punjabi movies. In not even ban their channels”. torian based in Pakistan, says, Lahoriye(2017)andAngrej(2015) releasing Indian Punjabi movies itieslookawaywhenthesearere-
proceed airport-wise as the ma- Chennai, Kolakata, and fact, the box office collection of India,too,hasanunofficialban “Pakistan had a thriving Punjabi also did good business here.” in Pakistan. Though trade be- leasedthere.”
chines are being bought by air- Ahmedabad. Airports that han- (Indian Punjabi film) Maujaan Hi on Pakistani films and artistes film industry until the 1980s but BesidesIndianPunjabimovies tween the two nations never Janjot Singh, director of Any
portoperatorsthroughcontracts dled between 50 lakh and 1 Maujaan is much higher in sincethe2016terrorattackinUri, thenthedictatorshipstartedpro- usingsocialmediatoreachoutto stopped, only art was forced to How Mitti Pao, says, “My film re-
with foreign manufacturers, crorepassengersinFY23include Pakistan than in India.” Kashmir. moting Urdu at the cost of other their Pakistani audiences, artists bear the brunt of the strained re- leased on October 6. It is still run-
making their procurement Goa, Lucknow, Guwahati, Kochi, “It makes it easy for us to re- Before they were banned, languages, including Punjabi. frombothnationshavebeenjoin- lations.” ning there (in Pakistan). ”
DAY 1 OF ASSEMBLY SESSION BJP vs AAP: War of ‘Harassed’ for giving
MLALAD funds raised from Rs 4 words over ‘homeless’ birth to daughter,
deaths on Delhi streets woman dies by suicide
crore to Rs 7 crore: Bharadwaj EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE
leader Saurabh Bharadwaj said
tive of weather, almost 300-350
brother in Aligarh Tuesday and
told him that her in-laws were
trying to kill her. “When she got
GAYATHRIMANI bodiesarereportedeverymonth, married, we gave her an Alto car,
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 HEATED ARGUMENTS erupted each with different death causes. A 26-YEAR-old woman died al- jewellery, home appliances, and
between the AAP and the BJP in “It is very clear that this list is legedly by suicide in Haryana’s cash worth Rs 15 lakh. Though
THE CAPITAL’S legislators will the Assembly after the latter al- takenfromtheDelhiPoliceZipnet PalwalWednesday.Followingher theydidn’tdemandanythingini-
now be able to spend almost leged that 203 unidentified per- website. It is clearly evident from death,thepolicearrestedherhus- tially, their demands started
twice the amount on develop- sons,suspectedtobe“homeless” the photos in the list that most band. According to the police, growing. When she gave birth to
mentactivitiesintheirrespective people, have died during this deathsoccurredduetoroadacci- Aligarh-based Nisha married agirlchild,theywouldharassher
areas even as the AAP Delhi gov- winter season in the Capital. dentsormurders.BJPMLAsarely- Palwal resident Harkesh in 2018 saying she could only give birth
ernmentsaidithaddivertedfunds BJP leaders said the deaths ing and trying to mislead the and was allegedly assaulted by to girls…” Sain said.
allocatedforexpensesundervar- Delhi Urban Development have occurred in the city due to Assembly House for which they her husband and in-laws for “She said her husband’s
ious heads towards citizen-cen- minister Saurabh “neglect” and “delay” on part of could face a case of dowry. “Her family has claimed brothers beat her up. Though
tric projects during the year. Bharadwaj at the Winter theDelhiGovernmentandDUSIB contempt/Breach of Privileges of thatthein-lawswouldharassher Nisha, Harkesh, and their son
Speaking at the two-day session on Friday. (above) in setting up night shelters, de- Assembly,” he said. forgivingbirthtoagirlchild,who moved out of her in-laws’ house,
Winter Session of the Delhi Education minister Atishi. manding that Chief Minister He also blamed the BJP-led died when she was four years the brothers-in-law would visit
Legislative Assembly, Urban PTI/ Praveen Khanna Arvind Kejriwal speak on the Central government for “demol- old,” the police added. and harass her,” he added.
Development Minister Saurabh matter in the House. The matter ishing houses and slums and Harkesh works as a trades- “When her body was in the
Bharadwaj said that the MLA escalated into a war of words leaving the people homeless”. man in Indian Railways and is mortuary, Rajesh (one of the
Local Area Development been utilised and returned. Also, the official added. Meanwhile, 2014, adding it has now come withargumentsbetweenleaders He said that everyone knows posted in Delhi. The couple also brothers-in-law) told Harkesh
(MLALAD) fund has been raised the Rs 94.7 crore allotted for the discussionsrevolvedaroundpol- down to 223. The PM 2.5 levels ofthetwopartiescontinuingout- “November didn’t have such an has a 1.5-year-old son. that he need not worry as he had
from Rs 4 crore to Rs 7 crore. ambitious shopping festival was lution, weather conditions and dippedto103in2022from149in side the House as well. intense cold that it would lead to In the police complaint, a government job and he could
MLALAD funds are given to not utilised as the plan could not unidentified bodies on the 2014, he added. Further, he said Citing a Delhi Police report, someone’s death.” The BJP lead- Nisha’sfatherBhimSain,55,said get any woman,” claimed Sain.
each legislator every year to take be executed. “The Delhi govern- Capital’s streets. thatthenumberof“poor”quality BJP’sRamvirSinghBidhurigavea ers were also marshalled out for his daughter had left her marital An FIR was registered at
updevelopmentalworkssuchas ment had allocated money to Environment Minister Gopal dayshasalsocomedownoverthe noticeforacalling-attentionmo- demanding action. home after she was assaulted by Chandhut police station under
repairing of roads, parks, street somedepartmentsinthebudget, Rai informed the house that the years. “In 2015, there were 109 tion on the alleged deaths. “We Later,Bidhurisaid,“Delhigov- her in-laws but they later apolo- IPC Sections304B(dowrydeath),
furniture,securityarrangements but due to the projects not being pollution level in the city has good air quality days while 2023 demand Chief Minister Arvind ernment is unwilling to discuss gisedandtookherback.However, 498A(husbandorrelativeofhus-
like providing gates for residen- executed,themoneyhasbeenre- come down. Responding to an saw 206 such days. This is a new Kejriwaltospeakontheissueand any issue concerning the public, shewasassaultedagainbyherin- band of a woman subjecting her
tialareasandotherlocalworksin turned to the budget which will MLA on the number of trees record set under the Arvind provideanswers,”saidBidhuriin and it is not holding itself ac- laws who were demanding a to cruelty), and 34 (common in-
theirconstituencies.Thereare70 be allotted for other projects and plantedinthecityanddipin pol- Kejriwal government,” said Rai. the House. countable for the deaths of 203 dowryofRs3lakh,headded.Sain tention)againstHarkesh,histwo
AssemblyconstituenciesinDelhi schemes,” officials said. lution levels in the last five years, Meanwhile, Delhi Assembly Hitting back, AAP senior people in Delhi.” said Nisha called her younger brothers, and their mother.
of which 62 are represented by An additional budget of Rs Rai said, “Delhi has the largest Speaker Ram Niwas Goel alleged
the AAP and eight by BJP MLAs. 471.41 crore had been allocated green belt at 23.6% among all the the Finance department is trying
As per government officials, for additional facilities in schools otherbigcitiesandpollutionlevel to undermine the the financial
there had been an increase in the andRs85crorefortherenovation also came down since 2014 and administrative autonomy of
revenueoftheDelhiGovernment of school buildings. A corpus of throughsustainedefforts.”Adding theLegislativebodyandsaidthat
in the financial year 2023-24. Rs 650 crore has also been allo- thatthegovernmentisgoingtoin- inanotetotheChief Secretaryon
Therefore, the government has cated for pensioners of the Delhi tensifytheplantationdriveinthe December 5, he urged him to di-
not taken any loan from the Transport Corporation to save next one year, Rai said that there rectthe departmentsconcerned
Centre to complete its projects. themfrominconvenience,saidan hasbeen31%deductioninthePM to abide by Law department’s
As per the revised budget of official. WhileRs.94.99crorehad 2.5 and PM10 levels since AAP stand that administrative and fi-
the government tabled in the been allocated for the RRTS proj- governmenttookchargeinDelhi. nancial matters of the Assembly
Delhi Assembly, Rs 359 crore al- ect, allocation for the Delhi Jal Rai also said the annual aver- should be processed by the
located for advertising has not BoardhadrisenbyRs1,033crore, age level of PM 10 was at 324 in Assembly secretary.

Take steps to protect Ridge

forest: HC to Delhi govt
MALAVIKAPRASAD been taken till date from
NEWDELHI,DECEMBER15 November 8...and time frame
THE DELHI HC Friday asked the be removed from the Ridge
Delhigovernment’sforestdepart- land,” the HC said.
ment to take steps to protect the Advocates Gautam Narayan
Ridgeforestobservingitsaffidavit and Aditya N Prasad, the amici
ondeclarationoflandasreserved curiaeappointedbytheHCinthe
forestwas“totallyunsatisfactory”. matterconcerningthepreserva-
On November 8, the HC had tionof theRidge,saidthatinspite
directedtheDelhiChiefSecretary of judicialorders,theauthorities
to issue a notification declaring have just been “dragging their
un-encroached forest land as re- feetandtwiddlingtheirthumbs”
served forests within two weeks, for two-and-a-half years and
failingwhichtheofficialwillbeli- “have done nothing”. Delhi gov-
able for contempt action. ernment’s counsel said that two
Asingle-judgebenchofJustice weeks may be granted to file a
Jasmeet Singh said the affidavit better affidavit and assured the
filed in compliance with the court that authorities shall em-
November 8 order was “totally ploy people to ensure that “not
unsatisfactory”. “...The affidavit even a metre of the Ridge land is
onlyseemstosuggestthataction encroached”. The plea is now
willbetakeninnearfuturebutis listed for January 2024.

Committee to take
call on 12 Delhi govt
funded DU colleges
said that Vallabhbhai Patel Chest
tispeciality hospital, and the varsity
has allotted over 12.76 acres of land
for expansion. An EC meeting was
ademic degrees at the same time. As
able to pursue one course in the reg-
ular mode and other course through
Open and Distance Education.
During the Zero Hour,the EC de-
cided to form a committee to look
leges by the Delhi Government. The
committee will submit report in 15
days. Delhi government sources,
meanwhile, said, “We can only con-
tinuefundingthemif theybecomea
part of a Delhi state university.” ENS

Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor FORECAST: December 16
332 318 322 345 AQI: Very poor
0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500
At 5 pm MAX: 25 MIN: 06
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 2.0°Cabovenormal 2.6°C belownormal


No help, visitors allowed L-G turns

Parliament accused wanted to at unsafe Chintels’ towers

down Atishi’s
proposal to

create anarchy: Police in court

cused before each other to get a
whom they met or informed
about the plan regarding the at-

RESPONDING TO complaints
from residents of towers de-
report seeking
CS suspension
& ARNABJIT SUR clear idea of the conspiracy as tackontheParliamentisalsobe- claredunsafeatChintelsParadiso New Delhi: Terming her argu-
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 their disclosures are contradic- ing probed,” the officer that security guards were re- ments to bolster allegations of
toryregardingthemobilephones added. stricting their access, the builder wrongdoing against Chief
THE ACCUSED in the Parliament and the place where they met.” Accordingtoofficers,Jha,who has informed them that no out- Secretary Naresh Kumar and
breachcasewantedtocreate“an- The prosecution also argued originally hailed from Bihar, sidersincludingdomesticwork- Divisional Commissioner
archy” in the country to compel thattheaccusedpersonslivedin workedasateacherinKolkata.He ers or visitors will be allowed to Ashwani Kumar in the Bamnoli
the government to meet their separatestatesandneededtobe surrendered before the Kartavya enter the five towers. land acquisition matter as “illog-
“unjustandillegaldemands”,the taken to those states to recover Path Police Station on Thursday. A resident of tower G, Manoj ical”, Lieutenant Governor VK
Delhi Police told a local court the evidence. Jha had uploaded two videos of Singh,whohappenstobethepe- Saxena has turned down vigi-
Friday while arguing for police It added that they also the protest carried out by co-ac- titioner in the case which is be- The builder has told residents that no outsiders, including lance minister Atishi's proposal
custody of Lalit Mohan Jha, the needed to locate Jha’s mobile cused Neelam Azad and Amol ing heard by the Supreme Court, delivery persons, will be allowed to enter the five towers. to review his stand on the issue.
fifth accused in the case. phone and take him along to lo- Shinde outside the Parliament said in the first week of Officials said that the L-G
Arguing before Additional Lalit Mohan Jha, the fifth cate the hotel in which the ac- even as two other co-accused, November,thedeliveryof neces- had noted that the resubmitted
Sessions Judge Dr Hardeep Kaur, accused in the case cused stayed for four days in SagarandDManoranjan,jumped saryitemstohisflatwasstopped. “As we...are working, we rely the administration to the effect file was “nothing but re-spin-
PublicProsecutorAkhandPratap August. “We also need to know into the Lok Sabha from the visi- Followinga policecomplaint heavily on our cook and thatthetowersD,E,F,G&Hhave ning of theories” by the Minister
Singhsoughta15-daypolicecus- about the financial transactions tor'sgallerywithcolourspraying onNovember4,thebuilder’srep- maid…The builder and mainte- been found to be dangerous and and there were “no new facts”
tody and said that Jha has “con- unjust and illegal demands...the and the funding behind the at- canisters. resentative responded, attribut- nance agency are resorting to il- unsafe. presented to support her “illog-
fessed”thatheis“theprimecon- grounds of police custody re- tack,” argued the prosecution. Another person, Vicky alias ing the episode to a misunder- legalmeanstocoercemetoagree “You are hereby informed ical arguments.”
spirator and mastermind” in the mandarethatanin-depthinves- SinceJhawasnotrepresented Vikash Sharma, who allegedly standing and instructions to the to builder's meagre buyback of- thatnooutsiderswillbeallowed Delhi government sources
“conspiracy” case. The prosecu- tigationisneededtounearththe byacounsel,hewasprovidedone gave shelter to the accused, was staff nottostopanyonline/offline fer and not shying from even in- to enter any of the above men- said the L-G had turned down
tor said that he took the phones larger conspiracy behind this byacourt.Arguingagainstpolice picked up from Gurugram but deliveries to the flat in future. fringing on my right to life by tioned towers, which includes all “plausible arguments” ask-
of all the accused persons to de- well-planned attack on the custody, Advocate Umakant sent off after questioning. On Thursday, however, the stopping deliveries of basic life servants and/or your visitors,” it ing what harm a thorough in-
stroythemanddestroyevidence Parliament of India and the in- Kataria said 15 days were not re- Officers said that Lalit used to maintenance agency concerned supporting items or stopping said. “Regarding your assertion vestigation in the matter would
to “hide the larger conspiracy”. volvement of the other persons quired to interrogate Jha. teach students with his stoppedSingh’sdomesticworker cook/maidtomyflat,”themailto that our action is being taken in have caused to public interest.
He argued, “He (Jha) disclosed who have helped them in com- Theotherco-accusedarecur- Instagram profile comprising from entering the tower and he the RWA, marking officers in the ordertocoerceyoutoacceptour Atishi had submitted to
that he threw his phone on the mission of the crime.” rently in seven-day police cus- photos of Bhagat Singh, wrotetotheRWAtolookintothe district administration and po- buybackoffer,Iwouldliketosim- Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
way to Jaipur to Delhi.” According to the remand tody of the Special Cell. Rabindranath Tagore, Fidel matter.Inresponse,ChintelsIndia lice said. ply remind you that you have al- a 670-page preliminary report
The court granted the police copy, the custody of the accused A senior Delhi Police officer Castro, among others. Pvt Ltd said Singh was still “ille- Singhsaidthatworkersathis ready taken the matter to the on the alleged involvement of
seven-day custody of Jha. wasneededtofindthemotivebe- saidthatthebankaccountsof the Allthefiveaccusedhavebeen gally occupying” his house de- house and his own family who hon'ble Supreme Court, whose the Chief Secretary in enhanc-
Jha's remand paper stated: hind the attack and whether Jha accused persons are being bookedundersection16(punish- spitetheorderoftheDCtovacate visit them enter the tower of decision is awaited and when- ing an “exorbitant compensa-
“Accused Lalit has disclosed that andassociateshadlinkswithany scanned to trace the money trail ment for terrorist act), 18 (pun- it after the tower was declared their own volition, and builder ever a decision is made by the tion award” for a parcel of land
theywantedtocreateanarchyin “otherenemycountry”aswellas and possible funding from any ishment for conspiracy, etc.) and unsafebyanIITDelhiauditreport, shouldnotstoptheirentry.Inre- hon'ble court it will be fully in Southwest Delhi’s Bamnoli
thecountrysothattheycancom- "terrorist organisations”. The re- “questionable” organisation or IPC section 120B (Criminal con- addingthathehadnorighttoen- sponse,thebuildersaidthatthey obeyed and honoured by us,” it village acquired for the Dwarka
pelthegovernmenttomeettheir mandcopyfurtherstatedthatpo- firm. “Role of other associates spiracy), among other sections. danger the lives of others. have received instructions from further said. Expressway. ENS

Woman drowns boy, JNU manual on protest

2, in water tank over curbs: Students write to
‘stolen money grudge’ V-C, ABVP burns effigy
Mohammed Danish and presi-
neighbours.Subsequently,Basanti EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE dents of multiple hostels.
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE made a PCR call,” said the DCP. NEWDELHI,DECEMBER15 The letter said students “have
NEWDELHI,DECEMBER15 Police then reviewed CCTV decided to extend no further co-
footageandfoundthatnoonehad STUDENTSFROMmultipleoutfits operationwiththeChiefProctor’s
A WOMAN in Bawana allegedly enteredthehousebeforetheolder in Jawaharlal Nehru University office” until the manual is with-
killed her two-year-old nephew sister raised the alarm — except (JNU)Fridaywroteajointletterto drawn and unjust punishments
by throwing him into a terrace Basanti,whowentinsidewiththe the Vice-Chancellor against the revoked.
water tank — and herself made a baby and came out without him. varsity’s new manual that pro- Itsaid:“Thefivehundred-plus
calltopolicetoreporta“missing” Police found the child’s body hibitsanyformof demonstration studentswhohadparticipatedin
child — before suspicious CCTV insidea3,000-litrewatertankon within100metresofacademicor thepeacefulprotestnearyourres-
footage led to her arrest, police the terrace of the house. administrative buildings. idence on September 19, 2023
said Friday. Basanti’s motive: She “Based on circumstantial evi- Separately,theJNUABVPunit had dispersed after your assur-
suspected the infant’s father had dence, Basanti was taken in cus- burnt an effigy of the varsity ad- ancethatthematterwouldbead-
stolenRs10,000fromhermother. tody. She accepted she had killed ministration while protesting dressed with urgency. You had
DCP (Outer North), Ravi thebabyasshehadsuspicionthat againstthemanual,callingit“dic- met with the presidents of the
KumarSingh,saidpolicereceived the baby's father had stolen Rs tatorial” and “anti-student”. The hostels the very next day at your
the PCR call regarding the “theft” 10,000 from her mother around studentbodysaidinastatement: office and discussed the matter
of a baby on December 13. 20 days back and due to that, she “It is an attempt by the JNU ad- withthem.Despitethis,aprocto-
Apoliceteamreachedtheres- hadquarrelswiththebaby’sfam- ministration to crush student rial inquiry was initiated against
idenceandmetthecaller,Basanti. ily.Sheclaimedshekilledthebaby rights. The Chief Proctor Office JNUSUrepresentativesandhostel
“Shesaidthebabyisthatofhersis- Wednesday to teach them a les- Manual is designed to stifle free- Presidents.”
crying outside the house.
According to her, she took the
son,” said a police statement.
BARAPULLAH PHASE III: WORK BEGINS AT LAST domandexpressiononcampus.”
The letter, signed by 13 stu-
dents from five parties, flagged
As per the new student man-
ual, released earlier this week,
holding dharnas, hunger-strikes,
baby inside and placed him in also held a grudge that her sister After a delay of over six years, construction of Phase III of the Barapullah elevated road project, aimed at connecting East and showcause notices issued to 16 group bargaining or any other
their parents' room to sleep. The had three sons, including Ayush, Central Delhi, has begun following L-G V K Saxena’s nod for the acquisition of two parcels of land which was held up. Abhinav Saha students who had protested out- formofprotestwithin100-metre
baby’s seven-year-old sister did while she had three daughters side Vice Chancellor Santishree radiusofanyacademicoradmin-
notfindhiminsideandalertedthe and no son.” Dhulipudi Pandit’s official resi- istrative building at the JNU can
dence in September over a water leadtoapenaltyofuptoRs20,000
FATHER OF DECEMBER 16 GANGRAPE VICTIM SAYS WOMEN STILL EXTREMELY UNSAFE crisis. Among the signatories are orrusticationandexpulsionfrom

Capital colder than ‘In 11 yrs, nothing changed on women’s safety’ the JNU Student Union Secretary the campus for two semesters.

Shimla as temperature EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE

aboard a moving bus in south
Delhi, triggering massive
main issues were of the police
not filing FIRs or presenting evi-
marking Delhi amongst the
most unsafe cities for them.
HC: Don’t want India to become
an industry of renting a womb
drops to 4.9 degrees
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 protests throughout the country dence correctly and “rich crimi- According to data, over
and shock across the world. nals” generally hiring private 14,158 crimes against women
NOTHING HAS changed when it “Many things have changed lawyers to which the state's were reported in 2022, record- New Delhi: The Delhi High Court living in Canada challenging the
comes to women's safety in the since 2014...welfare has im- lawyers were sometimes of “no ing an increase from 13,982 re- Friday said that “nobody wants March 14 notification issued by
NEWDELHI,DECEMBER15 LOWEST MIN TEMP national capital 11 years after
they lost their 23-year-old
proved. Many downtrodden
have benefitted. We can also say
“If something happens to
ported in 2021. In 2020, the fig-
ure was pegged at 9,782, the
India to become an industry of
renting a womb”, and the law
the Centre amending the
Surrogacy (Regulation) Act to
RECORDED IN DEC daughter to the gruesome that a social and religious revo- someone's daughter or wife in highest among other metropol- regulating the procedure of sur- ban donor surrogacy by altering
ON FRIDAY, Delhi saw its coldest December 16 gangrape, her fa- lution has taken place in a this country, they really have no itan cities that year. Further rogacy is intended to curb the Form 2 under Rule 7 of the
winter morning so far with the ■ Temperature in °C ther said Friday. way…Whathasn'tchangedpost place to go for help,” he said. The breakup of the 141,58 crimes exploitation of surrogates. Surrogacy Rules, 2022.
minimumtemperaturedropping On this day in 2012, India 2012, however, is women's comments come in the wake of against women showed that A division bench of Acting The bench orally observed,

to 4.9 degrees Celsius, four de- awoketo newsof thehorror that safety. Women are still ex- data released by the National 3,909 cases of kidnapping/ab- Chief Justice Manmohan and “This is a beneficial act and is
grees below the normal. five people and a juvenile had tremely unsafe in our country,” Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) duction and 1,204 incidents of Justice Mini Pushkarna made primarily intended to curb the

With this, the national capital subjected the paramedical stu- said the woman’s father. earlier this month revealing a rape had been reported in the observation while hearing a exploitation of surrogates...”

wascolderthansomelocationsin dent and her male friend to According to him, the two surge in crime against women, 2022. plea by an Indian origin couple ENS

the mountains in Himachal


Pradesh and Uttarakhand, like

Shimla, which recorded a mini-
mumtemperatureof 6.8degrees
‘Mattresses and blankets still caked in mud’: How inhabitants
Mussoorie, where a minimum

temperature of 6.2 degrees was

recorded. At Dharamshala, the
Source: IMD data
minimum temperature was 8.2
degrees early on Friday, going by
data with India Meteorological
Department (IMD).
lower minimum temperature of
3.2 degrees was recorded in
of a shelter home are dealing with aftermath of July flood
Amonglocationsintheplains December. the area in July this year. poor. When someone receives a ing on the Yamuna floodplains.
of northwest India, Delhiwas the The minimum temperature UPASIKASINGHAL “We have electricity bills that blanket, they come back to the Earlier this week, tents for the
third coldest on Friday morning, has remained below normal all NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 haven't been paid for since shelter to sleep in the warmth,” homelesshadbeensetupwithin
the coldest being Hisar in through this week, with cold August; the shelter hasn't been said Shriraj Nayar (35), a daily the shelter's compound, only for
Haryana, where a slightly lower winds from the north and north- TUCKED AWAY behind Sant receiving food since July, either,” wage worker. themtobedismantledafewdays
minimumtemperatureof4.2de- west hitting the plains of north- Parmanand Hospital near saidVickyChandel(33),thecare- ThehomelessshelterinDandi later due to approval issues, said
grees Celsius was recorded. west India. Isolated rainfall or Nigambodh Ghat, a group of 10 taker of the shelter. Chandel al- Parkonceusedtobeabletohouse an official on the condition of
Bareilly in UP also recorded a snowfallislikelyoverJammuand mensitcrouchedaroundadying leged that ever since the floods, around800peopleinthefivecab- anonymity.
lower minimum temperature of Kashmir and Ladakh over the fire pit. Having finished a hard littletonohelphasbeenafforded ins in its compound. One of the For now, the homeless living
4.6 degrees. Parts of Rajasthan weekend, going by the IMD fore- day's work, they rub their hands to the shelter by DUSIB. “Had five was dedicated to the elderly in the shelter manage to survive
recorded higher minimum tem- cast. IMD scientist Kuldeep overtheembers,drinkingcupsof some of the residents and I not homeless while the rest were for on food from the nearby
peratures than Delhi – Churu Srivastavapointedouttwofactors tea and wait till it's time to retire cleaned up this place, you would the male general population. Hanumantempleandlangarsor-
recordedatemperatureof7.4de- thatcontributedtothefallinmin- to their beds in the homeless still be walking in ankle-deep Today,twoofthefiveremainshut ganised by the Sis Ganj Sahib
grees, while the minimum tem- imum temperature in Delhi on shelter nearby in Dandi mud here. Yahaan sab Ram At the shelter home in Dandi Park. Express duetounpaidelectricitybills,said Gurdwara.
perature in Jodhpur was 10.3 de- Friday–clearskiesandcoldnorth- Park. bharose chalta hai (We have left Chandel. The remaining three “Therearemostlyelderlymen
grees. Delhi's minimum westerly winds. “After the pass- The shelter is comparatively everything to God),” he said. manage to rely on donations, wholivehere,”saidBipinRai(29),
temperatureof4.9degreesFriday ing of a western disturbance, the biggerthanothersinthecity,with “Themattressesandblankets ourownmattressesandblankets choose to sleep on the streets in goodwillandthesheergritof the a daily wage worker originally
morning was also a little lower temperaturehasfallen.Thewind a large airy courtyard and a mo- are still caked in mud and sand,” to use. Others wash the muddy the hope of receiving blankets caretakers. from Guwahati. “They probably
than the lowest minimum tem- direction is now northwesterly, halla clinic on its premises. said Abdul Kayum (56), a daily supplies and sleep in them,” he fromaltruisticpassersby.“During According to DUSIB officials, need the most amount of help.
peratureof 5degreesrecordedin bringing cold winds. Clear skies However, it has been barely get- wage labourer who lives in the said. thewintermonths,lotsof people the shelter's operations have We are able bodied so we man-
December last year. In 2021, a have also contributed...” he said. tingbysincethefloodsinundated shelter."Someofuschoosetobuy Accordingtoothers,somealso come to donate blankets to the beenhaltedduetotheshelterbe- age to get by,” he added.



CEC law should be struck down as ‘arbitrary, severely
imperiling independence of EC’, says Justice Nariman
tions which are supposed to be the SC, assented to one of the 8 2021,saidthatthepresentsystem subsequently moved in Rajya
OMKAR GOKHALE held in September, and the same Bills and made “wholesale” ref- is‘worst’but‘thereisnothingbet- Sabha which will become an Act
MUMBAI, DECEMBER 15 could continue indefinitely”. erence of 7 bills to the President. ter’ available. He suggested that in no time, where CJI is substi-
Justice Nariman said it was “If there is a wholesale refer- for appointment of judges, there tutedbyaministerappointedby
JUSTICE (RETIRED) Rohinton F further disturbing that the SC ence to the President, then leg- should be a collegium of retired the PM. “If you are going to get
Nariman,formerSupremeCourt “took four years” to pass its ver- islative activity of the states judgeswhichcouldbeselectedby the CEC and other election com-
judge and former Solicitor Gen- dict,anddidnotdecidetheques- comes to a standstill....Once the the practicing advocates in the missioners appointed in this
eralofIndia,onFridaysaidthere- tion as to why the conditions to Bill lands up at the Centre’s door Supreme Court and High Courts. fashion, free and fair elections
cent Bill to regulate the appoint- convert a state into two Union and Centre says no, that’s the JusticeNarimanspokeatBan- are going to become a chimera.
PM Narendra Modi with Rajasthan Deputy Chief Minister ment process of the Election Territories were bypassed. death of the Bill. It is over,” sari Sheth Memorial Lecture on Where you have two from the
Diya Kumari in Jaipur on Friday. Rohit Jain Paras Commission of India, once it be- He said that assurance of Nariman remarked. the ‘The Constitution of India: executive, the PM and a minister
comes an Act, be struck down as Solicitor General (SG) Tushar JusticeNariman alsoreferred Checks and Balances’, at Asiatic against LoP which is 2:1 always

“arbitrary”and“severelyimperil- Mehta that statehood will fol- to the tax raids on the BBC office Society in South Mumbai Friday. and out goes the EC,” he said.
ingtheindependenceofECI”.“Ifit low shortly and the elections Justice (retired) Rohinton F after it aired a documentary on Justice Nariman said the SC “Accordingtome,it(CECBill)
is not (struck down), it is fraught will be held next year could not Nariman suggests a Gujaratriotsearlierthisyearand had decided the Chief Election should be struck down for the
with the greatest danger to bind the successor govern- Collegium of retired judges said that “the media is our watc- Commissioner should be ap- asking as an arbitrary piece of
democracy,” he said. ments or the legislature. “When for appointing judges. Express hdogandif itiskilled,thennoth- pointed by a panel of PM, Leader legislation, because it severely

Citingtherecentjudgmentof SC said it will not decide the said ingremains.” Themomentthere of Opposition and the CJI. “It was imperils the independence of
the SC upholding the abrogation question on the basis of assur- is any onslaught on media, the very very crucial because if EC theworkingof theelectioncom-
of Article 370, Justice Nariman ance by SG Mehta, in effect it ion,” Justice Nariman said. courts must be vigilant to in- happen to be partisan, then mission. I sincerely hope so. If it
said it is a “disturbing feature” has allowed the unconstitu- Referring to Kerala Governor stantly scorch it, he added. there is no free and fair election isnot,itisfraughtwiththegreat-

that “we would have no demo- tional act to go forward for an Arif Mohammed Khan sitting JusticeNariman,whowaspart and there is no democracy”. estdangertodemocracy,”Justice
craticgovernmentinJammuand indefinite time and skirted over8billsfor23months,hesaid of the SC Collegium before retir- Most unfortunately, he said, Nariman said. FULLREPORTON
Kashmirforfiveyearstilltheelec- Article 356 (5) of the Constitut- Khan, after being pulled up by ingfromtheapexcourtinAugust the Bill to ‘subvert’ SC order, was

Telangana has given verdict to liberate

Implementing LS expulsion: SC
Women’s to hear Mahua’s
get freedom from corruption
reservation law:
HC refuses to
itself from 10 yrs of repression: Governor plea on January 3
HAMZA KHAN and the government will work
JAIPUR, DECEMBER 15 with a policy of zero tolerance. Telangana State Public Service EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
There will be immediate dis- entertain plea SREENIVAS JANYALA Commission, she said. The state NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15
ADDRESSING HIS first press con- posal of pending cases,” Sharma HYDERABAD, DECEMBER 15 governmentwillalsotakestepsto
ference after taking charge as said,adding that “accountability New Delhi: The Delhi High Court fillup2lakhvacanciesinoneyear. THE SUPREME Court Friday
Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Bh- for corruption will be fixed”. Fridayrefusedtoentertainaplea TELANGANA GOVERNOR Dr Noting that the state is com- posted TMC leader Mahua Moi-
ajanLalSharmaFridayannounced He said that law and order for a “time-bound” and “urgent” Tamilisai Soundararajan said mittedtodecentralisingdevelop- tra’s petition against her expul-
settingupof aspecialinvestigati- will also be the “main subject” implementationof theWomen's that “the people of Telangana ment in Telangana, she said the sionfromParliamentforhearing
onteam(SIT)tocheckpaperleaks for his government and “crimi- reservation law to ensure 33% have given a clear verdict to lib- governmentisplanningtodivide on January 3, 2024.
as well as an anti-gangster task nal and antisocial elements will quota for women in the upcom- erate themselves from 10 years the state into three zones with “Igotthefileonlyinthemorn-
force to check organised crime. be identified and strong action ing Lok Sabha elections. of repression”, referring to the Hyderabad as the centre. ing, I hardly had five minutes to
He also said that women will be taken against them”. AsinglejudgebenchofJustice previousBRSgovernmentledby Alleging that in the last nine just scan through. Normally I go
safety,eradicatingcorruptionand Hesaid“paperleakshavebro- Subramonium Prasad said the K Chandrasekhar Rao without and a half years, all the institu- through the files very thor-
ensuringlawandorderwillbehis ken the morale of youth” of the prayersinthepetitionwereinthe taking its name. tions have been destroyed, she oughly,” Justice Sanjeev Khanna,
government’s top priorities. stateandthegovernmenthasini- nature of “public interest” and Addressing a joint session of Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy with Governor said the governmentwill restore presiding over a two-judge
In a late-night conference, tiated the process of forming an granted the petitioner, advocate the Legislature Friday, the Gov- Tamilisai Soundararajan in Hyderabad on Friday. PTI the core values of the legislature bench, said, told senior advocate
Sharma, who took oath as Raja- SIT. “Criminals playing with the YogamayaMG,thelibertytowit- ernor said that 2023 will remain and executive. A M Singhvi, who appeared for
sthan CM earlier in the day, said, future of youth will be given str- hdraw the petition and file a PIL. in history as a new beginning to Reactingsharply,formerMin- Moitra.JusticeKhannaaddedthat
“We will move forward while ong punishment. It will be en- The advocate, representing Telangana’s journey. theyarenotfeudallords,shesaid ment thanks Sonia Gandhi, then isterKadiamSriharisaidtheGov- he“wouldliketogothrough”the
complying with our manifesto. suredthereisnopaperleakinthe the central government, said the IntherecentlyconcludedTela- and underlined that “the gover- chairperson of UPA, for the key ernor did not mention any of the plea as there are many facts
Wewillalsograduallytakeupthe future, and those who have done issue of implementation was al- ngana elections, the Congress nance is moving forward and role she played in the process of achievementsofBRSgovernment. which need to be looked into.
issues due to whichthe peopleof so will not be spared,” he said. ready pending before the SC. stormed to power and picked A taking steps in this direction and creatingTelanganaintoaseparate “ShedidnotsayhowtheCongress Senior advocate Harish Salve
Rajasthan were suffering, as well Additionally, an anti-gang- “Thelackof tangibleprogress Revanth Reddy to lead the new the ‘Praja Vaani’ programme... at state,”shesaidandpaidtributeto government is going to imple- told the bench, also comprising
asissuesonwhichPrimeMinister stertaskforcewillbeconstituted or a clear roadmap for imple- dispensation. The Congress had CM’s camp office is the first step the martyrs who laid down their ment all the schemes...the Gove- Justice S V N Bhatti, he had filed
Narendra Modi is working.” under an ADG-level officer to mentationraisesconcernsabout madesixguarantees.“Telangana in this direction”. lives for the cause of Telangana rnorhasleftthedooropenforthe an impleadment application in
In a style akin to the PM’s, he eliminateorganisedcrime. Both, the sincerity of the authorities in is breathing fresh air of freedom The present government statehood. governmenttoescapefromfulfill- thematteronbehalfofLokSabha
beganhisaddresswiththeword the SIT and Task Force were part giving effect to this vital legisla- andlibertynow.Telanganaislib- thanks all people, parties, lead- The Congress government ing its promises,” he said. MP Nishikant Dubey on whose
“mitron (friends)”. “We have of BJP manifesto. “The problem tive measure,” the plea states. erated from autocratic rule and ers and the then UPA govern- willidentifythefamiliesof ‘mar- “The Governor has projected complaint an inquiry was initi-
witnessed crimes against wom- of every person arriving in vari- The plea made political parti- dictatorial tendencies,” she said, ment and then PM Manmohan tyrs’ (those who sacrificed their as if no development happened ated against Moitra. Singhvi said
en and girls in Rajasthan. Our ous (government) offices will be es,includingtheCongressandBJP, adding that people are already Singh for creating a separate life for the cause of Telangana in the last 10 years of BRS rule hehadnoproblemwiththecourt
government will not tolerate resolvedsensitivelyandrespect- asrespondentsandsoughtadire- experiencing the change. TelanganaStatein2014,respect- statehood)andallotthem250sq but she forgot that NITI Aayog fixing a new date to hear the plea
crimes against women and girls fully,”hesaid.Healsoannounced ction to EC to issue a directive to CM A Revanth Reddy, at the ing the decades-old aspirations yards of the house sites and pay and the Centre have praised sev- but objected to Dubey seeking to
atanycostandthesewillbecon- Modi’s “dream project” of Viksit allparties fortheirresponsesand timeof swearingin,madeitclear of the people, she said. them an honorarium, she said. eralprogrammesof theBRSgov- appear in the case. “He has no lo-
trolled completely,” he said. Bharat Sankalp Yatra will be plans for the implementation of that in a democracy, the rulers “On behalf of 4 crore Telan- The government has already ernment.Telanganabecamefree cus. His presence today as an MP
“The people of the state will launched in Jaipur Saturday. thelawbeforethe2024polls. ENS are the people’s servants, and ganapeople,thepresentgovern- beguntheexercisetocleanupthe in 2014, not now,” he added. shows his motivations,” he said.

Amid speculation, Naveen aide Inform panel of steps Karnataka woman’s assault: BJP
Pandian says won’t contest polls taken to secure places of forms fact-finding team, CM
worship: SC to Manipur questions ‘sudden awakening’
BHUBANESWAR, DECEMBER 15 restoration of the places of wor-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE shipwhichweredamagedorde- sation. The police apprehended
AMID SPECULATION about the NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 stroyed. The court also extended EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE the culprits within 24 hours and
political future of Odisha Chief the term of the committee by six BENGALURU, DECEMBER 15 put them behind the bars.”
Minister Naveen Patnaik’s close THE SUPREME Court Friday months. Incidentally, the BJP in
aide V K Pandian, theformer IAS asked the Manipur government SeniorAdvocateHuzefaAha- BJPNATIONALpresidentJPNadda Karnataka did not raise the issue
officer on Friday clarified that he to inform the Justice Gita Mittal madi, appearing for the Meitei has formed a ‘fact-finding’ panel of the violence against the
would not contest the coming Committee about the places of Christian Churches Council, comprisingfivewomenmembers woman in the Belagavi winter
general or Assembly elections worship that were destroyed in urgedthecourttodirectthestate to visit a village in Karnataka’s session of the state legislature
due in April-May 2024. the recent ethnic clashes and to make some arrangements so Belagavi district where a tribal which concluded on Friday.
Pandian, who joined BJD on Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik speaks on Friday as VK Pandian steps taken to secure them. thatbelieverscancongregate for womanwasstrippedandtiedtoa Union Minister Nirmala “Nadda’s sudden awakening
November 27, attended the ex- (first from left) looks on. X/@Naveen_Odisha A bench of CJI D Y Chand- Christmas. poleafterhersonallegedlyeloped Sitharaman (left), BJP chief and his attempt to stir up this
ecutive committee meeting of rachudandJusticesJBPardiwala Senior Advocate Vibha Datta with a girl. JP Nadda case four days after the incident
the party Friday. At what was his and Manoj Misra, which was in- Makhija, appearing for the com- Nadda issued a statement indicate a political motive rather
first party meeting, Pandian butions to the party’s efforts to egyforthegeneralandAssembly formed by the Manipur govern- mittee, said it “had visited and Fridaycondemningtheincident. than genuine concern for
cleared the air in the presence of winasixthstraightterm.“Every- polls.Thepartyhasdecidedtoor- ment that it had already identi- found that religious and non-re- “Such heinous crimes especially againsttheDalitsseentillrecently women," Siddaramaiah said.
senior party leaders. BJD vice- one in the party is aware that he ganise a 40-day grassroots con- fied the places of worship that ligious buildings have suffered againstwomenarehappeningat in Congress-ruled Rajasthan and A police officer said the inci-
president Debi Prasad Mishra is the CM's close confidant. If he nectivity programme from Janu- weredamagedordestroyeddur- large degree of damage. regular intervals ever since the Chhattisgarh. For Congress the dent took place between 1-3 am
said Pandian made it clear that plays a key role and contributes ary 23 to March 5 (Biju Patnaik’s ing the ethnic clashes, asked the Religious places were of various Congress government has come downtrodden are just a vote- on Monday. “The victim’s 24-
he had joined the party to “serve totheparty’swinningstreak,the birth anniversary) to showcase state to furnish a list before the faiths including some Buddhist to power in Karnataka. This ex- bank,” Sitharaman posted. year-old son was in a love rela-
thepeopleof Odisha”andwould CMmaygivehimatoppartypost government’s welfare schemes. committee within two weeks. temples.Thereforewehadasked poses the irresponsible behav- Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah tionship with an 18-year-old girl
not contest elections. afterthepolls.Forthetimebeing, The party said it would requ- The bench said the identifi- the state to make a list of dam- iour of Congress governments meanwhile accused the BJP of andhermarriagewasscheduled
“Kartik Pandian (as he is re- he will work as a member and est the Centre to fulfil the state’s cationshallbeacrossallreligious aged places”. She added that the everywhere in the country in usingtheincidentof theviolence on Monday as her family had
ferredtobyBJDleaders)spokefor helpPatnaikfinetunetheparty's just demands, signalling it won’t denominations and irrespective committee will submit the fol- tackling such crimes,” he said. against a woman for political arranged the marriage with an-
around15minutesatthemeeting 2024pollsstrategy,”saidtheBJD take on the Narendra Modi gov- of the nature of religious struc- low up in its next report. Union Finance Minister Nir- gain. Responding to the BJP, other man. But the couple ran
andclarifiedhewillnotcontestin leader.Atthemeeting,theex-IAS ernment aggressively ahead of turewhichhasbeendamagedor The court also recorded the mala Sitharaman, a Rajya Sabha Siddaramaiah said: “As soon as away before the scheduled en-
the2024polls,sayinghewillinst- officer praised Patnaik’s leader- the LS polls. Addressing the destroyed.Itaskedthestategov- assurance given by Solicitor MP from Karnataka, also con- the Belagavi incident came to gagement ceremony.”
ead help each of the 147 BJD can- ship and said it had influenced meeting,Patnaiksaid,“Everyone ernment to appraise the com- General Tushar Mehta and ASG demned the incident on social light, our home minister G The relatives of the girl at-
didates to win,” said a senior BJD his decision to join the party. issayingBJDisthemostsuccess- mittee of the steps taken to se- Aishwarya Bhati that the state media. “In @INCIndia there is no Parameshwara and Minister for tacked the mother, 42, who was
leader who was present at the ful regional party. But I have al- cure the places of worship. will ensure that those in the re- ‘nyay’ for the SCs and STs. The re- Women and Child Welfare at her residence. They stripped
meeting. Strategy talk ways been saying that it's the SC also permitted the com- lief campsareinaposition toob- cent incident in Belagavi, LaxmiHebbalkarvisitedthesur- her naked, paraded and later
Sources said Pandian’s role At the executive committee most successful socio-economic mittee to prepare a comprehen- serve all requisite ceremonies in Karnataka falls in the same cate- vivor's home not only to console tied her to an electric pole to as-
would be shaped by his contri- meeting,theBJDplanneditsstrat- movement in the country.” sive proposal, including the connection with Christmas. gory as those repeated atrocities her but also to provide compen- sault her.

Naveen extends food security scheme Iran announces visa-free travel for Indians
MP and Chhattisgarh in Nove- cance given that the subsidised inJanuary2013,justayearbefore This decision aims at show- Brazil, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, Ven- last year.
SUJIT BISOYI mber.Thedecisionwillleadtoan riceschemewasagame-changer the 2014 polls. Despite the Modi DIVYA A casing Iran’s commitment to gl- ezuela, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zarghami also said that his
BHUBANESWAR, DECEMBER 15 additionalfinancialburdenof Rs forthePatnaik-ledBijuJanataDal wave that swept the country, NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 obal interaction, said Zarghami, Serbia, Croatia, and Belarus. Ministry had proposed a visa-
1,250 crore on the state’s coffers. in the past three elections. Patnaik’s party increased its vote adding, “Iran aims to counter Earlier, Iran had lifted visa re- free travel for 60 countries,
ODISHA CHIEF Minister Naveen “Around 9.9 lakh members Much before the Centre’s share and number of seats in the IRANHASannouncedthatitwas negative perceptions and ru- quirements for the citizens of which was not approved com-
Patnaik announced Friday that belonging to 3.14 lakh house- NFSA, Patnaik launched the sub- Lok Sabha and the Assembly. lifting visa requirements for cit- mours with this move, while Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Oman, pletely.
the State Food Security Scheme, holds who have been covered sidisedschemeofRs2perkgpop- Even after the implementa- izens of India as well as 32 other combating the phenomenon of China, Armenia, Lebanon, and As per Iranianmedia reports,
which covers around 10 lakh under the scheme will continue ularly known as “Di tankia Cha- tion of the centrally sponsored countries — being an addition to ‘Iranophobia perpetuated bythe Syria. its citizens will be able to travel
people left out of the central to receive free 5 kg rice per ula” in 2008. It was believed to NFSA in 2014, Patnaik claimed severalothercountriesthathave global arrogance system’.” to Saudi Arabia for Umrah
schemeundertheNationalFood month. While extending the have played a role in his winning around 25 lakh eligible people recently announced visa-free Thirty-two other countries in
Regular flights to Saudi through "regular flights", start-
Security Act (NFSA), would be scheme, the chief minister has ahat-trickin2009despitetheBJD were left out of the scheme be- travel for Indian nationals. Iran’s visa-free travel list include Arabia for Umrah ing December 19. Due to this,
extended for five years. directed that not a single poor havinggonesoloforthefirsttime, cause of the maximum popula- This move is aimed at boost- Russia,UAE,Bahrain,SaudiArabia, According to the latest statis- Iranians would be able to per-
It came weeks after PM Nare- person in Odisha should be de- after severing ties with the BJP. tion limit fixed by the Centre for ing tourism with more visitors Qatar,Kuwait,Lebanon,Uzbekis- tics, the total number of tourists form Umrah in Saudi Arabia for
ndra Modi’s announcement on prived of rice,” said a senior gov- Contrary to the speculations Odisha to be included under the from across the world, said tan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Tunisia, in Iran reached 4.4 million, dur- the first time in eight years — an
the extension of the Centre’s free ernment official. that his government may wind Act. In January, Patnaik announ- EzzatollahZarghami,Iranianmin- Mauritania,Tanzania,Zimbabwe, ing the first eight months of the improvement in relations be-
foodgrains scheme for the next Coming before the general upthecheapricescheme,Patnaik ced that his government would isterofCulturalHeritage,Tourism Mauritius, Seychelles, Indonesia, current Iranian year (beginning tween the two countries.
five years. He had made the an- and Assembly polls, the annou- not only continued the scheme providefreericetothebeneficiar- and Handicrafts, following a cab- Darussalam, Japan, Singapore, March 21) — an increase of 48.5 FULLREPORTON
nouncement at election rallies in ncement holds political signifi- but also revised it to Re 1 per kg ies of the state scheme. inet meeting on Wednesday. Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, per cent from the same period

Govt, Opp blame each other for House logjam
can make a statement only after
thesedetailscomeout.Hewillnot ‘Revolutionary’ on social Police visit
TOSCAREPEOPLE make a statement (in the House)
withhalf information,”hesaid. media, low-key ‘Masterji’ Sagar’s house
ASTHEproceedingsinParliament Kannauj: Samajwadi Party Opposition MPs, meanwhile, in Lucknow
remained disrupted for the sec-
ond consecutive day on Friday
president Akhilesh Yadav
on Friday targeted the BJP
tionsintheHouseandquestioned in Kolkata neighbourhood Lucknow: A police team Friday
over the issue of security breach over security lapse in the whyShahwasnotmakingastate- wrote,“Thosewhowilltalkabout evening visited the house of 25-
in the House, the Government Parliament House and al- ment in Parliament. RAVIK BHATTACHARYA the rights of people will be year-old Sagar Sharma, one of
andtheOppositiontradedallega- leged that the ruling party “The Home Minister is re- & ATRI MITRA branded a Communist.” the persons arrested for breach-
tions over the matter. wanted to scare people in sponsible for the Delhi Police, for KOLKATA, DECEMBER 15 His last post, uploaded two ing parliament security

HOUSE TO HEARTS ParliamentaryAffairsMinister

the name of security. PTI thenation'ssecurity.Heisspeak-
ingtonewschannelsoutside.His FROM SOMEONE who would
days back, was a video of the se-
curity breach in Parliament with
Wednesday, in Ramnagar area
here and seized some of his arti-
SUSPENDEDFROMtheLokSabha,CongressMPsTNPrathapan Opposition parties for disrupting principal accountability when post revolutionary quotes on so- the intruders chanting slogans. cles and bank passbooks of his
and Hibi Eden have returned as heroes to party workers in Parliament proceedings over the ment in the House from Home Parliament is in session is to the cial media advocating “war” as a But to his neighbours in the family members, his family
Thrissur and Ernakulam, respectively. Their supporters were issue and said they should “be- Minister Amit Shah on the inci- veryHouseheisamemberof.He means of achieving “peace” to a BurrabazarareaofKolkatawhere claimed. “Police took with them
planning a grand welcome forthe two MPs at the Kochiairport haveresponsibly”. Talkingtome- dent, Joshi said, “Both the build- should come and speak to the low-key and soft-spoken tutor in he lived in rented accommoda- some of my son’s articles and
on Friday. In Thrissur, the party workers had planned a 51-car dia persons outside Parliament, ings (Parliament) are under the MPs. Had he done it, this crisis Kolkataneighbourhoods,theper- tion till last year, Jha was a com- passbooks of our bank accounts.
convoytoreceivePrathapan,whoisnowfacingthefifthsuspen- Joshisaidthatahigh-levelprobeis Speaker'spurview.Wearefollow- could have been diffused a very sona of Lalit Jha (37), the alleged pletely different person. They also took my signature on
sioninthe17thLokSabha.However,thedemiseof formerstate underway in the matter. ing the Speaker’s order. A high- long time ago,” Congress MP mastermind of Wednesday's The 37-year-old also had a a paper with details of the arti-
ministerandCongressleaderKPViswanathanforcedthework- ReactingtotheOppositional- level probe is going on.” Shashi Tharoor said. Parliament security breach, is a rented apartment in Baguiati clestheytookaway,”saidSagar's
ers to drop the plan at the last moment. legation that the Centre was try- Minister of State for Health AAP MP Raghav Chadha said study in contrasts. where he lived with his father father Roshan Lal Sharma, a car-
ingtosuppressitsvoice,Joshisaid, and Family Welfare SP Singh theOppositionleadersarereadyto Jha (37), a native of Bihar's Debanand Jha, who works as a penter. Roshan Lal was ques-
PROTOCOL LESSON “Nooneistryingtosuppressany-
one's voice, it is their opinion. I
trying to politicise the issue and
wait for the probe report, but the
Home Minister should make a
residingin Kolkatafor nearlytwo
priest, his mother and younger
brother Sonu.
tioned by police at the Manak
police station here Friday.
AMIDDINintheRajyaSabhaonFridaymorning,AAPMPRaghav want to say, come and debate. divertattentionfromthegovern- statement.PriyankaChaturvediof decades, wrote in an Instagram Lalit’selderbrotherShambhu A senior city police officer
ChadhawasadmonishedbyChairpersonJagdeepDhankharfor Two Bills are listed today. On ment’s achievements by not al- theShivSena(UBT)said,“Ibelieve postonNovember24acoupletat- Jha, who is married, stays sepa- said that “a police team from
making a time-out gesture. Dhankhar said, “You don’t have to Monday, three important Bills to lowing Parliament to function. not just the Opposition, those on tributed to a lesser-known poet, rately from the family. some other state had arrived
dothistoraiseapointof order,useyourtongue.Don’tdoit,oth- replace the IPC, the CrPC and the “The Speaker has written to the treasury benches should also Bikram Singh ‘Narayan’, “Make Locally known as “Masterji” here and seized Sagar’s belong-
erwiseyouwillstartdancingalso.”HewentontosaythatChadha EvidenceActwillbetakenup.We theHomeMinister,theprobehas urgethehomeministertomakea peaceyourbeloved,butdon’thes- since he took tuitions, the resi- ings”.
neededtolearnprotocol.“Youaretheonlypersonwhoisenjoy- want a detailed discussion. We been given to the DG of the CRPF. statement. They say they will get itate from war. It is those who re- dentsintheneighbourhoodknew The officer said the Uttar
ing his conviction, giving an impression that your suspension have allotted 15 hours." Whatideologythey(theattackers) back PoK (Pakistan-occupied frain from fighting get oppressed himasalow-keysoft-spokenper- Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad
wasrevoked.YouweresentencedbythisHouse,”hesaid.Chadha Amid demands from wereinfluencedby,whatwastheir Kashmir),AksaiChin,andtheycan- the most.” son who attended all kinds of (UPATS)hadalsobeencollecting
had previously been suspended for “breach of privilege”. Opposition leaders for a state- intention — the Home Minister notevenprotectParliament”. In a post on November 5, he gatherings in the locality. information about Sagar. ENS



Commemorating Bangladesh's victory

in the Liberation War
colossal significance serves as a powerful re- their courage bolstered by the dream of forming Forces at the Ramna Race Course in Dhaka on
minder of the resilience and courage of the a sovereign Bangladesh. 16 December 1971 marked Bangladesh's mon-
Bangladeshi people in the face of unimagin- India's role in the Bangladesh Liberation War umental victory in the Liberation War and was
able hardship and India's unswerving commit- cannot be overstated. While the Mukti Bahini, registered indelibly in the annals of indepen-
ment to support and aid them in emerging vic- the Bangladeshi resistance force, spearheaded dent Bangladesh's history with the signing of
torious in a war fought for independence. the fight on the ground, India provided crucial the Instrument of Surrender by Pakistan's Gen-
December 16 is a day etched deeply in the military, diplomatic, and humanitarian support. eral Niazi.As an oppressive chapter came to an
hearts of Bangladeshis as a day commemorating This included training and equipping the Mukti end, it uprooted countless families and caused
the victorious culmination for the nation of the Bahini, providing a haven for refugees, and the loss of three million lives. Nevertheless, it
nine-month-long Bangladesh Liberation War launching a decisive military intervention in led to the dawn of a new era in the newly inde-
that took place in 1971 and marked the birth of December 1971 that ultimately led to the Pak- pendent land for Bengalis, Bangladesh,
the independent nation of Bangladesh, altering istani surrender, marking the official cessation wherein an independent nation rose from the
forever the contours of the world map. The ob- of East Pakistan's existence and the founding of ashes, bringing forth a vibrant democracy with
servance of Victory Day in Bangladesh res- the new state of Bangladesh. a rich cultural tapestry woven from resilience
onates not only within its landscape but also The iconic surrender of the Pakistan Armed and hope.
across the border in India, where it is celebrated
as Vijay Diwas to honour the sacrifices made
during the war and celebrate India's pivotal role
in aiding Bangladesh emerge victorious in it.
The Bangladesh War of Independence — fu-
elled by Bengali nationalism — that lasted for
nine months in 1971 was not just a revolution-
ary, armed conflict; it was a war waged to forge
the independent identity of a nation yearning
Jubilant celebration of Vijay Diwas spans India and Bangladesh with for self-determination.The atrocities unleashed
India's pivotal role in helping Bangladesh clinch victory in the Bangladesh by the Pakistani forces were met with in-
domitable resistance from the Mukti Bahini,
Liberation War, paving the way for the birth of a new nation the freedom fighters fighting guerrilla warfare,

LAGS fluttering like a sea of green with a red disc
symbolising the sun adorning each flag, the Na-
tional Anthem echoing everywhere, and the air
buzzing with the celebratory spirit of revisiting the
memory of a nation reborn — that sums up the joyous at-
mosphere in Bangladesh every year on December 16. On
this day, an entire nation of over 173,743,822 people of
Bangladesh and the Bangladeshi diaspora come alive in a
rapturous symphony commemorating the nation's epoch-
making victory over the Pakistan Armed Forces in the
Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, which led to the inde-
pendence of Bangladesh. U R
The celebration of the same as Victory Day or Vijay Diwas
takes centre stage not only in Bangladesh on December 16 R
but also in the territory of its neighbour and longstanding
ally, India, which had a central role in aiding Bangladesh
attain a historic military victory against Pakistan to claim S O
its ultimate liberation from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Vijay Diwas transcends mere celebration. It is a solemn re- A T
membrance of the sacrifices of millions who fought for and
made the supreme sacrifice for a nation's right to self-deter-
mination and freedom from Pakistani oppression.The day of R V
The day commemorates the I A
defeat of Pakistani Forces in the F T
Bangladesh Liberation War that I From I
lasted from March 26 to Budding Managers
December 16, 1971. With the E (Army Wards) of AIMT N
capitulation of 93,000 West
Pakistani troops, it was the 

largest surrender of military
personnel since World War II of  

military personnel since World SHAPING UP THE FUTURE OF DEFENCE WARDS

War II of military personnel since (MAINTAINING 100% PLACEMENT RECORDS)



Two held in No bail for ABVP men who ‘stole’ judge’s vehicle to
NIA raids
on PLFI in ‘help’ dying V-C, ex-CM Chouhan seeks leniency
ananti-dacoitylaw. different regions of the state, amount to robbery.

four states ANAND MOHAN J

They were arrested on the
basis of complaint by a consta-
saying "this is a different kind of
The Additional Public
Prosecutor Aggarwal argued "the
ble posted at Gwalior railway case in which the crime has been act done by the applicants by
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE A SPECIAL judge in Gwalior de- station,who alleged thataround committed withapious motive”. forcefullysnatchingthekeysofthe
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 nied bail to two activists of the 3.45 am on December 11, some "The intention of the stu- governmentvehiclefromthegov-
Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi "unknownpersonsgotoff atrain dents was not to commit any ernmentemployee"amountedto
THE NATIONAL Investigation Parishad (ABVP), who were ac- and called an ambulance", and kind of malice or criminal act. It robbery, and prayed for denial of BJP MLA Ramdular Gond after beng convicted of rape, in
Agency (NIA) Friday arrested cused of stealing a High Court instead of taking the patient in Former MP chief minister is a crime, but also a forgivable bail. The district court noted that: Sonbhadra on Friday. PTI
two persons during a massive judge's car, ostensibly to rush a the ambulance, "forcibly Shivraj Singh Chouhan. File act. Therefore, I request that the "An ambulance had already ar-

BJP MLA from

crackdown on proscribed university's Vice-Chancellor to a snatched the key of the govern- Honorable High Court take suo rived at the railway station, and it
People'sLiberationFrontof India local hospital. The incident has mentvehiclefromthedriverand motucognizanceandpleasefor- is the only appropriate means to
(PLFI) in Jharkhand, Bihar, caught the attention of former took it into their possession and driverpresentinthegovernment give the students by withdraw- transportasickpersonorpatient.
Madhya Pradesh and Delhi. chief minister Shivraj Singh left with the patient”. Police said carparkedintheporchoftherail- ing the case registered in view of However, the applicants, along
“We have arrested two per- Chouhan, who has asked the that the ailing man, identified way station and committed rob- their future," Chouhan wrote. with their accomplices, commit-

UP gets 25-yr
sons; Raman Kumar Sonu alias Madhya Pradesh chief justice to Ranjeet Singh(68), wasthe vice- bery and dacoity. The applicants The lawyer for the students, ted robbery of the said govern-
Sonu Pandit of Bihar and Nivesh withdraw the case against the chancellorof aprivateuniversity argue that the said act was done Bhanu Pratap Chauhan, argued mentvehicle...Theapplicantscan-
Kumar from South-West district two on humanitarian grounds. inUttarPradesh'sJhansi.Helater as a help to a sick person, but the thattheyweretravelinginatrain not be allowed to violate the law
of Delhi during the raids. An ABVP Gwalior secretary died of cardiac failure. saidargumentisnotjustified.Itis headed from Jhansi to Delhi inthenameof helpingaperson."
IndianArmyuniform,alongwith Himanshu Shrotriya (22) and SpecialJudgeSanjayGoyalon clearthattheactofaskingforhelp whenSingh'shealthdeteriorated CMYadavlaterinthedaysaid

jail in rape case

arms,ammunition,incriminating deputy secretary Sukrit Sharma Wednesdayrejectedtheirbailap- is done politely, not forcibly.” andsomestudentstravelingwith he will offer full help. "This has
documents and electronic de- (24), who have moved the High plication, observing: "According Followingthecourt'sdecision, Singh dropped him at Gwalior come to my notice, we will offer
vices, Rs 3 lakh in cash and jew- Court seeking bail, were arrested tothefactscollectedinthecasedi- the ABVP launched protests and station for treatment. He argued full help... in such criminal cases,
ellerywereseizedduringtheraids on December 11 and booked un- ary,theapplicants/accused,along threatened a statewide agitation that the students were "actually the police should not rush or in-
at 23 locations, mostly in dertheMPDakaitiAurVyapharan with their other accomplices, if the two were not released. providingpropermedicalaidtoa vokestrictsections.Thereshould
Jharkhand, in a case of extortion PrabhavitKshetraAdhiniyamAct, forciblysnatchedthekeyfromthe Chouhan, who has been touring sick person", which doesn't be proper investigation." Public Prosecutor (Sonbhadra)
and levy collection by the terror MANISH SAHU Satya Prakash Tripathi.
group,”anNIAspokespersonsaid. LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 15 Ram Briksh Tiwari, the MLA's
“The people targeted during Madras HC junks lawyer,saidtheywouldfileanap-
thecrackdownwereallcadresand BHARATIYA JANATA Party MLA peal against the judgement.
sympathisersofPLFI,abannedter- plea to transfer ED Ramdular Gond was on Friday According to the prosecution,
ror organisation,” the official said, sentenced to 25 years imprison- Gond caught the girl and tried to
adding they were involved in a officer’s bribery mentbyacourtinUttarPradesh's sexuallyassaultherwhenshehad
case to CBI Sonbhadra district in a 2014 rape
case of a 15-year-old girl.
gone to a nearby field to answer
nature’s call in the evening on
locations raided, 19 are in Special Judge (MP/MLA November 4, 2014. On returning
Jharkhand — Gumla, Ranchi, ARUN JANARDHANAN court) Ahsanullah Khan pro- home, the girl informed her fam-
Khunti, Simdega, Palamu and CHENNAI, DECEMBER 15 nouncedthejudgmenttwodays ily about her ordeal.
West Singhbhum districts — two after holding Gond, a first-time “Thevictimalsotoldherfam-
in New Delhi and one each in THE MADRAS High on Friday MLA, guilty under Sections 376 ily that Ramdular had raped her
Bihar's Patna and Madhya dismissed a petition seeking the (rape) and 506 (causing disap- severaltimesinthepastoneyear
Pradesh's Siddhi districts,” the transfer of a high-profile bribery pearance of evidence and giving by threatening her,” the com-
spokespersonsaid. case involving Enforcement false information) of the Indian plainant's lawyer Vikas Shakya
According to the NIA, the ar- Directorate (ED) officer Ankit Penal Code and provisions of the said. During the trial, the prose-
restedaccusedwerenamedinan Tiwari to the Central Bureau of Protection of Children from cution claimed that the girl was
FIRregisteredbytheNIAthisyear. Investigation (CBI). Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. born in 1998, while the MLA
“The NIA registered the case Tiwari was arrested on With this, Gond, who is MLA submitted her school docu-
suo motu on October 11 under December 1 by the Tamil Nadu fromtheDuddhiconstituencyin ments claiming she was born in
various sections of the Indian DirectorateofVigilanceandAnti- Sonbhadra district, faces the 1994, said Tripathi.
Penal Code and the Unlawful Corruption (DVAC) on charges of prospect of losing his member- At the time of the incident,
Activities(Prevention)Act(UAPA), accepting a bribe of Rs 20 lakh. ship from the Uttar Pradesh Ramdular’swifeSooranDeviwas
following information about fi-
nancing of terrorist activities
WINTER TALES Justice M Sundar and Justice R
Sakthivel rejected the Public
Assembly. The legislator, who
was out on bail in the case, was
then taken into custody soon af-
the panchayat pradhan.
The victim's family alleged
that in the last nine years, they
the spokesperson said. People enjoy boat rides on Dal Lake in Srinagar on Friday. Shuaib Masoodi anadvocatefromMaduraidistrict, ter he was convicted. faced a lot of pressure and intim-
“Investigations so far have re- arguing for the transfer of the in- “On Friday, MLA Ramdular idation from the MLA and his as-
vealed that cadres of the banned vestigationfromDVACtoCBI.But was brought to the court amid sociatestowithdrawthecase.The
organisation were involved in theHighCourtupheldtheDVAC's tight security. The court sen- complainant, now 25, lives with
generating funds through extor- SENA VS SENA IN MAHARASHTRA jurisdiction in the matter. tenced him to 25 years impris- her husband and in-laws.

Disqualification pleas: Speaker gets time till Jan 10

tion from various coal traders, During the hearing, the state onment and also imposed a fine Gond became MLA after de-
transporters, railway contractors maintainedthatthecasefallsun- of Rs 10.5 lakh. The court di- featinghisnearestrivalVijaySingh
and businessmen in Jharkhand, derthecognisableoffencesofthe rected to give a penalty amount of the Samajwadi Party in the
Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Odisha. time to decide on the pleas by is conducting proceedings even talof34petitionsand133respon- PreventionofCorruptionAct,jus- tothecomplainant,”saidSpecial Assembly elections.
Theywerealsoconspiringtocom- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE three weeks, till January 21. during the Winter Session of the dents as per which 56 MLAs are tifying DVAC's involvement.
mit various terror activities, in- MUMBAI, DECEMBER 15 OnOctober30,theapexcourt Assembly held in Nagpur, which soughttobedisqualifiedunderthe Tiwariwasarrestedbasedona
cluding attacks on the security
forces, murder and arson,” the
spokesperson said.
THE SUPREME Court on Friday
extended by 10 days — from
refused to grant time beyond
until December 20.
Narwekar, in his interim plea,
duct the hearing and go through
complaint by Dr T Suresh Babu, a
chief civil surgeon at Dindigul
Government Medical College
Congress to hold
PLFI cadres were also involved in
other nefarious activities, such as
— the time granted to
Maharashtra Assembly Speaker
mission till February 29, 2024, to
submitted that after the Winter
the Legislature Secretariat has to
The bench, in its order, noted
of initially demanding Rs 3 crore
from him to allegedly overlook a
foundation day rally
recruitment and procurement of
collection of levy. The leaders,
disqualification petitions filed in
the aftermath of the rebellion in
disqualification pleas related to
two factions of the Nationalist
move from Nagpur to Mumbai
“Hence, even if the hearing of the
that the Speaker indicated the
proceedings would be closed for
complaint pending against him.
1. On Tuesday, the Dindigul CJM
in Nagpur on Dec 28
cadres and sympathisers of the the Shiv Sena camp last year. January 31, 2024. disqualificationpetitionsisoveron SeniorAdvocateKapilSibal,repre- court granted DVAC custody of thatthecentralleadershipshould
PLFIwereconspiringtoreviveand A three-judge bench of Chief On Friday, Solicitor General December 22, 2023, the Speaker senting Shiv Sena (UBT), said the Tiwari, who was remanded in ju- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE focusmoreonMaharashtra,espe-
expand the organisation in Justice D Y Chandrachud and Tushar Mehta, representing the would not be able to peruse the Speaker can only be given one dicialcustodyuntilDecember28. NAGPUR, DECEMBER 15 ciallyonVidarbhawheretheelec-
Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgarh Justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Speaker,submittedthatthereare papers and work on the judg- moreweektodecideonthepleas. TiwarithenmovedtheMadrasHC toralprospectsarestillbrighterfor
and other PLFI-affected states,” Misrapassedaninterimpleafiled documentsofover2lakhpagesto mentsbeforeDecember26,2023.” FULL REPORTS ON for bail. His case has been sched- WITHTHELokSabhaelectionsto the party. State unit chief Nana
the spokesperson added. byNarwekarseekingextensionof beexaminedbyNarwekarandhe Heclaimedthatthereareato- uledforahearingonDecember19. beheldinthenextthreemonths, Patole claimed that more than 10
Congress has chosen Nagpur to lakhworkersfromacrossthestate
hold its foundation day rally on willbeattendingtheNagpurrally.
8 cops, one excise Ansari gets 5.5-yr jail in 7th case December28inabidtoenergise
the state unit of the party.
"LS polls are just three months
away. This grand rally will infuse
officer booked ‘Will augment his VenugopalonFridayheldameet- erstowinthosepolls,"saidPatole.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Jailed ingoftheparty'sseniorleaderson Maharashtra has 48 Lok
Lucknow: The Vigilance depart- LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 15 politician security if needed’ Friday in Nagpur to finalise the Sabha seats and is the second
ment of the Uttar Pradesh Police Mukhtar NewDelhi:TheUPgovernmentas- plan for the rally. The rally will be largest state after Uttar Pradesh
has registered an FIR against JAILED GANGSTER-POLITICIAN Ansari. File sured the Supreme Court, Friday, attended by the top leadership of in terms of number of seats.
eightpolicepersonnelandanex- Mukhtar Ansari was on Friday it will strengthen the security of the party, CWC members and all Followingthedefeatof theparty
cise department officer for their sentenced to five years and six- gangster-politician Mukhtar chief ministers and heads of all inMadhyaPradesh,Chhattisgarh
alleged nexus with liquor mafia months in jail in a 26-year-old have to spend an additional two Ansari inside the Banda jail, if frontal cells, as well as workers and Rajasthan Assembly polls
inFirozabaddistrict,officialssaid. case for threatening a business- months in jail. The case was filed needed,sonoharmisdonetohim. from across the country. heldlastmonth, thepartyispin-
The department came to man in Varanasi who was a wit- basedonacomplaintbybusiness- Abenchof JusticesHrishikesh "PeoplearewiththeCongress. ning its hope on Maharashtra.
know about the alleged nexus ness in a murder case. The case man Mahabir Prasad Rungta — a RoyandSanjayKarolwashearing Thevotepercentageofthepartyis Despite many constituents of
while probing the death of three was registered on November 5, residentof BhelupurinVaranasi. apleabyAnsari’ssonUmar,seek- increasingwhichcanbeseenfrom the INDIA front backing out from
persons reportedly due to spuri- 1997, against Ansari under IPC Ansari is lodged in Banda jail. ing an order to transfer his father state election results. The grand therecentmeetcalledbyCongress
ousliquorinFirozabad'sShekpura section 506 (criminal intimida- ThecasepertainstoAnsarithreat- toanyprisonoutsideUP. rally in Nagpur will be addressed president Mallikarjun Kharge, it
on November 17, 2020. The state tion) at Bhelupur police station. ening Mahavir Prasad Rungta, a “...ASG prays for time to seek by our president Mallikarjun was Uddhav Thackeray-led Sena
government had ordered a probe The UP police said on Friday witness in the murder case of his instructions. Additional Solicitor Kharge, leader Sonia Gandhi, andSharadPawarled-Nationalist
Police inspect the spot where Abhishek Kumar was shot dead intothedeathsbythevigilancede- said that an MP/MLA court in brother and coal trader Nand General K M Nataraj assures that Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi CongressPartywhochosetostand
at Patna’s Danapur court complex on Friday. ANI partment,whichsubmitteditsre- Varanasi on Friday sentenced Kishore Rungta. This is the sev- augmentation of security, if and others," said Venugopal after by Congress. Once known as a
portonJune5.However,arelated Ansari to the prison term along enth case in which Ansari was needed,willbedone...,"thebench meetingpartyleaders. stronghold of Congress, the state
drive was not held to benefit the with a fine of Rs 10,000 and if convicted and sentenced by a said, while posting the matter for Party leaders from all regions gavetothepartyonlytwoandone

Bihar undertrial shot dead liquormafia,policesaid. ENS Ansari fails to pay the fine, he will courtinUPinthepast15months. hearingonJanuary16. PTI of the state had been demanding LSseatsinthe2014and2019polls.

on court premises, 2 nabbed HPS fund-raiser: Famous Caught breaking traffic regulations in Bengaluru?
alumni on its guest list
of Police, Rajiv Mishra said: “Just
You may soon have to explain it to your boss
an assailant started firing at him. over the next few years to create trafficpolicedivision. vate vehicles entering tech parks
AN UNDERTRIAL, who was be- But he was overpowered by the SREENIVAS JANYALA state-of-the-art sports infrastruc- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Mahadevapura traffic police along the IT corridor to manage
ing produced at Danapur court armedconstable.Therewasasec- HYDERABAD, DECEMBER 15 ture and the remaining funds in BENGALURU, DECEMBER 15 Inspector Ramesh R said, “...As traffic accordingly.
of Patna, was shot dead by two ondassailantinthecrowd,andhe other areas. Funds provided by part of the initiative, when we Outer Ring Road Companies
assailants on the court premises startedfiringatAbhishekKumar”. MICROSOFT CEO Satya Nadella, alumni are being used for the de- IN A novel initiative to raise catchholdof aviolator,wecheck Association president Manas Das
Friday. Theassailants were over- The victim was rushed to a Adobe Systems President and velopmentofinnovationlabs,cen- awarenessaboutroadsafetyand the ID card to identify the com- said, “The initiative sounds like a
powered by the constables who hospital where he died. The SSP CEO Shantanu Narayen, World ters for Artificial Intelligence and traffic rules, the Bengaluru po- pany the person works for. The deterrent, but I am not sure how
were accompanying the victim, saidoneoftheassailantswasalso Bank President Ajay Pal Banga theSchoolof Entrepreneurship. lice have started notifying com- traffic department, which has much effect it will have. Unless a
facing 15 cases, including eight shot at and is under treatment. andcricketcommentatorHarsha The HPS was established by panies about their employees’ been in touch with companies firm pulls up its employees indi-
murder cases. “Both assailants had come from Bhogleareamongthealumniin- theseventhNizamofHyderabad, traffic violations. and tech parks falling under our vidually for the violation and has
Patna police said Abhishek Muzaffarpur...Morepeoplecould vitedtoafund-raisingdinnerbe- MirOsmanAliKhan.Someof the Theinitiativestartednearly15 division, sends the list of viola- The drivewaslaunched adiscussionaboutit,theinitiative
KumaraliasChhoteSarkar(34),a beinvolvedinthecase...Itisamat- ing hosted by Hyderabad Public other HPS passouts include daysagoonanexperimentalbasis tions by the riders to the compa- nearly15daysagoon an willservealimitedpurpose.”
resident of Bihta near Patna, was ter of concern. In this case, two School (HPS) on December 24 at AIMIMleadersAsaduddinOwaisi in the east division of Bengaluru. nies concerned on WhatsApp. experimentalbasis. Express On Thursday, police initiated
lodged in Beur Jail of Patna for constablesaccompanyingtheac- Taj Falaknuma Palace. and Akbaruddin Owaisi, Telugu Under this, traffic police officials We also issue online challans...” acrackdownonvehiclescarrying
aboutayearinconnectionwitha cused acted swiftly and arrested The school, established in actorAkkineniNagarjuna,former started flagging IT company staff “Wedonotsendanypersonal moreschoolchildren—at48traf-
murder case. He was brought to both the assailants. But we need 1923, is celebrating its centenary TDP MP Ashok Gajapati Raju, whorodetwo-wheelersalongthe information,butthenumberofvi- roadsafetyandtrafficrulesamong fic police stations, with 708 cases
Danapur civil court Friday after- to discuss court security,” Mishra andislookingtoraiseRs100crore, CongressMLAGVivekanand,for- wrong side of the road, and send- olationsaccountedforbytheem- the employees. We also recom- being booked and 1,400 vehicles
noon from Beur Jail. Two consta- said.Asperpolicerecords,Kumar whichwillbeusedtoimprovethe mer Andhra CM N Kiran Kumar ingalistofviolationstoeachcom- ployeesofacompany.Werecom- mendtheycallthepoliceforases- checked. Of these, 247 buses, 97
bles, one of them armed, accom- was an accused in eight murder, infrastructureandfacilitiesonthe ReddyandSyedAkbaruddin,for- pany.Thedriveisunderwayacross mend that the company or the sion on traffic rules...,” he added. autos, 134 Omni vans, 201 other
panied Kumar to the court. twoextortion,threeArmsActand campus. HPS authorities said the merpermanentrepresentativeof Bengaluru’s IT corridor, which head of security of the tech park Every day, the traffic department vans, and 29 other vehicles were
Patna Senior Superintendent two miscellaneous cases. school plans to invest Rs 25 crore India to the UN. comes under the Mahadevapura fixadatetoraiseawarenessabout gathersdataonthenumberofpri- booked for overloading.
Day after letter to CJI, In Shiv Sena war, Dharavi new flashpoint: Madras HC sentences IPS
SC receives report Why Uddhav’s party is set to protest today officer to 15 days in jail on
contempt plea by Dhoni
on judicial official’s VALLABH OZARKAR
the march on December 5 saying
was “terrorising big business
houses and plans to drive out in- ARUN JANARDHANAN
when Dhoni had filed a Rs 100-
crore defamation suit against

harassment complaint IN THE ongoing tussle between

the two Shiv Sena groups, the
government to “gift Mumbai to
Adani”. He also demanded that
Dharavi residents must get 400-
vestments in Maharashtra”.
Though Uddhav has said he
supports the redevelopment of

was in response to allegations
alonejustice.Shewrote:“Ijoined Dharavi Redevelopment Project 500squarefeetof spaceeachand Dharavi, he questioned the tenced IPS officer G Sampath made by Kumar, linking Dhoni to
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE thejudicialservicewithmuchen- has emerged as another flash- that they must be relocated process through which the con- Kumar to 15 days of simple im- the scandal.
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 thusiasm and belief that I would point. While the Shiv Sena withinDharavi,consideringtheir tract was awarded to the Adani prisonmentforcontemptofcourt. Kumar,inawrittenstatement,
dispense justice to the common (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) livelihoods mostly depend on Group and questioned the reha- The petition was filed by former had accused the Supreme Court
THESUPREMECourthasreceived folk.WhatdidIknowthatI’llsoon planstomarchfromDharavitoin- manufacturing units in the area. bilitation plans for Dharavi’s resi- Indian cricket captain Mahendra of deviating from the rule of law,

a report from the Allahabad High berenderedabeggarforjusticeon dustrialist Gautam Adani’s office When asked if the dents. “The electricity SinghDhoni,whoaccusedtheof- andalsoquestionedthehandling

Court on the status of the com- every door that I go. In the short inMumbaionSaturday,ShivSena Adani Properties won bid to march was discussed bill contract has also ficer of making derogatory re- of the Justice Mudgal Committee
plaints filed by a woman judicial timeof myservice,Ihavehadthe MPRahulShewalehasmetPrime redevelop slum in July. File with the PM, Shewale beenawardedtoAdani. marks against both the Supreme report, which was established to
officerwhoallegedsexualharass- rare honour of being abused on MinisterNarendraModitoassure said, “(Modi) said that Howiseverythinggiven CourtandtheMadrasHighCourt. investigatethe2013matchfixing
ment by a district judge in Uttar the dais in an open court.” himoftheimplementationofthe somepeoplearetryingto toAdani?If youaretak- The bench of Justices S S allegations. He also alleged that

Pradesh. “Ihavebeensexuallyharassed project. Corporation (BMC) three times. do politics over it but we ing all the industries to SundarandSunderMohan,how- the Supreme Court had motives
SCsourcesconfirmedthatthe to the very limit. I have been Dharavi falls under the Healsoservedasthechairperson must ensure the imple- Gujarat, what will you ever, temporarily suspended the inwithholdingcertaindocuments
reportwasreceivedonFridayand treatedlikeuttergarbage.Ifeellike MumbaiSouthCentralLokSabha oftheBMC’sstandingcommittee mentationoftheDRPsinceitisthe do to Mumbai?” he said. sentence for 30 days, to allow from the Central Bureau of
was yet to be processed. an unwanted insect. And I hoped constituencythatthe49-year-old and was in control of the purse largestslumrehabilitationproject Politicalobserversinthestate Kumartheopportunitytoappeal Investigation (CBI).
The Supreme Court had on to provide justice to others,” she Shewale,atwo-timeMP,hasrep- strings of India’s richest munici- inAsiaanditmusttakeplacesoon said the Adani Group’s involve- to the Supreme Court. Dhoni, in his petition, had
December13refusedtoentertain wroteintheletter,whichwentvi- resentedsince2014.Onceconsid- pal corporation. without any hurdles.” ment had given the Opposition The case dates back to 2014, highlighted these statements.
a plea by the complainant noting ral on social media on Thursday. ered close to Uddhav Thackeray, Adani Properties won the bid ImmediatelyafterUddhavan- ammunitiontoattackthegovern-
thattheinternalcomplaintscom- “Ididnotexpectthatmycom- Shewalehasbeenassociatedwith toredevelopthe594-acreslumin nounced the march, Shinde and ment over allegations that it is
mittee concerned was already plaintsandstatement(would)be the Shiv Sena for more than two July. The project is estimated to BJP Deputy CM Devendra favouring Adani, who is consid- Indian Institute of Engineering
seized of the matter and had taken as cardinal truth. All I decadesnow,havingheldseveral have a revenue potential of Rs Fadnavis targeted Uddhav, la- ered to be close to the PM. The
passed a resolution for approval wishedforwasafairenquiry,”she posts in the party organisation 20,000 crore. Alleging that the belling him “anti-development” project is electorally crucial for Science and Technology, Shibpur
of the HC Chief Justice. Following
to meet her senior at night. She
and winning elections to the
Brihanmumbai Municipal
Eknath Shinde-led state govern-
ment had unfairly favoured the
and saying he was trying to pre-
vent poor people from getting
both the Senas as the project af-
fects a large chunk of voters.
Howrah-711 103
judge, wrote an open letter to CJI claimed to have tried to kill her- WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR TEMPORARY FACULTY POSITION
DYChandrachudseekingpermis- selfbutthe“attemptwasnotsuc-
sion to end her life. cessful”. Advt. No. RO/DE/23/18 Date: 15.12.2023
Taking cognisance of the let- “Ihavenowilltoliveanymore. Applications are invited for the walk-in interview to be
ter,theCJIaskedtheSCRegistryto I have been rendered a walking
seek a report from the HC on the corpse in the last one-and-a-half
held on 21st December 2023 at 11.00 a.m. for
status of the complaints. year.Thereisnopurposeincarry- Temporary Faculty position(s) in the School of
Thecomplainantjudicialoffi- ing this soulless and lifeless body Management Sciences (SOMS) of the Institute. For
cer,inhertwo-pageletter,alleged aroundanymore.Thereisnopur- eligibility criteria, specializations and other details
sexual harassment by her senior pose left in my life. Kindly permit
in her previous posting six me to end my life in a dignified please visit
months ago, and said she had no way.Letmylifebedismissed,”she Registrar
hope of getting a fair inquiry, let wrote to the CJI.

Eyes removed during

autopsy, Budaun CMO
suspended for ‘negligence’
against him. Instructions have
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE been given to initiate a probe un-
LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 15 der the Director, Health, against
THE UTTAR Pradesh Health ducted the first post-mortem.
DepartmentonFridaysuspended There is no place for those in-
theBudaundistrictChiefMedical dulging in such criminal activi-
Officer (CMO) for alleged negli- ties... Those involved in the case
genceinacaseof removalof eyes will face strict action.”
fromthebodyofawomanduring The arrested doctors —
thepost-mortemexaminationon Mohammad Arif and
November 11. Mohammad Owais — were sent
This comes after two govern- to sent to judicial custody after
ment hospital doctors were ar- their arrest. A team was also
rested on Wednesday for al- formed to probe the matter.
legedly removing the eyes from The parents of the victim,
the body during the autopsy. Pooja (20), who was found hang-
Inapostonthemicroblogging ingatherhouseinRasulavillageof
website X, Deputy Chief Minister theMujariaareaonDecember10,
BrajeshPathak,whoalsoholdsthe hadallegedthatshewaskilledby
health portfolio, wrote, “...The her in-laws for dowry.
CMO (Dr Pradeep Varshney) has When the body was handed
beensuspendedfornotundertak- overtoherparentsafterthepost-
ing his duties and laxity. Along mortem the next day, the family
with this, departmental discipli- found that the eyes had been re-
nary action has been initiated moved.

Dalit woman gang-raped

in moving bus, driver held
identified as Arif and Lalit inside
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA the cabin, they said.
JAIPUR, DECEMBER 15 Bhagwan Sahay Meena, the
Station House Officer (SHO) of
A 20-YEAR-OLD Dalit woman Kanota police station, said Arif
was allegedly gang-raped by has been arrested and is cur-
two drivers in a moving bus rently in judicial custody.
which was on its way to Lalit managed to escape and
Rajasthan from Uttar Pradesh, a search has been launched to
police said on Friday. nab him, he said.
Theincidenttookplaceinthe The SHO said that there were
interveningnightof December9 a few passengers inside the bus
and10whentheprivatebuswas at the time of the incident.
onitswaytoJaipurfromKanpur, The woman raised an alarm
they said. The victim was sitting which alerted the passengers.
in the cabin, which was closed They demanded the bus be
from inside. the police said. stopped and caught Arif while
She was raped by the drivers, Lalit escaped, he added.

national held in
Goa with drugs
worth Rs 1 cr

THE GOA Police Friday arrested

a Russian national for allegedly
contraband worth over Rs 1
crore in the international mar-
was not revealed as police said
tigations, was arrested from
North Goa’s Morjim in an early
ponic weed, charas and LSD.
“We had been tracking him
for the past three months. We
ago, but on that day, our hon-
ourable PM was here (in Goa),
and all of us were deployed for
duty. So, at that time, we could
country,” anti-narcotic cell SP
Bossuet Silva said.



The number 7 shirt is an honour
and a responsibility.

A paradox in Palestine

The war in Gaza is being talked to death, but there is no
political movement with a grip on reality to stop it


Markets scale new high, driven by global and domestic factors.
THERE IS A horrific war unfolding in Gaza. symptom, not a cause. They are a symptom movements arising is not negligible. So, the
But economic growth likely to slow down

The war itself was a response to Hamas’ bar- of a political space that is now irrevocably case for trying to break the mould in West
HE INDIAN STOCK markets have continued to climb higher. On Thursday, baric attack on Israel. But the scale of what closed in terms of constructive dialogues, or Asian politics is now stronger than ever. But
theSensexsurgedpastthe70,000mark,closingthedayat70,514,up1.34per Israel is inflicting on Gaza has acquired bar- leadership. This war will exacerbate cultural for their part, they need a credible commit-
baric proportions of its own: Close to 19,000 division and loss of trust. It also puts the US ment not to use the Palestinian issue as a
cent. On Friday, the Sensex rose another 1.37 per cent, ending the day at
dead, 50,000 injured, over 6,000 children in the position of either being totally com- proxy war and help dismantle groups like
71,483. Over the past year, the index is now up 16.5 per cent. The rally has dead, half of a densely populated area plicit or totally weak. It might express pub- Hamas, while strengthening the precondi-
been broad-based. The BSE Midcap is up around 40 per cent over last year, while the bombed to rubble, and nearly a million and lic concern over civilian casualties in Gaza. tions for Palestinian self-governance. As for
smallcap index is up almost 43 per cent. Several sectoral indices such as Nifty Bank, Auto, a half displaced. Increasingly, this is becom- But that talk has a palpable lack of sincerity the rest of the world, the latest General
and IT, among others have registered healthy gains. Among the public sector stocks, com- ing a war to humiliate a people as much as to about it. The United States’ inability to exer- Assembly vote with 153 countries in favour
panies like NTPC, Indian Oil Corp, GAIL and Coal India have registered impressive gains, achieve any possible military objectives. cise any meaningful pressure implies a com- of a ceasefire was a statement. But like so
These facts have to be pointedly stated. plete collapse of its authority. By not being many UN statements, it has no concrete
whilein theprivatesector, firmslikeTataMotors,BajajAuto,L&T,HCLandHeroMotoCorp
There are many wars, from Sudan to Yemen, able to halt the violence or push for a more action plan attached to it.
have seen a sharp rise. that have been made invisible. But no war is just settlement, it now risks loss of power. Then there is Israel itself. It has every
There areseveraldrivers,bothglobalanddomestic,forthe surgeininvestoroptimism. being more talked about and yet cloaked in Realism requires that the US radically re- right to ensure its security. But the real ques-
The recently concluded meeting of the US Federal Reserve seems to have indicated the a deep sense of unreality. shape its policy: It begins by stopping or tion is whether these actions secure Israel
possibility of multiple rate cuts next year. Markets have welcomed the dovish commen- Part of the problem is that this war has even dismantling settlements; it should be more? Its immediate aim was the release of
tary. The 10-year US bond yield has fallen, as has the Indian G-sec yield. Crude oil prices become an occasion to litigate everything willing to criticise the state of Israel when hostages and dismantling of Hamas, an or-
have also slipped, and are currently hovering around $77 per barrel. The results of the re- but the stopping of the war itself. The longer necessary, even as it defends Israel’s real in- ganisation it nurtured. But its own actions
this war goes on, the more potential it has terests. It will also need to contemplate a risk advancing Hamas’ political aims far
cently held state assembly elections seem to have, in the minds of investors, reduced po-
to deepen the ideological fissures within the possible rapprochement with Iran for a more effectively than Hamas itself could
litical andpolicy uncertaintyas thenext general elections approach. Alongside, the recent West, weakening and isolating it. The war regional settlement, without which no have. The Hamas attack also shattered the
macroeconomic data for India has also been encouraging. The GDP data, which showed has torn to shreds whatever might remain solution will work. illusion that Israel could be safe without a
In the United States, the
that the economy grew at 7.6 per cent in the second quarter, surpassed expectations. As of liberal values and the liberal world order. No workable resolution to this crisis is workable political settlement with the
a consequence, the Reserve Bank of India has upped its growth forecast for the full year. It was Hannah Arendt who was deeply con- war has simply opened up a possible without a region-wide understand- Palestinians. Almost all the options on the
The index of industrial production grew at 11.7 per cent in October. While there is a base cerned about the ways we produce unreal- more narcissistic campus ing that includes all powers like Iran, Saudi table for Gaza after this war seem to be both
ity. But nothing exemplifies the sense of un- one. But this is not a Arabia, Egypt and Qatar. So long as the cruel and politically unreal. It behoves
effect, activity did rise sequentially. Alongside, electricity production surged 20 per cent
reality more than Germany. It has cancelled Palestine issue is used as a proxy for the in- Israel’s genuine friends to point this out.
in October. And growth in capital goods, infrastructure and construction as well as con- a political thought prize awarded to Jewish
campus war directed against terests of these powers, so long as the hor- Either Israel is condemned to more mil-
sumer durables has been fairly healthy. writer Masha Gessen given in Arendt’s name war or even creating rific war in Yemen with more than 1,50,000 itary domination over Palestinians, a form
Investor participation, both directly and indirectly, has been growing at a healthy clip. because they wrote on the ghettoisation of common ground. It has direct casualties continues, proxy jostling of ethnic cleansing, or an even more ghet-
The number of active demat accounts has crossed 10 crore on CSDL. The mutual fund in- Gaza. It is symptomatic of a pathology in become a cultural war to for influence will continue everywhere toised existence for the Palestinians. None
dustry's net assets under management have risen. As have the retail assets under man- Europe that Arendt would have understood: in the region, and risks of a wider war of these are sustainable options from the
A refusal to think politically, and, once again,
litigate hypocrisies around will remain. point of view of Israel’s long-term security
agement. Alongside, the contribution of systematic investment plans reached an all-time free speech. If the war goes
ironically, in the name of combatting anti- The question is: Is there an incentive for and prosperity. And what kind of politics
high of Rs 17,073 crore in November. And after outflows in September and October, FPIs Semitism, retreating to a language of on, it risks deepening both regional powers to get a little more cooper- emerges within Palestine, where at the mo-
have turned net buyers in November and December. However, the Sensex is currently racialised exceptionalism. No country after ative? As the Abraham Accords indicated, ment even the possibility of politics seems
anti-Semitism and hate
trading at a price-to-equity ratio that is higher than its last 10-year average. And there World War II reconfigured its intellectual the first is the need for these powers to have like a cruel joke, is an open question.
are signs of economic growth slowing down in the months ahead. culture in a liberal direction as powerfully attacks on Palestinians. a more propitious development environ- We can engage in endless historical
as Germany; no country has as quickly stran- Many of the alleged ment. They have engaged in proxy wars, but counterfactuals. But there is no genuine po-
gled liberalism over Israel as Germany. pathologies of campus it is interesting that none of the powers, in- litical movement with a grip on reality to
In the United States, the war has simply conflicts are a symptom, cluding Iran, wants the conflict in Israel- stop this war. Different actors, from Europe


opened up a more narcissistic campus one. Palestine to spread. Second, even though this to the US, Israel to the Arab states are chas-
But this is not a campus war directed against not a cause. They are a may not be stated explicitly, after the Arab ing demons of their own imagination, while
war or even creating common ground. It has symptom of a political Spring, many of the regimes are wary of un- real horror and suffering pile up. This is a war
become a cultural war to litigate hypocrisies space that is now leashing domestic opinion and political being talked to death, while precious little
India will need both as it engages with Maldives, where around free speech. If the war goes on, it forces in ways that they might not be able is being done to minimise death.
irrevocably closed in terms
government is trying to distance the country from New Delhi risks deepening both anti-Semitism and to control.

hate attacks on Palestinians. Many of the al- of constructive dialogues, The more horrific the Palestinian crisis The writer is contributing editor,
HE MALDIVES GOVERNMENT'S decision to not renew the 2019 agreement leged pathologies of campus conflicts are a or leadership. becomes, the potential of new political The Indian Express
under which India could conduct hydrographic surveys in the former's ter-
ritorial waters is unfortunate. In the past, Indian vessels have conducted hy-
drographic surveys in Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Seychelles, Sri
Lanka and Tanzania. Male's decision appears to be a function of domestic politics rather
than diplomatic or economic interest. The recently-elected government of President


Mohamed Muizzu campaignedon an“IndiaOut” plank.InNovember,it“requested”New
Delhi to withdraw its troops from the country and earlier this month, the country's Vice
President Hussain Mohamed Latheef attended the Indian Ocean Forum organised by
China while he skipped the Colombo Security Dialogue that involves India and other
Indian Ocean states. The Muizzu government's decision to withdraw from the survey It belongs to the Navy, and his legacy of courage, to the nation
agreement, then, is a signal that Male is not toning down its anti-India stance, despite the
recent meeting between Muizzu and PM Modi on the sidelines of the COP28 in Dubai.
Thedomesticpoliticsof SouthAsiancountriesnowhave anoutsizeimpactontheirex- Ameeta Mulla Wattal
economic and military power in the region, India's place, role and attitudes — often carica-
turesof them—makeforeasypoliticalslogans.Second,China'sgrowinginfluenceinthere- A BLUISH-GREEN haze hung over the hills, My father’s actions did not correspond Academy. A wonderful institution that
as we wound our way to our final destina- with the archetype of the military hero who churned out dedicated young men and
tion, Ezhimala in Kerala, where the Indian captures a post, brings down an enemy women who are taught physical fitness,
gaining chip. The Maldives and Sri Lanka, for example, have leveraged their geographical Naval Academy, spread over two thousand plane, blows up a tank, or a harbour through mental prowess, tactical strategies and dis-
advantage to play major powers against each other in an era of renewed geopolitical com- five hundred acres, lay nestled. gun boat action, or retains or captures land cipline. It lies at the forefront of training
petition. In itself, this is understandable — nations great and small use the hand they are I was going to the Indian Naval Academy from the enemy. quality leaders that would helm the future
dealt to maximise their interests. What is unfortunate in the current scenario is Muizzu to hand over the Mahavir Chakra awarded In fact, his story is not only of a war and towards greater accomplishment.
government's sacrificing of long-term common interests for short-term political gains. to my father Captain M N Mulla, (IN), a ship but of a man who lived and died by As I entered the auditorium and looked
New Delhi must be both patient and vigilant. It enjoys geographical advantages and posthumously. It was not easy to part with his principles, something which is very at the sea of faces around me dressed in
the only palpable connection that I had with important in today’s confusing times, white uniforms ready to step out into the fu-
historically has been close to the islands. Just 70 nautical miles away from the Indian
the action taken on a fateful winter night on when everything is weighed by victories ture, I wondered how they viewed this com-
coast, the islands face increasing threats from rising sea levels. India must be prepared to December 9, 52 years ago, which changed and successes. pelling story of sacrifice and valour.
lend a hand. However, New Delhi cannot no longer afford to simply rely on legacy advan- our lives forever. Why did I give away the Mahavir Chakra Once the ceremony was over, the medal
tages. It has to contend with China's growing interests in the region. India must tread the War heroes are recognised for their own to the Naval Academy where it was accepted found its space in the sanctum sanctorum
fine line between engagement and interference, doubling down on the former without actions and courage — do their medals be- with great dignity and pride? My mind hur- of the Prerna sthal. As the cadets came up to
being seen as doing the latter. It must draw red lines vis-a-vis China in the Maldives – on long to them as individuals and become a tled back to half a century ago when my me, one of them said, “Personal acts of cold
legacy of their families? As the cadets came up to me, mother, clad in white, ascended the dais on courage are rare to come by, and when they
military presence, for example – while acknowledging that every country has national-
ist sentiments. In essence, Delhi must play the diplomatic game with finesse, as so many
The significance of heroic deeds often ex- one of them said, ‘Personal Republic Day to receive the medal awarded do, they shake the world by the immensity
tends beyond personal recognition; valour is acts of cold courage are rare to to her husband from President V V Giri. of their heroic content.”
rising powers have had to. invariably commemorated by the regiment, A thought had tormented me for years. It is then that I realised that like the INS
the service, and the nation. The actions are come by, and when they do, Perhaps the Navy, its well-being and the Khukri had found its final resting place in
honoured by the family, to cherish the mem- they shake the world by the longevity of its personnel meant more to my the sea, the symbol of courage, the Mahavir
ory and legacy of a son, a father, or a brother. immensity of their heroic father than his own life or the family he left Chakra belongs, finally, to the Navy.

NO 7 What is military heroism? Who does the

hero belong to in the final analysis? An act of
valour in battle enhances the commitment
content.’ It is then that I
realised that like the INS
behind. These were his men, he could not
abandon them.
My mother, sister and I eventually
For me it has been a journey of inspira-
tion that needed closure, to see my father’s
medal of honour displayed in the place
Jersey numbers are part of sporting lore. No one will grudge of soldiers in the future. It defines the virtue Khukri had found its final worked out our destinies. The thought that where he always belonged.
of service and gives a sense of protection to resting place in the sea, the plagued me was, were we the real inheri-
BCCI’s decision to retire the number associated with Dhoni fellow men in the belief that they will not be tors of that courage? His actions revealed The writer is Chairperson and Executive

abandoned in the frenzy of conflict. A hero
symbol of courage, the that his family was the Navy and the men he Director Education, Innovations and
O INDIAN CRICKETER will ever wear MS Dhoni’s Jersey No 7 again. Just as Mahavir Chakra belongs,
can touch hearts and even shape the way we dearly loved and cared for. Training, DLF Foundation Schools and
they can’t wear Sachin Tendulkar’s 10. The Indian cricket board has de- view existence. finally, to the Navy. It is this that made me come to the Naval Scholarship programmes
cided to retire the number 7 after the same was done to Tendulkar's, a few
years ago. It’s probably the only denial of a privilege that no one — a player
nor a fan — will ever take offence to. It starts as an emotional move from the players, pick-
ing a number usually for a sentimental reason. And then, when it transplants organically
into the minds of the fans, it achieves iconic status.
Diego Maradona’s No 10 and Paolo Maldini’s No 3 were similarly retired in respect DECEMBER 16, 1983, FORTY YEARS AGO
and love by their football clubs. The experience of a charismatic athlete changes people
in many ways — turningthemfromkeensports watcherstounabashed fans.Wearingthe ASSAM AGITATOR TALKS his followers and their families and shifted
to the Akal Takht. He vacated the Niwas after
entire world community depended on a
same jersey number gives theillusion of being involved in a specialbond with thatplayer.
Almost as if wearing a Tendulkar or Dhoni jersey can magically imbue the wearer with HOMEMINISTERPCSethitoldtheLokSabha a conflict with members of a militant youth lasting nearly two hours, were held in a cor-
talent. The sheer number of jerseys on adults with “18” and “45” (Virat Kohli and Rohit thatthe question of resumption of talkswith organisation,BabbarKhalsa.Membersof the dial atmosphere of mutual understanding.
Assam agitators had no relevance at this organisation forcibly occupied two rooms in
Sharma’s numbers) during the World Cup said much. Perhaps No 18 too will be retired
when Kohli ends his career. Had Rohit Sharma won the World Cup as a captain, his num-
stage because the agitation had slipped into
the hands of extremists. The minister said
the Niwas and despite a four-hour ultima-
tum by Bhindranwale, refused to vacate it.
ber perhaps would have been retired; now one has to wait and watch. the efforts to find a solution to the foreign- OVER 18,000 PEOPLE belonging to the DMK
What happens when someone new tries to wear the jersey number of a legend? For
fans, it feels like a betrayal. The Indian all-rounder Shardul Thakur found that out when
ers’ problem had received a setback because
of the recent bomb explosions.
A MEETING ON NUKES and 13 other parties were arrested all over
Tamil Nadu whenthey tried to picket central
hemadehisODIdebutwearingNo10.Notjustthefans,butevenRohithumorouslytrolled INDIA AND CZECHOSLOVAKIA expressed and state government offices to press their
him, tweeting “it takes guts to don that number but clearly you are the best example of BABBAR KHALSA DIGS IN grave concern over the heightened danger
of a nuclear confrontation and called for ur-
demands. They were, however, released in
the evening. The picketing was peaceful and
‘impossible is nothing’!” Soon after, the BCCI retired No 10. The erasure of a number from THE MILITANT SIKH leader, Jarnail Singh gent steps to achieve meaningful progress did not disturb normal life in the state. Those
the professional world of athletes seems to be the final act in the myth-making of a leg- Bhindranwale, vacated Guru Nanak Niwas on disarmament to defend world peace. The arrested for offences other than picketing
end. A number is folded away, a legend is immortalised. in the Golden Temple complex along with two countries felt the development of the have not been released.



“International talk of the two-state solution has long been vaguely aspirational
at best and at worst a cover for inaction as it slipped further from view. It looks
more hypothetical than ever now. Yet given the alternatives, it must become a
spur to diplomatic action.” — THE GUARDIAN

For the sake of the Union A journey

SC verdict on Article 370 goes by letter and spirit of Constitution, rectifies for organs
Nehru’s blunder of indefinitely extending a temporary provision
Transplants in India are relatively cheap
for foreigners. Private medical facilities
thrive, at times using illegal means
logic of revenue assumes that profits made
RAM RAJYA back to Indians. But medical tourism for
by Ram Madhav transplantation is somewhat different. For
one, these are very sick patients who travel
Sanjay Nagral to a foreign country with an alien language
THERE IS AN effort in some sections to insin- andculture.Careoftransplantpatientsdoes-
uate that the Supreme Court Constitution n’t end with the operation. Both donor and
Bench’sverdictonArticle370wasacompro- NEWSABOUTorgantransplantationswings recipient need close follow-up. It’s debat-
mised one and imply motives to the learned fromupliftingtodisheartening.Newspapers ablehowwellthisisachievedwhentheyre-
justices.Buttherecouldn’thavebeenadiffer- carryfrequentstoriesofactsofspontaneous turn. But the biggest challenge when a
ent judgment going by the letter and spirit solidarity by ordinary Indians donating or- donor-recipient pair travels across borders
of the Indian Constitution. gansoffamilymemberswhohavesuddenly istoestablisharelationshipanddistinguish
The Court’s assertion that the Article was passed away due to catastrophic injuries, paidandvoluntarydonations.Embassiesare
temporary in nature and its scope was causingbraindeath.Thisdonationistocom- supposed to issue certificates ruling out co-
eroded over the decades to effect full and fi- plete strangers without any expectation in ercion or payment but experience suggests
nal accession of the state into the Union of return.Wehaverecentlywitnessedparents thattheydon’tfollowduediligence.Thenext
India was an accurate description of the donatingtheorgansof theirbabieswhoare gatekeeper in India is Authorisation
events of the last seven decades. brain-dead in what must be a state of Committees who have the mandate to rule
Some argued that the Court’s decision unimaginable grief. There is also regular out trade. But conflicts of interest abound.
was a blow to “federalism”. First, nowhere in news of extraordinary scientific break- Hospitalsareinterestedinnumbersandrev-
theIndianConstitutionwasfederalismmen- throughsintransplantation.Transplantation enue.Transplantisagravytrainwhichmany
tioned. B R Ambedkar categorically stated in isanexampleofsolidarity,scienceandteam- can board.
the Constituent Assembly that India would work in healthcare. Hospitals now have marketing teams
be a “union”, not a “federation”. Countries Simultaneously there is news of scan- whofanoutinIndiaandneighbouringcoun-
like the US, Germany, and Australia were dals, often involving the buying of organs tries. In the absence of an organised mech-
formedonthefederalprinciple.Butthemak- fromthevulnerable.Lastyear,aKolkatahos- anisminformalreferralsbasedonmonetary
ers of the Indian Constitution envisaged a pital was at the centre of a news investiga- commissionsarethenorm.Mostforeigners
“dual polity” sans the federalism of the tion which described street children from are recruited through agents who organise
American or Western model. Nepal being lured as kidney donors for travel and paperwork. It’s a moot question
When Home Minister Amit Shah argued C R Sasikumar wealthy Indian and foreign patients. More whether transplant doctors are aware or
in Parliament that there couldn’t be two recently,newspapersreportedwhatseems hoodwinkedbyforgedpaperwork.Doctors
Constitutions for one country, an anomaly oppositionthatArticle306A(whichbecame Sheikh Abdullah. like an elaborate Myanmar-based ring claim that it's not their job to detect sub-
perpetuated by Article 370, some wise men Article370)hadtoendurefromdifferentsec- TheDelhiAgreementhadsetseveraldan- whicharrangedpaidkidneydonorsandgot terfuge.Buttheirprofessionaloathsputthe
of the Congress Party sought to sermonise tions. In fact, it was placed before the gerous precedents. It used the ominous ex- transplantsperformedinaprominentDelhi onusonthemalso.It'snotdifficulttodetect
about how severalcountries have more than Constituent Assembly towards the fag end pression that “sovereignty in all matters” hospital by faking documents. The buying paid donations if there is a will and interest
one constitution. In the US, Germany, in October 1949, and hurriedly pushed other than those mentioned in the andsellingofhumanorgansisaveryoldand in doing so.
Australia, and a few other countries with a through. The only significant intervention Instrumentof Accession “reside inthestate”. globalphenomenon.Ithasbeendeemedil- In a country where trust in healthcare is
federal polity, besides the federation, states, came from Maulana Hasrat Mohani. This “shared sovereignty” argument was legal in most of the world including India. rapidlyunderthreat,newsofalargenumber
too, have separate constitutions. RespondingtoMohani’sspecificquestion fully exploited by leaders including in their This is not just from a moral prism but also of foreigners getting transplants is double-
The states in the US have constitutions of as to “why this discrimination?”, submissions before the Supreme Court. The to protect the rights of the vulnerable. But edged.Theprojectof deceaseddonationaf-
theirownwhichgrantcitizensaseparatecit- GopalaswamiAyyangar,moverof theArticle, Delhi Agreement also granted a separate cit- organcommercecontinues,giventheacute terdeathisdependentonhighlevelsoftrust
izenship. While the 14th Amendment to the replied that it was due to the “special condi- izenship to people of the state calling them demand and a world where the commodi- in the transplant system. A few years ago,
Federal Constitution of the US prohibits de- tions of Kashmir”, but quickly added that it “statesubjects”,violatingtheonecitizenship ficationof thebodyisnormalised.However, news of foreigners receiving heart trans-
nial of any rights to its citizens in any state, was “the hope of everybody here that in due formulaenunciatedbyAmbedkar.Itallowed sellingorgansstillevokesrevulsion.Also,un- plants from deceased donors in Chennai
thestateconstitutionscanshowpositivedis- course even Jammu and Kashmir will be- for a separate flag and constitution to the ethical transplantation requires the collu- hospitals under the laughable pretext that
crimination in favour of their own citizens in come ripe for the same sort of integration as state, and a new nomenclature for the state’s sion of expert doctors whose professional there were not enough Indian patients re-
jobs and admissions in educational institu- has taken place in the case of other States”. leadership as Prime Minister. oathscondemnorgantrading.Moralityand sulted in a significant drop in donations.
tions, etc. Ambedkar was categorical that no The Constituent Assembly debates record ItwasthesedistortionsthattheSupreme ethics collide with market medicine. We are thus faced with another classic
such dual citizenship was to be allowed in thatthisstatementof Ayyangarwasreceived Court sought to rectify by ratifying the There is something new, though, in the conundrumofscientificprogress.Thosedy-
the Indian Union. “The proposed Indian with “cheers” from the members. Modi government’s action of annulling Myanmar news story. Transplantation has ing of organ failure will desperately try to
Constitution is a dual polity with a single cit- Ayyangar also explained that “when the Article 370. In fact, it went one step further grown exponentially in India, largely in the procure an organ and a transplant. If that’s
izenship.Thereisonlyonecitizenshipforthe Constituent Assembly of the State has met byforeclosingallavenuesforitsreturnatany private sector. Whilst public medicine fo- theonlyway,theywilltravelacrossborders.
whole of India. It is Indian citizenship. There and taken its decision both on the The states in the US have future date. cussed on primary care, the private sector Andif thereisanoptiontheywillpay.Given
is no State citizenship. Every Indian has the Constitution for the State and on the range constitutions of their own We may rejoice over the fact that the sep- seized the gap in tertiary care. Transplants itscurrentpoliticalchaos,thereishardlyany
samerightsof citizenship,nomatterin what of federal jurisdiction over the State, the arate constitution, citizenship, special sta- needwell-trainedpersonnel,technology,ad- kidney transplantation in Myanmar. What
which grant citizens a
State he resides,” he averred in the President may, on the recommendation of tus etc for J&K are history now. Yet, we may vanced intensive care and an institutional elsewillapatientwhoneedsitdowhenthey
Constituent Assembly. that Constituent Assembly, issue an order separate citizenship. While have to turn to the J&K Constitution for one drive for good outcomes. These conditions know it’s available in neighbouring India?
Ambedkaralsoexplainedthatwhileinthe that this article 306A shall either cease to be the 14th Amendment to the important thing. While the First Schedule of weremetinanexpandingprivatesector,es- Andwhatwillaprivatehospitalwiththeca-
US, the federation was created by a number operativeorshallbeoperativeonlysubjectto Federal Constitution of the the Indian Constitution defined Jammu and pecially corporate hospitals. We must ac- pacity to perform the procedure do but de-
of states coming together, and “the such exceptions and modifications as may Kashmir as comprising the territory which knowledge that this has made transplanta- liver it quickly and earn revenue? A mone-
Constitutions of the Federal and the States be specified by him.”
US prohibits denial of any was in the Indian state “immediately before tion,especiallyoforgansbeyondthekidney, tised health system will seize any
Governments are loosely connected”, in our In essence, the Article was introduced as rights to its citizens in any the commencement of the Constitution of available to a section of Indians who previ- opportunity by legitimate — but if needed
case,“theConstitutionoftheUnionandofthe a temporary measure that shall cease to ex- state, the state constitutions India”, the J&K Constitution, now abolished, ouslycouldn'taccessit.Butsomethingelseis even illegitimate — means.
Statesisasingleframefromwhichneithercan ist along with the state’s constituent assem- can show positive stated more explicitly that “the territory of alsohappening.Thecorporatehealthsector As the world has shown, donation after
get out and within which they must work”. bly. Even if we accept the latest argument of the State shall comprise all the territories realisedthatthereisalotofrevenueinmed- deathisthefutureof organtransplantation.
Hence the federalism debate and com- theCongressPartythatArticle370wasacol-
discrimination in favour of which on the fifteenth day of August 1947, icaltourismandtransplantation.Manycoun- InIndia,wecontinuouslyappealtoordinary
parison with countries withmultipleconsti- lective decision, it was so only to the extent their own citizens in jobs and were under the sovereignty or suzerainty tries in South Asia, Central Asia and Africa Indians to donate organs after death. The
tutions are misleading, if not erroneous. of a “temporary provision”. But who is re- admissions in educational of the Ruler of the State”. That includes havenotbeenabletodeveloptransplantfa- campaign has also been led by the PM. But
Ambedkar described the Indian polity sponsibleforitssurvivalfordecadeson,even institutions, etc. Ambedkar all those areas annexed by Pakistan cilities.Itwasamatteroftimebeforepatients willcitizensbealtruisticif theysensescan-
as having a “flexible federalism” then and after the Constituent Assembly had ceased after Independence. travelled from these countries to India. dal? Also, is it fair that we exhort them to
the Supreme Court called it “asymmetric to exist? It was another blunder committed was categorical that no such Transplantation in India is relatively cheap donate but if they need a transplant most
federalism” now. by Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1952 in the form dual citizenship was to be The writer, president India Foundation, forforeignersincomparisontotherestofthe can’t afford one? Every news on organ
Ihave mentionedinapreviousarticlethe of the infamous Delhi Agreement with allowed in the Indian Union. is with the RSS worldthoughitcontinuestobecostlyforor- transplantation poses difficult questions
dinary Indians — a strange dichotomy. and tests us collectively.
dustry that should be a win-win. What’s

On the farm, and beyond

The writer is a Mumbai-based surgeon

Hemant Sikka VULNERABLE HOUSE narrative to counter the opposition de-
THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Protect fallacious that at the centre of caste is
FOR FARMERS in India’s rural hinterlands, in rural infrastructure, ensuring favourable There are, however, impending chal- crop conditions. the House’ (IE, December 15). Our “poverty” and once this is removed by
mechanisation isn'ta choice; it is a necessity. termsof tradeforfarmers through remuner- lenges. Theseinclude theimplementationof India’s farm mechanisation industry is Parliament’svulnerabilitywasexposed PM Modi’s mantra of “Sabka Saath,
Tractors help farmers save labour and opti- ative minimum support prices and procure- theBharatStageTREM Vemissionstandards witnessing significant investments and col- bytwolaymen.Evenif wedisregardthe SabkaVikas”,itwilldismantlecaste.This
mise their precious time, apart from boost- ment of crops, or financial assistance for the for tractors and self-propelled machinery laborations, focusing on cutting-edge tech- justification that passes can be granted proposition flies in the face of the NCRB
ing crop yields. purchase of machinery under the Sub- from April 2024. The government, only in nologies to drive productivity, reduce envi- to anyone, how could those men get report that reveals that caste atrocities
The main workhorse on India’s farm- Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation January 2023, had rolled out the TREM IV ronmental footprint and align with global throughsecurityclearancewithteargas against SCs and STs have increased. RSS,
lands, the tractor is a versatile machine. It is (SMAC) scheme — what can the next set of emission norms for tractors with over 50 sustainability goals. The government can canisters? Had any opposition mem- in its meeting in Haryana this year, has
a single source of power that enables agri- reforms be to take forward the already horsepower. While this may make the ma- help the industry in this endeavour by dis- bers issued the passes, the government also acknowledged the perennial prob-
cultural operations, right from field prepa- established momentum? chines more eco-friendly, it will also require couraging import of cheap low-quality ma- wouldstampthemasanti-national.The lem of caste discrimination.
ration and planting to harvesting and trans- In a recent step in the right direction, the manufacturers to make investment in new chinery, especially from China, and ensuring government must take the BJP MP to L R Murmu, New Delhi
porting of produce. It is not surprising that governmenthasreducedthenumberof tests enginetechnologieslikeCommonRailDirect uniformandtimelydisbursementof subsidy task as well.
the tractor is an immense source of pride —
almost a family member — for rural house-
Injection, Diesel Particulate Filters, Diesel
Oxidation Catalysts, electronics and semi-
under SMAM to enable farmers to leverage
financial assistance better. A delay in
Madhusree Guha, Kolkata
holds.Indiais,infact,theworld’slargesttrac- Institute,Budni(MadhyaPradesh),from17to conductors. It will increase the cost of mech- direct benefit transfer payments also has THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Protect THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘A small
tor market by volume, nearly 2.5 times of four.Moreover,thecompanies(originalequip- anisation, making it more challenging a cascading effect on manufacturers, the House’ (IE, December 15). This step’(IE,December15).Forthefirsttime
China and 3.5 of the US. Nearly 9.5 lakh trac- mentmanufacturers)havebeenpermittedto for farmers to maintain a balance between impacting mechanisation. seems to be an instance borne out of a in its 28 years of climate negotiations,
tors were sold domestically in 2022-23 and self-certify these tests. There has also been a efficiency and affordability. Just as farm mechanisation has to go be- real or imagined angst against consti- COP pledged to transition away from
4 million cumulatively in the last five years. reduction in testing time at Budni from over India needs to look at farm mechanisa- yond tractors, we need to look at tractors be- tutional institutions. It is, perhaps, a greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels.
That said, tractors still touch only a frac- nine months to only 75 working days. tion beyond tractors. Globally, the tractor in- yond farming. Tractors don't sit idle. Over 30 continuation of the message meant However,thisambitiousgoalwilltestthe
tion of India’s agricultural landscape. Steps such as these to simplify the earlier dustryisannuallyworth$60billion,whereas per cent usage of tractors today is for non- specifically for elected representatives. commitment of the nations to walk the
According to data from the National lengthy process for obtaining certification the corresponding sales of farm machinery farm activities, mostly related to construc- On similar occasions earlier, charges of talk. The changeover necessitates a re-
Statistical Office’s Situation Assessment of are consistent with the objective of promot- are around $100 billion. It’s the other way tion and transportation. It further amplifies sedition were brought on them. This designing of policies, subsidies and reg-
Agricultural Household survey, only 4.6 per ing trust-based governance at all levels and round in India, where the tractor industry’s their value in the country’s rural economy. time too, if this is being contemplated, ulations by countries. Along with tech-
cent of farmers own tractors. The rest, most easeof doingbusinessinIndia.Italsoenables annualsalesare$7-8billion,asagainsthardly Developing tractors with features and tech- it would be a repetition of that error in nologicalsupportforcarboncaptureand
of them smallholders, either rent tractors or quicker introduction and adoption of new- $1.2 billion for farm machinery. The tractor nologies customised for these tasks can un- judgment. The wise look for the mes- renewable energy adaptation, invest-
employ human and animal power. It causes age technologies such as precision farming isultimatelyjust apower source.Toenhance lock a new avenue for rural employment. sage and not merely at how it is carried. ment worth billions of dollars is neces-
delaysinthecompletionof farmingtasksand and telematics-based analytics where the its utility, it is essential to develop matching The evolution of the tractor in India is R Narayanan, Navi Mumbai saryfor“transitioningaway”inajustand
wastage across the crop value chain. tractor has a central role to play. These ad- farmmachineryandimplementstailoredfor closely linked to the future of sustainable equitable manner for the developing
icymakers take to promote farm mechani-
vanced digital technologies that can revolu-
tionise the future of Indian agriculture need
different crops and landholding sizes, par-
ticularlykeeping in mind theneeds of small-
farming — that includes improving produc-
tivity and reducing drudgery — while ensur-
ERASING CASTE world.Ashortfallinfinanceisthebiggest
sation, especially in the context of emerging to be linked to the evolution of the tractor — holders.Thegovernment'sMakeinIndiaini- ing national food security and even making THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The only ever recorded, arresting climate change
agricultural technologies and the need to as a smart, flexible, efficient and highly spe- tiative can play a pivotal role in the India the breadbasket of the world. castesthatmatter’(IE,December15).The has gained urgency.
ensuresustainableincreaseinoutput?While cialisedmachinecateringtoemergingtrends widespread development, testing, and writer has tried to expand PM Modi’s Khokan Das, Kolkata
government support for agriculture has like crop rotation, intercropping and horti- adoption of reliable yet affordable non- The writer is president, Mahindra’s
been robust — whether through investment cultural farming. tractor farm machinery customised for local Farm Equipment Sector


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Advt. No.: SABVGMC/Rectt./2023/08 Date:
Twenty Three (23) posts of Junior Residents (SC-09, EWS-01, GC/PH-03, GC/ESM-04, BCB-02, BCA/ESM-01,
BCA/EWS-01, SC/ESM-01, EWS/PH-01) are proposed to be filled up for the period of one year, for Shri Atal Bihari
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the completed applications by every 1st Tuesday till 12:00 Noon, with strictly prescribed application form along with
supportive documents and non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/- for General Category and Rs. 250/- for
Reserved Categories (for Haryana Domicile only) in form of Demand Draft, in favour of Director Shri Atal Bihari
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ESM candidates are exempted from the application fee. The application forms received after 12:00 Noon on every 1st
Tuesday for the interview scheduled on every 1st Thursday (extendable to next day if candidates come out to be more)
will not be considered and will be straight way rejected. In case of gazetted holiday on day of scrutiny or interview, it
will be automatically shifted to next working day.
The other details & terms and conditions may be downloaded from Institute website
It is also informed that interested candidates may visit our website on regular basis for
all updates.
1. MBBS/equivalent Foreign degree from Institution/University recognized by the NMC/MCI.
2. Must be having a valid registration certificate either issued by NMC (erstwhile MCI)/ Haryana State Medical
3. Foreign Medical Graduate should have passed the Foreign Medical Graduate examination (FMGE) conducted by
National Board of examination.
4. Score of the exit examination (FMGE) conducted by NMC/ National Board Examination, New Delhi for FMG can-
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5. Other candidates possessing only a pass/ fail certificate and no score card for the FMGE, the Score will be con-
sidered as 50% only and pre – merit will be calculated accordingly.
- Age not less than 22 years and not more than 45 years upto last date of submission of application form.
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*Age and qualification will be counted up to the closing date of submission of application form
Pay Scale:- Rs. 56100/-+NPA
1. Application performa can be downloaded from the website
2. The interview will be held in the office of Director, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government Medical College,
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cate etc.) in original for verification at the time of interview.
3. The appointment would be for the period of one year, subject to satisfactory work and conduct report. However, the
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5. Incomplete application in any form and without self-attested copies of educational certificates and other relevant
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6. Number of posts can be increased or decreased on the basis of actual requirement against sanctioned posts with-
out any prior information/notice.
7. The applicants who are already in Govt. /Semi Govt. /Corporation or Autonomous Body, should bring fresh, ‘No
Objection Certificate’ at the time of interview, failing which the applicant will not be considered for interview.
8. No individual interview letter will be sent and no TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Candidates are
advised to regularly check the website of medical college for the latest update.
9. The final decision regarding the selection/recruitment of any candidates would be at the discretion of Chairperson
of the selection committee.
10. In case a candidate fails to join within stipulated period, the seat will be offered to the next candidate as per the
merit list.
11. The recruitment would be as per Haryana Reservation Policy.
Date /Time for Receiving the application forms: Every 1st Tuesday till 12:00 Noon
Date/ Time of Scrutiny of documents: Every 1st Tuesday from 12:00 Noon onwards
Date/ Time of Interview: Every 1st Thursday at 10:00 am onwards (extendable to next day, if more number
of candidates come)
VENUE OF INTERVIEW: Office of Director,
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government Medical College, Chhainsa, Faridabad
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Government Medical College,
23475/Hry Chhainsa, Faridabad, Haryana



OCTOBER 26, 1947: APRIL 21, 1948: UNSC JUNE 20, 1949: Singh is JANUARY 26, 1950: AUGUST-SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 17, 1952: AUGUST 9, 1953: Sheikh MARCH-JUNE 1957: J&K
‘Maharaja’ Hari Singh signs passes ceasefire resolution appointed Reagent of J&K Constitution of India is 1951: Sheikh Abdullah is Singh is made Sadr-e- Abdullah arrested, his holds first Assembly
Instrument of Accession. implemented; Article 370 PM of J&K Riyasat government is dismissed elections
‘Yuvaraj’ Karan Singh is accords special status to
then 16 years old J&K

MARCH 30, 1965: Singh FEBRUARY 24, 1975: PM 1989-90: Singh is India’s MARCH 2015: PDP forms SEPTEMBER 2016: Army NOVEMBER 2018: BJP AUGUST 5, 2019: Centre
is made Governor of J&K Indira Gandhi and Sheikh Ambassador to the US govt with BJP base in Uri attacked pulls out of govt; abrogates Article 370
Abdullah sign Kashmir President’s Rule in
1967: Singh is Union Accord, reaffirming December
Minister Article 370

Kashmir through Karan Singh’s eyes

CONVERSATIONwithKaran goes to Jammu and Kashmir quite often.
Singh is like walking He usually spends all of June and some

through a history museum 15 days in September in Srinagar every year.
— filing past signposts and He has a palace in Jammu too where he goes
scanning through artifacts on shorter visits. His elder son Vikramaditya
that link current events to a long and trou- and daughter-in-law Chitrangada, the
bled past. Of course, there is a disclaimer — daughter of Madhavrao Scindia, look after
his history perhaps tells only one side, a sig- the property in Kashmir while his younger
nificant side nevertheless, of Jammu and son Ajatshatru is in charge of the Jammu
Kashmir’s story of hope and despair, turmoil property. Ajatshatru joined the BJP in 2014
and transition. It’s a fabled story, yet not yet
fully told.
Scholar, philosopher, politician, 92-year-old Karan Singh has had an incredible front-row view of while Vikramaditya left the Congress last
year. “He lost interest in politics,” Singh says
History never looks like history for Singh,
the 92-year-old son and successor of
Kashmir’s history. MANOJ C G talks to the man as he maps his personal and political journey, of his elder son.
His daughter Jyotsna is Director of the
Maharaja Hari Singh, the last Dogra ruler of a wide arc that is closely intertwined with the region’s past and its present family-run Amar Mahal Museum and
Jammu and Kashmir, as he has lived through Library in Jammu and helps him with his
it and is now witnessing a new chapter un- cultural activities, something that keeps
fold from a distance. His life, in many ways, is Singh busy these days. His house in
deeply intertwined with the tumultuous Chanakyapuri is a piece of history in itself,
journey of Jammu and Kashmir since 1947. filled with antique statues, paintings and
Looking back, one realises that Singh was artifacts. He built the house in the early
born days after Lord Irwin inaugurated New 1960s, even before he moved to Delhi in
Delhi as the new capital of India (the Delhi 1967. “Panditji (Nehru) had come for the
which always evoked mixed emotions in an housewarming…When I built this house,
average Kashmiri) in March 1931 and two this area was a jungle. Now it is a posh local-
days before revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, ity. I was always interested in national pol-
Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged. And we itics, so I wanted a permanent house here,”
meet on a day history perhaps repeated as a he says with a gleam in his eyes.
farce — two men with smoke cans had ear- Therearenophotographsof theCongress
lier in the day jumped into the Lok Sabha pantheon in his study. There is, however, a
chamber. photograph of him with Prime Minister
The Supreme Court judgment on Article Narendra Modi. “I haven’t met him very of-
370somedaysagohadtransportedhimback ten. But on my 90th birthday, I had written
to the events that unfolded after to him requesting him to release a special
Independence — years that shaped and per- edition of the Bhagavad Gita. He agreed. He
haps transformed his life. Kept on top of a invited ustohishouseand wehadafunction
stack of papers arranged neatly on his study there... I hardly ever met him when he was
table was a copy of the Proclamation, the the Gujarat chief minister.”
document which he had issued as an 18-
year-old yuvaraj in 1949 and which the ‘I am still in the Congress’
Supreme Court earlier this week said re- Singh has welcomed the Supreme Court
flected the full and final surrender of J&K’s verdict upholdingtheCentre’s 2019decision
sovereignty to India. to repeal J&K’s special status under Article
There is a glimmer in his eyes as he picks 370. But it washis father who, in 1927, issued
up the document. He was, in fact, more ex- two proclamations giving only residents the
cited when, a while later, he switched on the right to government jobs and barring non-
‘Saregama Carvaan’ kept on his table and the residents of J&K from buying land or prop-
room was filled with the familiar voice of erty.
Ameen Sayani. An aristocrat, Singh has a re- “Kashmir was very poor. (Outsiders)
fined taste in art, music and literature and would have come and bought up the whole
deepknowledgeof Hinduism,BhagavadGita of Kashmir and we would have been land-
and the Vedas. He is nonchalant as he re- Karan Singh at his home in Chanakyapuri on Wednesday. Chitral Khambhati lesslabourersif hehadnotreservedtheserv-
counts the sequence of events post 1947. ices. Where would the people of Jammu and
Kashmirgo? (Theproclamations)ultimately
The Maharaja exiled and a became Article 370. It wasn’t a malign act; it
princely proclamation was a step taken to save the people from be-
ing overrun by much richer neighbours.”
“My father signed the Instrument of He, however, sees no contradiction in
Accession on October, 26, 1947. All of 1948, I welcoming the verdict now. “I welcomed it
was in America in a hospital. I came back in because there is no point trying to aim for
1949. My father was persuaded to leave the something which is not possible. It is a done
state. That was a very painful thing for him,” deal now. Why keep hitting your head
Singh recalls. He links it to India taking the against the wall?”
Kashmir issue to the United Nations. It is a pragmatic view. After all, Singh is
“We had gone to the United Nations. I 92 and has been part of J&K’s journey over
think we need not have gone. It wasn’t nec- the last 76 years.
essary. We should have settled it ourselves. I (Left to right) Sadr-i-Riyasat Karan At 92, Singh is a keen follower of national
think it was Lord Mountbatten who per- Singh administers the oath of office and international politics. “Divine grace.
suaded (Jawaharlal) Nehru to go there say- to then PM of J&K Bakshi Ghulam People ask me what is your secret weapon. I
ing that you are now the leader of the new Mohammed; with PM Nehru; with say this is my secret weapon,” he says, dis-
postcolonial societies and you should make Indira Gandhi and former J&K PM playing his kada (bracelet) with ‘Om
an example of how peaceful resolutions are and later Chief Minister Ghulam Namashivaya’ inscribed in Hindi. “I gave one
done… not realising that once you went to Mohammed. Express Archive of these kadas to Rahul Gandhi…some time
the UN, you get bogged down…we are still ago,” he adds.
bogged down 75 years later,” he says. Although he is still in the Congress, he is
A Congressman, Singh, however, gives not active politically. He was dropped from
Nehru the benefit of the doubt. “It is not fair Proclamation,whichinawaysupplemented On May 1, 1951, Singh issued a second A year later, Singh dismissed Abdullah’s The wheels turned again after the the Congress Working Committee in 2018
todemoniseNehru...forthisbecausehewent the Instrument of Accession, was signed by Proclamation, convening a Constituent governmentandputhiminjail,which,Singh Congress split post Emergency. Singh, who and was also not renominated to Rajya
to the United Nations in good faith.” Karan Singh in November 1949 as the Assembly for framing a Constitution for the says, gladdened his community. “Then all stood with Indira and was among a few Sabha.
And squarely lays the blame at Sheikh Reagent,” he says. state. “Abdullah was so anti-Dogra. He made those people said yeh acha hua. I told them Congress leaders who won from North India “I am still in the Congress. Rahul Gandhi
Abdullah’s door. Who wrote the proclamation? “I didn’t a big song and dance about abolishing the that you showed black flags wherever I in 1977, was on the other side a few years was here the other day to shoot a video of
“In the course of the UN negotiations, we writeit.Itmusthavebeenlegallydrafted.My monarchy… and the Constituent Assembly went…I told them had I not accepted (the later.Inthe1980elections,whichsawthe re- his talk with me on Hinduism. All the posts
had agreed to a plebiscite. Now who was go- hunch is that it was met. It was to decide post), there was nobody turn of Indira Gandhi, that I have held are because of the Congress.
ing to win the plebiscite for us? Sheikh drafted by somebody in who is going to be the whocouldhavereinedin Singh fought on a ticket I don’t feel like leaving the Congress. Nehru
Abdullah,whowastheleaderof theNational theGovernmentof India. head of the state. The Abdullah.” of the Devaraj Urs-led was my mentor, Indira took me in her
Conference, which led the anti-Dogra, anti- It came to me from the We need not have gone head of the state was to Abdullah, of course, I didn’t write the Congress(U) from Cabinet and kept me for 10 years at a
our-familymovementinthestate.The result state government,” he be elected by the state had a different version. Udhampur. “It was a stretch. Rajiv sent me to the US as
was that Abdullah was able to call the shots. says. Abdullah was in
to UN... I think it was Assembly. They elected And somewhere in be-
proclamation (in 1949). tough election. By that Ambassador. Sonia Gandhi gave me three
He, because of his great antipathy to my fa- charge of the state as Lord Mountbatten who me the Sadr-i-Riyasat tween is history. It must have been legally time, Sheikh Abdullah consecutive terms in Rajya Sabha after I
ther, told Nehru that he cannot win the Head of the Emergency (President),” he says. and Indira Gandhi were took on (A B) Vajpayee from Lucknow in the
plebisciteaslongasMaharajaHariSinghwas Administration. Singh
persuaded (Jawaharlal) “That put me in an A ringside view drafted. My hunch is on one side, but I won,” 1999 Lok Sabha elections. They have been
in the state. He must leave and the Maharani says he was not forced to Nehru... (But) it is not awkward position. On of politics that it was drafted by he said. good to me,” he says.
must leave too,” Singh recounts. issue the proclamation. one hand, Abdullah had What would count So life moves on for Singh, a journey
Singh says he was in the US for treatment “I was also an Indian
fair to demonise Nehru forced myfather into ex- Singh remained the
somebody in the as a regret for someone whose arc is intertwined with that of inde-
when history took this dramatic turn in his nationalist. I wanted for this because he went ile and here I was, ac- Sadr-i-Riyasat till 1965, Government of India. It who served as Reagent, pendentIndiaandJammu&Kashmir.Anan-
state. “I came back (from the US) in February very much to be part of to the United Nations in cepting a position which when the post was abol- came to me from the Sadr-i-Riyasat and ecdote he offers at the end of our conversa-
1949. We were summoned to Delhi in April the mainstream. We he had created. I ac- ishedandSinghtookover Governor in Jammu and tion, about his birth in a Cannes hotel,
of that year. That is where Sardar Patel re- grew up reading Nehru’s good faith.” cepted nonetheless be- as the first Governor of state government” Kashmir and then illustrates just how.
quested my father: ‘Maharaj saab, will you books. Those were the cause Nehru wanted me the state, a position he served as an MP for 40 “HotelMartinez,Rooms318,319and320.
please stay out of the state for six months or booksthatinspiredus.Asayoungman,Iwas toacceptitandIwantedtobepartof thenew continued in till 1967. “By then, I was getting years(fourtermseachinLokSabhaandRajya I was a famous baby. My father was then at-
a year?’ In fact, it became a life-long exile. very keen to try and help, whatever I could India,” he says. Nehru, he says, was very fond bored withJ&K. I said Iam notgoing to spend Sabha)? “The only regret I have is we have tending the first Round Table Conference (in
He never came back…only his ashes re- do. It was a privilege and an extraordinary of Singh and used to call him ‘Tiger’. therestofmylifehere.IpressedIndiraGandhi, not been able to sort out the J&K problem in- London) as a representative of the Indian
turned, which I brought when he passed situation when I was appointed Reagent at Singh recalls that his taking over as the whoIknewverywell…becausePanditjiused ternationally after so many years. But that princes.When(myparents)sailedfromhere,
away in 1961.” the age of 18,” he says. Sadr-i-RiyasathadangeredhisDogracommu- to come to Srinagar quite often. I was a house was not in my hands.” I was already in my mother’s womb. My fa-
‘Yuvraj’ Karan Singh was just 18 when his A year later, at 19, Singh married Yasho nity. Even his father was apprehensive. “He guest at Teen Murti…” At 36, Singh was in- Singh refrains from getting drawn into ther took the whole third floor of the
father was exiled. Hari Singh agreed to leave Rajya Lakshmi, 13, and the couple would wasapprehensivethattheywouldthrowme ducted into the Indira Cabinet as a Cabinet questions about Delhi’s handling of Jammu Martinez.” Years later, Singh and his wife
but said his son should be appointed the spend six months in Srinagar and the re- out at some point of time. There was a risk. I minister.ButsincehewasnotanMP,hestood and Kashmir post Independence. went back and stayed in the suite where he
Reagent of the state. “And I stayed back. The maining in Jammu. thought the risk was worth taking,” he says. for election and won from Udampur. In 1967, Singh moved to Delhi though he was born.
The Executive Engineer, TUDA (Tripura Urban Planning &
WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM THE INDIANEXPRESS, Development Authority) invites e-tender against PNIeT No.:
26/EE/TUDA/2023-24 dated 06.12.2023 for "Design-Build-
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2023 Operate (DBO) of Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) along
with Co-treatment of used water and Septage with 5 years
of Operation and Maintenance in three towns
I,MANOJ JAIN S/O.SUKHMAL I, VIJAY LAXMI KAUL, D/o-KASHI I, BALWANT SINGH S/O MR. Dharmanagar, Kailashahar & Kumarghat of Tripura (2nd

Call)." with following salient details.
MALL,KARKARDOOMA,DELHI- PLOT No.6, SECTOR-7, DELHI-110019, HAVE CHANGED 1. Estimated Cost: Rs. 28,09,32,164.00 (Rupees Twenty
110092.HAVE CHANGE MY DWARKA, SOUTH WEST DELHI, MY NAME FROM BALWANT Eight Crore Nine Lakhs Thirty Two Thousand One Hundred
and Sixty Four only)
I Chirag Verma S/o Sh.Mahesh VIJAY LAXMI KAUL, both are THE NAME BALWANT SINGH 2. Bid Fee: Rs. 11,800.00 (Rupees Eleven Thousand Eight
Verma R/o House No.84, Village I,Pinki Yadav W/o Satish Kumar one and same person. MANRAL HENCEFORTH. Hundred Only) (including 18% GST)
Dallupura, Vasundhra Enclave, Yadav,R/o P.O-Ujwa, Hasan
Pur,Delhi-110073,have changed I, UMESH WANKHEDE S/o RAM 0040703617-1 3. Earnest Money: Rs 56,20,000 (Rupees Fifty Six Lakhs and
Delhi-110096 have changed my
name to Chirag Dedha for all my name to Pinki. DAS WANKHEDE R/o Plot No I, Aman Ilahi S/o M Aslam Islahi, Twenty Thousand Only)
348, 2ND Floor, Shakti Khand
purposes. 0040703606-1 0040703686-10 R/o H-88, Jaitpur Extn Part 2, 4. Time of Completion: 24 months.
3RD, Indrapuram, Vasundhra, Badarpur, Delhi-110044 have
I,MANISHA D/O CHINTAMANI I,Laxminarayin Petwal S/o Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- 5. Last date & time for online Bidding: 29.12.2023 up to
changed my name to Amaan
BASNET R/O RZ-B-22,FIRST- Ramanand Petwal,R/o 201012, have changed the Ilahi. 1500 Hours.
FLOOR,VIJAY ENCLAVE, DELHI- Thakurpur Nepali farm name of my minor son 6. Bid Opening Date and Time: 29.12.2023 up to 1600 Hours.
110045.HAVE CHANGED MY Khairikhurd Shyampur ATHARVA WANKHEDE aged, 14 0070878938-1
NAME TO MANISHA BASNET. Dehradun-249204 have Years, and he shall hereafter Note: The bid forms and other details including online
I, Ajau Kumar S/o Jasbir Singh
0040703686-8 changed my name to be known as ATHARV R/o-D-3, Samridhi Appartment activities should be done only in the e- procurement portal
Laxminarayin. 0040703727-3 WANKHEDE. 0070878932-1 GH-9, Sector-21-D, Faridabad Submission of Bids
I,LEENA JAGGI/LEENA UPPAL, have changed my name to
W/O.PANKAJ HANS,ADD- I,Kanhiya Kumar Jha,S/o-Krit I, Shrinidhi Sharma D/o Ramesh physically not permitted.
Narayan Jha,R/o-Plot.No.11A, Chander Sharma R/o-H.No.35B Ajay Kumar Sd/-
Arjun Park,Nangli Rajpur khurdh- 0040703616-3 (Er. N.K Jamatia)
Dairy,Najafgarh,Nangli Extension,Near-Ram Chander Executive Engineer
86,FARIDABAD, HARYANA- I hereby known as ANKITA, D/o.
121002,changed my name to Sakrawati,South West, Delhi- market,New Delhi- Tripura Urban Planning & Development
110068,have changed my Mr SURESH CHAND ASIWAL
LEENA HANS,for all,future 110043,have changed my,name ICA/C/3605/23 Authority Agartala, Tripura(W)
name Siri Nidhi to Shrinidhi R/o C-2/343, Madangir (S) New
purposes. 0040703723-5 to Naveen Kumar Jha,for
Sharma,for all future purposes Delhi-110062, Delhi, have add
all,future Purposes.
0040703727-4 0040703616-1 my name and shall hereafter
110045.HAVE CHANGED MY SINGH KHANUJA,ADD-JA- Chand Ram Sharma R/o 2955- for all future purposes.
NAME TO CHINTAMANI BASNET. 49A,LIG-FLATS,NEAR-SWARG A/221, Vishram Nagar, Tri 0040703621-1
ASHRAM MANDIR,HARI- Nagar, Delhi-110035 have
0040703686-7 I Indrawati Devi W/o
NAGAR, WEST-DELHI- changed my name to RAKESH
I, Ravishankar Kumar S/o Bhola SHARMA for all future Sh.Ramesh Kumar R/o
110064,changed my name to
Prasad Pandey R/o B-962,Street purposes. 0040703670-1 Buchawas, Mahendragarh,
Number 1, Shastri Nagar,North West Haryana-123034 declares that
all,future purposes. I, ROHY BASHIR, W/o Azam
Delhi,110052,have changed my my correct name is Indrawati
0040703723-4 Perwez, R/o RZ-201/2001B, Gali Devi and Date of birth is
name to Ravi Pandey
No.24, Tughlakabad Ext., 01.01.1968.
0130038831-1 I,KRISHAN MUNDE S/O N N
Alaknanda, South Delhi, Delhi-
MUNDE,R/O C-213A,LAXMI 0040703606-2
I,Santra Devi,W/o-Anar 110019, have changed my
Singh,R/o-Village name to ROOHI AZAM, for all
Badrai,District-Charkhi NAME TO MUNDHE
future purposes. 0040703686-5 LOST & FOUND
my name From Santa Devi to PURPOSES. 0040703727-9 ANAND R/o B-180 BLOCK-B, Lost Original lease deed dated
Santra Devi for all purposes. SECTOR-41 NOIDA, GAUTAM 18.08.2021, registered as
I,KISHORE KUMAR document No. 7605/2021,
LUTHRA,S/O.KARAM executed by Sh. Sanjay Kumar
201301, have changed my
I,Rheya Vashisth D/o Bhairav CHAND,ADD-C-43 & s/o Sh. Dal Chand in favour of
minor Daughter’s name from
Vashishth R/o T 10-808,RPS 43A,UGF,BACKSIDE RAMDUTT- M/s AMP Solar Urja Pvt. Ltd. If
SAIBA aged 17 years to SAIBA
Savana,Sector-88, ENCLAVE , UTTAM NAGAR NEW found, please contact at
ANAND forever. 0070878866-1
Faridabad,have changed my DELHI-110059. Changed my sbhardwaj@ampenergyindia.c
name to Riya Vashishth. name to KISHORE KUMAR,for I, RAJEEV ANAND S/o SHRI RAM om / +91-8130560344.
all,future purposes. ANAND R/o B-180 BLOCK-B,
0040703686-3 0070878881-1
0040703723-1 SECTOR-41 NOIDA, GAUTAM
I,Sachin Kumar Jaiswal,S/o BUDH NAGAR, UTTAR PRADESH Lost Original lease deed dated
Gopal Ji Jaiswal R/o-AP-113-B I,KISHAN S/O SURAJ KUMAR R/O 201301, have changed my 18.08.2021, registered as
Pitampura,Delhi-110034,have PLOTNO.E- minor Daughter’s name from document No. 7605/2021,
changed my minor daughter 42C,GALINO.12,BHARAT VIHAR SAIBA aged 17 years to SAIBA executed by Sh. Sanjay Kumar
name Shaivi Rowaan to Shaivi EXTN.BEGUMPUR,DELHI- ANAND forever. 0070878866-1 s/o Sh. Dal Chand in favour of
Jaiswal 0040703693-1 110086.HAVE CHANGED MY M/s AMP Solar Urja Pvt. Ltd. If
NAME TO KISHAN KUMAR. I, Raj Baida S/o Patan
found, please contact at
I,Rekha W/o Arvind Kumar Arora Imamsahib Raju R/o-170,
0040703686-6 sbhardwaj@ampenergyindia.c
R/o H.No.324-A,G.F., Sector-19, Faridabad have
om / +91-8130560344.
Indraprasth-Colony,Sector 30- I,JC NO.206828Y NB SUB (Retd) changed my name to Raj
33,Faridabad have changed my SuKhbir Singh R/O K10|30 (Ist Kumar 0040703616-2 0070878881-1
name to Rekha Arora. Floor)DLF Phase- I, MANDHIR BHANDARI S/o
0040703686-2 2,Gurugram,(Haryana),Inform CHANCHAL SINGH THAKUR PROPERTY FOR RANT
that In my Army service record R/O D 8 GROUND FLOOR, RPS
I,Rajiv Kumar Lamba S/o my wife name is Anita,which is PALMS, RPS CITY SECTOR-88, 13500 sq feets commercial road
Dilbagh Rai Lamba R/o,D- incorrect.The Correct name is KHERI KALAN(113), front third floor 4 lifts STARPLUS
57A,Moti Nagar,Delhi-15,have Anita Saroha for all future FARIDABAD HARYANA-121002, MALL near Muktidham
Changed my name to Rajeev purposes. 0040703743-1 have changed my minor nashikroad railway station
Kumar Lamba.
I,Hatim Ali Khan S/o Taswar Daughter’s name from Lodging Hotel IT Hospital
0040703693-7 SHARANYA aged 08 years to
Husain Khan R/O C-70, Indra 9850086022 . 0050232260-3
I,Puja Agrawal,W/o-Sh Sunil enclave,Nithari,North,west SHARRANYA BHANDARI
Delhi-110086,have changed my forever. 0070878924-1 13500 sq feets commercial road
Agarwal,R/o-316-B,Pocket -
name to Hatim Ali. front third floor 4 lifts STARPLUS
2,Mayur Vihar Phase-1,Delhi- I, HARKIRAN MALL near Muktidham
110091,have changed my name 0040703727-7 MEDIRATTA/HARKIRAN KAUR nashikroad railway station
from Puja Agrawal to Puja W/O. RAMINDER SINGH
I,Bhairav Dutt S/o Ram Kishan Lodging Hotel IT Hospital
Agarwal.I shall be known as R/O.187, DDA FLATS, JAIDEV-
Sharma R/o T 10-808,RPS 9850086022 . 0050232260-2
Puja Agarwal for all future PARK, EAST PUNJABI-BAGH,
purposes. 0040703743-2 Savana, Sector 88, Faridabad, DELHI-110026, have changed
have changed my name to my name to HARKIRAN KAUR
I,Nisu Mehta W/o Gaurav
Mehta,R/o D-406, BPTP
Bhairav Vashishth. KHURANA. 0040703761-4 SERVICES
Princess-Park,Sector- 0040703686-4
86,Faridabad have changed my I,Arvind Kumar Arya,S/o Jagan W/O RAMINDER SINGH, R/O- ASTROLOGY
name to Nisha Mehta. Nath R/o,H.No.324- 187.DDA-FLATS, JAIDEV-PARK,
SOLUTION Benefit only on
Sector-30-33,Faridabad,have 110026, have changed my Be it known that my clients (1) Sh.
I,Nishant, S/o Sh.Rajiv changed my name to Arvind minor child’s name, from phone Business, Bhushan Lal Bhatia S/O L. Mahabir Bhatia
(2) Smt. Renu Bhatia W/O Sh. Bhushan
Katiyar,R/o H.No-5,Block,A-1, Kumar Arora. 0040703686-1 HARNOOR KHURANA to Lovemarriage, Loveproblem, Lal Bhatia, BOTH R/O Flat No 15-D, BB
Mohan Garden,New Delhi,- HARNOOR KAUR KHURANA. Gruhkalesh, Vashikaran, Block, Janakpuri B-1, West Delhi, Delhi-
110058 have disowned and severed all
110059,have Changed my name I,BISWAJIT BHOWMICK S/o Late. Shatruproblem, Karanibadha, their relations with their son-in-law namely
From Nishant to Nishant B. Bhowmick R/o Flat no. 303 I, GURBANI KHURANA, D/O. Laxmibandhan AKABARKHA - SHIVA KHANNA (Aadhar No. 8566 2429
5478) S/O L. Mukul Khanna and their
Katiyar for all,future purposes. Tower-A3 Plote no.-7 Near RAMINDER SINGH, R/O.187, 9667680453, Kurla, Mumbai. daughter Mrs. Himanshi Bhatia (Aadhar
Noida Metro Station 50 Golf DDA-FLATS, JAIDEV PARK, EAST No. 5569 2623 9685) D/O Sh. Bhushan
0040703727-2 0070877719-6 Lal Bhatia and W/O Sh. Shiva Khanna and
City-7 Sector-75 Noida Gautam PUNJABI-BAGH, DELHI-110026, debarred them from their movable and
I,NANDA V. BHOYAR,mother Buddha Nagar have changed HAVE CHANGED MY NAME, immovable properties and assets with
immediate effect. Any person dealing with
of,Ravi Vasantrao Bhoyar, name to BISHWAJIT FROM GURBANI KAUR MISCELLANEOUS them in any matter or any civil or criminal
matter shall be doing at his/her/their own
Presently,residing at, H.No.830, BHOWMICK. 0040703678-1 KHURANA. 0040703761-3
risk, cost and responsibility.
Sd/- MANORMA MASIH (Advocate)
I,Apoorva A Singh,W/o Amit I, FAHEEM KHAN, S/O.FAYYAZ Enrl. No. D-776/2005
kumar Maity,R/o D-3/27,T/F, KHAN,ADD-C-39, THOKAR.NO-
Mahal,Nagpur,Maharashtra- BE IT KNOWN TO ALL THAT MY CLIENTS SH.
440032,have changed my
Village, Delhi-110045,That have NAGAR ABUL-FAZAL ENCL- II,
name,from NANDA V. BHOYAR
It is notified for the information of general
public that my client Mr. Piyush Rana s/o
A Singh To Apoorva Maity,for 110025, changed my name to BHAGAT SINGH AND HIS WIFE BHAVNA BISHT,
BHOYAR,vide-Affidavit, Date-
all,future purpose. FAHIM KHAN, for all future
R/O. D-1/160, STREET NO. 7, 2 PUSTA, SONIA
Sh. Subhash Chand Rana has lost the
original documents i.e. Allotment Letter
15.12.2023. 0040703693-10
0040703727-1 purposes. 0040703761-5 TO THEIR DISRESPECTFUL, DISOBEDIENT
dated 27.07.2010 executed in favour of
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Goyal & Mrs. Babita
Goyal in respect of Residential Flat No-
I,Anubha Shrivastava D/o I, Deep Lal Rai S/o Hirday Rai CLIENTS. FROM NOW ONWARDS MY CLIENTS
The Superintending Engineer, 4th Circle, HPPWD Shimla-171003 on behalf of Governor Himachal Pradesh invites the Percentage
Masroor Ali, R/o-242,kucha mir HAVE NO CONCERN WITH THEM AND ANYONE 107, 1st Floor, Tower B-5, built on Plot
Mahesh Prasad Shrivasatava, R/o A-10, Amrit Nagar,South DEALING WITH THEM IN FUTURE SHALL BE No GH-8, Sector-1, Supertech Eco Rate bids in electronic tendering system for construction of roads under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana-III in the district of
ashiq chawri-bazar,delhi DOING SO AT HIS/HER OWN RISK AND
Shimla for the following package from the eligible contractors registered with HPPWD/CPWD/P&T, Railways/other state Govt.
R/o.Flat.No.406,T-11,RPS Extension Part-1, Lodi Road, RESPONSIBILITY.
Village-1, situated at Greater Noida,
6,Delhi G.P.O.,North- Sd/- Gautam Budha Nagar, U.P. Our client /Central Govt agencies.
Savana,Sector- Delhi-110003 have changed my has also lodged a FIR on 15.12.2023 for
Delhi,Delhi-110006,have GAURAV KHULBE & BHANU MOHAN

88,Faridabad,have changed my name from Deep Lal to Deep ADVOCATE the same. If anyone found the same, Sr. Name Packag Name of work Period of Estimated cost Total Cost Bid
changed my name Mohd B-121, BGS BLOCK, TIS HAZARI COURT
please contact on 9911838238. of e No. construction in Rupees security
name to Anubbhaa Shrivastav. Lal Rai for all purposes in DELHI-110 054 No in Rupees (in lacs)
Salim,for all,future purposes. Parveen Kumar Advocate
Distt. in Days (in lacs) in
future. 0040703645-1 Seat No. 111, Civil Side, Construction Maintenance
(excluding Rupees
0040703727-6 0040703693-2 Bar Room No. 1, part part
GST) (in lacs)
I, Chirangi Lal Sharma s/o Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi (excluding (excluding
I,Bineet Kumar Maunikhiya S/o I,ANWER UL ISLAM S/O. PUBLIC NOTICE
Chandra Mani Devrani R/o H, It is hereby informed to public at large that My
Rajesh Kumar, R/o,D-20, Mohan NOORULISLAM, R/O.B-35 No C-30 M.B.R Enclave, clients Sh. Darshan Lal, S/o Sh. Wazir Chand 1. Shimla HP-09- Up-gradation of Cheog Tiyali 510 Rs 1897.27 Rs 143.61 Rs 2040.88 Rs
Garden, Uttam-Nagar, New GROUND-FLOOR,FRIENDS Pochanpur Extension, South
and Smt. Varsha Rani, W/o Sh. Darshan Lal, 695 Dhamandri to Sainj Road Km. 0/0 to lacs lacs lacs 40.82
Both R/o A- 43, Mansa Ram Park, Uttam IN THE COURT OF SH. AJAY GARG, 23/895.(SH: ROFD Protection works, lacs
Delhi-110059,have changed my COLONY-WEST,DELHI- West Delhi, Delhi-110077 have Nagar, Delhi-110059, have severed off/ ADJ-01, KKD, COURTS DELHI Road side drain, Metalling and Tarring,
name to Bineet Chaudhary. 110065.HAVE CHANGE MY changed my name to Chiranji
disconnected their all relations/connections
with their children namely, Akshay Mehta,
PC 49/2023 N.D.O.H. 14.02.2024 Panel concrete road furniture, dumping
NAME TO SHEIKH MOHAMMED Lal permanently. 0070878854-1 Asha Rani, Seema Handa, Archna Babbar P1 Sh. Naveen Roy S/o Hare Krishna Roy R/o site 0/0 to 23/895( Package No. HP-
0040703727-8 and Ragini Chauhan and have Flat No. 62, Plot No. 74, Aashirwad
ANWER UL ISLAM. 0040703693-5 debarred/disowned them from their all
Apartment, Inderaprastha Extention, Delhi-

I,DEWINDER SINGH,S/O SARDUL I, Chirangi Lal Sharma s/o movable and immovable properties for all
110092 2. Shimla HP-09- Up-gradation of Kelvi to Sainj road Km. 510 Rs 1215.66 Rs 96.16 Rs 1311.82 Rs
I,ANOOP KUMAR S/O VINAY Chandra Mani Devrani R/o H, intents & purposes due to their bad behaviour ...Petitioner 715 9/0 to 25/00.(SH: Improvement of lacs lacs lacs 26.24
SINGH R/O NE-36-A,VISHNU and misconduct. If anybody deals with them, Versus passing places, Missing Cross lacs
KUMAR R/O HNO.42, POCKET- No C-30 M.B.R Enclave, R1 The State, Represented Through: The
GARDEN,NEW DELHI- he/she will be liable for the consequences. drainage works, side drain, Parapets,
9,SECTOR-22,ROHINI,DELHI- Pochanpur Extension, South Sd/- Chief Secretary, Players Building, Delhi
Crash Barriers CC pavement Tarring
110018,CHANGED MY NAME TO Sandeep Mishra, Secretariat, GNCT of Delhi, Indraprastha,
110086.HAVE CHANGED MY West Delhi, Delhi-110077 have Advocate I.T.O., New Delhi-110002 and road signs etc., including five year
DEVINDER SINGH,FOR ALL routine maintenance)
NAME TO ANOOP KUMAR changed my name to Chiranji
(D/774/2017) R2 Smt. Saran Devi W/o Hare Krishna Roy,
PURPOSES. 0040703727-5 Ch. No.75A, Civil Wing, R/o Flat No. 62, Plot No. 74, Aashirwad ( Package No. HP-09-715)
GUPTA. 0040703723-3 Lal permanently. 0070878854-1 Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi Apartment, Inderprastha Extension,
Delhi-110092 M. 9958313138 3. Shimla HP-09- Up-gradation of Matiana Mahori to 510 Rs 2181.72 Rs 154.16 Rs 2335.88 Rs
I,GAJENDRA,S/O.JHANGIR 694 Chhaila Road Km. 0/0 to 25/650 Km. lacs lacs lacs 46.72
I, Vimla Devi W/o Sanjay Pratap I Radheshyam Prasad, S/o- Late
R3 Sh. Praveen Roy S/o Hare Krishna Roy
SHARMA,ADD-A-27,HARI- R/o Plot No. 63, Shivani Apartment, (SH: Improvement of passing places, lacs
Singh R/o H.No. 12, Gyan Mr. RAMKRIPAL R/o- House PUBLIC NOTICE Inderprastha Extention, Delhi-110092
Missing Cross drainage works, side
VIHAR DAIRY WALA-ROAD, M. 873034825 / 9350750032
Khand-3, Indirapuram, A173, Gulab bagh, THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS HEREBY drain, Parapets, Crash Barriers CC
KAKROLA,DWARKA,DELHI- -- ---------------
pavement Tarring and road signs etc.,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- Uttamnagar, Delhi, Pin 110059
110078.changed my name to SUNDER GUPTA S/O LATE SH. S.P. GUPTA
PETITION UNDER SECTION 276 OF including five year routine
201010 have changed my name have changed my name to R/O C-5-D/58-B JANAKPURI, WEST DELHI
to Bimla Singh for all future Radheshyam prasad agrawal WITH HIS SON MR. RAHUL GUPTA AND GRANT OF PROBATE IN RESPECT OF 694)
purposes. 0040703614-1 for all future purposes. R/O C-5-D/58-B JANAKPURI, WEST DELHI- HARE KRISHNA ROY S/O SH. 4. Shimla HP-09- Up-gradation of Dhabas to Sarahan 510 Rs 1319.39 Rs 113.23 Rs 1432.62 Rs
I,GULAB SINGH,S/o KUNDAL 110058 DUE TO THEIR BAD HABITS AND BHAGWAT ROY R/O FLAT NO. 62, 696 and Road Km. 0/0 to 23/895.(SH: ROFD lacs lacs lacs 28.65
I, Vijay Pratap S/o Balcharan 0070878943-1 DISOBEDIENCE. MY CLIENT HAS ALSO PLOT NO. 74, AASHIRWAD
HP-09- Protection works, Road side drain, lacs
Singh R/o Saradpara HIS ABOVE NAMED SON AND DAUGHTER- EXTENTION, DELHI-110092. 693 GSB, WBM, BC AND BM, crash barrier
SEEMAPURI,DELHI- I Indrawati Devi W/o Sh.Ramesh IN-LAW AND ALL THEIR HEIRS AND ISSUES , road furniture, dumping site 0/0 to
Notice is hereby given to the general public
10/0 ( Package No. HP-09-696) and
110095,declare that name-of- Kumar R/o Buchawas, that any person having objection for Grant of
Letter of Administration of the Movable and Up-gradation of Shakeldhar to Nahol
my has been wrongly-written Mahendragarh, Haryana- ANYBODY DEALING WITH MR. RAHUL
Immovable Property of the deceased Sh.
Pradesh-271902 have changed GUPTA AND MRS. HIMANSHI WILL DO SO AT Road Km. 0/0 to 8/840.(SH:
as GULAB in my-passport 123034 declares that my HIS/HER/THEIR OWN RISK AND Hare Krishna Roy S/o Sh. Bhagwat R/o Flat
Imrovement, Passing Places, missing
my name to Vijay Pratap Singh RESPONSIBILITIES AND MY CLIENTS WILL No. 62, Plot No. 74, Aashirwad Apartment,
CD ,side drain crash barrier, CC
Documents correct name is Indrawati Devi NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY Inderprastha Extension, Delhi-110092 in
for all future purposes. ACTS, DEEDS OR DEALINGS OF MR. RAHUL respect of Flat No. 62, situated at Plot No. Pavements and Tarring BM, crash and Date of birth is 01.01.1968. GUPTA AND MRS. HIMANSHI. 74, Aashirwd Apartment, Patparganj barrier , road furniture, dumping site
actual-my-name is GULAB 0040703615-1 Sd/- Inderprastha Extension, Delhi-110092 0/0 to 8/840 ( Package No. HP-09-693)
0040703606-2 JOGENDER KUMAR (Advocate) Whereas the 14/02/2024 at 10’O clock in the
SINGH.,For all,the future I, VISHAL/VISHAL D-1001/05 forenoon has been fixed for hearing of the Non-registered bidders may submit bids, however, the successful bidders must get registered in appropriate class with appropriate
Ch. No.840, Lawyers Chambers Dwarka
purposes. 0040703693-4 MAHAWAR/VISHAL KUMAR I Chirag Verma S/o Sh.Mahesh Court Complex, Sector-10 Dwarka,
case, notice is hereby given that person
authorities before signing the contract.
having any interest in the administration of
MAHAWAR, S/O-RATTAN Verma R/o House No.84, New Delhi-110075
the shares and debentures concerned may if Cost of form in Rupees 5000/- for Per Package (non-refundable) (Online)
I,Gyan Mehera S/o Har Bhagwan he/she desire appear in this Court of the said
KUMAR R/O. HOUSE. NUMBER- Village Dallupura, Vasundhra Availability of Bid Documents and mode of submission: The bi7d document is available online and should be submitted online
R/o-1/7085 second- 14/02/2024 and see the proceedings before
in The bidder would be required to register in the web-site which is free of cost. For submission of the
28-29, FIRST-FLOOR, BLOCK- Enclave, Delhi-110096 have the grant letter of Administration.
Floor,Gali.No.5,Shivaji Given under my hand the seal of this court on bids, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities.
G,POCKET-2, SECTOR-11, changed my name to Chirag this 08/12/2023.
Park,Shahdara Delhi- The technical bids will be opened in the office of Superintending Engineer, 4th Circle, HPPWD, Winterfield, Shimla H.P.,
ROHINI, DELHI-110085, have Dedha for all purposes. Sd/-
110032,Have Changed My SEAL Additional District Judge (01) 171003 on 11.01.2024 at 1100 hours.
East, KKD, Delhi.
Name To Gyan Mehra,For All changed my name to VISHAL 0040703606-1 Submission of Original Documents: Nil
Purposes. 0040703693-8 KUMAR. 0040703761-1 The site for the work is available.
I Sushil Garg S/o Sh.Inder Sain Last Date/ Time for receipt of bids through e-procurement: 10.01.2024 upto 1700 Hours.
I Sushil Garg S/o Sh.Inder Sain I, Bharti Shokeen,W/o Mrinal Garg R/o H.No.3, Third Floor, All the required materials like Cement/Steel/Bitumen/Explosive etc. shall be arranged by Contractor at his own level.
Garg R/o H.No.3, Third Floor, Khatri, R/o Plot No-94B, First Front Side, Rohtak Road (Near Further, the payment for routine maintenance to the contractor shall be regulated based on his performance of maintenance
Floor, Khasra No-24/25, Shanti Peera Garhi Chowk), Inder activities.
Front Side, Rohtak Road (Near
Kunj Main, Vasant Kunj,South Enclave, Paschim Vihar,New The bids for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than ninety days after the deadline date for bid
Peera Garhi Chowk), Inder submission.
Enclave, Paschim Vihar,New West Delhi-110070 have Delhi-110087 have changed my Bidders may bid for any one or more of the works mentioned in the Table above. To qualify for a package of contracts made up of
Delhi-110087 have changed my changed my name to Bharti name to Sushil Garg Danodia this and other contracts for which bids are invited in the same NIT, the bidder must demonstrate having experience and resources
name to Sushil Garg Danodia Khatri for all purposes. for all purposes.0040703606-3 sufficient to meet the aggregate of the qualifying criteria for the individual contracts.
for all purposes. 0040703606-3 Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The Employer shall not be held liable for any delays due to system failure
0040703675-1 beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the bidders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for
I, Irum Salim W/O Mohd Salim
I,KAMLA W/O CHINTAMANI I, Biloo, W/o Mehfooz Ahmad, any information not received by the bidder. It is the bidder’s responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to the
R/o 242, kucha mir ashiq chawri tender.
BASNET R/O RZ-B-22,FIRST- R/o J-12, DDA Flats, Turkman bazar delhi 6, Delhi G.P.O., North
FLOOR,VIJAY ENCLAVE, DELHI- For further details please log on to
Gate, Asaf Ali Road, Delhi- Delhi, Delhi, 110006, have The undersigned has right to extend or cancel the bids without declaring any reasons there-of.
110045.HAVE CHANGED MY 110006, have changed my name changed my name to Irum Superintending Engineer
NAME TO KAMLA BASNET. to Bilqis Begum, for all Saalim, for all future purposes. 4th Circle, H.P.P.W.D
0040703686-9 purposes. 0040703625-1 Winterfield, Shimla-171003
4409/HP Fax: 0177-2805097.
Tel: 0177-2653455.


Cinema & Music

The King and I

THE THING about fairy tales is that a lot of WATCH BY
the time these involve a dolled-up Princess
looking out the window of a fancy tower LIST ALAKA
waiting to be swept off her feet.
And there are few fairy tales to parallel
that of Priscilla Presley nee Beaulieu, who PRISCILLA★★★
found herself at 14 being courted (but
strangely not coveted) by a rock star who
Director:SofiaCoppola Cast:CaileeSpaeny,JacobElordi,AriCohen
ing over him.
Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla, based on the
book Elvis and Me,startsoff beautifullyfrom
this perspective. A prepubescent girl, a ver-
itable Alice, who has stumbled into a dream
world. In the day she attends school, learn-
ing arithmetics and French, in evenings, she
goes on dates with Elvis, their paths having THEDELINQUENTS
crossed at a German air base where he is MUBI
servinghis conscription time during WW II. Writer-director Rodrigo Moreno’s
He is lonesome, or so his friends say, for 2023 heist film has bank employee
company from home. She is just what he Morán (Daniel Elias) plan a scheme
sees home as: pure, virginal, pre-stardom, to liberate himself from corporate
holding true to his Catholic upbringing, and monotony: he’ll steal enough money
his beloved late Momma’s idea of her son. to support a modest retirement,
How can she resist? then confess and serve prison time
It’s as the film goes on that Coppola while his co-worker holds on to the
seems to lose touch with that ephemeral cash. His accomplice Román heads
quality that drew her two characters to- to a remote place to hide the funds.
gether at the start. There, he encounters a mysterious
In what would seem incongruous for woman who will transform his
these times, Priscilla, now 16, is allowed by life forever.
her parents to move to Graceland in
Memphis, into Elvis’s home, on the condi-
tion that she finish her schooling. He prom-
ises a good Catholic school for the same.
And then, like all Princes, or heroes, or
movie/rock stars, he is never home, waging
Priscilla has somehow done the graduation,
she suggests she could join a job. He won’t
have it. “I want you there when I get home,”
Elvis tells her.
Even physically, Jacob Elordi’s Elvis tow-
ers over the diminutive Cailee Spaeny’s
Priscilla. And then, he proceeds to wear her
down, deciding what she should wear, REACHERS2
what colour, how her hair should be, when PRIMEVIDEO
she can come to see him wherever he is, Reacher Season Two begins when
how to keep quiet about his various pecca- veteran military police investigator
dilloes (not bothering to hide them), and Jack Reacher (Alan Ritchson) re-
even now and then telling her to go home to ceives a coded message that the
her parents. members of his former US Army
When the wedding proposal finally self. Elvis and Priscilla spend hours together to be Elvis as seen by the woman who had Priscilla ultimately is another addition At one time, when Elvis again extends unit are being mysteriously mur-
comes, it comes out of the blue. When the in the bedroom,cavort anddo everything — the best vantage view to him, but can that to Coppola’s long list of lovely, lonely hero- his stay for a shoot, telling Priscilla to keep dered. Reacher reunites with three
baby follows, it just happens. Elvis holds off but.Whentheydo,weseenomorningafter. view be entirely devoid of what Priscilla ines — both lonely in their loveliness and “the home fires burning”, she shows a rare of his former teammates to investi-
sex for a long time in their relationship, out We know how this story goes, having thought of his music? It’s the music that de- lovely in their loneliness. Spaeny’s tragic spark to counter: “The flames are burning gate. The show is created by Nick
of some moral idea of “the right time” — but seen it even on cinema just a year ago. We fined him, and then redefined him, mould- turn, her breakable quality notwithstand- low.” He doesn’t take it kindly. Santora, based on the novels by
more likely due to his vague concepts of now know how this story goes entirely ing him and eventually distorting him, but ing, she seems almost as much a mouldable It’s the closest this film comes to Lee Child.
virtuosity, especially when it came to him- strippedof Elvis’smusic.Granteditismeant also making him the man he was. doll Coppola as Priscilla was for Elvis. Burning Love.

A Distant View The Good,

Director:Sam Esmail
Bad & Ugly
his teenage daughter show up at the door. 1670
ROHANNAAHAR Amanda is instantly suspicious. Played by EVEN THOUGH the allure of the entertain- NETFLIX
Mahershala Ali, the man claims to be the ment world draws many young ones into its Jan Pawel Adamczewski (Bartlomiej
THERE’S A sense that everybody involved owner of the rental home; he was forced to fold, rarely does anyone looks beyond their Topa) is a landowner in the village of
with Leave the World Behind, the apocalyp- return because of the blackout in the city. cutenessandnaturalperformancestounder- Adamczycha and wants to become
ticthrilleronNetflix,wantsapatontheback As the two families join hands, Esmail stand thetoll it takesonthem.First Act, asix- the most famous man in Polish his-
for asking the Big Questions. takes his foot off the pedal, episode documentary by Deepa Bhatia, not tory. Unfortunately, he is hindered
Not content with merely having semi-committed only tries to tell their stories of struggle and by his daily life as a landowner, a
making its point, delivering himselftofleshingthesechar- successbutalsoexplorestheirvulnerabilities conniving neighbour and the declin-
therequisitethrillsandmov- acters out a little. For all in- and difficulties. ing noble Republic. His family, full
ing along, Leave the World tents and purposes, these six The series, at the very onset, pieces to- of zany characters, add to the drama
Behind seems to suffer from characters are meant to rep- gether glimpses of children of different age and intrigue in this mockumentary-
a near-constant inferiority resentallofhumanityfor140 groups being auditioned. While young chil- style comedy.
complex. In its desperation minutes; they’re archetypes. drenaremostlytongue-tiedorfidgety,older
for prestige — director Sam It’s not like Leave the kidsarticulatebetterwhenaskedabouttheir The question that bothered Safary, after pulsions.ForEktaMethai,workingasajunior
Esmail gives himself the World Behind was always ambition. Some children have their acting enjoyingapeakofsuccesswithTaareZameen artist meant contributing Rs 500 per day to
rathernarcissistic‘writtenfor doomed to fail. If anything, coach making them chant that they would Par (2007), is ‘what next?’. Parzan Dastur’s their household income. But finding work
the screen and directed by’ the movie is unusually well- becomeakalaakaroneday.Othershavetheir cuteness in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998) won continuestobeastruggle.SinceKrutiShastri,
credit — it sacrifices the pulp made. Esmail seems to be parents drilling the same into their head. many hearts. Though this was followed by asinglemother,couldn’tearnenoughmoney
at its core. having a ball — in addition to The dream of their children becoming somehecticyearsofbalancingschoolandact- cookingatothers’homes,herchildrenNidhi
It’s never really clear if the three major action set- ‘superstars’or‘appearingonTV’canbeover- ing,todayhetalksaboutbeingthick-skinned and Yuvraj faced the camera from the age of
we’remeanttotakeanything pieces,eachof whichisspec- powering for parents. In such cases, making about rejections. After the astounding suc- 3 and 4, respectively.
in it seriously. Julia Roberts tacular — he can’t help but thechildrenbagactingassignmentsbecomes cessof SlumdogMillionaire(2008), Though in some cases, finding
plays Amanda, a misan- draw attention to his flashy a project for some parents. In the worst case AzharuddinMIsmailfoundithard FIRSTACT work has proven to be rewarding
thropicmiddle-agedwoman filmmaking.Why,then,does scenario,itturnsintoanobsession.Whenthat to adjust to his modest life. After ★★★★ for these children and their fami-
whodragsherhusband,Clay the movie never come to- happens, the unscripted series — serving as fighting drug abuse, he is now liesintermsof moneyandfame,it LEILA’SBROTHERS
(EthanHawke),andtheirtwo gether? The style over sub- a cautionary tale — repeatedly points at the hopefuloffacingthecameraagain. Director:Deepa has come at a cost. BOOKMYSHOWSTREAM
kids,foraweekendgetawayinthecountry- stanceapproachaside,it’sprobablybecause possible ‘loss of childhood’. The experiences of successful Bhatia Several industry veterans are This Iranian drama, directed, written
side. As it turns out, they picked the perfect ofEsmail’scuriouscreativedecisiontoerase As First Act tries to give a well-rounded former child stars provides a per- Streamingon: criticaloftheproblematichandling and co-produced by Saeed Roustayi,
time to rent out a luxury home in the mid- any sense of mystery surrounding these picture of child artists’ life, it speaks to a host spective that many parents and PrimeVideo ofchildrenonthesets,mainlylong revolves around Leila (Taraneh
dleof nowhere,becausehoursafterthey’ve strange events. Once it becomes clear that of actors, their parents and those who work youngsters chasing the dream of waitingperiodsanduseofmanip- Alidoosti), who has spent her entire
settled in, the world seemingly ends. youaren’tmeanttoparticipateinthedrama, withthem.Previouslysuccessfulchildartists beingfamousneedtoconsider.Theparentsof ulative methods to get the right emotion. life caring for her family. To alleviate
Among many other ominous portents, youcan’thelpbutshakeyourheadindisap- Sarika, Jugal Hansraj, Parzaan Dastur, and Ronnish Maini shifted to suburban Mumbai AmoleGupte,whoisthecreativeproducerof their poor financial condition, Leila
Amanda and Clay spot stray deer in the gar- pointment. Leave the World Behind comes DarsheelSafarysharetheirexperiences.Most from Delhi when he was a little over two First Act, says: “The journey has to be enrich- makes a plan with her brothers.
den.Then, atthesupermarket,shenoticesa from Barack and Michelle Obama’s Higher poignant insights are offered by Sarika, one years old. Their justification for making this ing as an art form not as a vehicle for fame.” The story reveals a section of
man stocking up on supplies. A passenger Ground banner. You’d assume that they’d of India’s most successful child actors who move: Ronnish wanted to be on television. DirectorShoojitSircarexpresseshisdispleas- Iranians’ struggle to make ends
airlinerdropsoutofthesky;hundredsofself- associate themselves only with ‘important’ transitionedtobecomeastarasanadult.She Ronnish, probably, was parroting what had ureovertheimaginationofchildrenbeingre- meet at a time when the country is
drivingTeslasrunamokonthehighway.The storiesaboutthehumancondition,buthere recalls walking barefooton the railway track been suggested to him. strained. Casting director Mukesh Chhabra caught in the grip of international
internetisdown;theyhavenowayofknow- they are, proudly stamping their names on inthepeakofsummerinspiteoffallingill.She Bhatiafollowsthestoryofseveralchildren warnstheparentsagainstbeingfleeced.First economic sanctions.
ingwhat’sgoingon.It’sallverydisconcerting. a movie in which Julia Roberts yells at a alsosharesherdreamofwearingaschooluni- aspiring for a career in showbiz — trying to Act, hopefully, would make the parents and
Thatevening,adapper-lookingmanand hordeof wildanimalsforthreefullminutes. form that was never fulfilled. understandtheirmotivationsaswellascom- industry people take note of these.

Leaving Out a Lot minute of the actual comedy that was per-
Oneof themovie’smosteffectivemomentsis
a hard cut to Robinson that director Rashidi
Natara Harper makes towards the end, when
Hart is taking a victory lap of sorts. The movie
KEVINHART&CHRISROCK:HEADLINERSONLY★★■ likely—thestreamerdoesn’towntherightsto itself seems to be suggesting that Robinson,
Director:Rashidi NataraHarperStreamingon:Netflix a single word of the performance. who was recently left partially paralysed be-
Ironically,themainreasonbehindHartand cause of a stroke, should’ve been up there
FORSUCHaminutelymanicuredpieceof‘con- moreaccomplishedRock,hecameupwiththe Rock coming together is the least interesting with Hart.
tent’, Kevin Hart & Chris Rock: Headliners Only idea to do a one-week joint show at three dif- thing about this film, which is infinitely more It’s like the movie is actively withholding
certainlyleavesalotof wrinklesinplainsight. ferent New York City locations. He even engagingwhenthetwocomedianslookback the comedy. A scene in which Rock goes on a
Whether or not this was by design is another planned a grand gesture for the end. He’d call on their lives and the many setbacks that quickriffaboutnevergoingtomeetingsonan
argument altogether. The Netflix documen- the unsuspecting Rock back up to the stage, they’ve experienced. We also get lively com- empty stomach is probably the funniest bit in
tary is on the surface a noble effort to recreate and then present him with a live goat in front mentarybylegendssuchasJerrySeinfeld,Bill the film. It brings back memories of the HBO
the magic of The Original Kings of Comedy — of 20,000 people. Because, he’s the GOAT. Get Burr and Wanda Sykes, but Headliners Only specialTalkingFunny,orthebackstageportions
Spike Lee’s seminal film that united four ma- it? Even when he’s first narrating the plan (to focuses solely on what Hart and Rock have of The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail. The
jor Black comedians on the same stage over Jay-Z),youcan’thelpbutwonder,“Theyknow play, and more pertinently, wonder why they Hart,we’retold,wantedtomodelthisshow done for other comics. onlytimeintheentirefilmthateitherofthem
two decades ago — but despite a handful of that this is a terrible idea, don’t they?” But Jay simplydidn’teditthisportionout.Eventhough on the same lines as The Original Kings of Rock recalls when he was singled out by is on stage — Hart makes a joke about Will
moving moments, Headliners Only can’t help Z seemed to be very impressed. Rock was obviously not into it, and Dave Comedy, and while Rock readily agreed, Eddie Murphy as a teenager. And Hart insists Smith’smeltdownattheOscars,andthecam-
butfeellikecovertadvertisingforaspecialthat When the plan fails spectacularly — Rock Chappelle — we’ll get to him in a moment — Chappelle said no. He eventually showed up that Rock did the same for him many years era instantly cuts to Rock — is an instant re-
Netflix hasn’t even announced yet. is clearly embarrassed, and the goat begins hadjumpedshipatthefirstopportunity,Hart justtheonetimetosupporthisfriends.There’s later,eventhoughthefilmestablishesthatthe minderof whatHeadlinersOnlyneededmore
Hart seems to be the orchestrator here. To poopingalloverthestage—you’releftwithno continued to pretend like this overly perfor- confusiononscreen,butthefilmdoesn’tseem comic Keith Robinson was the one who actu- of.Itwaslyingthereinplainsight,likeapunch-
provethathedoesn’tfeelthreatenedbythefar choicebuttoadmiretheleveloflunacyondis- mative gesture was actually genuine. to clock it. In fact, they don’t even show a allymentoredHartwhenhewasstartingout. line up for grabs. RN

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis


ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

You may have A number of planets
been having a are lined up in
bumpy ride in a generally positive
relationship formations, and
recently, but there’s no doubt Venus, that most graceful and
that you are quite capable of charming celestial body, is
giving as good as you get. now coming to your aid,
Leave intensely personal making your day-to-day
affairs on one side and get affairs that much more
on with the business of pleasant. However, if it comes
day-to-day survival. to extending goodwill, you
have to make the first move.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21)
Today’s lunar SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
patterns combine a It is indeed a fine
need for relaxation moment to indulge
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson with a desire to stay
active. The best way to enjoy
in practical chores
especially if you’re
yourself should therefore be to teaming up with other people.
pursue a number of your DIY activities are favoured, as
favourite interests or hobbies. are casual and low-key social
After all, a little bit of what you gatherings. But, also, it seems
fancy does you good. to me, are relationships in
which you are actively helping
ACROSS DOWN GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) partners achieve their ideals.
This is traditionally
1 Belief in proof of guilt (10) 2 It’s not allowed to charge
a day for fiddling SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
8 Drink almost everything? public (7)
around at home, Do not let a minor
No, the whole lot (5) 3 Sinuous slave dance (5) completing chores matter depress you.
9 He escaped to become 4 To be consistent he must of no great consequence. I Rather than
famous (7) be in the middle (6) have to report that, unexciting dwelling on secret
10 There’s no accounting for his 5 Until that is put in order this is as the prospect may be, this is problems you should set about
performance (7) useless (7) indeed due to be a day to tackling them with all the
perform necessary, if practical skill and experience at
11 US state without an interior 6 Diana madly in the swim (5) unglamorous, duties. You’ll your disposal. Seek expert
becomes a country (5) 7 Refers to great improvement in have fun later. assistance where necessary, for
12 Play, but cheat (6) tobacco products (10) I do not think you can do
CANCER (June 22 - July 23) everything by yourself.
14 The Parisian sees off the 8 Does it make things sticky for
tenant (6) motorists? (7,3) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong Certain facts of life
are inevitable for all CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
17 Record list of many 13 Unusually tactile those born under Opportunities for
deer (5) network (7) the sign of the Crab. progress and
19 Be a toff disguised being 15 Though particular the place is For example, you often growth are often
eccentric (7) in a mess (7) experience emotional conflicts disguised as
and insecurities which you challenges which at first seem
21 Notice a wild 16 Company gets some grain for find it difficult to talk about. to be nothing more than
flower (7) money in Russia (6) Now is the time to start difficulties or problems.
22 Soldiers from Tunis (5) 18 Mob breaks up after sailor bringing such deep feelings However, such tricky
23 Let one down produces weapon (1-4) into the open. situations should be seen as
lightly (5,1,4) 20 Blunder on stage (5) the grit which produces the
LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) pearl in the oyster.
You have a tendency
Solutions Crossword5235Across: 1Decode,4Sampan,9Divisor,10Synod,11Curse, at the moment to AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
12Napkins,13Abstractart,18Minaret,20Trace,22Trail,23Onlyone,24Cheers,25 bury your head in Devote a little time
Bandage,15Totally,16Emetic,17Behead,19Ruler,21Atoll the sand and ignore and energy to
certain warning signals. Try spending and
to follow your intuitions and investments,
listen to your dreams. The no matter how small or
messages will be very subtle apparently unimportant.
but, if you pay careful Social engagements will be
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel2s attention, you’ll get an most enjoyable if they’re of a

Instructions entirely different slant slightly traditional, restrained

Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, on what’s happening. nature. This means that
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 adventurous activities could
VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)

theanswerforthegivenquip. be off the agenda.

mustappearineachofthe It’s heavy going,
Onlyingrowth,reform,andchange,paradoxicallyenough,is_______tobefound.-Anne nineverticalcolumns,in I know. But PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
eachoftheninehorizontal according to the Social gatherings
IYEER LMUTTU rowsandineachofthe stars you are in should veer towards
nineboxes. control at home. You can the large and
translate your celestial impersonal rather
potential into reality by than the small and intimate.
KMIRS ACRCUY making sure that family Important money decisions
DifficultyLevel members and anyone else ought to have been taken by
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; you live with do what they’re now. Take an unfussy and
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; told. Financial pressures are down-to-earth approach in all
be found. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh 5s=VeryHard; high, but family and property personal discussions. Your
Answer: Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to 6s=Genius deals can wait. clarity means happy partners.

SALUTE THE SOLDIER Army Institute of Technology

Rajasthan State Road Development And Construction Corporation Ltd., JAIPUR
No. NIT/2023-24/23384-93
A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa£¹ff 594/2023-24
Date: 14.12.2023

Constable Dighi Hills, Pune - 411 015 d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f I f¹fûÊ IZ d»fE IZ ³Qi/Sfª¹f ÀfSI fS IZ Ad·f¹ffÔdÂfI e dU·ff¦fûÔ EUÔ C³fIZ Ad²fIÈ °f ÀfÔ¦fN³fûÔ ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f EUÔ A³fb·fUe ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ
BÊ-´fiû¢¹fcS ¸fZ³M ´fidIi ¹ff WZ°fb Afg³f»ffB³f d³fdUQf¹fZÔ Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`:
Sindhe Bhashkar Dashrath A³fb¸ffd³f°f
ITBP salutes its braveheart Constable Sindhe Tender Enquiry SITC of HVAC work at Hospital Building Medical College, Pali.
IYf¹fÊ IYf d½f½fSX¯f »ff¦f°f (÷Y.)
Army Institute of Technology is interested in ‘Construction of UBN: RRC2324WSOB01207 Lakh
Bhaskar Dashrath of 24th Battalion, who
RCC Slab for Classrooms and Tutorial Rooms’. SITC of HVAC work at Hospital Building Medical College, Sirohi. 340.00
made the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty UBN: RRC2324WSOB01208 Lakh
Tender Fee : Rs. 1,000/-, EMD : Rs. 40,000/- d³fdUQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ d³fdUQf Vfb»I , ²fSûWS SfdVf, OfC³f»fûO I S³fZ U Jû»f³fZ I e °ffSeJ ÀfdW°f Àf¸´fc¯fÊ dUUS¯f EUÔ ÀfÔVfû²f³f UZ¶fÀffBÊM
on this day in Jammu & Kashmir in 1991., °f±ff ´fS QZJf þf ÀfI °ff W`Ü B¨LbI
Resident of: Village-Sonari, Distt- Nasik, Maharashtra Last date of submission : 07 Jan 2024 ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ I û A´f³fZ dOdþM»f WÀ°ffÃfS IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ ½fZ¶fÀffBÊM ´fS SdþÀMOÊ I SUf³ff AfUV¹fI W`Ü ¸fWXf´fi¶fa²fIY
Refer for details
Constable email :
Suresh Kumar Tele : 7249250184 / 185
ITBP salutes its braveheart Constable Suresh
Kumar of 19th Battalion, who made the
supreme sacrifice in the line of duty on this
day in Jammu & Kashmir in 1994.
Resident of : Village -Gandar, Distt-Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh

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Former world No.1 Nozomi Okuhara cantered into
the women's singles semifinals, while ace doubles
shuttlers Ashwini Ponnappa and Tanisha Crasto
fought their way into the doubles last four stage of
the Odisha Masters Open in Cuttack on Friday. PTI

Deepti’s fifer has England at sixes & sevens
London: England all-rounder Ben
Stokessaid that his rehabilitation af-
Off-spinner takes 5 for 7 as visitors collapse from 108 for 3 to 136 all out; India Women lead by 478 runs at stumps on Day Two
ter a knee surgery last month has
been going on well and he's hoping VINAYAKK MOHANARANGAN
to make further progress in the next DECEMBER 15
two weeks. The 32-year-old was un-
able to bowl in the final three Ashes WHEN DEEPTI Sharma came on to bowl in
Tests against Australia this year and England's first innings – perhaps later than
only featured as a batter at the recent most expected – the scoreboard read 108/3
World Cup in India. On Friday, Stokes after 25 overs. When she was done bowling,
took to Instagram to share a video of England were bowled out for 136 in 35.3
his workout in the gym following the overs, conceding a 292-run lead to India as
surgery, which mainly involved small wickets tumbled on Day 2 at the DY Patil
squats. "2 week post knee op. First 2 Stadium on Friday.
weeks was just relentless icing to get Itwasastunning50-minutecollapsetrig-
the swelling down and very small gered by Deepti Sharma and Sneh Rana,
amounts of exercises to keep my knee bowling in tandem to spin a web around
moving," he wrote. "Great to be able England's batting lineup. Deepti finished
to start some work in the gym, hop- withsensational bowlingfiguresof 5/7in5.3
ing for good progression over the next overs as a total of 19 wickets fell in Navi
2 weeks. Rehab been going really Mumbai on the second day. India, choosing
well," said the Test captain. PTI tonotenforcethefollow-on,finishedtheday
at 186/6 with a mammoth lead of 478 runs.
Ankaragucuprez 50 minutes of mayhem
bannedforgood England began the day rather well, tak-
Istanbul: The Turkish Football making sure that India's first innings was
Federation (TFF) said on Thursday its wrapped up on 428, with just an addition of
disciplinaryboardhadimposedaper- 18 runs to their overnight tally. When their
manent ban on Ankaragucu club batting innings began, they lost Sophia
president Faruk Koca for punching a Dunkley early to Renuka Singh Thakur once
referee after a game in the country's again as the Indian pacer got the English
top soccer league. The TFF board also opener for the fourth time in four outings on
ruled that Ankaragucu, a club in the this tour.
top-tier Super Lig, should pay a two- Pooja Vastrakar then got a prize wicket in
million-lira ($69,000) fine and would captain Heather Knight before the brilliant
play five home games without fans as NatSciver-Bruntonceagainrescuedherside.
a result of the unrest involving fans There was a gift from the visitors in the form
and club officials. Various other of Tammy Beaumont's run out that ended
Ankaragucu officials received bans, what would be the only significant partner-
cautions and fines in relation to ship of their batting effort.
Monday's incident. At the end of their DeeptiwasthefifthbowlerHarmanpreet
home match against Rizespor, Koca Kaur turned to, with the ace offspinner not
wentonto thepitchand punchedref- beingbroughtonuntilafterlunchforherfirst
ereeHalilUmutMelerinthefaceafter over. But when she did get her hands on the
Rizespor scored a 97th-minute red-ball with the sun beaming down on the
equaliser in the 1-1 draw. PTI pitch, she made it talk and how.
In her first over, she flighted one outside Deepti Sharma celebrates the dismissal of England’s Lauren Filer on Day 2 of the only Test at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai on Saturday. AP
ArcherSheetalin the off stump that landed on a good length
and turned, bounced just enough to see
New Delhi:Armless archer Sheetal
Danni Wyatt feed a catch to short leg. From
there on, the floodgates opened. About 20
minutes later, a bizarre sequence of events
the off stump. It was a bolt out of the blue
that effectively sealed England's fate in the
first innings. Rana would get another wicket
‘Wanted to maximise help spinners got’
Devi was the cynosure of all eyes dur- wouldprovetobe theundoingof AmyJones. in her next over with a similar delivery, this
ing Friday's proceedings at the inau- The wicketkeeper-bat played a strong push timeCharlieDeanshoulderingarmsandget-
gural Khelo India Para Games here as tothe legside, middling theballwell enough ting out LBW.
sheadvancedtothegoldmedalround but it hit Smriti Mandhana at short leg flush Deepti, who scored an impressive 66 in NAVI MUMBAI, DECEMBER 15
of the women's compound competi- on the helmet. The ball then looped up to the first innings to keep her run of scoring a
tion. The 16-year-old Asian Para Shafali Verma at leg slip as India celebrated, half-centuryineveryTestshehasplayed,then INDIA ALL-ROUNDER Deepti Sharma is a
Games champion scored 696 points even while Mandhana was on the turf first got a chance to show off her third dimension meticulous planner. She loves to strategise
tomakeittothefinalroundtobe held andthenheadedoff togetherheadlookedat, too.Oneof thebestonthefieldinthiscurrent and then try to execute her plan. It’s no won- Number of overs it took Deepti
on Saturday at the Jawaharlal Nehru all the while having a wry smile on her face. Indian squad, she got down low to take a der then that she loves playing Test cricket. Sharma to complete her fifer — the
Stadium. Sheetal, representing Two minutes and two deliveries later, swerving return catch offered by Kate Cross. On Day 2 of India’s one-off Test against least in women’s Test cricket.
Jammu and Kashmir, has been mak- Sophie Ecclestone's stay ended as Deepti got The final blow would come an over later as England at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Deepti’s bowling figures were
ing waves in recent months with two onetoturnfromoutsideoff again,buttokeep DeeptigotonetostraightenpastLaurenFiler's Mumbai on Friday, she showed just how ef- 5.3-4-7-5.
medals in her maiden appearance at a bit low this time as the tall England star outside edge and onto the stumps. fectiveherplanningcanbe,claimingherfirst
the Asian Para Games. PTI failed to get her bat down in time. India could have asked England to bat Testfive-forwhileonlyconcedingsevenruns.
onceagainbutchosetohaveagointheirsec- On a day when very early on it was clear score a fifty and claim a fifer in the same
Sneh Rana special
Men’shockeyteam Atthisstage,itlookedlikeEnglandwould
ond innings. The intent was to score quick
runs and the likes of Mandhana, Shafali,
that the pitch would assist spinners, Deepti
match in women’s Tests. “Personally, I love
Test cricket. I just wanted to contribute, be it
losestoSpain needamiracleknockfromSciver-Bruntwho
once againlooked in supreme touch. The all-
Jemimah and Deepti played their cameos
even as England's spinners got their turn to
Harmanpreet Kaur chose to make Deepti
wait and it was only a couple of overs before
with the bat or the ball. I love to play Tests
because you can take your time. More im-
Valencia: The Indian men's hockey rounder extraordinaire has a knack for mak- pick up a few wickets as well. Harmanpreet drinks — India’s 26th over to be precise — Nat Sciver-Brunt top-scored for portantly, you have a lot of time to stage a
team began its 5-Nation Tournament ing run-scoring look easy, and while no Kaur, like her Mumbai Indians teammate that she gave the 26-year-old the ball. England with 59. AP comeback if you lose your way slightly.”
on a disappointing note, losing 0-1 to England batter looked comfortable, she was earlier, looked a class apart however, and Deepti had no qualms about being made Not to say that India lost their way when
lower ranked Spain. Alvaro Iglesias reeling off the boundaries and even looked made sure India's second innings would ex- to wait. For someone used to the demands England’s Nat Sciver-Brunt and Tammy
scored the only goal of the match in solidindefence.Theonlyhalf chanceshehad tend for a while into Day 3. of thefast-pacednatureof white-ballcricket, She needed less than 6 overs to get the Beaumont were looking steady in the mid-
the 29th minute. The Indian team, given during her knock of 59 had come In the end, the second day firmly be- she likes to savour the scattered Test oppor- England innings undone. She wiped out the dle, but they will be thankful that they man-
which has qualified for the 2024 Paris against Renuka when an outside edge fell longed to the Indian offspinners as – from tunities that women cricketers get. middle-lower order as England, from a com- aged to stage a comeback. “We handled the
Olympics after winning gold at the shortof thefirstslip.Itlookedlikeonly aspe- 12.58 pm to 1:47 pm – they threw England Being made to wait also allowed her to fortable 108/3, crumbled to lose the next pressure well initially when Nat and Tammy
Hangzhou Asian Games, is ranked cial delivery could end her stay, and it came off the track in the match with a brilliant dis- plan “When I was fielding at slips, I was just seven wickets for 28 runs, being bowled out got a good partnership. We held our nerves
third in the world while Spain is from Sneh Rana shortly after Ecclestone's play of guile and control. At the heart of it all watching what the bowlers were doing and for 136. The fact that Deepti raced to a five- well (in that phase) and just wanted to take
eighth. Before Friday, India and Spain wicket. was Deepti Sharma, an allrounder who wondering what I could add on to get wick- wicket-haul in just 33 balls is a remarkable it over by over,” Deepti said.
had played against each other twice Rana was in the middle of what was an showed why the longer the format the more ets.Iwaswaitingtocomeintotheattack.The feat. In fact, completing a five-wicket haul in Deepti claimed her first wicket with just
this year. India beat Spain in a World erraticspell,strugglingtocontrolherlineand impactful she is. wicket was helping the spinners and we just5.3oversmarkstheshortestsuchspellin her second ball, getting rid of the dangerous
CupgroupmatchinJanuarywhilethe lengths. But in the 31st over she got the ball BRIEF SCORES: India: 428 & 186/6 thought about maximising it. We wanted to women's Test cricket history. Danny Wyatt (19), who began with a string
European side was victorious in a to rip back in from a good length so sharply (Harmanpreet Kaur batting 44;Charlie Dean bowl in the right areas,” Deepti said after the In terms of records, Deepti, who scored a of fours. Wyatt was caught at short leg for a
tournament at home in July. PTI that Sciver-Brunt couldn't get her feet sorted 4/68) vs England: 136 (Nat Sciver-Brunt 59; day’s play. patient 113-ball 67 in India's first-innings to- bat-pad dismissal, and it was the wicket that
and was cut in half as the ball crashed into DDeepti Sharma 5/7). The spell was nothing short of stunning. tal of 428, became only the second Indian to sparked a shocking England collapse.

How Sudharsan prepared for bouncy wickets Jamal takes six on debut
VENKATA KRISHNA B With India not short on options
andthereislotof competitionanditnoteasy
to get an opportunity. Thanks to our domes-
but Australia lead by 355
CHENNAI, DECEMBER 15 when it comes to the opening tic and India A set-up, it has given me lot of
exposure when it comes to playing in differ- REUTERS On Day Two, Jamal’s pace
JUST A few hours after landing in slot, Sudharsan knows, ent pitches and conditions. Even in this Vijay PERTH, DECEMBER 15 seemingly rose with his
Johannesburg the previous Friday, Sai opportunities like this won’t HazareTrophy,weplayedonunusualpitches,
Sudharsan got down to what he loves the whichtestedyouasanopener.Itwasidealin PAKISTAN PACE bowler Aamer Jamal is hav- newfound confidence as his
come often.
most after batting – running. It has become terms of adapting. It is important you keep ing a Test debut to remember, rattling speeds approached 140 kph.
an uncompromising aspect of his fitness your eyes open and learn. I don't try to copy through Australia's accomplished batting
drills, inspired by Virat Kohli andput in place conditions. In his break-through IPL season others. But what I do is, watch them and un- lineup on Friday to secure a six-wicket haul
by his mother Usha Bharadwaj. this year for Gujarat Titans, where he scored derstand what is making it work for in the series opener in Perth. andthat'showwegotthemout,"the27-year-
For the past 12 months, even his career an eye-catching 96 in the final against them....liketakingonthebowlersinchalleng- Australia racked up an imposing first in- oldtoldreportersondayone."(We)plannedto
symbolises his favourite drill, where he is Chennai Super Kings, Sudharsan spent lot of ingconditionsandhowtodominatethemto ningstotalof 487courtesyof DavidWarner's bowlthempropershortballstocutthemoff."
crossing each and every small milestone, timeimprovinghisbatting,especiallysquare get out of a tight situation,” Sudharsan adds. belligerent 164, leading by 355 after the vis- On day two, Jamal's pace seemingly rose
withtheultimatedreamof wearingtheIndia of off-side,whichhebelieveswouldhelphim itors reached 132-2 from 53 overs at stumps withhisnewfoundconfidenceashisdelivery
cap closer than ever. With Ruturaj Gaikwad in South Africa. “When you are playing re- Surrey stint on day two, but Pakistan's attack toiled speeds approached 140 kph. As Mitchell
being theloneotheropenerinthe side,there allyquickfastbowlers,itisimportanttolearn Reading the conditions and situation is bravely and showed genuine promise. Marsh continued merrily to 90, Jamal up-
is a strong chance the left-hander gets to howtousepace.Youdon’tneedtousepower something that former England batsman With first-choice quick Naseem Shah rooted the stumps of Alex Carey (34) and
wear the India cap when they face South all the time. I see it as evolving because, as a AlecStewart harped on,during his stintwith nursing a shoulder injury, Shaheen Afridi is Mitchell Starc (12) with fuller deliveries
Africa in the first ODI at the Wanderers on batsman you need to be multi-faceted in Surrey, where he is the director of cricket. leadinganinexperiencedfastbowlinguniton which nipped off the seam. When the right-
Sunday. terms of how you play in different condi- While it is unusual for County teams to hand a Perth Stadium deck known for pace and armer had Australia skipper Pat Cummins
Having received the surprise call-up dur- Sai Sudharsan is expected to make his tions,” Sudharsan says. a professional contract to those without an bounce. "Ithink(I'm)quitesatisfied(with)the caught at slip to record his maiden test 'five-
ing the Vijay Hazare Trophy campaign, India debut in the first ODI in With India not short on options when it international cap, Sudharsan was an excep- way the bowlers were able to fight back. It's for', he kissed the turf and accepted the em-
Sudharsan wasted no time in preparing for Johannesburg on Sunday. File comestotheopeningslot,Sudharsanknows, tion with former England batsman Vikram always difficult for the youngsters," Pakistan brace of his team mates.
conditions in South Africa. For a country opportunities like this won’t come often. Solanki, who is with Gujarat Titans, helping bowling coach Umar Gul said. "The way they A carbon copy dismissal of Nathan Lyon
which has traditionally been the most chal- While the IPL came after his first full domes- him strike a deal. brought us back from the first session on the to close the innings gave Jamal figures of 6-
lenging for Indian batsmen thanks to the cause you are playing it from 16-18 yards. tic season, Sudharsan has also been climb- "At Surrey, they gave me a lot of freedom. first day, I think so far we are very satisfied." 111,thesixth-bestreturnforaPakistanbowler
bounce on offer, Sudharsan has been spend- One thing I’ve noticed is, it has improved my ing the ladder rapidly. Usually as a professional there is lot of pres- A 126-run opening partnership between on Test debut. "We were expecting from
ing the last few weeks, using tennis balls to reactiontimealotbecausewhenyougofrom A Duleep Trophy call-upwas followed by sure on you to score runs. But Stewart was WarnerandUsmanKhawaja(41)threatened Aamer Jamal that he can bowl for us a long
get used to it. domestic to international, you face quicker a white-ball leg tour to Sri Lanka with India veryaccommodativeandunderstoodwhere to put the game out of reach early, but Afridi spell and good pace," Gul said. "I think he did
“During the IPL, I was introduced to the bowlers. And when you are starting off with A. And then came a two-match stint with I stand in my career. He just told me to look broke through to send Khawaja on his way. his job and we are quite happy with him."
tennis racquet training, which has now be- tennis ball, it helps in getting the fear out of Surrey in the County circuit before he re- atitasanopportunitytounderstandthecon- Returning to the attack in the 73rd over, Pakistan enter day three with Imam-ul-
come my favourite drill at the nets,” the way as well because you won’t get hurt. turned home for the Duleep Trophy. And ditions. He spent a lot of time in teaching me wicketless and conceding above five an over, Haq on 38 and nightwatchman Khurram
Sudharsan told the Indian Express. And then when you face the cricket ball, the now the call-up to the India team is another how to read the pitches, which was an eye- Jamal exploited the conditions by shortening Shahzad on seven.
“Whenever I get an opportunity, I don’t miss instincts take over,” he says. box ticked for the southpaw, who has man- opener for me. As an opener, it makes a dif- hislengthandluringinbothWarnerandTravis BRIEFSCORES:Australia487(DavidWarner
it because it helps me in improving my reac- Aheadof theODIseries,thathegottoplay aged to put behind the disappointment of ferencebecauseyouaretheonewhosetsthe Head (40) who were soon caught behind 164, Mitchell Marsh 90; Aamer Jamal 6/111)
tion time. When you practice it for weeks, it the first unofficial Test against South Africa missingtheUnder-19WorldCupcutin2020. tone and when you read it well, it helps the square. "Igatheredmyconfidencebackwhen vsPakistan132/2(Imam-ul-Haq38batting;
helps a big deal in playing the bounce, be- A, helped him a bit to get acclimatised to the “There are lot of openers going around team as well,” Sudharsan says. I came back in my third spell, I backed myself Mitchell Starc 1/24)

Hardik steps into big shoes MI had informed Sharma

about change in captaincy
Taking away MI captaincy can unburden Rohit the batsman, while bringing back Hardik a calculated move
before the World Cup
EIGHT YEARS ago, Hardik Pandya walked MUMBAI, DECEMBER 15
into an illustrious Mumbai Indians dressing
room with his heartbeat racing and mind ROHIT SHARMA was informed by Mumbai “It is part of legacy building and staying
freezing.Hereturnstothesameplace,where Number of IPL games Rohit Indians at the start of the World Cup about true to the MI philosophy of being
there are still illustrious names, but as the Sharma as won as Mumbai Indians HardikPandyareturningtotheMIfoldforthe future-ready. Mumbai Indians have
team’s all-powerful captain. Between the captain. He has been incharge of upcoming season, this time as captain. always been blessed with exceptional
summer of 2015 and the winter of 2023, MI in 158 matches and won five According to sources, Pandya had agreed to leadership right from Sachin to
Pandya emerged as one of the most skilled titles. move from Gujarat to Mumbai on one condi- Harbhajan and Ricky to Rohit, who
all-rounders in the world, bestowed with a tion that he be made the franchise captain. while contributing to the immediate
personality that burnishes his gifts. An oc- The Indian Express understands that Rohit success have always had an eye on
casionally controversial figure but always an talandphysical,onhim.TakingawayIPLcap- was made to understand the franchise strengthening the team for the future.
colourful personality, he returns not as the taincy could unburden him and perhaps un- roadmap going ahead around the start of the It is in keeping with this philosophy
prodigal son but as a proven one, after two lock the destructiveness of his batting. Last WorldCup.Hewasinformedabouttheimme- that Hardik Pandya will assume
successful years with Gujarat Titans. two editions, he has hoarded only 600 runs diateneedforachangeincaptaincyinaseries captaincy of Mumbai Indians for the
There would nothavebeenamorefitting in 30 innings, at an average of 20 that is be- of meetings and agreed with the plan to play IPL 2024 season.”
candidate to succeed Rohit Sharma, in terms neath his overall standard of 29, and a strike under Pandya for the forthcoming season.
of stature, aura and the inside knowledge of rate of 125 (career strike rate is 130). Pandya was recently brought back by MI MAHELA JAYAWARDENE,
how the club functions. Hardik need not get Hardik is just 30, an age when maturity from Gujarat Titans in a trade. The Indian MUMBAI INDIANS GLOBAL HEAD PERFORMANCE
familiarized with the dressing room, or the andpeakformarecontentbedfellows,when Express learnt that Pandya had made it clear
dressing room with him. He was that im- he is both young and experienced. He is to the MI owners that if the franchise wants
movable piece of furniture you had lend to damningly injury-prone. However, he has himbackintheside,hewillleadtheteam.The any captain alongside MS Dhoni.
the neighbour for a wedding. Or Hardik re- not missed significant chunks of the league franchise management after consultations Pandya,whohadleftMIforGujaratacou-
turning from a lengthy injury layoff rather due to injuries (unlike the international agreed to Pandya’s wish and later informed pleof seasonsback, led thenewfranchise toa
than spending time polishing his leadership games). SharmaaboutitduringtheWorldCup.Sharma title in their first-ever IPL season. Defending
craft with another franchise. The team is a curious blend of T20 leg- hadbythenleftittothefranchisetodecidethe thetitlethisyear,PandyaandComadeittothe
EventheTitansgroupheforgedintheim- ends and youngsters cutting their teeth in, team’s future. final again but lost against the Chennai Super
age of Mumbai Indians, stoked in the Rohit one that has the 36-year-old Kieron Pollard In a press release on Friday, the franchise’s Kings.
brand of captaincy. In his persistence with with 637 games on his profile page and a 22- global head of performance Mahela "The feeling of coming back to Mumbai is
youth,inhisfaithintheplayershehaspicked, year-old Nehal Wadhera with an experience Jayawardene stated, "It is part of legacy build- veryspecialforalotofreasons.Howmycrick-
inhishands-onapproach,therewereshades of 14 games. Most of Rohit’s lieutenants in ing and staying true to the MI philosophy of eting journey started in 2015 with MI, them
of Rohit, like virtuosos from the same gha- the five titles are treading the sunset of their being future-ready. Mumbai Indians have al- noticingmein2013,"Pandyahadsaidonhisre-
rana. Not that Hardik is a Rohit-clone, but career. To relate to a younger generation, the ways been blessed with exceptional leader- turntohisfirstIPLfranchise."WhenIlookback,
there are lines that overlap. They are anti- MI to have new skipper this IPL season. PTI likes of Tilak Varma, Dewald Brevis and shiprightfromSachintoHarbhajanandRicky thewholespanof10yearshasbeensomething
thetical too—Pandya is a firebrand; Rohit the Hrithik Shooken, a younger captain could be toRohit,whowhilecontributingtotheimme- very special. It has not sunk in yet that I’m fi-
cool-head. But you see the influences, and more beneficial. diate success have always had an eye on nallybackwheremywholecricketingjourney
Rohit’s presence could be the ice to Hardik’s herited had luminaries such as Harbhajan When CSK picked Dhoni, he was India’s But the relevance of Rohit would not di- strengthening the team for the future. It is in started.Ihaveachievedallthepossiblethings."
fire. Singh, Lasith Malinga and Kieron Pollard. captain in just the blossoming T20 format. minish. He would be the first person Hardik keeping with this philosophy that Hardik Hardik’stradebacktoMumbaiwasoneof
The shift, presumably, would be friction- For an outsider, the change of captaincy Soon he would take over other formats and would consult for planning and strategies, Pandya will assume captaincy of Mumbai the highlights of the player trading window
less. Neither he nor Rohit would feel vibes of might embody the cut-throatism of fran- become one of India’s greatest leaders. Rohit thefirstfacehewouldsearchonthefield.His Indians for the IPL 2024 season." ahead of the upcoming IPL 2024 auction. To
discomfort. The burden of Rohit’s success, chisecricket ataclubthatharbourscoldsen- became the captain on the weight and merit words would command both value and re- The release furthermore stated, "We ex- accommodatetheIndianall-rounder,thefran-
thejoint-mostIPL-titlewinningcaptainwith timents in its pursuit for success, a club that of IPL success. There is no guarantee that spect. Hardik would do well to tap from his pressourgratitudetoRohitSharmaforhisex- chisehadtradedAustralia’sCameronGreento
MS Dhoni, would not crush Hardik. splashes millions as readily as they axe the Hardik would join the pantheon or for that wisdom and knowledge.. ceptionalleadership;histenureasthecaptain Royal Challengers Bangalore.
Responsibilities seldom daunt him, rather underperforming millionaires Not winning matter he could be as successful as Rohit or It’s an unavoidable circle of change in of the Mumbai Indians since 2013 has been Earlier, the Titans’ statement revealed the
they harnessthebestoutof him.Fatherhood the trophy in three years might have catal- Dhoni, but he is worth investing in, and sport. A few years ago, Dhoni was leading nothingshortofextraordinary.Hisleadership reasonbehindthemlettinggooftheircaptain.
and captaincy (along with the backlash from ysed this step, but it could have been driven seems a calculated step forward rather than KohliandRohit.KohliwouldthenleadDhoni has not only brought unparalleled success to “As the first captain of Gujarat Titans,
Coffee With Karan faux pas) had gone a long by sheer long-term planning and the need a blind gamble. and Rohit. Now. Rohit is captaining Kohli— theteambuthasalsosolidifiedhisplaceasone Hardik Pandya has helped the franchise de-
way in making him more mature and wise. to reboot. At times, in the last few seasons, and both almost led India to its greatest ever of the finest captains in the history of the IPL." livertwofantasticseasonsthatresultedinwin-
Similarly, Rohit is too professional and ac- they have seemed like a team in need of a Win-win World Cup triumph. A lot of Dhonisms and Back in 2013, after MI had got off to a poor ning one IPL championship and one appear-
commodating a cricketer to nurse hurt, to fresh coat of paint. Or it could be that there The move could be a win-win for both Kohlisms still remain in the team, just as the startunderthecaptaincyofRickyPonting,the anceinthefinal.Hehasnowexpressedadesire
scheme a rebellion in anger or to be torn by would not have been a better window to ac- Rohit and Hardik. Rohit is 36, closer to the ideals of Rohit would shine brightly in franchise would turn to Rohit Sharma to lead toreturntohisoriginalteamMumbaiIndians.
petty ego. Or let those emotions manifest quire his signature. He could turn out to be end of his career. He is the country's all-for- Hardik’s team too. That would be Hardik’s them. It was a call that resulted in their first- We respect his decision and wish him all the
outwardly. It’s the game’s truism—that no what MS Dhoni and Rohit were to their fran- mat captain, the rigours would take its toll. biggestchallengetoo—topreservethelegacy ever league title. Since then, Rohit has led the very best in his future endeavours,” said
one is a captain forever. The IPL team he in- chisees — an Indian captain. The year-long grind would take its toll, men- of Rohit and make his own legacy too. team to four more titles – the joint-most for Vikram Solanki, Director of Cricket.

‘Olympiad success convinced B’desh beats

GMs to travel to Chennai’ India, enter final
Dubai: Ariful Islam's counter-punching fifty
ELO points are on offer for Candidates hopefuls and a fiery spell by left-arm pacer Maruf
Mridha helped Bangladesh score a facile
“I think the success of the Olympiad four-wicket win over India to reach the final
VENKATA KRISHNA B (last year) helped in of the ACC Under-19 Asia Cup here Friday.
CHENNAI, DECEMBER 15 On a slightly double-paced pitch, Indian
people having a batters struggled to get going before getting
WHEN ORGANISERS of chess' Chennai Grand favourable perception bundled out for 188 in 42.4 overs, with
Masterswentintoahuddleacoupleofmonths towards travelling to Musheer Khan (50) and Murugan Abhishek
back, still long way from putting the tourna- India and committing (62) doing all the scoring for them. Maruf
ment in place, they faced an all-important to the tournament. So, took 4 for 41 to give early jolts to India in the
question. With the chess calendar already as such when we contacted the second semifinal. Despite some jitters,
packedandmostofthetopplayershavingtheir Bangladesh went over the line pretty com-
eyes set on the World Rapid and Blitz tourna-
players for the tournament, we fortably in 42.5 overs with Islam (94 off 90
ment and many staying in the comfort of mostly receivedfavourableresponse balls) defending the Indian charge with an
Europe,theywereunsureifanyofthetopplay- for comingover here andplaying. “ engaging innings.
erswillevenremotelyshowinterestinfeatur- GM SRINATH NARAYANAN, However, Maruf kickstarted India's poor
ing in a tournament. PART OF THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE day with a superb opening spell. The pacer
With the London Chess Classic and World found some bounce and swing upfront to
RapidandBlitzeventsandwichedbetweenthe ing in Chennai on Thursday. “We had only reduce India to 13 for three inside seven
markedwindow,pullingtopplayersforanin- around40daystoputthiseventinplaceandit overs. Openers Adarsh Singh, Arshin
vitational event was the biggest challenge. was close. The idea had been there for several Kulkarni and captain Uday Saharan returned
Though this was India’s highest ranked months, but concrete plans came into place without troubling the scorers much.
competition(2711),itwasastandaloneevent, onlytwomonthsback.ButIthinkwehavegot But Musheer and Abhishek shared an
a first of its kind in the country. There was no agoodstartintermsoftheplayerswehaveon 84-run alliance for the seventh-wicket to
historyortraditionassociatedwithitlikeTata board,”Srinathsays.ThattheTamilNadugov- rescue India from a precarious 61 for 6. They
Steel Chess event in Kolkata or any other Fide ernmentshowedintereststraightawaytohost batted quite fluently and Musheer brought
tournaments on the circuit. As GM Srinath theeventdidhelpagreatdealinpullingoffthe up his fifty off 59 balls with a single long-off
Narayanan, part of the organising committee tournament at a short notice. Having hosted Mahfuzur Rahman.
fortheChennaiGrandMasters,reachedoutto theOlympiadsuccessfullylastyear,itisunder- Abhishek clobbered Sheikh Jibon for a
thelot,hesaysthereceptionwasoverwhelm- stoodthatthestategovernmentisworkingto huge six over long-off to bring his fifty in 64
ing. “I think the success of the Olympiad (last make this event an annual affair, particularly balls. However, both the batters departed
year)helpedinpeoplehavingafavourableper- because of the following the sport enjoys in without building further as India sank to a
ception towards travelling to India and com- these parts. “Last year, I didn’t get to enjoy modest total. In reply, Bangladesh too made
mitting to the tournament. So, as such when Chennaibecauseweweremostlystationedat a shaky start and were 34 for three in 9.4
we contacted the players for the tournament, MahabalipuramfortheOlympiad.ButIknow overs.
we mostly received favourable response for this city has a long standing tradition with But Islam found an able alley in Ahrar
comingoverhereandplaying.AndthenIndia chess and I didn’t have to think twice before Amin (44 off 101 balls) as the duo milked
has been one of the superpowers in chess in agreeing to come,” Aronian said. 138 runs for a stubborn fourth wicket stand
the last few years. So we have the infrastruc- to peg India back. Islam was a bit circum-
ture and a developing eco-system which is Gukesh holds Aronian spect to begin with but once found his range,
pulling the players. I would say everyone PTI adds: Local star Dommaraju Gukesh the right-hander played some delectable
knowswhatIndiaisandtheywerewaitingfor began his campaign in the Chennai shots around the park to deny Indian
a super tournament of this kind,” Srinath tells Grandmasters Chess Championship with a bowlers for a long while. Bangladesh lost a
The Indian Express. drawagainstAmericanGMLevonAronianon couple of more wickets towards the end, but
Thistournamentallowsthescopeofadding Friday. that only created an artificial excitement.
a few ELO points sought after by those in the In another match, experienced player P
frayfortheCandidates,whichmeantthelikes Harikrishna beat rapidly improving Arjun UAE stun Pakistan
of D Gukesh, Ajrun Erigaisi, Parham Erigaisi in an all-Indian battle. Iranian GM In the first semifinal, UAE shocked fan-
Maghsoodloo didn’t think twice before com- Parham Maghsoodloo, the top seed, was cied Pakistan by 11 runs to set up a date with
mitting. Levon Aronian too agreed to come beaten in the opening round by Ukraine's Bangladesh in the final. UAE made 193 all
overandAlexandrPredke,PavelEljanov,Sanan Pavel Eljanov. The game between Sanan out largely thanks to a 55 (57 balls) by cap-
Sjugirov all flew down despite some of them Sjugirov of Hungary and Alexandr Predke of tain Aayan Khan and a 46 off 70 balls by
having the option to play in the Bundesliga. Serbia ended in a draw. opener Aryansh Sharma. They then de-
“It'saprettystrongtournamentwithstrong Playing with black, Gukesh managed to fended the target zealously to bowl out
playersinthefray.It'sexcitingforthebestplace hold the highly rated Aronian to a draw as he Pakistan to 182 all out with three balls to
in the world to play against our best players. attempts to secure a spot in next year's spare.
Andthere'salsotheaddedelementof thisbe- Candidatestournamentwithagoodperform- Brief scores: India: 188 all out in 42.4
ing one of the last tournaments in the circuit ance here. overs (Murugan Abhishek 62, Musheer
thisyear.Itdidn'trequirelotof convincingbe- Results:Round1:PentalaHarikrishnabeat Khan 50; Maruf Mridha 4/41, Sheikh Jibon
cause I think the main thing is the kind of op- ArjunErigaisi,ParhamMaghsoodloo(Iran)lost 2/29) lost to Bangladesh: 189 for 6 in 42.5
position you are playing and the location,” to Pavel Eljanov, Levon Aronian (USA) drew overs (Ariful Islam 94, Ahrar Amin 44;
Srinath adds. Dommaraju Gukesh, Sanan Sjugirov Nawan Tiwari 3/35) by 4 wickets. UAE: 193
Thetightcalendarmeant,someoftheplay- (Hungary) drew Alexandr Predke (Serbia). all out in 47.5 overs (Aayan Khan 55, Aryansh
ers arrived in the city only on the tournament Standings after round 1: 1-2. Pentala Sharma 46, Ethan D'Souza 37; Ubaid Shah
eveandintheopeninground,manywerestill Harikrishna,PavelEljanov-1point,3-6.Levon 4/44) beat Pakistan: 182 all out in 49.3 overs
complaining about jet lag and lack of sleep. Aronian,DommarajuGukesh,SananSjugirov, (Saad Baig 50, Azan Awais 41; Ayman
Aronian, especially, who drew with Gukesh Alexandr Predke - 0.5 points, 7-8. Arjun Ahmed 2/18, Hardik Pai 2/35) by 11 runs.
saidhehadonlyfivehoursofsleepsinceland- Erigaisi, Parham Maghsoodloo - 0. —PTI

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`63,100 `82.99 $75.10 `78,100
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of December 14

SENSEX: 71,483.75 ▲ 969.55 (1.37%) NIFTY: 21,456.65 ▲ 273.95(1.29%) NIKKEI: 32,970.55 ▲ 284.30 HANG SENG: 16,792.19 ▲ 390.00 FTSE: 7,611.44 ▼ 37.54 DAX: 16,819.89 ▲ 67.66
International market data till 1900 IST

India, UK working on
mobility regime for Imports shrink 4.3%, trade For 2nd day, markets
hit new highs on Fed
service sector workers
under FTA: Official
deficit narrows in November global merchandise trade to de- from gems and jewellery, iron
rate cut prospects
EASING TRADE cline 7% in 2023.
Barthwal said trends show
ore, pharma and minerals.
While exports this financial
three rate cuts next year.
“Equitymarkets are witness-
other. It covers employees of IMBALANCE that the closing months of the fi- year have been over $33 billion ingaSanta rallyglobally postthe
RAVI DUTTA MISHRA services firms and self-em- INDIA’S MERCHANDISE exports nancialyeardeliverthebestper- every month, the higher base of DOMESTIC EQUITY indices con- dovishoutlookbyUSFedandfall
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 ployed service suppliers. growth slipped into the negative Merchandise exports formance for exports and look- last year is amplifying the chal- tinued their bull run Friday with in dollar index. This along with
Thedegreeof mode4market zone in November, as challenges and imports (in $ bn) ing at the export orders “we lenges being faced by the ex- the Sensex zooming past the strong FII buying and healthy
INDIA HAS sought an easier mo- access is limited as it deals with in the key markets saw no sign of ■ Exports ■ Imports should be able to sustain and porters. 71,000 mark for the first time, macros,supportedthe positivity
bility regime for its service sec- commitments that provide a easing, but the government in- ■ Trade deficit reach a decent level this year”. Apart from demand, another propelled by the prospects of in- in Indian markets,” said
tor workforce during the ongo- right of entry and stay only to sisted green shoots are “stabilis- The decline in exports in factor impacting export num- terest rate cuts by the US Federal Siddhartha Khemka, Retail

ingFTAnegotiationswiththeUK highly skilled individuals and ing” and for the full year ship- Novemberandmuchof thisyear bers is year-on-year decline in Reserve in the next year. Research Head, Motilal Oswal

as both countries are still trying those transferred from an affili- mentscouldreach“decentlevels.” has been due to the fall petro- prices of crude oil that is directly The Nifty also extended its Financial Services Ltd.
to resolve pending issues in the ate of a company with a com- Exports in November were leum and engineering products impacting the realisations of pe- rally to scale new highs, and Buying was seen in IT, PSU


deal, a senior government offi- mercial presence in the UK. down 2.8% on year to $33.9 bil- shipments. These two product troleum product exports. ended above the 21,000-mark bank,metals,andoilandgassec-
cial said on Friday. The visa issues in the trade lion, while imports saw a con- categories account for almost In April-November exports for the second straight day. tors. Cash marketvolumesstood
“We are telling the UK that talks with India continue to be tractionof 4.3%to $54.98billion. half of India’sexports.Petroleum weredown6.5%downto$278.8 The BSE Sensex advanced sharply higher (second highest
our service firms can operate in sensitive issues as UK’s Prime Trade deficit came down to 22.06 20.58 products exports are down by billion while imports during the 970 points, or 1.37 per cent, to ever) as compared to recent av-
the UK only if they can hire peo- Minister Rishi Sunak is facing $20.58 billion in the month, a 15.17%inthefinancialyearwhile period were down 8.67% to $ close at a new high of erages. PSU bank stocks ex-
pleoverthere.Sothevisaregime pressure to tackle record net mi- steep decline from a high $29.9 Nov 2022 Nov 2023 engineeringgoodshavedeclined 445.15 billion. The value terms 71,4823.75. In the last two trad- tended gains for the eleventh
should be such that it can facili- gration figures. High levels of le- billion (revised from $31.46 bil- 1.78%. gap in exports in April- ing sessions, the 30-share index straight trading session. The
tatethis.Theyhavemigrationre- gal migration have dominated lion) in October. The support to the export Novemberperiodofthisyearand has gained around 1,900 points, combined market value of all
lated concerns. Brexit happened Britain's political landscape for In the first eight months of the global trends though the earnings have been provided by last year is $20 billion of which or 2.7 per cent. The NSE Nifty 50 BSE-listed companies surged by
on the immigration issue. So we overadecadeandwasoneof key the financial year merchandise global trade is suffering,” the emerging sector of electron- $16 billion is due to petroleum rose 274 points, or 1.29 per cent, Rs 2.76 lakh crore on Friday,
are trying to balance the con- reasons for it to leave the export growth has been in posi- Commerce Secretary Sunil ics where the growth of 23.56% and gems and jewellery sectors. to settle at an all-time high of markinganoverallincreaseof Rs
cerns of both the countries,” the European Union. tive territory only in August and Barthwal said, and cited the has been seen this financial year The merchandise trade 21,456.65. The index has rallied 8.55 lakh crore for the week,
official said. EarlierthismonththeUKan- October. United Nations Conference on but in value terms it is less than deficit during April-November 530.3 points, or 2.53 per cent in reaching Rs 357.78 lakh crore,
The Indian Express had re- nouncedplanstoslashthenum- “Green shoots are getting Trade and Development Report a quarter of petroleum exports. stoodat$166.35 billionregister- the last two sessions. said Devarsh Vakil, Deputy Head
ported that talksare going on in- ber of migrants arriving by legal strengthened. We have beaten (UNCTAD) which has estimated In November support also came ing a decline of 12.08%. FE “The buoyancy continued in RetailResearch,HDFCSecurities.
volving short-term work per- routes by raising the minimum the market as investors were ex- On Friday, foreign portfolio
mits for its service sector salarytheymust earnin askilled pecting the clouds over US eco- investors (FPIs) were net buyers
workforce under the movement job by a third. However, India is India will face nomic growth to recede by H2 of Rs 9,239.42 crore in domestic
of natural persons (mode 4) cat-
egory. Mode 4 refers to services
looking toharnessitsstrength in
the service sector in the free 25% fall in vegetable oil ■ 2022 ■ 2023
All figures in lakh tonnes little disruption
CY24 and that the economy
equities. Domestic institutional
investors were net sellers of eq-
traded by individuals of one
WTO member through their
trade agreements that it is look-
ing to sign, especially with the imports in Nov: SEA VEGETABLEOILIMPORTS from G7 move
by normalisation in monetary
policy,” said Vinod Nair, Research
far in December, FPIs have put in
presence in the territory of an- UK and European Union (EU). 15.45 Head, Geojit Financial Services. Rs 42,733 crore into the domes-
India’s overall vegetable oil imports fell 25% y-o-y in the on Russian The US Federal Reserve, ticequitymarketcomparedtoRs
first month of the 2023-24 oil year, an industry body said. 11.60 which kept the key interest rate 9,001 crore in November.
diamonds: Govt
BREAK-UP New Delhi: The government on
Friday said G7 nation's decision SBI hikes MCLR by 5-10 bps,
challenges WTO panel Edibleoils: 11.48
Non-edibleoils: 0.12
to impose curbs on direct im-
portsof Russian-origindiamonds
will have a minimal impact on
other lenders likely to follow
ruling in favour of EU INEDIBLECATEGORY
Crudevegetable 26.34%
India's diamond trade, a govern-
ment official said on Friday.
Indian officials are continu-
Mumbai: The country’s largest
lender State Bank of India (SBI)
has increased its marginal cost
loans for borrowers.
tiations,the EU wasseeking cus- oilimports ously in touch with the G7 tech- of fund based lending rate 8.2percentfrom8.15percentear-
RAVI DUTTA MISHRA toms duty concessions on cer- 13.26 nical team on the issue and they (MCLR) by 5-10 basis points lier. One basis point (bps) is one-
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 tain goods, which was not ac- ■ India,theworld’sleading theyear-agoperiod,butshipments have managed to resolve certain (bps) across various tenors, ef- hundredth of a percentage point.
ceptable to India as it violates vegetableoilbuyer,importsrefined tripledfrom53,497tonnesinOct. 9.77 issueslikecheckingof diamonds fective today. For six- to three-year MCLRs, the
SETTLEMENT TALKS between WTO rules. These concessions andcrudevegetableoilsinthe at only one place. The hikes in MCLR by the rates have been revised up by 10
India and the EU on the ICT can only be given in a free trade ■ IndustrybodySEAsaidthe Refinedvegetable The G7 leaders have decided lender come even asthe Reserve bps.Thelenderisofferinginterest
edibleoilcategory. currenteffectiveimportduty oilimports
(Information and agreement, Kumar added. to introduce import restrictions Bank of India (RBI) kept the repo ratesof8.55percentand8.65per
Communication Technology) Indiahasimposedhigherdu- ■ Amongcrudevegetableoils,the differenceof8.25%between on non-industrial diamonds, rateunchangedat 6.5 percent in cent on six-month and one-year
import duty case have broken ties on ICT products as it looks to importofRBDpalmoleindeclined crudepalmoil(CPO)andrefinedoil 2.02 Source: PTI, mined,processed,orproducedin its monetary policy announced MCLRs,respectively.Thenewrate
down after seven months as boostthemanufacturingof elec- inNovember2023to1.71lakh encouragesimportsofrefined Solvent Extractors Russia, from January 1, 2024, fol- on December 8. This move is ontwo-yearMCLRis8.75percent
tonnesfrom2.02lakhtonnesin palmolienasopposedtoCPO. 1.71 Association
NewDelhitookthemattertothe tronic products with the help of lowed by further phased restric- likely to be followed by other andonthethree-yeartenoris8.85
appellate body, the World Trade the production-linked incentive tionsontheimportof Russiandi- lenders, resulting in costlier per cent. ENS
Organisation’s highest court for scheme.Thecurrentstrategyhas amonds processed in third
dispute resolution. also paid off as India’s electronic countries from March 1.
Brussels had dragged New
Delhi into WTO’s dispute settle-
products have been on the rise
even as broader goods exports India will buy crude from Venezuela, Commerce Secretary Sunil
ment mechanism in 2019, chal- havedeclinedduringthecurrent are processed in India, there
lengingitslevyof importdutyon
a wide range of ICT products on
any country not under sanctions: Puri should not be further checks on
that because India can maintain
ground that the duty was incon- pute could affect India’s efforts are understood to have booked tracking of rough diamonds. PTI
sistent with global trade norms toboostelectronicproductman- SUKALP SHARMA Venezuelan oil cargoes, which
and was hurting €600 million of ufacturing — a strategic sector in NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 areexpectedtolandinIndiaover
its tech exports to India. whichIndiais tryingto cutitsre- the next couple of months. DOMESTICAIRTRAFFIC
“India and the EU have nego-
tiated to arrive at a mutually
liance on China.
However, amid the current
INDIA WILL buy crude oil from
Venezuelaasanumber of Indian
alsolookingtostartimportsof oil
agreeable solution (MAS)forthe deadlock over the appointment refineries are equipped to fromtheLatinAmericancountry. New Delhi: Domestic air passen-
past seven months, but the EU of judges at WTO’s appellate processheavycrudes,Petroleum “Many of our refineries, in- ger traffic rose by 9 per cent to
has now filed for adoption of body, a decision on the ongoing Minister Hardeep Singh Puri cluding(IOC’s)Paradip(refinery), more than 1.27 crore in
panel report on December 7 and India-EU dispute could take said.With the United States (US) Petroleum Minister are capable of using that heavy November, according to official
therefore, India has appealed years. Several disputes are al- easing sanctions on Caracas in Hardeep Singh Puri. PTI Venezuelanoil,andwewillbuy... data released on Friday.
against it on December 8 in the ready pending with this body October, India’s imports of It’s when Venezuela came under IndiGo remained the largest
WTO,” Additional Secretary in and reforms to address the issue Venezuelan oil are set to resume sanctionsthattheywerenotable domestic carrier but its market
theCommerceMinistryPeeyush are expected to be taken up dur- after three years. The minister willingto buy oil from any coun- to supply,” Puri said, adding that share declined to 61.8 per cent in
Kumar told reporters. ing the WTO's 13th Ministerial saidthatasamajorinternational try that is not under sanctions. Indiaiswillingtobuycrudefrom November from 62.6 per cent in
Hesaid that duringthenego- ConferenceinFebruarynextyear. consumer of crude oil, India is At least three Indian refiners anycountrynotundersanctions. October. PTI

India GDP can

touch $5-tn by
RIL & JSW among 14 ‘Made for India’ AI model unveiled
bidders for govt’s green Ola’s languagesandgeneratetextin10
2026: Panagariya NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15
Indian languages, including
Marathi, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil,


hydrogen incentives OLA CO-FOUNDER and CEO
Bhavish Aggarwal Friday un-
Kannada, Telugu, Odia, Gujarati,
and Malayalam. Krutrim Pro will
be launched by the company in
opened on Friday, the state- veiled Krutrim, a ‘made in India’ the January-March quarter.
ECONOMISTARVINDPanagariya REUTERS ments showed. large language model (LLM) and having the largest representa- Currently, Krutrim is accessi-
Friday said there are good NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 15 InJuly,Indiainvitedpilotbids generative artificial intelligence tion of Indian data. ble to people in batches on a
prospectsthatIndiawillbecome under its $2 billion programme (AI) platform on the lines of Krutrim, which means ‘artifi- sign-up and the company will
theworld’sthirdeconomybythe RELIANCE INDUSTRIES , JSW to incentivise production of ChatGPT and Bard. cial’ in Sanskrit, will come in two open it for all users by January.
end of 2026, sooner than nearly Energy, Torrent Power and green hydrogen and manufac- Theplatform,ownedandde- models—abasemodelandaPro. “The current AI models just
all current predictions. Bharat Petroleum Corp are turing of electrolysers. veloped by Krutrim Si Designs, Just like ChatGPT, the current ba- can’t capture India’s culture,
“Duringthepasttwodecades, among 14 companies that have Bids for 0.55 million metric the AI venture of Aggarwal, is sic version of Krutrim is capable knowledgeandaspirations,given
India has grown at an annual av- bid for incentives under India's tons of green hydrogen produc- trained on 2 trillion tokens or of answering people’s prompt or our multicultural and multilin-
eragerateof10.22percentincur- green hydrogen plan, according tion have been received against pieces of textual information, query.Itcanunderstand22Indian gual context,” Aggarwal said. FE
rent dollars. At this rate, India’s to a government agency. the invited 0.45 million tons, the
GDP in current dollars will reach Twentycompaniesincluding statementsshowed.Thecompa-
in 2027,” said Panagariya, who
nies include Acme Cleantech,
Sembcorp Green Hydrogen, 44% increase in value of
wasearlierViceChairmanofNITI Bharat Heavy Electricals have CESC,GreenkoZeroCandAvaada
Aayog and is now an Economics
to manufacture electrolysers,
tion to set up 1.5 gigawatts of
home sales in 9 months
Indiaisnowtheworld’sfifth- statements from Solar Energy electrolyser manufacturing ca- tory sold in top cities, taking to-
largest economy after the USA, Corp of India said. pacity, bids for 3.4 GW were re- ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU tal sales value above Rs 4.5 lakh
China, Japan and Germany. Both sets of bids were ceived, the statements showed. MUMBAI, DECEMBER 15 crore, it said.
The rise in housing sales
HOUSING UNITS worth Rs 3.49 value in January-October period
Risks in Samsung, Pixel phones: CERT-In lakh crore were sold across the
top 7 cities in the first nine
of 2023, exceeding that of entire
2022, points to a large number
New Delhi: After flagging multi- rity threat was detected in secu- curity restrictions, access sensi- months of calendar year 2023 of high-ticket value homes sold
ple security threats in iPhones rity patch levels prior to tive information, and execute ar- as against Rs 2.43 lakh crore in this year, Anarock said.
overthepastseveralmonths,the December 5, CERT-In said. bitrary code on the targeted sys- the same period of last year, reg- Overall sales value of homes
Indian Computer Emergency The security risk notification tem,” the CERT-In advisory said. istering a rise of 44 per cent, sold in nine months was highest
Response Team (CERT-In) has flaggedbyCERT-Ininthephones For Google Pixel, CERT-In has says a report. in the Mumbai Metropolitan
now detected certain high-risk of these brands may help any said the “vulnerabilities could be This is 7 per cent higher than Region (Rs 1.64 lakh crore) fol-
vulnerabilities in Samsung and hacker bypass security restric- exploited by a remote hacker to the entire 2022 sales value of lowed by NCR (Rs 50,188 crore).
Google Pixel phones, according tions and access sensitive infor- execute arbitrary code, gain ele- around Rs 3.27 lakh crore, ac- Sales value in Kolkata was low-
to latest advisories issued by the mation of users, cybersecurity vated privileges, obtain sensitive cording to a report from est at Rs 9,025 crore.
government agency. experts said. information or cause denial of Anarock. Pune saw 63,483 units sold
TheissueinSamsungphones “Multiplevulnerabilitieshave service condition on the targeted Atthe current salesmomen- till September 2023 with total
pertains to Android versions been reported in Samsung prod- system”. The companies have re- tum, the ongoing December salesvalueof Rs39,945crore,in-
11,12,13, and 14, whereas for ucts which could allow an at- leasedthenecessaryupdatesand quarter is expected to see Rs one dicating higher sales of low-
Google Pixel phones, the secu- tackertobypassimplementedse- asked users to upgrade. FE lakh crore worth housing inven- ticket value homes.
(RYû³F/R`Y¢ÀF ³Fa.- 07856-252362- BÊ-¸FZÕX
d³FdUQF ÀFc. IiY./397-408/»û.VFF./IYF.A./»Fû.ÀUF.¹FFa. /2023
// d³FdUQF AF¸FaÂF¯F ÀFc¨F³FF //
Q³°ûUFOÞF, dQ³FFGIY: 05/12/2023

EIYeIÈY°F ´Faþe¹F³F ½¹FUÀ±FF ´Fi¯FF»Fe Aa°F¦FÊ°F ÀFÃF¸F ßû¯Fe ¸ûa ´FaþeIÈY°F NZIZYQFSûa Àû ´Fi´FÂF "E" ´Fid°FVF°F QS ´FS d³F¸³Fd»FdJ°F IYF¹FÊ WZ°Fb (Online) d³FdUQF AF¸FadÂF°F
No. CE/STBR/MMPNA/Ratabari/40/2023-24/3
The Chief Engineer, PWD, (Roads), Assam, Chandmari, Ghy-3 on
behalf of the Governor of Assam invites Re-Bid online for Roads &
Bridge projects in Ratabari LAC of Assam from eligible registered
Contractors for 1(one) No. Package of Repair/ Rehabilitation of Steel
BUG Bridges under Mukhya Mantrir Path Nabikaran Achani (MMPNA)
for 2023-24 for an amount of Rs. 79.61 Lakhs (approx). Details may be
INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH PUNE seen at website and also at the office of
(An Autonomous Institution of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) the undersigned (State Bridge Design Branch) during office hours.
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune-411008. Website:
Note: 1.The approximate N.I.T. Value is inclusive of GST, L.C. etc.
Institute invites online applications from Chief Engineer PWD (Roads),
Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3.
Indian nationals for the positions of “Counsellor
(On Contract)” on consolidated emoluments.
For detailed information please visit
d³FdUQF IYe ÀFF¸FF³¹F VF°ûÊ EUa A³¹F þF³FIYFSe UZ¶FÀFFBÊM ´FûMÊ»F ´FS QÍVF°F W`Ü and click on the link
Me´F :- d³FdUQF OFC³F»FûO IYS³û IYe Aad°F¸F d°Fd±F dQ³FûaIY 20.12.2023 W`Ü
“Opportunities- Non-teaching / Project”.
IYF¹FÊ´FFÕX³F Ad·F¹Fa°FF The last date for submission of online
06335 Qa°FZ½FFOXF
application is 05.01.2024.
Advt. No: 78/2023 Dated 15.12.2023 REGISTRAR

Office of Superintending Engineer,

3rd Circle, P.W.D. Pithoragarh.
Letter No. 7262/962C-03(Yata ‘C’)/2023 Dated: 14.12.20223
National Competitive E-Tender Notice
The Superintending Engineer 3rd Circle, Public Works Department Pithoragarh
invites tender through E-Tendering (Two Bid System) on behalf of Hon’ble Governor
of Uttarakhand for following works. All other information will be available online from
date 20.12.2023 at 5.00 PM onward on website
S. Name of Work Earnest Cost of Validity Period of Contractor’s
N. Money Tender of Tender Completion category of
(in Lac) (`) (day) (months) registration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Improvement and Hotmix Category A &
work of Dangoli- Sailani- higher for
Darimkhet- Harbad- Dofad- Road works,
Dharmghar- Kotmanya-
in State
Pankhu- Thal- Satsiling
Motor Road (SH-60) 8.50 5000.00 120 12 Govt./ Govt.
(Kotmanya to Baradband +18% of India
Prabhag) in Km. 107.00 to G.S.T
111.00 and 3 year
maintenance in Vidhan
Sabha Gangolihat District
Pithoragarh under State

Office of Superintending Engineer

PWD Bulandshahar Circle, Bulandshahar
Short Term E-Procurement-Inviting Tenders
No. 8856 /96M/E-TENDER/BSR CIRCLE/2023-24 Dated 07-12-2023
On behalf of Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Superintending Engineer Bulandshahr Circle, U.P.P.W.D.,
Bulandshahr invites following percentage rate bid online through from the eligible and
approved Contractors registered with P.W.D. class as per column no. 10 below category as applied from Date
20.12.2023 to 27.12.2023 upto 12:00 Noon as per the prescribed T-2 of Govt. of U.P. The technical bids will
be opened online on dated 27.12.2023 at 12:30 P.M. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening
of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened online on the next working day, at the same time any validity
of bid will be considered from the original date. The date and time of opening of the financial bid shall be
notified on the website.

CXq´fiq ´ffUSX MÑfÔÀfd¸fVf³f

IYfSX´fûSXZVf³f d»fq, BÊ- d³fdUQf
Af¸fÔÂf¯f Àfc¨f³ff A³fb·fUe I f¹fÊQf¹fe
ÀfÔÀ±ffAûÔ ÀfZ dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f ¸fÔO »f,
¦fiZM S ³fûEOf IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f d³f¸³f I f¹fûÊÔ WZ°fb BÊ-d³fdUQf¹fZÔ BÊ-
´ffZMÊ »f ´fS d³fdUQf Jb»f³fZ I e
dQ³ffÔI I û 12.00 ¶fþZ °fI AfÔ¸fdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`Ü BÊ-
d³fdUQf Jb»f³fZ I e d°fd±f ´fS AUI fVf I e dÀ±fd°f ¸fZÔ BÊ-
d³fdUQf A¦f»fZ I f¹fÊ dQUÀf ¸fZÔ Jû»fe þf¹fZ¦feÜ 1. d³fdUQf
ÀfÔ£¹ff MXe-26/2023-24: dUôb°f ´ffSZ¿f¯f J¯O, Wf´fbO
IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f d³f¸ffʯff²fe³f 132 IZ 0Ue0 EI »f´f±f Wf´fbO
(220) -²fü»ff³ff »ffB³f ¸fZÔ 05 ³f¦f ³f`S û¶fZÀf ¸f»MeÀfdI ÊM
MfUS À±ffd´f°f I S d³f¸ffʯf dI ¹fZ þf³fZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f I f¹fÊÜ
²fSXûWXSX SXfdVf ø 0 5,00,000/- d³fdUQf ´fi´fÂf Vfb»IY
ø 0 2,950/- (I S ÀfdW°f)Ü Jb»f³fZ IYe dQ³ffÔIY
11.01.2024Ü BÊ-d³fdUQf IZ ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f CÀfe dQ³f
d³f²ffÊdS°f Àf¸f¹f ´fS ÀffUÊþd³fI ø ´f ÀfZ Jû»ff þf¹fZ¦ff EUÔ
·ff¦f dõ°fe¹f (´fifBþd¶fO) Jb»f³fZ I e d°fd±f °fQû³fbÀffS
½fZ¶fÀffBM ´fS Àfcd¨f°f I e þf¹fZ¦feÜ BÊ-d³fdUQfAûÔ I û d¶f³ff
I ûBÊ I fS¯f ¶f°ff¹fZ AÀUeI fS/dU·ffdþ°f I S³fZ I f
Ad²fI fS A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSI °ffÊ IZ ´ffÀf ÀfbS dÃf°f SWZ¦ffÜ
IÈ ´f¹ff dUÀ°fÈ°f þf³fI fSe, OfC³f»fûO, A³¹f ÀfÔVfû²f³fûÔ EUÔ
BÊ-d³fdUQf ´fiÀ°fb°f I S³fZ IZ dQ³ffÔI °fI dUÀ°ffS AfdQ IZ
Àf¸¶f³²f ¸fZÔ IÈ ´f¹ff ´fS »ffg¦f 1. The Bid Security and Tender Document fee must be deposited through Internet Banking only.
Afg³f I SZÔÜ WXÀ°ff./-A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, dUôb°f 2. All registered contractors have to upload Turnover certified by C.A. of last 5 years and details of maximum
cost work satisfactorily completed in last 5 years on Chanakya Software before submission of tender.
´ffSXZ¿f¯f ¸fÔOX»f, CXq´fiq ´ffqMÑfqIYfqd»fq, 400 Details of e-tender uploaded on shall also be uploaded on UP PWD Chanakya
IZY0Ue0 CX´fIZY³Qi, ´ff»fe, ¦fiZMXSX ³fûEOXfÜ (¸fû¶ffBÊ»f software, before last date & time of submission of bid.
3. Terms & other conditions related to bid are available on
ÀfÔ£¹ff: 07290059731) 'SXf¿MÑX dWX°f ¸fZÔ DYþfÊ 4. In PWD technical evaluation of tenders is to be done by Prahari Software URL for Prahari is
¶f¨ff¹faZ" ´fÂffÔIY :- 1826 dUq´ffq¸fÔq /¦fiZq³ffq/T-
5. Bid security will be as per the prevailing rules/orders at present.
26/2023-24, dQ³ffÔIY: 14.12.2023
Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer
UPID-198971 Date 7/12/2023 Bulandshahar circle, PWD
UP t l 11 5 AKS (8) CD-2 PWD,
Ghaziabad Bulandshahar

Bays No. 33-36, Sector-4, Panchkula-134109 Bays No. 33-36, Sector-4, Panchkula-134109
Telephone No. 0172-2582531; Fax No. 0172-2572359
(Neharu Nagar, RPA Road, Jaipur. Ph. 0141-2301584, Fax 0141-2301859
Telephone No. 0172-2582531; Fax No. 0172-2572359
Website:, E-Mail: Website:, E-Mail: E-Mail
PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE File No :: N-5(3)-/ »fZ¶fû-ªf³f/ Manpower/2021-00255/15225-28 Date: 07/12/2023
Discussion Paper. for inviting Comments / E-Bid Invitation Notice- 13/2023-24
Discussion Paper for inviting Comments/ Bids of State Forensic Science Laboratory, Jaipur for Rs. 255.00 lakh of
Objections from stakeholders/ general Objections from stakeholders/ general Forensic Scientific Assistant for DNA/Cyber Division procurement are
public for finalization of draft Haryana public for finalization of draft Haryana invited from interested bidders up to 29-12-2023. The particulars of bid may
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forum Electricity Regulatory Commission be visited on the procurement portal (,
and Ombudsman) Regulation, 2020, 3rd (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2014 of the state website.
amendment 2023. (4th Amendment) Regulation, 2023. UBN No. FSL2324SLRC00039
Head of the Office
All general public/stakeholders litre requested to All general publici stakeholders are requested to State Forensic Science Laboratory,
submit their objections/comments/suggestions on submit their objections/comments/suggestions on DIPR/C/15760/2023 Jaipur
the above-mentioned draft discussion paper avail- the above-mentioned draft discussion paper avail-
able on Commission website i.e., able on Commission website i.e.
to the Secretary, Haryana Electricity Regulatory to the Secretary, Haryana Electricity Regulatory IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f Ad°fdSX¢°f ¸fb£¹f Ad·f¹f³°ff,
Commission, Bays No. 33-36, Sector-4, Panchkula- Commission, Bays No. 33-36, Sector-4, Panchkula- Àff½fʪfd³fIY d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f, Àfa·ff¦f-IYûMXf
134112 either in person or through post or e-mail 134112 either jn person or through post or e-mail IiY¸ffaIY: 2011, dQ³ffaIY: 07.12.2023
secretary. The last date of submission d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa£¹ff-25/2023-24
''IMPORTANT'' The last date of submission NIB No: PWD2324A3905
of objections/ comments/ suggestions is of objections/ comments/ suggestions is SfþÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f I e AûS ÀfZ dþ»ff I ûMf/¶fc³Qe ¸fZÔ IZ ³Qie¹f ÀfOI B³R fÀMш S d³fd²f ¹fûþ³ff (CRIF)
Whilst care is taken prior to acceptance of advertising
05.01.2024 till 05.00 P.M. The public hearing will be 05.01.2024 till 05:00 P.M. The public hearing will be IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f C¨¨fÀ°fSe¹f ´fb»f I f d³f¸ffʯf I f¹fÊ QÀf Àff»f I e ¸fS¸¸f°f IZ d»fE BÊ.´fe.Àfe. ¸fûO ´fS 2 I f¹fÊ C´f¹fbö ßfZ¯fe
copy, it is not possible to verify its contents. The Indian ¸fZÔ ÀffUÊþd³fI d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f SfþÀ±ff³f ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ EUÔ Sfª¹f ÀfSI fS/IZ ³Qi ÀfSI fS IZ Ad²fIÈ °f
held on 08.01.2024 at 11.30 A.M. in the Court held on 08.01.2024 at 11:30 AM in the Court Room ÀfÔ¦fN³fûÔ/IZ ³Qie¹f »fûI d³f¸ffʯf dU·ff¦f/OfI EUa QcS ÀfÔ¨ffS dU·ff¦f/SZ»UZ B°¹ffdQ ¸fZÔ ´fÔþeIÈ °f ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ, þû dI SfþÀ±ff³f
Express (P) Limited cannot be held responsible for such of the commission
Room of the Commission. ÀfSI fS IZ EE ßfZ¯fe IZ ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ IZ Àf¸fI Ãf Wû, ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ BÊ-´fiû¢¹fcS ¸fZ³M ´fidI ¹ff ÀfZ Afg³f »ffBʳf d³fdUQf¹fZÔ
contents, nor for any loss or damage incurred as a Sd/-
Sd/- Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`ÔÜ d³fdUQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f dUUS¯f UZ¶f ÀffBÊM U
result of transactions with companies, associations or Dy. Secretary (P),, ´fS QZJf þf ÀfI °ff W`Ü
Dy. Secretary (P), ¹fc.¶fe. E³f d³f¸³ff³fbÀffS W` Ü
individuals advertising in its newspapers or Publications. HERC, Panchkula. HERC, Panchkula. UBN No. PWD2324WLOB16915, PWD2324WLOB16919
23449/HRY 23448/HRY
We therefore recommend that readers make B¨LbI ÀfÔUZQI ûÔ I û A´f³fZ dOdþM»f WÀ°ffÃfS IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ UZ¶f ÀffBÊM http:://
necessary inquiries before sending any monies or ´fS SdþÀMOÊ Wû³ff AfUV¹fI W`Ü ·f½fQe¹f
entering into any agreements with advertisers or WXÀ°ff./-(E.IZY. ÀffWXc)
Ad°fdSXöY ¸fb£¹f Ad·f¹f³°ff
otherwise acting on an advertisement in any manner DIPR/c/15827/2023 Àff.d³f.dU. Àf¸·ff¦f IYûMXf

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