Quiz 13

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Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?

Select one:
a. Python
b. Java
e. Java script.
A model of language consists of the categories which does not include
Select one:
a. Role structure of units
b. Structural units
c. System constraints
d. Components.
e. Language units
What is a heuristic function?
Select one:
a. A function that maps from problem state descriptions to measures of desirability.
b. A function whose return type is nothing
c. A function to solve mathematical problems
d. A function which takes parameters of type string and returns an integer value
e. A function which returns an object
Different learning methods does not include
Select one:
a. Analogy
b. Acceptance.
c. Deduction
d. Introduction
e. Memorization
Semantic grammars
Select one:
a. Encode syntactic information into a logical grammar.
b. Encode semantic information into a syntactic grammar
c. Encode syntactic information into a semantic grammar
d. Decode syntactic information into a semantic grammar
e. Decode semantic information into a syntactic grammar
Which is true regarding BFS?
Select one:
a. BFS is not guaranteed to find a solution, if exists
b. The entire tree so far been generated must be stored in BFS
c. BFS is nothing but Binary First Search
d. BFS will get trapped exploring a single path
e. BFS is one type of sorting.
Which is the best way to go for Game playing problem?
Select one:
a. Optimal approach
b. Stratified approach.
c. Linear approach
d. Random approach
e. Heuristic approach
A* algorithm is based on
Select one:
a. Hill climbing.
b. Breadth-First-Search
c. Bulkworld Problem.
d. Best-First-Search
An algorithm is complete if
Select one:
a. It terminates with a solution when one exists
b. It has a loop
c. It starts with a solution
d. It does not terminate with a solution
e. It has a decision parameter.
What is Artificial intelligence?
Select one:
a. Programming with your own intelligence
b. Putting your intelligence into Computer
c. Putting more memory into Computer
d. Making a Machine intelligent
e. Playing a Game
Factors which affect the performance of learner system does not include
Select one:
a. Good data structures
b. Learning algorithm.
c. Training scenario
d. Type of feedback
e. Representation scheme used
In language understanding, the levels of knowledge that does not include
Select one:
a. Phonological
b. Semantic
c. Logical
d. Empirical.
e. Syntactic
What is state space?
Select one:
a. A space where You know the solution.
b. The whole problem
c. Your Definition to a problem
d. Problem you design
e. Representing your with variable and parameter
What is the goal of artificial intelligence?
Select one:
a. To extract scientific causes
b. To solve artificial problems
c. To restrict problems.
d. To explain various sorts of intelligence
e. To solve real-world problems
Machine learning is
Select one:
a. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
b. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
c. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
d. None of the above.
e. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
Which is not a property of representation of knowledge?
Select one:
a. Acquisitional Efficiency.
b. Inferential Efficiency
c. Representational Adequacy
d. Inferential Adequacy
e. Representational Verification
A production rule consists of
Select one:
a. A sequence of steps
b. Both (a) and (b)
c. Arbitrary representation to problem
d. A set of Rule
e. Directly getting solution.
An algorithm A is admissible if
Select one:
a. It is guaranteed to return an optimal solution when one exists
b. It is not guaranteed to return an optimal solution when one exists
c. It guarantees to return more optimal solutions
d. It returns no solutions at all.
e. It returns more solutions, but not an optimal one
Which search method takes less memory?
Select one:
a. Breadth-First search
b. Linear Search.
c. Optimal search.
d. Depth-First Search
e. Both (a) and (b)
A heuristic is a way of trying
Select one:
a. To search and measure how far a node in a search tree seems to be from a goal
b. To compare two nodes in a search tree to see if one is better than the other
c. Only (a), (b) and (c).
d. To discover something or an idea embedded in a program
e. Only (a) and (b)
The problem space of means-end analysis has
Select one:
a. One or more initial states and one or more goal state
b. No goal state.
c. One or more initial states and one goal state
d. An initial state and one or more goal states
e. One initial state and one goal state
What is a Cybernetics?
Select one:
a. Study of communication between two machines
b. Study of communication between logic circuits.
c. Study of Boolean values
d. Study of communication between human and machine
e. Study of communication between two humans

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