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Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

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How sustainable and profitable are large-scale hydrogen production plants

from CH4 and H2S?
Sawsan M. Ali , Ismail I.I. Alkhatib , Ahmed AlHajaj , Lourdes F. Vega *
Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen (RICH), and Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Khalifa University, PO Box 127788, Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates


Handling Editor: Panos Seferlis The large-scale production of hydrogen through mature technologies such as steam methane reforming (SMR)
has set a benchmark for emerging hydrogen production processes to gauge their economic viability for the
Keywords: hydrogen economy. In this work, we use detailed process modeling to perform a techno-economic and envi­
Hydrogen production ronmental assessments on the potential of alternative emerging hydrogen production processes based on H2S
Techno-economic assessment
utilization including H2S-methane reforming (H2SMR), and H2S pyrolysis (H2SPyrol) compared to steam
H2S-based hydrogen
methane reforming (SMR), SMR with CO2 capture, storage, and utilization (CCUS), and CH4 pyrolysis
Lifecycle assessment (CH4Pyrol). Technically, the energy intensity of these processes in terms of electrical and thermal energy con­
sumption was ranked as CH4Pyrol < SMR < SMR + CCUS < H2SMR < H2SPyrol. However, lower CH4 feedstock
and absence of direct CO2 emissions were seen for H2SMR for the same target hydrogen production. Economi­
cally, both H2S-based hydrogen production technologies were competitive with levelized cost of hydrogen
(LCOH) of $-1.000 and $3.537 per kg for H2SMR and H2SPyrol, respectively, compared to LCOH of $2.400,
$2.410, and $1.930 per kg for SMR, SMR + CCUS, and CH4Pyrol, respectively, with consideration for by-product
sales, and sensitivity analysis to their market prices and effect of carbon taxes. Environmentally, H2SMR and
H2SPyrol revealed their lower contribution to global warming, with the absence of direct CO2 emissions, qual­
ifying as low carbon hydrogen production processes. Although direct CO2 emissions are missing from CH4Pyrol,
its qualification as low carbon hydrogen producer hinges on the level of decarbonization for the electricity grid.
Conversely, the water footprint of H2S-based hydrogen production process remains to be the largest due to the
indirect consumption of cooling water required for product recovery, although not necessarily impacting water
stress, due to the lower quality of water required for cooling. In summary, transitioning from SMR wo/w CCUS to
H2SMR or CH4Pyrol seems to be potentially attractive for competing with current processes for H2 production
within the existing policies for decarbonization.

1. Introduction In the context of decarbonization and sustainable processes

hydrogen is promoted as an alternative clean energy carrier due to its
Within the framework of the United Nations’ (UN) sustainable inherently zero direct CO2 emissions when utilized as a fuel, alongside
development goals (SDGs), a transition towards a hydrogen-dependent its capability to act as energy storage to be used in combination with
global energy economy is one of the solutions capable of ensuring renewable energy, its role in decarbonizing the heat and power sector,
affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), while in parallel increasing climate and the hard-to-abate industries such as heavy transportation, metal­
action mitigating the impacts of climate change (SDG 13) (UN, 2020). lurgy and cement industries (Griffiths et al., 2021; Hassanpouryouzband
The current dependency on fossil fuels as primary energy resources has et al., 2022; Sartbaeva et al., 2008; Staffell et al., 2019). Accordingly,
led to the increasing levels of CO2 emissions, associated with global current net-zero emission scenarios project a wider application of
warming and climate change, mandating the search for alternative low hydrogen for decarbonizing existing industries, with hydrogen demand
carbon energy sources capable of meeting net-zero emissions strategies reaching 530 Mt by 2050 from its 2020 level of 90 Mt, with higher
(Hassanpouryouzband et al., 2020, 2021). penetration rate in industry and transportation sectors (i.e., almost 50%

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.F. Vega).
Received 24 July 2023; Received in revised form 29 September 2023; Accepted 22 October 2023
Available online 23 October 2023
0959-6526/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

of projected demand) (IEA, 2021). Despite the existing momentum for et al., 2023; Diab et al., 2022; Keipi et al., 2018; Oni et al., 2022; Pruvost
incorporating hydrogen in the current energy nexus, the existing pro­ et al., 2022; Zong et al., 2023).
duction capacities are far from those required for the realization of Although energy requirement and CO2 footprint are considered in all
projected scenarios, making the next decade crucial for ensuring the hydrogen production process cases, a blind spot often overlooked from
production and use of low carbon hydrogen as a needed energy vector. hydrogen production technology evaluation is the associated water
This requires facilitating scaling-up production capacities and revamp­ footprint, as most of these technologies depend on the availability of
ing current technologies in industrial sectors targeted for hydrogen freshwater as a feedstock. Considering that fresh water is one of the most
utilization. valuable resources, its inclusion as a feedstock for hydrogen production
Several technologies exist for hydrogen production, at different de­ is counterproductive in fulfilling some of the UN’s SDG, in particular,
grees of development, based on their efficiency and cost, and with ensuring the availability of clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) and
different environmental impact. Nearly 72% of the global hydrogen responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) (UN, 2020). This
production in 2020 was obtained by steam methane reforming (SMR) would not add an economic burden to the hydrogen production process,
from natural gas without CO2 capture, accounting for 60% of the 90 Mts as seawater desalination merely adds $0.01–0.02 kg− 1 H2, irrespective
of total hydrogen production capacity (IEA, 2021). Nowadays, SMR is of the hydrogen production technology (Council, 2021; UN, 2020).
the most commercially viable option, with levelized cost of hydrogen However, this has a larger social cost associated with the re-routed re­
production (LCOH) in the range of $1.03–2.16 per kg H2 (Parkinson sources for producing water for hydrogen generation rather than other
et al., 2019). However, at the expense of high direct CO2 emissions, with uses (van Renssen, 2020) with the water footprint for hydrogen pro­
total life cycle emissions (LCE) in the range of 10.09–17.21 kg CO2-eq duction being in the range of 9–18 kg water per kg of H2, from green
per kg grey H2 (Parkinson et al., 2019), accounting for 2.5% of CO2 hydrogen production with renewable energy to blue hydrogen from
emissions in 2020 (IEA, 2021). SMR + CCS (Council, 2021; UN, 2020). Indeed, this led to the emergence
The most promising alternative options for the commercial produc­ of other options favoring the direct use of non-freshwater resources (i.e.,
tion of cleaner hydrogen (low-carbon or carbon-neutral hydrogen) seawater, wastewater, etc.), yet still at a low technological maturity level
include either the production of blue hydrogen via integrating SMR with for large-scale hydrogen production, or processes producing hydrogen in
carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), or green hydrogen from the absence of water consumption such as CH4Pyrol, reducing contri­
water electrolysis with renewable energy (Boretti, 2021; Lee et al., 2023; bution to water stress. In this regard, the search for alternative hydrogen
Sazali, 2020; Shiva Kumar and Lim, 2022; Zhou et al., 2022) With these production technologies is still underway, seeking not only technologies
technologies resulting in LCE of 2.97–9.16 kg CO2-eq per kg blue H2 producing low or neutral carbon hydrogen at low LCOH, but also
with a 90% CO2 capture rate, and 0.52–2.5 kg CO2-eq per kg green H2, without consuming valuable resources such as water as reaction
dependent on the renewable energy source (Parkinson et al., 2019). feedstocks.
However, the penetration of both technologies into the hydrogen pro­ Alternatively to methane and water, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a
duction supply chain remains insignificant, accounting for less than promising source of hydrogen which is an abundant by-product of the
0.73% of the 2020 total hydrogen production, accounting for merely processing and conditioning of chemical feedstock such as natural gas,
0.65 Mts of H2 (IEA, 2021). This is primarily attributed to their LCOH syngas, and refinery gas (Chan et al., 2023; De Crisci et al., 2019) and it
with $1.93–2.26 per kg for blue H2 from the additional cost of CCUS, and contains the same amount of hydrogen as water. The energy-intensive
$4.61–14.87 per kg for green H2 owing to high renewable electricity and Claus process, oxidizing H2S to produce elemental sulfur (S) with a
electrolyzer costs estimated on 2016 basis (Parkinson et al., 2019). low market value of $0.04–0.24 kg− 1 S (Martínez-Salazar et al., 2019),
Current political and environmental legislative pressure on actualizing while consuming the hydrogen atoms in the form of low-quality steam is
pledged policies on net zero emissions by 2050 provide sufficient the most standard process to deal with H2S in natural gas processing
justification for adopting blue and green hydrogen supply considering plants. The high toxicity of H2S imposes stringent and expensive re­
the trade-off between the high cost of hydrogen production and quirements on its management in this process. Additional investments
low-carbon emissions, significantly dependent on the energy resource for tail-gas treatment units are needed to process gas streams rich with
input used in the production process (Griffiths et al., 2021; Hassan­ sulfur dioxide (SO2) based on imposed safety regulations on their at­
pouryouzband et al., 2021, 2022). This is largely seen from their pivotal mospheric releases (Zagoruiko and Matros, 2002). The increasing de­
role in decarbonizing current industrial sectors, justifying the rapid in­ mand and consumption for natural gas in the current energy nexus have
crease in the number of planned or under-construction blue and green forced oil and gas producers to tap into sub-quality gas reserves (i.e., CO2
hydrogen production plants, concurrently boosting their projected share and H2S content higher than 20 mol%) that were otherwise uneco­
in total hydrogen production by 2030 process (Griffiths et al., 2021). nomical. Hence, it can be expected that significant amounts of H2S will
Among the most promising alternative technologies for producing have to be processed and managed, while wasting valuable H2 if this
zero CO2 hydrogen is via thermal decomposition of methane or CH4 continues to be the process of choice.
pyrolysis (CH4Pyrol), also known as turquoise hydrogen, producing A more practical solution with higher environmental and economic
hydrogen and solid carbon with an estimated LCOH of $1.36–3.00 per benefits in line with the UN’s SDGs is through directing resources
kg of turquoise hydrogen (Diab et al., 2022; Parkinson et al., 2019; expended on conventional H2S management toward H2 production
Sánchez-Bastardo et al., 2021). Unlike SMR, CH4Pyrol is a one-step (Chan et al., 2023; De Crisci et al., 2019). Electrocatalytic and photo­
process that does not require steam (i.e., water) as a reaction feed­ catalytic decomposition of H2S, analogous to H2O, are possible routes
stock with almost half of the reaction enthalpy of SMR. Additionally, yet at early development stages far from industrial-scale deployment
CH4Pyrol has a lower contribution to global warming on account of its with the lack of low cost, stable, and highly active catalytic materials (Li
58% lower methane feedstock, and five times lower CO2 emissions et al., 2021, 2022; Oladipo et al., 2020; Osasuyi et al., 2021). In a similar
compared to SMR (Keipi et al., 2016). The economics of the process can analogy to SMR, methane reforming in the presence of H2S rather than
be further improved taking into account the added-economic value of H2O (H2SMR) is another route for thermochemical H2 production that
the by-product, reaching a market price of $400–2000 per ton of carbon has been explored at lab-scales using catalytic and non-catalytic routes
black and $600 per ton of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), with an increasing (Cong et al., 2016; El-Melih et al., 2016; Martínez-Salazar et al., 2015;
global demand due to its wide-range of industrial applications, yet Spatolisano et al., 2022a). However, the up-scaling of the process can
depending on the dynamics of the carbon market and its consumer have higher economic added value compared to SMR, as carbon disul­
surplus (Keipi et al., 2016; Sánchez-Bastardo et al., 2021). To date, fide (CS2) is the by-product rather than CO2, eliminating the need for
several works have addressed the economic and environmental impacts integrating CCUS with hydrogen production plants, thus removing the
of CH4Pyrol, recognizing its potential as zero CO2 hydrogen (Becker added carbon avoidance cost (CAC) of $96.15 tons− 1 CO2 for blue

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

hydrogen (Parkinson et al., 2019). At this stage, few works have monetized KPI based on total annualized cost (TAC), and LCOH. Addi­
examined the potential of H2S-methane reforming (H2SMR) and direct tionally, a gate-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA), from feedstock de­
H2S pyrolysis (H2SPyrol), either through experimental investigations for livery to process gate up to product delivery to end-user, was performed
catalysis synthesis (El-Melih et al., 2016, 2017), or small-scale tech­ using the LCA tool (OpenLCA®) (GreenDelta, 2022) to determine the
no-economic evaluation (Martínez-Salazar et al., 2015, 2019; Spatoli­ overall environmental impact associated with the construction and
sano et al., 2022a, 2022b; Villasmil and Steinfeld, 2010). Nonetheless, operation of the different hydrogen production plants. The environ­
the large-scale technical, economic, and environmental impact of these mental impacts were assessed in terms of associated process emissions
alternative technologies, and their potential deployment remains and resource consumption and their impact on global warming potential
unexplored. (GWP), water footprint, and other ecological and toxicological impacts.
Hence, the aim of this work to determine the technical, economic, The process schemes for the five hydrogen production processes are
and environmental performance of alternative thermochemical relatively similar and divided into five main stages of (1) feed pre-
hydrogen production technologies employing H2S as one of the primary heating and compression, (2) reaction stage for hydrogen production,
feedstock through H2SMR and H2SPyrol, benchmarked with conven­ (3) by-product separation, (4) H2 purification, and (5) H2 compression
tional hydrogen production from SMR w/wo CCUS integration, and and delivery, as shown in Fig. 1. The primary differences among these
direct CH4 pyrolysis. The goal is to assess alternative hydrogen pro­ processes are in the reaction, and by-product processing stages due to
duction technologies searching for low LCOH, and low carbon and water the differences in utilized feedstock and reaction by-products. Addi­
footprint. The basis for the inclusion of these processes over others is tionally, heat integration throughout the different processes has been
focused on thermochemical routes with direct industrial implementa­ performed, whenever applicable, through direct heat exchange of pro­
tion by comparing H2S-based options with their CH4-based counterparts cess streams to minimize operating costs, particularly in the case of SMR
(i.e., H2SMR vs. SMR/SMR + CCUS, and H2SPyrol vs. CH4Pyrol). To our and SMR + CCUS.
knowledge, this is the first comparative study examining these novel For the sake of simplicity, it was assumed that feedstock streams
technologies under the same large scale conditions and exploring their delivered to all hydrogen production plants including methane, steam,
technical, economic, and environmental performance. and H2S were readily available at the hydrogen production plant gate,
excluding upstream processing, conditioning, or pre-treatment stages
2. Methodology involving natural gas conditioning to sales gas specifications, and H2S
separation from sour natural gas, in a gate-to-gate approach (Durán
For the techno-economic analysis, steady-state mass and energy flow et al., 2020; Nikolaidis and Poullikkas, 2017); for a detailed full eco­
data from the operations of the four hydrogen production technologies nomic assessment of each technology these steps and cost should be
(i.e., H2SMR, H2SPyrol, SMR, and SMR + CCUS) have been generated included. Note, for all hydrogen production plants, the produced
using the Aspen HYSYS® process simulator (AspenTech, 2022), target­ hydrogen was compressed to 20 MPa for transportation in pressurized
ing a hydrogen production rate of 9.0− 1 (216− 1) with a I-type tube trailers (Aydin and Dincer, 2022). Additionally, in the case of
minimum H2 purity of 99.5%, simulating a large-scale hydrogen pro­ SMR + CCUS, the captured CO2 was compressed to 20 MPa suitable for
duction plant based on an IEAGHG study for hydrogen production via dense phase pipeline transportation for subsequent utilization.
SMR (IEAGHG, 2017). The specifications for the hydrogen and CO2
by-product purity levels are included in Table S1 in the Supporting In­
2.1. Description of H2 production technologies
formation (SI).
The techno-economic comparative analysis of these technologies was
2.1.1. Hydrogen production via steam methane reforming w/wo CCUS
based on key performance indicators (KPIs), accounting for non-
In conventional SMR, hydrogen is catalytically produced via two
monetized technical KPI with specific energy consumption (SEC), and
main reactions: (1) reforming reaction, producing CO and H2 from

Fig. 1. Simplified process flow diagram for the five processing sections in the five hydrogen production routes included in this work. The colors of the arrows
represent the different hydrogen production routes: SMR (grey), SMR+CCUS (blue), CH4Pyrol (turquoise), H2SMR (saffron) and H2SPyrol (orange). The dashed
orange line represents the system boundary.

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

reacting CH4 and steam in the reforming reactor at 1153 K (Eq. (1)) follows the same SMR process scheme in Fig. 2 with an additional CO2
(Nikolaidis and Poullikkas, 2017; Sazali, 2020), followed by (2) capture unit downstream of the WGSR section shown in Fig. 3 (Alrashed
water-gas shift reaction, producing additional H2 through converting CO and Zahid, 2021; Durán et al., 2020; IEAGHG, 2017). Additional
into CO2 once reacted with steam (Eq. (2)), with the overall reaction methanation stage was installed to further reduce the CO content in the
represented by (Eq. (3)): hydrogen stream recovered from the amine unit, with the exothermic
reaction (Eq. (4)) occurring over a nickel-based catalyst at 608 K using
Reforming : CH4 + H2 O ↔ CO + 3H2 (1)
an upstream pre-heater (Nikolaidis and Poullikkas, 2017).
Water − gas − shift : CO + H2 O ↔ CO2 + H2 (2) Methanation : CO + 3H2 ↔ CH4 + H2 O (4)

Overall reaction : CH4 + 2H2 O ↔ CO2 + 4H2 ΔH 0 = 164.9 kJ.mol− 1

(3) The captured CO2 from the amine regenerator overhead was com­
pressed to 4.5 MPa through a four-stage LP compression followed by
The process flowsheet for producing grey hydrogen is provided in water dehydration using triethylene glycol (TEG) to remove excess
Fig. 2, where the numbers in red in the arrows represent the streams of water vapor from the captured CO2 stream, subsequently, compressed to
the process. The methane feedstock is compressed to 2800 kPa in a two- 20 MPa in a three-stage HP compression unit for its downstream
stage compression train, with water pumped at the same pressure prior transportation. LP steam used in the amine and water-dehydration units
to the high pressure (HP) steam generation using excess heat from the was internally generated through heat integration of excess heat from
reformer reactor outlet stream, exploiting the high endothermicity of the the gas-water cooler upstream the amine unit and the gas cooler
reforming reaction and efficiently utilizing waste heat in the process. downstream the methanation reactor. Since the captured CO2 was only
The reformer feed steam-to-methane ratio was maintained at 3:1 to from the shifted syngas, the calculated capture rate was 60%.
ensure acceptable hydrogen yield and reactor energy requirements,
while preventing carbon deposition (Alrashed and Zahid, 2021; Durán 2.1.2. Hydrogen production via CH4 thermal decomposition
et al., 2020; IEAGHG, 2017). In CH4Pyrol methane is non-catalytically thermally decomposed into
For simplicity, the reformer reactor was modeled as an endothermic hydrogen and carbon black as in (Eq. (5)). Though catalytic routes exist,
equilibrium reactor using a nickel-based catalyst operating at 1153 K, the choice of non-catalytic reactions is preferred to avoid catalyst
with feed stream pre-heating using a standalone heat exchanger rather deactivation, coking and clogging, effectively eliminating CO2 emissions
than a dedicated pre-heating coil inside the convective section of the from catalyst regeneration and carbon product contamination with
reformer’s furnace (Durán et al., 2020; Nikolaidis and Poullikkas, 2017). catalyst residue, aside from the reduced operating costs due to the
Higher hydrogen yield was obtained by feeding the resulting syngas (i.e., absence of expensive metal-based catalysts (Keipi et al., 2016; Oni et al.,
H2 + CO + CO2 + CH4) from the reformer to the two-stage water-gas 2022; Sánchez-Bastardo et al., 2021). The non-catalytic reaction (Eq.
shift reaction (WGSR) section with the high-temperature iron-based (5)) is carried out at a low pressure of 100 kPa, and although CH4
catalytic shift reactor (HTS) operating at 643 K, followed by the achieves complete conversion via equilibrium at temperature above
low-temperature copper-based catalytic shift reactor (LTS) operating at 1273 K (Sánchez-Bastardo et al., 2021), a conservative kinetic-based
523 K, also modeled as equilibrium reactors. Note that the choice of conversion of 0.7 is considered with a residence time of 5 s at a
catalysts is based on those utilized in industry with proven performance, reactor temperature of 1473 K (Keipi et al., 2016, 2018). At the chosen
while more novel catalysts have been developed, their utilization is conditions it can be expected that the morphology of the produced
outside the scope of this work (IEAGHG, 2017; Nikolaidis and Poullik­ carbon would be industrial grade nanostructured carbon black with
kas, 2017). The shifted outlet gas was then routed to the pressure swing small crystallites with a carbon content of more than 95% (Diab et al.,
adsorption (PSA) unit to reach the required hydrogen purity level (see 2022). This grade of carbon black is used in several industrial applica­
Table S1 in the SI), conditioned for pipeline transportation (i.e., 20 MPa tions such as tires, rubber plastics, toners, etc., with a 4.80% annual
and 333 K) using a four-stage compression train. The separated PSA tail growth and a $25.80 billion market value (FortuneBusinessInsight,
gas, mainly composed of CO2 and CH4, was combusted alongside 2023).
make-up fuel gas based on the heating value of the tail gas in the radi­
ation section of the reformer reactor, modeled as an equilibrium reactor, CH4 ↔ C + 2H2 (5)
to provide the reformer’s heat duty. The condensed water was recycled For the CH4Pyrol process, methane feedstock is preheated in a shell
to the reactor’s inlet for steam generation. and tube heat exchanger using the excess heat from the reactor’s exit
The production of blue hydrogen (i.e., with CCUS integration) stream. The reactor is operated at 1473 K with fuel gas combustion

Fig. 2. Process flowsheet for hydrogen production via SMR considered in this work. See text for details.

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

Fig. 3. Process flowsheet for hydrogen production via SMR + CCUS.

burners to supply and maintain heat for heat of the reaction. Different The H2SMR process flowchart is shown in Fig. 5. The process is
reactor configurations have been studied in the literature including divided into five processing stages including: (1) feed conditioning, (2)
molten salt/metal bubble reactors that facilitate carbon separation reaction stage for hydrogen production, (3) sulfur and CS2 separation,
(Keipi et al., 2016; Sánchez-Bastardo et al., 2021). For this work, a (4) H2 purification, compression, and transportation, and (5) utility
regenerative non-catalytic heat exchanger reactor (RHER) is considered recovery.
with maximized counter-current heat transfer profile using circulated It was assumed that methane feedstock was of sales gas quality
steel bed material with high heat capacity fed from the reactor’s top delivered at 313 K and 100 kPa, while H2S feedstock was obtained from
while exchanging heat with the reactor’s reactants and products. The the natural gas processing plant sweetening unit’s regenerator overhead
circulating bed material facilitates the continuous removal of carbon at similar operating conditions with CO2/H2S ratio below 1:15, with
that is deposited on the walls of the reactor and maintains a constant negligible effect on the hydrogen yield (Spatolisano et al., 2022a).
temperature profile across the different reactor zones. CH4 feed is pre­ The H2S and CH4 feed streams were mixed at a fixed ratio of 4:1 and
heated to 1273 K while the constant reaction zone temperature of 1473 pre-heated to 1773 K (i.e., reaction pinch temperature) upstream of the
K is maintained across the reaction and upper zones through the contact reactor, with the CH4 flow rate adjusted based on the amount of recycled
with bed material. The captured carbon conveyed by the circulating bed unreacted H2S from the downstream hydrogen purification stage in
material is separated using an integrated cyclone that removes 80% of subsequent iterations. This ratio was selected to prevent carbon laydown
the solidified carbon black from the H2 + unreacted CH4 mixture (Keipi from the pyrolysis reaction, along with being optimum for achieving
et al., 2018). The separated carbon black is further cooled using a higher H2 yield than other feed ratios, while reducing potential oper­
water-cooled heat exchanger to 303 K and pelletized for final dis­ ating costs for compressions, cooling, and amine-based H2S purification
patching after cooling. units (Huang and T-Raissi, 2008; Spatolisano et al., 2022a). The H2SMR
The exit gas stream is further cooled to 551 K by heat exchange with reaction (Eq. (6)) is carried out at atmospheric pressure (i.e., 100 kPa),
the CH4 feedstock stream followed by a water-cooled heat exchanger at as its thermodynamic equilibrium is disfavored at high operating pres­
423 K to remove residual carbon through a fabric filter (Keipi et al., sure resulting in low H2 yields (Huang and T-Raissi, 2008; Spatolisano
2016). The reactor product gas stream is further cooled via an air cooler et al., 2022a).
to 338 K and is compressed to 2450 kPa prior to the PSA unit, for the A non-catalytic path is considered for H2SMR as a conservative basis
recovery of unreacted CH4, circulated to the reactor’s burners. The for the techno-economic analysis which also eliminates any potential
remaining unreacted CH4 is recycled to the reactor’s inlet and mixed issues arising from catalyst poisoning with elemental sulfur (Karan et al.,
with fresh methane feedstock. 1999). The reforming reactor was modeled as an equilibrium reactor
with a conversion for the non-catalytic reaction fixed to the equilibrium
2.1.3. Hydrogen production via H2S-methane reforming value of 68% at a reactor temperature of 1773 K, while assuming a 99%
For H2S-methane reforming (H2SMR) process, methane and H2S are conversion of CH4 through its decomposition above 1073 K (Huang and
reacted either catalytically or non-catalytically to produce hydrogen T-Raissi, 2008; Spatolisano et al., 2022a, 2022b). Although higher
alongside CS2, with the general reaction as: equilibrium conversions can be obtained at different conditions
(El-Melih et al., 2017), the detailed sensitivity analysis of the best
CH4 + 2H2 S ↔ CS2 + 4H2 (6)
operating conditions is out of the scope of this work, and will be
The basis for H2SMR is analogous to SMR, with the primary differ­ considered in future works. The required heat duty for operating the
ences of utilizing H2S rather than steam for hydrogen production, in reformer reactor was supplied from imported methane-based fuel gas,
addition to CS2 formation as a by-product rather than CO2. However, while heat integration was performed within the process by exploiting
H2SMR is a more endothermic than SMR (i.e., ΔH0 = 232.4 vs.164.9 kJ flue gas from the reformer furnace for pre-heating the reformer’s reac­
mol− 1), postulating higher reaction energetic requirements for produc­ tion inlet stream and water heating for the CS2 distillation column
ing hydrogen at rates similar to SMR (Chan et al., 2023). An additional reboiler.
by-product is produced in the form of elemental sulfur from the direct The reactor effluents (i.e., H2, unreacted H2S, diatomic sulfur, and
decomposition of H2S side-reaction (see Eq (7)). CS2) were then sent to the by-products processing stage which involves

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

the separation of elemental sulfur, and CS2 recovery from the produced costs, FOM is the fixed operating and maintenance cost, VOC is the
hydrogen. Elemental sulfur was recovered by cooling in the sulfur variable operating cost, with FOM + VOC as the total operating costs
condenser to 408 K to promote condensation of diatomic sulfur vapor (OPEX), SR is the sales revenue generated from the sales of the by-
into liquid sulfur that was separated from the remaining reaction products, with all costs and sales reported in US $. Also, QH2 is the
products. The Sulsim® property package in Aspen HYSYS was used to annual hydrogen production rate in kg.yr− 1, CF is the capacity factor
account for the thermophysical properties of the different sulfur allo­ assumed to be 0.95, and CRF is the capital recovery factor, represented
tropes. The entrained CS2 was separated using cryogenic distillation and by:
extracted at its boiling point of 313 K.
i(1 + i)n
The separated column overhead stream composed of H2 and CRF = (9)
(1 + i)n − 1
unreacted H2S at 210 K was compressed to 2450 kPa using a three-stage
compression train with intermediate cooling ahead of the H2 purifica­
where i is the discount or interest rate in % per annum set to 8%, and n is
tion stage using 50 wt% aqueous methyl diethanolamine (MDEA) ab­
the hydrogen production plant lifetime in years, set to 30 years. Note
sorption process for the removal of unreacted H2S. High-purity
that cost of land, effect of inflation, and taxes on CO2 emissions were
hydrogen (99.68%) exiting the top of the absorber column was routed
excluded from the economic assessment. The cost of CO2 storage and
to the downstream PSA unit for further removal of minor impurities to
transportation for SMR + CCUS was also included as other costs (see
reach 99.99% purity, which was subsequently conditioned for trans­
Section S2 in the SI).
portation to 333 K and 20 MPa using a four-stage compression train with
For estimating the CAPEX, the direct capital cost of the main
equipment (see Figs. 2–6) was calculated using the costing methodology
The H2S-rich MDEA solvent was regenerated using atmospheric
summarized in Section S2 in the SI to obtain the total equipment
distillation for further circulation in the process, while recovered
purchase and installation costs based on the sizing from the mass and
unreacted H2S exiting the regeneration column was cooled to 298 K and
energy balances obtained from the steady-state simulations. This was
flashed prior to being recycled back to the reformer reactor, with feed
applied to all operating units in the five hydrogen production plants,
CH4 flowrate adjusted accordingly to maintain H2S:CH4 ratio of 4:1. The
with the exception of the PSA units for hydrogen purification, and the air
intermediate cooling and flashing steps were necessary to ensure mini­
separation units (ASU) with their costs scaled based on reference
mal water vapor carry-over (i.e., < 3 mol%) with the recycled H2S
installed costs from the literature (see Table S3 in the SI) (Chisalita and
stream into the reformer inlet, as the presence of water might compro­
Cormos, 2019; Khojasteh Salkuyeh et al., 2017). Additional factors
mise the H2S conversion rate, H2 yield, and CS2 purity due to unfavor­
accounted for in the indirect capital cost include engineering services,
able CO formation (Spatolisano et al., 2022b).
contractors’ fees, and contingencies, alongside other costs, included in
Table S2 in the SI.
2.1.4. Hydrogen production via H2S decomposition
The OPEX were inclusive of the FOM for maintenance, labor, and
In the absence of methane, the direct thermal decomposition of H2S
other overheads, and VOC were inclusive of utility and raw material
or H2SPyrol can be used to produce hydrogen and elemental sulfur
costs based on the results of the steady-state process simulations, and
analogous to CH4Pyrol, represented by the reaction as:
other costs for CO2 compression and transportation (Chisalita and Cor­
1 mos, 2019; IEAGHG, 2017). Additional details are included in Table S4
H2 S ↔ S2 + H2 (7)
2 in the SI.
The process scheme for H2SPyrol through a non-catalytic reaction
route is shown in Fig. 6, with relatively similar general processing stages 2.3. Life cycle environmental assessment
as H2SMR for a fair comparison. The main differences are the absence of
CS2 distillation as elemental sulfur is the only by-product, and additional The LCA assessment was conducted to complement the holistic
compression stage upstream of the amine unit. The H2S equilibrium evaluation for the large-scale H2 production routes using H2S as a pri­
conversion rate was also set to 68% at 1773 K similar to H2SMR mary feedstock in order to quantify potential process improvements in
(El-Melih et al., 2017; Slimane et al., 2002). The excess waste heat from terms of cleaner and sustainable production. A gate-to-gate LCA was
the sulfur condenser was used for generating LP steam at 431 K, partially implemented, accounting for emissions associated with hydrogen pro­
supplementing the steam requirements for the amine reboiler, while duction plants construction and operations, excluding emissions asso­
externally importing the remaining required steam. We note that unlike ciated with upstream processing and delivery of feedstock into the
CS2, elemental sulfur has been typically produced from H2S in tradi­ plants’ gate, and downstream utilization of produced hydrogen and
tional Claus processes, with existing industrial knowledge on its safe other by-products (Cetinkaya et al., 2012). Accordingly, the gate-to-gate
handling and storing. Such details though might impact the economics LCA assessment considers natural gas pipeline transportation, hydrogen
of the process, yet are not included in this work for the sake of simplicity. production plants construction and operation with associated electrical
consumption. The LCA objective was to assess the CO2 and water foot­
prints of the five production processes in terms of amount of GHG
2.2. Economic analysis
emissions generated, and water consumed for the construction and
operation of these processes. The LCA evaluation was done using
The economic performance of the five hydrogen production tech­
OpenLCA® software (GreenDelta, 2022) with publicly available agri­
nologies was done based on the total cost associated with hydrogen
balyse® and IMPACT 2002+ databases using life cycle inventory from
production, quantified using the monetized KPIs namely, total annual­
the mass and energy balance from the process simulations. Although
ized cost (TAC), and LCOH. This last indicator quantifies the minimum
OpenLCA® possesses limited databases compared to other commercially
hydrogen selling price to breakeven the TAC, accounting for total capital
available software, the user is tasked with finding additional informa­
investment (direct and indirect), and fixed operating and maintenance
tion from complementary sources, as done in this study, sufficient for the
cost, and variable operating cost, as:
purpose of providing a general overview on the environmental impact of
[ ]
the examined technologies. The needed datasets were complemented by
+ + VOC + other costs − SR
CF CF literature estimates, such as the emissions associated with plant con­
LCOH = (8)
QH2 struction and natural gas pipeline transportation, including methane
fugitive emissions, proportionally estimated based on literature datasets
where CAPEX is the total capital investment from direct and indirect (Aydin and Dincer, 2022; Cetinkaya et al., 2012; Spath and Mann,

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

Fig. 4. Process flowsheet for hydrogen production via CH4Pyrol. See text for details.

Fig. 5. Process flowsheet for hydrogen production via H2SMR.

2001). The key impact stressors on climate change, ecosystem quality, plant construction with production rate of 5.6− 1 (Cetinkaya
and human health were computed following the default weight factors et al., 2012), to the 9.0− 1 production rate in this work, with
from the software and used as the basis for the comparison among the input and output flows included in Table S5 in Section S3 in the SI.
different processes. For the operation of the hydrogen production plants, all inlet feed­
For natural gas pipeline transportation, the supply chain fugitive stock, utilities (i.e., water for cooling or steam generation), and outlet
methane emissions were considered as 1.4% of the transported methane products, and effluents including emitted CO2/H2O from reactor flue gas
(Bauer et al., 2021; Spath and Mann, 2001),with quantity of methane and TEG dehydration unit were considered. Internally generated utility
transported as the sum of reaction feedstock (where applicable) and steam using the excess heat of the various heat exchangers was not
reactor’s burner fuel gas requirements. The emissions associated with considered as input process flow, however, the associated water con­
other components in natural gas including CO, CO2, N2O, NO, benzene, sumption requirement was included in the LCA as part of the operation
other hydrocarbons, and particulate matter, were computed on the basis phase. The input electrical requirements for the operation of the pro­
of ratio of feedstock mass flow rate used in this work relative to litera­ cesses were standardized using the Ecoinvent LCI cut-off dataset for
ture LCA data (Cetinkaya et al., 2012). The same equivalence approach high-voltage electricity gird with an adjusted CO2 intensity of 0.275 kg
was also applied for estimating water and coal resources input flow rates CO2-eq.kWh− 1 (Parkinson et al., 2019). Table S6 in the SI includes
for natural gas production. Other factors for natural gas extraction detailed input and output low streams for all processes.
including re-compression energy associated emissions and natural gas The LCA evaluation for H2 production processes was done based on a
production plant construction were excluded from this work. 1 kg H2 functional unit, examining impact categories including: (1)
For the construction of the hydrogen production plants, the envi­ global warming potential (GWP) which includes the direct and indirect
ronmental impact per 1 kg H2 functional unit was obtained from scaling equivalent CO2, CH4, and NO2 emissions computed by the IMPACT
available literature data on the environmental impact for hydrogen 2002+ database (Aydin and Dincer, 2022; Spath and Mann, 2001), and

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

Fig. 6. Process flowsheet for hydrogen production via H2SPyrol.

(2) water-footprint which indicates the degree of water consumption in energy requirements and their breakdown by type, along with specific
the process estimated using the available water remaining (AWARE) energy consumption.
database. The contribution of each life cycle stage on each impact Provided in Fig. 7 is the material balance for each of the five
category was included in the assessment. The temporal impact of GHGs hydrogen production processes, highlighting the main inlet feedstock
was evaluated using the intergovernmental panel on climate change and outputs (i.e., hydrogen and by-products) along with direct effluents
(IPCC) 2007 indicators over 20- and 100-years’ time-horizons. The from the reactions. For the hourly production of 9.0 tons H2, fixed for all
significance of the 20-year timeframe is attributed to the short-lived H2 production processes), H2SMR requires ~30% less CH4 feedstock
atmospheric impact of methane over twelve years and equivalent to compared to SMR w/wo CCUS which highlights lower requirements for
84 kg CO2-eq, while its lone-term impact is equivalent to 36 kg CO2-eq sales gas to be drawn from transmission lines, otherwise routed for other
over 100 years (Bauer et al., 2021). Additionally, other impact cate­ energy or industrial applications. Conversely, CH4Pyrol required 2.3
gories were included in the assessment, including cumulative energy times the amount of CH4 feedstock compared to SMR w/wo CCUS, and
demand, and other impact categories on human health and environment 3.4 times that required for H2SMR. The required CH4 feedstock for
(Aydin and Dincer, 2022; Bauer et al., 2021; Spath and Mann, 2001). CH4Pyrol can be reduced by 30% through increasing reaction temper­
ature to 1773 K from the 1473 K operating temperature considered in
3. Results & discussion this work, effectively increasing the reaction conversion to 100% (Keipi
et al., 2016). However, this will be associated with additional supply of
3.1. Technical process evaluation fuel gas to the reactor’s combustion segment, compared to the case
considered herein (i.e., 1473 K), which is self-sufficient by utilizing
The technical evaluation for the five hydrogen production processes unreacted CH4 as a source for reactor’s energy.
examined in this work was performed based on their material balance, Conversely, the required H2S feedstock mass rate for H2SMR is

Fig. 7. Material balance of feedstock, products, and direct reaction effluents for the production routes of 9.0 tons H2 per hour of operation. TG denotes PSA tail
gas emissions.

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

almost two-order of magnitude to that of H2O required for the bench­ compared to SMR + CCUS is due to higher heating requirements for
mark grey and blue hydrogen, yet almost half of that required for thermal energy for the CS2 reboiler, and the amine regenerator reboiler
H2SPyrol for the same H2 production rate, owing to the latter’s lower with additional load to ensure 100% selective H2S removal from product
overall conversion rate, which would add larger stress on upstream H2 stream, as the downstream PSA unit was not conventionally designed
processing to obtain pure H2S feedstock at the required rates. A prime for H2S separation. The additional energetic load associated with
advantage of H2SMR is the absence of direct CO2 generation (emitted in H2SMR as a hydrogen production process seem acceptable compared to
SMR, or captured in SMR + CCUS), alternatively hourly producing 70.06 SMR + CCUS, given the absence of direct CO2 emissions from the
tons of CS2 and 35.00 tons of elemental sulfur, with higher marketable former, along with higher versatility in terms of generated value-added
value compared to CO2, also seen with H2SPyrol, only producing products (see Fig. 7).
elemental sulfur at an hourly rate of 143 tons. The advantage of addi­ Conversely, the energetic differences are even larger in the case of
tional marketable by-products is also seen with CH4Pyrol, producing H2SPyrol across all processing sections, given the larger H2S feedstock
solid carbon black at an hourly rate of 26.8, with no direct CO2 gener­ processing rate for the same target hydrogen production rate. H2SPyrol
ation. Surely, the absence of direct CO2 generated from the H2 produc­ required 2.54 times the specific energy for its counterpart CH4Pyrol,
tion technologies, aside from SMR, would significantly contribute to the associated with higher energy for reaction, cooling, and heating
greenness of H2S-based and CH4 pyrolysis H2 production processes, requirements.
while reducing capital investment associated with the inclusion of the Depicted in Fig. 9 is the energy consumption based on the different
CCUS value chain.
Furthermore, although H2S-based technologies have, a priori, the
potential of meeting the H2 demand with low to null CH4 consumption
compared to CH4-based technologies, several aspects need attention. On
one level, H2S is classified as a hazardous material due to its high
toxicity, requiring appropriate handling and treatment measures to
ensure occupational health and safety. This will inherently add to the
economics of the process for the installation of stringent safety measures
and monitoring systems (Chan et al., 2023). On another level, H2S is not
widely availability as a feedstock, considering that H2S is mainly found
in sour gas reservoirs in specific regions such as the Middle East, China,
Russia, and parts of South America (Chan et al., 2023). As such, the
deployment of H2S-based hydrogen production technologies would be
confined in those regions. This will open an opportunity for those re­
gions, as it is expected imminent access to highly sour gas fields
considering the high demand for natural gas, forcing oil and gas pro­
ducers to tap into these reservoirs with high H2S content.
Provided in Fig. 8 is the energy requirement mapping for the
different processes, categorized per processing section including reac­
tion, feedstock/products heating and cooling, and compression and
pumping. Interestingly, among the different technologies, CH4Pyrol had
the least energy requirements, with its low reaction enthalpy, and the
absence of thermal energy for streams heating, requiring 63% of the
thermal energy needed for the current benchmark SMR process.
Examining the alternative H2S-based processes, the energy associ­
ated with hydrogen production from H2SMR is 80% higher than SMR,
and 14% higher than SMR + CCUS. The relative similarity between
H2SMR and SMR + CCUS is due to the latter’s integration with amine- Fig. 9. Breakdown for energy consumption for the H2 production processes
based capture unit to reduce the carbon footprint of the process, with based on energy type. RXN stands for energy from the reactor and all auxiliary
amine-based absorption utilized in H2SMR for H2S selective removal heating to maintain reactor temperature, while heating refers to energy for
upstream of the PSA unit. The larger energetic consumption of H2SMR process heating apart from the reactor.

Fig. 8. Breakdown for energy requirements for the H2 production processes based on processing sections (see Fig. 1). Color code: green stands for the reaction, blue
for cooling, purple for compression and pumping, and red for heating.

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

energy categories. It is observed an increase in share of thermal energy 3.2. Economic assessment
for cooling, and reduction in the share of electrical energy requirements
from total energy consumption from conventional hydrogen processes To assess the added advantage of the alternative hydrogen produc­
(i.e., SMR-based), to H2S-based processes. This is associated with the tion technologies, an economic analysis was performed, considering
additional by-products obtained with H2S-based hydrogen production incurred capital and operating costs, evaluated using the thermody­
processes and the need for their recovery and purification with higher namic conversion, economic assumptions and costing methodology
cooling loads on the sulfur condenser and amine cooler for the purifying provided in Sections 2.2 and S2 in the SI. Hence, results should be
H2S from the product H2 stream. Note that for the different H2 pro­ evaluated under these assumptions.
duction processes, similar thermal heating energy proportions are The first evaluated economic indicator was the TAC for each process
required as heating is mostly required for the reaction section, with the divided by each cost component (i.e., CAPEX, FOM, and VOC), shown in
exception for CH4Pyrol (see Fig. 8). For this process, lower proportion Fig. 11. Among the different H2 production processes, SMR remains to
for thermal energy are needed compared to the other hydrogen pro­ be the most economically feasible, with a yearly TAC of $180 MM, with
duction technologies, primarily due to the lower reaction enthalpy, an additional $138 MM for the addition of CCUS to ensure reduced
coupled with the lack of intensive cooling demand for by-product re­ production process carbon footprint as with SMR + CCUS. The shift in
covery as seen with H2SPyrol for the sulfur condensation process, still on the reaction scheme to CH4Pyrol exhibited 60% higher CAPEX and FOM
the expense of higher share of electrical energy requirements for gas than SMR, along with larger VOC due to higher methane feedstock re­
compression around the PSA unit, which can impact the carbon foot­ quirements, resulting in a 43% increased TAC, yet 19% lower than SMR
print depending on the degree of decarbonization of the electricity grid. + CCUS. Interestingly, H2SMR process required an additional $75 MM
The high electricity demand for CH4Pyrol compared to SMR has also yearly investment compared to SMR for similar H2 production capacity.
been observed in other works (Oni et al., 2022). Notwithstanding, the Additionally, despite the higher CAPEX for H2SMR compared to SMR +
higher thermal cooling energy for the H2S-based processes can be seen CCUS (8% higher), the total annual investment costs are 20% lower
as a bonus for waste heat recovery that can further reduce their overall drawing on the advantage from eliminating the need to manage direct
energetic consumption once these processes have been further refined CO2 by-product. Considering that CO2 and CS2 separation processes are
and optimized. based on the same principles, the latter has a higher added economic
Based on the previous energy mapping of the different processes, we value, along with lower capital investment costs (see Fig. S1 in the SI).
opted to use the specific energy consumption (SEC) related to energy H2SMR process economics has the potential to significantly improve
inputs (i.e., thermal heating and electrical) as a metric allowing the with the inclusion of generated revenue from the sales of the produced
direct comparison between the different processes, and results are CS2 and Sulfur that can result in annual revenues of $320 MM and $8.1
shown in Fig. 10. For H2 production the SEC ranking follows the order of MM, respectively, at assumed market prices of $550 per ton CS2 and $40
CH4Pyrol < SMR < SMR + CCUS < H2SMR < H2SPyrol. Interestingly, per ton S, still larger than the potential $136 MM revenue from CO2 sales
CH4Pyrol is found to be the least energy intensive process, even at a market value of $350 per ton (IndexBox, 2022). Note that this is a
compared to the current benchmark SMR, with the least SEC, being 18% conservative estimate for sulfur selling price, with higher economic
lower than that for SMR. Additionally, CH4Pyrol’s SEC is almost half of added value if considering current market price of $240 per ton
that required for SMR + CCUS, the new baseline, considering the current (ChemAnalyst, 2022). The required yearly investment cost is higher in
direction in legislations towards net zero emissions. Interestingly, the case of H2SPyrol with $313 MM, primarily due to the larger H2S
H2SMR’s SEC of 148.94 MJ kg of H2 is relatively similar to that of SMR processing scale compared to H2SMR, however, with lower potential
+ CCUS at 148.46 MJ kg of H2. Such comparable levels of energy in­ annual revenue of $47 MM, as sulfur is the only by-product from this
tensity support the potentiality of H2SMR given the production of CS2 process. The economics of the pyrolysis route are more in favor for
and Sulfur by-products, rather than CO2 as seen with SMR + CCUS, with methane over H2S, with the 18% lower annual investment requirements,
the higher marketability of the former. Moreover, the pyrolysis of in addition to higher potential revenue with $111 MM from the sales of
methane seems to be a far more energy efficient approach compared to carbon black at $500 per ton, with current forecasts of quadrupled
that for H2S, with 2.54 times increase in SEC shifting from CH4Pyrol to product value in the upcoming years (Sánchez-Bastardo et al., 2021).
H2SPyrol, mainly on account of the latter’s energy intensive cooling Note that in all these cases the cost of further separation, conditioning
requirements. CH4Pyrol’s high energy efficiency can be attributed to its and transportation of the co-products, which impact the overall cost of
relatively similar heating and cooling energy profiles compared to the production, has not been considered, as they are out of the scope of this
other processes. Hence, on a general energetic basis, it can be surmised work.
that methane reforming in the presence of H2S rather than water is For the five processes, the variable operating costs are the largest
equally energy intensive, however, with larger versatility for value- contributor to the yearly investment outlays, roughly 60–65% of the
added products for H2S-methane reforming. This is the opposite case TAC, for all processes except for H2SPyrol, compared to yearly CAPEX
for pyrolysis reaction, with methane pyrolysis being least energy and fixed operating costs, mainly due to the costs of reactant feedstock
intensive, while producing a high in-demand by-product. and electricity, seen from the VOC breakdown in Fig. S2 in the SI. These

Fig. 10. Specific energy consumption for thermal heating and electrical energy inputs for H2 production processes per kg H2 produced.

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

Fig. 11. Breakdown for TAC for the H2 production processes based on cost contributors. Color code: green stands for CAPEX, blue for FOM and red for VOC.

economics and subsequent environmental impact from indirect CO2 market price for CO2 at $350 per ton, it can offset the LCOH for SMR +
emissions can significantly change depending on the electricity source, CCUS to $2.410 per kg, which is almost the same as that for SMR.
with electricity from renewable energy being more expensive however, Processes for SMR + CCUS and H2SMR are relatively identical with
with lower carbon footprint. Additionally, increasing yearly CAPEX the difference being the use of H2S rather than H2O as a feedstock, and
outlays are in the order of SMR < CH4Pyrol < H2SMR < SMR + CCUS < the functionality of the purification processing section for CS2 recovery
H2SPyrol, with the breakdown based on processing sections in Fig. S1 in rather than CO2. Transitioning from SMR + CCUS to H2SMR reduced the
the SI, with more costly reaction section for SMR and SMR + CCUS, and LCOH by 20% reaching $3.380 per kg, considering no revenue genera­
more expensive H2 purification section for H2S-based processes due to tion from by-products sales. This cuts the addition in LCOH from SMR to
stringent limits on allowable H2S in produced H2 stream. another technology integrated with by-product recovery by roughly
Based on the previous economic assessment, the minimum hydrogen 50%, with an increase in LCOH from SMR to H2SMR by 40% instead of
selling price captured through LCOH was calculated as an additional 80% seen with SMR + CCUS. Inclusion of added economic value from
economic indicator provided in Fig. 12. Note that these results exclude CS2 and sulfur by-product sales, $550 and $40 per ton, respectively,
the contribution from carbon pricing and consider the current market further reduces the LCOH to be within the negative range reaching $
price for the by-products. The calculated LCOH for grey H2 from SMR − 1.000 per kg, indicating its potential to produce H2 at very competitive
was $2.400 per kg, within acceptable values to those reported in the LCOH. Inclusion of sensitivity to CS2 market price (see Fig. S3 in the SI)
literature (Parkinson et al., 2019). The integration with CCUS to produce with a − 50% – + 50% variation from the current market price (i.e., $550
blue H2 with appropriate CO2 management increased the H2 LCOH by per ton) showed null LCOH at a breakeven CS2 market price of $440 per
$1.840 per kg depending on the inclusion of CO2 transportation and ton, without revenue from sales of sulfur by-product, with further
storage cost ($22 per ton). At the same H2 production scale and CO2 decline in market price resulting in a positive LCOH within $1.000 per
capture rate, the LCOH for SMR + CCUS obtained in this work is 18% kg. As already mentioned, these values would be different if the needed
higher than that reported in the literature (Parkinson et al., 2019) due to steps to conditioning the co-products, their transportation and storage
relative differences in the assumed operating conditions and number of are added (out of the scope of this work); however the comparison is fair
syngas shift and methanation process stages. Considering current di­ as they all were calculated with the same gate-to-gate assumptions.
rection in legislation towards net-zero emissions by 2050, the govern­ Alternatively, transition from H2SMR to H2SPyrol through changing
mental pressure is increasing preference towards blue H2 with the the governing reaction, increases the LCOH by 23%, reaching $4.170 per
additional 76% increased H2 production price needed for partial CO2 kg without sulfur sales revenue, becoming more expensive than SMR by
abatement for SMR. The inclusion of economic gains from CO2 utiliza­ 74%, while almost matching the LCOH of SMR + CCUS without the
tion has the potential to erode this incremental increase, with a break­ inclusion of revenue from CO2 sales. Its economic competitiveness be­
even at CO2 carbon offset price of $175 per ton. Considering the current comes solely dependent on sulfur market price. With the sulfur selling
price considered in this work (i.e., $40 per ton), adjusted LCOH with
generated revenue reaches $3.537 per kg, 17% lower than SMR + CCUS.
Changes in market prices for Sulfur byproduct by 50% from current
market price would merely result in 9% reduction in LCOH for H2SPyrol
(see Fig. S3 in the SI). There is still room to enhance the economic
attractiveness of H2SPyrol considering improvement in current sulfur
market price in Asia, reaching $240 per ton (“ChemAnalyst,” 2022),
which as a first approximation can potentially reduce its LCOH to
$0.349 per kg. Parallel to it, the change of reactant for the pyrolysis
process with methane rather than H2S, results in a 3% increased LCOH at
$3.420 per kg, which is relatively lower than the base LCOH of SMR +
CCUS without CO2 sales revenue. Additionally, the inclusion of by-
product sales revenue has a larger impact on offsetting CH4Pyrol by
46% reduction in LCOH, compared to 15% reduced LCOH for H2SPyrol,
on account of the higher market value for carbon black, which puts
CH4Pyrol at a lower LCOH of $1.930 per kg compared to SMR, which is
in agreement with similar economic analysis (Oni et al., 2022). Further
Fig. 12. LCOH for the different H2 production technologies excluding carbon
enhancement in market prices for carbon black considering its increased
pricing. Colored arrows denote change in LCOH with technology transition,
demand and market growth can potentially offset the LCOH by 38% in
while black arrows denote change in LCOH with revenue from by-product sales
at their current market price. case of a 50% in carbon black market price (see Fig. S3 in the SI).

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

Lastly, the LCOH for the technologies examined in this work were largely dependent on the regional context of electricity drawn from the
also obtained considering an average carbon tax of $100 per ton (Reu­ grid, as different countries have varying monetary and environmental
ters, 2023) to determine the sensitivity of the LCOH to carbon tax, costs associated with their energy grids. This can be seen from the
included in Table 1. In the case of SMR, the inclusion of carbon tax lowering of the carbon footprint for all processes by 16–30% when
increased the LCOH by 34% due to the generated CO2 emissions without basing the LCA on the decarbonized electricity grid for France with 0.04
any economic gains as no byproduct is obtained from the process. kg CO2-eq.kWh− 1, compared to the base case used in this work for the
Similarly, for SMR + CCUS the inclusion of carbon tax was accompanied European Union (EU) electricity grid with an average carbon intensity of
by an increase in LCOH, being more noticeable when both carbon tax 0.275 kg CO2-eq.kWh− 1 (Parkinson et al., 2019) (see Fig. S5 in the SI).
and CO2 sales are accounted for, increasing the LCOH by 15% from its Accordingly, H2S-based H2 production technologies carry lower nega­
$2.410 per kg H2. Similar results are seen for CH4Pyrol, H2SMR, and tive emission related impact, with reduced direct and indirect GHG
H2SPyrol increasing their LCOH from the base case with byproduct sales emissions for H2 production, considering the primary purpose of pro­
and without carbon tax by 16%, 20%, and 7%, respectively, showing less ducing H2 is its cleaner combustion compared to conventional fossil
sensitivity for H2SPyrol to carbon tax. fuels. Hence, it stands to say, the low level of emissions associated with
H2SMR classifies it as low-carbon hydrogen production processes ac­
cording to EU CertifHy™ framework, with a carbon footprint lower than
3.3. Life cycle assessment 4.40 kg CO2 per kg of H2, irrespective of the level of decarbonization of
the electricity grid (Griffiths et al., 2021; IEA, 2023).
A comprehensive LCA was conducted for the different H2 production Interestingly, CH4Pyrol had the least water footprint with 5.15 kg
technologies (see Table S7 in the SI), with particular attention paid to water per kg H2 due to the absence of water as a feedstock and the low
CO2 and water footprints of the processes, implemented in the context of cooling requirements. Alternatively, H2S-based hydrogen production
the LCA shown in Fig. 13. The results of the LCA are in agreement with processes are the largest water consumers, which is rather indirect pri­
literature values for SMR in terms of GWP of 11.63 kg CO2-eq per kg H2 marily in the form of cooling water, with H2SMR and H2SPyrol requiring
(Oni et al., 2022; Parkinson et al., 2019). Similarly, the GHG emissions 172 and 207 kg water per kg H2 as seen from the high order of magni­
for SMR + CCUS at 60% capture rate of 7.70 kg CO2-eq per kg H2 and for tude for thermal cooling for by-product recovery (see Fig. 8). The direct
CH4Pyrol with 6.92 kg CO2-eq. per kg H2 are in agreement with avail­ water footprint for SMR (i.e., steam reactant) constituted 20.0% of the
able literature values (Oni et al., 2022; Parkinson et al., 2019), vali­ total water consumption in the process, with the remainder being
dating the reliability of our approach. However, to our knowledge, there directed for process cooling requirements. It can still be argued that the
are not LCA available in the literature for the comparison of the two alternative pathway for H2 production from H2S in addition to CH4Pyrol
H2S-based hydrogen technologies considered in this work, being this the are less water intensive in the sense that low quality water can be used
first study addressing it. for stream cooling, as opposed to high quality water used as a reactant
Producing H2 via H2SMR resulted in the lowest CO2-eq. emissions (i. with SMR and SMR + CCUS directly consuming ~4–5 kg H2O per kg H2
e., 4.50 kg CO2-eq per kg 1 to SMR, SMR + CCUS, and CH4Pyrol, produced. As such, the water footprint of the alternative processes can
avoiding emission of 7.13, 3.20, and 2.42 kg CO2-eq. per kg H2 pro­ be null, helping in preserving high quality water within the UN’s SDG
duced, respectively. The large departure in GWP for H2SMR compared to goals.
SMR can be seen from the 78% lower associated GHG emissions for plant
operation (see Fig. S4 in the SI), with the former’s absence of direct CO2 4. Conclusions
emissions and lower methane feedstock requirements for the reaction
section. The emissions from H2SMR operation are associated with in­ In this work, the techno-economic feasibility and lifecycle environ­
direct CO2 emissions from fuel consumption for heating. This is also seen mental assessment of large-scale hydrogen production through
with H2SPyrol’s lower associated GHG emissions compared to SMR and emerging H2S-based thermal non-catalytic hydrogen production pro­
SMR + CCUS, albeit being higher than H2SMR, due to its higher energy cesses (i.e., H2SMR, and H2Pyrol) were showcased compared to con­
demand for thermal heating and reaction. ventional SMR and SMR+CCUS and CH4Pyrol as CH4-based processes.
Although CH4Pyrol can be seen as a CO2-free production route, with Amongst all studied technologies, and with the explained assumptions,
the absence of direct CO2 emissions from the reaction section, still, the CH4Pyrol was found to be the least energy intensive process with min­
higher methane feedstock requirements translated to higher fugitive imum water-footprint and economics comparable to SMR + CCUS, being
emissions during product delivery, with a lower extent in the other the most attractive technology among the five of them. H2SMR was
processes utilizing methane. The impact of higher methane fugitive found to be comparable in energy consumption to SMR+CCUS, serving
emissions in CH4Pyrol contributed to its comparable IPCC-GWP-20yr to as a competitive substitute for hydrogen production from H2S utiliza­
SMR + CCUS. tion, while minimizing the direct CO2 emissions associated with the
Electricity consumption is another major contributor to the life cycle hydrogen production process, qualified as a low-carbon hydrogen pro­
emissions for all processes, with the largest seen for SMR + CCUS and ducing technology. The high economic value of H2SMR by-products
CH4Pyrol, due to their higher electricity consumption (see Fig. 9). This is including CS2 and sulfur resulted can potentially offset the investment
costs resulting in a negative LCOH of $ − 1.000 per kg compared to SMR,
Table 1 SMR+CCUS, and CH4Pyrol LCOH of $2.400, $2.410, and $1.930 per kg,
Variation in LCOH for the five technologies considering the effect of carbon tax respectively. Conversely, H2SPyrol is less economically profitable than
($100 per ton) and byproduct sales. H2SMR due to the lower revenue generated from its only by-product
LCOH SMR SMR + CH4Pyrol H2SMR H2SPyrol (sulfur) resulting in LCOH of $3.537 per kg which is yet still lower
CCUS than the LCOH of SMR+CCUS process without CO2 sales revenue, yet
Without carbon tax or 2.400 4.240 3.420 3.380 4.170 not as economically advantageous as CH4Pyrol. Notwithstanding, it is
byproduct sales expected that the economy of scale of H2SMR will further improve under
With carbon tax/ 3.220 4.590 3.730 3.730 4.400
higher actual overall H2S conversions proven by experimental analysis
without byproduct
sales and at lower reactor temperature, compared to the conservative as­
Without carbon tax/ 3.220 2.410 1.930 − 1.000 3.537 sumptions included in this work.
with byproduct sales We stress that the results presented here depend on the stated as­
With carbon tax and 3.220 2.760 2.240 − 0.800 3.770 sumptions, including, for instance thermodynamic considerations for
byproduct sale
each process used in the detailed techno-economic assessment, and will

S.M. Ali et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 428 (2023) 139475

Fig. 13. CO2 emissions footprint and water footprint for producing 1 kg H2 from the different H2 production technologies investigated in this work.

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