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Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and

Campylobacter-like species
Deborah A. Josko

CHAPTER OUTLINE 7. Compare the epidemiology and clinical infections of each group of
Vibrio, 456 8. Compare the conrmatory tests commonly used to identify these
General characteristics, 456 isolates.
Vibrio cholerae, 458 9. Discuss the criteria used to differentiate the bacterial species that
Vibrio parahaemolyticus, 459 cause gastrointestinal illnesses.
Vibrio vulnicus, 460 10. Explain the risk factors associated with acquiring infections by these
Vibrio alginolyticus, 460 organisms.
Laboratory diagnosis, 460 11. Describe the disease states associated with each group of organisms.
Antimicrobial susceptibility, 463
Aeromonas, 463
General characteristics, 463
Clinical manifestations, 464 Asiatic cholera Kanagawa phenomenon
Laboratory diagnosis, 464 Cholera toxin Microaerophilic
Antimicrobial susceptibility, 466 Choleragen Thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose
Campylobacter and Campylobacter-like species, 467 “Darting” motility (TCBS) agar
Epidemiology, 467 El Tor Type B gastritis
Clinical manifestations, 468 Halophilic Urea breath test
Laboratory diagnosis, 468
Antimicrobial susceptibility, 471 Case in point
Bibliography, 472
A 65-year-old Chinese male patient, in obvious shock, was
examined in the emergency department for a painful swelling
of the left hand. His medical history revealed bilateral knee
OBJECTIVES joint pain and posthepatic cirrhosis. The day before admission,
he had pricked his left index nger while selecting shrimp at
After reading and studying this chapter, you should be able to: a sh market. Initially, he noticed only a local reaction in his
1. Discuss the habitat in which the organisms discussed in this chapter nger, but after 12 hours the left hand began to swell. He later
are found. experienced nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient was
2. Describe the colony morphology and microscopic characteristics of now clammy with a weak pulse, marked swelling, and bullous
each organism. formation with gangrenous changes apparent on the left hand.
3. Apply the appropriate specimen, transport, and processing for maxi- A diagnosis of septic shock was made, and antimicrobial
mum recovery of each organism. therapy was initiated. Blood and wound cultures subsequently
4. Justify the media of choice for isolation of each organism. grew an oxidase-positive, gram-negative bacillus that produced
5. Discuss key biochemical reactions that will help differentiate among pink colonies on MacConkey (MAC) agar and green colonies on
the various genera and identify different species. thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose (TCBS) agar and required
6. Compare each group of organisms with respect to macroscopic and 3% to 6% NaCl for growth. No acceptable identication could
microscopic morphology, and biochemical reactions for identication. be made with a rapid identication system for gram-negative

456 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

bacilli, and nal identication was made with conventional • Increased consumption of seafood (particularly raw or
biochemicals supplemented with 1% NaCl. The patient suffered undercooked)
a cardiac arrest and died 11 hours after admission. • Increased use of recreational water facilities, which
encourages aquatic exposure
Issues to consider
• Larger populations of immunocompromised individuals
After reading the patient’s case history, consider: • Increased awareness of the existence and signicance of
• Various pathogenic organisms associated with aquatic life these organisms in the clinical microbiology laboratory
that cause human infections
• Disease spectrum and states associated with these organisms Pandemics (worldwide epidemics) of cholera, a devastat-
• Presentation of clinical signs and symptoms ing diarrheal disease caused by Vibrio cholerae, have been doc-
• Media of choice to aid in a rapid diagnosis umented since 1817.
• Key biochemical reactions to presumptively and denitively Researchers estimate that approximately 1.3 to 4.0 mil-
identify the organism responsible for this infection lion cases of cholera occur each year, with deaths tolls rang-
• Treatment of choice for this infectious agent ing from 21,000 to 143,000 worldwide. Although in 2018,
the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a 60%
This chapter discusses agents of diarrheal diseases and decrease in cholera cases worldwide, the number of cases
other infections caused by species of Vibrio, Aeromonas, reported to the WHO remains high over the past few years.
Campylobacter, and Helicobacter. The microscopic character- In 2020, 323,369 cholera cases resulting in 857 deaths were
istics, epidemiology, and clinical infections caused by each reported from 24 countries. The discrepancy in these num-
organism are discussed. Specimen collection, transport, bers was attributed to limited surveillance systems where
growth requirements, and key biochemical reactions used cases are not being recorded. Nevertheless, in 2017, the
for diagnosis are also included in this chapter. This group of Global Task Force on Cholera Control partners launched
organisms is important because some of them, the Vibrio spp. a strategy for cholera control that aims to reduce cholera
in particular, have been associated with large epidemics and deaths by 90% and to eliminate cholera in as many as 20
pandemics. In addition, Campylobacter spp. infection may play countries by 2030. In addition, oral vaccine campaigns have
a role in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), and Helicobacter pylori been implemented in endemic areas and in areas experi-
can cause ulcers and has been linked to gastric carcinoma. encing an outbreak. The WHO has prequalied three oral
cholera vaccines for use; however, they are not available in
the United States.
The genus Vibrio resides in the family Vibrionaceae, which General characteristics
includes 15 genera. To date, only about 15 species within the
family have been found in human clinical specimens: Vibrio Clinical manifestations
(13 species), Photobacterium (1 species), and Grimontia (1 spe- Vibrio spp. can be isolated from a number of clinical sources,
cies). Vibrio hollisae is now classied in the genus Grimontia and most species have been implicated in more than one dis-
as G. hollisae, whereas Vibrio damsela has been reclassied as ease process, ranging from mild gastroenteritis to cholera and
Photobacterium damselae from simple wound infections to necrotizing fasciitis and fatal
At least 150 species of Vibrio are recognized. Vibrio spp. septicemia. Table 20.1 lists the various clinical infections asso-
are commonly found in a wide variety of aquatic environ- ciated with Vibrio spp. The four Vibrio spp. most often encoun-
ments, including fresh water, brackish or estuarine water, tered in the clinical laboratory are V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus,
and marine or salt water. They are temperature sensitive V. vulnicus, and V. alginolyticus.
in that in temperate climates in which water temperatures Because most laboratories, except those in coastal areas,
exceed 20° C, as in the summer months, vibrios can easily have a fairly low frequency of isolation of Vibrio spp., a good
be isolated from water, suspended particulate matter, algae, medical history is extremely important. Often the best indica-
plankton, sh, and shellsh. However, their numbers decline tion of a possible Vibrio infection is the presence of recognized
markedly in the winter months, and they are generally found risk factors, such as:
only in the sediments. Therefore the risk of infection from all
Vibrio spp. can be reduced by the avoidance of eating raw • Recent consumption of raw seafood (especially oysters)
or undercooked shellsh, particularly in warmer summer • Recent immigration or foreign travel
months. This is especially pertinent for those who are immu- • Accidental trauma incurred during contact with fresh,
nocompromised or have serious underlying liver disease. estuarine, or marine water or associated products (e.g.,
Additionally, those who are severely immunosuppressed shellsh, oyster or clam shells, shhooks)
should avoid exposure of wounds to fresh, estuarine, and
marine water sources.
Several gastrointestinal and extraintestinal infections, Microscopic morphology
caused by Vibrio spp. have been reported. Some reasons for Vibrio spp. are asporogenous, gram-negative rods that mea-
the clinical isolation of this organism include: sure approximately 0.5 to 0.8 µm in diameter by 1.4 to 2.6 µm
in length. Most organisms possess polar, sheathed, mono-
• Increased ocean water temperature because of climate trichous or multitrichous agella when grown in broth; how-
change ever, V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus have the ability
• Increased travel to coastal or cholera-endemic areas to swarm on solid media because of the production of lateral
Vibrio 457

agella. They have been described typically as curved or Physiology

comma-shaped gram-negative rods, but this morphology is The vibrios are facultatively anaerobic, and all 13 clinically
often seen only in the initial Gram stain of the clinical spec- signicant species are catalase and oxidase positive and able
imen (Fig. 20.1). Vibrios usually appear as small, straight, to reduce nitrate to nitrite, except for V. metschnikovii, which is
gram-negative rods, but they can be highly pleomorphic, negative for all three tests. Most species are generally suscep-
especially under suboptimal growth conditions. tible to the vibriostatic compound O/129 (2,4-diamino-6,7-di-
isopropylpteridine), exhibiting a zone of inhibition to a 150-µg
vibriostatic disk on Mueller-Hinton or trypticase soy agar
(Fig. 20.2). However, this test is not as valuable with isolates
Table 20.1 Clinical infections associated with Vibrio, Grimontia,
from India and Bangladesh, in which resistance to both 10-
and Photobacterium species
and 150-µg disks to O/129 is common in V. cholerae isolates.
Species Clinical infection Frequency Most vibrios, including V. cholerae, also exhibit a positive
V. cholerae O1 Cholera, gastroenteri- Common string test observed as a mucoid “stringing” reaction after
tis, wound infections, emulsication of colonies in 0.5% sodium deoxycholate. This
bacteremia occurs as a result of the release of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
V. cholerae O139 Cholera Common from lysed cells. All species, except for V. cholerae and V. mim-
V. cholerae non-O1 Gastroenteritis, septice- Relatively icus, are halophilic, or salt-loving, and require the addition of
mia, brain abscesses, ear common Na+ for growth. Vibrios can be differentiated from the similar
infections genera Aeromonas and Plesiomonas (now classied in the order
Enterobacterales, see Chapter 19) by key biochemical and
Vibrio Gastroenteritis, wound Common
parahaemolyticus infections growth requirement characteristics, as shown in Table 20.2
Vibrio vulnicus Septicemia, wound Common
infections Antigenic structure
Vibrio alginolyticus Wound infections, ear Common Little is known about the antigenic structure of Vibrio except
infections, conjunctivitis, for V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and, to a lesser degree, V.
respiratory infections, uvialis and V. vulnicus. Over 200 serogroups of V. cholerae
Vibrio mimicus Gastroenteritis, ear Uncommon
Vibrio uvialis Gastroenteritis Uncommon
Vibrio furnissii Gastroenteritis Uncommon
Vibrio Meningitis, bacteremia Rare
Vibrio Septicemia, peritonitis Rare
Vibrio harveyi Wound infections Rare
Grimontia hollisae Gastroenteritis Uncommon
Photobacterium Wound infections (cellu- Uncommon
damselae litis; necrotizing fasciitis),
From Tarr C. L., et al. (2015). Vibrio and related organisms. In J. H. Jorgensen,
et al. (Eds.), Manual of clinical microbiology (11th ed., p. 762). Washington, DC: Fig. 20.2 O/129 susceptibility test for Vibrio sp. showing a resistant result (left) and
ASM Press. a susceptible result (right). (Courtesy J. Michael Janda.)

Fig. 20.1 A Microscopic morphology of Vibrio sp. on Gram-stained smear (×1000). B Acridine orange stain of Vibrio cholerae (×1000). (A, Courtesy J. Michael Janda; B,
courtesy Rita R. Colwell.)
458 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

Table 20.2 Key features for the identication of Vibrio, in recent history. The WHO and the Pan American Health
Aeromonas, and Plesiomonas Organization (PAHO) reported in January 2020 that the coun-
Feature Vibrio Aeromonas Plesiomonas try has achieved 1 year free from conrmed cases of cholera,
with the last case reported in January 2019. Cases of cholera
Gram stain reaction − − − are not commonly reported in the United States, and most
Oxidase activity + + + cases are considered imported cases.
O/129a susceptibility
150 µg S R S Clinical manifestations
Growth on TCBS agar + − − Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease that spreads mainly
0% NaCl − /+ + + through contaminated water. However, improperly preserved
6.5% NaCl + − NA and handled foods, including sh and seafood, milk, ice
cream, and unpreserved meat, have been responsible for out-
Acid from:
breaks. The disease manifests in acute cases as a severe gastro-
Glucose + + + enteritis accompanied by vomiting and followed by diarrhea.
Inositol − − + The stools produced by patients with cholera are described as
Mannitol + + −
rice water stools, and the number of stools, which are watery
and contain numerous ecks of mucus, may be as many as
Sucrose +/− +/− − 10 to 30 per day. If left untreated, cholera can result in a rapid
Gelatin liquefaction + + − uid and electrolyte loss that leads to dehydration, hypovole-
Vibriostatic agent (2,4-diamino-6,7-diisopropylpteridine). mic shock, metabolic acidosis, and death in a matter of hours.
+, most strains positive; −, most strains negative; + /− or − /+, predominant The devastating clinical scenario is the result of a power-
reaction rst; NA, not available; R, resistant; S, susceptible; V, variable. ful enterotoxin known as cholera toxin, or choleragen. Once
From Tarr, C. L., et al. (2019). Vibrio and related organisms. In K. C. Carroll, et al. ingested, the bacteria colonize the small intestine, in which
(Eds.), Manual of clinical microbiology (12th ed., pp. 775−786). Washington, DC:
ASM Press. they multiply and produce choleragen. The toxin consists of
two toxic A subunits and ve binding B subunits. The toxin
initially binds to the GM 1 ganglioside receptor on the cell
membrane via the B subunits. The A2 subunit then facilitates
have been reported. The three major groups of V. cholerae are V. the entrance of the A1 subunit. Once inside the cell, the active
cholerae O1, V. cholerae O139, and V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139, A1 subunit stimulates the production of adenylate cyclase
all of which share a common agellar (H) antigen and somatic through the inactivation of G protein. This leads to an accumu-
(O) antigen. Only serogroups O1 and 0139 have been respon- lation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) along the
sible for pandemics and large epidemics. Based on the compo- cell membrane, which stimulates hypersecretion of electrolytes
sition of the O antigen, V. cholerae O1 organisms are divided (Na+, K+, HCO3 ) and water out of the cell and into the lumen
into the following serotypes: Ogawa (A, B), Inaba (A, C), and of the intestine, as shown in Fig. 20.3. The net effect is that
Hikojima (A, B, C; very rarely isolated). Strains that phenotyp- the gastrointestinal tract’s absorptive ability is overwhelmed,
ically resemble V. cholerae but fail to agglutinate in O1 antisera resulting in the massive outpouring of watery stools.
are referred to as V. cholerae non-O1. V. parahaemolyticus can Treatment and management of cholera are best accom-
also be serotyped by means of its O and K (capsule) antigens, plished by the administration of copious amounts of intra-
but this is generally done only during epidemiologic studies venous or oral uids to replace uids lost from the severe
conducted by reference laboratories. diarrhea. The administration of antimicrobial agents such as
doxycycline can shorten the duration of diarrhea and thereby
reduce uid loss; however, resistance to doxycycline has been
Vibrio cholerae reported. Therefore administration of additional antimicrobi-
als such as azithromycin and ciprooxacin may be necessary.
Epidemiology Epidemic V. cholerae O1 strains occur in two biogroups,
Vibrio cholerae O1 is the causative agent of cholera, also known classic and El Tor. El Tor has been the predominant biogroup
as Asiatic cholera or epidemic cholera. It has been a disease of in the past two pandemics. Studies in Bangladesh, how-
major public health signicance for centuries. Most epidem- ever, indicate a rapidly occurring reemergence of the clas-
ics occur in developing countries, in which it is endemic. In sic biogroup. In addition, new variants have emerged in
particular, cholera is prevalent in the Bengal region of India Africa and Asia. The El Tor biogroup differs from the classic
and Bangladesh. The seventh and current pandemic of chol- biogroup in that El Tor is Voges-Proskauer positive, hemo-
era originated in Indonesia in 1961. The pandemic strain, V. lyzes erythrocytes, is inhibited by polymyxin B (50 µg), and is
cholerae O1, spread quickly throughout Asia and reached the able to agglutinate chicken red blood cells. The two biogroups
African continent in 1970. Cholera returned to South America also have different bacteriophage susceptibility patterns.
in 1991 for the rst time in almost a century and advanced Numerous cases of Vibrio infections have been reported
northward into Central America and even Mexico. In addi- involving other serogroups, V. cholerae non-O1. Most of
tion, a derivative of the biotype El Tor was responsible for these strains are phenotypically similar to toxigenic V. chol-
causing a major epidemic in Bangladesh in 1992. In October erae O1, but most lack the cholera toxin gene and appear to
2010, a cholera outbreak occurred in Haiti, 10 months after a cause a milder form of gastroenteritis or cholera-like disease.
devastating earthquake. It affected over 820,000 people and However, V. cholerae serogroups O75 and O141 harbor the
killed almost 10,000, and it is considered the worst outbreak cholera toxin gene and have been associated with sporadic,
Vibrio 459


Cholera toxin

- A2 B
H2O GM1-ganglioside
K+ Cell membrane

Na+ A1
- Gs Gs
K+ Stimulatory
H2O cAMP Inhibitory
Active Inactive


Fig. 20.3 The action of cholera toxin. The complete toxin is shown binding to the GM1 ganglioside receptor on the cell membrane via the binding (B) subunits. The active
portion (A1) of the A subunit catalyzes the adenosine diphosphate ribosylation (ADPR) of the Gs (stimulatory) regulatory protein, “locking” it in the active state. Because the
G protein acts to return adenylate cyclase from its active to inactive form, the net effect is persistent activation of adenylate cyclase. The increased adenylate cyclase activity
results in accumulation of cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (cAMP) along the cell membrane. The cAMP causes the active secretion of sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl−),
potassium (K+), bicarbonate (HCO3−), and water out of the cell into the intestinal lumen. ATP, Adenosine triphosphate. (From Ryan, K. J. [2004]. Vibrio and Campylobacter. In
J. Sherris (Ed.), Medical microbiology: an introduction to infectious diseases [4th ed., p. 375]. New York: McGraw-Hill.)

cholera-like diarrhea and bloodstream infections in the species in clinical samples. This species was rst recognized
United States. Other non-O1 serogroup strains have been as a pathogen in Japan in 1950, when it caused a large food
implicated in a variety of extraintestinal infections, includ- poisoning outbreak. Even today it is the primary cause of
ing epidural brain abscesses and septicemia. The emergence so-called summer diarrhea in Japan. V. parahaemolyticus has
of V. cholerae serogroup O139 in 1992 led to a widespread also been isolated in Europe, the Baltic area, Australia, Africa,
occurrence of cholera cases throughout India and Bangladesh. Canada, and almost every coastal state in the United States.
This was the rst V. cholerae non-O1 strain producing epidemic Most cases of V. parahaemolyticus reported before 1996 were
disease. The O139 strain contains the cholera toxin gene, ctx, associated with various serotypes; however, after 1996, a pan-
and produces a disease that closely resembles cholera caused demic strain of V. parahaemolyticus serotype O3:K6 emerged
by V. cholera O1. Of interest is that some of these O139 strains and has since been implicated in numerous foodborne out-
share cross-reacting antigens with Aeromonas trota, a some- breaks in various parts of the world.
what uncommon cause of diarrheal disease (discussed later). Like other vibrios, V. parahaemolyticus is found in aquatic
environments but appears to be limited to coastal or estuarine
Vibrio parahaemolyticus areas, despite a halophilic requirement of 1% to 8% NaCl. V.
parahaemolyticus has an association with at least 30 different
marine animal species, including oysters, clams, crabs, lob-
Epidemiology sters, scallops, sardines, and shrimp. Hence, most cases of
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the second most common Vibrio gastroenteritis can be traced to recent consumption of raw,
species implicated in gastroenteritis after V. cholerae. In the improperly cooked, or recontaminated seafood, particularly
United States, however, it is the most frequently encountered oysters.
460 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention multiple organ system failure. Although such infections can
(CDC) reported a multistate outbreak of gastrointestinal ill- occur in healthy hosts, the most serious cases are in immuno-
ness linked to oysters imported from Mexico. A total of 16 compromised individuals and those who have experienced a
individuals from 5 states became ill after ingesting the con- mild to severe injury to the infected site. Infections acquired
taminated food. Two people were hospitalized; however, no from wound infections have a 20% to 30% fatality rate. One
deaths were reported. such case involved a fatal episode of multiple organ dysfunc-
tion, only 7 days after a 58-year-old Canadian patient devel-
oped septicemia with V. vulnicus after merely handling raw
Clinical manifestations tilapia sh he had purchased for dinner.
The gastrointestinal disease caused by V. parahaemolyticus is
generally self-limiting. Patients have watery diarrhea, mod- Vibrio alginolyticus
erate cramps or vomiting, and low, if any, fever. Symptoms
begin about 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of contaminated Of the four major Vibrio spp. likely to be encountered in the
seafood. V. parahaemolyticus has occasionally been isolated clinical laboratory, V. alginolyticus is the least pathogenic for
from extraintestinal sources such as wounds, ear and eye humans but is frequently isolated in clinical samples in the
infections, and even cases of pneumonia. Invariably the United States. It is a common inhabitant of marine environ-
patient has a history of recent aquatic exposure or a water- ments and is a strict halophile, requiring at least 1% NaCl; it is
associated traumatic injury to the infected site. able to tolerate up to 10% NaCl. Almost all isolates originate
The pathogenesis of V. parahaemolyticus is not as well from extraintestinal sources, such as eye and ear infections or
understood as V. cholerae. However, there is a possible asso- wound and burn infections. The organism can be an occupa-
ciation between hemolysin production and virulence, known tional hazard for people in constant contact with seawater,
as the Kanagawa phenomenon. It has been observed that such as shermen or sailors.
most clinical V. parahaemolyticus strains produce a heat-stable
hemolysin that is able to lyse human erythrocytes in a special,
high-salt mannitol medium (Wagatsuma agar). These strains
are considered Kanagawa toxin positive, whereas most envi-
Laboratory diagnosis
ronmental isolates are Kanagawa toxin negative. There are
exceptions to both observations, however, and the exact role
Specimen collection and transport
of this hemolysin in pathogenesis is still not understood. It is Patients’ history, including travel, underlying health condi-
also important to note the recent emergence of atypical ure- tions, recent consumption of seafood or contact with marine
ase-positive V. parahaemolyticus strains from clinical sources water, and gastroenteritis with cholera-like or rice-water
along the Pacic coast of North America. stools, is important in diagnosing vibriosis. Vibrios are not
fastidious, and only a few special collection and processing
Vibrio vulnicus procedures are necessary to ensure the recovery from clini-
cal material. Stool specimens should be collected as early as
Vibrio vulnicus can be found in marine environments on the possible in the course of the illness and preferably before the
Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacic coasts of North America. After administration of antimicrobial agents. Whenever possible,
cholera, the second most serious types of Vibrio-associated body uids, pus, or tissues should be submitted, but swabs
infections are those caused by V. vulnicus. Infections caused are acceptable if they are transported in an appropriate
by V. vulnicus generally fall into two categories, primary sep- holding medium, such as Cary-Blair, to prevent desiccation.
ticemia and wound infections. The former is thought to occur Buffered glycerol saline is not recommended as a transport
through the gastrointestinal route after the consumption of or holding medium because glycerol is toxic for vibrios.
shellsh, especially raw oysters. Patients with liver dysfunc- Strips of blotting paper soaked in liquid stool and placed in
tion and syndromes that result in increased serum levels of airtight plastic bags with a few drops of saline to maintain
iron (e.g., hemochromatosis, cirrhosis, thalassemia major, moisture are considered viable specimens for up to 5 weeks.
hepatitis) are particularly predisposed to this scenario. Within
hours, septicemia can develop, with a mortality rate above
50%. Starting in 2007, the CDC required that cases of V. vulni-
Culture media
cus be reported to local and state public health departments. The salt concentration (0.5%) in most commonly used labora-
Patients with V. vulnicus wound infections invariably tory media, such as nutrient agar or sheep blood agar (SBA),
have a history of some type of traumatic aquatic wound is sufcient to support the growth of many vibrios. On SBA
that often presents as a cellulitis. Such cases have also been or chocolate (CHOC) agar, vibrios produce medium to large
documented as progressing to necrotizing fasciitis and/or colonies that appear smooth, opaque, and iridescent with a
greenish hue. The SBA plate should also be examined for the
presence of α- or β-hemolysis. On MAC agar, the pathogenic
Case check 20.1 vibrios usually grow as nonlactose fermenters. However,
lactose-fermenting species such as V. vulnicus may be over-
The patient in the Case in Point had a typical case history and looked and incorrectly considered to be members of the
clinical signs and symptoms of V. vulnificus infection. The patient order Enterobacterales, such as Escherichia coli. It is therefore
suffered from posthepatic cirrhosis, a predisposing factor. In addi- imperative to determine the oxidase activity of any suspi-
tion, he had suffered a minor wound after handling shellfish that
cious Vibrio-like colony. This can be accomplished by directly
rapidly developed into septic shock.
testing colonies from SBA or CHOC agar plates with oxidase
Vibrio 461

detecting these species in environmental samples and sea-

food. Vibrio colonies appear from white to pale blue to violet
in color.

Presumptive identication
Several key tests can aid in the initial identication of a Vibrio
isolate. Vibrios can be easily confused with other genera,
including Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Pseudomonas, and members
of the order Enterobacterales. Their general susceptibility
to the vibriostatic agent O/129 (150 µg) and positive string
test distinguishes them from Aeromonas. Inability to ferment
inositol (except for V. cincinnatiensis and some strains of V.
metschnikovii) separates them from Plesiomonas. Their positive
oxidase reaction (except for V. metschnikovii) separates them
from the Enterobacterales (excluding Plesiomonas shigelloides),
and carbohydrate fermentation metabolism separates them
from the oxidative Pseudomonas

Denitive identication
Fig. 20.4 Vibrio cholerae on thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose agar. Numerous useful biochemical tests aid in the denitive iden-
(Courtesy S.W. Joseph.) tication of most isolates to the species level. Table 20.3 out-
lines 8 key differential tests to divide the 10 most clinically
signicant Vibrio spp. into 6 groups as an initial identication
reagent or by subculturing any suspicious, lactose-ferment- step. Some additional tests necessary to identify eight clinical
ing colonies on MAC to an SBA plate for next-day testing. Vibrio spp. from groups 1, 5, and 6 are summarized in Table
This is necessary because lactose-positive colonies from selec- 20.4. It is important to note that with the halophilic vibrios, it
tive differential media, such as MAC agar, can give false-pos- often is necessary to add at least 1% NaCl to most biochemical
itive oxidase reactions. media to obtain reliable reaction results.
If a selective medium is warranted because of the clinical
history (exposure to seafood or seawater) or for geographic Rapid and semiautomated identication systems
reasons (coastal area resident or recent foreign travel), TCBS Although rapid and semiautomated identication systems
agar is recommended. It differentiates sucrose-fermenting (yel- contain databases of the more commonly encountered clini-
low colonies) species (Fig. 20.4), such as V. cholerae, V. alginolyt- cal vibrios, they generally are inadequate for accurate iden-
icus, V. uvialis, V. furnissii, V. cincinnatiensis, V. metschnikovii, tication of these species, particularly those that are less
and some V. vulnicus strains, from the nonsucrose-ferment- commonly encountered. The inoculating suspensions should
ing (green) species, such as V. mimicus, V. parahaemolyticus, P. contain at least 0.85% NaCl, such as that found with the API-
damsela, and most V. vulnicus strains. About 50% of V. harveyi 20E identication strips (bioMérieux Vitek, Hazelwood, MO).
isolates are sucrose-positive. Although TCBS generally inhib- Even then, the halophilic species might grow poorly, if at
its all other organisms, it should be monitored with stringent all, and they often are confused with other genera, such as
quality control measures. There is great variation among dif- Aeromonas. Identication using commercial systems remains
ferent lots in regard to performance, and not all Vibrio spp. challenging. One study evaluated six commercially available
grow on TCBS, especially Grimontia (formerly Vibrio) hollisae systems that resulted in identication of only 63% to 81%
If an enrichment procedure is desired to enhance isolation of organisms at the species level. Most authorities advocate
of vibrios, alkaline peptone water with 1% NaCl (pH 8.5) can identication with conventional biochemicals, supplemented
be inoculated (at least 20 mL) and incubated for 5 to 8 hours with additional NaCl, if warranted; alternatively, the rapid
at 35° C then subcultured at 6 hours and 18 hours onto TCBS system identication should be conrmed at a reference labo-
medium. CHROMagar Vibrio (CHROMagar Microbiology, ratory or state public health department laboratory.
Paris) for the isolation and identication of V. cholera, V. par- The use of 16 S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) sequenc-
ahemolyticus, and V. vulnicus is available and can be used in ing alone is less than ideal because of small differences in
sequences and polymorphisms among the various species. As
databases are developed, matrix-assisted laser desorption/
Case check 20.2 ionization–time-of-ight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry
might become a rapid, cost-effective means of identication.
It is important to use selective media and key biochemical This method has demonstrated accurate identication of V.
reactions to differentiate Vibrio from Vibrio-like organisms. Key parahaemolyticus
biochemical tests to differentiate various Vibrio spp. include reac-
tion on TCBS, agent O/129 susceptibility or resistance, the string Serology
test, and growth in different concentrations of NaCl. The Case in Agglutination, vibriocidal, or antitoxin tests performed on
Point uses the results obtained from these reactions to identify the
acute and convalescent sera are considered reliable meth-
responsible organism.
ods for testing vibrios serologically. In any case, all isolates
Table 20.3 Key differential tests for the 6 groups of 12 Vibrio species that occur in clinical specimensa

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
V. cholerae V. mimicus V. metschnikovii V. cincinnatiensis G. hollisae P. damsela V. uvialisb V.furnissii V. alginolyticus V. parahaemo V. vulnicus V. harveyi

Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

Growth in nutrient
broth with:
No NaCl addedc + + − − − − − - − − − −
6 % NaCl added + + + + + + + + + + + +
Oxidase + + − + + + + + + + + +
Nitrate reduced + + − + + + + + + + + +
to nitrite
Myo-Inositol − − V + − − − − − − − −
Arginine − − V − − + + + − − − −
Lysine + + V V − V − − + + + +
Ornithine + + − − − − − − V + V −
Showing reactions of these species in different groups. All data except those for oxidase production and nitrate reduction are for reactions that occur within 2 days at 35° to 37° C; oxidase production and nitrate reduction reactions
are done only at day 1.
Includes V. furnissii, which differs from V. uvialis primarily by production of gas in d-glucose.
Species that require salt should have salt added to each biochemical tested.
+, 90% to 100% positive; −, negative, 0% to 10% positive; NG, no growth, possibly because the NaCl concentration is too low, even when 1% NaCl is added; V, variable, 11% to 89% positive. See Table 20.4 for the exact percentages.
From Tarr, C. L., et al. (2019). Vibrio and related organisms. In K. C. Carroll, et al. (Eds.), Manual of clinical microbiology (12th ed., p. 777). Washington, DC: ASM Press.
Aeromonas 463

Table 20.4 Key differential biochemicals to separate Vibrio species in groups 1, 5, and 6a
Group 1 Group 5 Group 6
V. cholerae V. mimicus P damsela V. uvialis V.furnissii V. alginolyticus V. parahae- V. vulnicus V. harveyi
Voges-Proskauer 75 9 95 0 0 95 0 0 50
(1% NaCl)
Motility 99 98 25 70 89 99 99 99 0
Acid production
Sucrose 100 0 5 100 100 99 1 15 50
Cellobiose 8 0 0 30 11 3 5 99 50
Salicin 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 95 0
Numbers indicate the percentages of strains that are positive after 48 hours of incubation at 36° C (unless other conditions are indicated). Most of the positive reactions
occur during the rst 24 hours.
From Tarr, C. L., et al. (2019). Vibrio and related organisms. In K. C. Carroll, et al. (Eds.), Manual of clinical microbiology (12th ed., p. 777). Washington, DC: ASM Press.

with a presumptive biochemical identication of V. cholerae

should be promptly reported to the appropriate public health
authorities, and the isolate should be forwarded to the health
department or a reference laboratory for serotyping.

Antimicrobial susceptibility
Both Mueller-Hinton agar and broth contain sufcient salt to
support the growth of Vibrio spp. most often isolated from
clinical specimens. The recommended antimicrobial sus-
ceptibility testing methods are standardized disk diffusion
(Kirby-Bauer) or dilution susceptibility testing methods. The
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has inter-
pretive guidelines only for V. cholerae limited to ampicillin,
tetracyclines, folate pathway inhibitors, and chlorampheni-
col. In general, most strains of V. cholerae are susceptible to
doxycycline or ciprooxacin. Increased resistance from the
acquisition of plasmids is relatively uncommon in the United Fig. 20.5 Microscopic morphology of Aeromonas on Gram-stained smear
States, but there are reports of multiple resistant strains from (×1000). (Courtesy J. Michael Janda.)
Asia and Africa.
Because most vibrios grow rather rapidly and are simi-
lar to enteric bacteria in many ways, it is often useful for a Previously, the genus Aeromonas resided in the family
rst approximation to use the interpretive guidelines for the Vibrionaceae. However, phylogenetic evidence from molec-
Enterobacterales when testing Vibrio isolates other than V. ular studies resulted in the proposal of a separate family,
cholerae for agents not currently covered by the CLSI docu- Aeromonadaceae. Currently, there are 36 species of aero-
ments M100 (V. cholerae) and M45 (other species). In general, monads characterized in the latest edition of Bergey’s manual
uoroquinolones alone or the synergistic combination of cip- of systematic bacteriology. Of those species, at least 19 have been
rooxacin and cefotaxime display excellent in vitro activity identied as emerging pathogens in humans. A recent study,
against V. vulnicus strains. Most vibrios are also susceptible however, reported most human pathogens (95.4%) were
to gentamicin, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol (except P. dam- identied from only four species: Aeromonas caviae (37.26%),
sela), monobactams, carbapenems, and uoroquinolones. Aeromonas dhakensis (23.49%), Aeromonas veronii (21.54%), and
Aeromonas hydrophila (13.07%). In the United States, aero-
monads have a seasonal pattern of increased isolation from
Aeromonas May to October, reecting their increased numbers in aquatic
environments in the warmer months.
The genus Aeromonas consists of ubiquitous, oxidase-positive,
glucose-fermenting, gram-negative rods (Fig. 20.5) that are General characteristics
widely distributed in freshwater, estuarine, and marine envi-
ronments worldwide. They are frequently isolated from retail Aeromonads are straight rods (1.0 to 3.5 µm long by 0.3 to
produce sources and animal meat products. Aeromonads are 1.0 µm wide). In the mid 1970s, they were classied into one of
responsible for a diverse spectrum of disease syndromes in two groups, the mesophilic group that causes several human
warm- and cold-blooded animals, including sh, reptiles, infections (motile organisms with optimal growth around 37°
amphibians, mammals, and humans. C) or the psychrophilic group that is linked to sh diseases
464 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

(nonmotile strains with optimal growth around 22° C). The linked to cholera-like disease characterized by abdominal
mesophilic group consists of three different complexes or pain, fever, and nausea.
groups of species. One is the A. hydrophila complex, which
includes A. hydrophila subsp. hydrophila, A. hydrophila subsp.
ranae, A. bestiarum, and A. dhakensis. Another is the A. veronii Extraintestinal infections
complex, which includes A. veronii biovar sobria (formerly Aeromonads are also responsible for extraintestinal infections;
misidentied as A. sobria), A. veronii biovar veronii, A. jan- septicemia and wound infections are the most common. They
daei, A. trota, A. schubertii, A. diversa, and A. encheleia. The last have also been implicated in cases of meningitis, osteomyeli-
mesophilic complex is the A. caviae complex, which includes tis, pelvic abscesses, otitis, cystitis, endocarditis, peritonitis,
the species A. caviae, A. media, A. rivipollensis, and A. eucren- cholecystitis, keratitis associated with contact lens wear, and
ophila. These organisms are considered mesophiles because endophthalmitis in healthy and immunocompromised indi-
they grow well at 37° C. They are all motile by means of a viduals. Wound infection invariably involves a recent trau-
single polar agellum. matic aquatic exposure, such as a boating or shing accident,
The psychrophilic group consists of only one species, A. and generally occurs on the extremities. The most common
salmonicida, which is a sh pathogen with several subspecies. presentation is cellulitis, although there have been a few cases
This organism is nonmotile and grows best at 22° to 25° C. of myonecrosis and necrotizing fasciitis and even a rare case
Psychrophilic nonmotile strains are not considered human of ecthyma gangrenosum associated with sepsis. Aeromonad
pathogens. All aeromonads, in general, can typically grow wound isolates are predominantly A. hydrophila subsp. hydro-
from 10° to 42° C. philia, A. veronii, and A. dhakensis. Among the survivors of
the 2004 tsunami in southern Thailand, Aeromonas spp. were
Clinical manifestations the most common cause of skin and soft tissue infections.
Elevated numbers of Aeromonas spp. were recorded in ood
water samples in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in
Intestinal infections 2005.
The aeromonads are recognized as enteric pathogens, albeit An association between A. veronii biovar sobria and surgi-
not in the same manner as the more common enteric patho- cal wound infections involving the use of leeches for medici-
gens Salmonella, Shigella, and V. cholerae. The level and pattern nal therapy after plastic surgery to relieve venous congestion
of virulence is more like the multifactorial patterns of the var- has been noted. These patients can develop serious aero-
ious E. coli subgroups associated with enteric disease (e.g., monad wound infections. It appears that the leech Hirudo
enterotoxigenic E. coli, enterohemorrhagic E. coli). Therefore medicinalis has a symbiotic relationship with this aeromonad
screening of stool specimens for the presence of these organ- species within its gut, wherein the organisms aid in the enzy-
isms, followed by further identication to the species level, is matic digestion of the blood ingested by the leech.
appropriate. This is especially true in cases of pediatric diar- Aeromonad sepsis is one of the most invasive type of
rhea or in any immunocompromised individual. Aeromonas infection and similarly has a strong association
The medical history of patients displaying diarrhea and with the species A. veronii biovar sobria, A. caviae, A. dhak-
harboring aeromonads often, but not always, involves aquatic ensis, and A. hydrophila. Such patients are most likely to be
exposure, such as an association with untreated groundwa- immunocompromised and have a history of liver disease or
ter or consumption of seafood, particularly raw oysters or dysfunction, hematologic malignancies, hepatobiliary disor-
clams. Infections have also been linked to fresh produce and ders, or traumatic injuries. Also at high risk are individuals
dairy products. Five diarrheal presentations are observed with leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma. Although the origi-
in patients in whom Aeromonas has been isolated from their nal source of infection is often unknown, it is surmised that it
stools: is the gastrointestinal, biliary, or even more rarely, respiratory
1. Acute, secretory diarrhea often accompanied by vomiting
2. An acute, dysenteric form of diarrhea (similar to
shigellosis) with blood and mucus Laboratory diagnosis
3. Chronic diarrhea usually lasting more than 10 days
4. A cholera-like disease, including rice-water stools Culture media
5. The nebulous syndrome commonly referred to as
Aeromonads grow readily on most media used for routine
traveler’s diarrhea (similar to enterotoxigenic E. coli). Most
and stool cultures. After 24-hour incubation at 35° C, aero-
cases are self-limiting, but in pediatric, geriatric, and
monads appear as large, round, raised, opaque colonies
immunocompromised populations, supportive therapy
with an entire edge and a smooth, often mucoid, surface.
and antimicrobials are often indicated.
Frequently, an extremely strong odor is present, and pigmen-
A. caviae is the species most frequently associated with tation ranges from translucent and white to buff-colored.
gastrointestinal infections, especially in neonate and pedi- Hemolysis is variable on SBA, but most major clinical spe-
atric populations; it has been associated with inammatory cies, such as A. hydrophila, A. veronii biovar sobria, and A. jan-
bowel disease. Other species associated with diarrhea include daei, display strong β-hemolysis (Fig. 20.6). In addition, the
A. hydrophila and A. veronii (biovars sobria and veronii). most commonly isolated species, A. caviae, has been showing
More serious complications, usually from infections with increasing incidence of β-hemolysis on SBA. Although aero-
A. hydrophila and A. veronii biovar sobria, include hemolytic monads grow on almost all enteric media, they often are over-
uremic syndrome or kidney disease that might require kid- looked on MAC agar, especially in stool cultures, because a
ney transplantation. A. veronii biovar sobria has also been number of aeromonads ferment lactose. This is of particular
Aeromonas 465

modied CIN media, Aeromonas will form pink-centered col-

onies from the fermentation of mannitol, with an uneven,
clear apron resembling Yersinia enterocolitica. However, an
oxidase test performed on SBA colonies will easily separate
the oxidase-positive aeromonads from the oxidase-negative
yersinias. The use of an enrichment broth is generally not
considered necessary. However, if such a medium is war-
ranted for detecting chronic cases or asymptomatic carriers,
alkaline peptone water is recommended. This can be inocu-
lated, incubated overnight at 35° C, and subsequently subcul-
tured to appropriate plate media.

Presumptive identication
An important screening procedure for aeromonads is to
perform an oxidase test and a spot indole test on suspi-
cious colonies on SBA, especially β-hemolytic colonies. A
positive oxidase test distinguishes aeromonads from the
order Enterobacterales (except for Plesiomonas shigelloi-
des), and most clinically relevant aeromonads are indole-
Fig. 20.6 Aeromonas hydrophila exhibiting β-hemolysis on sheep blood agar.
positive. The presence and type of hemolysis among
(Courtesy A. J. Horneman.) multiple aeromonad colony types in a single culture often
are the only clues to an infection involving more than one
species of Aeromonas
Members of the genera Vibrio, Aeromonas, and Plesiomonas
have many similar characteristics. See Table 20.2 for key tests
to help separate these three genera. The best tests to distin-
guish the aeromonads from Vibrio spp. are the string test
(usually negative for aeromonads and positive for vibrios)
and testing for sensitivity to O/129 (aeromonads are usually
resistant, and most vibrios are susceptible; see Fig. 20.2).
A test to separate aeromonads and plesiomonads from
most vibrios is determining the ability to grow in the
presence of NaCl. Aeromonads and plesiomonads grow
well in nutrient broth with 0% NaCl, but not in 6% NaCl.
Conversely, most vibrios, specically the halophilic species,
cannot grow in 0% NaCl but thrive in 6% NaCl and even
higher concentrations of NaCl (Fig. 20.8). However, because
V. cholerae and V. mimicus are nonhalophilic and grow well
without additional salt, any salt tolerance test must be used
in conjunction with the string test and O/129 disk to dis-
tinguish aeromonads from this major pandemic cholera
species and the less common, sucrose-negative V. mimicus.
Fermentation of inositol can be used for separating aero-
monads from plesiomonads, in which aeromonads are neg-
Fig. 20.7 Aeromonas caviae exhibiting lactose fermentation on MacConkey agar. ative and plesiomonads are positive. Finally, the ability to
(Courtesy A. J. Horneman.) ferment glucose, with or without the production of gas, dis-
tinguishes Aeromonas from oxidase-positive, nonfermenting
Pseudomonas isolates.
concern because the most commonly isolated species, espe-
cially in pediatric cases of diarrhea, is the lactose-fermenting
A. caviae. This particular species is generally overlooked as Denitive identication
normal biota E. coli (Fig. 20.7). Nucleic acid amplication tests (NAATs) are the most accu-
The combined use of SBA with 20 µg of ampicillin per mil- rate in the identication of aeromonads. Denitive iden-
liliter and a modied cefsulodin-irgasin-novobiocin (CIN) tication is also accomplished with a small number of
plate, with only 4 µg of cefsulodin instead of 15 µg, might conventional and readily available biochemical tests, includ-
yield the highest recovery of aeromonads. However, the ing the API-20E test strip (bioMérieux); however, limitations
incorporation of ampicillin in the blood agar may inhibit in identifying aeromonads to the species level exist with
some A. caviae as well as all A. trota strains because the hall- most commercially available systems. MALDI-TOF mass
mark feature of A. trota is its unusual universal susceptibility spectrometry accurately identies most aeromonads to the
to ampicillin. Therefore SBA without ampicillin is preferred. genus level, but identication to the species level is limited.
On the standard CIN formulation for enteric Yersinia or the Two FDA-cleared systems are available: the MALDI Biotyper
466 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

system (Bruker, Billerica, MA) and the IVD 3.0 Vitek MS enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]) yield low sen-
(bioMérieux), but again, limitations occur in both systems sitivity and are not readily dependable.
because of limited database content. Typing systems such Conventional biochemical tests as shown in Table 20.5 are
as PFGE and PCR-based techniques are also available for useful in the identication of aeromonads to the species level;
identication. Serologic assays (i.e., immunoblotting and however, they have the longest turnaround time of all meth-
ods described with the lowest performance.

Antimicrobial susceptibility
Although most cases of Aeromonas-associated gastroenteri-
tis are self-limiting, antimicrobial therapy is often indicated.
It is always warranted in wound infections and septicemia.
As a genus, aeromonads are almost uniformly resistant to
penicillin, ampicillin, and cephalothin or cefazolin, except
for the susceptibility of A. trota to ampicillin. Aeromonads
are variable with regard to ticarcillin or piperacillin and
Thus far, A. veronii biovar veronii isolates still appear to be
susceptible to cephalothin, but only A. veronii biovar veronii
is 100% susceptible to cefoxitin. Otherwise, aeromonads are
generally susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
aminoglycosides, and quinolones, although A. veronii biovar
veronii is moderately resistant to tobramycin. It should be
noted that there have been reports of a case of sepsis with
an extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing A.
hydrophila and a case of necrotizing fasciitis, with the probable
in vivo transfer of a TEM-24 plasmid-borne gene coding for
an ESBL from Enterobacter aerogenes
CLSI antimicrobial susceptibility studies should always
be determined by the standard Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion
method. This is because of possible serious discrepancies in
Fig. 20.8 Both Aeromonas and Plesiomonas spp. will grow in nutrient broth with
β-lactamase detection by rapid minimal inhibitory concentra-
0% NaCl (left), whereas neither will grow in nutrient broth with 6% NaCl (right) tion methods that would directly affect the proper treatment
(Courtesy A. J. Horneman.) of aeromonad infections.

Table 20.5 Differential characteristics for clinical Aeromonas species

Characteristic Aeromonas species
A. hydrophila A. veronii bio- A. veronii biovar A. caviae A. schubertii A. jandaei A. trota
var sobria veronii
Esculin hydrolysis + − + + − − −
Voges-Proskauer + + + − − + −
Pyrazinamidase activity V ND ND + ND ND ND
Arabinose + − − + − − −
Cellobiose − V V + − V +
Mannitol + + + + − + V
Sucrose + + + + − − V
Ampicillin R R R R R R S
Ticarcillin or piperacillin V V V V V V S
Cephalothin −R =S S −R S −R R
Glucose (gas) + + + − − + V
+, Positive; −, negative; ND, not determined; R, resistant; S, susceptible; V, variable.
From Lamy, B., & Horneman, A. J. (2019). Aeromonas. In K. C. Carroll, et al. (Eds.), Manual of clinical microbiology (12th ed., p. 771). Washington, DC: ASM Press.
Campylobacter and Campylobacter-like species 467

Case check 20.3 C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari also cause gastrointestinal disease
(the enteric campylobacters).
Although Aeromonas and Plesiomonas are similar to Vibrio spp., Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus has been isolated most
the key biochemical results used in the Case in Point were able frequently from blood cultures and is rarely associated with
to rule out Aeromonas and Plesiomonas as the infecting organism gastrointestinal illness. Most infections occur in immuno-
and aided in definitively identifying Vibrio as the pathogen causing compromised individuals, during pregnancy, and in older
the disease. adults. Arcobacter spp. have been isolated from a variety
of animals: cattle, pigs, sheep, birds, etc. In humans, they
have been linked to bacteremia, endocarditis, peritonitis,
and diarrhea. Table 20.6 summarizes the clinical signicance
Campylobacter and Campylobacter-like of Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Helicobacter organisms.

Campylobacter and Campylobacter-like species, which include Table 20.6 Clinically signicant Campylobacter species and
Helicobacter, Arcobacter, and Wolinella, have undergone changes Campylobacter-like organisms
in taxonomy. Campylobacters were formerly classied with Species Clinical Signicance
the vibrios because of their positive oxidase and characteristic
Arcobacter butzleri Associated with diarrheal disease and
microscopic morphology, but DNA homology studies showed
bacteremia in humans and in children
that Campylobacter spp. do not belong with the vibrios. In addi- with recurring gastrointestinal illness
tion, unlike the vibrios, which are fermentative, most campylo- (abdominal cramps), endocarditis, and
bacters are asaccharolytic. The genus Campylobacter belongs to peritonitis
the family Campylobacteraceae, whereas the genera Helicobacter
Arcobacter Isolated from cases of human bactere-
and Wolinella are members of the family Helicobactereaceae. cryaerophilus mia and diarrhea
The genus Acrobacter is in the family Arcobactereaceae.
Based on rRNA sequence studies, Wolinella recta and Arcobacter skirrowii Gastroenteritis
Wolinella curva were transferred to the genus Campylobacter as Campylobacter jejuni Most common cause of bacterial diar-
C. rectus and C. curvus. Although they may appear to be strict rhea worldwide
anaerobes, they have been grown in a microaerophilic envi- Campylobacter coli Gastroenteritis, bacteremia in immuno-
ronment. Microaerophilic organisms, such as Camplyobacter, compromised patients
require oxygen, but at a concentration less than that of room Campylobacter fetus Bacteremia in immunocompromised
air; 5% is normally optimal. To date, there are 43 species of subsp. fetus patients and extraintestinal infections
Campylobacter. There are 39 species of Helicobacter, most of during pregnancy
which colonize the stomachs of mammals. Campylobacter Involved in periodontal disease; has also
concisus been recovered from individuals with
Epidemiology gastrointestinal illness
Campylobacter Gastroenteritis, periodontal disease
Campylobacter spp. have been known to cause abortion in curvus
domestic animals, such as cattle, sheep, and swine, and are
primarily zoonotic organisms. Although these organisms Campylobacter Bacteremia, soft tissue abscesses
were suspected of causing human infections earlier, campylo-
bacters were not established as human pathogens until sensi- Campylobacter Gastroenteritis
tive isolation procedures and media were developed. Today, hyointestinalis
the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis world- Campylobacter lari Enteritis very similar to that caused by
wide is Campylobacter jejuni. The transmission of campylobac- Campylobacter jejuni, also septicemia
terioses has been attributed to direct contact with animals and Campylobacter rectus Gastroenteritis; associated with peri-
handling infected pets, such as dogs, cats, and birds, and indi- odontal disease
rect contact by consumption of contaminated water and dairy Campylobacter Lung, axillary, groin abscesses
products and improperly cooked poultry. Person-to-person sputorum biovar
transmission has been reported, and some Campylobacter spp. sputorum
are also sexually transmitted.
Helicobacter pylori Common cause of duodenal ulcers and
In 2019, the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance type B gastritis; risk factor in gastric
Network estimated that approximately 20 cases of cam- carcinoma, and MALT lymphoma
pylobacteriosis are diagnosed every year for each 100,000
Helicobacter bilis Bacteremia, sepsis
people in the population. The CDC reported 236 foodborne
outbreaks of Campylobacter from 2010 to 2017, accounting for Helicobacter Gastroenteritis
2381 illnesses. Poultry, raw milk, and untreated water were canadensis
the sources most often identied. Because of unreported or Helicobacter cinaedi Colitis, cellulitis, and sepsis
misdiagnosed cases, it is believed campylobacteriosis affects Helicobacter felis Gastritis and ulcers
over 1.5 million individuals each year. The populations that
Helicobacter Colitis, sepsis
most often manifest the disease include infants and young
adults, although all age groups are at risk. In addition to
468 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

Helicobacter pylori is strongly associated with gastric, peptic, H. pylori is also recognized as a major cause of type B
and duodenal ulcers and with gastrointestinal carcinoma. H. gastritis, a chronic condition formerly associated primar-
pylori has been identied in as many as 80% of gastric ulcer ily with stress and chemical irritants. In addition, there is a
patients. Although the organism was previously found in strong association between long-term H. pylori infection and
human gastric tissue, it was difcult to assess their signi- gastric cancer. H. pylori causes a rare stomach cancer called
cance because the samples were taken at autopsy. It is esti- mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). This rare type of
mated that 50% of the population worldwide is infected with cancer is the only cancer that may be cured with antimi-
H. pylori. In developing countries in Africa, Asia, and South crobial agents. Other species of helicobacters, including H.
America, the incidence is reported to be as high as 80% to cinaedi and H. fennelliae, have been associated with human
90%. This higher incidence is attributed to poor sanitary gastroenteritis and bacteremia, generally in immunocom-
conditions, and it appears that infection occurs early in life. promised patients. In addition, enterohepatic helicobacters
Some data suggest human-to-human transmission and the infect humans and inhabit the intestinal and hepatobiliary
possibility of human reservoirs. Although it is not conclu- tracts of various mammals and birds. It is believed that
sively proven, fresh groundwater is the likely source of many transmission of these enterohepatic species occurs from ani-
infections. mals to humans.

Clinical manifestations Laboratory diagnosis

Campylobacter Specimen collection and transport
Several Campylobacter spp. have been implicated in human C. fetus subsp. fetus can be recovered in several routine blood
infection, the most common being C. jejuni, C. coli, C. fetus culture media and is often associated with bacteremia and
subsp. fetus, C. lari, and C. upsaliensis. Patients infected with extraintestinal infections. Campylobacter spp. that cause enteric
C. jejuni present with a diarrheal disease that begins with illness are isolated from stool samples and rectal swabs, the
mild abdominal pain within 2 to 10 days after ingestion of less preferred specimen. If a delay in processing the stool spec-
the organism. Cramps and diarrhea (with or without blood/ imen is anticipated, it can be placed in a transport medium
fecal white cells) often follow the initial signs and symptoms. such as Cary-Blair to maintain the viability of the organisms,
Patients may experience fever and chills and, rarely, nausea modied Cary-Blair, or Fecal Enteric Plus. A common stool
and vomiting. In most patients, the illness is self-limiting and transport medium, buffered glycerol saline, is toxic to enteric
usually resolves in 2 to 6 days. Untreated patients can remain campylobacters and should therefore be avoided.
carriers for several months. Other enteric Campylobacter infec- H. pylori can be recovered from gastric biopsy materials.
tions (those caused by C. coli, C. lari, and C. upsaliensis) have Samples must be transported quickly to the laboratory. Stuart
similar clinical manifestations. medium can be used to maintain the viability of the organisms
The C. fetus species contains three subspecies, C. fetus if a delay in processing is anticipated. Tissue samples may
subsp. fetus, C. fetus subsp. venerealis, and C. fetus subsp. testu- also be placed in cysteine-Brucella broth with 20% glycerol
dinum. C. fetus subsp. fetus is primarily linked to bacteremia and frozen at −70° C or Portagerm pylori media (bioMérieux).
in pregnant women and patients who are immunocompro-
mised. It is also associated with gastroenteritis. However,
cases are underreported because this species does not grow at Culture media
42° C, the temperature stool cultures are generally incubated An enriched selective agar, Campylobacter blood agar
to recover the enteric campylobacters. (Campy blood agar) is a commonly used medium to isolate
Strong evidence suggests that Campylobacter infection plays C. jejuni and other enteric campylobacters. This commercially
a role in GBS, an autoimmune disorder characterized by acute available medium contains Brucella agar base, 10% sheep
paralysis caused by damage to the peripheral nervous sys- red blood cells, and a combination of antimicrobials: van-
tem. Many patients with GBS test positive for antibodies to comycin, trimethoprim, polymyxin B, amphotericin B, and
Campylobacter, with an estimated 1 in 1000 individuals diag- cephalothin. Other selective media that have been success-
nosed following a Campylobacter infection. It is believed that ful in recovering Campylobacter spp. are Butzler medium and
antibodies produced during a Campylobacter infection bind Skirrow’s medium. Table 20.7 shows the composition of each
to gangliosides found on peripheral nerves. Cross-reactivity of these selective media.
with these nerve cells in an autoimmune response may be Campy-CVA (cefoperazone-vancomycin-amphotericin
responsible for this debilitating nerve disorder. B) medium has been reported to provide better suppression
of fecal biota, even when this medium is incubated at 37°
C. Incubation at 37° C allows the recovery of Campylobacter
Helicobacter pylori spp. that are inhibited at 42° C. C. fetus subsp. fetus, C. rec-
H. pylori has been primarily linked to gastric infections and tus, and C. curvus can be isolated using routine culture media.
peptic ulcer disease. Once acquired, H. pylori colonizes the Charcoal-based, blood-free media, such as charcoal cefoper-
stomach for a long time and can cause a low-grade inam- azone deoxycholate agar (CCDA) and charcoal-based selec-
matory process, producing a chronic supercial gastritis. tive media (CSM), are also available. Studies have shown that
Although it does not invade the gastric epithelium, the infec- blood-free, charcoal-containing selective medium is superior
tion is recognized by the host immune system, which initiates in isolating Campylobacter spp. compared to media contain-
an antibody response. The antibodies produced are not pro- ing blood. A combination of media that contains either CCDA
tective, however. or CSM can achieve the highest yield of Campylobacter spp.
Campylobacter and Campylobacter-like species 469

Table 20.7 Selective media for the cultivation of Campylobacter

Medium Base Antimicrobial agent
Campy blood Brucella agar Vancomycin
agar plate 10% sheep red blood Trimethoprim
Polymyxin B
Amphotericin B
Skirrow’s Heart infusion Vancomycin
Lysed, debrinated Trimethoprim
horse red blood cells Polymyxin B
Butzler Columbia blood Bacitracin
Fig. 20.9 Microscopic morphology of Campylobacter on Gram-stained smear (×1000).
Horse blood, Cycloheximide
EZ Gas Generating Pouch System can hold up to four plates
Cefazolin but requires at least two plates per resealable pouch. One
CCDA Nutrient agar Cefoperazone sachet is added to each pouch and is activated on exposure
Charcoal Amphotericin B to air, similar to the previous procedure. For optimal results,
a paper towel or moistened cotton ball with 5 mL of water
should be placed inside the pouch. The pouch is sealed by
closing the zipper part of the pouch and then incubated at the
CCDA, Charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar (Becton Dickinson, Franklin
Lakes, NJ). appropriate temperature.

Presumptive identication
in stool samples. To recover H. pylori, a combination of a
nonselective medium, such as CHOC agar or Brucella agar Microscopic morphology
with 5% horse red blood cells, and a selective medium, such Campylobacter spp. are curved, non–spore-forming, gram-neg-
as Skirrow’s agar or Wilkins-Chalgren agar, may be used. ative rods that measure approximately 0.2 to 0.9 µm × 0.5 to
It is important that the inoculated medium be fresh and 5.0 µm (Fig. 20.9). Enteric campylobacters may appear as long
moist and that the culture be incubated in a microaerophilic spirals or S- or seagull-wing shapes. These organisms may
environment, with increased humidity. appear as coccobacilli in smears prepared from older cul-
tures. On Gram-stained smears, these organisms stain poorly.
For better visualization, carbol-fuchsin is recommended as a
Incubation counterstain; if safranin is used, counterstaining should be
There is a double purpose for incubating stool cultures at extended to 2 to 3 minutes.
42° C to recover C. jejuni. First, C. jejuni and other enteric Campylobacter spp. exhibit a characteristic “darting” motil-
campylobacters grow optimally at 42° C. Second, growth of ity on hanging drop preparations or when visualized under
colon microbiota is inhibited at this higher temperature. C. phase-contrast microscopy. It should be noted that the sen-
fetus subsp. fetus, on the other hand, is a rare stool isolate, and sitivity using phase-contrast microscopy to observe motile
growth is suppressed at 42° C; therefore to isolate this organ- organisms has not been widely studied; therefore consider-
ism, media should be incubated at 37° C. able skill is needed to identify these organisms. To observe the
Enteric Campylobacter and Helicobacter spp. require a typical motility, organisms should be suspended in Brucella or
microaerophilic and capnophilic environment. The ideal tryptic soy broth. Distilled water and saline seem to inhibit
atmospheric environment for these organisms is a gas mix- motility.
ture of 5% O2, 10% CO2, and 85% N2 for Campylobacter spp. Arcobacter spp. have a microscopic morphology similar to
and 4% O2, 5% CO2, 5% H2, and 86% N2 for Helicobacter spp. that of Campylobacter spp. Unlike the single polar agellum
Except for C. rectus and C. curvus, a strict anaerobic environ- of campylobacters, Helicobacter spp. have either a single polar
ment does not support the growth of most Campylobacter agellum or multiple agella at one pole.
spp. Several methods can be used to obtain the required
environment for campylobacters. With the GasPak EZ Gas Colony morphology
Generating Container System (BD Diagnostic Systems, The typical colony morphology of C. jejuni and other enteric
Sparks, MD), specimen plates along with a sachet are placed campylobacters is moist, runny looking, and spreading.
into a clear plastic incubation container, sealed, and incubated Colonies are usually nonhemolytic; some are round and
at the appropriate temperature. The sachet is activated on raised, and others may be at. C. fetus subsp. fetus produces
exposure to air once the foil pouch is removed. The GasPak smooth, convex, translucent colonies. A tan or slightly pink
470 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

Table 20.8 Biochemical tests to differentiate Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Helicobacter species
Species Catalase Nitrate Urease H2S pro- Hippurate Indoxyl Growth at Susceptibility to
reduction duction hydrolysis acetate 15° 25° 42° Nalidixic Cephalothin
(TSI) hydrolysis C C C acid (30 µg) (30 µg)
Campylobacter + + − − + + − − + + −
jejuni subsp.
Campylobacter V − − − V + − − − + +
jejuni subsp.
Campylobacter + + − V − + − − + + −
Campylobacter + + V − − − − − + − −
Campylobacter + + − − − − − + − − +
fetus subsp. fetus

Campylobacter − + − − − + − − + + +
Campylobacter − + − V − − − − + − −
Campylobacter − + − V V V − − + + ND
Campylobacter V + − − − + − − W + ND
Arcobacter V + − − − + + + − V V
Helicobacter + − + − − − − − − R S
Helicobacter + − − − − + − − − S S
Helicobacter + + − − − − − − − S I
+, Positive result; −, negative result; I, intermediate; ND, not determined; R, resistant; S, susceptible; TSI, triple sugar iron agar slant; V, variable result; W, weak.
From Nachamkin, I. (2019). Campylobacter and Arcobacter. In K. C. Carroll, et al. (Eds.), Manual of clinical microbiology (12th ed., p. 1032). Washington, DC: ASM Press;
and Couturier, M. R. (2019). Helicobacter. In K. C. Carroll, et al. (Eds.), Manual of clinical microbiology (12th ed., p. 1046). Washington, DC: ASM Press.

coloration is observed in some enteric campylobacter colonies. fecal antigen detection methods and NAATs, including real-
Other Campylobacter species produce colonies similar to those time PCR, Prodesse ProGastro SSCS (Hologic GenProbe,
of C. jejuni. Although most do not produce pigment, C. muco- San Diego, CA), Luminex xTAG GPP (Luminex Molecular
salis and C. hyointestinalis can produce a dirty yellow pigment. Diagnostics), Verigene EP (Luminex Molecular Diagnostics),
BioFire Film Array GP (bioMérieux), and BD Max EB (Becton
Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) assays. Typing systems such
Denitive identication as PFGE and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) are also
Isolates from stool specimens and rectal swabs can be pre- available. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry can be used to
sumptively identied as Campylobacter spp. by a posi- identify common and uncommon species of Campylobacter;
tive-oxidase, the characteristic Gram-stained microscopic however, growth conditions must be optimized for success-
morphology, and the characteristic motility. The micro- ful identication of Campylobacter spp.
scopic morphology is important because it differentiates Helicobacter infections usually are identied by nonculture
Campylobacter from other bacteria, such as Aeromonas and methods. H. pylori can be presumptively identied in a gas-
Pseudomonas, which are oxidase-positive and can grow at tric biopsy specimen by a rapid urease test (Fig. 20.10). The
42° C in a microaerophilic environment. A positive hippu- collected tissue sample is placed onto Christensen’s urea
rate hydrolysis is an important characteristic for the iden- medium and incubated at 37° C for 2 hours. A color change
tication of C. jejuni. Table 20.8 lists the biochemical tests suggests the presence of H. pylori. Other rapid, commer-
most useful for denitively identifying the most commonly cially available tests include the CLOtest Rapid Urease Test
encountered Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Helicobacter spe- (Kimberly Clark/Ballard Medical Products, Neenah, WI) and
cies. Campylobacter identication can be achieved using a paper strip test by PyloriTek (BARD, Murray Hill, NJ).
Campylobacter and Campylobacter-like species 471

aminoglycosides, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. Both

species are usually susceptible to macrolides; however,
it must be noted that erythromycin resistance rates have
increased and are more common in C. coli compared to C.
jejuni. Most patients usually recover without antimicrobial
intervention. Ciprooxacin and other quinolones can also be
used; however, ciprooxin resistance is high among isolates
in the United States. Ampicillin, aminoglycosides, imipenem,
and chloramphenicol can be used to treat systemic C. fetus
The standard triple therapy for treating H. pylori infections
consists of clarithromycin, either amoxicillin or metronida-
zole, and a proton pump inhibitor. An alternative regimen
consisting of uoroquinolone, levooxacin, and a rifamycin
(rifabutin) can be used.


• Most species in this chapter are found in fresh, estuarine, or

marine water.
• Thirteen species of Vibrio have been implicated in human
infection, and most are agents of diarrheal disease.
• V. cholerae produces a powerful enterotoxin and is responsi-
Fig. 20.10 Urease reactions. Left to right, Negative, weak positive, ble for large numbers of epidemics and pandemics.
positive. • Other Vibrio spp. are common causes of diarrheal disease
Urease activity can also be detected by the urea breath related to the consumption of raw shellsh or related to
test, which is reportedly sensitive and specic and is rec- aquatic wound infections with serious sequelae, such as
ommended for monitoring therapy. In this test, the patient septicemia and death.
is given 13C-labeled urea orally. Urea degraded by the urease • TCBS agar is the medium of choice to isolate and differenti-
activity of H. pylori in the stomach releases 13CO2, which is ate the Vibrio spp. This medium distinguishes sucrose-
absorbed into the bloodstream and detected in the exhaled fermenting strains from nonsucrose-fermenting strains.
breath by a scintillation counter. H. pylori infection can also • Aeromonas spp. can cause several types of diarrhea and a
be diagnosed by fecal antigen detection using enzyme immu- variety of extraintestinal infections that can lead to septice-
noassay methodology, microscopic examination of stained mia, meningitis, and death.
gastric tissue, and DNA amplication tests (e.g., PCR assay). • Human Campylobacter spp. are generally responsible for
gastroenteritis; C. jejuni is one of the most common causes of
Immunologic assays bacterial diarrhea worldwide.
Latex agglutination tests are available for the rapid identi- • Patients suffering from GBS often test positive for
cation of colonies of enteric campylobacters on primary Campylobacter antibodies. GBS is believed to be an auto-
isolation media. Two commercial kits are available in the immune disorder resulting from cross-reactivity of
United States for culture identication, Campy JCL (Scimedx, Campylobacter antibodies with the nerve ganglia.
Denville, NJ) and DrySpot Campylobacter test kit (Thermo • H. pylori is strongly associated with gastric and duodenal
Fisher Scientic, Waltham, MA). These kits can detect the ulcers and has been implicated in cases of gastric carcinoma.
presence of C. jejuni, C. coli, C. upsaliensis, C. lari, and some- • Campylobacter and Helicobacter are microaerophilic, requir-
times C. fetus subsp. fetus. However, neither system differen- ing oxygen at concentrations less than that found in ambi-
tiates among the Campylobacter spp. Commercial kits are also ent air.
available for detecting Campylobacter antigen in fecal samples.
Specic antibodies in serum can be detected by ELISA or
indirect immunouorescent assay methods. These methods LEARNING ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
have been reported to be reasonably sensitive and specic
indicators of Campylobacter and H. pylori infections. Serologic 1. A gram-negative bacillus isolated from a stool specimen
testing is useful for epidemiologic studies for Campylobacter produces clear colonies on MacConkey agar and yellow
but is not recommended for routine diagnosis. Serologic test- colonies on thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose medium.
ing measuring IgG antibodies using ELISA kits is an import- The isolate is subcultured to a sheep blood agar plate with
ant screening method for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection. an O/129 disk. The isolate is sensitive to O/129 and is oxi-
dase-positive. Which organism would you suspect?
Antimicrobial susceptibility a. Vibrio parahaemolyticus
b. Vibrio cholerae
C. jejuni and C. coli exhibit variable susceptibilities to c. Plesiomonas
antimicrobials such as macrolides, uoroquinolones, d. Aeromonas
472 PART 2 20 Vibrio, Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Campylobacter-like species

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