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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others by
circling the letter A, B, c or D. (0.3pt)
01. A. obedience B. obtuse C. obligation D. obscure
02. A. represent B. renovate C. reorient D. reservation
03. A. sergeant B. servitude C. service D. Serbian
II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is different from that of the other by circling the letter
A, B, C or D.
04. A. innovate B. negligence C. salesmanship D. casino
05. A. intrepid B. husbandry C. exclusive D. charisma
I. Circle the best option A, B, c or D to complete each of the following sentences.
06. This was a misjudgment _________ the part of the Government.
A. from B. on C. by D. in
07. _________ is the study or activity of growing garden plants.
A. Horticulture B. Viticulture C. Agriculture D. Apiculture
08. In the general election, many a candidate _________ fallen due to presumption.
A. is B. have C. has D. are
09. It’s time they put a stop to his bad behaviour. He’s been getting _________ it for too long.
A. on with B. down on C. in for D. away with
10. Had he read the document, his speech would have reflected some of the _________ of wisdom
embedded in it.
A. light B. grains C. piece D. pearls
11. If I’m _________ myself with one birthday present this year, it’s going to be that pretty necklace.
A. treating B. indulging C. serving D. bestowing
12. Hien: I am having an exam today.
An: ___________________!
A. Break a leg B. Shake a leg C. Pull your leg D. Get a leg up
13. I’m very tired, _________ travelling all day yesterday and having a disturbed night.
A. which by B. now that C. what with D. as such
14. Susan takes great _________ in cultivating Science knowledge.
A. fulfillment B. enjoyment C. pleasure D. happiness
15. There _________ to have been cantaloupes in the hamper, not watermelons.
A. means B. meant C. were meant D. was meant
II. Complete each sentence using a verb from column A in the correct form and a suitable particle from
column B. You can use any particle more than once.
burst look rest make go single let out up down on with off
16. I’ve lived there so long that I ________look on_________ the town as my home.
17. Jamey was thrilled when the teacher ______singled out___________ his poem and asked him to read it
18. Everyone ____burst out_____________ laughing when he came in with ridiculous clothes.
19. In order to _____make up____________ the budget deficit, we will have to increase taxation.
20. A shiver _______went down__________ John’s spine when he overheard the managers discussing the
money he’d stolen from the company safe.
21. The final decision on the planning application now ______rests with_______ the council.
22. Instead of a prison sentence, they were _____let off____________ with a fine.
III. Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. Number '0' is an
0. After being responsible for two false starts, the athlete was disqualified from the sprint.
I couldn't understand what Grandma was saying until in her false teeth.
Making false statement to the police is an offence.
23. - He really did a _________________ on her, telling her that he would always love her and then moving
to Tokyo with someone else.
- When she left college, she got a _______________ as an editor in a publishing company.
- I decided to make the best of a bad _________________, and rented the car even though it was far from
24. - I could feel my _________________ pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.
- Homelessness is a subject very close to her _________________.
- He said he would never marry but when he met Calanthe, he had a change of _________________.
25. - This plan shows the front, _________________ and back elevations of the new supermarket.
- This is a war which neither _________________ can win.
- Samantha is positive. She always looks on the bright _________________ of things.
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences bellow.
26. Her latest book has _________________ a lot of controversy (GENDER)
27. Many patients with osteoarthritis need aspirin or another pain reliever to make life _________________
28. The well – known _________________, Joseph Rowntree, was concerned with the welfare of his
employees (HUMAN)
29. Some people argue that multinational companies exploit poor workers abroad and _________________
workers at home by moving capital overseas. (POOR)
30. Due to a lack of awareness around _________________ and sustainable development, Ethiopia has lost
billions of trees and forest resources. (FOREST)
I. Choose the best option A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank, complete the passage.
In Santiago, COVID-19 (31) _________ the hardest blow to people with low socioeconomic (32) _________,
because of factors such as (33) _________ households, a lack of health care and an inability to work from
Death rates were greater in low-income areas of Santiago, especially among people under age 80, than in high-
income areas. The team found several explanations for this (34) _________. Compared with higher-income
areas, lower-income neighborhoods had high rates of positive SARS-CoV-2 tests. This suggests that testing
there was inadequate — and therefore that efforts based on case numbers to (35) _________ the epidemic
couldn’t be appropriately targeted.
Low-income areas had one-quarter as many hospital beds per 10,000 people as did wealthy areas. And a (36)
_________ 90% of COVID-19 deaths in lower-income areas (37) _________ outside of health-care facilities,
compared with 55% in a more affluent area of the capital.
Finally, by using location (38) _________ from mobile phones, the team found that people in low-income
areas moved more during periods when residents were supposed to stay at home — possibly because more
people had jobs outside of the house.
(Adapted from
31. A. caused B. dealt C. made D. did
32. A. factor B. condition C. status D. position
33. A. dense B. narrow C. cramped D. crowded
34. A. disparity B. discrepancy C. disproportion D. dissimilarity
35. A. curb B. reduce C. restrict D. impede
36. A. remarkable B. distinctive C. striking D. surprising
37. A. triggered B. appeared C. befell D. occurred
38. A. information B. data C. app D. spot
II. Read the passage below and choose the best option A, B, c or D to answer each of the following
"Gray divorce", also known as "silver splitter" or "diamond divorce" is a term used to refer to the increasing
trend of late-in-life divorces. This term first became mainstream in 2004, when AARP published a study on
divorce at "midlife and beyond," and is generally used to describe adults aged 50 or older who are going
through a separation.
The rise of gray divorce can potentially be attributed to a variety of things: people are living longer, both
spouses are working and are therefore becoming more financially independent, and the stigma associated with
divorce has shifted significantly.
There may be some unique issues that you'll need to address in addition to the standard concerns of a divorce
at any age, such as equitable distribution and alimony. Some problems associated with "gray divorce" include
division of retirement benefits, confusion over beneficiaries, more complicated marital estates to divide up,
health insurance and Medicare benefits, healthcare expenses overall, and potentially more than one support
obligation. Additionally, a financially dependent spouse may feel they need more support given the reduced
likelihood of starting a career late in life, and a financially supporting spouse may be worried about their
ability to keep up support payments as they slow down or retire.
For many gray divorces, custody is often not relevant to the discussion because the parties' children are over
the age of 18. However, there may still be issues to address to avoid involving adult children and
Adult children can get dragged into late-in-life divorces and be asked to side with one parent or the other, and
that can hurt the family unit (which is often exactly the reason why unhappy couples wait to split until after
their children have grown up). There are various ways individuals can address these concerns, including estate
planning and postnuptial agreements, which can all help lay out future expectations not just for the individual,
but for their family.
Postnuptial agreements are signed after the date of marriage instead of before, and can address issues such as
debt, inheritances, and any other property the couple owns — such as a house — in the event of a separation.
Often, couples who feel their marriage is on shaky ground utilize postnuptial agreements because they
can help remove some of the difficult conversations about finances so that the couple can refocus their
energy on their relationship.
Your estate plan generally includes a will, medical and financial powers of attorney, and an advanced care
directive, which all work together to legally protect your wishes for your estate and your family after your
Looking forward, you'll also need to consider new partnerships, should you decide to get married
again. Couples will need to address the impact of divorce on their children from prior relationships as well as
future relationships. For example, you may need to consider how the marital estate could be impacted or
challenged if you remarry — any effects on retirement, social security and pensions, and estate planning
documents will need to be updated and maintained. Maybe rather than a postnuptial agreement, a prenuptial
or premarital agreement could best serve a family's future interests.
A prenuptial agreement is a legal document signed by both individuals before they are married. Much like
postnuptial agreements, prenups can address a variety of topics including, but not limited to, who gets what
in the event of a split and any stipulations in regards to receiving payment of alimony.
For those going through a divorce later in life, be sure to create a strong foundation and clear expectations
about what you want your next chapter to look like. Identify a trustworthy and knowledgeable divorce
attorney, estate planning attorney, and financial advisor. Use litigation as a last resort, and consider an
alternative dispute resolution method, such as mediation, which can usually keep costs lower, take less time,
and be less stressful for all parties involved.
(Adapted from
39. Which of the following is NOT the mentioned factor leading to the rise of gray divorce?
A. It is a common event related to division of benefits and estates.
B. People are more open to the issue of divorce.
C. Both spouses have their own sources of income.
D. The increase in longevity of people.
40. According to the text, one of the worth – concerning issues related to gray divorce is _________.
A. how to divide properties equally
B. minimizing hurt for children and grandchildren
C. choosing the one who receives benefits
D. that one side must provide money for the other.
41. Children in late – divorced family ___________.
A. are irrelevant if they are over 18 years old
B. are asked to stay with either mother or father
C. can take care of themselves when their parents split up
D. are of concern when people consider new partnership
42. What is the implication of the sentence printed in bold?
A. Postnuptial agreements help couples avoid financial conversation so that they can minimize divorce
B. Couples who feel their relationship is likely to break down can turn to postnuptial agreements to
eliminate complicated financial conversations.
C. Once the couples intend to divorce, postnuptial agreements facilitate them to heal the relationship.
D. Couples who are worried about a future divorce can make postnuptial agreements to guarantee
equitable distribution.
43. All of the following are true about estate planning EXCEPT that ____________.
A. estate planning documents need considering once people remarry
B. it does not only include involvement of spouses to be legal
C. it helps to lay out future expectations for the family
D. spouses need to prepare it to divorce
44. Which of the following best explain “alimony”?
A. The money paid by one person to his partner after a divorce.
B. The money providing for the one who raises children.
C. The fee for divorce court.
D. The regular amount of money that equals to spouses’ assets.
45. One similarity between prenuptial and postnuptial agreements is that they both ___________.
A. set expectations for the marriage
B. help to strengthen the relationship
C. sort out problems related to assets division in case of split-up
D. guarantee benefits for children
46. The word “stipulations” in paragraph 9 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. benefits B. conditions C. exchange D. responsibility
47. People who have been experiencing late divorce should __________.
A. consider marrying again with a new suitable partner
B. use litigation to keep costs lower and take less time
C. cultivate estate planning and financial knowledge
D. visualize and know what they want for their next chapter of life
III. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the passage.
Foreign investors had good reason to trust Huarong, the sprawling Chinese financial conglomerate. Even as
its executives showed a perilous appetite for risky borrowing and lending, the (48) _________________
believed they could depend on Beijing to bail out
the state-owned company if things ever got too dicey. That’s what China had always
(49) _________________.
Now some of those same foreign investors may need to think (50) _________________. Huarong is more
than $40 billion in debt to foreign and (51) _________________ investors and shows signs of stumbling. The
Chinese government, which has stayed quiet about a rescue, is in the early stages of planning a reorganization
that will require foreign and Chinese bondholders (52) _________________ to accept significant losses on
their investments, according to two people familiar with the government’s plans.
Mr. Huang, who teaches finance, said the false sense of security created by government bailouts in China has
led to an environment (53) _________________ to the one in the United States before the 2008 financial (54)
_________________ when investors made bets assuming that they were safe.
(Adapted from
IV. There are six paragraphs marked 55-60 in the passage. Choose the correct
heading for each paragraph from the list below.
55. _________________________
Since the arrival of Covid-19 in Ireland last year, many of us have seen our homes in a completely new light.
Your kitchen may have become an office, the sitting room a classroom and the bedroom a yoga studio.
However, while children have returned to schools and gyms are set to open in the coming weeks, working
from home is far from a thing of the past.
In fact, most office workers want to work from home two to three days per week post-pandemic, according to
a recent poll.
But what if you’re currently buying your first home? When you’re house hunting, what’s the smart way to
factor in a working-from-home future? What should buyers look for in a work-from-home space? We spoke
to Denise O’Connor, managing director of architectural and design consultancy Optimise Design, to get her
56. ____________________________
While some of us need complete silence to work and complete tasks, others prefer to be in the centre of the
action. This is something to keep in mind when planning where your workspace is, says Denise.
“It’s not one size fits all. If, for example, you’re on a lot of video calls or you’ve a lot of meetings or phone
calls, it’s probably better that you have somewhere that you can close the door and not be interrupted.
“For other people, they like the hustle and bustle of having people around and people coming and going. So
somewhere like the living space, or even if they could have a designated space in an open-plan kitchen area,
can be quite nice.”
57. ___________________________
If you don’t have a separate home office or you want to be close to the goings-on in your household, there are
many solutions that don’t include setting up shop at the kitchen table.
“For example, in a TV room you can have a whole wall of joinery, and then there’s a section in that where
doors open out and there’s a pullout desk,” says Denise. “You can work there during the day, but then in the
evening everything gets tucked away and closed behind the doors. Then it’s out of your mind until the
following day, but nothing is disrupted, so it’s easy for you to set up and get started into your day the next
Other solutions include setting up your workspace in an alcove under the stairs or on the landing but, again,
Denise says “you have to be realistic” about your needs. “If everybody’s tiptoeing around and being really
quiet all the time, it’s not sustainable.”
58. ___________________________
Wherever you decide the right WFH spot is for you, Denise recommends paying attention to lighting. “It is
really important to get natural light, but you have to be mindful of that as well. If you’re working on screen
for a long time, you need to have flexibility with blinds and shades so you don’t suffer from glare and things
like headaches and dry eyes,” she says.
“The other thing that’s really important is the type of artificial lighting that you have in your workplace.
Typically, when it comes to our homes, we go with very warm light because it’s relaxing. But when it comes
to working, it’s much better for you to have a colder, colour temperature in your bulbs”.
“There are some really clever lamps and bulbs that you can buy now where you can control the colour
temperature, so they can be cool when you’re working and then you can warm them up in the evening time.”
59. ___________________________
While you’ll likely want your new home to be filled with beautiful furniture and decor, Denise says practicality
is key when it comes to planning your workspace. “When it comes to buying furniture for our homes, usually
the aesthetics and all of that is what we think about, but with office furniture – particularly your chair – it
needs to be comfortable. So I’d always say, try and buy the best possible chair that you can, rather than taking
the chair from the kitchen or whatever. And the same with the desk, make sure that it’s something that will fit
everything that you need.”
And when you have your furniture picked out, measure once and measure again. “Make sure that it fits in the
space that it works in the space,” says Denise. “Say you’re putting it in a bedroom with an en-suite, make sure
doors aren’t going to clash into it and it’s not going to compromise the use of that room.”
60. ___________________________
As the last year has shown, having a home that’s adaptable can make life much easier as your and your family’s
needs change.
“I think the biggest takeaway from all of this is trying to make our homes as flexible and adaptable as possible,”
says Denise. “Over the space of eight hours your home can go from classroom to boardroom to living room
to gym class. Having that ability to make it as flexible and adaptable in as easy a way as possible, is going to
make things much less stressful.”
(Adapted from
A. Keep flexibility in mind
B. Think outside the box
C. Create a workplace zone
D. Consider your working style
E. Be smart with lighting
F. Invest in furniture wisely
G. Be strict with what you really need
H. A new trend in your home
I. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given in bold in such a way that it means the
same as the original one.
61. Her youthful exuberance was a disadvantage to her when she spoke out of turn at the meeting.
Her ______________________________________ when she spoke out of turn at the meeting.
62. I hadn’t worked in an office for several years, so it took me a while to adapt and enjoy it.
I hadn’t ________________________________________________
63. He’s always trying to ingratiate himself with the boss. FAVOUR
He’s always _____________________________________________.
64. Harley didn’t want to give up while strength and spirit remained. DEFEAT
Harley was loath _____________________________________________ strength and spirit.
65. My daughter has finally come to accept that she should pull her weight in the project.
It’s finally _________________________________________________.
II. Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning with the words given so that it has the same
meaning as the original one.
66. Why didn’t you ask me before you entered my room?
I would _____________________________________________.
67. The high exam result went beyond her expectation.
Never _____________________________________________.
68. When I told my father that I quit my job, he was very angry.
On _____________________________________________.
69. She didn’t cry when her child was kidnapped.
Not a _____________________________________________.
70. I never thought of lending my parents’ money
The thought _____________________________________________.
III. Write an essay on the following topic.
“A fifth of young Vietnamese are bullied online but most do not know how to find professional help for
this”, a UNICEF survey has found.
In your opinion, what are the causes of the problem? What can be done to solve the problem?
Use specific reasons and example to support your view in about 250 words.

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