Part VI Video Quiz 1 Storm Chasing in Tornado Alley Jack Stauber-1

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2 / 2 pts

Question 1

What happens when there are extreme differences in air pressure and

When there are extreme differences in air pressure and temperatures,
violent storms often occur, including hailstorms and tornadoes.

When there are extreme differences in air pressure and temperatures,

hurricanes are formed.

When there are extreme differences in air pressure and temperatures, it

results in a rapidly moving warm front.

When there are extreme differences in air pressure and temperatures, it

creates a stationary front.

When there are extreme differences in air pressure and temperatures,

slight winds often occur, resulting in light rain and some hail.

2 / 2 pts
Question 2

In the United States, during what months are tornadoes most likely to

Tornadoes are most likely to occur during the months of May and June,
when temperatures and air pressure begin to reach equilibrium.
Tornadoes are most like to occur during the months of April and May, when
the Earth’s tilt enhances the differences in pressure and temperatures in
the Northern Hemisphere.

Tornadoes are most likely to occur during the months of December and

Tornadoes are most likely to occur during the months of August and

Tornadoes are most likely to occur during the months of June and July.

2 / 2 pts
Question 3

How do tornadoes form?

Tornadoes form when dry air is lifted, causing an updraft. The dry air
comes into contact with prevailing wind patterns, causing a cloud rotation,
which eventually touches the ground.

Tornadoes form when warm moist air is lifted, causing an updraft. Moisture
condenses into clouds and forms a thunderstorm.

Tornadoes form when the rotating cylinders of air within the thunderstorms
get caught by an updraft and are knocked on their side.

Tornadoes always form along cold fronts, where the wind gradient
produces large rotating cylinders of air. Once these cylinders of air touch
the ground, a tornado is formed.
Tornadoes form in high-latitude locations, where the steep wind gradient
produces the highest-rotating wind speeds on Earth.

2 / 2 pts
Question 4

What is hail?

Hail is rain that freezes when it comes into contact with any surface that is
below 32 degrees F.

Hail is pellets of ice that form in the atmosphere from frozen raindrops or
partially frozen snowflakes; it falls when there are cold temperatures.

Hail is a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at

or near the Earth’s surface.

*Hail is a form of precipitation that occurs when an updraft transports water
droplets to very cold air aloft. These droplets then freeze into ice. The
longer the ice is carried in the updraft, the larger it grows until it becomes
so heavy it falls to the ground.

Hail is water frozen into ice crystals that fall to the ground as flakes.

Quiz Score: 8 out of 8

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