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Read TEXT I, then answer question 1.


1 I know a good breakfast is important, but I rarely eat anything before lunchtime. At one o’clock,
2 I have a sandwich and something sweet, like ice cream or chocolate cake. Mum always says,
3 ‘You must eat more fruit!’ I’m not very interested in cooking, but I like eating and I don’t mind
4 going shopping for food. And I always clear the table and load the dishwasher after dinner.

5 I’m happiest when I’m in the kitchen because I love cooking. I cook for my family three or four
6 times a week, and I sometimes cook for our neighbor, too. My favorite meals are chicken with
7 mushrooms and peppers, and beef with tomatoes and onions. I like baking fish with lemon,
8 coconut and spinach, but fish isn’t as easy to cook as meat. I don’t use much cream, oil or salt
9 in my cooking because my dad needs to eat healthy food.

1. Choose the CORRECT alternative about TEXT I:

a) Maria loves cooking.
b) Emma thinks fish is easy to cook.
c) After dinner, Maria clears the table and unload the dishwasher.
d) Emma is happy when she is in the kitchen.

2. Choose the INCORRECT alternative about COUNT / NONCOUNT NOUNS:

a) The noun “fish” is count.
b) The noun “chicken” noncount.
c) The noun “fruit” is noncount.
d) The noun “coconut” is count.

3. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the structure of MANY / MUCH:

a) There are much apples in the basket.
b) Mom bought many coconuts to make a cake.
c) Karen and Tom are drinking many soda at the restaurant.
d) The cook made much pizzas.
4. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the structure of A LITTLE / A FEW:
a) Emma drinks a few water every day.
b) They brought a little eggs to make the cake.
c) The students eat a few vegetables for lunch.
d) Pablo made a little cakes for the birthday.

5. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the structure of SOME / ANY / A / AN:
a) There aren’t some eggs in the fridge.
b) There is some meat for us to eat.
c) I bought a orange for breakfast.
d) Dad ate an apricot at work.

Read the comic strip in TEXT II, then answer question 6.


Available in: Accessed in October, 2022

dive: mergulhar
Words translated from Linguee Dictionary

6. Choose the CORRECT alternative about TEXT II:

a) There are two people in the second picture.
b) The sentence “I’m cycling” is in the negative form.
c) The sentence “she’s swimming” in the interrogative form is “is she swimming?”.
d) The sentence “he’s diving” can be replaced by “he is dive” without changing the meaning
of the text.
Look the picture in IMAGE I, then answer question 7.


Available in: Accessed in October, 2022

7. Choose the CORRECT alternative to complete IMAGE I:

a) highest
b) the highest
c) more high
d) higher

8. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the structure of SIMPLE PRESENT:

a) She eats a lot of fish for dinner.
b) They doesn’t study English at school.
c) Do he love watching TV?
d) The cat sleep all day long.

9. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the structure of PRESENT PROGRESSIVE

a) I’m going to the mall next Friday.
b) She is eating some cookies now.
c) Andrew and Liam are playing soccer right now.
d) Look! My cat is playing!
Look the picture in IMAGE II, then answer question 10.


Available in: Accessed in October, 2022

10. What’s the weather like according to IMAGE II?

a) It’s foggy.
b) It’s snowing.
c) It’s raining.
d) It’s sunny.

11. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to TRANSPORTATION:

a) Submarine is a big boat that people use to travel.
b) SUV is a vehicle that you can use on the beach or in the mountains.
c) Yacht is a very large ship. People go on vacation on these.
d) A cruise liner is a type of car.

12. Choose the INCORRECT alternative according to the structure of BE - SIMPLE PAST:
a) My grandpa was very tall.
b) These jeans was very expensive.
c) We were tired after the soccer game.
d) Heitor and Zilda were at the festival.

13. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to SIMPLE PAST – REGULAR VERBS:
a) The verb “study” in simple past form is “studyed”.
b) The verb “dance” in simple past form is “danceed”.
c) The verb “stay” in simple past form is “staied”.
d) The verb “travel” in simple past from is “travelled”.
14. Choose the INCORRECT alternative according to SIMPLE PAST – IRREGULAR VERBS:
a) The verb “eat” in the simple past form is “ate”.
b) The verb “drink” in the simple past form is “drank”.
c) The verb “buy” in the simple past form is “buyed”.
d) The verb “understand” in the simple past form is “understood”.

15. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to MOVIE TYPES:

a) I love action movies because of the explosions and fights.
b) I don’t like comedy movies because of the monsters and vampires.
c) I love romcom because of the romance and drama.
d) I don’t like musical because of dragons.

16. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the structure of HAVE TO:
a) We use have to to talk prohibition.
b) My mom have to work on weekends.
c) I have to do my homework every night.
d) He doesn’t has to clean the table after dinner.

17. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to MUST / MUSTN’T / DON’T HAVE TO:
a) My mom must do the dishes because she has a dishwasher at home.
b) Monica doesn’t have to go to school by car because he has a bicycle.
c) Students at CMDP II don’t have to wear uniform at school.
d) Students at CMDP II mustn’t be early for class.
Look the picture in IMAGE III, then answer question 18.


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18. What does the girl look like according to IMAGE III?
a) She has wavy and short hair.
b) She has straight and shoulder-length hair.
c) She has a curly and short hair.
d) She has a curly and shoulder-length hair.

19. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES:

a) The adjective “happy” in the superlative form is “the happyest".
b) The adjective “short” in the superlative form is “shorter”.
c) The adjective “thin” in the superlative form is “the thinnest”.
d) The adjective “shy” in the superlative form is “the shier”.

20. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES:

a) The adjective “good” in the comparative form is “the best”.
b) The adjective “far” in the comparative form is “farther”.
c) The adjective “easy” in the comparative form is “easyer".
d) The adjective “big” in the comparative form is “biger"

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. C
20. B

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