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ASST. DIRECTOR II 9™4 MOCK APTITUDE Nai Dare aT QUESTION Read the questions and select the most appropriate answer from the options given below 1. With introduction of the New Primary School Curriculum Reform, “standard-based curriculum” means A. pupils shall demonstrate understanding and mastery of knowledge and skills through a standard examination or assessment B. standard assessment system to provide sufficient data to help fashion improvement in teaching and learning C. pupils shall demonstrate understanding and mastery of knowledge and skills as the progress in their education D. there shall be a National Assessment at P2, P4 and P6 to track children’s performance 2. Presently, which of the following is not a specific duty of the Ghana Education Service? A. Implement educational policies and progranumes B. Maintain professional standards and the conduct of a personnel (knowledge of conditions of service and code of conduct required). C. Register teachers and keep an up-to-date register of all teachers in the public system D. Register, supervise and inspect Private Pre-Tertiary Educational institutions 3. Which type of test ensures that students are evaluated in relationship to one another and the grading system rests on the assumption that the level of student performance will not vary much from class to class? A. criterion-referenced B. norm-referenced C. issue-referenced D. textbook reference 4, The following statements about teacher summative performance evaluation is incorrect except the primary purpose is to A. determine if a teacher should be re-employed B. improve the teachers’ performance CC. bargain with teachers to develop lesson plans, D. remind teachers they are being watched 5. The following statements about interdisciplinary teacher teaming is incorrect with the ‘exception of A. Teaming is intended to accommodate curricula constructed around contemporary subjects and problems rather than disciplines (separate subjects). GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page |1 B. In terms, teacher preferences and power can result in one subject dominating other subjects C. Teams are usually more open to considering change than are traditional academic departments D. None of the above 6. Which of the following statements about school culture is correct? A. A principal’s behaviour is the sole determinant of school culture. B. School culture describes a school’s mission . School culture describes the demographic composition of a school D. School culture consists of shared values and beliefs that tell educators how to address problems 7. The process of reaching consensus can accurately be described A. involves determining which faction’s position will prevail B. involves reaching a decision everyone can accept C. the process of reaching an ideal decision D. another term for voting 8, Why do decisions about what to do to improve schools entail higher levels of uncertainty? A. Future conditions cannot be predicted accurately B. Teachers are not interested in participating in school improvement efforts C. A lot of time is spent on school improvement efforts D. The school head may be autocratic 9. School philosophy is a cornerstone for continuous school improvement. Which of the following best explains a school philosophy? School philosophy. ‘A. addresses the shared values and beliefs of the school B. entails the strategies for reaching the preferred future C. is the shared preferred future of the school D. describes the shared purpose of the school 10. Which of the following indicators is obtained by dividing the number of full-time equivalent pupils at a given level of education by the number of full-time equivalent teachers at that level and in similar types of institutions? A. Pupil Gender Parity Index ‘Teacher Ratio Gross Enrolment Ratio B. c D. Net Enrolment Ratio u .. is calculated by dividing the number of students enrolled in a given level of education regardless of age by the population of the age group which officially corresponds to the given level of education, and multiply the result by 100. GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 2 A. Gender Parity Index B. Net Enrolment Ratio C. Student-Teacher Ratio D. Gross Enrolment Ratio 12, After instruction, at each grade level, learners are expected to acquire knowledge, skill and attitude. This relates to: A. Strands B. Content Standards C. Indicators D. Exemplars 13. In lesson delivery, support and guide the teacher or facilitator in helping learners achieve the content standards. A. Strands B, Content Standards C. Indicators D. Exemplars A, The process by which differences between learning, styles, interests and readiness to learn etc. are accommodated so that all students in a group have the best possible chance of learning is referred to as A. Task B. Scaffolding C. Differentiation D. Pedagogy 15. The use of a variety of instructional techniques targeted at moving learners progressively towards stronger understanding and ultimately greater independence in the learning process is considered A. Exemplar B. Differentiation C. Scaffolding D. Pedagogy 16. Teachers should create a learning atmosphere that ensure: I. Learners feel safe and accepted I. Learners collaborate whilst learning, IIL The discipline but not the subject matter around the problem. Jand I only 1, Hand Il ML only Honly poe> GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 3 17. The broad common core learner attributes are the following except A. Engagement B. Projects C. Instruction D. Service 18. How many areas are there in the common core programme (CCP) of the Junior High School level? A. 10 Bo cs D7 19. is the ability to remember, recall, identify, define, describe, list, name, match, state principles, facts, concepts. A. Understanding B. Knowing C. Applying D. Brainstorming 20. ‘ the ability to explain, summarise, translate, rewrite, paraphrase, give examples, generalize, estimate or predict consequences based upon a trend. A. Knowing, B. Applying C. Understanding D. Brainstorming 21. Using knowledge in the context of producing, solving, planning, demonstrating, discovering among others can be associated with A. Applying B. Understanding C. Brainstorming D. Knowing 22, To inculcate in learners the spirit of teamwork, consensus building and tolerance in order to censure peace and unity is a rationale of A. Learning philosophy B. Learning strategy C. Learning pedagogy D. Learning skill GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 4 23. Some examples of learner's generic skills are the following except A. Dance B. Bully C. Dramatise D. Sing 24. The ability to put parts together to form a new whole which can be likened to the ability to combine, compose, devise, organise, generate new ideas and solution can be referred to as A. Evaluating B. Synthesising C. Creating D. Classifying 25. To appraise, compare features of different things and make comments, contrast, make recommendations ete. fall under A. Synthesis B. Observation C. Reporting D. Evaluation 26. The skill of visualizing and drawing new objects or gadgets from imagination is associated with A. Recording B. Reporting C. Designing D. Synthesising 27. The inclination or feeling toward seeking information about how things work in a variety of fields is termed as Reflection, Investigation Curiosity Diversity Ihich of the following is not a value at the heart of the standard based curriculum? Equity ep EIN BP Design Respect Diversity so GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 5 29. The 4Rs of the learning of standard bases curriculum are except: 1. dRawing I. wRiting TIL aRithmetic IV. Reading Al BI c. ll DIV 30. Which Education Act established the policy of free and compulsory primary and basic education for all school age children in Ghana? A. Education Act of 1961 B. Education Act of 2005 C. Education Act of 1987 D. Education Act of 1995 31, When recording of the overall achievement of a pupil in a systematic way is done, the type of Assessment used is A. Formative Assessment B. Summative Assessment C. Diagnostic Assessment D. Evaluative Assessment 32. With . part of the educational service can be assessed and/or reported upon. some aspects of the work of a school or discrete A. Evaluative Assessment B. Formative Assessment essment C. Diagnostic Ass D. Summative Assessment 33, The four major phases of Curriculum development are Plan and Research, Curriculum Development, Professional Learning and ‘A. Research and Execution B. Classroom management C. Curriculum Development, and Implementation D. Monitoring and Evaluation 34. A rigorous process of using predetermined performance measures to collect information about a project or program to determine its merit or worth is classified as ‘A. Monitoring and Evaluation B. Curriculum Development, and Implementation CC. Classroom management D. Research and Execution GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 6 35. The extent to which an assessment method or instrument measures consistently the performance of the student and are usually expected to produce comparable outcomes, with consistent standards over time and between different learners and examiners is called Validity Normality Reliability Objectivity 36. Through which possible best way can the performance of a student be evaluated? corp weekly assessment annual assessment monthly assessment continuous assessment goe> 37. To ensure effective Testing in education the test to use is achievement test intelligence test aptitude test standardized achievement test certime allowances are given tO.....sse. Frontline Education Officers Security Men Headteachers B 9oF> 9 9nF> Drivers 39. organizers often promise to invest your money and generate high returns with lite or no risk Instead, they use it to pay those who invested earlier ancl may keep some for themselves. A. Scamming scheme B. Phishing C. Ponzi scheme D. Risky investment 40. - ssscssssusi8 a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data, inciucting login credentials and credit card numbers. This has become very common as many WhatsApp users have had their accounts attacked. Scamming scheme Phishing Ponzi scheme one > Risky investment GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page |7 41. Which of the following is/are not the objective(s) of the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE)? 1. Improving the quality of learning and teaching I. Improving access to basic education facilities ilities, Ill. Encouraging private sector participation in the provision of education fi IV. Improving management efficiency. A. Iand Il only B. 1, Hand Ill only C. Monly D. Monly Psychological foundation plays its role in the development of curriculum, keeping in view of the A. student's needs B. student's interest C. student's capabilities D. All theabove 43, An outline of the topics of a subject to be covered in a specific time is called a A. programme B. curriculum C. syllabus D. course 44, The procedure used to determine a learner's abilities is referred to as A. norm-referenced test B,_ maximum performance test C. ctiterion-referenced test D. typical performance test 45, Which assessment is targeted at measuring what it is intended to measure? A. Consistent assessment B. Val C. Fair assessment D. Reliable assessment 46, The purpose of evaluation in education is to A. assign a mark or score to a student B._make judgment about the quality of learning C. measure the achievement of students D. test the student in a subject 47. According to John Dewey, the teacher should guide students in acquiring knowledge as a in the learning process. id assessment A. facilitator B. guider C. partner D. philosopher GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Poge | 8 48, The primary aim of educational psychology is to A. contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices B. provide the teacher with a greater appreciation of his role in the education of the child C. provide the academic background essential for effective trai D. provide a theoretical framework for educational research 49, The word "Pedagogy” means to A. lead the child B, educate the child C. guide the child D. understand the child 50, The field of study which is concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called A. education B. epistemology C. pedagogy D. cognitive development TRUE OR FALSE QUESTIONS 51. Bid-rigging may result in the supply of inferior textbooks and supplies. A. True B. False 52. In assessing learning, it is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment approach. A. True B. False 53. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and nepotism is teaching appointments, to bid-rigging in the procurement of textbooks and suppliers. A. True B. False 54, When families are made to pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a disadvantage and thus reduces equal access to education. A. True B. False 55. Giving teachers the authority and responsibility to apply their own professional knowledge to making decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect of collegiality. A. True B. False 56. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management tasks. A. True B. False GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 9 61. 62. 63, 65 67, The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some independently of the teacher. A. True B. False Written assessments are activities in which the student selects or composes or response toa prompt. A. True B. False ‘The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate but should work for the student success regardless of the climate. A. True B. False In Ghana, the National Teachers’ Standards set out the maximum levels of practice that all trained teachers must reach by the end of their pre-service teacher education course in order to play such a critical role. A. True B. False The skills that must be demonstrated in performance tasks cannot vary considerably. A. True B. False Ina school, teachers have many different types of assessment available to them. A. True B. False. ‘The ministry of Education formulates and implements approved national policies and programmes on education in Ghana A. True B. False National Accreditation Board is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service Headquarters. A. True B. False In any schoo! situation, performance tasks are handed-on acti demonstrate their ability to perform certain actions. A. True B. False Teachers who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement. A. True B. False A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students a sense of belonging and acceptance A. True B. False ties that require students to GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 10 68. Classrooms are said to have norms when only few of the students agree on what is and/ or what is not socially acceptable classroom behaviour. A. True B. False 69. Social psychologists believe that the process of group formation begins when its members agree to go against the norms of the group. A. True B. False 70. Licensure and exit tests are the best predictors of classroom performance of teachers. A. True B. False 71. If. teacher teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend more time going over material A. True B. False 72, Student performance is higher in classes where the teacher devotes large amounts of time to the process and materials needed rather than teaching content, A. True B. False 73. What a teacher does not say every bit as important as what a teacher does say. A. True B. False 74, Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses their ideas in moving a class lesson or activity forward A. True B. False 75. It is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment approach. A. True B. False GERHADT SEDDOH ~ LEAD ADMINISTRATOR Page | 11

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