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Catolico, Angel Mae O. PSYCH101 TTHS 1:30PM NOV.


We, as Filipinos, have certain traits, beliefs, traditions, and culture that we always follow
since it was what our elders and/or parents taught us while growing up. Also, these things
identify us as one of the citizens in the Philippines. Although we were disciplined to follow such
rules or beliefs, there still things that stop us to improve our national and cultural development
or promote our country as one.
One of the things that hindered our country’s national and cultural development is the
crab mentality. Although there are other countries who also have this trait but this is more
evident to us , Filipinos. Just like for example, this year’s one of the most anticipated events, not
just here in the Philippines but also around the globe, the Miss Universe 2023. Before the actual
date of the pageant, our country have already chosen our representative. But because most of
us are ‘pageant experts’, we criticize and belittle our Miss Universe Philippines disregarding the
fact that she can still improve through trainings with the experts and professionals. Because
others believe that she did not deserve the crown, they threw hurtful words and created
memes just to ridicule her. This trait shows how other Filipinos don’t want to see their fellow
kababayan to succeed.
Second is our habit of supporting foreign products instead of supporting and promoting
our own. Just like how teenagers and young adults enjoy more on listening to BTS’ or
BLACKPINK’S music instead of embracing OPM and local artists. I admit that we have different
preferences when it comes to music or on different things but because we, Filipinos, are easily
influenced, we tend to forget that we also have our own that we can be proud of.
Also, since we were raised to love and respect our family, our elders or even our parents
expect us to be successful (most especially on careers that can gain more income) so that we
can return their sacrifices and we will be the ones who can get our family out from the
hardships of life. In my own opinion, I see this as a toxic trait because it was not our choice to be
born and it’s not our responsibility, it’s our parents’. I know that we can feel honored since
finally we can help our parents after such a long time but how about those people that wanted
to choose their own dreams? I feel bad to those eldest children who were forced to shoulder
the burden of their family just because the parents didn’t plan ahead for the future.
Even though there are traits we possess that can hinder us in developing our country,
there are also traits or beliefs that can be the reason for our country to prosper. One of those
traits is our hospitality. This is also the reason why Philippines is known worldwide. Filipinos are
known in welcoming their visitors as one of their family. We are always opening our doors for
them and letting our guests to feel at home. Also, the amazing thing is even though we don’t
have enough money for ourselves, we always see to it that we there is food and other
commodities that we can offer.
I also feel proud of being a Filipino because of how our parents raised us to be respectful
to our elders and our close ties to our families. I noticed that of all the negative things of being a
Filipino citizen, we still can’t deny the love for our families. We are so family-oriented that even
though our siblings are already married and have their own family, our parents or grandparents
still wish for us to be with them under the same roof just because they worry for our welfare.
We also practice the habit of ‘pagmamano’ to our elders to show our respect to them. This is
our tradition since then and we inherited this through the generation.

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