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Timoteo, Angelina D.

October 16, 2023


Reflection Journal – Day 1

From 2 major examination last Sunday down to 1 week intramurals

where the 3rd and 4th year nursing students serves as medic team. And here we
are going back to reality, our duty era. I am pretty sure that a lot of us still
want to be in their bed, want to have a long hour of sleep but this is a life of a
nursing student so we must accept and embrace it. No matter how tired you
are you must get up and do your responsibilities because as a student nurse
and future registered nurse requires a great sense of selflessness and courage
to devote your time and being to helping others. Get up future nurses, let’s
save lives together.

In addition, the long wait for the group 4 is finally over since we are now
in one of the special area which is the OR/LR/DR which enhances our skills
and sharpens our knowledge in performing different procedures and operations
that save lives, not just that, we are also excited for this rotation because of
our CI which is Ma’am Katrina Tadeo, who is very understanding and kind
educator. Our first day of duty went well although we don’t have much cases
but at least we did our best to provide holistic care needed by our patients and
we ceased the day. Lastly, as I have said may we always find a reason and
purpose to continue the degree we choose to take and may we all get the
degree, license and title we are all aiming for. Laban Registered Nurses 2024!
Timoteo, Angelina D. October 17, 2023


Reflection Journal – Day 2

Tuesday- like yesterday we don’t have so much patient during the first
4 hour. We just have a status post CS that was transferred right away after
finishing her chart, 1 laboring primigravida mother and 16-yr old male status
post appendectomy. After monitoring our patients, Sir Joshua shared his
knowledge regarding appendicitis as well as tips in board exam and taught us
about short method of computing IVF and medicines. Thank you Sir for the
knowledge and encouragement, indeed it is very helpful.

On the other hand, in the Labor Room my groupmates encountered a

toxic patient and significant other who refused with complying with the nurses.
This is not new for us, expect that we are able to meet different people with
different perspectives. There are people who will disrespect you and not even
grateful for the help you give to them, but despite that attitudes may we still
show kindness, concern and provide the care they need. May we choose to
understand them in this situation. This kind of scenario tests us on how
proficient and good we are as a health care provider. Addition to that, we must
always show professionalism in our career.

To conclude, it is still a well spent day since our groupmates got their
cases hoping that we are able to get cases the next day. As I have always said
may we all get the degree, license, title we are all aiming for. Laban RN 2024.
Timoteo, Angelina D. October 18, 2023


Reflection Journal – Day 3

With my fingers crossed hoping that this week’s last day of duty give
us many cases, given that we are running out of time since we only have 1 day
left in this rotation due to circumstances. Upon arriving at the hospital, we
changed into scrubs and proceeded inside the OR/DR/LR room. There, I was
given a chance to serve as an actual nurse in delivering a baby via NSD. This is
not new for me, since we had our duty here but handling instruments and
preparing the sterile field makes me nervous, unease and seems to be my first
time. But that doesn’t stop me from doing my best, I gather my thoughts along
with my senses and focus on what we are doing. Together with Dr. Banez, staff,
our CI and my groupmates we successfully deliver the baby.

After witnessing the pain of a mother, I thought about my mom, I just

realized how wonderful, selfless and strong she is in carrying me inside her
womb, the pain she bears during labor and after the delivery. Thank you so
much for bringing me to this world mom, you are raising me so well. I want you
to feel how thankful I am and how much I love you every day, not just on
mother’s day. I am beyond grateful that you are my mom.

In conclusion, this day open my eyes on how selfless and amazing to

become a mother, their sacrifices and love for us. I learned how to love and
value my mom even more. To all mom’s out there, you are indeed a hero.
Timoteo, Angelina D. October 23, 2023


Reflection Journal – Day 4

Who’ve thought that this day will come- our last day of duty for this rotation.
Yes, it will end today but it doesn’t mean that sharpening our knowledge and
improving our skills also stop here. Always remember that nursing is
continuous process of learning so we must always have room for
improvements. This day is quite sad since it was our last but with a touch
excitement since I was assigned as a head nurse and this day will going to
determine on how many cases we can get for this semester.

As a head nurse, the first thing I did is to assign my groupmates with their
perspective spot in the OR/DR/LR.Then proceeded inside to monitor patients,
gather data, and provide therapeutic care they needed. I am so happy that we
have 3 pregnant women because it means that we have a high chance of
getting many cases tonight. Unfortunately, only 1 mother deliver her baby, but
its ok, it is still counts as case for my 3 teammates.

Tonight, I just realized that leading a team is a very tough and huge
responsibility. Assigning my teammates is quite hard decision, since we are all
aiming to get more but what I did is to prioritize those who have lower cases
and I decided to give way my spot to Ms. Dumpit as a DR assist although I
assigned her as an OR Scrub just to ensure that she will get her first DR assist
and OR scrub before this day ends. Ms. Dumpit’s success in getting her first
assist case is also a success for me as a head nurse for today. They are right,
when you become a real leader you will no longer think about yourself instead
your perspective will change and your focus will be in your teammates success.

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