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[Senior Secondary School Affiliated to CBSE]
Raghavendra Nagar, Nacharam, Hyderabad

Monthly Test-1
Revision Paper
Subject: English Topic: Reggie’s Mouse Shrinking clothes
Name of Student :……………………………………Grade &Section:III/ ……...

I. Choose the correct sound word from the box and fill in the blanks.

squeals moos neighs honk meow

1. The cow_____________________ in the field.

a) honks b) neighs c)moos d)barks
2. The rat ____________________ from the holes.
a) honks b) neighs c)moos d) squeals
3. The horse _____________________.
a) honks b) neighs c)moos d)barks
4. I was scared by the ______________________ of a horn.
a) honk b) sound c)buzz d) smash
5. The busy bee _________around.
a) buzzes b) neighs c)moos d)barks

II. Identify the kind of noun of the underlined word.

1. I went to a movie last week.

a) Common b) proper c)Collective
2. Delhi is in the northern part of India.
a) Common b) proper c)Collective
3. A pack of wolves hunted their prey.
a) Common b) proper c)Collective
4. I bought a bunch of grapes for my sister.
a) Common b) proper c)Collective
5. A man is sitting on the bench.
a) Common b) proper c)Collective
6. Rivers are the source of water
a) Common b) proper c)Collective
III. Match the following

1. A____________of keys a. flock ( )

2. A ____________ of rats b. bouquet ( )

3. A ____________ of geese c. bunch ( )

4. A ____________ of sheep d. gaggle ( )

5. A ____________ of flowers e. pack ( )

IV. Write the Meanings

1. surprise –
a) wonder b) upset c)feel bad
2. sudden–
a) wonder b) upset c)unexpected
3. awful –
a) very bad b) upset c)unexpected

V. Read the passage and answer the questions.

The Dentist

Mr. Bean planned to go to picnic on Sunday.

On Friday he went to a super market to buy his picnic stuff.

He also bought a big pack of chocolates.

That night he ate too many chocolates and went to bed.

The next morning Mr. Bean had a very bad tooth ache.

He decided to consult a dentist.

He took the appointment and consulted the doctor.

Dentist cleaned his teeth and treated him properly.

He also advised Mr.Bean to brush his teeth twice a day

and not to eat too many chocolates.

1. Mr. bean planned for a ______ on Sunday. ( )
a) movie b) dinner c)picnic
2. Mr. bean went to supermarket on _______. ( )
a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday
3. Mr. bean had _______ in the morning. ( )
a) Tooth ache b) head ache c) fever
4. _________ treated Mr. bean ( )
a) eye specialist b) dentist c) ENT doctor
5. Doctor advised Mr. bean to brush his teeth _____a day ( )
a) once b) twice c) thrice

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