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Most important class in the business school?

Moore’s law: the speed of all our technology and the size of our technology is changing every 18 months

Cognitive skills: which means think outside of the box, being creative, being innovative, wondering
having a sense of curiosity, develop those skills in a career

Albility to experiment: Have to be comfortable with some degree of risk which means you have to take
your idea and throw it out and see if it fits, you never know if you don’t try it

Abstract reasoning: look at the process and figure out how to make it more efficient, faster

Systems thinking: see the big picture where the pieces fit in the puzzle; something get from point a to
point b


MIS give me some skills that will be marketable and that will differentiate me

What is an information system:

After learning lecture 1 and lecture 2, I not only learned the knowledge of MIS but also how it can be
applied to my studies and future work.

Firstly, I had a view of MIS, and I also learned non-routine cognitive skills. Cognitive skills mean thinking
outside of the box, being creative, being innovative, having a sense of curiosity, and developing those
skills in study or career. I feel that whether I am studying logistics supply chain management,
accounting, marketing, or maybe in the future I do unrelated jobs, I need to develop strong non-routine
cognitive skills. These nonroutine cognitive skills include abstract reasoning, system thinking,
collaboration, and the ability to experiment. So, I will explain in detail how MIS helps me learn and
practice these skills. The first skill is abstract reasoning which means we look at the process and figure
out how to make it more efficient, make it faster. In some courses I learn, such as time series and
forecasting and inventory management, there are projects that work with models, and these skills not
only help me to manipulate the models in the manual but also help me to create my own models for
projects. The second skill involves thinking in a systematic manner, which entails having the ability to
comprehend the overall situation and how the various components fit together. For instance, when I
undertake a project, I frequently compare different systems and employ them to generate diverse
solutions. The third skill is collaboration, and this skill holds considerable significance. Thankfully, during
my studies, I engaged in extensive collaboration, which aided me in formulating ideas alongside others
and receiving constructive feedback. The fourth skill is the ability to experiment, as this skill enables me
to venture beyond my comfort zone. Prior to acquiring this skill, I believed that there were certain things
I could not accomplish, and I was quite hesitant to express myself in class due to the fear of making
mistakes. However, since acquiring this skill, I no longer feel the need to be fearful. Instead, I have
become comfortable with embracing a certain level of risk. I am willing to discard preconceived notions
and take chances, as I understand that unless I try, I will never know the outcome.

Secondly, I acquired knowledge about business processes and information systems. A process involves a
sequence of tasks that are carried out to accomplish a specific objective. Therefore, a business
procedure is a series of tasks that aims to achieve goals for the organization. Whether it is the
straightforward task of preparing a cup of coffee at Phuc Long or the complex undertaking of
constructing a subway, both rely on one or more business procedures. The effectiveness of a business
relies on the design and coordination of its business procedures. If a company utilizes well-crafted
business procedures to foster innovation or surpass competitors, then effective business procedures can
serve as a valuable asset for the company. Conversely, if the business process is poorly designed and
implemented, it may become dependent on outdated working methods and hinder responsiveness and
efficiency. Information Systems(IS) areas of components that interact to generate information.
Information systems play a crucial role in automating processes and enhancing the efficiency of
organizations. By enabling simultaneous task performance, these systems accelerate the completion of
business processes, saving valuable time and resources. Moreover, information systems pave the way for
new business models that were previously impossible without technology. With their ability to
streamline operations and drive innovation, information systems are an asset for any organization
seeking to stay ahead in today's fast-paced business environment.

Finally, I learned ERP system. One important lesson that can be learned from ERP systems is the
importance of integration and centralization of data. ERP systems are designed to bring together various
business functions and processes into a single, unified platform. This integration allows for better
visibility and access to data across different departments and improves efficiency by eliminating
duplication and manual entry. In Vietnam, VinFast utilizes Industry 4.0 technology in its manufacturing
facilities, incorporating ERP systems to establish connectivity between devices and production lines
through network-connected sensors and cloud computing.

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