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Today, I stand before you to address the pressing challenges faced by the women of Côte d'Ivoire in

their pursuit of economic empowerment. It is crucial that we acknowledge these issues and work
collectively towards viable solutions for a more inclusive and prosperous future.

Challenge 1: Unequal Access to Land

One of the fundamental hurdles inhibiting women's economic progress is the unequal access to land.
Despite legal provisions for equal land rights, customary practices heavily favor male land ownership. As
a result, only 8% of women hold land titles compared to 22% of men, limiting their access to credit and
hindering economic advancement.

Solution 1: Strengthening Legal Enforcement and Awareness

To address this, we propose a comprehensive strategy to strengthen the enforcement of existing laws
guaranteeing equal land rights. Simultaneously, a robust awareness campaign will be launched to
educate communities about the legal provisions, fostering a shift towards more equitable land
ownership practices.

Challenge 2: Occupational Segregation in Agriculture

Occupational segregation persists in agriculture, with women primarily engaged in food crop cultivation,
while men dominate cash crop growing. This division, coupled with lower pesticide use by women,
contributes to a significant gender productivity gap.

Solution 2: Promoting Gender-Inclusive Agricultural Practices

To bridge this gap, we advocate for initiatives that promote gender-inclusive agricultural practices. This
includes targeted training programs to enhance women's skills in pest management and agricultural
techniques. Additionally, efforts should be made to break down societal stereotypes, encouraging men
and women to engage equally in all facets of agricultural production.
Challenge 3: Limited Growth Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs

Although women constitute 62% of self-employed entrepreneurs, many operate micro-enterprises with
limited growth potential. Female entrepreneurs receiving government financial support often struggle
to repay loans, leading to a cycle of poverty.

Solution 3: Comprehensive Support for Women-Owned Businesses

To uplift women entrepreneurs, a comprehensive support system is imperative. This involves tailored
financial literacy programs, mentorship initiatives, and access to diversified funding sources. By creating
an environment that fosters sustainable growth, we can empower women to break free from the
shackles of financial constraints.

Challenge 4: Gender Disparities in Mobile Money Access

Despite the advancements in mobile money services, women lag behind, being 45% less likely to have a
mobile money account. This discrepancy is rooted in lower financial literacy rates among women.

Solution 4: Promoting Financial Literacy Among Women

To address this, we propose targeted financial literacy programs, specifically designed to bridge the
gender gap. These initiatives will empower women with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently
engage with mobile money services, unlocking a pathway to greater financial inclusion.

Challenge 5: Limited Opportunities in Industrial Sectors

Women's participation in industrial sectors remains low, particularly in higher-value industries. Although
the government is focused on industrialization, more targeted efforts are needed to create diverse
opportunities for women.
Solution 5: Investing in Education and Skills Training

To address this, we advocate for increased investments in education and skills training, especially in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. By equipping women with the
necessary skills, we can enhance their access to higher-value sectors, contributing to the overall
industrial growth of our nation.

Challenge 6: Repayment Struggles for Female Entrepreneurs

Many female entrepreneurs face challenges in repaying government loans, leading to a cycle of poverty.
It is imperative to find sustainable solutions that break this cycle and promote the growth of women-
owned businesses.

Solution 6: Tailored Business Support Programs

We propose the implementation of tailored business support programs, including mentorship, guidance
in financial management, and access to markets. Creating an ecosystem that nurtures women-owned
businesses will not only ensure successful repayments but also stimulate economic growth.

Challenge 7: Customary Practices Undermining Legal Progress

Despite the groundbreaking 2019 Marriage Law granting women equal property rights, customary
practices persist, undermining the practical application of this law. It is essential to bridge this gap
between legal reforms and traditional norms.

Solution 7: Community Engagement and Legal Advocacy

A two-pronged approach involving community engagement and legal advocacy is necessary. By actively
involving communities in discussions around gender equality and leveraging legal frameworks, we can
challenge and transform customary practices that hinder the application of progressive laws.
Challenge 8: High Participation of Young Women in Domestic Work

The high participation of young women in domestic work, particularly between the ages of 18 and 35,
serves as a key driver of rural-to-urban migration. Addressing this issue is pivotal for a balanced and
sustainable development model.

Solution 8: Creating Alternative Opportunities in Rural Areas

To tackle this challenge, we propose the creation of alternative economic opportunities in rural areas. By
diversifying rural employment prospects and providing training programs, we can mitigate the migration
trend and foster sustainable development across the nation.

In conclusion, the challenges faced by women in Côte d'Ivoire demand a concerted effort, not only from
our government but from the international community as a whole. By implementing these
comprehensive solutions, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society, where the
economic empowerment of women is not just a goal but a reality. Let us stand united in our
commitment to effect positive change. Thank you.

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