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The Way I See The World

In this world of wonders and light,

I see the beauty shining bright,
Through eyes that seek the hidden gems,
I find joy in life’s diadems.

In this world, I find enchantment,

A tapestry of moments, resplendent,
Where sunlight weaves through leaves of green,
And whispers of nature remain unseen.

I see the beauty in every face,

A symphony of uniqueness and grace,
Eyes that hold stories, untold,
Reflecting the wonders of a world so bold.

In nature’s embrace, I find solace,

Where whispers of wind paint with grace,
The rustle of leaves, a soothing song,
Nature’s rhythm, where I belong.

I see the dance of seasons unfold,

Nature's rhythm, a story yet untold,
From blossoms to leaves, a cycle of life,
A reminder that change is always rife.

Through challenges and trials, we grow,

Each step forward, a chance to bestow,
Kindness, love and empathy,
Creating a ripple effect of harmony.

The world, a canvas of colours so vast,

From golden sunsets to shadows that cast,
In every brushstroke, a story unfolds,
A masterpiece of life, with stories untold.

Through city streets and bustling crowds,

I see stories in faces, like clouds,
Each person carries a tale to tell,
In their smiles, their sorrows dwell.

I see connections that bind us all,

Threads of compassion, standing tall,
Weaving through cultures, bridging divides,
Uniting hearts with love that abides.
The world unfolds in vibrant hues,
From crimson reds to ocean blues,
A pallet vast, and artist’s dream,
Every scene a masterpiece it seems.

In this world, I find solace and hope,

In every dawn and horizon's slope.
For the way I see it is a gift, you see,
A unique perspective, known only to me.

In this world, I find a treasure,

Fleeting joy, a heart felt pleasure,
For the way I see the world, you see,
Is the reflection of the real me.

Dev Abhinash a/l Sukumar
Avinaash a/l Subramaniam

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