BFT8WC Week 3 Flow Notes.02

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We are starting our week with the second progression of HYPER and we see a mix of Upper and Lower body today.

Hyper focuses on complex and functional exercises, challenging different planes of movement. You will notice across this session there is a lot of anti-
rotation and stability work through these movements. You should be aiming towards 3 seconds per rep to ensure you are creating tension and working with
control. Today you will see the zones removed and you will be working in an EMOM fashion on each exercise, meaning every minute on the minute. The core
exercises will remain, and you will be working on these exercises for longer. The Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift and Kettlebell Front Squat have progressed to
more challenging movements that will require more anti-rotation.

After a tough Hyper session, we have our second progression of BEAST MODE.

We will work through 3 different zones - 1st zone will be our AMRAP (as many rounds as possible), 2nd zone is YGIG working through boxing bag work
and skipping and our 3rd zone is partnered pad work. The AMRAP will be a HYROX theme screen, seeing the Ski Erg and Low Grip Sled Push. Our main
boxing combo today is double jab, cross, and then we add in a cover up, followed by a rear kick.

In the two screens of partnered boxing work we expect you to reach the prescribed HR targets of 80-89% and 90%+ for some of the movements. This
where you can let loose and work hard, especially on the bags! As mentioned in the first progression, the AMRAP zone should be focusing on managing
your intensities and output so that HR is maintained between 80-89% avoiding spikes above 90% of max.

After a high intensity session yesterday, we are straight into STRENGTH with an Upper Body focus.

This is where you start to move out of that initial ‘familiarisation’ phase, and we start to begin to build towards your 5 rep max. In this session, we will
have 3 zones, each with a main exercise and an accessory exercise. We will be working for only 6 reps on the main exercise, and this is where you want to
start challenging yourself and increasing the load.

You will also see the first introduction of tempo, on the main exercises only. Tempo is all about increasing time under tension, as this is one of the best
methods to improve strength. Time under tension is where we slow down different phases of the movement and add in pauses at either the top or bottom,
this increases the time a muscle is held under tension and helps optimise muscular strength, endurance, and growth. It allows you to really slow the
movements down and work on tweaking any flaws in technique.

Our second progression of CARDIO SUMMIT follows on from Upper Body Strength. This will flush out your legs before Balanced tomorrow and in the lead up
to Cardio U on Saturday.

Today is all about endurance and working the aerobic energy system. The last progression had you working for 40 seconds each set, today
we have progressed this to be working in ascending fashion. Set times will increase across the 3 sets, and pacing will be super important.
You will need to make adjustments to your pace as the set time increases, in order to keep your heart rate in that 80-89% zone. Think of
pacing yourself by trying to maintain a specific cadence, stroke/min, cals/hour, watts, power output or even reps that will allow you to
constantly work for the allocated time without gassing out.
We welcome BALANCED back into this 8WC block, and we introduce a slightly different format. Today there will be a Lower Body Strength theme Screen to
still provide you with the opportunity to work towards a heavier load on the Trap Bar Deadlift.

This session will be challenging range of movement, stability and control using a range of mixed implements and modalities. We’ve really pulled back on
intensity today and have prescribed exercises that won’t just tackle range of motion and mobility, but will also add some light loading to areas that we can’t
typically target in our other programs.

Following on from Tuesday’s Strength session, tempo will be added into our Strength Theme Screen. You will also be able to see the connection between the
Balanced program and our Strength program.

We cap off week 3 with a huge second progression of CARDIO U, and we see the only HIIT style session for the whole block. This week has seen a strong
focus on the Aerobic energy system and today is the opportunity for you to hit those high heart rates and hit that Anaerobic energy system.

Short, sharp effort today, where you will build up intensity and hitting above 90% max HR twice on each exercise. In set 6 you will have 60 seconds of
active recovery, you may need to completely rest for the first 20 seconds of this set. You want to ensure you are building back up above 75%+ before you
give it all you have in the last set to hit above 90%+ max HR.

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