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Telephone No. 8461-7699/CONTACT NO. 09266107884



Name: _____________________________________________________________ Score: __________
Year & Section: _____________________Teacher: _______________________________ Date: __________

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle your answers.

1. This element of communication involves the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words
or in actions.
A. speaker B. message
C. barrier D. feedback
2. Which model of communication emphasizes the importance of the role of the speaker in the communication
A. Aristotle B. Berlo
C. Schramm D. Shannon-Weaver
3. Which of the following statement is not true about communication and media?
A. Media can bridge effective communication.
B. Media hinders effective delivery of information.
C. Media acts as a channel of information dissemination.
D. Creative delivery of information is possible through media.
4. What model of communication introduced field of experience as an important factor in communication?
A. Schramm B. Berlo
C. Aristotle D. Shannon-Weaver
5. The process of interpreting symbols and signs received coming from the speaker is known as?
A. speaker B. decoding
C. encoding D. destination
6. Cherry believed that communication is only effective if culture and social status of every individual will be
taken into consideration. Cherry’s belief is anchored on whose model of communication?
A. Schramm B. Berlo
C. Aristotle D. Shannon-Weaver
7. Media plays a great role in the democratic country as a watchdog because_______?
A. It advocates corruption and maladministration.
B. It overpowers government and take actions on its own.
C. It promotes transparency in all actions of the government.
D. It influences the masses to act against the government and its leaders.
8. The following are true about the roles of media, except_______?
A. It exposes corrupt politicians.
B. It paves way to various advocacies.
C. It delimits cultural expressions among nations.
D. It facilitates democratic processes and guarantees fair elections.
9. Which among the following is the best description of Media and Information Literacy?
A. It is all about exchanging information.
B. It includes information and communication literacy.
C. It empowers every individual with the use of media through developing critical thinking and
lifelong learning skills.
D. It promotes literacy with the use and manipulation of media contents for personal use.
10. Which of the following is true about media and communication?
A. Media disrupts fluent communication.
B. Communication is only effective if it is speaker- centered.
C. Media can produce effective and efficient communication.
D. Media alters receiver’s message making it difficult to have effective message.
11. The ability to understand printed and written materials refers to?
A. information B. literacy
C. media D. technology
12. The ability to access, evaluate and create media is
A. media B. Information literacy
C. Media literacy D. Technology literacy
13. These refer to processed data for specific purposes.
A. media C. literacy
B. information D. technology
14. The skill that allows people to recognize when information is needed and how he will be able to access,
locate, evaluate and use it effectively.
A. media B. Information literacy
C. Media literacy D. Technology literacy
15. Refers to how person is able to look for relevant information from various media.
A. media B. Information literacy
C. Media literacy D. Technology literacy
16. Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper, magazines and social media.
A. information B. technology
C. literacy D. media
17. An ability to acquire relevant information and use modern day tools to get, manage and communicate
A. Information media B. Technology literacy
C. Media literacy D. Media and Information literacy

18. Harry found erroneous facts from the magazine he is reading. What literacy is presented by Harry?
A. Information media B. Technology literacy
C. Media literacy D. Media and Information literacy
19. Laika prepared a Powerpoint presentation for her business report. Laika displays?
A. Information media B. Technology literacy
C. Media literacy D. Media and Information literacy
20. Nina is fan of video-chatting with her friend in the province every other day. Nina shows?
A. Information media B. Technology literacy
C. Media literacy D. Media and Information literacy
21. People discovered fire and developed paper from plants in what age?
A. electronic age B. industrial age
C. information age D. pre-industrial age
22. It is characterized by internet that paved the way for faster communication and the creation of social network.
A. electronic age B. industrial age
C. information age D. pre-industrial age
23. The use of Facebook belongs to what age?
A. electronic age B. industrial age
C. information age D. pre industrial
24. Television and radio are examples of ____?
A. broadcast media B. new media
C. digital media D. print media
25. Teenagers are fun of using smart phones and laptops, these gadgets paved was during what media age?
A. electronic age B. pre-industrial age
C. information age D. industrial age
II. Directions: Write the word True if the statement is correct, and False if not. In the space provided.
__________26. Netiquette requires respect towards other on line users.

__________27. Paying attention to one’s health and welfare while online is an element of Digital
__________28. Respecting and protecting oneself are the only main elements of Digital Citizenship.
__________29. Flaming is an acceptable act in the digital world.
__________30. Having an open mind and heart is a must in the digital world.
III. Directions: Enumerate the following.
31-34 Give the Four stages of Evolution.
35-37 Give the three types of Media
38-40. Give one example of print media/ broadcast media/information media

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