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Objectives and Issues

First-Year Objectives
 Achieve 1% share of enhanced water market/ about $70mil in sales
 4th quarter: reach break-even point
 Average retail price: $2.39
 Sales goal: 29,297,688 bottles
Second-Year Objectives
 Unveil more flavors, including 0-calorie varieties
 Increase sales to $150mil
 Main issue: Ability to establish brand awareness & brand image which is
relevant to customer segments
 Invest in nontraditional promotion to accomplish goals + spark WOM
 Establish distributor + retailer relationships to make product available + provide
POP communications
 Measure brand awareness + knowledge to adjust marketing efforts if needed
Marketing Strategy
 “More for the same” positioning
 Establish channel differentiation, available in locations where opponents are not
 Main target segments: Gen Z + millennials
 Focus on young adult market
 Subsets include: athletes, the health conscious, the socially responsible
 “Expect more” value proposition
 Differentiating the brand based on: product features, desirable benefits, values
 Focus on conveying that NutriWater is more than just a beverage: more value,
same price
Product Strategy
 Sold with all features described in the product review section
 More varieties will be available
 Add 0-calorie version, provide health benefits
 Apply experience in brand-buiding as important part of product strategy
 All marketing mix aspects will be consistent with the brand
 Follow competition-based pricing strategy
 Not quote list prices, prices change based on retail outlet + if product is
 Regular prices for single 20 oz bottles of competing products: $1.00 in discount-
retailer stores, $2.79 in convenience store + fitness centers
 NutriWater not target in those places  Allow to set prices at the average or
higher for same products in same outlets
 Grocery chains: about $1.99/bottle
Distribution Strategy
 Employ selective distribution strategy with popular regional grocers, health and
natural food stores, fitness centers
 Executed through a network of independent beverage distributors
 Chill Soda drink line success using this method: Place coolers with brand logo in
unique venues  expose brand to target customers
 Brand expanded by getting contracts with retailers
 Same approach will be taken, from small  larger chains
 NutriWater not target all same stores because many outlets were unique to the
positioning and target customer of Chilli Soda
Marketing Communication Strategy
 Not follow traditional mass-communication advertising: no broadcast or print
 Promotional resources focus on 3 areas:
- Online and mobile marketing: Build web and mobile brand sites, create
presence on social networks, mobile phone ad campaign
- Trade promotions: Rely on relationship with retailers: POP displays, branded
coolers, volume incentives and contests
- Event marketing: Distribute samples at events
Marketing Research
 Monitor online discussions: gauge customer perceptions of the brand, products
and general satisfation.
 Crowdsourcing methods will be ultilized

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