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Poem -4 The Nightingale and the Glow-worm

- William Cowper
Open book test.
Read the extract and answer the following questions:

Extract I

Began to feel, as well he might,

The keen demands of appetite;

1. What does the Nightingale do for the village? Who beautifies the Earth at night?
A. The Nightingale cheers a village with its melodious song all day long. The Glow
Worm beautifies the Earth and shows the way at night.

2. What did the Nightingale see, when he had the keen demands of appetite?
A. The Nightingale spied far off upon the ground in the dark something shining and knew
it is the Glow Worm by its spark.

3. What does the Nightingale think of doing to the Glow Worm?

A. The Nightingale thought of putting the Glow Worm in his crop by stooping down from
the Hawthorn top.

Extract II

You would abhor do me wrong.

1. How does the Glow Worm persuade the Nightingale from doing wrong in order to
save it's life?
A. The Glow Worm harangues the Nightingale by saying that both have been given self
divine powers - one to sing and cheer the village and the other to beautify the night
with its light. So they should respect each other’s talents.

2. What does the songster do on listening to the oration of the Glow Warm?
A. On listening to the oration of the Glow Worm, the songster warbling out his
approbation, releases the glow worm and goes in search of supper elsewhere.

3. What message does the poet convey?

A. The poet conveys the message that each one is gifted with special talent. So, we should
live in harmony and appreciate each other's contribution to life.

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