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Good morning/afternoon everyone, today we are going to talk about the

impact of social media on news and information dissemination. The rise of
social media has revolutionized the way we consume and share information
Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok have
become the go-to source for news and information for millions DF people
around the world. In this speech, we will explore the pros and cons of social
media as a tool for news and information dissemination.

Social media has changed the way we consume news and information. It
has made it easier for people to access news stories from around the world in
realtime. Social media platforms have also given a voice to people who were
previouly unheard. Citizen journalism has become a reality, as ordinary people.
can now report on events as they happen and share their experiences with the
world. However, there are also some downsides to social media as a tool For
news and information dissemination. The spread of Fake news and
misinformation has become a breeding ground for conspiracy theories and
propaganda which can be harmful and misleading.

Social media has had a significant impact on news and information

dissemination. It has revolutionized the way we consume and share news
stories, and has given a voice to people who were previously unheard. However,
it is Important to be aware of the downsides OF Social media as a tool For news
and information.. dissemination, such as the spaced spread of Fake news and
the echora We must be vigilant and critical when consuming news and
information on social media, and always fact-check and verify before sharing
information. Thats all thankyou for listening.

Aljabar D. Jaidi


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