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 Developed mathematics in astronomy,

physics, and statistics

 Began work in calculus which led to

the Laplace Transform

 Focused later on celestial mechanics

 One of the first scientists to suggest the

existence of black holes

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 Many practical engineering problems involve
mechanical or electrical systems acted upon by
discontinuous or impulsive forcing terms.
 For such problems the methods described in Chapter 3
are difficult to apply.
 In this chapter we use the Laplace transform to
convert a problem for an unknown function f into a
simpler problem for F, solve for F, and then recover f
from its transform F.
 Given a known function K(s,t), an integral transform
of a function f is a relation of the form

F (s)   K ( s , t ) f ( t ) dt ,       
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Definition of Laplace Transform

L  f ( t )  F ( s ) 
 st
 0
e f ( t ) dt

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  

 t   b   t    t   b   t   d t t  dt  b  e  t  dt
 st  st  st
L  a f   e  a f a  e f
0 0 0

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 t   t  dt
 st
L e  
at at
f e e f


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 at 
e  e 
2. L  cosh at   L     e
 st
e at
 at
 dt
 2  2 0

 d t
1   s  a t   s  a t
e e
2 0

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 s in b x d x   a s in b x  b c o s b x 
a b
2 2

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e cos bxdx   a c o s b x  b s in b x 

a b
2 2

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 s in 2 t 0  t 
L  f  t    
 0 t 

 st
 e 
  2  s s in 2 t  2 c o s 2 t    0
s  4 0

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 E 0  t  a
f t   
 E a  t  2a

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t 1 t  2

1. f t   
 4t t  2

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 3s  1 
1 . E v a lu a te L  
  s  1 

 3  s  1  1  1   1   1 
1 1 1
g iv e n L    3 L    2L  
 s  1   s  1    s  1 
4 3 4
   

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Real-Life Applications

Semiconductor mobility

Call completion in wireless


Vehicle vibrations on
compressed rails

Behavior of magnetic and

electric fields above the
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Ex. Semiconductor Mobility
 semiconductors are commonly made
with superlattices having layers of
differing compositions
 need to determine properties of
carriers in each layer
concentration of electrons and holes
mobility of electrons and holes
 conductivity tensor can be related to
Laplace transform of electron and
hole densities

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R = ratio of induced electric field to the product
of the current density and the applied magnetic
ρ = electrical resistance
H = magnetic field
J = current density
E = applied electric field
n = concentration of electrons
u = mobility

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Equation Manipulation


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Assuming a continuous
mobility distribution and that
, , it follows:

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Applying the Laplace Transform

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Thank you

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