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LOC I Awakening

Vesion 1.0

on July 7th, 2023, London, United Kingdom

LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification

1. What is LOCC?

LOCC, short for Legend of Constellations Coin, is a cryptocurrency and serves as the governance token for the Legend of
Constellations gaming community. Within the game LOC I: Awakening, LOCC functions as the in-game currency, allowing
players to purchase game items, participate in card draws, develop their heroes, and engage in arena battles, among
other activities.

Since the release of the Legend of Constellations 's beta version in November 2022, we have amassed hundreds of
thousands of player users. This solid foundation has paved the way for the launch of the LOCC blockchain smart
contract. As per the project roadmap, the design of the LOCC smart contract has been completed in accordance with
the planned timeline for Q2 2023.

The TRON protocol is one of the largest public blockchains globally, with its token TRX currently ranking as the 9th
largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. The LOCC smart contract has been deployed to the TRON public
blockchain ecosystem (currently in the Nile testnet phase).

Anyone can access it here:

2. The Mechanism of Earning LOCC While Playing

Play&Spend USDT or LOCC

Players LOC Chain Game


Reward LOCC

Holding NFT heroes

LOC Community

Built on blockchain technology, we employ innovative and exciting measures to incentivize the interaction between game
players and game developer team.

As you may have observed, when regular players consume USDT or LOCC within the game, the game generates revenue.
The LOC community, comprised of players and game operators team, actively governs the game, and as such, a certain
proportion of the revenue is allocated to the LOC community. Since LOCC is not yet circulated on major exchanges, the
only channel for acquiring LOCC is through holding NFT heroes that produce LOCC. The value of community participation
is reflected in the holdings of LOCC by individuals, which are determined by their ownership of different NFT heroes and
the duration of their holdings. The revenue received by the LOC community is subsequently rewarded to LOCC holders
based on their level of community engagement.

With the release of new gameplay and features, the game will attract more funds, leading to increased financial inflow
for the LOC community.
LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification

3. LOCC Smart Contract and Allocation

The total supply of LOCC is 1,000,000,000 tokens. The planned distribution for LOC I: Awakening is 550,000,000 tokens,
accounting for 55%. For LOC II, the planned distribution is 300,000,000 tokens, accounting for 30%. As for LOC III, the
planned distribution is 150,000,000 tokens, accounting for 15%.

LOC II is planned to commence development in 2025, while LOC III is scheduled for development in 2027. As a result,
450,000,000 LOCC tokens will be unlocked in 2025 and 2027.

The 550,000,000 LOCC tokens allocated for the development of LOC I ecosystem, they have been issued on the TRON
blockchain network. (Currently only available on the test net. We still require several months to verify the smart
contract's security, accuracy, efficiency, and other aspects. Once the verification process is successfully completed, we
will proceed with the official launch on mainnet).

The smart contract design for LOC I: Awakening has been completed. To enhance transparency and keep community
members informed of the project's progress, we have increased the visibility of LOCC. Anyone can view the LOCC smart
contract on the TRON Nile testnet through the provided address. We will provide a detailed explanation of each
contract's function in the subsequent.

Contract Name Contract Adress

LOCC Mining Pool TN2czYfN4bMgFXuBJbQ9GiEvJh1zR7JqQ2

LOCC Reflow Pool TZDZgs6udM8RYtzSwz38RdkoDTQZEkHWD8

LOCC Token SWAP TVv1smEQD9dfaHm4JHiC9mCCpUNNue2zQ6


LOCC Public Sale TYqme5Ade6ZQDv2FVhB128ZY9TToNmcRLT

LOCC DE Holder TPCejXbZyWuewh9ehTiHEkTxEDAevj436e

LOCC Ecosystem Fund TDJPuNNEWcqyZ2TsLKVb2SRAqSidZfjdos

LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification

For the ecosystem development of LOC I: Awakening, the allocation of the 550,000,000 LOCC tokens is as follows: 40%
for the LOCC Mining Pool, dedicated to staking and distributing game rewards to the community; 8% for the LOCC
Reflow Pool, used for marketing, game events, and other rewards; 11% for the LOCC Token SWAP, specifically for LOCC-
to-USDT or USDT-to-LOCC exchanges; 5% for LOCC Advisors, allocated to senior advisors of the project; 15% for the
LOCC Public Sale, intended for future public offerings on exchanges; 8% for LOCC DE Holders, held by the shareholders of
D&E Game, the parent company of LOC I: Awakening; and the remaining 13% for the ecosystem fund, which will be
distributed as needed based on project requirements.

LOCC Reflow Pool(8%)

LOCC Advisors(5%),
LOCC Token SWAP(11%), 27,500,000.00 LOCC Mining Pool(40%)
60,500,000.00 LOCC Token SWAP(11%)
LOCC Public Sale(15%), LOCC Advisors(5%)
82,500,000.00 LOCC Public Sale(15%)
LOCC DE Holder(8%)
LOCC Ecosystem Fund(13%)

LOCC DE Holder(8%),
LOCC Mining Pool(40%),
220,000,000.00 LOCC Ecosystem Fund(13%),

LOCC Reflow Pool(8%),


Contract Name Total Supply Proportion

LOCC Mining Pool 220000000 40%

LOCC Reflow Pool 44000000 8%

LOCC Token SWAP 60500000 11%

LOCC Advisors 27500000 5%

LOCC Public Sale 82500000 15%

LOCC DE Holder 44000000 8%

LOCC Ecosystem Fund 71500000 13%

Total Amount 550,000,000 100%

LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification

4. Role of LOCC Mining Pool

The total supply of LOCC Mining Pool is 220,000,000 tokens. When you claim LOCC in the earnings interface of the game
and in the Mine, the LOCC you receive will come from this contract. Upon successful claiming, you will see a transaction
of type "Rewards" on the blockchain. This means that the benefits you acquire in the game will be recorded on the

Furthermore, this also means that anyone can view this contract to understand how many players are earning LOCC on a
daily basis. The quantity of LOCC is limited, and all of this information is transparent and publicly available.
LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification

5. Role of LOCC Reflow Pool

Whenever a player uses LOCC to purchase in-game items, perform card draws, or consume other game resources, this
contract is invoked. This means that anyone can view the transaction records of this contract to see how much LOCC is
being spent by players in the game on a daily basis. Currently, this only reflects a portion of the project's revenue. Data
regarding player spending directly in the game and Arena using USDT has not yet been submitted to the blockchain
network, and this process still require some time.

The smart contract of LOCC ReflowPool also serves the purpose of targeted replenishment of LOCC to the LOCC
MiningPool contract. When regular players use LOCC or USDT in the game, it constitutes the project's revenue and profit.
The project will follow the mechanism of profit redistribution by returning a portion of the profit to the community. This
mechanism is executed by transferring LOCC from the LOCC Reflow Pool to the LOCC Mining Pool.

The LOCC in the LOCC Reflow Pool is also used for activity rewards and marketing within the game. Data related to these
activities is not yet synchronized with the blockchain network and will be updated in future releases.
LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification
LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification

6. Role of LOCC Token Swap

LOCC Token Swap serves as the smart contract that facilitates the exchange between LOCC and USDT. When you
exchange LOCC for USDT or vice versa, this contract is invoked. Upon a successful swap, you will see a transaction of
type "Swap" on the blockchain. This means that anyone can analyze the exchange rate between LOCC and USDT and
assess the willingness to hold LOCC.

As the project is currently in the public test, once LOCC is released on the official mainnet, the LOCC TokenSwap contract
will gradually integrate with most decentralized trading platforms available in the market, such as Uniswap,
PancakeSwap, SunSwap, etc. At that time, you will be able to exchange LOCC for any other cryptocurrency on any
supported platform.
LOC I Awakening LOCC Blockchain Data Specification

7. Role of LOCC Ecosystem Fund

Throughout the development of the project, community governance members have a lot of responsibilities
to fulfill. The LOCC Ecosystem Fund focuses on rewarding community members who have a long-term
perspective and hold LOCC. The fund is only called upon when the project reaches significant milestones.

8. Q&A

8.1 Why is the LOCC balance in the game different from the balance on the blockchain?

The LOC project is still in the public test. We have recently completed the design of the LOCC smart contract,
and only a portion of the major features are currently connected to the blockchain network. Transactions
such as LOCC obtained through Arena, Lottery, Invitation, etc., are not yet reported to the blockchain
network, resulting in inconsistencies between the LOCC quantity in game wallet and the LOCC quantity in
blockchain address. This issue will be fully resolved once we have completed coverage of all the features.

8.2 Why do some transactions in the game lack a transaction hash?

If you obtain LOCC through channels such as Arena, Invitation, Lottery, Game Chests, Emails, and etc, this
type of data is not yet connected to the blockchain network. Therefore, there is no transaction hash for
these transactions.

8.3 Where can I obtain my wallet private key?

All users will need to wait until LOCC is officially released on the mainnet before they can export their wallet
private keys either within the game or through the designated official method.

8.4 Why is the reputation of the contract listed as "Neutral"?

LOCC is currently on the blockchain's test net. Our main focus is on conducting vulnerability audits and
ensuring the accuracy of the smart contract. The credit rating will be upgraded once LOCC completes
testing and is released on the mainnet.

8.5 Could I trade LOCC on decentralized exchanges?

Not at the moment.

Once LOCC is released on the mainnet and the LOCC TokenSwap smart contract is connected to
decentralized exchanges, you will be able to trade LOCC on those platforms.

Vesion 1.0

on July 7th, 2023, London, United Kingdom

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